Technical Spec. of 12.5MVA PTR

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1.0 Scope:

This specification covers the design manufacture, testing, supply, delivery at site
according to the following specifications of the following transformer.

♦ 12500 KVA 33/11 KV Power Transformers fitted with on load tap changer

The material should be guaranteed for satisfactory operation for Five years from
the date of receipt of material in stores.

It is not the intent to specify completely herein all the details of the design and
construction of equipment. However the equipment shall conform in all respects to high
standards of engineering, design and workmanship and shall be capable of performing in
continuous commercial operation upto the Bidder's guarantee, in a manner acceptable to
the purchaser, who will interpret the meanings of drawings and specification and shall
have the power to reject any work or material which, in his judgment is not in
accordance there with. The offered equipment shall be complete with all components
necessary for their effective and trouble free operation. Such, components shall be
deemed to be within the scope of Bidder's supply irrespective of whether those are
specifically brought out in this specification and/or the commercial order or not.
2.0 Standards :
The transformers shall conform in all respects to IS-2026/1977 (with latest
Amendments) / IEC 600 76 –1993 (with latest Amendments if any). Except where
specified otherwise. Equipment meeting any other authoritative standard which
ensures an equal or better quality than the standards mentioned above will also be
acceptable. In such a case, a copy of standard (English version) followed should
be enclosed with the tender. Acceptability of any alternative standard is at the
discretion of purchaser
The finished Power Transformer, oil, bushings, tap changer etc., that are
used in manufacturing of transformer shall conform in all respects to the
relevant Indian Standard Specifications / IEC Standards, with latest
amendments as indicated below.
Indian Title International &
Standard Internationally
recognized standard

IS-2026/1977 Specification for Power transformers IEC – 600 76 –1993 –

Part I to IV Power Transformers –
Part 1 to 5.

IEC 60 071
IS : 335/1993 New insulating oils Electrical
IS-3347 and Bushings for alternating voltages above
IS 2099/1986

IS 8468-1977 Specification for on load Tap changer

IS 3639 Specification for fittings and

accessories for Power Transformer

IS 6600 Specification for loading of Power



Equipment conforming to other internationally accepted standards, which ensure

equal or higher quality than the standards mentioned above would also be
acceptable. In case the Bidders who wish to offer material conforming to the
other standards, salient points of difference between the standards adopted and the
specific standards shall be clearly brought out in relevant schedule. Four copies
of such standards with authentic English Translations, shall be furnished along
with the offer. In case of conflict the order of precedence shall be (i) IS (ii) IEC
(iii) Other standards. In case of any difference between provisions of these
standards and provisions of this specification, the provisions contained in this
specification shall prevail.


As noted in clause No.23 of General Terms & Conditions the Power Transformer
to be supplied against this Specification shall be suitable for satisfactory
continuous operation under the following climatic conditions.

At various locations in the

i) Location state of Andhra Pradesh

ii) Max. ambient air temperature (deg.C) 50

iii) Min. ambient air temperature (deg.C) 7.5

iv) Average daily ambient air temperature 35


v) Max. Relative Humidity (%) 100

vi) Max. altitude above mean sea level 1000


vii) Average Annual rainfall (mm). 925

viii) Max. wind pressure(kg/sq.m.) 200

ix) Isoceraunic level (days per year) 50

x) Seismic level (Horizontal accn.) 0.3 g.

The equipment shall be for use in moderately hot and humid tropical climate,
conducive to rust and fungus growth.


4.1 Design and Standardisation :
4.1.1 The transformer and accessories shall be designed to facilitate operation,
inspection, maintenance and repairs. All apparatus shall also be designed to
ensure satisfactory operation under such sudden variations of the load and voltage
as may be met with under working conditions on the system, including those due
to short circuit.
4.1.2 The design shall incorporate every reasonable precaution and provision for the
safety of all those concerned in the operation and maintenance of the equipment
keeping in view the requirements of Indian Electricity Rules.
4.1.3 All materials used shall be of the best quality and of the class most suitable for
working under the conditions specified and shall withstand the variations of
temperature, and atmospheric conditions arising under working conditions
without undue distortion or deterioration or the setting up of undue stresses in any
part, and also without affecting the strength and suitability of various parts for the
work for which they have to perform.
4.1.4 Corresponding parts liable for replacement shall be interchangeable.

4.1.5 Cast iron shall not be used for chambers of oil filled apparatus or for any part of
the equipment which is in tension or subject to impact stresses. This clause is not
intended to prohibit the use of suitable grades of cast iron for parts where service
experience has shown it to be satisfactory eg. large valve bodies, unless otherwise

4.1.6 All out-door apparatus, including bushing insulators with their mountings, shall be
designed so as to avoid pockets in which water can collect.

4.1.7 Means shall be provided for easy lubrication of all bearings and where necessary
of any mechanism or moving parts that are not oil immersed.

4.1.8 All mechanism where necessary shall be constructed of stainless steel, brass or
gun metal to prevent sticking due to rust or corrosion.

4.1.9 All taper pins used in any mechanism shall be of the split type complying with IS
No. 2393 (latest version) for these items.
4.1.10 All connections and contacts shall be of sample section and surface for carrying
continuously the specified currents without undue heating and fixed connections
shall be secured with bolts or set screws of ample size, adequately locked. Lock
nuts shall be used on stud connections carrying current.

4.1.11 All apparatus shall be designed to minimise the risk or accidental short circuit
caused by animals, birds or vermin.

4.2.1 Galvanising shall be applied by hot-dip process or by electro galvanising process

for all parts other than steel wires and shall consist of a thick ness of zinc coating
equivalent to not less than 610 gm zinc per square meter of surface. The zinc
coating shall be smooth clean and of uniform thickness and free from defects. The
preparation for galvanising and the galvanising itself shall not adversely affect the
mechanical properties of the coated material. The quality will be established by
tests as per IS:2630 (latest version). (Alternatively to galvanising Aluminising
may also be considered).

4.2.2 All drilling, punching, cutting, bending and welding of parts shall be completed
and all burrs shall be removed before the galvanising process is applied.

4.2.3 Galvanising of wires shall be applied by the hot-dip process and shall meet the
requirements of the relevant IS. The zinc coating shall be smooth, clean and
uniform thickness and free from defects. The preparation for galvanising and the
galvanising itself shall not adversely affect the mechanical properties of wire.

4.2.4 Surfaces which are in contact with oil shall not be galvanized or cadmium plated

4.3.1 Lables shall be provided for all apparatus such as relays, switches, fuses contained
in any cubicle or marshaling kiosk.
4.3.2 Descriptive lables for mounting indoors or inside cubicles and kiosks shall be of
material that will ensure permanence of lettering. A matt or satin finish shall be
provided to avoid dazzle from reflected light. Lables mounted on dark surface
shall have white lettering on a black background. Danger notices shall have red
lettering on a white back ground.

4.3.3 All plates shall be of incorrosible material.

4.3.4 Lables shall be attached to panels with brass screws or with stool screws which
have received rust preventive treatment or those can be stuck with araldite also.

4.4 BOLTS & NUTS :

4.4.1 Steel bolts and nuts exposed to atmosphere with suitable finishes like cadmium
plated or zinc plated passivity shall be used for diameters above 6 mm
4.4.2 All nuts and pins shall be locked in position with the exception of those external
to the transformer. Bolts and nuts external to the transformers shall be provided
with double flat washer and one spring washer.
4.4.3 On out-door equipment, all bolts, nuts and washers in contact with non-ferrous
parts which carry current shall be of phosphor bronze where the transfer of current
is through the bolt.
4.4.4 If bolts and nuts are placed so that they are in accessible by means of ordinary
spanners, suitable special spanners shall be provided by the supplier.

4.5.1 Before painting or filling with oil in case of Transformer, all un-galvanised parts
shall be completely clean and free from rust, scale and grease and all external
rough surface cavities on castings shall be filled by metal deposition.

4.5.2 The interior of all transformer tanks and other oil filled chambers and internal
structural steel work shall be cleaned of all scale and rust by shot-blasting or other
approved method. These surfaces shall be painted with hot oil resisting epoxy
paint. Minimum paint thickness shall be 40 microns.

4.5.3 Except for nuts, bolts and washers, which may have to be removed for
maintenance purposes, all external surfaces shall receive a minimum of three
coats of paint.

4.5.4 The primary coat shall be applied immediately after cleaning. The second coat
shall be of an oil and weather resisting nature and preferably of a shade or colour
easily distinguishable from the primary and final coats shall be applied after the
second coat has been touched up where necessary. The final coat shall be of a
glassy, oil and weather resisting non-fading paint of shade No. 631 of IS.5.
primer paint shall be readymade zinc chrome as per IS-104 intermediate and
final coats of paint shall be as per IS-2932.

4.5.5 Nuts, bolts and washers, which may have to be removed for maintenance purposes
shall receive a minimum of one coat of paint after fixation.

4.5.6 All interior surfaces of mechanism chambers and kiosks except those which have
received anti-corrosion treatment shall receive three coats of paint applied to the
thoroughly cleaned metal surface. The final coat shall be of a light coloured anti-
condensation mixture.

4.5.7 Any damage to paint work incurred during transport and erection shall be made
good by the supplier by thoroughly cleaning the damaged portion and applying
the full number of coats of paint that had been applied before the damage was

4.5.8 The paint work shall be guaranteed for a minimum period of 5 years from the date
of receipt of the equipment.
4.5.9 One coat of additional paint shall be given at site by the supplier. Supplier shall
supply the requisite quantity of paint.


