File Tax Return
File Tax Return
File Tax Return
NINO Issue address HM Revenue and Customs office address
Employer reference
Date For
Telephone Reference
HM Revenue and Customs office address
Your tax return
This notice requires you, by law, to make a return of your Most people file online
taxable income and capital gains, and any documents It’s quick and easy to file online. Get started by typing
requested, for the year from 6 April 2018 to 5 April 2019.
Tax Return 2019 into For
your internet browser address bar to go directly to our
Telephone Reference
Deadlines official website.
Tax year 6 April 2018 to 5 April 2019 (2018–19)
We must receive your tax return by these dates: Your tax return
Do not use a search website to find HMRC services online.
have to send your tax • if you’re filing a return online – by 31 January 2020 UTR taxable
and available income
24 hours a dayand
and capital
you can gains,
also signand
up any documents
for email It’s quick and easy to file online. Get started by typing
alerts and requested,
NINO for the
online messages year
to help youfrom 6 April
manage your2018 to 5 April 2019.
tax affairs.
(or 3 months after the date of this notice if that’s later)
address into
return back to you, and If your return is late you’ll be charged a £100 penalty.
Forthan 3 months late, you’ll be
If your return is more
Employer reference
To file on paper, please fill in this form using the following rules:
• enter yourDeadlines
figures in whole pounds – ignore the pence
To official
your internet browser address bar to go directly to our
the address of the
any Telephone
repayment due will
charged daily penalties of £10 a day.
Reference • round down income and round up expenses and tax paid,
We must receive your tax return by these dates: Do not use a search website to find HMRC services online.
it is to your benefit
If you pay late you’ll be charged interest and a late
• if aRevenue
HM • ifnot
box does you’re
and using
apply, a paper
Customs leave itreturn
officeblank –– don’t
addressby 31strike
October 2019 office to
If you haven’tsend
sent a taxyour taxbefore, why not join
return online
take longer.
payment penalty.
Signing taxform
your return
and sending it back through empty (orboxes
3 months after
or write the date
anything elseof this notice if that’s later) the 92% of people who already do it online? It’s easy, secure
• if you’re filing a return online – by 31 January 2020 return to, 24look
and available hours a on
day and the most
you can also sign up for email
fill innotice
this section
requiresand signbyand
you, law,date the declaration
to make a return of at your
box 22. Most people file online (or 3 months after the date of this notice if that’s later) alerts and online messages to help you manage your tax affairs.
taxable income and capital gains, and any documents Starting your tax return
It’s quick and easy to file online. Get started If your byreturn
typingis late you’ll be charged a £100 penalty. recent To file oncorrespondence
paper, please fill in this form using the following rules:
Before you start to fill it in, look through your tax return to make sure there isIfa your section for allisyour income
than and claims late, you’ll be • enter your figures in whole pounds – ignore the pence
If this tax return
20 requested, contains
for the provisional
year from 6 Aprilfigures,
2018 toput ‘X’ in 2019. 23 If you’ve
5 April signed on behalf of someone else, enter returninto more 3 months
– you may need
the box
separate supplementary pages (see page TR 2 and the Tax Return notes).
the form,
capacity. For example, executor, receiver charged daily penalties of £10 a day. from • roundus.downIf income
youanddo not
round haveand tax paid,
up expenses
For help filling in thisyour internet
go browser address
to bar
and readto
thego directly
notes to our
and helpsheets. it is to your benefit
Deadlines Your personal details official website.
If you pay late you’ll be charged interest and a late
payment penalty.
any• ifrecent correspondence
a box does not apply, please leave it blank – don’t strike
PleaseWemake sureyour
must receive you sign by these dates:
tax return Do not use a search website to find HMRC
Your date of birth – it helps get your tax right
services online.
Your phone number
through empty boxes or write anything else
from us then send your
• if you’re using a paper return – by 31 October 2019 DD MM YYYY If you haven’t sent a tax return online before, why not join For
21 Ifdate
you’re the declaration
enclosing on pages,
separate supplementary
the 92% of people who already Telephone Starting
do it online? It’s easy,yoursecure tax return completed
Reference return to:
put ‘X’(orin3the
box after the date of this notice if that’s later)
page TR 8 offiling
• if you’re your completed
a return online – by 31 January 2020
24 Enter the name of the person you have signed
and available 24 hours a day and youYour
4 sign uptonumber
Insurance for
fill itemail
in, lookblank
– leave through
Self Assessment
if theyour tax return to make sure there is a section for all your income and claims
Your name andalerts
addressand – you mayisneed
shownsome separate supplementary pages (see page TR 2 and the Tax Return notes).
