TC Create A New Tile in AW
TC Create A New Tile in AW
TC Create A New Tile in AW
By default, many out of the box tiles are available in Active Workspace. However, as end users begin to
perform more activities in Active Workspace, they may find that creating a custom new tile will benefit
the end user by reducing the number of button clicks to perform a certain action. The following example
demonstrates how to create a new action tile for a custom item “JD4_GTAC_Item.”
Note: For information on creating new tiles using XML import files, please see newsletter “Creating
Tiles, Tile Templates and Collections Using XML Import Files.”
1. Search for type=Tile Template and copy template (for this example use
Creating a New Tile and Adding It to a Tile Collection in RAC
2. File>New>Other>Tile
a. Within Action Parameters insert the real name of the item from BMIDE. In this example,
use JD4_GTAC_Item instead of GTAC Item.
3. Search for Tile and your new Tile will be in the search results
Creating a New Tile and Adding It to a Tile Collection in RAC
4. Search for type = Tile Collection and paste the Tile into the Site Tile collection
a. Right click on the Site-TileCollection, paste:
Creating a New Tile and Adding It to a Tile Collection in RAC
b. In this case the new tile will be added to the site collection and propagated to the other
tile collections. When adding a tile to the site collection, it is then possible to hide the
tile in any collections which you do not want users to see the tile. For example, the dba
can hide the new tile in the site collection and make it visible to users in the Engineering
group only.
5. Login to Active Workspace to verify the new tile is visible.
Creating a New Tile and Adding It to a Tile Collection in RAC
Jessica Dalton