5.1 OIL:

5.1.1 The transformers and all associated equipment shall normally be supplied along
with the fresh filled oil. The oil shall conform as per IS : 335/1993 with latest
amendment and it shall be free from moisture and have uniform quality
To ascertain the quality of the Transformer oil, the original manufacturer’s test
report shall be submitted at the time of inspection. Also arrangements should be
made for testing of transformer oil, after taking of the sample from the
manufactured transformer and tested in the presence of AP_PDCL’s
representatives or in an independent laboratory CPRI/ ERADA at the discretion of

5.1.2 Oil filled in transformers. The important characteristic of the transformer oil
after it is filled in the transformer (within 3 months of filling) shall be as

Sl.No Characteristics Specification

1. Electric strength (BDV) (2.5mm gap) 30 KV (minimum)


2. Dielectric dissipation factor (Tan delta) at 90o 0.01 (max)


3. Specific resistance (resistivity) at 27oC (Ohm- 1500x1012 (min)


4. Flash point pensky – Marton 140 Deg. C (min)


5. Inter facial tension at 27 Deg C 0.04 N/M (min)

6. Neutralisation value (total acidity) 0.03 mg KOH/gm

(maximum) (max)

7. Water content PPM 50 (max)

5.1.3 Prevention of Acidity :

The design and all materials and process used in the construction of the
transformers shall be such as to reduce to a minimum the risk of the development
of acidity in the oil. Special measures, such as nitrogen sealing or the use of
inhibited oil, shall not be resorted to.
5.1.4 Electrical Characteristics and Performance :
Type of transformers and operating conditions, transformers shall be oil immersed
and naturally cooled, core type and shall be suitable for out-door installation, and
shall be provided with conservator vessels. The type of cooling shall be as stated
in the relevant specifications.


Transformers shall comply as regards to rating temperature rise and

overload with the appropriate requirements of IS 2026 when operating with
ONAN cooling. Transformers shall be capable of operation continuously in
accordance with IS loading guide at their C.M.R and at any ratio irrespective of
the direction of flow of power and with voltage of the untapped winding
maintained at the voltage stated in the ordering schedule.
5.1.6 Transformers having tapping ranges extending not more than 5 percent below the
nominal voltage shall operate on the principal / tapping without exceeding the
limits laid down in IS-2026 for oil temperature rise and winding temperature rise
as measured by resistance. On the other tappings, they shall operate continuously
without injurious heating.
5.1.7 Transformers except where stated below with tapping ranges extending more than
5 percent below the nominal voltage, shall meet the temperature rise limits
specified in IS 2026 on all tappings on which the rated current is not more than
95 percent of the maximum rated current on the lowest voltage tapping. On other
tappings, they shall operate continuously without injurious heating. The loading of
the transformers, is to be in accordance with IS 6600. Guide for loading of oil
immersed transformers.
5.1.8 The transformers may be operated without danger on any particular tapping at the
rated KVA provided that the voltage does not vary by more than + 10% of the
voltage corresponding to the tapping.

Note: Operation of a transformer at rated KVA at reduced voltage may give rise
to excessive losses and temperature rise.


5.2.1 The voltage between phases on the higher and lower voltage winding of each
transformer measured at no load and corresponding to the normal ratio of
transformation shall be those stated in the ordering schedule. Means shall be
provided for varying the normal ratio of transformation in accordance with the
clause 5.35 voltage control on load type.
Transformers shall be connected in accordance with the IS group symbol Dy 11.
The transformers shall be suitable for continuous operation with frequency
variation of + 3% from normal 50 C/S without exceeding specified temperature
5.5.1 Except where modified below, it is to be assumed that the amount of generating
plant simultaneously connected is such that normal voltage will be maintained on
one side of any transformer when there is a short circuit between phases or phase
to earth on the other side. Any transformer may be directly connected to an
underground cable or over head transmission line and switched into and out of
service together with its associated transmission line.

5.5.2 All Transformers shall be capable of withstanding without any damage to external
short circuit between phases and phase to ground according to IS: 2026 or its
latest version.
5.6.1 The maximum loss of each transformer shall be as indicated below:
The fixed losses should be as low as is consistent with normal design, reliability
and economical use of material. The offers for transformers with higher losses
will be liable for rejection.
12.5 MVA

7.5 KW
No load losses

60 KW
Load losses at 75°C

5.6.2 Penalty for excessive losses : During testing if it is found that actual measured
losses are more than the values quoted by the bidder, the purchaser will have right
to exercise one of the following options :
a) Reject the complete lot
b) penalty shall be recovered from the Bidder at double the loss rate as
specified below. For Fraction of a KW evaluation will be on prorata basis.

No load losses : Rs. 2,17,515 per KW

Load losses : Rs.28,772 per KW
c) The purchaser reserves the right to reject any transformer, if during tests at
supplier’s works, the tested no load losses and total losses, exceed the
corresponding maximum guaranteed values.
d) The purchaser reserves the right to test any one transformer from each lot
offered for inspection/supply in any independent laboratory of national repute
for the purpose of testing the no load and load losses. The entire expenses for
the same shall be borne by the firm and results obtained shall be considered
and applicable in all the supplies
e) The supplier shall provide, along with the tender, design, details of core
assembly showing the constructional details, core diameter, net/gross sectional
area of the core assembly etc. The information must also be given in respect
of voltages per turn at principal tap for normal voltages. The loss curves for
type /grade of steel laminations being used for core shall also be provided
along with the tender documents.
5.6.3 Tolerance :
S.No Item Tolerance

I. Voltage ratio at principal tapping The lower of the following

a) + 0.5% of the declared ratio

b) A percentage of the declared ratio
equal to 1/10th of the actual %
impedance voltage at rated
Impedance voltage at rated current The tolerance on percentage
II. (Principal tapping) impedance at principal tapping and
all other taps, tolerance will be
applicable as per IS – 2026.

III. No load current +30% of the declared no load



The impedance voltage at normal ratio of transformation and normal
rating shall be 8.35% for 5.0 MVA transformers. The tolerance as per IS. The
impedance value measured on any other tapping shall not exceed the value
measured on the principal tapping by more than 10% impedance.
The Power Transformers shall be suitable for installation at location where
ambient temperature is as indicated below and temperature rise final not to exceed
the limit prescribed below:
1. Maximum Ambient Temperature 50 Deg C

2. Maximum oil temperature rise by thermometer 40 Deg C

3. Maximum winding temperature rise by winding resistance 50 Deg C



5.9.1 The maximum flux density in any part of the core and yoke, at normal ratio and at
normal voltage and frequency, of each transformer shall be stated. The normal
flux density for cold rolled grain oriented steel laminations shall not exceed 1.6
tesla, at normal tap position. Over fluxing should be limited to 12.5%.
5.9.2 However, incase of transformers with variable flux the voltage variation which
would affect flux density at every tap shall be kept in view while designing
5.10.1 Every care shall be taken to ensure that the design and manufacture of all
transformers and auxiliary plant shall be such as to reduce noise and vibration to
the level of that obtained in good modern practice. The maximum noise level
should be as per NEMA standard.

5.10.2 The manufacturer will ensure that the noise level shall not be more than the
NEMA standard publication TR-1.


The transformers shall be designed with particular attention to the suppression of
harmonic voltages, especially the third and fifth, so as to eliminate wave form
distortion and from any possibility of high frequency disturbances, inductive
effect loop circulating currents between the neutral points at different
transforming stations reaching such a magnitude as to cause interference with
communication circuits. For achieving this suppression of harmonics delta
connected stabilizing winding should be avoided.
5.12 CORE :
The core shall be constructed from high grade cold rolled non-ageing grain
oriented silicon steel laminations, M4 or Superior Grade.
Only prime quality CRGO sheets should be used in the transformers and no
Second/Defective/Scrap CRGO finds way into transformers. Therefore regarding
quality control following documents are to be furnished before giving the
inspection offer.

1. Invoices of supplier
2. Mill’s test certificate
3. Packing list.
4. Bill of landing
5. Bill of entry certificate by custom
6. Description of material, electrical analysis, Physical inspection, certificate for
surface defects, thickness and width of the material.
7. Subjecting to at least 10% of the transformers to routine tests and no load and load
loss measurement.
It is to note that, using seconds/defective CRGO sheets or load losses found to be
more than stipulated limit, heavy penalty will be imposed or the suppliers will be
black listed.


5.13.1 The design of the magnetic circuit shall be such as to avoid static discharges,
development of short circuit paths within itself of to the earthed clamping
structure and the production of flux components at right angles to the planes of the
laminations which may cause local heating.
5.13.2 Every care shall be exercised in the selection, treatment and handling of core steel
to ensure that as practicable the laminations are flat and the finally assembled core
is free from distortion.
5.13.3 Each lamination shall be insulated with a material that will not deteriorate due to
pressure and the action of hot oil.
5.13.4 Oil ducts shall be provided where necessary to ensure adequate cooling. The
winding structure and major insulation shall not obstruct the free flow of oil
through such ducts, where the magnetic circuit is divided into pockets by cooling
ducts parallel to the plane of the laminations or by insulation material above
0.25mm thick tinned copper strip brazing pieces shall be inserted to maintain
electrical continuity between pockets.
5.13.5 The frame work and clamping arrangements shall be earthed.
5.13.6 The class and type of insulation used on the core bolts and under the nuts and side
plates shall be stated in the guaranteed technical particulars. Adequate core
clamping arrangements shall be made to prevent distortion or wavy form of
laminations and withstand short circuit forces. Core clamping bolts shall be
effectively insulated with Kraft paper and fibre glass tubes. All the tie rods fixing
the core shall be phosphated.


5.14.1 All parts of the cores shall be of robust design capable of withstanding any shocks
to which they may be subjected during lifting, transport, installation and service.
5.14.2 All structural members of the assembled cores shall be of steel. All castings shall
be fitted and structural steel adequately cleaned and painted before being built into
the structure. Any non-magnetic or high resistance alloy used shall be of
established quality.
5.14.2 Adequate filaments shall be provided to enable the core and windings to be lifted.
5.14.4 Suitable provision shall be made for the storage of any removable portions of the
lifting tackle on the transformer tank.
5.14.5 Adequate provision shall be made to prevent movement of the core and winding
relative to the tank during transport and installation or while in service.
5.14.6 The supporting frame work of the cores shall be so designed as to avoid the
presence of pockets which would prevent complete emptying of the tank through
the drain valve or cause trapping or air during filling.