(or 3 months after the date of this notice if that’s later) 2
– if it is differentmessages
from what is to help you manage
correct number your tax
above affairs.
tax return before sending it on the front of this form, please write the correct details This noticeForrequires you,inbythis
help filling law, to make
form, a return of your
go to
and read
people fileand
the notes
and Customs
If your return is late you’ll be charged a £100 penalty.underneath theTo fileones
wrong onand paper,
put theplease
date youfill in this
changed form income
taxable using the andfollowing
capital gains, rules:
and any documents It’s quick and easy to file online. Get started by typing
If your return is more than 3 months late, you’ll be
address below DD MM YYYY
• enter your figures in whole requested, pounds – forYour
ignore personal
the yearthefrom
pence details
6 April 2018 to 5 April 2019. BX9 1AS into
I declare thatdaily penalties ofI’ve
the information £10 a day.
given on this tax return • round down income and round up expenses and tax paid,
25 If you filled in boxes 23 and 24 enter your nameYour date of birth – it helps get your tax right
your internet Yourbrowser address bar to go directly to our
phone number
United Kingdom
1 3
DD MM YYYY Before you start to fill it in, look through your tax return to make sure there is a section for all your income and claims
22 Declaration
– you may need some separate supplementary pages (see page TR 2 and the Tax Return notes).
I declare that the information I’ve given on this tax return For help
25 If filling in this
you filled form,
in boxes go to
23 and 24
enter your name and read the notes and helpsheets.
and any supplementary Youris correct
4 pages National Insurance
and complete to number – leave blank if the
2 Your name and address – if it is different from theisbest of my knowledgecorrect
what and belief.
number is shown above Your personal details
I understand that I may have to pay financial penalties and
on the front of this form, please write the correct details 1 Your date of birth – it helps get your tax right 3 Your phone number
face prosecution if I give false information.
underneath the wrong ones and put the date you changed 26 DD MM
and YYYY
your address
address below DD MM YYYY
Please do not include this information sheet with your tax return.
NINO Issue address
Employer reference
Telephone Reference
4 Y
our National Insurance number – leave blank if the
2 Y
our name and address – if it is different from what is correct number is shown above
on the front of this form, please write the correct details
underneath the wrong ones and put the date you changed
address below DD MM YYYY
7 C
apital gains summary
Yes No Number
If you sold or disposed of any assets (for example,
stocks, shares, land and property, a business), or had any
2 S
elf-employment chargeable gains, read the notes to decide if you have
If you worked for yourself (on your ‘own account’ or in to fill in the ‘Capital gains summary’ page. If you do,
self-employment) in the year to 5 April 2019, read the you must also provide separate computations.
notes to decide if you need to fill in the ‘Self-employment’
Do you need to fill in the ‘Capital gains summary’ page
pages. You may not need to if this income is up to £1,000.
and provide computations?
Do you need to fill in the ‘Self-employment’ pages?
Fill in a separate ‘Self-employment’ page for each business. Yes No Computation(s) provided
On each ‘Self-employment’ page you complete, enter any
payments or expenses related to that business. Say how
many businesses you had in the ‘Number’ box below. 8 R
esidence, remittance basis etc
(Answer ‘Yes’ if you were a ‘Name’ at Lloyd’s.) Were you, for all or part of the year to 5 April 2019,
one or more of the following:
• not resident
Yes No Number
• not domiciled in the UK and claiming the
remittance basis
3 Partnership • dual resident in the UK and another country?
Were you in a partnership? Fill in a separate ‘Partnership’
page for each partnership you were a partner in and say
Yes No
how many partnerships you had in the ‘Number’ box below.
Yes No Number 9 A
dditional information
Some less common kinds of income and tax reliefs, for
4 U
K property example Married Couple’s Allowance, Life insurance gains,
If you received income from UK property (including rents chargeable event gains, Seafarer’s Earnings Deduction
and other income from land you own or lease out), read the and details of disclosed tax avoidance schemes, should
notes to decide if you need to fill in the ‘UK property’ pages. be returned on the ‘Additional information’ pages. Do you
You may not need to if this income is up to £1,000. need to fill in the ‘Additional information’ pages?
Do you need to fill in the ‘UK property’ pages?
