Lung Cancer Patho

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Lung Cancer · For non-small cell carcinoma, the cell types

· Cancer arising in the epithelium of air include squamous cell carcinoma (30%),
passages or the lung. large cell carcinoma (10% to 16%), and
Pathophysiology adenocarcinoma (31% to 34%), including
· Lung cancers arise from a single bronchioalveolar carcinoma (3% to 4%).
transformed · In addition to cell type, lung cancers also
epithelial cell in the tracheobronchial are
airways. staged. The stage of the tumor refers to the
· A carcinogen (cigarette smoke, radon gas, size of the tumor, its location, whether lymph
and other occupational and environmental nodes are involved, and whether the cancer
agents) binds to a cell’s DNA and damages has spread.
it. · Non-small cell lung cancer is staged as I to
· This damage results in cellular changes, IV. Stage I is the earliest stage with the
abnormal cell growth, and eventually a highest cure rates, while stage IV
malignant cell. designates
· As the damaged DNA is passed on to metastatic spread.
daughter cells, the DNA undergoes further Risk Factors
changes and becomes unstable. Various factors have been associated with
· With the accumulation of genetic changes, the
the pulmonary epithelium undergoes development of lung cancer:
malignant transformation from normal · Tobacco smoke
epithelium to eventual invasive carcinoma. · Second-hand (passive) smoke
· Squamous cell carcinoma is more centrally · Environmental and occupational exposures
located and arises more commonly in the · Gender
segmental and subsegmental bronchi in · Genetics
response to repetitive carcinogenic · Dietary deficits
exposures. · Genetic predisposition
· Adenocarcinoma is the most prevalent · Respiratory diseases
carcinoma of the lung for both men and TOBACCO SMOKE
women; it presents more peripherally as · More than 85% of lung cancers are
peripheral masses or nodules and often attributable to inhalation of carcinogenic
metastasizes. chemicals, such as cigarette smoke.
· Large cell carcinoma (also called · Lung cancer is 10 times more common in
undifferentiated carcinoma) is a fast-growing cigarette smokers than nonsmokers.
tumor that tends to arise peripherally. · Risk is determined by the pack-year history
· Bronchioalveolar cell cancer arises from (number of packs of cigarettes used each
the day, multiplied by the number of years
terminal bronchus and alveoli and is usually smoked), the age of initiation of smoking,
slower growing as compared to other the
bronchogenic carcinomas. depth of inhalation, and the tar and nicotine
· Small cell carcinomas arise primarily as a levels in the cigarettes smoked. The
proximal lesion or lesions but may arise in younger
any a person is when he or she starts smoking,
part of the tracheobronchial tree. the greater the risk of developing lung
Classification and Staging cancer.
· Non-small cell carcinoma represents 70% · The risk of lung cancer decreases as the
to duration of smoking cessation increases.
75% of tumors; SECOND-HAND SMOKE
· smallcell carcinoma represents 15% to · Passive smoking has been identified as a
20% possible cause of lung cancer in
of tumors. Most small cell carcinomas arise nonsmokers.
in In other words, people who are involuntarily
the major bronchi and spread by infiltration exposed to tobacco smoke in a closed
along the bronchial wall. Small cell cancers environment (home, car, and building) are at
account for 20% to 25% of all bronchogenic increased risk for developing lung cancer as
cancers. compared to unexposed nonsmokers. An
average lifetime passive smoke exposure to Clinical Manifestations
a · The most frequent symptom of lung cancer
smoking spouse or partner increases a is
nonsmoker’s risk of lung cancer by about cough or change in a chronic cough. The
35% compared to the risk of 100% for a cough starts as a dry, persistent cough,
lifetime of active smoking. without sputum production.
ENVIRONMENTAL AND OCCUPATIONAL · When obstruction of airways occurs, the
EXPOSURE cough may become productive due to
· Various carcinogens have been identified infection.
in · Wheezing is noted (occurs when a
the atmosphere, including motor vehicle bronchus
emissions and pollutants from refineries and becomes partially obstructed by the tumor)
manufacturing plants. in
· Evidence suggests that the incidence of about 20% of patients with lung cancer.
lung · Patients also may report dyspnea.
cancer is greater in urban areas as a result Hemoptysis or bloodtinged sputum may be
of expectorated. In some patients, a recurring
the buildup of pollutants and motor vehicle fever occurs as an early symptom in
emissions. response
· Radon is a colorless, odorless gas found in to a persistent infection in an area of
soil and rocks. For many years it has been pneumonitis distal to the tumor. In fact,
associated with uranium mines, but it is now cancer of the lung should be suspected in
known to seep into homes through ground people with repeated unresolved upper
rock. High levels of radon have been respiratory tract infections.