5.15.1 A) All windings shall be made of electrolytic high conductivity copper, shall
be fully insulated as defined in IS:2026. All neutral points shall be insulated for
the voltage specified in IS 2026. The windings shall be so designed that all coil
assemblies of identical voltage, rating shall be inter changeable. The maximum
allowable current density is 2.5 A/mm2
(B) INSULATION DETAILS : The MPC shall be 0.6 mm (min.) maintained
for HV winding and 0.5 mm (min.) for LV winding. The negative tolerance
shall not be allowed in paper covering.
(i) HV coil to yoke : 50 mm (min.)
(ii) LV coil to yoke : 50 mm (min.)
(iii) Inter-coil spacers between HV sections : 3 mm (min.)
(iv) Channel separator : 3 mm (min.)
(v) Bottom foot channel insulation : 3mm (min.)
(vi) Inter-phase barrier : 2 x 1.5 mm (min.)
(vii) Cylinder between core to LV : 2 x 1.5 mm (min.)
(viii) Oil duct between LV to cylinder : 6 mm (min.)
(ix) Oil duct between cylinder to HV : 6 mm (min.)
(x) Type of block between HV sections : Press Boards

(xi) Number of blocks per circle (number) : 12 Nos. (min.)
(xii) Internal clearance between the inner wall of the tank and the outside
surface of the HV coil :
(a) On length side : 100 mm (min.)
(b) On breadth side : 150 mm (min.)
(xiii) Radial clearance between LV and HV : 20 mm (min.)
(xiv) Phase-to-phase clearance between HV limbs : 20 mm (min.)
(xv) Clearance between top of yoke and inside of tank cover : 150 mm (min.)
5.15.2 Power Transformer shall be designed to withstand the impulse test voltage as per IS
5.15.3 The transformer shall withstand the power frequency voltage test as per IS:2026.
5.15.4 The windings shall be designed to reduce to a minimum the out-of-balance forces
in the transformer at all voltage ratios.
5.15.5 The insulation of transformer windings and connection shall be free from
insulating composition liable to soften, ooze out, shrink or collapse during service.
5.15.6 The stacks of windings shall receive adequate shrinkage treatment before final
5.15.7 The coil clamping arrangement and the finished dimensions of any oil duct shall
be such as will not impede the free circulation of oil through the ducts.
5.15.8 No strip conductor wound on edge shall have a width exceeding six times its
5.15.9 The conductors shall be transposed at sufficient intervals in order to minimise
eddy currents and equalize the distribution of currents and temperature along the
5.15.10 The HV winding shall be arranged so as able to be removed without hindrance
to and causing any damage to the LV winding.
5.16.1 The windings and connections of all transformers shall be braced to withstand
shocks which may occur during transport or due to switching and other transport
condition during service.
5.16.2 Coil clamping rings, if provided shall be of steel.
5.16.3 Any metal pieces in contact with laminated rings shall be so designed and secured
that they do not weaken the electrical or the mechanical properties of the rings.
5.16.4 If the transformer winding is built up of section of disc coils, separated by spacers,
the clamping arrangements shall be such that equal pressure are applied to all
columns of spacers. All such spacers shall be securely located, shall be of suitable
material and shall receive adequate shrinkage treatment before assembly.
5.17.1 INTERNAL EARTHING GENERAL: All metal parts of the transformer with
the exception of the individual core laminations, core bolts, and associated
individual clamping plates shall be maintained at some fixed potential.

The top main core clamping structure shall be connected to the tank body by a
copper strip. The bottom clamping structure shall be earthed by one or more of the
following methods.
a) By connection through vertical tie-rods to the top structure
b) By direct metal-to-metal contact with the tank base, maintained by the
weight of the core windings.
c) By a connection to the top structure on the same side of core as the main
earth connection to the tank.
5.18.1 The magnetic circuit shall be earthed to the clamping structure at one point only
through a link placed in an accessible position beneath an inspection opening in
the tank cover. The connection to the link shall be on the same side of the core as
the main earth connection.
5.18.2 Magnetic circuits having an insulated sectional construction shall be provided
with a separate link for each individual section where oil ducts or insulating
barriers parallel to the plane of the laminations divide the magnetic circuit into
two or more electrically separate parts the ducts or barriers shall be bridged in
accordance with Clause 5.13.4 and the magnetic circuit shall not be regarded as
being of sectional construction.
Where coil clamping rings are of metal at earth potential, each ring shall be
connected to the adjacent core clamping structure on the same side of transformer
as the main earth connections.
All earthing connections with exception of those from the individual coil
clamping rings shall have cross sectional areas of not less than 0.8 Sq cms.
Connections inserted between laminations may have the cross sectional area
reduced to 0.2 Sq cm.
5.21 TANK :
5.21.1 Tank Construction: The tank should be Rectangular in shape. The tanks of all
transformers shall be complete with all accessories and shall be designed so as to
allow the complete transformer in the tank and filled with oil to be lifted by crane
or jacks, transported by road, rail or water without over straining any joint and
without causing subsequent leakage of oil.
5.21.2 The main tank body excluding tap changing compartments, shall be capable of
withstanding a full vacuum of 760 mm of mercury, when empty of oil.
5.21.3 The base of each tank shall be so designed that it shall be possible to move the
complete transformer unit by skidding in any direction without injury when using
rollers, plates or rails.
5.21.4 Normally a detachable under base will be used, but in case transport facilities
permit, a fixed under base can be used.
5.21.5 Where the base is of a channel with iron construction, it shall be designed to
prevent retention of water.
5.21.6 The base channels for the transformers covered by this specification shall be
200x75/76 mm Transformers and bottom channels should not be curved.
5.21.7 Tank stiffeners shall be continuously welded to the tank and designed to prevent
retention of water.
5.21.8 Wherever possible the transformer tank and its accessories shall be designed
without pockets wherein gas may collect. Where pockets cannot be avoided pipes
shall be provided to vent the gas into the main expansion pipe. The vent pipes
shall have minimum inside diameter of 15mm except for short branch pipes which
may be 6mm minimum inside diameter.
5.21.9 All joints other than these which may have to be broken shall be welded and
number of tank welding joints should not be more than 4.
Each tank shall be provided with:
(a) Lifting lugs should be 4 nos. and suitable for lifting the transformer
complete with oil.
(b) A minimum of four jacking lugs, in accessible positions to enable the
transformers complete with oil to be raised or lowered using hydraulic or
screw jacks. The maximum height of the lugs above the base shall be:
(i) Transformers upto and including 10 tonnes weight, 800 mm
excluding the under base dimensions.
(ii) Transformers above 10 tonnes weight, 500 mm excluding the under
base dimensions. If detachable
(c) Suitable haulage holes shall be provided.


5.23.1 Each tank cover shall be of adequate strength, and shall not distort when lifted.
Inspection openings shall be provided as necessary to give easy access to
bushings, for changing ratio or winding connections, or testing the earth
connections at the link board. Each inspection opening shall be of suitable size for
the purpose for which it is provided and atleast two openings one at each end of
the tank shall be provided.
5.23.2 The tank cover should have 2 nos. lifting lugs and inspection covers should
have 1 no. lifting hook to be provided for lifting arrangements. Unless
otherwise approved inspection covers shall not weigh more than 25 kg each.
5.23.3 The tank cover shall be fitted with pockets for a thermometer and for the bulbs of
the oil winding temperature indicators, protection shall be provided wherever
necessary for each capillary tube.
5.23.4 The thermometer pocket shall be fitted with a captive screwed cap to prevent the
ingress of water.
5.23.5 The pockets shall be located in the position of maximum oil temperature at CMR
and it be possible to remove the instrument bulbs without lowering the oil in the
tank (C.M.R Continuous Maximum Rating)


5.24.1 A conservator complete with sump and drain valve shall be provided in such a
position as not to obstruct the electrical connections to the transformer having the

capacity between highest and lowest visible levels to meet the requirement of
expansion of the total cold oil volume in the transformer and the cooling
equipment from the minimum ambient temperature to 90 Deg C the minimum
indicated oil level shall be with the lead pipe from the main tank covered with not
less than 15mm depth of oil and the indicated range of oil levels shall be from
minimum to maximum.
5.24.2 If the sump is formed by extending the foot pipe inside the conservator vessel, this
extension shall be for atleast 25mm. The conservator shall be designed so that it
can be completely drained by means of the drain valve provided, when mounted
as in service.
5.24.3 One end of the conservator shall be bolted into position so that it can be removed
for cleaning purpose.
Normally one oil gauge magnetic / prismatic / plain type shall be provided.
The oil level is 10 Deg°C, 30 Deg°C and 90 Deg°C (Maximum) shall be marked
on the gauge.
Taps or Valves shall not be fitted to oil gauge.
The oil connection from the transformer tank to the conservator vessel shall be
arranged at a rising angle of 3 to 9 Degrees to the horizontal upto the Buchholtz
relay and shall consists of
a. For transformers from 1001 KVA – 50mm inside diameter pipes as per IS:
b. A valve shall be provided at the conservator to cut off oil supply to the
transformer after providing a straight run of pipe for atleast a length of five
times the internal diameter of the pipe on the tank side of the gas and oil
actuated relay and atleast three times the internal diameter of the pipe on
the conservator side of the gas and oil actuated relay.
5.24.4 Each conservator vessel shall be fitted with a breather in which a silica gel
is the dehydrating agent and designed so that: It is atleast 3 times the
internal diameter of the pipe on the conservator side of the gas and oil
actuated relay
a. The passage of air is through the silica gel.
b. The external atmosphere is not continually in contact with the silicagel
through provision of an oil seal.
c. The moisture absorption indicated by a change in colour of the tinted
crystals can be easily observed from distance.
d. All breathers shall be mounted at approximately 1400 mm above ground
level with suitable clamping device for the breather pipe.
e. The breather shall be metallic type silica gel breather with see-through
container for silicagel and with metallic frames with suitable threading to
fix the breather to the pipe of the transformer. Plastic frames are not
acceptable. The samples of Breather are to be got approved by the AP
AP_PDCL before supply.