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
1 T
axed UK interest – the net amount after tax has been 5 O
ther dividends – the amount received - read the notes
taken off - read the notes
£ • 0 0
£ • 0 0
6 F
oreign dividends (up to £300) – the amount in sterling
2 U
ntaxed UK interest – amounts which have not had tax after foreign tax was taken off. Don’t include this amount
taken off - read the notes in the ‘Foreign’ pages
£ • 0 0 £ • 0 0
3 Untaxed
foreign interest (up to £2,000) – amounts which 7 Tax taken off foreign dividends – the sterling equivalent
have not had tax taken off - read the notes
£ • 0 0
£ • 0 0
4 D
ividends from UK companies – the amount received
- read the notes
£ • 0 0
17 O
ther taxable income – before expenses and tax 20 Benefit from pre-owned assets - read the notes
taken off
£ • 0 0
£ • 0 0
21 Description
of income in boxes 17 and 20 – if there’s
18 Total amount of allowable expenses – read the notes not enough space here please give details in the
‘Any other information’ box, box 19, on page TR 7
£ • 0 0
£ • 0 0
1 P
ayments to registered pension schemes where basic 3 P
ayments to your employer’s scheme which were not
rate tax relief will be claimed by your pension provider deducted from your pay before tax – this will be
(called ‘relief at source’). Enter the payments and basic unusual – read the notes
rate tax
£ • 0 0
£ • 0 0
4 Payments
to an overseas pension scheme, which is not
2 Payments
to a retirement annuity contract where basic UK-registered, which are eligible for tax relief and were
rate tax relief will not be claimed by your provider not deducted from your pay before tax
£ • 0 0 £ • 0 0
Charitable giving
5 Gift Aid payments made in the year to 5 April 2019 9 Value of qualifying shares or securities gifted to charity
£ • 0 0 £ • 0 0
6 Total of any ‘one-off’ payments in box 5 10 Value of qualifying land and buildings gifted to charity
£ • 0 0 £ • 0 0
7 G
ift Aid payments made in the year to 5 April 2019 11 V
alue of qualifying investments gifted to non-UK
but treated as if made in the year to 5 April 2018 charities in boxes 9 and 10
£ • 0 0 £ • 0 0
8 Gift
Aid payments made after 5 April 2019 but to be 12 Gift Aid payments to non-UK charities in box 5
treated as if made in the year to 5 April 2019
£ • 0 0
£ • 0 0
1 If you’ve received notification from the Student Loans 2 If your employer has deducted Student Loan
Company that repayment of an Income Contingent repayments enter the amount deducted
Student Loan began before 6 April 2019,
put ‘X’ in the box and we’ll use your plan type to
£ • 0 0
calculate the amount due
3 If you think your loan may be fully repaid within
the next 2 years, put ‘X’ in the box
1 E
nter the total amount of Child Benefit you and your 3 E
nter the date that you and your partner
partner got for the year to 5 April 2019 stopped getting all Child Benefit payments
if this was before 6 April 2019
£ • 0 0 DD MM YYYY
2 E
nter the number of children you and your partner
got Child Benefit for on 5 April 2019
Marriage Allowance
Please read the notes. If your income for the year ended 5 April 2019 was less than £11,850 you can transfer £1,190
of your Personal Allowance to your spouse or civil partner to reduce the amount of tax they pay if all of the following apply:
• you were married to, or in a civil partnership with, the same person for all or part of the tax year
• you were both born on or after 6 April 1935
• your spouse or civil partner’s income was not taxed at the higher rate
Fill in this section if you want to make the transfer:
1 Your spouse or civil partner’s first name 4 Your spouse or civil partner’s date of birth DD MM YYYY
2 Your spouse or civil partner’s last name 5 Date of marriage or civil partnership DD MM YYYY
£ • 0 0
2 If you owe less than £3,000 for the 2018–19 tax year 3 If you owe tax on savings, casual earnings and/or
(excluding Class 2 NICs) and you send us your paper the High Income Child Benefit Charge for the 2019–20
tax return by 31 October, or 30 December 2019 if you tax year, we’ll try to collect it through your wages or
file online, we’ll try to collect the tax through your pension by adjusting your 2019–20 tax code.
wages or pension by adjusting your 2020-21 tax code. If you do not want us to do this, put ‘X’ in the box
If you do not want us to do this, put ‘X’ in the box - read the notes
- read the notes
12 Nominee’s address
6 Branch sort code
— —
7 Account number
13 and postcode
8 Building society reference number
14 T
o authorise your nominee to receive any repayment,
9 If
you do not have a bank or building society account, you must sign in the box. A photocopy of your
or if you want us to send a cheque to you or to your signature will not do
nominee, put ‘X’ in the box
15 Your tax adviser’s name 17 The first line of their address including the postcode
20 If this tax return contains provisional figures, put ‘X’ in 23 If you’ve signed on behalf of someone else, enter
the box the capacity. For example, executor, receiver
22 Declaration
I declare that the information I’ve given on this tax return 25 If you filled in boxes 23 and 24 enter your name
and any supplementary pages is correct and complete to
the best of my knowledge and belief.
I understand that I may have to pay financial penalties and
face prosecution if I give false information.
26 and your address