Specification For Pipeworks: Specification Sajh Ws / PW / 001 (Rev.1.0 / 06.2007)
Specification For Pipeworks: Specification Sajh Ws / PW / 001 (Rev.1.0 / 06.2007)
Specification For Pipeworks: Specification Sajh Ws / PW / 001 (Rev.1.0 / 06.2007)
2.1 General 7
2.2 Scope 7
2.3 Definition 7
2.4 Standards and Codes of Practice 7
2.5 Submissions 8
2.6 Pipes and Specials 9
2.7 Steel Pipes 9
2.8 Material, Workmanship and Welding Standards 11
2.9 Pipe Ends 12
2.10 Bends, Tees, Tapers, Etc. 13
2.11 Flanged Joints 13
2.12 Mechanical Couplings, Flange Adaptors and Expansion Joints 14
2.13 Pipes for Closing Lengths 15
2.14 Collars 15
2.15 Retaining Rings 15
2.16 Physical Testing 15
2.17 Works Hydraulic Testing 15
2.18 Ring Girders 16
2.19 Protection 16
2.20 Cleaning and Priming 16
2.21 External Coating 16
2.22 Wrapping 17
2.23 Inspection of External Pipe Coating 17
2.24 Painting Unwrapped Pipes and Specials 17
2.25 Spun Concrete Lining at Factory 17
2.26 Internal Protection at Pipe Ends 19
2.27 Pipework for Laying above Ground 19
2.28 End Protection 20
2.29 Examination of Steel Pipes 20
2.30 Low Friction Coating 20
SAJH WS/PW/001 (Rev.1.0/06.2007)
2.31 Handling 20
2.32 Repair of Lining and Sheathing of MS Pipes 21
2.33 Laying MS Pipe 22
2.34 Welding MS Pipe 23
2.35 Making Welded MS Pipe Joints 23
2.36 Air Testing of Welded MS Pipe Joints 24
2.37 Completion of Sheathing at Welded MS Pipe Joints 24
2.38 Completion of Internal Lining at Welded MS Pipe Joints 25
2.39 Testing MS Pipeline 25
2.39.1 Test Pressure 25
2.39.2 Leakage Testing 25
2.40 Protection in Transit 25
2.41 Notice of Deliveries 26
2.42 Pipe Dumps and Storage Yards 26
2.43 Inspection 26
2.44 Marking of Pipes and Specials 27
2.45 Measurement of Steel Pipes and Specials 27
3.1 General 28
3.2 Compliance with Standards 28
3.3 Process of Manufacture 28
3.4 Thickness and Diameters 28
3.5 Length of Straight Pipes 28
3.6 Tolerance on Dimensions 29
3.7 External Zinc Coating 29
3.7.1 General 29
3.7.2 Zinc Coating 29
3.7.3 Coating Characteristics 30
3.7.4 Verification Process 30
3.7.5 Repairs 30
3.7.6 Finishing Layer 31
3.8 External Coating of Pipes and Fittings 31
3.9 Internal Lining of Pipes and Fittings 31
3.10 Flexible Joints 32
3.11 Flanged Joints 32
3.12 Factory Hydrostatic Test 33
3.13 Connection to Pipes of Different Type 34
3.14 Cutting of Pipes 34
3.15 Packing 34
3.16 Polyethylene Sheathing 34
3.17 Handling 35
3.18 Laying DI Pipes 35
3.19 Protection Against Damage in Transit 36
3.20 Jointing Ductile Iron Pipe 36
3.21 Testing DI Pipelines 39
3.21.1 Test Pressure 39
3.21.2 Leakage Testing 39
3.22 Marking of Pipes and Fittings 39
4.1 General 40
4.2 Scope 40
4.3 Interpretation 40
4.4 Manufacturing Process 41
4.5 Polyethylene Materials 41
4.6 Dimensions 41
4.7 Flanged Connections 42
4.8 Works Tests 43
4.9 Packing 43
4.10 Handling, Transportation and Storage 44
4.10.1 General 44
4.10.2 Handling and Transportation 44
4.10.3 Storage 45
4.10.4 Precautions 45
4.11 Electrofusion Couplers and Tapping Tees 45
4.12 PE Compression Fittings 47
4.13 Examination of Pipes and Fittings 47
4.14 Laying PE Pipes 47
4.15 Welding PE Pipes 48
4.16 Payment for PE Pipe Joints 52
4.17 Testing PE Pipelines 52
4.18 Markings 53
5.1 General 54
5.2 Materials used in Manufacture 54
5.3 Colour 54
5.4 Classification 55
5.5 Thickness and Diameter 55
5.6 Tolerance and Dimensions 55
5.7 Length 57
5.8 Appearance 57
5.9 Joints 57
5.10 Pipe Seal 58
5.11 Test Requirements 58
5.11.1 Obligations 58
5.11.2 Routine Tests 58
5.11.3 Type Tests 58
5.11.4 Sampling 59
5.12 Routine Tests 60
5.12.1 Heat Reversion Tests on uPVC Pipes 60
5.12.2 Resistance to Acetone Test on uPVC Pipes 60
5.12.3 Factory Hydrostatic Test on uPVC Pipes 60
5.12.4 Impact Strength Test at 20 degrees C on uPVC Pipes 60
5.13 Compliance 61
5.14 Method of Rejection 61
5.15 Marking of Pipes and Fittings 61
5.16 Test Certificates 62
5.17 Delivery 62
SAJH WS/PW/001 (Rev.1.0/06.2007)
7.1 General 70
7.2 Tender Submission 70
7.3 Surface Reinstatement in Road Verges, Fields, etc. 71
7.4 Prospecting 72
7.5 Performance Requirements 72
7.6 Approval of Owner 72
7.7 Jacking Operation 73
7.8 Safety 74
7.9 Design of the Jacking Pipes 75
7.10 Laying and Connections of Pipeline in Jacked Reinforced
Concrete Pipes Sleeve 76
7.11 Alternative Method of Pipe Jacking 77
8.1 Definitions 78
8.2 Levels to be Recorded 78
8.3 Explosives and Blasting 78
8.4 Disposal of Materials 79
8.5 Excess Excavation to be Made Good 80
8.6 Site Clearance 80
8.7 Trees 80
8.8 Stumps 80
8.9 Measurement of Site Clearance 80
8.10 Stripping Topsoil 80
8.11 General Excavation 81
8.12 Trench Excavation 81
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9.1 General 98
9.1.1 Ground Conditions 98
9.1.2 Setting Out 98
9.1.3 Piling Equipment 99
9.1.4 Programme 99
9.1.5 Pile driving 100
9.1.6 Preliminary and Working Test Piles 101
9.1.7 Load Tests 101
9.1.8 Piling Personnel 101
9.1.9 Piling Records 102
The Contractor shall supply all the pipes and specials required unless
otherwise specified and construct and complete the pipeline and all associated
works as specified and included herein under the Contract.
All welding materials, welding equipment, butt and electro fusion equipments,
clamps, steel moulds, priming solution, bitumen compound and approved
bitumen wrapping tapes or similar material for completing the pipelaying
works shall be deemed to be included in the rates of pipelaying unless specific
items are provided in the Bill of Quantities.
The quantities of the items in the Bill of Quantities are only approximate and
shall be ascertained by the Contractor after the pipeline profiles are
determined by a survey carried out in accordance with Clause 8.2 of
Excess order of pipes and fittings shall be the responsibility of the Contractor
and shall be at his own cost.
1.2 Approvals
Great care shall be exercised to ensure that the pipes and specials are not
subject to any kind of shock or sudden load during hauling and handling.
Attention is drawn to the Contractor that thin wall pipes, defined as pipes
with a diameter/plate thickness ratio greater than 125, shall be so handled,
stored and transported as to prevent distortion or damage to the pipes and
shall not be moved in any manner involving rotation of the pipe about the
longitudinal pipe axis. Thin wall pipes during delivery and when in transit
around the Site shall be supported on three rubber covered saddles shaped
to give at least 90o circumferential support and shall be firmly held in
position at each saddles by straps tightened by turnbuckles in such a
manner that the external coating is not damaged. One saddle shall be at the
centre of the pipe length and the other two shall each be positioned at a
distance one-fifth of the pipe length from each end of the pipe.
Thin wall pipes in temporary storage or strung out along the pipeline
reservoir routes shall be supported on hessian bags filled with fine sawdust
straw or similar and shaped so as to give continuous support under at least
40-50 o of the circumference. The positions of supports shall be the same as
that for pipes during transit. The underside of the pipes shall be kept clear
of the ground by at least 300 mm.
All pipes and pipe specials shall be lifted by means of reinforced canvas
slings. The pipes shall be lifted by two reinforced canvas slings at least 300
mm wide suspended from a lifting beam so that the slings are positioned
approximately one-fifth of the pipe length from each end of the pipe. On no
account shall the pipes and specials be dropped or let fall onto the ground
and under no circumstances shall the pipes or pipe specials be lifted by
means of hooks to the ends of pipes and pipe specials.
The Contractor shall be deemed to have allowed the cost of providing the
above necessary measures in the Contract Rates for hauling and laying.
The Contractor shall keep full and detailed records including item numbers,
size of each, and location of all pipes and specials which are: -
The Contractor shall keep such records continuously up to date, and shall
have them available for inspection by the S.O. at any reasonable time.
1.5 Prospecting
The Contractor shall prospect for the position of buried or otherwise hidden
obstructions such as existing services, drains, pipes, cables, culverts, etc.
Trial holes and exploration trenches to ascertain the exact positions of these
shall be sunk, well ahead of pipelaying and excavation, in places where they
are known or thought to be and elsewhere and these shall be backfilled with
approved materials immediately and in any case not exceeding 24 hours
and subsequently reinstated. Approved marker posts shall be erected to
mark the position of all located services, drains, etc. and these shall not be
removed until reinstatements has been completed. The S.O. shall instruct
further prospecting if he is not satisfied with the sufficiency of the
Contractor's prospecting.
The Contractor shall be deemed to have allowed for the unavoidable delay
of the Works due to any obstruction he may encounter with the existing
services and no claim for any extra costs on account of this will be
Pipes shall be laid in straight lines on plan but curves of long radius shall be
obtained by deflecting MS pipes up to a maximum of 5° for spherical type
and 2° for hemispherical type at welded slip joints and using short pipe
lengths if necessary. For PE pipes the limitation for deflection does not
Generally, for pipework of diameter below 1000 mm, the minimum cover to
the top of pipes shall be 1000 mm and at road crossings the minimum cover
shall be 1500 mm unless otherwise specified. For pipework of diameter
1000 mm and above, the minimum cover to the top of pipes shall be 1500
mm unless otherwise shown on the Drawing.
The Contractor shall note that some parts of the pipelines will be laid in
grounds with high water table, especially in areas adjacent to the streams
river crossings and ponds in the vicinity.
All costs for dewatering and keeping all the excavations and trenches dry for
the whole pipelaying work and in a safe manner during construction shall
be deemed to be included in the Contract Rates except where specific
provision is made in the Bill of Quantities.
The Contractor shall, immediately after pipes have been laid, jointed and
approved by the S.O., refill and compact excavated material to at least two
thirds of the length of the pipe trench leaving only sufficient space unrefilled
to allow for the completion of the external joint or fittings. Notwithstanding
this, the Contractor shall make all necessary provision to avoid the flotation
of any pipe during the construction stage.
the S.O. may order that no further trench excavation shall be opened until
the outstanding work has been carried out to his satisfaction and the
Contractor shall have no ground for a claim against the Employer on this
All pipes and specials shall be thoroughly cleaned and carefully examined
for cracks and flaws both internally and externally immediately prior to
laying. Materials found to be damaged in any way shall be shown to the S.O.
who will give instructions regarding remedial work or otherwise.
All pipes and fittings shall be laid to the lines and levels shown on the
Drawings or as otherwise directed by the S.O.
1.12 Specials
The approximate positions of all specials are shown on the Drawings. The
exact positions shall be determined on Site by the Contractor to the
approval of the S.O.
1.13.1 General
After a length of the pipeline has been completed it shall be tested as a whole
against stop ends. The stop ends shall be supplied and fixed by the
Contractor and shall be properly strutted to ensure that no movement can
take place and they shall be of sufficient strength to withstand the full test
pressure which is to be applied.
Testing shall be carried out over lengths of approximately (2) two kilometre
where possible or the full replacement length between washout or
overcrossings but not against adjacent valves. Testing shall not be carried out
until the backfilling of the pipe trenches except at the joints, have been
completed. Backfilling at flexible joints shall be left uncompleted to facilitate
inspection of these joints during testing.
Before any length of pipeline is subjected to test pressure, care shall be taken
to ensure that all weight, thrust and anchor blocks intended to prevent
vertical and lateral displacement of pipes or specials have been properly
completed. All valves shall be checked before the test to ensure that they are
in working order.
Prior to filling the line with clean water for water testing, the line shall be
thoroughly inspected jointly with the S.O. to ensure that the line is cleaned
from stones, dirt, debris, plastic paper or any other matter that may have
entered after laying of pipework.
The water for filling and testing the pipeline shall be obtained from an
approved source. It shall be free from silt, contamination and pollution. The
Contractor shall make all arrangements necessary for conveying the water to
the point of filling. The test ends shall be tapped for suitable size test
connection. When using high pressure pumps for water feeding, regulate the
feed slowly to allow minimum or bubbles into the pipeline.
The fill and test position shall be located at the lowest point of the pipeline
profile to encourage the expulsion of air as the pipe is being filled. All air-valve
positions and the end of the test section shall be vented during the filling of
water to bleed out all trapped air which may affect the test.
SAJH WS/PW/001 (Rev.1.0/06.2007)
The S.O. will attend all tests and all apparatus and methods shall be to his
approval. No length of pipeline shall be deemed to have passed its pressure
test until the S.O. has issued a certificate to the Contractor to this effect.
Substantial completion will not be certified before the mains have been
successfully water tested.
The Contractor shall take all necessary steps to locate any leakage, supply
necessary materials and make necessary repairs or remake any joints, and
restore the ground at no extra cost to the Contract until, on retest, the
requirements of permissible loss are complied with.
2.1 General
All pipes, specials and fittings must be from SAJH approved sources and be
to SAJH specifications (SAJH PS/MS/001).
2.2 Scope
This section of the Specification covers the requirements for the manufacture
and testing of welded steel pipes together with specials complete with
internal and external protection systems.
2.3 Definition
The following terms shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them except
where the context clearly renders these meanings inapplicable.
The following Standards and Codes of Practice are referred to in this section
of the Specification. The Standards or Codes shall be the latest edition
current at the time of its preparation unless otherwise specified for
particular application:-
2.5 Submissions
Drawings with descriptions to show the method of forming pipes and fittings
in standard lengths from steel sheets or strip.
Drawings for spigot and socket joints showing allowable tolerances and
arrangements to permit air testing of completed joints on Site.
Full details of method of lining and curing including details and sieve analyses
of materials to be used and type of cement.
Full details of coating process to be used, including details of the bitumen and
the inner and outer wrappings or equivalent subject to the approval of
the S.O.
All pipes and specials shall be provided by the Contractor and delivered to
the Site. Each item supplied shall be suitably marked to permit identification
with items in the Bill of Quantities.
The Contractor shall provide a ladle analysis of the steel used for the pipes
in accordance with Clause 7.1 of BS 4360:1986. Check analyses of the
finished pipe shall be taken in accordance with Clause 7.2 of BS 4360:1986.
In case of dispute, the methods of chemical analysis shall be in accordance
with BS Handbook No. 19.
Unless otherwise specified, thickness of the steel pipe shells and the finished
internal diameters of the pipes shall be as shown in the following table :-
The thickness of pipes used for branch pipework off the main pipelines or for
use in forming specials shall be the greatest of the following:-
Unless otherwise approved by the S.O., standard length straight pipes shall
be manufactured with not more than three circumferential joints and with
an effective length as shown in the table below:-
Material inspection before rolling shall be carried out to check against Mill
Certificates submitted for conformity with the BS 4360. This shall include
determination of country of origin, manufacturer, physical inspection,
checking of thickness and visual inspection of edges for lamination.
Where radiographic examination reveals defects in the welds the S.O. will
either reject the length of pipe containing such defects or will permit the
Contractor to carry out repairs and to submit radiographs of such repairs for
clearance. Lengths of pipe containing defects in welds after repair will be
liable to be rejected.
If defects in welds are found in a length of pipe or specials, the welds of the
pipes and specials immediately before and after the defective pipe or specials
in the production line shall be radiographed until the S.O. is satisfied that
all the welds are considered satisfactory. The cost of such radiographs of
repaired welds shall be included in the Contract Rates and shall not form
part of the 3% of all welded length specified in the first paragraph of this
(b) Plain ends for use with welded collars, mechanical couplings or
flange adaptors.
The spigot and socket joints for the spherical type shall be designed to take
angular deflections of up to 5 degrees from the axial to accommodate
changes of pipe gradient and/or direction at individual joints. For
hemispherical type, the angular deflections shall be up to 2 degrees.
The internal surface of the socket and the external surface of the spigot shall
be ground smooth along the shop fusion welds for a distance of 150 mm
from pipe ends measured along the pipe axis.
The external surface of the plain ended pipes shall be similarly prepared.
All sockets shall have two tapped holes spaced at 90 degrees apart on the
circumference. They shall be of not less than 6 mm diameter and shall be
provided with matching plugs to facilitate the air pressure testing of field
welds. These tapped holes shall be located within the end 30 mm of the
sockets and shall be cleared of welding runs.
Plain ends for use with mechanical joints or flange adaptor joints shall be
truly circular with a diameter tolerance of + 1 mm over a distance of 225 mm
from the pipe ends.
Special items such as bends, tapers, tees, etc, shall be formed from
completely lined pipes as specified by suitable insertion of rubber spacers
during lining operation. The coating and lining on the straight pipes shall be
cut back from the ends to be welded or cut for a sufficient distance to ensure
that no material which is intended to remain part of the coating/lining is
damaged or affected by the welding or cutting process.
Pipe specials shall be designed to withstand the full specified factory test
pressures. Compensation plates and gusset plates shall be in accordance
with BS 5500.
Welding shall be of a standard equal to that of straight pipes and each butt
weld shall be subjected to a 100% radiographs test. Fillet welds shall be
subjected to air tests where appropriate and/or magnetic particle testing.
All flanges shall be of steel, welded to the pipe by the electric arc process or
other approved method. They shall conform in all respects with the
requirements of BS 4504 unless otherwise specified. They shall be of the
raised face type and shall be truly faced over their whole width. Bolt holes
shall be drilled off centre lines, truly in line end to end with the longitudinal
axis. All flanges shall be rated as 16 bar and confirm to table 11 of BS 4504
unless otherwise stated. All flanges shall be adequate to withstand test
pressures for the fittings to which they are attached and shall be in
accordance with BS 4504.
All materials required for use in the making of flanged joints including nuts,
bolts, washers and joint gaskets shall be supplied by the Contractor. Joint
gaskets shall be contained within the bolt pitch circle and shall be made
from 4.5 mm thick rubber to BS 1154 Class Y3 reinforced with two layers of
fabric in accordance with BS 5292. Each bolt shall be supplied and installed
with a nut and two washers and each bolt shall be of sufficient length to
show two threads past the nut when so installed.
Test certificates for the flange material shall be supplied. The finish on flange
joint surfaces shall be in accordance with Clause 4.4 of BS 4504.
Blank flanges shall be designed and supplied by the Contractor for an end
loading equivalent to the rating pressure of the flange. Lifting eyes or
handles and air release cocks shall be provided as necessary.
All necessary couplers, joint rings, nuts, bolts and washers, etc. required for
completing joints shall be supplied by the Contractor. All bolts, nut and
washer shall be hot-dip galvanised in accordance with BS 729.
All metallic parts are to be descaled to first quality standard in BS 4232 and
protected with two coats of approved two-pack epoxy based enamel unless
otherwise stated. The enamel shall be taint free, non-toxic and chlorine
Pipes to be used for closing lengths shall be correctly sized over their full
length so that accurate alignment for split collar joints can be obtained. All
such pipes shall be clearly marked.