Each transformer shall be fitted with the following:
a) One drain valve of minimum 50mm shall be provided
b) One 50 mm valve at the top and one 50 mm valve at the bottom of the tank
mounted diagonally opposite to each other for filtration purpose.
c) A drain valve as specified below shall be fitted to each conservator.
d) For diameter upto 650 mm, size of the valve 15mm, for diameter above
650mm size of valve 25mm.with suitable clamping device for the breather
e) A robust oil sampling device shall be provided at the top and bottom of the
main tank. The sampling device shall not be fitted on the filter valve.
f) One 15 mm air release plug.
g) All other valves opening to atmosphere shall be fitted with blank flanges.
Valves and valve mountings shall be provided as specified under cooling plant
section 5.32.
5.27.1 All valves shall be of gun metal or cast steel or may have cast iron bodies with
gun metal fittings. They shall be of way type with internal screw and shall be
opened by turning counter clock wise when facing the hand-wheel. The valves
shall be of robust construction and it should be possible to operate the valves
without application of much force.
5.27.2 Means shall be provided for pad locking the bottom valves in the open and close
positions. This is required for the valves where opening device like hand-wheel,
keys etc are the integral part.
5.27.3 Every valve shall be provided with an indicator to show clearly the position of the
valves. All valves shall be provided with flanges having machined faces. The
drilling of valve flanges shall comply with the requirements of IS: 3639.
5.28.1 The pressure relief device shall be provided of sufficient size for rapid release of
pressure that may be generated within the tank, and which might result in damage
to the equipment. The device shall operate at static pressure of less than the
hydraulic test pressure for transformers tanks. Means shall be provided to prevent
the ingress of rain.
5.28.2 Unless otherwise approved the relief device shall be mounted on the main tank, if
on the cover, shall be fitted with skirt projecting 25mm inside the tank and of such
a design to prevent gas accumulation.
5.28.3 Two diaphrams of suitable design and material shall be used one at the base and
the other at the mouth of the vent pipe.
5.28.4 An oil gauge is required on the stand pipe for indicating fracture of diaphragm.
5.28.5 One of the following methods shall be used for relieving or equalising the
pressures in the pressure relief devices.
a) An equaliser pipe connecting the pressure relief device to the conservator.
b) The fitting of silicagel breather to the pressure relief device breather being
mounted in a suitable position for access at ground level.

Two earthing terminals capable of carrying for a second, full lower voltage short
circuit current of the transformer shall be provided. Provisions shall be made at
positions close to each of the bottom two corners of the tank for bolting the
earthing terminals to the tank structure to suit local conditions.
The following plates shall be fixed to the transformer tank at an average height of
about 1750 mm above ground level.
a) A rating plate bearing the data specified in the appropriate clauses of IS :
b) A diagram plate showing the internal connections and also the voltage
vector relationship of the several windings in accordance with IS : 2026
and in addition a plain view of the transformer giving the correct physical
relationship of the terminals. When links are provided in accordance with
clause –5.2 (voltage ratio) for changing the transformer ratio, than
approved means shall be provided for clearly indicating ratio for which the
transformer is connected, no load voltage shall be indicated for each tap.
c) A plate showing the location and function of all valves and air release
corks or plugs. This plate shall also warn operators to refer to the
maintenance instructions before applying the vacuum treatment for drying.

The above plates shall be of material capable of withstanding continuous outdoor

All gaskets used for making oil tight joints shall be of proven material such as
granulated cork bonded with neoprene rubber unless otherwise specified.
a) Radiators and Coolers shall be so designed as to avoid pockets in which
moisture may collect and shall withstand the pressure tests.
b) Unless the pipe work is shielded by adequate earth metal the clearance
between all pipe work and live parts shall be more than the clearance for
live parts to earth.


5.33.1 Radiators connected directly to the tank shall be detachable and shall be provided
with machined or ground flanged inlet and outlet branches. 19mm drain plug shall
be provided at the bottom and 19mm air release plug shall be provided at the top
of each radiator for draining and filling. These two plugs shall have neoprene
rubber gaskets only.
5.33.2 The radiator fins shall be manufactured from a steel sheet with a thickness of not
less than 1.25 mm.
5.33.3 Valves shall be provided on the tank at each point of connection to the tank. These
valves shall have neoprene rubber gaskets 6mm thick on either side.
5.33.4 The oil circuits of oil coolers shall be provided with the following:
a) A valve at each point of connection to the transformers tank.
b) Removable blanking plates to permit the blanking off the main oil
connection of each cooler.
c) A drain plug of 19 mm at the lowest point of each bank of cooler.
d) Air release plug 15 mm
All radiator groups shall be provided with belting /by 50x50x6mm MS angle.
Drain valves / plugs shall be provided in order that each section of pipe work can
be drained independently.
5.35 VOLTAGE CONTROL (On load type) :
The OLTC shall confirm to IS : 8468 – 1977.
12.5 MVA transformers voltage control equipment shall be of on load
changing type on the HV side for HV variation of +5% to –15% in 16 equal
steps of 1.25% for varying its effective transformation ratio while the
transformers are on-load and without producing phase displacement.
It shall not be possible to operate the electric work drive when the manual
operating gear is in use.
5.36.1 The equipment for local electrical and local manual operation shall be provided
and shall comply with the following conditions.
a) It shall not be possible for any two electric controls to be in operation at the same
b) Operation from local/ remote control switch shall cause one tap movement only.
c) It shall not be possible to operate electric drive when the manual operating gear is
in use
d) All electrical control switches and the local operating gear shall be clearly labeled
in a suitable manner to indicate the direction of the tap changing.
e) The local control switches shall be mounted in the marshalling box or driving gear
f) The equipment shall be so arranged as to ensure that when a tap change has been
commenced it shall be completed independently of the operation of the control
relays or switches. If a failure of the auxiliary supply during tap changing or any
other contingency would result in that movement not being completed adequate
means shall be provided to safeguard the transformer and its auxiliary equipment.
5.36.2 Suitable apparatus shall be provided for each transformer to give indications as
A mechanical indication of the number of tapping position shall be provided to
the OLTC gear of the transformer.
5.36.3 All relays and operated devices shall operate correctly at a voltage between the
limits specified in the relevant Indian standards.
5.36.4 The tap changing switches and mechanism shall be mounted in oil tanks or
compartments mounted at an accessible position on the transformer tank.
5.36.5 Any enclosed compartment not oil filled shall be adequately ventilated. Metal clad
heaters shall be provided in the driving mechanism chamber and in the
marshalling box, all contractor relay coils or other parts shall be suitably protected
against corrosion or deterioration due to condensation, fungi etc.
5.36.6 The location of OLTC tank as viewed from the 33 KV side shall be on left side of
the transformer.
5.36.7 The oil in those compartments of the main tap changing apparatus which do not
contain contacts used for making or breaking current shall be maintained under
conservator head by means of pipe connection from the highest point of the
chamber to the conservator. This connection shall be controlled by suitable valve
and shall be arranged so that any gas leaving the chamber will pass into the gas
and oil actuated relay. A separate Bucholtz relay / oil surge relay shall be
provided for the on load tap changer chamber.
5.36.8 It shall not be possible for the oil in those compartments of the tap change
equipment which contain contacts used for making or breaking current to mix
with the oil in the compartments containing contracts not used for making or
breaking current.
5.36.9 Any DROP DOWN tanks with tap changing apparatus shall be fitted with guide
rods to control the movement during lifting or lowering operations. The guide
rods shall be so designed as to take support of the associated tank when in the
fully lowered position. Lifting gear fitted to DROP DOWN tanks shall include
suitable device to prevent run away during lifting and lowering operations.
5.36.10 Each compartment in which the oil is not maintained under conservator
head shall be provided with a suitable direct reading oil guage.
5.36.11 The alternating supply for electrical operation of the control and indicating
gear shall be standard 415 volts, three phase, 4 wire, 50 Hz.
5.36.12 Limit switches shall be provided to prevent over running of the mechanism
and except where modified in clause shall be directly connected in the circuit of
the operating motor. In addition a mechanical stop or other approved device shall
be provided to prevent over running of the mechanism under any conditions.
Limit switches may be connected in the control circuit of the operating motor
provided that a mechanical de-clutching mechanism is incorporated.
5.36.13 Thermal devices or other means shall be provided to protect the motor and
control circuits. All relays, switches, fuses etc., shall be mounted in the
marshalling box or driving gear housing and shall be clearly marked for purposes
of identification.
5.36.14 The control circuits shall operate at 110 V single phase to be supplied from
a transformer having a ratio of 240/55-0-55V with the centre point earthed
through a removable link mounted in the marshalling box or tap changer drive.
5.36.15 The whole of the apparatus shall be of robust design and capable of giving
satisfactory service without undue maintenance under the conditions to be met in
service, including frequent operation.
5.36.16 A five digit counter shall be fitted to the tap changing mechanism to
indicate the number of operations completed by the equipment.
5.36.17 A permanently legible lubrication chart shall be fitted within the driving
mechanism chamber.
5.36.18 All cabling and wiring shall comply with clause 5.4.
5.37.1 The following type and routine tests shall be carried out on on-load tap changer
and motor drive mechanism in accordance with IS 8468-1977 or its latest version.
OLTC shall be provided external type but not built in type and with separate
conservator. It should bilinear type but not coarse & fine system
i) Type Test:- Type tests shall be performed on the samples of the relevant tap
changers or components after their final development. The following shall
constitute the type tests.
♦ Mechanical test
♦ Auxiliary circuits insulation tests
♦ Test for temperature rise of contracts
♦ Switching tests
♦ Short circuit current tests
♦ Transition impedance tests
♦ Mechanical life test
♦ Dielectric test
ii) Routine Tests:- The following shall constitute the routine tests
♦ Mechanical test
♦ Auxiliary circuits insulation tests
♦ Dielectric tests.
i) Type Tests: The following shall constitute the type tests:
♦ Mechanical Tests
♦ Auxiliary circuits insulation test
♦ Mechanical load test
♦ Over run test
♦ Protection of motor drive cubicles
ii) Routine Tests: The following shall constitute the routine tests.
♦ Mechanical test
♦ Auxiliary circuit insulation test


In the wiring diagram of local control switch provision shall be made for
connecting a remote control panel suitable for remote operation, if necessary in
future for OLTC operation.
5.38.1 Transformers shall be fitted with bushing insulators.
5.38.2 The electrical characteristics of bushings and bushing rods shall be in
accordance with IS 3347 and IS 2099.
5.38.3 Bushing insulators for 33 KV shall be provided with arcing horns except
for neutral bushings.
5.38.4 Clamps with double nuts and spring washers shall be provided for the “Bushing

5.38.5 The rod gap shall be adjustable type to enable a coordination of insulation
level with surge diverters.
5.38.6 Any stress shield shall be considered as integral part of the bushing
5.38.7 Special precautions shall be taken to exclude moisture from paper
insulation during manufacture, assembly, transport and erection. The surface of all
paper insulations shall be finished with non-hydro scopic varnish which cannot be
damaged easily.
5.38.8 Each porcelain bushing or insulator, and paper bushing shall have marked
upon it the manufactures identification mark, and such other mark as may be
required to assist in the representative allocation of batches for the purposes of
the samples tests.
5.38.9 Clamps and fittings made of steel or malleable iron shall be galvanised. All
bolts threads shall be greased before erection.
5.38.10 The bushing flanges shall not be of re-entrant shape which may trap air.