associated with the development of lung · Chest or shoulder pain may indicate chest
cancer, especially when combined with wall or pleural involvement by a tumor. Pain
cigarette smoking. also is a late manifestation and may be
· Chronic exposure to industrial carcinogens, related to metastasis to the bone.
such as arsenic, asbestos, mustard gas, · If the tumor spreads to adjacent structures
chromates, coke oven fumes, nickel, oil, and and regional lymph nodes, the patient may
radiation, has been associated with the present with chest pain and tightness,
development of lung cancer. hoarseness (involving the recurrent
GENETICS laryngeal
· Some familial predisposition to lung cancer nerve), dysphagia, head and neck edema,
seems apparent, because the incidence of and symptoms of pleural or pericardial
lung cancer in close relatives of patients with effusion.
lung cancer appears to be two to three times Assessment and Diagnostic Findings
that of the general population regardless of · Chest x-ray is performed to search for
smoking status. pulmonary density, a solitary peripheral
DIETARY FACTORS nodule (coin lesion), atelectasis, and
· Prior research has demonstrated that infection.
smokers who eat a diet low in fruits and · CT scans of the chest are used to identify
vegetables have an increased risk of small nodules not visualized on the chest
developing lung cancer. The actual active xray
agents in a diet rich in fruits and vegetables and also to examine serially areas of the
have yet to be determined. thoracic cage not clearly visible on the chest
· It has been hypothesized that carotenoids, x-ray.
particularly carotene or vitamin A, may be · Sputum cytology is rarely used to make a
important. Several ongoing trials may help to diagnosis of lung cancer; however, fiberoptic
determine if carotene supplementation has bronchoscopy is more commonly used and
anticancer properties. provides a detailed study of the
· Other nutrients, including vitamin E, tracheobronchial tree and allows for
selenium, brushings, washings, and biopsies of
vitamin C, fat, and retinoids, are also being suspicious areas.
evaluated regarding their protective role · Fine-needle aspiration may be performed
against lung cancer.
under CT or fluoroscopic guidance to used, including alkylating agents
aspirate (ifosfamide),
cells from a suspicious area. platinum analogues (cisplatin and
· In some circumstances, an endoscopy with carboplatin), taxanes (paclitaxel, docetaxel),
esophageal ultrasound (EUS) may be used vinca alkaloids (vinblastine and vindesine),
to doxorubicin, gemcitabine, vinorelbine,
obtain a transesophageal biopsy of enlarged irinotecan (CPT-11), and etoposide (VP-16).
subcarinal lymph nodes that are not easily The choice of agent depends on the growth
accessible by other means. of
· Mediastinoscopy or mediastinotomy may the tumor cell and the specific phase of the
be cell cycle that the medication affects.
used to obtain biopsy samples from lymph PALLIATIVE THERAPY
nodes in the mediastinum. · Palliative therapy may include radiation
· Pulmonary function tests, arterial blood gas therapy to shrink the tumor to provide pain
analysis, ventilation–perfusion scans, and relief, a variety of bronchoscopic
exercise testing may all be used as part of interventions
preoperative assessment.
Medical Management
· Surgery is primarily used for non-small cell
carcinomas because
· small cell cancer of the lung grows rapidly
and metastasizes early
· and extensively.
· Lobectomy: a single lobe of lung is
· Bilobectomy: two lobes of the lung are
· Sleeve resection: cancerous lobe(s) is
removed and a segment of the main
is resected
· Pneumonectomy: removal of entire lung
· Segmentectomy: a segment of the lung is
· Wedge resection: removal of a small,
area of the segment
· Chest wall resection with removal of
cancerous lung tissue: for cancers that have
invaded the chest wall
· Radiation therapy usually is toxic to normal
tissue within the radiation field, and this may
lead to complications such as esophagitis,
pneumonitis, and radiation lung fibrosis.
These may impair ventilatory and diffusion
capacity and significantly reduce pulmonary
reserve. The patient’s nutritional status,
psychological outlook, fatigue level, and
of anemia and infection are monitored
throughout the treatment.
· A variety of chemotherapeutic agents are
Modifiable Risk Factors Non-Modifiable Risk Factors
Respiratory diseases Gender
Tobacco smoke Genetics
Second-hand (passive) smoke
Genetic predisposition
Environmental and occupational
Dietary deficits

Transformation of a single
epithelial cell
in the tracheobronchial airways

Attachment of a carcinogen into a

DNA causing damage

Cellular changes, abnormal cell

and eventually a malignant cell.

Passing of damaged DNA to

cells causing further changes and
becomes unstable.

Pulmonary epithelium undergoes

malignant transformation.

Small cell carcinomas

Bronchioalveolar cell cancer
Large cell carcinoma
Squamous cell carcinoma

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