2.14 Collars
Collars shall be provided for jointing cut pipes or closure pieces by means of
internal and external fillet welding. Minimum lengths of collars shall be 250
mm. Collars may be provided as single split collars with temporary bolts and
lugs. Collars shall have two tapped and plugged holes of not less than 6 mm
diameter to permit air pressure testing of the joints after field welding, one
each side of the collar clear of the welding runs and approximately 25 mm
from the edge of the collar. The collar shall be 1.5 mm thicker than the
equivalent standard straight pipe thickness. Collars shall make close contact
around the circumferences of both pipes connected and the gap between the
ends of a split collar after tightening shall not exceed 3 mm. Split collar ends
shall be prepared for butt welding in the same manner as plain ends of pipes
prepared for butt welding in accordance with Std 5LS. The tolerances of the
collar shall be such that nowhere shall the gap between the inside surface of
the collar and the outside surface of the pipe at fillet weld locations exceed
the tolerances permitted for spigot and socket joints.
The overlap on each pipe shall not be less than 75 mm. Collar joints shall
not be required to take any deflection.
All flanged pipe ends, flanged branches and plain ends for use with
mechanical couplings or flange adaptors shall have a 6 mm steel retaining
ring welded into the bore of the pipe flush with the end of the pipe after
which the ring shall be zinc phosphate coated as specified followed by two
coats of bituminous paint. The radial thickness of the rings shall be similar
to the thickness of the concrete lining and shall not be less than 6 mm. The
ring shall be protected with two coats of approved two-pack epoxy based
enamel if it is too thick to be effectively covered by the concrete lining.
Any pipe which fails to withstand the hydraulic test pressure or which
exhibits signs of porosity shall be deemed not to comply with this
Specification and shall be rejected unless otherwise decided.
2.19 Protection
All pipes shall be protected both internally and externally against corrosion.
The pipes shall be protected externally with a double reinforced bitumen
enamel wrapping followed by internal protection with spun concrete lining.
Both types of protection shall be applied under factory conditions but not
necessarily at the place of manufacture of the pipes.
The above priming shall stop short of the ends of pipes intended for field
welding. The ends of such pipes shall be coated with an approved priming
paint and/or rust inhibitor both internally and externally. This shall be
suitable for providing a temporary protection from rusting prior to field
welding those areas of pipe not given the full factory applied permanent
protection and shall not affect the weldability of the metal.
The pipes shall be coated with bitumen generally in accordance with Clauses
29 of BS 534 except that the protection shall have a minimum thickness of
4.8 mm for pipes over 324 mm od. The bitumen shall be Type 2 of BS 4147
and there shall be not less than 2 mm of bitumen between the inner and
outer wraps, and between the pipe and the inner wrap.
The coating shall be stopped short as shown on the Drawing for ends of all
spigot and socket pipes, and 250 mm from the ends of all plain ended pipes
for use with mechanical couplings or flange adaptors. The edge of the
wrapping shall be chamfered at 25 degrees.
2.22 Wrapping
The wrapping materials shall be spirally wound onto the pipes and specials
simultaneously with the bitumen coating. Each wrap shall be from 150-225
mm wide and the edges shall overlap by 12-25 mm. Care shall be taken to
ensure that the inner wrap does not come into contact with the pipe metal or
with the outer wrap.
The inner wrap shall be a glass fibre resin-bonded tissue reinforced in the
longitudinal direction with parallel glass threads spaced 10 mm apart. The
nominal thickness shall be 0.5 mm and the minimum weight shall 0.046
The outer wrap shall be of glass fibre resin-bonded tissue reinforced in the
longitudinal direction with parallel glass threads spaced 10- 25 mm apart. It
shall be impregnated with a material fully compatible with the bitumen
coating to give a finished thickness of 0.75 mm.
All coated pipes and specials shall be rigidly inspected for defects. Thickness
shall be determined by a pit gauge, continuity with a holiday detector and
coating quality by cutting out 75 mm square samples at the rate of one
sample per 5 lengths of pipe manufactured.
The whole coated surface area of all pipes and specials shall be tested for
pinholes or other invisible defects in the coating using an approved holiday
detector at a potential of 14,000 volts.
Any lengths on which the coating is, in the opinion of the S.O. poorly applied
shall be cleaned to bare metal and re-coated. Minor defects may be repaired
by touching up. All repairs shall be checked for thickness and continuity.
All unwrapped pipes and specials shall be given two layers of primer coat of
Red Lead Oxide and two layer of final coat of light green zinc chromate.
The internal lining will be similar to the requirement of wrapped pipes.
All pipes and specials shall be lined with concrete. Cement for lining shall be
ordinary Portland cement to BS 12. Aggregate shall be well-graded clean fine
aggregate and the maximum particle size shall not exceed 8 mm or one third
the thickness of the lining, whichever is the lesser. All materials used in
concrete for lining shall comply with the requirements for concrete.
The final aggregate grading and concrete mix proportions shall be such that
a hard, durable and dense concrete lining is obtained that satisfies the tests
laid down in Clause 33 of BS 534. Unless otherwise approved, the minimum
cement content shall be 330 kg/m3 and the water cement ratio of the mix
loaded into the pipe shall not exceed 0.42. Tests shall be carried out during
the lining of pipes to demonstrate that the concrete lining has a strength
equal to or greater than the minimum figures stated in Clause 33.5 of BS
534. The frequency of these tests shall be at least once every 250 m length of
pipe lined or during each working shift, whichever is the greater.
All straight pipes shall be concrete lined by the use of a lining machine
designed and built for the purpose of rotating the pipe and centrifugally
applying the lining at sufficient speeds to meet the requirements set out
below. The support or holding device for the pipe shall be such as to avoid
damage to the pipe coating during the spinning operation. If the pipe is
rotated by direct contact drive from the machine it shall be supported over at
least 90 degrees of its circumference and driven by non-metallic surfaced
belts of sufficient width to avoid coating damage. The speed of rotation of the
pipe during the lining compaction stage shall be such as to provide a radial
acceleration of at least 250 m/s2. The rotational drive shall be capable of
close control and provide smooth acceleration and deceleration when
working up to and down from the compaction spinning stage.
Immediately before lining commences, the pipe bore shall be cleaned of all
loose scale, rust, oil, grease or any other foreign matter likely to contaminate
or harm the concrete. Areas where an approved priming coat has bonded to
the pipe such that wire brushing does not cause areas to flake off will be
acceptable as a base for applying the lining.
The entire quantity of concrete required for the lining shall be applied
without interruption, and spinning shall continue until the specified
thickness is evenly distributed over the inside of the pipe, all surplus water
has been removed and the greatest possible density of concrete has been
obtained. Tolerance on the thickness of lining shall be as follows :-
Pipe specials shall be concrete lined at the factory in such a manner that the
lining shall be of the specified thickness and comparable in density and
smoothness to the spun lining in straight pipes and generally applied in
accordance with Clause 33.2 of BS 534. During the lining process, all
rebound material, dribbles, etc. shall be removed so that the lining is applied
in a homogeneous mass to a clean surface.
Inspection of the lining shall be carried out at any time prior to and after
installation of the pipes. Any pipe with lining that is broken, defective or
otherwise not in accordance with the Specification may be rejected. Remedial
lining operations may be carried out by a method that has been approved in
writing in advance by the S.O.. The standard of the remedial lining shall
satisfy the requirements of this Specification.
Surface crazing of the lining will be acceptable unless cracks are severe
enough that they can be penetrated to a depth of 2 mm by a 250 microns
feeler gauge at 10 points or more over a length of 300 mm when measured
with the lining in a saturated condition. These cracks shall be cut back to
full depth and sealed with an approval epoxy resin filler.
The lining shall terminate as shown on the Drawing. The edge of the
lining shall be angled back at 3mm to the pipe axis in order to
provide a positive key for in-situ joint protection.
b) Plain Ends
For butt straps or collar joints, the lining shall terminate 90mm back
from the pipe end. The edge of the lining shall be angled back at
For mechanical coupling and flange adaptor joints, the lining shall be
brought right against the retaining rings.
Uncoated steel pipes and specials required for installation above ground
shall be cleaned to BS 4232 second quality and protected with two layers of
primer coat of Red Lead Oxide and two layer of final coat of approved zinc
chromate primer.
The concrete lining and the external coating of pipes and specials to be
jointed by welding shall be omitted for a sufficient distance from the ends to
prevent damage to the protection during site welding.
The unlined surfaces shall be protected with a suitably approved ensis oil or
similar material during manufacture so that extensive cleaning of the
surface is not required before and after jointing on site.
Where MS pipe ends to be jointed by welding are coated with ensis oil at the
place of manufacture the ends shall be thoroughly cleaned with the ensis oil
Where necessary, the external surfaces of the pipe ends for use with
mechanical couplings and flange adaptors shall be given, after blast cleaning
to BS 4232 first quality, an approved system of low friction vinyl-based
protective coating. The coating shall be applied in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions. Where zinc or bituminous coatings adjoin the
low friction coating, they shall overlap the low friction coating by 25 mm. The
length of pipe barrel to be so protected by the low friction coating shall be
300 mm unless directed otherwise.
After curing but before removal from the factory the coating shall be wrapped
with tape suitable for protecting the coating from damage in transit to and
on the Site. The tape shall be removed immediately prior to installation of
the pipe or specials so coated.
2.31 Handling
Coated pipes shall be lifted and moved only by wide non-abrasive slings or
by other means acceptable to the S.O. Wire ropes, chains and hooks shall
not be permitted to come in contact with the coating. No pipe shall be moved
by rolling.
Coated pipes shall be stacked in one layer only and in such a manner that
the coating is not damaged. Unless under exceptional situation with
adequate provision for pipe protection and handling, stacking in two layers
may be considered by the S.O. Adequate packing between pipes for this
purpose must be supplied by the Contractor. Coated pipes must be kept
clear of the ground and rested on padded sleepers or supports.
The pipes shall be lifted by means of two reinforced canvas slings at least
300 mm wide suspended from a lifting beam so that the slings are positioned
at a distance of one-fifth of the pipe length from each end of the pipe. On no
account shall the pipes and specials be dropped or let fall onto the ground
and under no circumstances shall the pipes and specials be lifted by means
of hooks to the ends of pipes and specials.
The Contractor shall provide suitable timber end struts and sufficient
intermediate struts to strengthen the pipes to the S.O.'s approval to prevent
distortion during handling and delivery. Such struts shall be left in position
when thin wall pipes of 1400 mm and above are delivered to the storage
Attention is drawn to the Contractor that thin wall pipes, defined as pipes
with a diameter/plate thickness ratio greater than 125, shall be so handled,
stored and transported as to prevent distortion or damage to the pipes and
shall not be moved in any manner involving rotation of the pipe about the
longitudinal pipe axis. Thin wall pipes during delivery and when in transit
around the Site shall be supported on three rubber covered saddles shaped
to give at least 90° circumferential support and shall be firmly held in
position at each saddles by straps tightened of turnbuckles in such a
manner that the external coating is not damaged. One saddles shall be in
the centre of the pipe length and the other two shall each be positioned at a
distance one-fifth of the pipe length each end of the pipe.
Thin wall pipes in temporary storage or strung out along the pipeline
reservoir routes shall be supported on hessian bags filled with the sawdust
straw or similar and shaped so as to give continuos support under at least
40-50° of the circumference. The positions of supports shall be the same as
that for pipes during transit. The underside of the pipes shall be kept clear of
the ground by at least 300 mm.
The Contractor shall be deemed to have allowed the cost of providing the
above necessary measures in the Contract Rates for hauling and laying. Any
damage to or loss of materials shall be made good, or the damaged or lost
materials inforced, by the Contractor at his own expense and if approved in
by the S.O. damaged materials shall be returned to the manufacturer for
repair as directed by the S.O.
Only specially competent and skilled men shall be employed to carry out
repair work to damaged linings and sheathing.
Small cracks and flaws in the internal mortar lining of steel pipes and specials
may, with the prior approval of the S.O. and if they are accessible, be repaired
on Site. Such cracks may be repaired by cutting out a 9 mm x 9 mm
dovetailed key and making good with a semi- dry mortar (proportion 1 part
cement to 2 parts coarse sand) well tamped into the groove, and cured
The external sheathing of steel pipes and specials shall be made good
wherever the steel has been exposed or the thickness of the coating
seriously reduced by damage, or where the coating does not adhere tightly
to the steel.
Where the steel has been exposed all rust and dirt shall be removed
carefully by wire brushing or otherwise, and when perfectly clean and dry, a
coat of approved special quick drying primer applied before re-fettling.
Small stones, which may have become embedded in the sheathing, shall be
picked out and the coating refettled by heating locally with a blow lamp and
smoothing over with a fettling knife. Additional external jointing material
shall be added wherever necessary.
All defects to linings and sheathings shall be made good to the entire
satisfaction of the S.O. Where in his opinion the damage is such that
satisfactory repairs on Site will not be practicable, e.g. when damage or
cracking is extensive and/or inaccessible, the pipes or specials in question
shall be either returned to the factory for repairing properly or replaced
completely. The Contractor shall be responsible in either case for all costs
involved in this respect and for any delays to construction work thereby
caused. The compound used for repairing sheathings shall be compatible with
the sheathing material and shall be approved by the S.O.
No pipes shall be rolled into place for lowering into the trench. If a crane is
used for handling the pipes into the trench, the pipes shall be slung with
slings passed around the outside as specified in Clause 2.31. A recess shall
be formed in the trench foundation beneath to permit each sling to be
withdrawn without damage to the pipe coating or sheathing. All struts at
the ends of the pipes and pipe specials shall not be removed until they are
ready for engagement.
Before any pipe or special is lowered into the trench, it shall be cleaned and
re-examined for cracks and flaws whilst hanging in the sling. The trench
bottom shall be free from all rock, boulders, stones or hard particles, which
may cause damage to the sheathing of MS pipes. The trench shall be bedded
as shown on the drawings. If the pipes are undamaged and the trench
bottom bedded properly the pipes shall be placed in position ready for
jointing. Care should be taken not to drop the pipes particularly at
fabricated fitting junctures.
Except for pipework to be embedded in concrete, all pipes and specials shall
be placed on a solid and even foundation for their full length. Pipes and
specials shall be placed in position singly and the order of laying pipes shall
be subject to the approval of the S.O.
Joint holes for shall be formed in the excavation as necessary for the
convenient and proper making of the welded joints, and each pipe or
specials shall be individually set for line and level using boning rods.
After laying, the interior of pipes or specials shall be carefully cleaned again
to remove any debris, dirt, stones or other matter that may have entered
during laying.
Except when work is actually proceeding, all open ends of pipes and
specials in the trench shall be kept closed by means of a fine wire gauge
wooden stoppers or other approved means, to prevent the entry of dirt,
stones and the like, but such stopper shall allow the entry of water.
All electric arc welding equipment shall be to the approval of the S.O..
The Contractor shall make test specimens on pipes of the same size and
thicknesses as the pipelines to be welded. These pipes shall be supplied by
the Contractor. The joints shall be tested in the presence of the S.O. for
each procedure proposed in accordance with the requirements of BS 4515.
Where pipes are to be jointed by a steel split collar, the pipe ends and the
collar shall be cleaned to a bright metallic finish. The collar shall then be
placed on the ends of the pipes so that the space between the pipe ends shall
be about 25 mm from the centre line of the collar. The collar shall be clamped
tightly onto the pipes using the lugs and welded longitudinally. After
completion of the internal and external circumferential welds, the lugs shall be
removed and the longitudinal weld completed.
The weld shall be of the convex full fillet type for lap welded joints made
manually by the metal arc process using approved types of electrodes. Each
time the arc is started it shall be manipulated to obtain complete fusion of the
weld metal with the pipe metal and any previously deposited weld metal.
Before welding over any previously deposited weld metal all slag shall be
completely removed and the weld metal and the adjacent pipe metal shall be
cleaned by wire brushing.
All welds shall be subject to inspection by the S.O. and shall comply with the
requirements of BS 5135 for freedom from undercutting, fusion penetration
and soundness.
Welded joints for large diameter pipes of 1000 mm dia and above shall be
radiographed at random as directed by the S.O. At least 2 strips each for
internal and external welds shall be sampled for quality check for a slip joint.
The Contractor shall make all the necessary arrangement apparatus and
equipment and a specialist to carry out the test. The analytical report in
duplicate shall be submitted to the S.O. three days after the test. If the weld
does not meet the requirements of the Specification, the welds will have to be
gouged out and made good. The repaired welds shall be radiographed again at
no extra cost to the client.
For MS pipes of finished internal diameter larger than 628mm, after each
joint has been welded it shall be air tested in the presence of the S.O.
The annular space between the two welds shall be air tested to a pressure of
1.7 MPa. While this pressure is maintained for a minimum period of ten
minutes, the welds shall be examined carefully for leakage. Any defective
welding shall be treated as directed by the S.O.. The tap holes shall be then
sealed off with welding after each joint has been satisfactorily tested. The
Contractor shall provide all necessary gauges, pumps, etc, for the air testing.
After the S.O. has advised the Contractor in writing that a welded joint has
passed the air test the external sheathing shall be completed to ensure
continuity of protection along the pipeline.
Bare metal shall be thoroughly cleaned to a bright metallic finish and it shall
be immediately coated with a primer solution. The primer shall be applied
cold by brush.
As soon as the primer has set the sheathing shall be completed by running
hot bitumen into a metal mould placed over the joint and overlapping the
sheathing by 75 mm on either side of the joint. The bitumen shall be Type 2
of BS 4147.
Priming and sheathing material for the purpose shall be provided by the
Contractor including the supply of all the necessary mould boxes and funnels
required to form the protective mould and whiting for use in lining the mould
boxes prior to each pour. The Contractor shall also supply all necessary
boilers to heat the bitumen to the application temperature recommended by
the manufacturer.
The use of method other than the above shall subject to the approval of the
In testing, the main shall be filled with clean water and properly vented to
remove trapped air. After a period of 24 hours, the pressure shall be raised by
pumping to the specified test pressure. Pumping shall then cease at 10 bar
and after a period of 24 hours, pumping shall be resumed and the quantity
required to be pumped, in order to restore the test pressure, divided by the
time, shall be the measure of the rate of loss.
The length of main under test shall be deemed to have passed the test if the
leakage does not exceed 0.1 litre per mm of internal diameter per 24 hour per
kilometre of pipeline per 30m of water pressure.
All pipes and specials shall be protected prior to despatch from the
manufacturer's works. All flanges shall have wooden discs bolted on. All
other ends of pipes and fittings shall be protected against impact damage
and entry of foreign matter. The protection shall take into account the end
use intended for the pipes and whether or not the final protection has been
The Contractor shall send to the S.O. advance notices and obtain the S.O.'s
approval of all consignments. Every consignment shall be accompanied by a
detailed delivery note with the item number of each pipe or specials itemised
in the Bill of Quantities.
The pipes reserve wherever available may be used as pipe dumps or storage
reserves for pipe and specials as shown on the Drawings. Where no storage
dumps are available the Contractor shall have to make his own arrangement
to store the pipes and fittings.
The Contractor shall prepare the areas shown on the Drawing allocated as
the storage yards at which the pipes and fittings shall be delivered. The
areas shall be clear or vegetation and leveled off and the Contractor shall
construct an unmetalled access track including bridges and over water
courses from the main metalled road to the storage yards.
The Contractor shall provide at no extra cost to the Employer timber pieces
to keep the stored pipes clear of the ground. The Contractor shall maintain
the storage yards in a condition satisfactory to the S.O. till the expiry of the
2.43 Inspection
All pipes and specials to be supplied under the Contract shall be inspected
by the S.O. or an Inspector appointed by the Employer at the Contractor’s
premises or at the places of manufacture if manufactured at other premises.
The S.O. or the Inspector shall be entitled at all times during manufacture to
inspect, examine and test on the Contractor’s premises or at the places of
manufacture if manufactured at other premises, the materials and
workmanship of the pipes and specials. Such inspection, examination or
testing including the inspection by the S.O. or Inspector shall not relieve the
Contractor from any of his obligations under the Contract.
All pipes and specials supplied shall have at least the following information:-
The diameter and its consecutive number of standard length pipes shall be
repeated on the lining just inside on both ends of the pipes.
The item number and diameter of branch in the case of tees and the angle in
degrees in case of bends shall similarly be repeated on the lining.
The quantities set out in the Bill of Quantities are provisional only and they
are not to be taken as the actual, limiting and correct quantities of the pipes
and specials to be supplied by the Contractor in fulfilment of his obligations
under the Contract. For the purpose of this clause, spigot and socket ended
pipes shall be measured and paid in effective length. The effective length
shall mean the net length of the pipe as laid, i.e. after deduction of the
length of overlap at any spigot and socket joint to be made with the pipe. All
pipes and specials shall only be measured for payment after they have been
laid and incorporated into the Works. Any excess pipes and specials supplied
to the site shall not be measured for payment.