5.38.11 The bushing turrets shall be provided with vent pipes which shall be
connected to route any gas collection through the Bucholtz relay.
5.38.12 The clearances in air between live conductive parts and live conductive
part to earthed structures shall be as follows:
Nominal system Test Voltage
voltage kV rms. impulse kV P Phase to phase Phase to earth
mm mm
11 kV 75 kV P 280 mm 205 mm
33 kV 170 kV P 350 mm 320 mm

5.38.13 Necessary features on transformer tank for mounting LAS on both HV

and LV sides shall be provided. They should be detachable type and not to be
welded. A suitable earth strip shall also be provided for each LA and it
should be brought out separately to the ground insulation from the tank.
5.39.1 Transformer shall be provided with Temperature indications for measuring
Transformer oil temperature and Transformer winding temperature. These
samples of temperature indicator shall be got approved before supply.
5.39.2 Except where outdoor types of indicators are supplied, the temperature indicators
shall be housed in the marshalling box. Winding temperature indicators are to be
provided for 3.15 MVA and above transformers.
5.39.3 The tripping contacts of winding temperature indicators shall be adjustable to
close between 60 Deg. C and 120 Deg. C and alarm contacts to close between 50
Deg. C and 100 Deg. C and both shall reopen when the temperature has fallen by
about 100 Deg. C.
5.39.4 .All contacts shall be adjustable on a scale and shall be accessible on removal of
the cover.

5.39.5 .The temperature indicators shall be so designed that it shall be possible to check
the operation of the contacts and associated equipment.
5.39.6 Connections shall be brought from the device to terminals placed inside the
marshalling box.


5.40.1 Each transformer shall be fitted with gas and oil actuated relay [Buchholtz Relay]
equipment having contacts which close following oil surge or low oil level
5.40.2 Each gas and oil actuated relay shall be provided with a test cock and a flexible
pipe connection for checking the operation of the relay.
5.40.3 Where specified to allow gas to be collected at ground level a pipe approximately
5 mm inside diameter shall be connected to the gas release cock of the gas and oil
actuated relay and brought down to a point approximately 1.25 mts above ground
level, where it shall be terminated by a cock.
5.40.4 A machined surface shall be provided on the top of each relay to facilitate the
setting of the relays and to check the mounting angle in the pipe and the cross
level of the relay.
5.40.5 The design of the relay mounting arrangements, the associated pipe work and the
cooling plant shall be such that mal operation of the relays shall not take place
under normal service conditions.
5.40.6 The pipe work shall be so arranged that oil and gas arising from the transformer
shall pass into oil actuated relays. The oil circuit through the relay shall not form
delivery path in parallel with any circulation oil pipe, nor shall it be tied into or
connected through a pressure relief vent, sharp bends in the pipe work shall be
5.40.7 When a transformer is provided with two conservators the gas and oil actuated
relays shall be arranged as follows.
5.40.8 If the two conservators are connected to the transformer by common oil pipe one
relay shall be installed in the common pipe.
5.40.9 If the two conservators are piped separately to the transformer two relays shall be
installed, one in each pipe connection.
5.40.10 Adequate clearances between all pipe work and live metal shall be
5.41.1 The sheet steel vermin proof, with ventilated and weather proof marshaling box
(as per IP55) of a suitable construction shall be provided for the transformer
ancillary apparatus. The box shall have sloping roof and the interior and exterior
painting shall be in accordance with relevant clause of cleaning and painting.
5.41.2 The marshalling box, wherever provided, shall accommodate the following
equipments. Alternative weather proof instruments can be mounted out door.
a) Temperature indicators
b) Control and protection equipment for the local electrical control of tap changer, if
the same cannot be accommodated in the motor driving gear housing and
c) Terminal board and gland plates for incoming and out going cables.
5.41.3 All the above equipments except (c) shall be mounted on panels and back of panel
wiring shall be used for inter connection.
5.41.4 The temperature indicators shall be so mounted that the dials are not more than
1600 mm ground level and the door(s) to adequate size.
5.41.5 To prevent internal condensation an approved type of metal clad heater shall be
provided controlled by suitable switch. Ventilation levels shall be provided.
5.41.6 All incoming cables shall enter the kiosk form the bottom and gland plate shall be
not less than 450mm from the base of box. The gland plate and associated
compartment shall be sealed in suitable manner to prevent the ingress of moisture
form the cable trench.
5.41.7 Undrilled gland plate shall be provided for accommodating glands for incoming
and outgoing cables.
5.42.1 All wiring connections, terminal boards, fuses and links shall be suitable for
tropical atmosphere. Any wiring liable to be in contact with oil shall have oil
resisting insulation and the bared ends of stranded wire shall be sweated together
to prevent creepage of oil along the wire. Nut and bolt type terminal blocks (TB)
shall be provided in MB with M6, nut type
5.42.2 There shall be no possibility of oil entering, connection boxes used for cables or
5.42.3 Panel connections shall be neatly and squarely fixed to the panel. All instruments
and panel wiring shall be run in PVC or non rusting metal cleats of the limits
compression type. All wiring to a panel shall be taken from suitable terminal
5.42.4 Where conduits are used, the runs shall be laid with suitable falls, and lowest parts
of the run shall be external to the boxes. All conduits runs shall be adequately
drained and ventilated. Conduits shall not be run at or below ground level.
5.42.5 When 415 volts connections are taken through junction boxes or marshalling
boxes they shall be adequately screened and 415 ‘VOLTS DANGER’ notices
must be affixed to the outside of the junction boxes or marshaling boxes.
5.42.6 All box wiring shall be in accordance with relevant IS. All wiring shall be of a
stranded copper of 660 V grade and size not less than 4.00 sq mm for CT leads
and not less than 2.5 sq mm for other connections.
5.42.7 All wires of panels and all multi core cables shall have ferrules, which bear the
same number at both ends.
5.42.8 At these ends of inter connection between the wiring carried out by separate
contractors; where a change of number cannot be avoided double ferrules shall be
provided on each wire. The change of numbering shall be shown on the
appropriate diagram of the equipment.
5.42.9 The same ferrule number shall not be used on wires in different circuits on the
same panels.

5.42.10 Ferrules shall be of white insulating material shall be provided with glassy
finish to prevent the addition of dirt. They shall be clearly and durably marked in
block and shall not be affected by damp or oil.
5.42.11 Stranded wires shall be terminated with crimped tubular lugs. Separate
washers shall be used for each wire. The size of the washers shall be suited to the
size of the wire terminated. Wiring shall in general be accommodated in the sides
of the box and the wires for each circuit shall be separately grouped. Back of the
panel wiring shall be arranged so that access to the connecting stems of relays and
other apparatus is not impeded.
5.42.12 Wires shall not be jointed or tied between terminal points
5.42.13 Wherever practicable circuits in which the voltage exceeds 125 volts, shall
be kept physically separated from the remaining wiring. The function of each
circuit shall be marked on the associated terminal boards.
5.42.14 Where apparatus is mounted on panels all metal cases shall be separately
earthed by means of copper wire or strip having a cross section of not less than 2
sq. mm. Where strip is used, the joints shall be sweated.
5.42.15 All wiring diagram for control and relay panel shall preferably be drawn as
viewed from the back and shall show the terminals boards arranged as in service.
All diagrams shall show which view is employed.
5.42.16 Multi core cable tails shall be so bound that each wire may be traced
without difficulty to its cables.
5.42.17 The screens of screen pairs of multi core cables shall be earthed at one end
of the cable only. The position of earthing connections shall be shown clearly on
the diagrams.
5.42.18 All terminal boards shall be mounted towards the rear doors to give easy
access to terminate obliquely and to enable ferrule numbers to be read without
5.42.19 Terminal boards rows should be spaced adequately not less than 100 mm
apart to permit convenient access to wires and terminations.
5.42.20 Terminal boards shall be so placed with respect to the cable gland (at the
minimum distance of 200 mm) as to permit satisfactory arrangements of multi
core cable tails.
5.42.21 Terminal board shall have pairs of terminals for incoming and outgoing wires.
Insulating barriers shall be provided between adjacent connections, the height of
the barriers and the spacing between terminals such as to give adequate
protection, while allowing easy access to terminals. The terminals shall be
adequately protected with insulating dust proof covers.
5.42.22 No live metal shall be exposed at the back of the terminal boards.
5.42.23 All fuses shall be of the cartridge type and shall conform to relevant IS
5.42.24 Fuses and links shall be labeled.
6.1.1 The type, acceptance and routine tests and tests during manufacture, shall be
carried out on the transformer as per the provisions of IS 2026.

6.1.2 For all type and acceptance tests, the acceptance values shall be the values
guaranteed by the supplier in the proforma for “Guaranteed Technical Particulars”
furnished in this specification or acceptance value specified in this specification,
whichever is more stringent for that particular test.

6.1.3 Test certificate of not more than five years old, from a recognized national
laboratory with NABL accreditation shall be furnished. The bidder shall furnish two
sets of type test reports as per relevant standards along with the bid. BIDS

6.1.4 Type test as listed below shall be performed on the transformer as specified in
1. Impulse voltage withstand test.
2. Dielectric type tests.
3. Temperature rise test. (This test shall be carried out on the tap having maximum
4. Short circuit.
Note: 1). Temperature data corrected to 75 Deg.C including ambient temperature in the
test reports.

2). It is obligatory on the part of the manufacturer to carry out S.C. test unless this
has been made on a transformer of identical design and is acceptable to the

3). If records of type tests including short circuit test on a transformer of each
capacity, with essential details is representative of the one being purchased, are
available, they may be furnished as evidence of type tests instead of actual tests.

6.1.5 For any change in the design/type already tested and design/type offered against
this specification, the AP AP_PDCL reserves the right to demand repetition of the
tests without any extra cost.
6.1.6 The type test reports including short circuit withstand test report and impulse test
report must accompany the offer. The short circuit withstand test report must
accompany the active part, general arrangement drawings, duly inspected and
certified by testing agency. The expenses to be incurred towards the tests shall be
to their account. The S.C. tested unit will not be accepted for supply to the AP

♦ Measurement of winding resistance

♦ Measurement of ratio, polarity and phase relationship
♦ Measurement of impedance voltage
♦ Measurement of load loss.
♦ Measurement of no load loss and no load current.

