Sms Roaming HTTP
Sms Roaming HTTP
Sms Roaming HTTP
0. Introduction
The SMSRoaming system offers various methods of sending and receiving SMS messages.
This document contains specifications for the following methods:
$username="xxxxx"; //Provide your smsroaming username
$password="xxxxx"; //Provide your smsroaming account password
$chkbal="0"; //if you want to just check your balance. send 1
$code="xxx"; //Enter Country Code (For Example 61 for Australia)
$number="xxxxxxxx"; //Enter mobile number without Country Code
$msg="I am testing Api"; //your Message
$msg=rawurlencode($msg); //if you will remove this can't send special characters
like +$%^^& etc
$sender="xxxxx"; //Your Required Sender ID (SMS Masking)
$chk=sendSMS("username","password","code","mobile","Your Message");
Function will return following values which you can use to check status of your message you just sent.
echo chkBAL("username","password");
If you are a Corporate User you can send your message with Open Sender ID:
For Example:
Step 2: Call a function to get all sms providing your username and password
i-e $getData = getMsgs("username","password");
Step 3: after this you have to decode data using this function
echo "<strong>Message</strong>: ".$data[$i]->msg."<br/>";
echo "<strong>Source</strong>: ".$data[$i]->src."<br/>";
echo "<strong>Date</strong>: ".$data[$i]->date."<br/>";
echo "<strong>Contact Name</strong>: ".$data[$i]->name."<br/>";
echo "<br/><br/>";
Step 5: after getting all your messages and after Reading/Storing them you should have to call a
function which will mark these sms as Read so in next call you will not get these messages.
die("Invalid Username/Password or Unable to connect Server");