The cost of all works, testing and all other requirements of the Specification
including lining, coating, wrapping, etc, involved in the manufacture and
delivery of the steel pipes shall be deemed to be included in the Contract
3.1 General
All pipes, specials and fittings must be from SAJH approved sources and be to
SAJH specifications (SAJH PS/DI/001).
Subject to the specified requirements of this Section, the ductile iron pipes
and fittings to be supplied under this Contract shall conform with the
requirements of BS EN 545:2002.
The manufacturing method for ductile iron pipes and fittings shall comply
with BS EN 545:2002.
3.7.1 General
All centrifugally cast pipes shall be given an external coating of metallic zinc
with a zinc content of at least 99.9% by mass.
The pipe surface shall be dry, free from rust and non-adhering particles or
any oil or grease. The zinc is normally applied on the pipe with oxide skin
out, at the manufacturer's option, it may be applied on a blast cleaned pipe
(a) Appearance
The zinc coating shall cover the external surface of the pipe and the mass
of coating shall comply with 3.7.3 (b). The coating shall adhere to the
pipe surface and shall not display bare patches.
At the manufacturer's option the socket face and spigot joint area may
not be coated with metallic zinc.
Where the spigot joint area is not coated with metallic zinc, a coating of
zinc rich paint shall be applied to the spigot joint area in accordance with
3.7.5 (b).
The mean mass per unit area of sprayed metallic zinc, as measured in
accordance with 3.7.4 (b), shall not be less than 130 g/sq.m.
The uniformity of coating shall be such that the mass of zinc coating of
any 25mm x 25mm area shall not be less than 100 g/sq.m.
The manufacturer shall visually inspect every pipe for quality and
uniformity of zinc coating.
3.7.5 Repairs
The manufacturer shall carry out repairs to damaged areas of coating, see
3.7.3(a), or uncoated areas, e.g. the area left uncoated as result of applying
(b) Zinc rich paint containing more than 90% zinc by mass in the dried film;
the mean mass per unit area of this plant shall not be less than 150
g/sq.m and the mass of paint on any 25mm x 25mm area shall be not
less than 110 g/sq.m.
After zinc coating, the pipe shall be coated with a finishing layer as specified
in Clause 3.8.
Unless otherwise specified, all pipes and fittings shall be coated externally
with either;
The internal surfaces of pipes and fittings except blank flanges, sockets and
bellmouths shall be lined with cement mortar in accordance to BS EN
545:2002. The cement shall be ordinary Portland Cement to MS 522.1977 if
pipes are locally manufactured or to BS 12:1978 if imported. The cement
mortar mix shall be one part by mass of cement to 2.5 parts by mass of
sand. The lining thickness shall be as shown in Table 3.2.
Flexible joints either of the ‘push-on type’ or of the `mechanical type' shall be
in accordance with the manufacturer's standard dimensions and tolerance.
Flexible joints shall be supplied complete with bolts, nuts, washers, glands,
rubber gaskets and other accessories necessary for making water-tight
flexible connection between spigot and socket ended pipes and fittings.
Each set of flange joints shall be supplied complete with nuts, bolts, washers
and joint gaskets. Joint gaskets shall be in accordance with BS 4865 : Part I.
SAJH WS/PW/001 (Rev.1.0/06.2007)
Bolts and nuts shall be mild steel, hexagonal and shall be in accordance with
BS 916.
All pipes and fittings shall be subjected to hydraulic pressure test before
being lined or coated. The pipes and fittings shall withstand the factory
hydrostatic test pressure as indicated in Table 3.3 without showing signs of
leakage, sweating of other failure of any kind.
80 to 300 50 25 32 25
350 to 600 40 25 32 16
700 to 800 32 25 32 10
900 to 1200 32 25 25 10
1400 to 1600 25 25 25 2*
The cut ends of pipes shall be smoothed and bevelled to ensure proper
positioning at the joint without damage to the jointing rings.
3.15 Packing
Loose parts such as couplings, flanges, bolts and nuts, rubber rings and
gaskets shall be packed in weatherproof crates with the identification of
SAJH and content labelled.
The polyethylene sheath shall be placed over the pipe starting from the
spigot end. Care shall be taken to ensure that the sleeve is rolled towards the
socket end without causing tear to the sheath.
To prevent ingress of water and dirt between the pipe and sheath, the sheath
shall be secured with adhesive tapes at folds, open ends and other parts of
the pipe as required.
3.17 Handling
Pipes and specials shall be lifted and moved only by wide non-abrasive slings
or by other means acceptable to the Engineer. Wire ropes, chain and hooks
shall not be permitted to come in contact with external coatings or internal
No pipes shall be rolled into place for lowering into the trench. If a crane is
used for handling the pipes into the trench, the pipes shall be slung with
slings passed around the outside as specified in Clause 3.15. A recess shall
be formed in the trench foundation beneath to permit each sling to be
withdrawn without damage to the pipe coating or sheathing. All struts at
the ends of the pipes and pipe specials shall not be removed until they are
ready for engagement.
Before any pipe or special is lowered into the trench, it shall be cleaned and
re-examined for cracks and flaws whilst hanging in the sling. The trench
bottom shall be free from all rock, boulders, stones or hard particles, which
may cause damage to the sheathing of DI pipes. The trench shall be bedded
as shown on the drawings. If the pipes are undamaged and the trench
bottom bedded properly the pipes shall be placed in position ready for
jointing. Care should be taken not to drop the pipes particularly at
fabricated fitting junctures.
Except for pipework to be embedded in concrete, all pipes and specials shall
be placed on a solid and even foundation for their full length. Pipes and
specials shall be placed in position singly and the order of laying pipes shall
be subject to the approval of the S.O.
Joint holes for shall be formed in the excavation as necessary for the
convenient and proper making of the welded joints, and each pipe or
specials shall be individually set for line and level using boning rods.
After laying, the interior of pipes or specials shall be carefully cleaned again
to remove any debris, dirt, stones or other matter that may have entered
during laying.
Except when work is actually proceeding, all open ends of pipes and
specials in the trench shall be kept closed by means of a fine wire gauge
wooden stoppers or other approved means, to prevent the entry of dirt,
stones and the like, but such stopper shall allow the entry of water.
The ends of all pipes and specials shall be suitably covered, and protected
against damage during transit with straw contained in hessian secured to the
pipe ends. All flanges shall have wooden discs temporary bolted on. Pipes
and specials shall be suitably supported so that no loads is taken directly on
the external coating.
The jointing work for “push-in” or “mechanical” type of joint shall follow the
following procedures unless otherwise approved by the Engineer.
ii) Remove all foreign material such as sand, mud, gravel, dirt and
paint flakes.
iii) Clean the rubber gasket and insert it into the socket in the
following manner :
1) Align the white marks of the rubber gasket with the marks
on the face of the socket end and insert the gasket into the
socket in the form of a clover-leaf.
iv) Apply lubricant to the internal surface of the gasket. The type of
lubricant used shall be of that approved by the Engineer.
v) Clean the external surface of the spigot end and apply lubricant to
the external surface of the spigot. Ensure that the lubricant covers
the entire end to the first white line of the spigot.
vi) Align the spigot with the gasket and attach the jointing tools as
1) Attach the wire rope and set the fork into position
1) Set the lever-block into the position. One (1) lever block
shall be sufficient.
1) Set the lever-block into position. Two (2) lever block shall be
vii) When first of the two white lines marked around the spigot
disappears into the socket, the jointing is finished.
i) Make a bell hole the pipe socket and spigot to provide additional
space for tightening bolts and nuts.
iii) Clean the gland and set the gland on the spigot
iv) Clean the rubber gasket and place it on the spigot. The gasket
shall be placed about 200mm from the end of the spigot.
v) Clean the internal surface of the socket and remove all foreign
vi) Apply lubricant to the external surface of the spigot and the gasket
and to the internal surface of the socket. Ensure that the lubricant
covers the entire end to the first white line of the spigot.
vii) Align the socket with the spigot and push the gasket into the
clearance between the spigot and the socket.
viii) Centre the gland, align the bolt holes and insert the bolts at the top
and bottom then left and right side, tighten the bolts slightly.
ix) Insert the remaining bolts into the bolts holes and gradually
tighten them.
x) Check tightness of all bolts and nuts with the use of a torque
wrench. Correct torque for bolts and nuts is specified in the
following table :-
Bolt Size Torque Diameter of Pipe Average Handle
(kgm) (mm) Length (mm)
In testing, the main shall be filled with clean water and properly vented to
remove trapped air. After a period of 24 hours, the pressure shall be raised by
pumping to the specified test pressure. Pumping shall then cease at 10 bar
and after a period of 24 hours, pumping shall be resumed and the quantity
required to be pumped, in order to restore the test pressure, divided by the
time, shall be the measure of the rate of loss.
The length of main under test shall be deemed to have passed the test if the
leakage does not exceed 0.1 litre per mm of internal diameter per 24 hour per
kilometre of pipeline per 30m of water pressure.
The following cast on or cold stamped marks shall appear on the socket end of
each pipe :-
In the case of fittings, these marks shall be placed on the body of each fitting
along with its main characteristics (ie. the angle of bend in degrees, the
pressure rating of the flange etc.). For pipes and fittings having a spigot end
for use with a `push-on' type joint, socket penetration lines (two white
painted lines) shall be painted on the spigot end of the pipes and fittings.
4.1 General
All pipes, specials and fittings must be of SAJH approved source and be to
SAJH specifications (SAJH PS/PE/001) and (SAJH PS/PE/002).
4.2 Scope
(e) DIN 16963 : 1980 Part 1 to 14 - Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types
1 and 2 high density PE pressure pipes.
(f) British Standard BS 5750 : Part 2 (EN 29002)(ISO 9002) - Specification for
production and installation 1994.
4.3 Interpretation
The materials shall be of type PE 80. The classification and compliance of the
material to the requirements of MS 1058 : 1994 shall be certified by an
independent and approved testing institution.
4.6 Dimensions
The nominal outside diameter and wall thickness of the PE pipe corresponding
to the rated nominal pressures (PN) and the maximum working pressures
shall be as shown in Table 4.1 unless otherwise specified.
The standard lengths of straight pipes shall be 9m for pipes above 125mm
dia. The standard length of coils shall be 100m for pipes below 125mm dia.
The dimensions of fittings for butt welding shall be in accordance with DIN
16963 : 1980. The dimension of electrofusion couplers shall conform generally
with WIS4-32-14.
Table 4.1
Wall Thickness for PE 80 Pipes
Nominal Wall Thickness (mm) Internal
Diameter Outside
Diameter for PN 16 PN 12.5
(mm) Diameter
PE Pipes
(mm) Min Max Min Max PN 16 PN 12.5
16 2.0 2.3 - - 14 - 16
20 2.3 2.7 2.0 2.3 15.4 16 20
25 3.0 3.4 2.3 2.7 19 20.4 25
32 3.6 4.1 3.0 3.4 24.8 26 32
40 4.5 5.1 3.7 4.2 31 32.6 40
50 5.6 6.3 4.6 5.2 38.8 40.8 50
63 7.1 8.0 5.8 6.5 48.8 51.4 63
75 8.4 9.4 6.8 7.6 58.2 61.4 75
90 10.1 11.3 8.2 9.2 69.8 73.6 90
110 12.3 13.7 10.0 11.1 85.4 90 110
125 14.0 15.6 11.4 12.7 97 102.2 125
160 17.9 19.8 14.6 16.2 124.2 130.8 160
180 20.1 22.3 16.4 18.2 139.8 147.2 180
200 22.4 24.8 18.2 20.2 155.2 163.6 200
225 25.2 27.9 20.5 22.7 174.6 184 225
250 27.9 30.8 22.7 25.1 194.2 204.6 250
280 31.3 34.6 25.4 28.1 217.4 229.2 280
315 35.2 38.9 28.6 31.6 244.6 257.8 315
355 39.7 43.8 32.2 35.6 275.6 290.6 355
400 44.7 49.3 36.3 40.1 310.6 327.4 400
450 50.3 55.5 40.9 45.1 349.4 368.2 450
500 - - 45.4 50.1 - 409.2 500
560 - - 50.8 56.0 - 458.4 560
630 - - 57.2 63.1 - 515.6 630
Table 4.2
Permissible Variations for Pipe Lengths
Permissible Variation
Table 4.3
Permissible Variation For Weights
Permissible Variation
The following tests on the pipe samples shall be conducted, all in accordance
to MS 1058 : 1994
(i) Dimensions
(ii) Surface finish and marking
(iii) Pressure test 165h, 80° C
(iv) Thermal stability
(v) Longitudinal reversion
4.9 Packing
Loose parts such as couplings, flanges, bolts and nuts, rubber rings and
gaskets shall be packed in weather proof crates with the identification of the
Consignee and the contents labelled.
4.10.1 General
For transportation bulk loads, the vehicle used shall be provided with a clean
flat bed, free from nails or other hard projections which may cause damage. If
high sided lorries are used, special care shall be taken to prevent slippage or
excessive bowing of the pipe. All sharp edges shall be adequately padded up.
Care shall be taken to avoid positioning pipes and fittings near or adjacent to
exhaust pipes or other heat sources. The pipes and fittings shall not be
transported or stored together with diesel oil or sharp edged equipment in
order to avoid contamination or damage.
Straight pipes shall be fully supported and bound together with non-metallic
ropes. The pipes shall not rest on the sockets of other pipes or pipes fitted
with couplers.
The pipes shall not be coiled to less than 25 times the outside diameter of the
When transporting the pipes of different classes, pipes of lower pressure class
shall be stacked above others of higher class. If transported together, coiled
pipes shall be placed on top of straight pipes. If the pipes are transported one
inside another, the smaller pipes shall be removed first and laid out.
Damage to pipes and pipe ends shall be avoided during lifting, particularly
pipes with couplers. When lifting by crane, rope or canvas slings shall be used
for straight pipes.
If PE pipes are handled with mechanical lifting devices, the pipes shall be
suitably protected to prevent scoring. Any scoring on the pipe surface that are
more than 10% of the wall thickness shall cause the pipe to be rejected or else
the section shall be cut out. A depth gauge shall be used for measurement.
Uncoiling shall be done so that the pipe leaves the coil tangentially (in the
direction of the pipe coils) to avoid kinking and twisting of the pipe.
4.10.3 Storage
Coiled pipes shall be stored on a firm, flat surface and to a maximum height of
two metres to prevent distortion to the bottom convolutions. Coils shall be tied
at intermittent points and as a complete coil to prevent slippage and distortion
within the coil.
Where individual pipes are laid out and stacked to a triangular form,
deformation may occur to the pipes in the lower layers, particularly during
warm weather. Such stacks shall therefore be not greater than one metre
high. Socketed or coupled pipes shall be stacked with the sockets at alternate
ends and with the sockets protruding to avoid uneven stacking which may
permanently distort the pipes.
At all times pipes and fittings shall be stored away from exhaust outlets and
all other high temperature sources. Care shall be taken to avoid contact with
lubricating or hydraulic oils, gasoline, solvents and other aggressive
The pipe storage areas shall be provided with adequate access for construction
vehicles and/or lifting equipments.
4.10.4 Precautions
Sharp sections which could cause indentation or scoring to the pipes shall not
be allowed to bear against the pipes.
During coiling and uncoiling care should be taken to maintain the coil
diameter to the specified minimum of 25 times the outside diameter to prevent
The fittings shall be free from cracks, voids, blisters, distortion, dents,
inclusions or other defects likely to impair their performance.
For each size and type of fitting, the fusion time inclusive of cooling time at a
SAJH WS/PW/001 (Rev.1.0/06.2007)
The nominal resistance of the heating elements and production tolerances for
each type of fittings shall be declared by the fitting manufacturers. All fittings
shall have mechanically shrouded male electrical terminals. The maximum
power requirement and voltage range for all the fittings shall be to the fittings
manufacturer's Specification.
A permanent and obvious means of indicating that the joint has been
subjected to the fusion cycle shall be provided on the external surface of the
fitting, eg fusion or melt indicator. All electrofusion fittings shall not be
removed from its packing until fusion jointing is ready to be conducted. This
include scraping, trimming and getting pipe ends and surfaces prepared.
For Transition Coupler and Elbow, the fittings shall incorporate a female
internally threaded brass/stainless steel socket on one end for connection to
existing threaded GI meter standpipes.
For In-line tees and associated spigots, the fitting shall incorporate means of
controlling pipe penetration with the socket such as to prevent obstruction of
the tee outlet.
Tapping tees shall have built-in cutting device to cut through pressurized PE
pipes without allowing uncontrolled leakage of water to occur. The
manufacturer shall declare the allowable operating torques to be applied for
the cutting device. The cutting device shall have a socket key recess to be
operated by a suitable key with no thread follower. The fittings integral heating
element shall be clear of the path of the cutter. The fusion sealing width, i.e.
the distance between the inner and outer turns, at any point shall not be less
than 15mm.
The design of the tapping tees shall include provision for pressure testing of
the connected service pipes and the fusion interfaces between the pipes and
fittings without removal of the cutter prior to tapping the main.
The ends of PE pipes and specials shall be cleaned by water and any
damaged portion cut-off and removed before butt or electrofusion can be
allowed to proceed. Electrofusion fittings shall not be removed from their
packing before use.
All PE pipes with deep cuts to the pipe wall, measured by a depth gauge of
suitable accuracy approved by the S.O., of more than 10% of the pipe wall
thickness shall not be laid until that damaged section of the pipe has
been satisfactorily cut out on the Contractor's own expense unless the
damages have been recorded during take over at Central store. All PE
pipes and fittings outer diameter and roundness shall be measured by
approved `PI' ruler supplied by the Contractor.
The pipes and specials shall be jointed by automatic butt or electro fusion
welding to form a string above ground and shall be supported by smooth
rollers support of a design approved by the S.O. Three standard lengths of
pipe on each side of the fusion machine shall have a minimum of two (2) roller
supports per length of pipe. All fusion joints shall be inspected and assessed
with joint record printouts from the automatic butt or electro fusion machine.
All joints shall be approved by the S.O. or his representatives before the
Contractor is allowed to proceed with pipelaying
works. The maximum pulling length of fusion jointed PE pipes into position
alongside or directly into pipe trench after fusion jointing shall not exceed
300m or length limited by the hydraulic actuator of the automatic butt
fusion machine. Dragging on ground surface is strictly prohibited. All
jointing of specials, tees closing lengths etc to be conducted in the trench
shall be by automatic electrofusion couplers or other electrofusion fittings.
The trench bottom shall be free from all rocks, boulders, stones or hard
particles which may damage the pipe walls. Before any pipes or specials are
lowered into the trench, the pipes and specials are to be rechecked for deep
cut and scratches described above and the fusion joints cooled sufficiently
(specified cooling time for the last joint has elapsed) before stress is imposed
upon any premade joints. When lowering pipe into trenches, care should be
taken to avoid scoring of the pipe by contact with the sides and bottom of
the trench. Special care shall be needed when passing under/around
obstruction or other utilities. Pipe roller supports for the first four lengths of
pipes from the pipe end to be lowered into the trench shall be provided. Cut
section of rejected or damaged PE pipes, planks and rope shall be used for
protecting the remaining pipes where appropriate but wire ropes or chains
shall not be used.
The trench bottom shall be bedded with well graded free flowing granular
sand that is free from stones or hard particles larger than 6mm diameter.
Gradual changes in direction can be accommodated by pipe deflection but
the pipe shall not be cold bent to a radius smaller than twenty-five(25) times
the outer diameter of the pipe. Under no circumtances shall hot bending in
any form be allowed on site. A minimum distance of 300mm from
obstruction and other services shall always be maintained. The pipe shall be
kept as central as possible within the trench to enable correct side-fill
compaction but some snaking to compensate for thermal expansion of the
pipe will be allowed.
Except when work is proceeding, all open ends of pipes and specials in the
trench shall be kept closed by means of a fine wire gauge, wooden stopper
or other approved means to prevent the entry of dirt, soil, stones and the
like, but shall allow the entry of water.
All PE pipes shall be jointed by fully automatic butt fusion welding equipment.
All PE pipes specials and tapping saddles shall be jointed by fully automatic
electrofusion equipment. All automatic fusion equipments shall have joints
data retrieval facility allowing joint records to be retrieved
and printed. A printer for each fusion machine used on site shall be
supplied to the S.O. for his sole use. An electronic data transfer unit
suitable for use with the Butt and Electrofusion machines to transfer all
joints data to a computer shall also be provided by the Contractor for the
sole use of the S.O..