♦ Measurement of insulation resistance. The insulation resistance of each
winding in turn to all the other windings, core, frame and tank connected
together and to earth shall be measured by standard megger and the values
shall not be less than the values indicated below.

At 30oC At 40 Deg C At 50 Deg C At 60 Deg C
33 kV to earth 500 M.Ohms 250 M.Ohms 125 M.Ohms 65 M.Ohms
11 kV to earth 400 M Ohms 200 M Ohms 100 M Ohms 50 M Ohms

♦ Induced over voltage withstand test.

♦ The separate source voltage withstand test.

6.2.1 All acceptance and routine tests stipulated in the relevant standards shall be
carried out by the supplier in presence of purchaser’s representative. The
purchaser reserves the right to insist for witnessing the acceptance/routine testing of
the bought out items to pass tests.

6.2.2 Tests during manufacture : The Bidder shall furnish details of tests carried out
during the process of manufacture and end inspection by the bidder to ensure the
desired quality of the equipment to be supplied.


6.3.1 SPECIAL TEST : Special tests as specified in IEC 60 076 – 1993 in clause 10.1.3
shall also be undertaken with an agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
6.3.2 The purchaser reserves the right of having at his own expenses any other tests(s) of
reasonable nature carried out at Bidders premises, at site, or in any other place in addition
to the aforesaid type, acceptance and routine tests, to satisfy himself that the material
comply with the specifications.

6.3.3 In case of failure in any type test, the supplier is required to modify the design of the
material and the material shall be type tested again for the modified design, without any
extra cost to the purchaser. No delivery extension shall be given for this additional testing.

6.3.4 The entire cost of testing for the acceptance and routine tests and tests during
manufacture shall be treated as included in the quoted unit price.

6.3.5 CHALLENGE TESTING: “The other manufacture can also request challenge testing
for any test based on specification and losses. The challenger would request for testing with
testing fee. The challenge test fees are proposed at least three times the cost of testing. This
is likely to deter unnecessary challenges. The challenger would have the opportunity to
select the sample from the store and any such challenge should be made within the
guarantee period. The party challenged, and the utility could witness the challenged testing.
The challenged testing would cover the
1. Measurement of magnetizing current
2. No Load losses test.
3. Load Losses test (At 50% loading or as per acceptance test)
4. Temperature rise test.
The challenge test could be conducted at NABL accredited laboratory, like ERDA and
CPRI. If the values are within limit the product gets confirmed else not confirmed. No
positive tolerance in losses is permitted. If the product is not confirmed the manufacture
would pay the challenge fee and challenger would get the fee refunded. However as
redressal system the challenger would allowed to ask for fresh testing of two more samples
from the store and the same be tested in NABL laboratory in presence of party challenged,
challenger and the utility.
If any one or both sample does not confirm the test then the product said to have failed the
test. In such cases the manufacture will be declared as unsuccessful manufacturer for the
said product with wide publicity and would not be allowed to compete in tenders of the
Boards for the period of three years and heavy penalty would be imposed”.


6.4.1 Record of routine test reports shall be maintained by the Bidder at his works for
periodic inspection by the purchaser’s representative.
6.4.2 Test certificates of tests conducted during manufacture shall be maintained by the
Bidder. These shall be produced for verification as and when desired by the


6.5.1 The tests shall be carried out as per relevant Standards and test certificates shall be
furnished for approval. The Bidder shall indicate the details of the equipment
available with him for carrying out the various tests as per relevant Standards.
The bidder shall indicate the sources of all materials. He shall indicate the name
of the supplier and make of meters, relays, conductor, insulating oil, electrical
steel laminations constructional steel etc.

6.5.2 NOTE : The Meters used for conducting tests shall be calibrated periodically at
reputed Government Accredited Test Laboratories and test certificates shall be
available at works for verification by purchasers representative.

6.5.3 Tests as per applicable standards should be carried out in respect of porcelain
bushings, galvanization, relays and meters.

6.5.4 Manufacture shall submit the calculations to confirm the thermal ability as per
clause No. 9.1 of IS-2026 part –I of 1977.
The tender shall indicate the source of raw material and enclose test certificates and
report on the analysis of electrolytic copper used for the winding and the steel used
for the core, insulation materials as also bought out items from sub-suppliers.
a) Routine tests: Oil leakage test : All tanks and oil filled compartments shall be
tested for oil tightness by being completely filled with air/oil of a viscosity not
greater than that of insulating oil as per IS. 335 at an ambient temperature and
subjected to a pressure equal to the normal pressure plus 35 KN/m2(5lb/
measured at the base of the tank. This pressure shall be maintained for a period of
not less than 12 hours for oil and 1 hour for air, during which time no leakage
shall occur.

b) Type Tests:
i) Vacuum Test: One transformer tank of each size shall be subjected to the
specified vacuum shall be tested at an internal pressure of 3.33 KN/m2 ( 25 mm of
Hg) for one hour. The permanent deflection of flat plates after the vacuum has
been released shall not exceed the value specified below without affecting the
performance of the transformer.
Horizontal length of flat plate Permanent
(in mm) deflection (in mm)
Upto and including 750 5
751 to 1250 6.5
1251 to 1750 8
1751 to 2000 9.5
2001 to 2250 11
1151 to 2500 12.5
2501 to 3000 16
Above 3000 19
ii) Pressure Test: One transformer tank of each size together with its radiators,
conservator vessel and other fitting shall be subjected to a pressure corresponding
to twice the normal head of oil or to the normal pressure plus 35 KN/m2 (5
lb/ whichever is lower measured at the base of the tank and will be
maintained for one hour. The permanent deflection of flat plates after the excess
pressure has been released shall not exceed the figure specified above.
6.8 Training of DISCOM PERSONNEL: AP AP_PDCL reserves the right to depute
AP AP_PDCL’s personnel for training at your works relating to design,
manufacture, assembly, testing and operation & maintenance in batches. You
shall provide necessary facilities during training period specified by AP
6.9 Manufacturer authorized representative shall be present at the time of
commissioning of Power Transformer.
7.0 INSPECTION : All tests and inspection as per relevant IS shall be carried out at the
place of manufacture by the IIIrd party authorized by the AP_PDCL along with
AP_PDCL representative for each lot of PTRs offered for inspection by the
manufacturer. The manufacturer shall offer the inspector representing the purchaser
all reasonable facilities, without charges, to satisfy him that the material is being
supplied, in accordance with this specification. All such inspection charges
conducted by IIIrd party are to be borne by the Supplier.

The purchaser has all the rights to conduct tests including type tests, at his own
cost by an independent agency whenever there is dispute regarding the quality of
supply, or interpretation of test results. In the event of failure of Transformer in
such tests the expenses incurred in testing shall be to supplier’s account. The
failed unit will not be accepted for supply to the AP_PDCL after repairs.

STAGE INSPECTION: The stage wise inspection of the transformers during

the manufacturing/assembling stage shall be carried out by the purchaser’s
representative. The purchaser has absolute right to reject the raw
materials/component/sub assemblies or complete equipment not conforming to the
requirements of the specifications or of poor quality/workmanship. The purchaser at
his opinion may collect the samples of various raw materials/components for his
independent testing.

7.1 The purchaser’s representative shall, at all times, be entitled to have access to the
works and at all places of manufacture where equipment offered shall be
manufactured and the representative shall have full facilities for unrestricted
inspection of the bidder’s works, raw materials and process of manufacture and
conducting necessary tests as detailed herein.
7.2 The Bidder shall keep the purchaser informed in advance of the time of starting and
of the progress of manufacture of the offered equipment in its various stages so that
arrangements can be made for inspection.

7.3 The supplier shall give 15 days advance intimation to enable the purchaser to depute
his representative for witnessing acceptance and routine tests.

7.4 No material shall be dispatched from its point of manufacture before it has been
satisfactorily inspected and tested, unless the inspection is waived off, by the
purchaser in writing.

7.5 The acceptance of any quantity of material shall in no way relieve the Bidder of any
of his responsibilities for meeting all requirements of the specification, and shall not
prevent subsequent rejection if such material is later found to be defective.
7.6 AP_PDCL may its option get the materials inspected stage wise by the 3rd
party on each unit/units offered for inspection along with a AP_PDCL’s
representative, if it feels necessary. If a 2nd time inspection becomes necessary
the inspection charges shall be born by you.

7.7 The bidder shall indicate the name(s) of reputed inspection agencies and the
inspection charges clearly for each lot. The inspection charges will be borne by
the purchaser. However the purchaser reserves the right to appoint at its cost any
inspection agency to carry out the inspection.

7.8 The AP_PDCL reserves the right to insist for witnessing the acceptance routine
testing of the boughtout items.


8.1 The Power Transformer shall be guaranteed for satisfactory operation for a period
of 5 years from the date of receipt at stores. All similar materials are removable parts
of similar equipment shall be interchangeable with each other.


9.1 The bidder shall invariably furnish the following information along with his bid,
failing which his bid shall be liable for rejection. Information shall be separately
given for individual type of material offered.

i) The structure of organization.

ii) The duties and responsibilities assigned to staff ensuring quality of work.

iii) The system of purchasing, taking delivery and verification of materials.

iv) The system for ensuring quality of workmanship.

v) The quality assurance arrangements shall conform to be relevant requirements of

ISO 9001 or ISO 9002 as appropriate.

vi) Statement giving list of important raw materials names of sub-suppliers for the
raw materials, list of standards according to which the raw materials are tested.
List of test normally carried out on raw materials in presence of Bidder’s
representative, copies of test certificates.

vii) Information and copies of test certificates as in (vi) above in respect of bought out

viii) List of manufacturing facilities available.

ix) Level of automation achieved and list of areas where manual procession exists.

x) List of areas in manufacturing process, where stage inspections are normally

carried out for quality control and details of such tests and inspections.

xi) Lists of testing equipment available with the bidder for final testing of equipment
specified and test plant limitation. If any, vis-a-vis the type, special acceptance
and routine tests specified in the relevant standards. These limitations shall be
very clearly brought out in schedule of deviations from specified test

9.2 The successful Contractor shall within 30 days of placement of order, submit
following information to the purchaser.

i. List of raw materials as well as bought out accessories and the names of sub
suppliers selected from those furnished along with offers.
ii. Type test certificates of the raw materials and bought out accessories if required
by the purchaser.
iii. Quality assurance plan (QAP) with hold points for purchaser’s inspection. The
quality assurance plan and purchasers hold points shall be discussed between the
purchaser and Contractor before the QAP is finalized.
The Contractor shall submit the routine test certificates of bought out accessories
and central excise asses for raw material at the time of routine testing if required
by the purchaser and ensure that the quality assurance requirements of
specification are followed by the sub-contractor.

