Architecture Specs Sample
Architecture Specs Sample
Architecture Specs Sample
The building shall stake out and all lines and grade shown on the drawings
established before any excavation is started.
1:02 All excavation for foundations shall be made to grades indicated in the drawings.
Where excavation for footing will rest on fill, excavation shall be carried deeper
to a desired stratum.
Materials from excavations shall be used for backfilling provided they are free
from foreign matters.
Backfill shall be placed in layers not exceeding six (6) inches in thickness, each
layer being thoroughly wetted and compacted. The top two (2) inches of backfill
shall consist of sand cinders, gravel and other approval materials thoroughly
compacted by wetting and tamping.
Steel reinforcements for concrete shall conform to the requirements of ASTM for
Concrete Reinforcement bars.
Class “A” (1:2:4) mix shall consist of Portland cement, fine and coarse
aggregates separately measured by standard boxes. This mixture shall be used for
all footings, columns, beams, girders, stairs and second floor concrete slab.
Class “B” (1:2:5:5) mix shall consists of Portland cement coarse aggregates
separately measured and shall be used for concrete building structure on fill.
1. Size of bars be as noted on the details and shall be free from rust scale.
3. Bars shall be securely tied with No. 16 G.I. Wire to keep them in place
during depositing of concrete.
Mortar shall be 1:3 mix class “A”: for all mortar and plastering works.
3:03 TILES
All tile works in this project shall be acceptable in quality and workmanship.
1. Use L50X50X6 mm for top chord, bottom chord and king post, L38X38X5
mm for vertical and diagonal members and C50X75X1.5 mm for purlins.
2. Use 250X12 mm Hardiflex for fascia board.
1. .40 mm Rib type pre-painted roofing sheets, and .40 mm ridge roll and
2. .40 mm Stainless steel box gutter.
Lumber to be used for the respective parts of the work shall be as follows:
a. Tanguile – for all panel doors, jambs and kitchen cabinet frames.
b. Marine Plywood – for all flush doors
1. Under floor & roof – ceiling boards shall be Hardiflex securely screwed to
metal furring.
6:01 All doors shall be done as scheduled in the drawings and shall be approved by
the Architect or Engineer.
7:01 Windows shall be aluminum sliding and awning windows.
9:02 The entire installation shall be in all cases be made in full accordance with the
applicable provisions of the latest edition of the National Electrical Code.
Materials are used in this project shall be locally manufactured and equal to
Boysen or Dutch Boy.