The full set of Automatic Butt Fusion welding machine shall comprise the
following :
(a) Chassis and Clamps which are sufficiently robust to accurately align
the pipe to be jointed and have insert rings to fit different pipe
diameters up to 315mm nominal outer diameter.
(e) Control Box designed to carry out the operations automatically for
pipes diameter up to 315 nominal outer diameter with the following
facilities :
(1) Automatic interlock of the entire joint cycle with correct heater
(4) Identification of real time; date; job and operator for every joint;
(7) Complete data retrieval facility for all joints via a data printer or
electronic transfer to comply with BS 5750:Part 1 4.9.2 on
special processes;
Bevel and clean outer and inner edges of loose shavings and
check the pipe end for alignment. The pipe ends trimmed
surface shall not be touched or handed to prevent
contamination of the clean surfaces before fusion.
The pipe ends shall not have any visible gap when the ends are
brought together. The maximum outside diameter mismatch of
the pipe ends, measured by a depth gauge, shall not be more
than 10% of the pipe wall thickness when the pipe ends are
brought together for pipes up to 315 NOD. If the mismatch is
greater, the pipe shall be realigned and replanned until
permitted tolerance is obtained.
The full set of Automatic Electrofusion machine shall include the following;
(2) Potable Generator as specified for the automatic butt fusion machine.
The generator shall be rated to the appropriate electrofusion
application as specified by the manufacturers of the fittings.
(3) Universal main alignment and restraint clamps units with insert rings
for pipe sizes up to 315mm nominal outer diameter, multi-
functional for couplers, elbows and tees.
(1) Trimming of pipe ends square axis and any burrs removed. Check
pipes and fittings for correct fit into couplers. If the pipes are found
to be too oval to fit into couplers, the pipes shall be rerounded by
on approved mechanical pipe rerounding tool or a straight length
of suitable round pipe be fused onto the end before jointing.
(2) Clean pipe ends and prepare pipe ends with universal scraper or
approved surface preparation tool capable of removing the oxidised
surface of the pipe ends for length in excess of insertion depth. For
tapping tees and saddles the general area in excess of the saddle
base area shall be cleaned to the satisfaction of the S.O. The tool
shall remove a layer 0.2 – 0.4mm thick from the outer surface
preferably as a continuous strip of swarf over that length and
round the pipe or for the full area of saddle base. Hand scrapers of
the Harris type’ or equivalent are allowed for tapping tees and
(4) Using correct sized pipe clamps or saddle clamps, secure the pipe
fittings. The alignment and gaps between the pipes and fittings
shall be checked by depth gauges. The total gaps between the
pipe outer diameter and fittings shall not exceed 2% of the pipes
nominal outer diameter. The fittings shall be adjusted with
suitable wedges, if required, to axially align the pipes centrally in
the fittings.
(6) The joint shall be left in the clamps for the cooling time specified
for the fittings or tapping tees.
(7) The main shall not be tap with the integral built-in cutter until the
joints or saddles have been approved by the S.O.
The Contract Rates for making internally and externally welded slip and collar
joints, PE Butt and Electro Fusion joints shall cover the cost of providing,
operating and maintaining all services, plant, equipment, fuels, materials of all
kinds, apparatus of all types and everything necessary for air testing, making
good and/or completion of internal lining and external coating, protecting pipe
ends and completing external protection of the welded joints , repair to PE
pipes and all as specified.
The test pressure to be applied shall be 1.5 times the rated pressure with
details shown in drawings or as directed by the S.O..
In testing, the main shall be filled with clean water at a steady rate to enable
all high points to be properly vented to remove trapped air to the approval of
the S.O. The filled pipeline shall then be stood for a minimum of 12 hours
before water is added to replace collected air. The pressure shall then be
raised to the specified test pressure by pumping continuously at a constant
rate. The pressure rise with respect to time and volume pumped shall be
recorded and monitored. The pressure rise response during this
pressurisation phase shall be approximately linear indicating acceptable
amounts of air in the system. If this initial analysis indicate that significant
volumes of air is still trapped in the system, the test shall be terminated and
SAJH WS/PW/001 (Rev.1.0/06.2007)
air bleeding at all high points and the end of the test section shall be
reconducted prior to the continuation of the test.
After the specified test pressure has been reached, the test length shall be
allowed to stand without make-up pressure and the pressure is allowed to
decay over time for one hour. The pressure at the end of the one hour period is
noted and the pressure is then reduced to 1.3 times the rated pressure and
the pressure is then pumped up again to 1.5 times rated pressure.
When the specified test pressure has been attained, the pump shall be
stopped and pressure recorded at 10 mins interval for two (2) hours or until
the entire tested length of the pipeline and joints has been inspected
whichever is longer.
The length of pipelines under test shall be deemed to have passed the test if
no visible leakage occurs at all exposed welds and joints and the average rate
of pressure drop at any stage during the two (2) hours test period or longer
does not exceed 10 per cent of the specified test pressure per hour.
4.18 Markings
All pipes and fittings supplied shall have at least the following information:-
In addition all segmented butt welded fittings shall bear the diameter of the
branch, in the case of tees, and the angle, in case of bends and any angled
branches on the outside of the pipes and fittings.
The markings shall be made only on those pipes and fittings that have
satisfied all tests and other requirements of this Specification.
5.1 General
All pipes, specials and fittings must be from SAJH approved sources and be to
SAJH specifications (SAJH PS/PV/001)and (SAJH PS/PV/002).
Subject to the specified requirements of this Section, the plain ended pipes shall
be manufactured in accordance to MS 628:1982. The bellmouthed pipes, with one
ended bellmouthed and one plain ended shall be manufactured in accordance to
MS 628:1982 and BS 4346 Part 2:1970. uPVC joints and fittings shall be
manufactured in accordance to BS 4346 Part 1:1969 and BS 4346 Part 2:1970.
The material used in the manufacture pipes, joints and fittings shall consist
substantially of polyvinyl chloride, to which may be added only those additives
that are needed to facilitate the manufacture of the polymers, and the
production of finish, mechanical strength and capacity.
The addition of the manufacturer’s own rework material produced during the
manufacture and works testing of pipes, joints and fittings complying with this
specification is permissible. No other rework material shall be used.
5.3 Colour
5.4 Classification
The pipes, joints and fittings shall be classified in accordance to the Maximum
Permissible Working Pressure as in Table 5.1.
Maximum Permissible
Class of pipe Working Pressure
At 20 deg. C At 30 deg. C
The pipes shall be designated by the nominal size and shall conform to the
outside diameters and wall thickness given in table A.
Table A
5.7 Length
The manufacturer may supply not more than 10 percent of the order in lengths
decreasing by multiples of 150mm, provided than the minimum length of any
pipe shall be not less than 3.4 metres. The ends of the shortened pipes shall be
cut and turned to the correct dimension for jointing.
The contractor shall supply free of charge the extra joints required due to the
supply of non-standard pipes.
5.8 Appearance
The wall of pipes, joints and fittings shall be homogenous throughout and the
internal and external surface shall be clean, smooth and reasonably free from
grooves, blisters, wrinkles, dents, heat marks and other defects that would
impair their performance in service.
5.9 Joints
The pipes to be supplied shall have an integral bell-mouth socket formed on one
end for mechanical rubber ring joint conforming to the relevant sections of BS
4346 Part 2.
The plain end of the pipes shall be chamfered to facilitate insertion during
Rubber ring shall be factory fitted in the ring housing of the pipe by the
manufacturer in the correct way as to specification unless otherwise stated.
The rubber ring shall have the retaining capabilities to hold itself in the housing
without causing displacement during handling, storage and installation of the
The uPVC coupler joints shall be suitable for use with plain ended uPVC pipes.
Each coupler joint shall consist of a uPVC sleeve suitable for jointing two rubber
rings set in plain grooved ends. The rubber rings shall be manufactured of
natural rubber complying with the requirements of Type 1 of BS 2494 Part 1
The completed joint shall be watertight when the pipes are deflected at angles up
to 5 degrees and subjected to (3.6 +/- 0.1) times the Maximum Permissible
Working Pressure specified.
The seal shall consists of flexible of rubber element of effectively seal against the
spigot and socket, and a reinforcing plastic element bonded to the rubber
element to hold the seal firmly.
The seal material shall be EPDM rubber in 60 +/- 5 IRHD hardness and meets
the requirement of ASTM F-477 and EN 681-1.
The material is approved for contact with cold potable water as in BS 6920 Part
Depending on the request of the client, seals can be supplied either fitted in the
pipe groove or separately in a proper sealed packaging boxes to retain the
quality of the seals over a long period.
Each seal shall be marked with pipe dimension, manufacturing period and
relevant standards used in the manufacturing.
The rubber ring shall have the retaining capabilities minimum of 5 kgf for ND
100mm and below and 9 kgf for sizes ND 155mm.
5.11.1 Obligations
The supplier shall give the S.O fourteen (14) days notice in writing of date on
which any of the samples will be ready for testing or inspection at the place of
manufacture or at an approved laboratory.
The S.O shall attend the appointed place within the said fourteen days or the
test may proceed in his absence.
The supplier shall in any case submit to the S.O within seven days three
certified copies of the test readings.
For routine tests, the S.O or his representatives shall have access at all
reasonable times for inspection and testing of the pipes being ordered by SAJH.
The manufacturer at his own expense, supply and maintain in proper condition
all necessary dimensional gauges, prepare the necessary test pieces, appliances
and supply labour for test specified.
The supplier shall either provide the necessary facilities and a qualified chemists
to carry out their test at the factory or retain the services of an independent
testing authority approved by the client.
SAJH WS/PW/001 (Rev.1.0/06.2007)
Copies or Type Test Certificates shall be submitted to the S.O for inspection.
The S.O reserves the right to collect test samples from the factory forward to an
independent testing authority for test. The costs of such additional tests shall be
borne by the Supplier.
5.11.4 Sampling
The number of sample to be tested by the Supplier at his own expense shall be
selected in proportion to the number of pipes each size and class of production
within the same day of 24 hours.
Test shall be carried out not earlier than 15 hours after the pipes have been
Tests Proportion
Routine Test
Type Test
Resistance to Sulphuric Acid One complete test each once a year for
each Formulation used, or whenever a
Impact Strength of 0 deg. C change is made in the formulation or
Opacity method of manufacture of the pipes
whichever is move often.
Effect on Water
Long-term Hydraulic
When tested by the method described in Appendix ‘G’ to MS 628:1982 the pipes
shall withstand the appropriate Factory Hydrostatic Test pressure for at least 1
hour without failure as shown in Table 5.4.
One specimen shall be taken at random from each machine at least once every 8
hours running or once in every 300 metres run, whichever is the greater
quantity of pipe and shall meet the requirement.
strikes, one, two or three specimens fail, further specimens shall be taken at
random and tested to ensure a total of at least 42 strikes. If during the test,
more than four specimens fail the test shall be discontinued.
A batch is defined as a continuous extrusion run of one size and class of pipe
from one extrusion compound up to a maximum of 8 hours duration.
If the first 14 strikes cause four or more failure the pipes represented by the
specimens shall be deemed not to comply with the specification.
5.13 Compliance
Should the first cycle of any Routine Tests specified in clause 5.12.1 to 5.12.4 of
this specification fail to satisfy the requirement specified, then the whole batch
of 50 pipes represented by the sample shall deemed not to comply with this
specification and shall be rejected.
All pipes shall be serially numbered and have its serial number indelibly marked
on the barrel so that pipes of any batch of fifty or part of it, manufactured within
the same 24 hours which do not comply with this specification can easily
identified and rejected.
If series of pipes numbered from A 0001 to A 1800 the test on sample pipes of
serial number between A 0201 to A 0250 inclusive fail to comply with tests
specified in this specification then all the pipes bearing serial number between A
0201 and A 0250 inclusive shall be rejected.
All pipes and specials supplied shall have at least the following information:-
The supplier shall submit the Test Certificate to the S.O copies of all test results,
which have been performed on pipes to be supplied.
5.17 Delivery
Pipes made of this material are light and very easily damaged if it is not handled
with care.
When loading socket and spigot pipes, these should be stacked in alternate
layers so that the sockets do not carry any load.
Pipes should be loaded on a vehicle in such a way that the overhang is not more
than 1 metre.
The use of closing lengths for pipes shall be avoided by laying the pipes in a
continuous length. However, where this proves impossible the Contractor
shall use the special 'sized' pipes for cutting to the exact lengths required.
These steel 'sized' pipes manufactured truly circular along their full length
shall be marked by two longitudinal bends in paint along each pipe. Closing
lengths shall be located as near to access openings as possible so as to
enable internal and external welding at joints to be carried out.
PE pipes shall be measured and cut to suit site and temperature condition
before being fusion jointed to the approval of the S.O. Closing length
required to be jointed in trenches shall be jointed by electrofusion couplers.
Only the most highly skilled welders shall be employed on the Works. Every
MS pipe welder before commencing any joint welding shall prepare specimens
for testing in accordance with BS 4515 for each welding procedure proposed
by the Contractor. Every welder shall be tested in accordance to BS 4515.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the preparation, setting up, provision
of specimen, all necessary equipment and materials for the testing of welding
Only trained PE welders shall carry out butt or electrofusion welding. The
Contractor is required to show proof of the competency of their PE welders in
form of certificates from pipe manufacturers or Gas Malaysia Sdn Bhd in
using the specified automatic machines for butt and electrofusion jointing.
The welders are required to do a welding test on site to demonstrate their
The S.O. will advise the Contractor in writing which welders pass the
performance qualification test. Each welder will be assigned an operator
reference number and only these welders will be allowed to weld the pipe
joints. The S.O. shall be at liberty to withdraw his approval to any welder
responsible for making joints which fail to meet the required standard.
Before jointing, the ends of each pipe shall be free of any debris and any
protuberances which may have been caused by rubbing of the packing
material and also be removed all rust at exposed places due to stripping of the
bitumastic coating. The ends shall then be recoated with a quick drying
solution of bitumen so as to produce a smooth coat of uniform thickness.
On completion of the joint the surfaces of the coupling and adapter shall be
painted with a quick drying primer and an external sheathing mould formed
to enclose the coupling and ends of the adjoining pipes. This work shall be
carried out by specially competent and skilled men in strict accordance with
the instructions given by the manufacturer.
When making flanged joints care shall be taken to see that the rings remain in
position undistorted while the bolts are tightened and the ring may be
fastened to the bolts with cotton thread, or stuck to the flange with rubber
solution. The use of jointing paste will not be permitted. The bolts shall be
tightened in regular sequence starting from opposite sides of the bolt circle
and then going round in this way until every bolt is tight. Excessive tightening
of flanged joints shall be avoided. For precise tightening, preset torque wrench
shall be used.
All MS flanges shall be protected with minimum 200 microns thick fusion
bonded epoxy coating. The exposed part and welds and the flanges on MS
pipes shall be painted with two coats of epoxy paint for flange located in
For PE pipe systems, the MS flanges and bare metal on MS pipes shall be
protected by anticorrosion paint as specified but no petroleum or bituminous
based paint shall come into contact with PE stub ends.
The Contract Rates for making flanged joints shall cover all costs in complying
fully with the requirements of this Clause.
SAJH WS/PW/001 (Rev.1.0/06.2007)
6.6 Measurement of Ductile Iron, Cast Iron, Steel, PE Pipes and Fittings
Spigot and socket ended MS and Ductile Iron and PE straight pipes shall be
measured in linear metre, their lengths being defined as their effective lengths
as laid measured along the centre line of the pipe. The effective length shall
mean the net length of the pipe as laid, after deduction of the length of overlap
at any spigot and socket joint to be made with the pipe.
Joints, pipe specials, valves and fittings shall be measured separately and by
The Contract Rates for laying steel pipes, Ductile Iron, PE pipes and specials
shall include for the full cost of storage at Site, hauling and handling,
repairing lining and sheathing, replacing damaged pipes where necessary and
laying in position in the Works ready for jointing and/or building in together
with other costs incurred in complying with the requirements of the
Specification for which no separate items are included in the Bill of Quantities.
In order to allow relative movement between pipes, flexible joints shall not in
general be partially or completely cased with concrete. Concrete bedding and
haunching or surround shall be omitted for a distance of 150 mm from the
face of flexible joints except as may be otherwise directed by the S.O..
(i) A 150 mm bed and partial haunch where the pipe is in rock.
(ii) A 150 mm surround where the pipeline is under streams and ditches.
Bends, tapers, tees and other points where horizontal thrust will occur shall
be supported with concrete blocks. The cover between the side of the pipe and
the excavated face of the ground which will subsequently take the thrust shall
in no circumstances be less than 150 mm. Flanges and flexible joints should
not be cast in the concrete blocks.
Details of thrust and anchor blocks are given on the Drawings. The
dimensions shown may, however, be amended by the S.O. after examination
of the ground prior to concreting, having regard to the likely thrust developed
under test pressure and the actual nature of the ground. Additional anchor
blocks may also be needed.
For horizontal bends in cross-fall ground, care shall be taken to ensure that
additional cover over the pipes is allowed in order that the same passive
resistance may be developed as would be the case in level ground.
For thrust and anchor blocks to fulfill their purpose they must abut against
undisturbed ground. Where timbering has been used in the excavation it
shall be withdrawn as the concrete is being placed.
The Contractor shall first obtain from the S.O. the exact requirements relating
to the construction of each chamber.
The cost for testing pipelines and specials shall include for the supply of clean
water and all necessary testing apparatus, pumps, pressure gauges,
flowmeters and pipework, the cost of supervision and labour in testing and
re-testing, if necessary and all other work, materials and equipment in
complying with the requirements of Clause 1.13.
When the final connections have been made and the pipelines have been
tested to the satisfaction of the S.O. the pipelines shall be again jointly
inspected that they are cleaned before they are thoroughly sterilised and
flushed by the Contractor. Water for sterilisation and flushing shall be
obtained by the Contractor at his cost with a formal application and approval
from SAJH. All necessary equipment (inclusive of approved flow meter) for the
transfer of water is deemed to be included in the Contract Rates.
The operation of all valves including scour and air valves shall be checked and
inspected jointly by the Contractor and S.O. and any necessary adjustments
made to ensure correct operation.
The section of the treated water main to be sterilised shall be filled with water
mixed with a solution of chloride of lime containing about 20 milligrams per
litre of chlorine. The Contractor shall have to adopt a dosing system to sterilise
the lines effectively. The system shall be provided with a set up of temporary
equipment, chemical mixing tank mixer, dosing pump and other necessary
accessories for the solution to be injected into the lines when treated water will
be introduced gradually. After the main has been filled with chlorinated water,
it shall be closed and left for a minimum of 24 hours. The main shall be
deemed to have been sterilised if the samples of water taken from various
tappings on the main show minimum chlorine residual of 0.2 ppm.
After the main has been sterilised to the satisfaction of the S.O. it shall be
flushed with clean water. Consumer connections shall not be connected and
commissioned before the pipelines has been sterilised and flushed to the
satisfaction of the S.O.
The rate for flushing and/or sterilising the pipeline shall include for the full
cost of supplying and pumping water, supplying, mixing and dosing
chemicals, the cost of all apparatus, the cost of supervision and labour and all
other work, materials and equipment in complying with the requirements of
Clause 6.12.
Items in the Bill of Quantities for restoration of metalled roads except where
expressly stated otherwise shall apply to road reinstatement. The charges if
any imposed by the Authorities for work carried out on metalled roads shall be
deemed to be included in the relevant items in the Bill of Quantities.
6.15 Clearing Up
During the progress of pipelaying work the Contractor shall clear up the Site
and remove from the surface of the ground all temporary buildings, plant,
materials, litter, rubbish and surplus spoil which may have been left on the
ground or in and about the Works or lands temporarily occupied by the
Contractor and he shall leave in a clean and slightly condition all and any
lands occupied by him. Clearing up of the Site as herein specified shall follow
closely on the refilling of the trench.
The Contractor shall provide and fix precast concrete indicator posts, details
of which are shown on the Drawings on the centreline of the pipes at bends,
valves, washout, air valves and other points as directed by the S.O. Name and
number plates fabricated from 16 gauge aluminium sheets with embossed
lettering shall be fixed to the post with stainless steel screw and fibre glass
The post shall be set in concrete firmly into the ground to the depths shown
on the Drawings and the backfilling well rammed in and around.
Indicator post shall be measured by number. The rate for the supplying and
fixing complete the posts shall include for all necessary concrete, excavation
and backfilling.