9.3 The quality assurance programme shall give a description of the quality system
and quality plans with the following details.

A) Quality System :

The structure of the organisation.
The duties and responsibilities assigned to staff ensuring quality of work.
The system for purchasing, taking delivery and verification of materials.
The system for ensuring quality workmanship.
The system for control of documentation.
The system for the retention of records.
The arrangement for the contractor’s internal auditing.
A list of administration and work procedures required to achieve and verify
contract’s quality requirements. These procedures shall be made readily available
to the purchaser for inspection on request.
B) Quality Plans :

An outline of the proposed work and programme sequence.

The structure of the contractors organisation for the contract.
The duties and responsibilities assigned to staff ensuring quality of work.
Hold and Notification points.
Submission of Engineering documents required by the Specification.
The inspection of materials and components on receipt.
Reference to the contractors work procedures appropriate to each activity.
Inspection during fabrication/Construction.
Final inspection and test.


10.1 All drawings shall conform to International Standards Organisation (ISO) `A’
series of drawings sheet/India Standards Specifications IS:656. All drawings shall
be in ink and suitable for micro filming. All dimensions and data shall be in


10.2.1 Four sets of complete dimensioned drawings showing the general arrangements,
fitting details clearance, winding details shall be furnished along with the tender
as under.
a) Outline dimensional drawings of transformer and accessories including LA
mounting arrangement the tank with necessary clearances between the tank and
HV/LV side LA’s as per IS 2026.
b) Assembly drawings and weights of main component parts
c) Tap changing and rare plate diagrams.
d) Schematic control and wiring diagram for all auxiliary equipment.
e) Schematic diagram showing the flow of oil in the cooling system as well as each
limb and winding, longitudinal and cross sectional views showing the duct sizes,
cooling pipe etc. for transformer/ heat exchanger drawn to scale shall be
f) Large scale drawing of high and low tension winding of the transformer showing
the nature and arrangement of insulation and terminal connections.
g) Six copies of instruction books erection manual and operation and maintenance
manuals and spare part bulletins for each consignee.

h) Test Reports.
i) Descriptive literature and data on transformer construction, winding bushing, heat
exchanger, tap changing gear etc.,
10.2.2 Descriptive literature and data on transformer construction, winding bushing, heat
exchanger, tap changing gear etc., The successful Bidder shall, within 2 weeks of
placement of order, submit three sets of final versions of all the above said
drawings for purchaser’s approval. The purchaser shall communicate his
comments/approval on the drawings to the supplier within four weeks. The
supplier shall, if necessary, modify the drawings and resubmit three copies of the
modified drawings for their approval. The supplier shall within two weeks,
submit 23 prints and two good quality report copies of the approved drawings for
purchaser’s use.

10.2.3 Six sets of the type test reports, duly approved by the purchaser, shall be
submitted by the supplier for distribution before commencement of supply.
Adequate copies of acceptance and routine test certificates, duly approved by the
purchaser, shall accompany the dispatch consignment.

10.2.4 The manufacturing of the equipment shall be strictly in accordance with the
approved drawings and no deviation shall be permitted without the written
approval of the purchaser. All manufacturing and fabrication work in connection
with the equipment prior to the approval of the drawing shall be at the supplier’s

10.2.5 Two set of nicely printed bound volumes of operation, maintenance and erection
manuals and approved drawings in English language shall be supplied along with
each circuit breaker, in addition to the five sets to be sent directly to the purchaser.

10.2.6 Approval of drawings/work by purchaser shall not relieve the supplier of his
responsibility and liability for ensuring correctness and correct interpretation of the
drawings for meeting the requirements of the latest revision of application standards,
rules and codes of practices. The equipment shall conform in all respects to high
standards of engineering, design, workmanship and latest revisions of relevant standards
at the time of ordering and purchaser shall have to power to reject any work or materials
which, in his judgment is not in full accordance therewith.


11.1 The equipment shall be packed in crates suitable for vertical/horizontal

transport as the case may be, and suitable to withstand handling during transport
and outdoor storage during transit. The supplier shall be responsible for any
damage to the equipment during transit, due to improper and inadequate packing.
The easily damageable material shall be carefully packed and marked with the
appropriate caution symbol. Wherever necessary, proper arrangement for lifting,
such as lifting hooks etc., shall be provided. Any material found short inside the
packing cases shall be supplied immediately by supplier without any extra cost.

11.2 Each consignment shall be accompanied with a detailed packing list containing
the following information.
a) Name of the consignee.
b)Details of consignment.
d)Total weight of consignment
e)Handling and packing instructions.
f)Bill of Material indicating contents of each package.
11.3 The supplier shall ensure that the packing list and bill of material are approved by
the purchaser before dispatch. The packing shall be done as per the
manufacturer’s standard practice. However, he should ensure the packing is such
that, the material should not get damaged during transit by Rail/Road.
11.4 The marking on each package shall be as per the relevant standards and shall also
contain “AP _PDCL”.
The centre of gravity of the assembled transformers shall be low and as near to the
vertical central line as possible. The transformer shall be stable with or without
oil. If the centre of gravity is eccentric relating to the track either with or without
oil, its location shall be shown on the outline drawing.


The quantity and delivery requirement are indicated in the schedule of



The Purchaser will arrange for unloading of the consignments.



1. Oil conservator with filling hole and gap and drain in cock.
2. Oil level guage with 10° C, 30° C, 60° C and 90° C marking. .
3. Silica gel breather.
4. Air release plug
5. Two numbers of earthing terminals with lugs
6. On load tap changing gear with Buchholtz relay / oil surge relay.
7. Drain valve, filter valve
8. Buchholtz relay (double float)
9. Radiators with valves (size LxBxH) Qty (Nos.)
10. Lifting lugs with fastening holes
11. Four Nos. Jacking pads with thickness not less than 20 mm
12. Inspection covers (2 Nos.)
13. Thermometer pockets (2 Nos.)
14. Winding temperature indicator with two contacts(Micro Switch contact type )
15. Pressure relief device.

16. Rating and diagram plate and flow chart
17. Oil temperature indicator (dial type with one contact for alarm(Micro Switch
contact type )
18. Marshaling box
19. HT & LT bushings. These bushings shall be provided with bimetallic clamps
suitable for panther ACSR Conductor. The bushing rods for all capacities should
be of ¾” dia. for HV and 1” dia. for LV or M20 copper size for all capacities
20. Necessary oil for first filling.
21. Bottom mounting channel (min. size of channel shall be 200x75/76mm for 5.0
22. Necessary features on transformer tank for mounting LAs on both HV & LV shall
be provided and they shall be detachable type and not to be welded.
23. Explosion vent with diaphragm
24. Valve in equalising pipe
25. Pulling eyes – 8 Nos.
26. Sampling devices (bottom and top)

Note: Any other fittings that are necessary for the satisfactory operation of the
transformers shall be provided without any extra cost.

14.2 OPTIONAL SPARES:- The tender shall quote separately for the following
i) Set of coils for one limb of the winding.
ii) HT bushing.
iii) LT bushing.
iv) Neutral bushing.
v) One set of gaskets
vi) One set of thermometers
vii) One oil gauge.
14.3 The tender shall also quote for any item of spares recommended for 5 years
normal operation. The purchaser will decide on the actual spares to be ordered on
the basis of the list and item prices of spares. Detailed prices of tools and spare
parts shall be indicated as per Annexure – I-A
14.4 NAME PLATE : Equipment should be provided with name plate giving full
details of manufacturers, capacities and other details as specified in the
relevant ISS. The purchase order No. date and words “AP_PDCL” must be
etched on the name plate. _PDCL logo shall be Embossed on the
Transformer Tank of size 12”x18” on the opposite side of the name plate as

warranty will be 5 years (five years )the date of acceptance of the material in
stores i.e. Form-13 date of last consignment, last piece of transformer received against
this specification. AP_PDCL reserves the right to claim the financial loss incurred /
suffered due to the failure of Power Transformers during the guarantee period.



Characteristics Particulars as per ISS:335/93

1. Appearance

2. Density at 29.5 deg. C (Max.)

3. Kinematics viscosity at 27 deg. C (Max.)

4. Interfacial tension at 27 deg. C (Max.)

5. Flash point. Pensky-Marten (Closed)


6. Pour Point (Max.)

7. Neutralization value :

a) Total acidity (Max.)

b) Inorganic acidity / alkalinity
8. Corrosive sulphur

9. Electric strength ( breakdown voltage )


a) New un-filtered oil

b) After filtration
10. Dielectric dissipation factor

(Tan Delta at 90 deg. C) (max.)

