Engineering Procurement Construction EPC PDF
Engineering Procurement Construction EPC PDF
Engineering Procurement Construction EPC PDF
Construction (EPC)
Combining extensive project management experience
with product expertise for increased business case
Collector Substation Transmission
WTG System Line
Civil Works
Rooted in comprehensive geotechnical and topographical surveys, structural and civil
engineers customise civil works for site-specific conditions. Proven turbine foundations
are designed based on specific soil condition parameters, while access roads and the
crane pad infrastructure are planned for optimal construction. The result is lower project
risk especially in immature wind markets and areas with challenging ground conditions or
Electrical Works
Vestas EPC electrical works apply vast knowledge of electrical infrastructures to
efficiently establish a grid connection that complies with local requirements. Depending
on project needs, this includes the design and creation of underground cable networks
and collector system, construction of substations, and setup of power transmission lines.
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