After installation the exposed surfaces of all pipework, valves and fittings in
chambers shall be properly cleaned, primed and painted thoroughly with
approved paint.
The paint required for these purposes shall be supplied by the Contractor and
approved by the S.O. The cost of supplying primer and paint and painting
pipework and valves shall be included in the rates for laying pipes and the
installation of valves.
Steel pipework for installation above ground including stream and river
overcrossings shall be painted with two pack polyamide cured epoxy zinc
phosphate primer of minimum 75 microns dry film thickness at the place of
manufacture. After installation, damaged areas and welded areas shall be
power brush cleaned and painted with the same primer of same thickness.
Then the whole of the exposed pipe shall be painted with 100 microns dry film
thickness of two-pack high build amine-adduct cured epoxy paint followed by
50 microns dry film thickness of two-pack aliphatic polyurethane finish paint.
Brand and colour of paints are to the approval of the S.O.
SAJH WS/PW/001 (Rev.1.0/06.2007)
On completion of the Works the Contractor shall deliver to the SAJH’s store
as directed by the S.O. all materials and plant provided by SAJH and taken
over by the Contractor but which have not been used in the Works. These
shall be placed and arranged, and if necessary protected, as directed by the
The Contractor shall pay to all authorities all deposits, fees and charges
required to be paid in relation to the execution of the Works or to any
Temporary Works.
If after due notice to the Contractor calling his attention to the necessity for
the payment of fees and/or charges to the Authorities the Contractor has
failed to make payment, Employer shall be entitled to pay such fees and/or
charges direct to the Authorities concerned out of any moneys at any time due
to the Contractor under the Contract and such payment shall be deemed to be
payment made to the Contractor under and by virtue of the Contract.
The cost of all fees and charges payable by the Contractor shall be deemed to
be included in the Contract Rates unless otherwise expressly provided for in
the Bill of Quantities.
7.1 General
Pipe jacking shall be the process of installing precast reinforced concrete pipes
below a surface obstruction by driving them successively through the in-situ
soil from one pit (driving pit) to another (the receiving pit) such that the
finished pipe forms a watertight continuous conduit between the pits on the
desired alignment for the laying of MS pipeline.
Plans and details of the equipment, materials and the method of construction
to perform and complete the work shall be submitted by the Contractor and
must be approved by the S.O. before commencing these operations. Approval
by the S.O. shall not relieve the Contractor of his sole responsibility for the
efficacy, reliability and soundness of the method employed in completing the
work in a satisfactory manner.
The Contractor shall satisfy himself as to the soil conditions along the pipe
jacking route and if he judges it to be necessary, he shall carry out further
soil investigations at his own cost.
The tenderer shall submit with his tender the following particulars relevant to
his design and proposal for pipe jacking :-
(I) Four (4) copies of a detailed specification giving full particulars of the
jacking pipe, pipe joint and construction method proposed.
(III) Four (4) sets of drawings showing in sufficient detail his design and
Where excavation is in road verges, fields and grassed areas, the turf
previously removed will suffice for surface reinstatement providing that the
grass has not been killed during stacking and that the surface is free from all
loose stones.
After refilling excavation as specified, the Contractor shall replace all topsoil
previously removed and it shall be evenly distributed and levelled over the full
extent of the stripped area. The working space occupied by the Contractor
which was originally covered with grass if destroyed during the course of
construction shall be covered with 50mm of topsoil, close turfed and
maintained until the new grass is properly established at the Contractor’s
expense. Other areas not originally covered with grass shall be restored to
their former state.
Road verges shall be restored to their original width and to a minimum fall of
1 in 24 away from the road and towards the ditch (if any). Restoration of the
dip shall be carried out unless the fact that no dip existed prior to pipelaying
has been recorded in writing and agreed to by the S.O.
The Contractor shall restore all surfaces in a condition not inferior to that
which existed prior to commencement of works.
Any damage to the metalled road due to pipejacking work alongside road
verges or shoulders shall be reinstated to the satisfaction of the authority
concerned at no extra cost to Employer.
7.4 Prospecting
The Contractor shall prospect for the position of buried or otherwise hidden
obstructions such as existing services, drains, pipes, cables, culverts, etc.
Trial holes and exploration trenches to ascertain the exact positions of these
shall be sunk, well ahead of pipejacking and excavation, in places where they
are known or thought to be and elsewhere and these shall be backfilled with
approved materials immediately and in any case not exceeding 24 hours and
subsequently reinstated. Approved marker posts shall be erected to mark the
position of all located services, drains, etc. and these shall not be removed
until reinstatements has been completed. The S.O. shall instruct further
prospecting if he is not satisfied with the sufficiency of the Contractor’s
The Contractor shall be deemed to have allowed for the unavoidable delay of
the Works due to any obstruction he may encounter with the existing services
and no claim for any extra costs on account of this will be allowed.
The centre-line of the fully jacked pipes forming a continuous sleeve shall at
all points along its length be within 75mm of the required alignment in the
horizontal plane and 25mm in the vertical plane.
The pipeline laid in the jacked pipe sleeves shall pass the watertightness test
specified for the pipelines in trench.
Before commencing preparations for pipe jacking the Contractor shall obtain
the written consent to his proposed procedures of the Owner or Owners of the
land, services and structures below which (or close to which) the jacked
pipeline will pass. Unless otherwise stated, all costs, expenses, charges,
rental, compensation etc., imposed by the Owner shall be deemed to be
included in the Contract Rates.
The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the materials, equipment and
facilities required in conjunction with jacking the pipes.
Before starting work, the Contractor shall submit to the S.O. for approval, a
detailed schedule of the entire jacking operation. Approval of such schedule
shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to provide a fully
satisfactory installation. The Contractor shall include with his submission
evidence that he has successfully completed a jacking installation using
procedures similar to those proposed.
Where a mechanical shield is used, the Contractor must provide proof that the
particular model of shield has been used successfully in soils similar to that
on the site. The crew for the operation of the shield must be specialist, with
experience in the use of that particular type of machine.
After the jacking operations has begun, the Contractor shall work
continuously and expeditiously in accordance to programme until the
complete length of jacked pipes is installed. This continuous work where
required shall not be construed as overtime work.
During jacking and excavation, the Contractor shall constantly ensure that
the internal lining of the jacking pipes is not damaged, and he shall remove
the excavated spoil to the jacking pit by conveyor to minimise traffic on the
The pipes shall be jacked into place true to line and level. The maximum
tolerance allowable in the displacement of the centreline of the jacked pipe
from the design centreline is 75mm in the horizontal plane and 25mm in the
vertical plane but there shall be no backfall at any point.
The pipes for the jacking operation shall not exceed 4m long. The pipe ends
shall be jointed by MS thrust collars/sleeves before the pipeline is jacked.
Details of how the pipes are to be lowered into the pit and jointed shall be
submitted to the S.O. for approval.
The Contractor shall be required to furnish and install and remove to the
extent required, thrust blocks or whatever provisions that may be required for
backing up the jacks employed in jacking the pipe forward. The jacking pit
shall also be equipped with steel rails or beams embedded in concrete for
placement and alignment of each pipe during the jacking operation. Other
method may be used subject to the approval of the S.O..
The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the design and construction of
the jacking and receiving pits, thrusting wall, installation of jacking
equipment, sheeting, bracing, etc., and for the efficient execution of the
The Contractor shall be required to monitor closely the progress of the jacking
operation. Daily site records of thrusting pressures, rate of thrusting, the line
and level measurements of the jacking pipes and any movement or settlement
of existing structures shall be properly maintained and shall be submitted to
the S.O..
For the sections of the pipeline crossing under roads, railway or structures
along the pipeline route, the Contractor shall be required to incorporate in his
tunnelling method measures to arrest settlement or upheaval of the soil so as
to safeguard the integrity of the structures and other property. The Contractor
shall ensure that the traffic flows along railway lines and roads are not
affected in any way by his work.
7.8 Safety
The minimum of plant shall be used in the pits, and any which produces
noxious gases or is operated by electricity at a greater voltage than 240V shall
be permanently outside the pit at ground level.
A ladder shall be fixed permanently in the receiving pit. Two ladders shall be
permanently fixed on opposite sides of the driving pit, one on each side of the
pipe jacking line. These ladders shall be kept clear of obstructions to allow
rapid exit in an emergency. Excavated materials and plant other than small
tools shall not be passed via the ladder but shall be handled by crane.
All persons entering the pits shall wear safety helmets constantly, and shall
leave the pits for meal breaks, rests and the like.
At the beginning of each shift and after any break for refreshment or other
reason, the Contractor shall provide and use an approved instrument to check
for noxious gases before anyone re-enters either pit.
All costs associated with the provision of safety equipment and measures shall
be deemed included in the Contract Rates.
The Contractor shall design the pipes to be jacked and the pipe joints in
accordance with the jacking procedure and operation proposed by the
Contractor. The design shall be submitted with full detailed calculations to the
S.O. for approval before construction commences. The details of the jacking
pipes are shown on the Drawings and the design shall take into account the
following requirements: -
(1) The pipes for jacking operation shall be precast concrete pipes
manufactured by centrifugal or other equivalent process to be
approved by the S.O.
(2) All pipes shall be manufactured with two sets of grout holes. Each set
shall consist of three grout holes spaced at 120 degrees on centres
circumferentially located at quarter points from either end of the pipe.
(3) The length of each pipe shall not exceed 4m and the pipe ends shall
have an external rebate suitable to accommodate a MS joint/thrust
collar. The collar shall be designed to take the jacking load applied and
transfer the load to the next pipe.
(4) The thrust collar shall be fitted onto the pipes with rubber rings to
prevent the ingress of water into the pipe from outside.
(6) The Contractor shall submit full details of his proposal for the pipes
giving detailed drawings showing sizes, reinforcement and joint details,
calculations, name and address of proposed manufacturer and the
manufacturing processes to the S.O. for approval. The proposal shall
be endorsed by a Professional S.O.
The nominal diameter of the jacking pipe shall be as shown in the Drawings
for laying of the specified pipe.
The laying of the MS pipeline shall only commence after the full completion of
the jacking of the reinforced concrete pipes to the approval of the S.O.. The MS
pipes shall be in length of 4 metres or less and to be jointed by welded split
collars as specified in Clause 2.14. of this Contract. In addition all welded
joints shall be tested by ultrasonic examination in accordance with BS 3923 in
the presence of the S.O. or his representatives. The S.O.'s instructions given
as a result of the examination of ultrasonic results shall be final. The
Contractor shall submit his proposals to the S.O. for site ultrasonic
examination. The size, number and make of ultrasonic equipment proposed
shall be stated. The Contractor shall provide adequate equipment and
qualified and experienced personnel to conduct the ultrasonic examination.
The S.O. reserves the right to carry out any independent ultrasonic
examination of the welded joints as he may deem fit. Such independent
ultrasonic examination shall be carried out by an Inspector appointed by S.O.
and paid through items in the Bill of Quantities. The Contractor shall provide
such assistance, labour, materials, electricity, supply ultrasonic examination
equipment and other apparatus as may necessary to allow a thorough and
extensive independent examination to be carried out.
After each section is jointed by welding and approved by the S.O. or his
representatives, the MS pipe shall be jacked or pushed through the sleeve. The
bottom of the MS pipes shall be suitably supported on rollers or other means
to prevent scouring of the MS pipe external surfaces. Care shall be taken to
ensure that the internal concrete linings are not damaged during the
operation. The pipe ends shall be properly braced to prevent damage. The end
of the jacked reinforced pipe sleeve shall be grouted after the full length of MS
pipe has been jacked/pushed through.
Connections at the extreme ends of the MS pipeline shall be made only upon
successful completion of the hydraulic pressure test of the pipeline as
specified in Clause 2.17. of this Contract.
The connections at the two ends of the jacked pipeline will be made at the
jacking or receiving pits. The Contractor shall maintain and keep these pits
intact and in a safe condition to facilitate the connections. The Contractor
shall remove all other temporary works and any concrete blocks including
cutting and removing part of the walls of the pits that are in the way of the
pipework connections.
When the Contractor has completed the connections of the pipelines and has
completed the protection of these connections with sand or concrete surround,
he shall then backfill the pits with well compacted suitable approved
materials. The removal of the temporary bracings and struttings shall be
carried out systematically together with the backfilling of the pits to prevent
collapse of the pit walls. The walls of the pits shall only be removed when the
backfill of the pits are completed.
Methods of pipe jacking other than described above may be proposed by the
Contractor and subject to the approval of the S.O.
8.1 Definitions
The following terms shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them :-
(ii) Rock : means material which in the opinion of the S.O. would
normally have to be loosened either by blasting or by
the use of pneumatic tools (excluding clay spades
worked on an air compressor) or by other rock
quarrying methods or, if excavated by hand, by the
use of wedge and sledge hammers. An isolated solid
boulder or detached piece of rock shall qualify as Rock
only if it exceeds 0.15 cubic metre in volume.
Before the surface of any part of the Site is disturbed or the works thereon
are begun the Contractor shall take and record levels of any such part, in
the manner specified or as agreed with the S.O. in his presence and such
levels when agreed with him shall form the basis for measurement.
The S.O. shall have power to regulate, restrict or prohibit blasting if in his
opinion it is necessary to do so for the safety of persons or property or to
safeguard the Works. No blasting shall be carried out in any part of the
Works without the permission in writing of the S.O. Such permission shall
not absolve the Contractor from any of his obligations or liabilities under the
Contract and he shall take all necessary precautions including the use of
blasting nets to avoid damage, loss or injury to persons and to public or
private property.
The Contractor shall keep the S.O. fully informed at all times when blasting is
proposed to be carried out and of any details that may be required concerning
strength of charges and their positions.
Notwithstanding the above, due to the close vicinity of the existing reservoir,
all excavations into rock by blasting to prepare foundations for any proposed
reservoir next to existing reservoir shall be carried out with extreme care.
Before any rock blasting commences, the Contractor shall submit to the S.O.
a detailed controlled blasting plan.
The Contractor shall obtain the necessary permits and licences for the use,
storage, transport and handling of explosives and shall provide a store or
stores suitable for explosives in accordance with local regulations.
The Contractor shall at his own expense be required to fill the Excess
Excavation with such kind of suitable fill material or in such class of
concrete as may be reasonably required by the S.O. having regard to the
All areas of the Site marked on the Drawings or specified for clearance or from
which material is to be excavated or upon which filling is to be deposited shall
be cleared to the extent required by the S.O. of all buildings, walls, gates,
fences and other structures and obstructions and of all bushes, hedges, trees,
stumps, roots and other vegetation except for trees marked for preservation.
Material so cleared shall be disposed off the sites to dumpsites approved by
the local authority or as may be reasonably directed by the S.O. Open
burning of cleared materials is strictly prohibited.
8.7 Trees
8.8 Stumps
Stumps and roots whether existing or remaining after tree felling shall where
directed by the S.O. be grubbed up and disposed of off the Site. The resulting
hole shall be filled with approved material and properly compacted to the
same dry density as the adjoining soil.
Items in the Bill of Quantities for site clearance shall include for clearing the
Site all as specified including all fallen trees and their stumps. Site clearance
shall be measured as the area so cleared on plan to the S.O.'s requirements
and instructions.
Where ordered by the S.O. topsoil shall be stripped, to such depths and over
such areas as he may direct, as a separate operation prior to any further
excavation which may be required.
The ground shall be excavated by such methods and to such dimensions and
depths as shall allow for the proper construction of the Works.
Where nominal 'payment' limits of excavation are not shown on the Drawings
or otherwise specified they shall be deemed to be the minimum net limits
which would allow the outline of the completed structure to be lowered
vertically from ground level into its final position. The Contractor shall make
his own allowance for any working space required, and any excavation outside
the aforesaid limits which has not been ordered by the S.O. whether it be
excavated to suit the Contractor's method of working or unavoidable
overbreak or due to his carelessness or error, shall be held to be Excess
Trench Excavation shall be carried out by such methods and to such lines
dimensions and depths as shall allow for the proper construction of the
Works, provided always that, unless the S.O. permits otherwise and subject to
any specific requirements of the Specification no Trench Excavation shall be
less than the widths stated below :-
Stones shall be removed from the trench invert and holes so formed shall be
filled with well compacted selected soft material. Where mechanical
excavators are used, the last 150 mm of the excavation shall be removed
with care to the required depth, and the trench invert carefully trimmed true
to level.
All Trench Excavation and other work carried out within the limits of any
road reserve shall be completed as rapidly as possible and not more than
half of the width of the carriageway shall be obstructed at one time unless a
full diversion has been provided and approved by the Authorities. A
minimum width of 4 m wide of traffic lanes shall have to be kept clear for
flow of traffic and where necessary the shoulder should be strengthened to
the satisfaction of relevant Authorities at the Contractor's own cost. Road
drains and grids shall be kept free from obstruction.
Where trenches are excavated in public roads, road shoulders and footpaths
of congested areas necessitating carting spoil to distant tips, the Contractor
shall employ suitable plant to ensure that the passage of traffic past the
Works is not impeded by the loading and unloading of spoil. Excavated
materials shall not be left standing on road pavement. All trenches on
metalled roads shall not be left open for more than one day and all trenches
on road verges shall not be left open for more than three days.
Tarmacadam and similar road surfaces shall be broken out neatly along the
trench line using a diamond disc road cutter to keep the edges straight and
The term "fields" includes fields, plantations, padi, grass verges and the like.
The Contractor shall have particular regard to the safety of livestock in fields
or which may be introduced to the fields, and shall ensure that all
excavations, access routes and steep or loose slopes arising from the
Contractor's operations in these fields are adequately protected.
Materials like shale and weathered sandstone strata may not be classified as
'Rock' within the meaning of Clause 8.1. These materials are tough and may
exceed conventional methods of excavation. Bulk excavation of these
materials shall include the use of an efficient parallelogram type ripper
having a single shank in sound working condition for attachment to a track
machine also in sound working conditions with a minimum weight of 24
tonnes and a nett power rating of not less than 240 hp. These materials
shall only be classified as 'Rock' when, in the opinion of the S.O., they
cannot be ripped efficiently as described above.
The Contractor shall well and effectively support the sides and ends of all
excavations to prevent any fall or run from any portion of the ground outside
the excavation and to prevent settlement or damage to structures adjacent to
the excavation. Any extra excavation necessary to provide space for such
support or other working space shall be held to be Excess Excavation. If, for
any reason, any portion of the bottoms, sides or ends of any excavations shall
give way the Contractor shall at his own expense take all necessary remedial
measures including the excavation and removal of all the ground thereby
disturbed both within and without the nominal limits of excavation and such
extra excavation shall be held to be Excess Excavation.
Where the Contractor elects and is permitted by the S.O. to perform
excavations with sloping faces (other than sloping excavations shown on the
Drawings or required as permanent features of the Works) and without
shoring, the excavated faces shall be to stable slopes and heights and the
resulting extra excavation shall be held to be Excess Excavation.
When the specified levels or limits of excavation are reached the S.O. will
inspect the ground exposed, and if he considers that any part of the ground
is by its nature unsuitable he may direct the Contractor to excavate further.
Such further excavation shall be refilled to the specified levels or limits with
concrete, selected excavated materials or selected imported material as
directed by the S.O. but shall not be held to be Excess Excavation.
Should the material forming the bottom of any excavation, while acceptable
to the S.O. at the time of his inspection, subsequently become unacceptable
to him due to exposure to weather conditions or due to flooding or have
become puddled, soft or loose during the progress of the Works, the
Contractor shall remove such damaged, softened or loosened material and
excavate further by hand. Such further excavation shall be held to be
Excess Excavation.
dry density. Where necessary the Contractor shall adjust the moisture
content of the fill or backfill material either by drying out or adding of water.
After such drying out or adding of water, the fill shall be thoroughly mixed
until the moisture content is suitable.
The Contractor shall when placing the filling or backfilling make due
allowance for any settlement that may occur before the end of the Defects
Liability Period . Where necessary, the Contractor shall at the end of the
Defects Liability Period remove any excess material or make up any
deficiency of backfilling or filling to the specified levels.
Pipelaying shall follow closely upon the progress of Trench Excavation, and
the Contractor shall not permit the carrying out of Trench Excavation in
unreasonably excessive lengths until pipelaying matches up with the
progress of Trench Excavation. The Contractor shall take precautions to
prevent flotation of pipes in locations where Trench Excavations may be
flooded and these precautions may include the partial refilling of the trench
leaving pipe joints exposed while awaiting tests of the joints.