11. Specific resistance (Resistivity)

a) At 90 deg. C (Min.)
b) At 27 deg. C (Min.)
12. Oxidation stability

a) Neutralisation value after oxidation

b) Total sludge, after oxidation (Max.)
13. Agening characteristics after
accelerating ageing (Open Breaker
Method with copper catalyst) for 96 Hrs.
as per ASTM D-1934-1978

a) Specific resistance(Resistivity)
i)At 27 deg. C (Min.)

ii)At 90 deg. C (Min.)

b) Dielectric dissipation factor

Tan Delta at 90 deg. C (Max.)

c) Total acidity (Max.)

d) Total sludge value (Max.)
14. Presence of oxidation inhibitor

15. Water content (Max.)




FADS Gross Delivery to

Sl Qty destination
Description Price Weight Remarks
No. Nos.
Rs. Kgs. Stores in weeks

AS per section –IV

Schedule of


Item – I

Item - II





1. Name of the Manufacturer

2. Service


3. Ratings : - Rated KVA

Rated Voltage of HV/LV KV

No-Load Voltage Ratio KV

Temperature rise in oil deg. C

Temperature rise by resistance/

winding of deg. C

Rated frequency : c/s

4. Number of Phases

5. Connections- High Voltage

- Low Voltage

- Vector group of reference

6. Tappings- High Voltage %

Low Voltage %

7. No load loss at rated voltage kW

8. Load loss at rated current at 75 deg.C(kW)

9. %Impedance at rated current and freq. At 75


10. Reactance at rated current and frequency %

11. Efficiencies at 75 deg.C at unity power Factor

At full load %

At ¾ full load %

At ½ full load %

12. Regulation at full load at 75 deg.C

At unity power factor %

At 0.8 Power factor lagging %

13. No load current at rated voltage and frequency

14. Approximate weights : KG

I) Core KG
II) Windings KG
III) Core with frame KG
IV) Tank and fittings KG
V) Oil(Excluding OLTCG Oil) KG
VI) Total weight KG
15. Approximate quantity of oil Ltrs.

(including OLTC – OIL)

16. Approximate overall dimensions- Length mm

Breadth mm

Height mm

17. Terminal arrangements - High Voltage

Low Voltage

18. Reference standard

19. Remarks


1. Approximate Max. flux density at rated Vol.

& Frequency CGS Lines/cm2

2. Efficiencies at 75 deg.C at 0.8 Power

Factor lagging

At full load %

At ¾ full load %

At ½ full load %

3. Load at which maximum efficiency occur

(full load) %

4. Maximum efficiency

5. Impulse levels with 1/50 ms wave

High voltage kV

Low voltage kV

6. No load loss at 110% rated voltage and rated

frequency kW

7. No load current at 110% rated voltage and rated

frequency A

8. Type of windings

High voltage

Low voltage

9. Insulation materials

Turn insulation high voltage

Turn insulation low voltage

Insulation core to low voltage

Insulation high voltage to low voltage

10. Clearances

Minimum clearance between phases

a) In oil mm

b) Out of oil mm

Minimum clearance high voltage to(mm) Earth

in oil

Minimum clearance high voltage to tank(mm) in

III Details of tank

1 Length x Breadth x Height mm

2 Approximate thickness of sides mm

3 Approximate thickness of top mm

4 Approximate thickness of bottom mm

5 Approximate thickness of tube mm Radiators

6 Minimum clearance height for lifting core and

windings from tank (mm)

7 Shipping details - Parts detached for transport

Approximate weight of heaviest package (Kg)

Approximate dimensions of largest package

Length (mm)

Breadth (mm)

Height (mm)


1. Rating

Rated KVA

Rated voltage kV

2. Connections

3. Tappings

4. Impedance at 75 deg/C/rated current at

With respect to high voltage %

With respect to low voltage %


1. Type

2. Momentary Power Freq. dry withstand voltage kV

3. Visible power freq. Discharge voltage kV

4. One minute dry withstand power freq. voltage kV

5. One minute wet withstand power freq. voltage kV

6. Full wave withstand impulse voltage kV

7. Under oil flashover or puncture withstand voltage


8. Creepage distance in air (mm)

9. Recommended gap setting (mm)

10. Weight of assembled bushing (Kg)


1. Make

2. Type

3. Rating MVA

Rated voltage kV

Rated current A

Step voltage V

No. steps

4. Control

5. Auxiliary supply details

6. Voltage control

7. Line drop compensation

8. Parallel operation

9. Protective devices

10. Approx. overall weight Kg

11. Approx. overall dimensions (mm)

12. Approx. overall quantity of oil (Ltrs)


1. Type Test :

(a) Is the offered design type-tested? (Yes/No).

(b) If yes, fill up the following table.

Sl. Name of test Description Date of Tested Number

No. of Power test Laboratory of sheets
Transformer &
with losses Location

1 (a) Short-circuit dynamic and thermal

withstand test

(b) Impulse withstand test with chopped wave

as per clause no.13 of IS-2026, part-III

2. Whether the transformer conform to IS-

2026 (Yes/No)

3. OLTC Particulars

(i) Make : CTR/OLG or equivalent

(ii) Type : ON LOAD, Linear type

Continuous (but not coarse and fine type).

(iiii) Rating :

(iv) Control : Manual & Electrical and

compatible for RTCC and Parallel

(v) Auxiliary supply : 3-Phase, 440V, 50


(vi) Approx. overall weight :

(vii) Approx. overall dimensions :

(viii) Approx. overall quantity of oil


4. Any technical deviations offered (Yes/No)

If yes, mention the clause no. and reason

for deviation

5. Type of supports for HV delta, line and

tap leads

6. Material and size of HV delta and tap


7. Size of core frame channel

8. Size and no. of core studs

9. Size and no. of tie rods

10. Limit of unbalance of LV neutral (max)


Sl.No. Description 5.00 MVA

1. Core Grade
2. Core diameter (mm)
3. Gross core area (sq. cm)
4. Net core area (sq. cm)
5. Flux density Tesla
6. Weight of the core (Kg)
7. Loss per Kg of core at

The Specified Flux Density

8. Core Window Height mm

9. Centre to centre distance mm
10. No. of L.V. Turns
11. No. of H.V. Turns
12. Size of L.V. conductor bare/covered
13. Size of H.V. conductor bare/covered
14. No. of parallels
15. Current density of L.V. Winding
16. Current density of H.V. Winding
17. Wt. Of the H.V. winding copper for
transformer Kg
18. Wt. Of the L.V. winding copper for
transformer Kg
19. No. of L.V. COILS/PHASE
20. No. of H.V. COILS/PHASE
21. Height of L.V. Winding mm :
22. Height of H.V. Winding mm :
23. ID/OD of L.V. Winding mm :
24. ID/OD of H.V. Winding mm :
25. Size of the duct in L.V. Winding mm :
26. Size of the duct in H.V. Winding mm :
27. Size of the duct between H.V. & L.V.
mm :
28. HV winding to LV clearance (mm) :
29. HV winding to tank clearance (mm) :
30. Calculated impedance %
31. HV to earth creepage distance (mm)
32. LV to earth creepage distance (mm)



Sl. Requirements/ Specification Deviations Remarks

Clause No.
No. Equipment

i) It is hereby conformed that except for deviations mentioned above, the offer
conforms to all the other features specified in Technical Specification Section III
of this Bid Document.

ii) The additional features that are provided in the meters which have not been
covered in the specification are cited at Appendix ____________ of the bid.

iii) Technical details/information enclosed with the bid as required in Technical

Specification Section-III of the bid document is listed at Appendix __________.


Reference Abbreviations Name and Address


IEC International Electro Technical

Commission Bureau Central de la

Commission Electro Technique

International, Rue de verembe

Geneva, Switzerland

ISO International Organisation for


Danish Board of Standardisation


DK-2900, heel prup,


ISS Indian Standard Bureau of

Indian Standards,

Nank Bhavan,

9, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg,

New Delhi – 110 002, INDIA.






Sl. No. Reference to clause No. of this specification Departures







Sl. Description Manufacturer Place of Place of testing

No. manufacture and inspection










Sl. Equipment Contents of Weight Dimensions

No. individual







Sl. No. Item No. Description





Sl.Name and Order No Name and Qty(in Valu Name Actual Despatchin
Address of and Date descriptio Nos.) e (in and date of g
authority n of Rs.) Address delivery Particulars
who placed material of
the order Consigne




Sl. ITEM Source of Place of Place of

material manufacture testing and

1. Laminations

2. Copper

3. Core plates

4. Steel castings

5. Tank

6. Radiators

7. Insulating cylinders

8. Insulating paper

9. Bushing HV/LV

Insulated winding wire

a) Tap Changer
10. b) Thermometer
c) Bucholtz Relay
d) Magnetic oil level guage
e) Silicagel Breather
11. Oil

12. Oil Temperature Indicator

13. Winding Temperature Indicator

14. Silicagel Breather

15. Pressure relief valve



Tap Place and institution Month/date

Range & where tested and date for short
Voltage & Rating Tap Size of test circuit test if
No. of the T/F proposed in
tested Impulse near future

1. 33/11 kV, 5000


Note : 1. In case the impulse voltage and short circuit test has not been conducted so far,
indicate the proposed date for such testing in near future.

2. In case tests have already been carried out, furnish the detailed reports of
such test along with the tender including inspection of active parts after the test.



Sl. Name of the Characteristics is Whether Check Ref. Remarks

No. component. exercised and is so to
indicate type quantum
of check

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


1. Aluminium / Copper (i) Dimension.

(ii) Electrical


2. Insulating paper
Dielectric strength
of paper.

3. Core laminations. Dimension.

4. MS Plate and Dimension.


5. Press Board Perma i) Dimension.

ii) Physical

(Density, tensile
compressibility, oil

6. a) Insulation Surface

b) Copper contacts. i) Surface finish.

ii) Dimension.

iii) Contact surface.

7. Transformer Oil. i) Dielectric Strength.

ii) Moisture content.

8. Radiator. i) Strength & leak.

ii) Rimention.

9. Axles, roller. i) Dimension & finish



1. Tank conservator & i) Cracking of major

steel fabricated. welds.

ii) Dimension items.

iii) Vaccum test of


2. Core.

3 Winding. i) Checking of

ii) Tightness of HV &

LV windings.

iii) Checking of paper

slit dimension.

iv) Checking of
spacer and their

v) Checking for pre-

shrickages and

4. Drying. i) Drying process.

ii) Oil (only dielectric

strength & moisture
content to be

5. Other components. Check insulation for



1. Assembly


1. Oil Dielectric strength & moisture in to Before After

transformer, after hearten test. filling. filling.

2. i) Ratio at each tap.

ii) Vector group.

iii) Winding resistance at principal tap &

extreme taps.

iv) Insulation resistance before & after hear

run test.

v) Separate source withstand test.

vi) Magnetising current at full voltage 90%

and 110% excitation & iron loss.

vii) Over fluxing normal tap(-) 10% tap.

viii) Load loss measurement.

ix) Induced voltage withstand test.

x) Impedance at principal tap and at

extreme taps.

xi) Spill current in neutral.

3. Type Test :

i) Temperature rise test.

ii) Pressure test.

Note: one soft copy of GTP (in Excel) as per specification should be uploaded


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