If the S.O. considers that the Contractor is not complying with any of the
foregoing requirements he may prohibit further Trench Excavation until he
is satisfied with the progress of laying and refilling of Trench Excavation.
The excavated material shall be soft material free from stones of all kinds
shall be deposited in 150 mm layers and thoroughly rammed under and
around the pipe with suitably shaped rammers working alternately on either
side of the pipe (particular care being taken to avoid damage to the pipe and
any sheathing) until the trench has been refilled up to the swell of the pipe,
and thereafter until the soft filling has been carried up at least 300 mm
above the top of the pipe.
The remainder of the refilling may consist of coarse material free from
boulders and clods of earth larger than 150 mm in size provided that the
compacted refill is, in the opinion of the S.O., sufficiently dense to prevent
material from the superimposed layers being washed into the voids in such
refill. This coarse material shall be spread in layers of depth not greater
than 225 mm and be thoroughly rammed by an approved mechanical
rammer or pan vibrator.
Sand filling such as mining sand or river sand filling within the grading limit
will be accepted for use.
Where necessary the Contractor shall adjust the moisture content of the
refill material either by drying out or by adding water to assist the
compaction of the material.
Trench Excavations shall be refilled with concrete to the heights and limits
as shown on the Drawings and where directed by the S.O.
Where in the opinion of the S.O. sufficient supply of the aforesaid soft
material for trench refilling cannot reasonably be obtained from Trench
Excavations within two hundred metres of the length of trench to be refilled
without resorting to sieving or other special means then the S.O. shall order
the Contractor:-
(a) To carry out such work as may be necessary to sieve out stones.
(c) To excavate soft material from suitable borrow areas and transport it
to the length of trench to be refilled, and the Contractor shall do any or
all these things as directed.
Only material which is approved by the S.O. shall be placed in the temporary
spoil tips, topsoil being placed in separate spoil tips where so ordered. No
tree trunks, stumps, roots, branches or rubbish of any kind shall be placed
in spoil tips.
Any excavated material not required or not suitable for use in the Works
shall become the liability of the Contractor and he shall be entirely
responsible for its removal from the Site and for its ultimate disposal. The
Contractor shall comply with all the regulations for the disposal of surplus
excavated materials
off the site including the payment of royalties, fees, etc, which may be
imposed by the relevant Authorities.
Where Trench Excavation is in road verges, fields and grassed areas, the turf
previously removed will suffice for surface reinstatement providing that the
grass has not been killed during stacking and that the surface is free from
all loose stones.
After refilling Trench Excavation as specified, the Contractor shall replace all
topsoil previously removed and it shall be evenly distributed and levelled
over the full extent of the stripped area. The working space occupied by the
Contractor which was originally covered with grass if destroyed during the
course of construction shall be covered with 75 mm of topsoil, close turfed
and maintained until the new grass is properly established at the
Contractor's expense. Other areas not originally covered with grass shall be
restored to their former state.
Road verges shall be restored to their original width and to a minimum fall of
1 in 24 away from the road and towards the ditch (if any). Restoration of the
dip shall be carried out unless the fact that no dip existed prior to pipelaying
has been recorded in writing and agreed to by the S.O.
The Contractor shall restore all surfaces in a condition not inferior to that
which existed prior to commencement of works.
Any damage to the metalled road due to pipelaying work alongside road
verges or shoulders shall be reinstated to the satisfaction of the authority
concerned at no extra cost to the Employer.
Where work is carried out within road reserve, the Contractor shall comply
fully with all regulations and requirements in force in that place by all
relevant local and public authorities (hereinafter referred to as Authorities).
The times of working allowed by the Authorities may or may not fall within
day light hours or within the normal working hours of the Authorities.
The Authorities may impose charges for works carried out on road verges
and metalled roads and the Contractor shall pay the Authorities and recover
the cost under the appropriate items in the Bill of Quantities.
Where the pipe trench crosses or is along tarmacadam roads and footpaths
belonging to private owners or Authorities, the pipe shall be surrounded with
sand and topped up with 375 mm thick of crusher run material followed by
100 mm thick of dense bituminous mix comprising 60 mm thick binder
course and 40 mm thick wearing course. The crusher run and binder course
surfaces shall receive a layer of tack coat before the application of binder
course material and wearing course materials. All fill materials shall be
compacted by approved means.
When any section has been reinstated as specified the Contractor shall
notify the S.O. who in the presence of the Contractor shall inspect the length
of reinstated trench. The S.O. shall at this inspection indicate any further
reinstatement required and the Contractor shall complete this work to the
satisfaction of the S.O. and the authority concerned within fourteen days of
the inspection. Acceptance of reinstatement by the S.O. or the Authorities at
this inspection shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for the
maintenance of surfaces as specified above.
Items in the Bill of Quantities for Restoration of Metalled Roads except where
expressly stated otherwise shall apply to road reinstatement. The charges if
any imposed by the Authorities for work carried out on metalled roads shall
be deemed to be included in the relevant items in the Bill of Quantities
under Restoration of Metalled Roads.
If after due notice to the Contractor calling his attention to the necessity for
further reinstatement of any trenches across roads and footpaths, he has
failed to make good the reinstatement, the Government or the appropriate
Authorities may proceed with such repairs and the cost of such
reinstatement shall be deducted by the Government from any payments due
to the Contractor. Towards the end of the Defects Liability Period the S.O.
will inspect the pipeline route in the presence of the Contractor.
The Contractor shall carry out final reinstatement of public roads and
footpaths only if he is instructed by the S.O. Otherwise final reinstatement of
these roads will be carried out by the Authorities as and when agreed
between the Authorities, the S.O. and the Contractor. The Contractor shall
pay the Authorities and shall recover the cost under the appropriate items in
the Bill of Quantities. No quantities of final reinstatement beyond the limits
of Trench Excavation specified or reinstatement due to Excess Excavation,
settlements adjacent to Trench Excavations or damage to road surfaces in
the course of pipelaying shall be measured for payment.
Such excavation shall include for disposal of surplus material and, where
appropriate, for backfilling round the structures.
Where land drains, mole drains or field drains are severed by Trench
Excavation they shall be kept in effective temporary operation during
construction of the pipeline. The Contractor shall submit to the S.O. for
approval a temporary drainage arrangement to ensure the water course is
not hindered during the construction.
The drain on either side of the Trench Excavation shall be cut-back for at
least 300 mm and temporary pipes of suitable length and diameter shall be
jointed to the existing drain and laid resting with the ends on solid ground
with suitable stopping to prevent the subsequent run of land drainage water
into the pipe trench. During trench re-filling, the refill material shall be
carefully placed and thoroughly compacted under the temporary pipes to
give them adequate support.
At the appropriate stage of refilling the Trench Excavation the drains shall be
permanently restored to the satisfaction of the S.O.
Where Trench Excavation is carried out close to or across the line of sewers,
pipes, cables and other services the Contractor shall provide temporary
adequate supports to secure the services and where such sewer, pipe, cable
or other service is temporarily displaced or disturbed it shall be restored to
its original state. If restoration of any service to its original state cannot be
achieved then it shall be replaced and made good. The cost of excavating
around any service which crosses the trench, and of temporarily supporting
it while pipelaying is undertaken, shall be deemed to be included in the rates
for excavation.
All damage to services shall be made good to the satisfaction of the S.O. and
the authorities concerned. The cost of making good any damage shall be
deemed to be included in the rates for excavation. In the event that any
damaged service shall only be repaired by the authority concerned, all costs
whatsoever relating to the repairing of the damaged service undertaken by
the authority shall be at the Contractor's expense. Where damage to a
service had already existed prior to excavation or other work, repair of the
damaged service shall be undertaken by the Contractor, if so ordered by the
S.O. and the Contractor shall be paid on Daywork for repairing such service.
Where pipes are laid under culverts they shall, subject to other provisions in
the Contract and to the S.O.'s instructions, be given a concrete surround
extending for 600 mm clear on each side of the culvert, and a concrete half
haunch to the culvert shall be provided over the width of the trench cast
directly on top of the concrete surround. The cost of all work in removing
any piles and concrete bed under culverts and of temporarily supporting the
culvert during pipelaying shall be deemed to be covered by the rates for the
items in the Bill of Quantities for pipe crossing under culverts.
Where the Trench Excavation passes under barriers such as hedges, fences
and walls the Contractor shall, as a temporary measure during construction
of the pipeline, provide temporary fencing for any parts of such barriers as
have had to be removed.
After trenches have been refilled and surfaces reinstated, the Contractor
shall carry out work as the S.O. may order for permanent restoration of such
barriers. In the case of a hedge the section removed shall be replaced by
new plants of the appropriate variety and where ordered by the S.O. the
plants shall be protected from livestock on both sides by an adequate post
and barbed wire fence. During the Defects Liability Period all hedges
replanted in the above manner shall be inspected and any dead plant
replaced by the Contractor.
Items for "Excavation in Rock" measured Extra Over (E.O.) other excavation
items, shall include for any allowance the Contractor considers necessary to
cover overbreak and the making good thereof.
Excavation in borrow areas for refilling of trenches shall include for loading
and transporting the excavated material from borrow areas which are not
more than two hundred metres from the length of trench to be refilled. The
net volume of voids ordered to be refilled within the normal width of trench
excavation shall be measured for payment. Where such distance is in excess
of two hundred metre ("Overhaul distance"), the product of the overhaul
distance and the net volume of voids to be refilled within the normal width of
the trench excavated shall be measured as extra over (E.O.) excavation for
Items for Trench Excavation shall apply to excavation in any material and
shall include not only for all work in connection with excavation but also for
refilling of trenches spreading and compacting excavated material over
pipeline reserve as directed and for disposal of surplus material, for
temporary fencing and, in fields, for the stripping and subsequent
reinstatement of the top surface all as specified.
Trench Excavation shall be measured by length along the centre line of the
pipeline at the various depths stated in the Bill of Quantities and the
Contractor shall be deemed to have made his own assessment (subject to
any specific requirements of the Contract) of the widths of Trench
Excavations necessary for the proper construction of the Works including all
allowances to provide support for the excavations, to accommodate joints
and bends in the pipeline and to provide working space. The length of
Trench Excavation shall be measured through and including any space
occupied by manholes, chambers, thrust blocks and the like. No extra
payment shall be made for trenches which are curved in plan or elevation.
The depth of Trench Excavation for pipes shall be measured normal to the
profile of the ground along the centre line of the trench from the original
ground level or where appropriate from the ground level remaining after the
completion of any general excavation down to the specified invert level of the
pipe plus the thickness of the pipe barrel and plus, where appropriate, the
specified thickness of bedding for the pipe.
Excess Excavation and the backfilling thereof shall not be measured for
The stripping of the top surface and the surface reinstatement of Trench
Excavation in fields shall be included in Trench Excavation and shall not be
separately measured.
Crossing hedges, fences and walls shall include for all temporary measures
for dealing with such barriers as specified and shall be measured as the
length of such barriers so dealt with within the nominal width of Trench
Excavation. Any permanent measures required by the S.O. shall be ordered
by him as additional work.
Crossing rivers culverts and other watercourses shall include for all
additional measures necessary to make the crossings as specified. Only such
crossings as may be itemised in the Bill of Quantities will be measured (E.O.
Trench Excavation) for additional payment. The length to be measured for
payment for crossing natural watercourses shall be defined as the width of
the waterway along the pipeline at the time of construction of the crossing
(except flash floods and floods).
Items in the Bill of Quantities for "forming embankment" for roadworks, for
raising the ground level of the Site or for filling under structures shall
include for the supply, spreading, compacting and shaping all as specified.
(a) 75% of the total amount due will be paid on completion of pipelaying.
(b) The remaining 25% for any length, will be due on completion of
restoration of the final surface, including reinstatement of all surface
damage, completion of chambers, thrust blocks, etc.
Payment for the second stage shall be due only after restoration of any length
has been inspected and approved by the S.O. Payment for the separate items
in roads, footpaths, etc. will be made at the same time as the second stage
payment for excavation.
Topsoil shall be evenly spread and trimmed over embankments and other
areas to the slopes and levels shown on the Drawings or ordered by the S.O.
The depth after spreading and trimming shall be 75 mm unless otherwise
directed, measured normal to the surface. All clods and lumps shall be
broken up and any rubbish, stones, roots and weeds shall be removed.
8.39 Turfing
Where turf is laid on slopes steeper than 1 on 3.0, each turf shall be securely
pegged down with two cleft wooden pegs 150 mm long.
All turfed areas shall be lightly rolled with an approved roller or punned
immediately after laying, and shall be watered regularly until the grass has
been established.
Items where included in the Bill of Quantities for spreading topsoil shall
include for obtaining topsoil from spoil tips on the Site, or from an approved
source off the Site, hauling and spreading all as specified.
Items where included for turfing shall include for all work in connection with
turfing as specified, and for cutting and trimming and weeding at least once
two months until the end of the Contract Period.
Payment for continuous turfing shall be the area covered by the turves
provided. Where spot turfing is required the distance between the centre
lines of divots in the form of a triangular pattern shall not exceed 500 mm
and the percentage of the area covered shall be agreed and payment made
on the total area spot turfed multiplied by the percentage.
(a) At fifty percent of the Contract Rate when the turfing has been
carried out;
(b) At fifty percent of the Contract Rate when the S.O. is satisfied that
the grass has established itself.
Where grass fails to establish itself, the Contractor shall turf the relevant
area again at no extra cost to the Government.
The Contractor shall pay to all Authorities all deposits, fees and charges
required to be paid in relation to the execution of the Works or to any
Temporary Works.
If after due notice to the Contractor calling his attention to the necessity for
the payment of fees and/or charges to the Authorities the Contractor has
failed to make payment, the Government shall be entitled to pay such fees
and/or charges direct to the Authorities concerned out of any moneys at any
time due to the Contractor under the Contract and such payment shall be
deemed to be payment made to the Contractor under and by virtue of the
The cost of all fees and charges payable by the Contractor shall be deemed to
be included in the Contract Rates unless otherwise expressly provided for in
the Bill of Quantities.
9.1 General
Unless otherwise specified, all piling shall conform in all respects to the Civil
Engineering Code of Practice CP 2004 `Foundations' issued by the `British
Standards Institution, London'.
The type of pile to be used at each structure, where piling is required, shall
be as indicated on the Drawings or as directed by the S.O.
The S.O. shall be supplied free of charge with two (2) copies of the results of
all such investigation by the Contractor.
The Contractor's attention is, however, drawn to the fact that suitable
founding strata may be encountered at depths which require the actual
installation of different lengths of pile and which may give rise to
considerable variation within any particular site or pile groups.
The pile layout and the number of piles shown on the Drawings are
provisional only. The Contractor shall, before commencing any part of the
piling work ascertain from the S.O. the layout of the piles required.
The Contractor shall set out the piles from the main grid lines of the
proposed structure or such base lines as shall be agreed with the S.O.
The main setting out for piles shall be completed prior to commencement of
piling. Secondary or individual pile setting out shall be completed and agreed
with the S.O. not less than 24 hours prior to commencing work on the piles
concerned. All main setting points, lines, stations and the like shall be
suitably protected, maintained and undisturbed.
For a pile cut-off at or above ground level the maximum permitted deviation
of the pile centre from the centre point shown on the Drawings shall not
exceed 75mm in any direction. For a pile cut off below ground level an
increase in the verticality tolerance is permitted up to 1 in 75 from the
finished pile.
The type of piling equipment shall be suitable for the type of piles to be
driven and shall be that of a system which produces the minimum noise
during driving.
Before any piling work is commenced, the Contractor shall submit to the
S.O. full details of the pile driving equipment and the method of carrying out
the work which he intends to use. Such information shall include a full
description of the piling frame, hammer, helmet and packing and of a
method of handling and pitching piles and supporting them during driving,
and of the proposed driving procedure set to give penetration to the required
level and of the proposed set for the working load on the pile and the method
of calculating it. Any revisions to these proposals which, in the light of
ensuing experience, appear desirable, shall also be submitted for the
approval of the S.O. prior to implementation of said revisions.
No piling shall be carried out without the approval in writing of the S.O. of
the equipment and method of working and any revisions to these as
described above, and the Contractor shall submit all of his proposals at least
three weeks before the date on which he intends to use the plant on the Site.
9.1.4 Programme
The Contractor shall submit to the S.O. his proposed programme for the
execution of the piling work at least seven days before commencement of the
work. In addition, the Contractor shall inform the S.O. daily of the
programme of piling for the following working day and shall give adequate
notice of his intention to work outside normal hours, if this has already been
approved by the S.O.
Each pile shall be driven continuously until the specified set and/or depth
has been reached. However, the S.O. may permit the suspension of driving if
he is satisfied that the rate of penetration prior to the cessation of driving
will be substantially re-established on its resumption or if he is satisfied that
the suspension of driving is beyond the control of the Contractor.
A follower (long dolly) shall not be used for driving end bearing piles. It may
be used for driving frictional piles with prior approval of the S.O. The
contractor shall inform the S.O. without delay if an unexpected change in
driving characteristics is encounted.
Where required by the S.O. set shall be taken at approved intervals during
the driving to establish the behaviour of the piles. A set shall be taken only
in the presence of the S.O. unless otherwise approved. The Contractor shall
provide all facilities to enable the S.O. to check driving resistances.
A detailed record of the driving resistance over the full length of each pile
shall be kept. The log shall record the number of blows for every 300mm of
pile penetration.
The final set of a pile other than a friction pile, shall be recorded either as
the penetration in millimetres per 10 blows or as the number of blows
required to produce a penetration of 25mm.
a) The exposed part of the pile shall be in good condition, without damage
or distortion;
c) The hammer blow shall be in line with the pile axis and the impact
surfaces shall be flat and at right angle to the pile and hammer axis;
After testing of trial piles the S.O. will direct the lengths of piles to be
supplied or manufactured. He will also direct the lengths of any extension
piles to be supplied or manufactured.
The Contractor shall submit to the S.O. for approval complete details of the
testing equipment he intends to use for testing piles. All loading tests shall
be carried out and comply with the conditions as described in Section 9.4 of
the Specification on pile testing.
The S.O. will select the location of the preliminary test piles and the working
piles to be load tested.
The S.O. will decide upon the necessity for testing working piles, and may
select for testing one or more working piles which the Contractor shall drive
in advance of the remaining piles at the Site. Piles selected for this purpose
shall be constructed or driven, with the same equipment as proposed for the
main piling work, to the depths required by the S.O. The remaining piling at
the Site shall not proceed until the testing of the advance working pile has
been completed to the satisfaction of the S.O. and meets the requirements
for acceptance specified herein. The S.O. will also instruct the testing of
further piles during the course of the piling work.
the commencement of piling work. The Contractor shall also employ at each
site a specially qualified foreman together with the necessary gang of trained
personnel and labour experienced in the installation of the piles.
The Contractor shall keep a record of all piles driven at the Site. The record
shall contain such details as specified or otherwise as required by the S.O.
On completion of all piling work at each site, the Contractor shall prepare
and submit to the S.O.'s Representative two (2) sets of a complete drawings
showing details of all piles driven at the Site.
All pile test records shall be considered as confidential and shall not be
disclosed by the Contractor to any third party without the express
permission in writing of the S.O.
9.2.1 General
Precast reinforced concrete piles shall conform to the details shown on the
Drawings. Concrete reinforcement and formwork shall be in accordance with
the appropriate section of the Specification. Main reinforcing bars shall be
supplied in one complete length; should this prove impracticable separate
lengths shall be effectively coupled mechanically or lapped as specified.
Spacer forks shall be of cast iron, mild steel or other material or type and
shape approved by the S.O.
Pile shoes shall consist of "chilled hardened" cast iron points and mild steel
straps cast into the points and be in accordance with the Drawings or
otherwise approved by the S.O.
Before any reinforced concrete pile is cast, the Contractor shall submit to the
S.O. for approval a description, accompanied by Drawings and programme,
of the methods he proposes to adopt for handling and driving piles, giving
full particulars of all plant and equipment to be employed. Notwithstanding
any approval of the Contractor's proposals by the S.O., the Contractor shall
be and remain solely responsible for the successful installation of the piles.
The length of each pile unit cast shall be as detailed on the Drawings. Pile
extensions shall be cast in suitable lengths to suit Site conditions. Where
required load tests shall be carried out to assess bearing capacity.
The mild steel end plates for jointing piles and pile extensions shall be
placed in the ends of the moulds before placing concrete. These plates shall
be aligned with great care to ensure that they are truly perpendicular to the
axis of the pile. Any pile or pile extension cast with an end plate not truly
perpendicular to the axis of the pile shall immediately be rejected. After
casting the piles, formwork shall be removed in the presence of the S.O.
Failure by the Contractor to observe this requirement may result in rejection
of the pile concerned. Any pile showing signs of honeycombing or other
defects on removal of the formwork shall be repaired to the satisfaction of
the S.O. before it is used in the Works.
Piles made with ordinary Portland cement shall be kept damp for a period of
14 days after casting. Side forms may be stripped 4 days and bottom boards
12 days after casting, provided the piles are kept supported on level blocks
spaced at not more than 1.8m centres. After 21 days piles may be lifted and
removed to a suitable stacking area but they may not be driven until they
are at least 4 weeks old. Each pile shall be clearly marked with the date of
casting and all stacks shall be arranged to facilitate the removal of piles for
driving in their correct order of age. For piles made with Rapid Hardening
cement the above periods shall be modified as directed by the S.O.
Piles shall be handled with great care, lifted using only the proper lifting
holes and supported in the manner as approved by the S.O. Any departure
from the approved method of lifting the piles shall be approved by the S.O.
before use. Piles shall be stored on adequate bearers so arranged that they
may be picked up for transport without damage.
Care shall be taken to ensure that bearers are level transversely so that piles
are not subjected to undue stress. Handling and delivery of the piles shall be
done in a manner which avoids excessive bending stresses. The method of
transport shall be subject to the approval of the S.O.
Any piles cracked or damaged during handling shall not be used in the
Works and shall be replaced by the Contractor at no extra cost to the
No piles which have been deflected from the permitted tolerance shall be
forcibly brought back to correct alignment.
Where piles are driven below the level of the bottom of the leads of the pile
frame, extension leads shall be fitted. The use of a follower or dolly will not
be permitted except with the written approval of the S.O.
During driving the heads of the piles shall be protected by a helmet of cast
steel or mild steel fitting closely around the pile. A packing of coiled hemp
rope or asbestos fibre, 25mm thick, covering the head of the pile, shall be
contained within the helmet and separate the helmet from the head of the
pile. The top of the helmet shall be recessed and fitted with a timber stub
dolly 300mm long.
The packing and stub dolly shall be renewed as often as necessary to prevent
damage to the piles. The type of helmet specified above may be modified at
the discretion of the S.O.
The Contractor shall maintain a record of the driving of all piles giving sets
and other details required by the S.O. to whom the records shall be
submitted on request. All piles shall be driven to such final set or depth as
may be approved by the S.O.
Immediately after a pile has been completely driven, a record shall be made
of the reduced level of the pile head and further checks shall be made on the
level of the head after the driving of adjacent piles. Should any pile heave
upwards it shall be redriven to its original level or, if necessary, until its
specified set is again obtained.
If a double acting power operated hammer is used, the net energy per blow,
multiplied by the efficiency of the blow shall be at least 25 kilojoules.
The Contractor shall provide suitable means of measuring and recording the
pile set under each hammer blow.
This may be achieved by using a fixed straight edge held against a sheet of
paper affixed to the pile, and running a pencil along the straight edge at the
moment of impact to record on the paper the elastic and plastic sets
resulting from the blow. The straight edge shall be attached to a fixed frame
of heavy timber standing close to the pile.
Piles shall be extended as directed by the S.O. and shall be carried out as
described below.
When the pile shall have been driven to within one metre of the pile head
above ground level, the dolly and packing shall be removed and the head of
the pile examined for damage. If the pile has suffered no damage, the end
plate shall be thoroughly cleaned, free from rust and scale, and filed down to
expose bare metal. The end plate of the pile extension shall be similarly
cleaned and the extension pitched, placed carefully on top of the pile head,
aligned and plumbed. The end plates shall then be joined by a fillet electric
arc weld extending completely round all four sides as shown on the
After the slag has been chipped from the weld and the weld wire brushed
and cleaned, it shall be inspected by the S.O. and, if pronounced
satisfactory, it shall be painted with 2 coats of coal tar epoxy of an approved
type. Pile driving shall continue when the paint has dried.
If the pile head has suffered damage it shall be repaired by the Contractor to
the satisfaction of the S.O.'s Representative and the cost of all such repairs
shall be borne by the Contractor.
The S.O.'s Representative will instruct the Contractor which length of pile
extension to use for extending the piles.
After pile driving and load tests (if required) have been completed to the
satisfaction of the S.O.'s Representative, the top of each pile shall be cut
down to the correct level, and the steel reinforcement exposed and bent into
the required positions, prior to construction of the pile cap.
Where the length of pile left above the required level exceeds the length of
pile cap reinforcement required, the excess length of pile may first be cut at
the level which provides the required length of reinforcement.
The Contractor shall carry out load tests on precast concrete piles by the
Maintained Load Method as detailed in Section 9.4.
Tests shall be carried out on preliminary piles and working piles, as defined
in Section 9.1.7 and as directed by the S.O.
9.3.1 General
Timber used for the piles shall not be of a lesser quality than the selected
Structural Grades specified in Section J (Stress Gading) of Part III of the
Malayan Grading Rules for Sawn Hardwood Timber. The timber shall be free
from rot, fungal or pest attack and any other defects not permitted for its
The dimensions of sawn timber piles shall be within the rate of 2mm less
and 6mm greater than their specified cross-sectional dimensions. The
centroid of any cross-section of a sawn timber piles shall not deviate by more
than 25mm from the straight line connecting the centroids of the end faces
of the standard length of pile.
The S.O. may require inspection of the treatment plant to observe and
ensure that the manufacturing process and control testings of the piles are
carried out in accordance with the Specification. Records for the actual
treatment schedule shall be kept during the treatment process, and the
Contractor shall furnish such records for the piles supplied when requested
by the S.O.
Before the treated timber pile is accepted for the Works the Contractor shall
obtain from the manufacturer of the treated piles a warranty on approved
form which provides that for a ten year period the treated piles shall be free
from such fungus and insect attack which may render the supported
structures unsound.
The Contractor shall notify the S.O. of the delivery of timber piles to the Site
and provide the necessary facilities to enable the S.O. to inspect the piles
The pile head shall be fitted with toothed metal plates as approved by the
S.O. for protection against “brooming" and splitting during normal driving.
In the case of hard driving, unless otherwise approved by the S.O. a metal
helmet shall be fitted to the top of the pile. The top of the pile shall first be
trimmed to fit closely into the recess of the underside of the helmet. A
hardwood dolly and if necessary, a packing piece shall be used above the
Any pile driven to the required set at a depth of 6.0m or less shall, be in one
continuous length.
If jointing is required, pile joints shall be made by using galvanised mild steel
welded boxes 460mm long fabricated from 5mm thick plates unless
otherwise shown on the Drawings. The internal dimensions of the box shall
be 3mm undersized of the pile cross-sectional dimensions. The joint and the
ends of the piles to be jointed shall be constructed, so that the necessary
strength and stiffness are developed at the joint.
When fissures appear in a pile during driving, which in the opinion of the
S.O. will affect its strength, the pile shall be rejected and replaced at the
Contractor’s expense.
When a pile has been driven to the required set or depth, the head of the
piles shall be cut off square to sound wood and treated with an approved
preservative and a waterproof coating to the approval of the S.O.
The pile head shall be embedded for a depth of not less than 150mm in the
concrete cap which shall be at least 150mm thick round the pile.
If so directed by the S.O. the Contractor shall carry out load tests on treated
timber piles shall be carried out by subjecting a group of the piles to a
vertical test load, until actual failure of the group takes places. The group of
piles shall consist of at least four (4) piles (ie . 2 rows of 2 nos.), and shall be
driven at location of the site as selected by the S.O. The piles tested may
after wards form parts the foundation of the structure.
The load test shall be performed before commencing to drive the remaining
piles. From the results of the test (s), the S.O. may direct to vary the number
of the piles required.
9.4.1 General
Unless otherwise specified, pile tests shall be carried out as described in this
Section of the Specification.
The kentledge shall be provided by a heavy mass of dead load, exceeding the
maximum test load required, supported centrally over the test pile on
suitably constructed temporary staging or by means of anchor piles.
If anchor piles are used to provide reaction for the jack, these piles shall not
be closer to the test pile centre to centre than 1.5 metres or 5 pile diameters
or equivalent whichever is the larger. Anchor piles, which later form part of
the piled foundation to the structure, shall be appropriately re-driven to the
required set or level as directed by the S.O. all to his full satisfaction.
Vertical movements of the test pile shall be measured by at least two dial
gauges, with a minimum of 25mm travel, graduated in 0.025mm divisions.
The gauges shall be erected on stiff steel beams, the ends of which shall rest
on or be fixed to reliable supports. Such supports shall be located not closer
than 1.8 metres from the test pile, and shall be rigidly fixed to the ground to
a depth of not less than one metre of concrete surround. In addition, the
elevation of the supports shall be checked frequently with reference to a fixed
benchmark. The entire measuring assembly shall be properly protected
against rain, direct sunlight and other disturbances that might affect its
reliability. Temperature readings shall be taken when requested by the S.O.
All kentledge staging, anchor piles, equipment, shelter, supports, and the
like required for the load test shall be provided by the Contractor, who shall
also provide all necessary facilities to enable the S.O. to check all readings
during the progress of the test.
The S.O. will supervise and direct the whole process of the test and provide
skilled staff to assist in taking and recording all readings.
The Contractor shall provide all other labour required for the proper
execution of the test, including the construction and dismantling of the load
staging and handling of the kentledge materials on and off the load stage,
and the like and for the continuous and competent watching of the whole
assembly, all to the full satisfaction of the S.O.
The MAINTAINED LOAD method of testing shall be carried out on the test
pile. The S.O. may at his discretion decide to carry out the CONSTANT RATE
OF PENETRATION method of testing on completion of the Maintained Load
The test load shall then be decreased in four equal stages and time-
settlement readings taken as described aforesaid until the movement
ceases. At least 60 minute intervals shall be allowed between the
unloading decrements.
The Contractor shall submit two copies of all records of results, not
including the original copy, together with load-settlement and load-time
graphs to the S.O. on completion of each test.
The S.O.'s interpretation and conclusions arrived at on the test results shall
be final. When the pile test as prescribed has been carried out, the pile so
tested shall be deemed to have failed if:-
a) The residual settlement after removal of the test load exceeds 6mm,
b) The total settlement under Design Load exceeds 13mm,
c) The total settlement under twice the Design Load exceeds 38mm.
Piles and piling and all works in connection therewith shall be valued by
measurement of only such items as are provided in the Bills of Quantities.
Payment of the following items shall be measured once only for each pile
location irrespective of the actual numbers of items eg. end-plates, joints,
a) Mild steel end plates and splicing bars to be welded to end plates.
b) Haul, handle, pitch to position ready for driving pile and extension pile.
c) Jointing pile and pile extension including painting with coal tar epoxy.
The respective lengths of any pile subsequently withdrawn and remedial work
executed to correct defective piles shall not be measured for payment.
Bakau piles and timber piles shall be measured only by the total length of piles
supplied, delivered and driven below the foundations to the level of the pile cut-
Steel sheet pile items shall be measured on the basis of the overall plane area
and the shape of the sheet piles will not be considered in measurement.
The Contract Rates for piles and piling shall include for the full cost of providing
temporary staging and all equipment, labour and materials necessary for
transporting, handling, pitching, driving, removing or re-driving (if incorrectly
driven or damaged), measuring and recording pile set and keeping field records,
idle time, all in compliance with the requirements of the Specification. Separate
items are provided for load tests, raking piles, shoes for steel pipe and timber
piles, jointing of piles and cutting of pile heads after driving.
The preparation of formation shall be carried out only after completion of all
sub-grade drainage, piped drains, services and ducts or any other drainage
work that might affect the works, unless otherwise agreed by the S.O., and
such preparation shall be carried out immediately prior to the laying of the
sub-base or the road-base where no sub-base is required.
Where soft spots and unsuitable material occur, they shall be removed and
backfilled with approved stable material and compacted according to the
Specification in Table 10.1, "Plant and Method Specification for Compaction
of Earthworks and Subgrades". The formation shall then be checked and the
final trimmed surface shall be rolled by one pass of a smooth-wheeled roller
of not less than 5 tonnes or an equivalent vibratory roller prior to the laying
of the sub-base or base-course.
Notwithstanding the above the top 300mm of the finished embankment shall
be compacted to a dry density equal to at least 95% of the maximum dry
density as determined by BS 1377:1975, Test No.13. Other layer of sub
base and shoulder shall be compacted to a dry density equal to at least 90%
of the maximum dry density as determined by BS 1377:1975, Test No.13.
The thickness of the various layers of the pavement shall be as shown on the
Drawings. However before the construction of the pavement the S.O. may
carry out or direct the Contractor to carry out California Bearing Ratio
(C.B.R.), soaked or unsoaked tests as described in BS 1377 on the prepared
subgrade to determine the strength of the subgrade.
The S.O. may order variations in the thickness of the various layers of the
pavement as shown in the typical cross-section Drawings as a result of the
above tests. Any such changes shall be treated as a variation to the
The sub-base material shall be hard, durable and clean. It shall be granular
material such as laterite or gravel or crushed rock or sand and shall be free
from organic material, clay balls and any other deleterious substances.
The laterite or crushed rock or gravel shall conform to one of the following
gradings :-
40 mm 100 -
25 mm 75 - 100 100
20 mm 60 - 90 70 - 100
10 mm 45 - 75 58 - 75
5 mm 30 - 60 35 - 65
2.4 mm 20 - 50 25 - 50
420 microns 10 - 30 15 - 30
75 microns 0- 2 0- 2
10 mm 100
5 mm 95 - 100
1.2 mm 45 - 80
300 microns 10 - 30
150 microns 2 - 10
40 mm 100 -
20 mm 80 - 100 100
10 mm 55 - 90 80 - 100
5 mm 40 - 70 55 - 90
2.4 mm 12 - 55 40 - 70
420 microns 12 - 30 20 - 40
75 microns 5 - 20 8 - 25
The portion passing the No.36 sieve shall, if it is plastic, have a liquid limit
not greater than 35 and a plasticity index not greater than 11.
Rolling operations shall begin from the outer edge towards the centre
gradually in a longitudinal direction except on superelevated curves where
rolling shall begin at the low side and progress towards the high side.
Sub-base sandy material shall be compacted by use of vibrating equipment.
Each layer shall be compacted to at least 95% of the maximum dry density
as determined by BS 1377:1975, Test No. 13.
The finished sub-base shall not vary more than + 20 mm from the grade or
level shown on the Drawing. The thickness of the finished sub-base shall be
on average not less than the required thickness.
The crushed rock road base to be placed on top of the sub-base shall consist
of sound durable material free from clay lumps, organic matter,
objectionable coatings or other foreign matter. It shall be laid to give a total
compacted thickness, width, grade and levels as shown on the Drawings or
as directed by the S.O. It shall be from a quarry approved by the S.O.
The material shall be crushed rock of hard durable particles or rock crushed
to the correct size, well graded and lie within the following grading limits: -
50 mm 100
40 mm 95 - 100
20 mm 60 - 80
10 mm 40 - 60
5 mm 25 - 40
2.4 mm 15 - 30
600 microns 8 - 22
75 microns 0- 8
1. The particle size shall be determined in accordance with the
requirements of BS 1377.
It shall have a CBR value of not less than 80 when compacted to 95% of the
maximum dry density as determined by BS 1377:1975 Test No.13. The
flakiness index of the coarse aggregate shall be less than 35 per cent.
All work on the portion of the subgrade or sub-base on which the roadbase
is to be laid shall be properly shaped and compacted in accordance with the
requirements of the Specification before the placing of the roadbase material
on that portion. The preparation of the subgrade or sub-base shall be
completed at least 200 metres ahead of the placing of the roadbase material.
The roadbase shall be constructed to the full compacted thickness as shown
on the Drawing, or as directed by the S.O.
All material shall be placed and spread evenly to the full width of the
roadbase. The maximum compacted thickness of any one layer shall not
exceed 150mm.
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Should this occur, all such areas shall be scarified and additional fines
added before recompaction, at the Contractor's own expense.
Compaction shall be completed as soon as possible after each layer has been
spread and shaped satisfactorily. Each layer shall be thoroughly compacted
with suitable compaction equipment to the requirement specified in Table
10.2, "Compaction Procedure for Unbound Sub-base and Roadbase
Materials and for Soil-Cement and Cement-bound Granular Roadbase" and
to a compacted density of at least 98% of the maximum dry density as
determined in accordance with BS 1377:1975.
Rolling operations shall begin along the edges and progress towards the
centre gradually in a longitudinal direction. On superelevated curves, the
rolling shall begin at the low side and progress towards the high side. The
rolling operation for each layer shall continue until all rolling marks, ridges
or cracks are eliminated. Any irregularities, segregation or loose material
which may develop in the surface during or after construction shall be
corrected or removed and the defective areas made good to the full thickness
of layer and recompacted.
Special care shall be taken to obtain full compaction in the vicinity of both
longitudinal and transverse joints. On completion of compaction the surface
of any layer of material shall be well knitted, free from movement under
compaction plant and from compaction planes, ridges, cracks or loose
material. All loose segregated or otherwise defective areas shall be made good
by being removed and replaced with properly graded material.
Before the laying of each layer of roadbase material a partial width of the
shoulder, not less than 300mm wide, shall be constructed to the top of each
uncompacted layer of the base to act as a haunch to support the edges of the
roadbase during rolling.
The surface of the aggregate roadbase shall be well drained at all times.
The finished roadbase surface shall be even, free from hungry patches,
irregularities, loose material or fines and true to cross- section, lines and
level. Any irregularities on the finished roadbase surface of more than 12mm
when measured with a straight edge 3 metres long laid either parallel to the
centre line of the road or laid transversely, shall be corrected by loosening,
adding or removing material, reshaping and recompacting. The finished
surface level of the roadbase shall not vary from the level shown in the
Drawing by more than 12 mm.
Number of passes is the number of times that each point on the surface of
the layer being compacted has been traversed by the compaction plant. The
effective width of a pneumatic tyred roller for this purpose is the sum of the
widths of the individual wheeltracks together with the sum of the spacing
between the wheeltracks, provided that each spacing does not exceed
288mm. When the spacing exceeds 288mm the effective widths shall be
taken as the sum of the widths of the individual wheeltracks only.
The load per 10cm width is the total weight on the roller divided by the total
roller width. Where a smooth-wheeled roller has more than one axle the
machine will be assessed on the basis of the axle giving the highest value of
load per 10cm width.
Wheel load is the weight of the roller divided by the number of wheels.
Vibratory rollers are self propelled or towed rollers having means of applying
mechanical vibration to one or more rolls.
(i) The requirements of vibratory rollers are based on the use of the lowest
gear on a self propelled machine and a towing speed of 1.5 - 2.5 km
per hour for a towed machine. If higher gears or speeds are used, an
increased number of passes shall be provided in proportion to the
increase in speed of travel.
(iii) Vibratory rollers shall only be operated with their vibration mechanism
operating at the frequency of vibrating recommended by the
manufacturers. All such rollers shall be equipped with a device
automatically indicating the frequency at which the mechanism is
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10.12 General
This section specifies the methods of storage, handling, heating and the
procedure to be used for testing the efficiency of the spraying equipment.
Petroleum Bitumen shall comply with the requirements (for the appropriate
grade) given in BS 3690.
Cutback bitumen shall be of the rapid curing type or the medium curing
type and shall comply with the requirements (for the appropriate grade of cut
back bitumen) given in BS 3690.
Bitumen Emulsion shall be of the anionic and or cationic type and shall
comply with the requirements (for the appropriate grade) given in BS 434.
Bituminous materials shall be handled and stored with due regard for safety
and in such a way that at the time of use in the work the material conforms
to the Specification. In particular, bitumen emulsion shall be handled with
care and not subjected to mechanical shocks or extremes of temperature
likely to cause separation of bitumen. Bitumen emulsion showing signs of
separation shall not be used.
This test shall be carried out prior to using the distributor for the first time
on the Contract and at such intervals thereafter as may be required by the
10.17 Material
The prime coat shall be a medium curing cut-back bitumen of grade M.C.O.
or M.C.I. The actual grade to be used shall determine the penetration of
each grade.
Material for blinding shall be clean, sharp and free from organic matter and
with not more than 45% of material passing No.25 BS Sieve. Not more
than 5% of material used for blinding shall be retained on the 6.35mm
(1/4in.) BS Sieve.
Alternatively, grit arising from the crushing of rock may be used, subject to
the approval of the S.O. regarding its grading.
Immediately before the application of the prime coat the surface of the road
base shall be brushed clean and free from all dust, dirt, dried or wet mud,
organic matter or any other loose material to the satisfaction of the S.O.
If considered necessary by the S.O., the surface of the road base shall be
slightly damped before the application of the prime coat. Moisture control of
the road base shall be carried out by the Contractor using a wetting agent
and method approved by the S.O. and to a level of dampness to the
satisfaction of the S.O.
Preparation of the surface as above shall not precede the application of
bitumen by more than 450m. Should any part or parts of the prepared
surface become contaminated or unsuitable for the application of the prime
coat, due to lack of care on the Contractor's part to protect the surface or
due to prolonged exposure, the surface shall be restored or reprepared to the
satisfaction of the S.O.
The prime coat shall be applied uniformly over the full width of the prepared
road base by means of an approved pressure load mobile distributor
complying with the requirement of BS 1707. In addition to the Special
Requirements detailed in Section 3 of BS 1707, the pressure feed mobile
distributor shall be fitted with a spray bar through which the hot bitumen
can be circulated while the distributor is not spraying. The jets shall be so
arranged in the spray bar that they are effectively preheated in the same
SAJH WS/PW/001 (Rev.1.0/06.2007)
Immediately before any spraying run is begun the spray bar shall be tested
by allowing all the jets to discharge simultaneously for about half a minute
with a slotted metal tray placed beneath the spray bar whilst a visual
inspection is made. Any jet which is seen not delivering a uniform spray
cone shall be cleaned or replaced. After testing the spray bar the distributor
shall proceed with the spraying run without delay.
After spraying the surface shall be left for a minimum period of three (3)
hours before blinding. Blinding shall be applied so as to obtain a uniform
covering without evidence of bare or fat patches of bitumen. The blinding
shall be rolled with not more than two passes of an approved roller.
After laying the prime coat, barriers shall be erected to keep the area
surfaced free from traffic for such period as the S.O. may direct.
Coarse Aggregate
The coarse aggregate shall be natural aggregate sub-stantially free from the
material passing a BS 3.35mm (1/8in) Sieve. It shall be hard, clean, durable
SAJH WS/PW/001 (Rev.1.0/06.2007)
crushed rock of the granite or limestone group or of any other rock group as
may be approved by the S.O. Only granite shall be used for the wearing
Fine Aggregate
The binder shall be straight run bitumen, which shall have a penetration at
25 deg C, between 80 and 100.
Composition of Mixtures
The composition of freshly mixed material for the bitumen macadam shall
comply on analysis with the following requirements: -
a) Base Course
1 ½" (38mm)
Passing BS Sieve (mm) Nominal Size Aggregate
% By Weight
63 -
50 100
40 90 - 100
25 50 - 80
13 10 - 30
3 0 - 10
b) Wearing Course
3/4" (20mm)
Passing BS Sieve (mm) Nominal Size Aggregate
25 100
20 95 - 100
13 70 - 90
10 55 - 75
6 40 - 60
3 25 - 40
1.2 14 - 30
0.075 3-6
10.23 Mixing
The aggregate shall be surface dried, and the aggregate and binder
separately heated to the following temperatures before entering the mixer: -
The mixing plant shall have a capacity sufficient to supply the paver on the
road continuously when spreading the mix at normal speed and required
10.24 Transport
Sampling and testing of the aggregate and mixed materials carried out shall
be in accordance with the following British Standards as appropriate: -
The base course and wearing course shall be laid by machine in single
course each and the compacted thickness of the individual courses shall be:-
The bitumen macadam shall be laid by machine. Works shall not proceed
under unsuitable weather conditions. The machine shall be of a type
preferably self-propelled and capable of laying bitumen macadam
continuously so as to produce automatically an even, smooth and compact
surface to the required widths, thickness and cross-falls without segregation
of the bitumen macadam.
A fully trained and experienced operator shall be in direct charge of the
The surface of the dense bitumen macadam base course shall be cleaned
immediately prior to the application of the tack coat. The bituminous
material shall be applied by means of distributor at the rates directed by the
S.O., but not to be less than 270 ml/sq.m. and at temperatures within the
range required.
10.29 Joints
When laying around manhole covers and similar fittings, those parts against
which the bitumen macadam is to abut shall be cleaned and painted with
bitumen or bitumen emulsion prior to laying operations. The bitumen
macadam shall be tamped so that after final compaction, the finished
surface is level with, or slightly proud of, such fittings.
10.31 Compaction
Rollers shall not be allowed to stand on newly laid macadam while there is a
risk that the surface will be deformed thereby.
Traffic shall not be allowed to pass over the surface until the bitumen
macadam has been completed and is adequately set.
The selected fill material is to be used as shoulder base material over the
compacted subgrade at the edge of the pavement and the verge and any
other areas shown on the Drawings or as directed by the S.O.
In roads and in all other places where the S.O. considers mechanical
compaction is required, the suitable material above the pipe shall be spread
in layers of not greater than 150 mm and thoroughly consolidated by
mechanical means as listed out in Table 10.2.
The notes given in this Clause and Tables 10.1 and 10.2 are for guidance
only and shall not relieve the Contractor from his basic obligation to produce
work to the required standard of the Specification.
SAJH WS/PW/001 (Rev.1.0/06.2007)
ii) Number of passes is the number of times that each point on the
surface of the layer being compacted has been traversed by the item of
compaction plant. In assessing the number of passes of pneumatic
tyred rollers to meet the requirements of Table 10.1 the effective width
shall be the sum of the widths of the individual wheel tracks together
with the sum of spacing between the wheel tracks provided each
spacing does not exceed 225mm. The effective width shall be the sum
of the widths of the individual wheel tracks when the spacing exceeds
iii) The forces per 100mm width is the total force (weight) on the roll
divided by the total roll width. Where a smooth-wheeled roller has
more than one axle the machine will be assessed on the basis of the
axle giving the highest value of force per 100mm width.
iv) For pneumatic tyred rollers, wheel load is the total weight of the roller
divided by the number of wheels.
ix) For items marked with an asterisk the rollers shall be towed by
track-laying tractors. Self-propelled rollers are unsuitable.
The geotextile to be used, where specified or shown on the Drawings, for the
rock filled gabion/mattresses and road sub-base/formation interface shall
conform to the following specifications: -
The geotextile for road sub-base formation shall be woven type material. The
geotextile for rock filled gabion/mattresses can be non-woven type.
The thickness of the layer immediately on top of the geotextile shall not be
less than 250 mm and not greater than 400 mm, or as directed by the S.O.
Any tear, puncture or damage to the geotextile shall be made good by
patching with 500 mm minimum overlap, by the Contractor at this own cost,
to the satisfaction of the S.O.
The as laid geotextile material shall not be left uncovered and exposed to
sunlight for a period greater than six hours. The S.O. may reject all such
material left exposed to sunlight for more than six hours on the grounds of
deterioration due to over-exposure to sunlight.
TABLE 10.1
Vibrating-plate Static
Compactor Pressure
Base Plate
(kN/m2) Unsuitable Unsuitable Unsuitable Unsuitable 75 (3) 6
Unsuitable Unsuitable 75 (3) 10 100 (4) 6
8.6 - 10.3 Unsuitable Unsuitable 75 (3) 6 150 (6) 6
10.3 - 12.1 100 (4) 6 125 (5) 6 150 (6) 4
12.1 - 13.8 150 (6) 6 150 (6) 5 200 (8) 4
13.8 - 17.2 200 (8) 6 200 (8) 5 250 (10) 4
17.2 - 20.7
more than 20.7
Vibro-tamper Mass
50 - 65 100 (4) 3 100 (4) 3 150 (6) 3
65 - 75 150 (6) 3 125 (5) 3 200 (8) 3
5 more than 75 200 (8) 3 150 (6) 3 225 (9) 3
TABLE 10.2
The preparation of formation shall be carried out only after completion of all
subgrade, drainage, pipe drains, services and ducts or any other drainage
work that might affect the work unless otherwise agreed by the S.O. and
such preparation of formation shall be carried out immediately prior to the
laying of the laterite pavement.
The Works Contractor shall ensure that till is compacted with a slight
outward slope to ensure good run-off surface water.
Laterite pavement shall be constructed and installed true to line, grade and
crossfall as shown on the Drawings or as directed by the S.O.
The Contractor shall submit sample of laterite for testing from his borrow
area and approval obtained from the S.O. before construction of the laterite
The laterite supplied for incorporation in the works shall be from the same
borrow area from which the approved sample was obtained. Notwithstanding
the laterite from the approved borrow area, the S.O. may reject any laterite for
incorporation in the Works if in his opinion the material does not conform to
the approved sample or unsuitable for the Works. The S.O.’s decision is final
and not subject to arbitration. The cost and expense to remove any rejected
material is deemed to be included in the Contract Rate.
The Contractor shall pay all necessary fees, fax or royalty to the relevant
Authorities for the use of laterite from the borrow area and is deemed to be
included in the Contract Rate.
40mm 100 -
20 mm 80-100 100
10 mm 55-90 80-100
5 mm 40-70 55-90
2.4 mm 30-55 40-70
420 micron 12-30 20-40
75 micron 5-20 8-25
The portion passing No. 36 – B.S. Sieve shall, if it is plastic, have a liquid
limit not greater than 35 and plasticity index not greater than 11.
The finished level shall not vary more than ± 20 mm from the grade or level
shown on the Drawings, or directed by the S.O.
The material shall be spread and graded evenly over the width by motor
grader or such other approved mechanical plant as directed by the S.O. When
the pavement is spread adjacent to any structures, existing building or any
physical features, extreme care shall be exercise as not to damage any
existing physical feature and any damaged shall be made good or replaced at
the Contractor ‘s own expenses.
10.40.4 Compaction
The surface of the prepared formation and the laterite pavement where it is
not in compliance with the tolerance set out in Clause 10.40.3 unless the
S.O. agrees, shall be rectified by the Contractor.
All low spots shall be made up with approved fresh material as specified,
laid and compacted to Specification. The defective area shall be scarified to
a depth of 80 mm and corrected either by removal of material from high
spots or by importation of further similar material to low spots. The area
treated shall be not less than 15m long and 2 metre wide or such lengths to
be determined by the S.O. necessary to obtain compliance with the
Specification. The material removed from any high spot shall be run to
waste and removed from the site at the Contractor’s own expense.
11.1 Bricks
All bricks used in the Works, unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, shall
be hard, well burnt, machine made wire out clay bricks of R.I.B.A. standard
size and from approved sources. They shall be regular in size and shape,
with good faces and clean arises, undamaged, and free from all defects.
Facing bricks shall be of the colour selected by the S.O. before any bricks are
ordered samples shall be submitted to the S.O. for approval and all deliveries
of bricks shall be up to the standard of the samples approved and kept on
the site. All rejected bricks shall be removed from the site forthwith at the
Contractor's own expenses.
11.2 Cement
Sand for mortar shall be natural sand obtained from rivers or approved pits
and shall be hard durable clean and free adherent coats such as clay and
from clay pellets. It shall not contain harmful organic impurities or harmful
materials such as iron pyrites salt coal mica shale laminated or flaky or
elongated particles in such a form or in sufficient quantities to affect
adversely the hardening strength or durability of the mortar or as might
attack the reinforcement in reinforced brickwork. The S.O.'s decision as to
the suitability of any sand shall be final.
The grading of the sand when determined as described in B.S. 812 shall be
within the following limits :
11.4 Water
Water shall be fresh, clean of potable quality, free of vegetation and other
deleterious matters and shall comply with B.S. 3146.
11.5 Mortar
Mortar for brickwork below D.P.C. level, piers and bearing wall shall consist
of one part of cement to three parts of sand by volume and shall be made in
as small quantities as is required and shall be used within half an hour of
Mortar for brickwork above D.P.C. level shall be composed of one part of
cement and six parts of sand with the addition of an approved mortar
plasticiser used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instruction.
The ingredients for the mortars shall be measured in proper gauging boxes
and a boarded platform shall be used for mixing. The mixture shall be
thoroughly mixed dry after which only sufficient water shall be added with
fine rose and the mass thoroughly mixed again to produce a uniform
material of good consistency. No re-making up of partially set mortar shall
be permitted.
Bricks shall be carefully handled from carts or lorries and stacked and all
broken bricks shall be removed from the site without delay.
All bricks shall be soaked in water for at least half an hour immediately
before being laid and shall then be kept wet until they are set in the
New brickwork shall be protected from the sun and kept moist for at least
one day after it has been built.
The tops of all walls where work has stopped shall be made thoroughly wet
immediately before further work is commenced.
Bed and vertical joints of brickwork shall be filled solid with mortar and no
vertical joint shall be allowed to be flushed up from the top each joint must
be filled up as the bricks are laid. All work found out to comply strictly with
this requirement shall be taken down and rebuilt at the Contractor's
Joints shall not be more than 6mm in thickness and all joints shall be raked
out to a depth of 12mm to form a key for plastering as the work proceeds.
All wall angles piers, plasters and other brickwork shall be properly bonded
together in the best approved manner. No broken bricks shall be used except
when bricks cut to the correct size and shape are used to form the bond.
All facing brickwork shall be executed in first quality approved racing bricks
in Stretcher or Flemish bond as shown, properly bonded into any backing
walls, piers, etc. Joints shall be raked out to a depth of 13mm and pointed
up in coloured cement mortar to approved tints, finished with a neat struck
weathered joint.
11.11 Lintels
11.12 Building In
Build in cramps, cramps for metal windows, doors, frames and precast
units where shown and wherever required. Wrot-iron cramps shall be 38mm
x 6mm x 225mm long for fixing wooden frames, etc. On end of the cramp
shall be turned up and screwed to the frame and the other end shall be split
and fish-tailed for building in. Cramps shall be embedded in concrete and
built in as the brickwork proceeds.
11.13 Scaffolding
b) The pipes, specials and valves in the valve chambers shall be set in
Grade 20 concrete blocks to exact line and level prior to the
construction of the chamber walls and all parts of the pipes and
specials which are to be encased in concrete shall be brushed clean of
their respective coatings.
Brickwork shall be measured in square metres for the net quantity erected,
and no allowances shall be made for cutting and wastage. The Contract Rates
shall include the cost of providing the bricks and mortar, all cutting and fitting
to reinforced concrete, forming sill, reveals, notches and rebates and all
openings, plumbing quoins and angles, raking out joints for keying and
subsequent pointing up for flashings and damp proof course, for the supply
and fixing of all galvanised steel expanded metal lath, and for all other
specified work in connection with bricks and bricklaying for which no separate
items are provided in the Bill of Quantities.
SECTION 12.0 –
Structural steel work shall conform to the requirements of BS 449; steel shall
comply with BS 15, BS 548, BS 968 whichever is appropriate and steel tubes
for structural purposes shall comply with BS 1775 and shall be obtained from
a manufacturer to the prior approval of the S.O.
Chequer plating shall be mild steel and shall have a non-slip pattern on its
upper face.
The edges of all chequer plates shall be finished straight or to the outline of
obstructions and shall be free of burn marks or irregularities. Chequer
plating which has been cut with a torch shall afterwards be ground to
present a straight edge.
Chequer plating shall be thoroughly wire brushed and painted with two coats
of two pack epoxy based red lead primer before delivery. After installation on
Site chequer plates sued in valve chambers shall be painted with a further two
coats of two pack coal tar epoxy paint. Chequer plates used elsewhere shall be
painted on the lower (hidden) upper (exposed) surfaces with one undercoat,
two coats of semi-gloss high finishing paint of approved quality and colour.
12.4 Handrailing
Handrailing shall be made from hot-dip galvanised mild steel hollow sections
and flats. After cleaning with lithoform, it shall be painted with two coats of
two pack epoxy red lead primer, an undercoat and a further 2 coats of an
approved gloss paint after installation. Expansion units shall be provided
where the handrailings are more than 15 metre long.
Where safety chains are required, they are to be galvanised mild steel 10mm
nominal size, short links, smooth welded chains in accordance with BS 4942
Part 2. Each length of chain shall be fitted with a shackle at one end and a
nap fastening at the other.
The rates for handrailing shall include for painting and formation and
subsequent grouting up of pockets in the concrete for stanchions.
12.5 Ladder
Steel ladders shall be 450mm wide, of welded construction and shall not
have an unsupported length of more than 2 metre. Intermediate support
between the ends of the ladder shall be by means of stays securely fixed to
the nearest part of the structure.
Steel irons for use in chambers shall unless otherwise specified be bent from
25mm diameter mild steel bars to the shape and dimensions shown on the
Drawings and shall be hot-dip galvanised after bending. Step irons shall be
measured by number and the Contract Rates for step irons shall include for
the supply and all necessary fixing work galvanising and painting with 2
coats of approved two pack coal tar epoxy paint.
12.7 Fencing
hot dipped galvanised line wires. Barbed wires shall be galvanised two ply
2.64 mm with 4 point barbs spaced at 75 mm interval.
Fence posts shall be of 64mm x 64mm x 9.4mm hot dipped galvanised mild
steel angles spaced at 3.0 metre intervals with straining posts at all corners
and at intervals of 15 metre. Stays for straining posts shall be 51mm x
51mm x 6.3mm hot dipped galvanised mild steel angles raked at 45o. All
mild steel angles shall be galvanised and painted in accordance with BS
5493. All fence posts and struts shall be sunk into post holes 300mm x
300mm x 750mm deep, and filled in with Grade 20 concrete to be flushed
with ground level.
The Contract Rates for fencing and gate shall include for the supply of all
materials, galvanising, excavation, erection of the fencing complete painting
with 2 coats of approved paint, fence posts, stays corner posts, concrete
support and dwarf walls. Payment will be made for the net length of fencing
and number of gate erected.
All galvanising shall be done by the hot-dip process with spilter, not less
than 98% of which shall be pure zinc. Bolts, nuts and washers shall be
completely galvanised including the threads but galvanising removed in the
course of nut fixing may be replaced with an approved zinc rich paint.
The galvanising shall be uniform, clean, smooth and as free from spangle as
possible. It shall weigh not less than 6.00 grams per square metre of area
covered and be not less than 0.1mm thick.
All galvanised metal parts shall be protected from damage due to electrolytic
action, white rust and abrasion during delivery, storage and erection. Minor
damage shall be touched up with an approved zinc chromate or other
approved metallic compound but if, in the opinion of the S.O. the damage to
the galvanising is too severe or extensive the part shall be removed and be
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The Contractor shall not use fixtures and fittings for metalwork including
pipework in which dissimilar metals likely to lead to galvanic action are
placed in permanent contact with each other.
uPVC rain water down pipes and fittings shall be obtained from an approved
manufacturer. They shall be formed into required lengths where necessary
by an approved method recommended by the suppliers.
Steel rain water pipes and fittings shall be of hot dipped galvanised no. 16
SWG pressed steel sheets and rectangular in cross-section. They shall be
formed into required lengths by an approved method of soldering and properly
secured with 50mm x 0.8mm galvanised sheet iron straps spaced at
approximately 1800mm centre. After erection all exposed surfaces shall be
cleaned down with lithoform and painted with one flat undercoat and two high
gloss finishing coats of paint of approved quality.
Rain water pipes shall be measured as the net length erected in place and
shall include for all works in forming bends where required, cutting, jointing
and building into concrete, providing and erecting support brackets for
holding the pipe in position.
Open mesh flooring shall be fabricated from mild steel load bearing bars of
flat section bared with round, square, or twisted square bars perpendicular
to and welded to each load bearing bar. Panels shall be trimmed across the
ends of load bearing bars by flats of the same cross-section welded to each
load bearing bar. Cut-outs for plant items shall be trimmed with curved or
straight edge trimmings as appropriate. Panels shall be fixed to angle
kerbing or supporting steelwork with adequate clips so that movement is
Ductile iron manhole and access covers, surface boxes, gulley grating and
frames shall be obtained from an approved manufacturer and shall comply
generally with BS 497. Items not covered by this standard shall be of a
quality equal to the first grade available in the country.
Access covers and surface boxes exposed to the weather shall incorporate a
waterproof seal.
Frames shall be firmly bedded in 1:3 cement/sand mortar and the tops of all
covers and gratings shall be flush with the finished surface of the
surrounding floor, ground for pavement. Four sets of each type of lifting key
shall be supplied by the Contractor.