Paper 4

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30th International Conference on Lightning Protection - ICLP 2010

(Cagliari, Italy - September 13th -17th, 2010)



Alexander Kern Ralf Frentzel Jörg Behrens

Aachen University of Applied Sciences TÜV Süd Industrie Service Vattenfall Europe Nuclear Energy
Juelich, Germany Muenchen, Germany Hamburg, Germany

on detailed numerical simulations.

Large power plants can be endangered by lightning strikes 2 DEFINITION OF THE SOURCE OF DAMAGE
with possible consequences regarding their safety and
availability. A special scenario is a lightning strike to the
The existing withstand impulse voltage levels of the
HV overhead transmission line close to the power plant’s components can not be used as the sources of damage for
connection to the power grid. If then additionally a so-called the investigation. With the requirements given in [1]
shielding failure of the overhead ground wire on top of the experimental tests may be performed for these
overhead transmission line is assumed, i.e. the lightning components. However, for numerical simulations of the
strikes directly into a phase conductor, this is an extreme coupling mechanisms via individual components (e.g.
electromagnetic disturbance. transformers) another definition of the source of damage
The paper deals with the numerical simulation of such a is necessary.
lightning strike and the consequences on the components of
This definition is found in the lightning protection
the power plant’s auxiliary power network connected to
different voltage levels. standardization. At the point of strike a lightning current
is fed in directly, with that representing the source of
1 INTRODUCTION damage as a current source. The definitions are given in
IEC 62305-1:2006 [2] in combination with IEC
In the latest years there was an increasing number of 81/335/CDV (IEC 62305-1 Edition 2):2009 [3], the latter
reports of failures in large power plants and in the HV defining a third lightning current component.
power grid due to lightning incidents. Those incidents are We choose the lightning protection level I (LPL I) for
not new, and they were also existing in the past. the investigation, with that the following three different
However, due to the increasing sensitivity of the society lightning current components have to be considered for
and due to the increasing instability of the power grid, the simulation:
those incidents become an increasing importance for
power utilities. Positive first stroke
A certain failure mode in a northern European power Lightning current amplitude: 200 kA
plant was the final reason, to investigate such an incident. Average current’s front steepness: 20 kA/µs
It is assumed, that the lightning strikes close to the power Front time: 10 µs
plant directly to the HV overhead transmission line Decay time to half value: 350 µs
representing the connection to the power grid. It is further Negative first stroke
assumed, that the lightning strikes directly into a phase Lightning current amplitude: 100 kA
conductor and not into the overhead ground wire on top Average current’s front steepness: 100 kA/µs
of the overhead transmission line, i.e. there is a Front time: 1 µs
dangerous shielding failure. Decay time to half value: 200 µs
The lightning surge voltages and currents occurring on
the HV overhead transmission line are transformed to the Negative subsequent stroke
different voltage levels of the auxiliary power network of Lightning current amplitude: 50 kA
the power plant, with that endangering the connected Average current’s front steepness: 200 kA/µs
electrical components which are important for the safety Front time: 0,25 µs
of the plant. These transformations are investigated based Decay time to half value: 100 µs

As mentioned, it is assumed, that for the investigated and 1 MHz.
HV overhead transmission line a so-called shielding Because of the fact, that the lightning strike occurs to a
failure according to IEC 60099-5 [4] exists, i.e. the phase conductor, a single-phase equivalent circuit is
lightning protection measures of the overhead sufficient. Therefore also only single-phase models of the
transmission line (overhead ground wire, air termination elements are required. We calculate the longitudinal
system of the outdoor switchyard, etc.) fail . This leads as voltage (common mode) caused by the lightning strike,
a consequence to a direct strike to a phase conductor of i.e. the voltage between the active conductor and the
the overhead transmission line with the highest lightning earthing system or the equipotentialization system, resp.
current parameters. Therefore, the modelling of geometrically large
structures, like sections of the HV overhead transmission
3 DEFINITION OF A TYPICAL POWER line, masts of the line, etc., has to consider travelling
PLANT ARRANGEMENT waves phenomena, if their length exceeds smax [5]:
The typical arrangement of the power plant used for v
the calculation contains all typical components, loads and smax  (1)
protection measures at the different voltage levels of the 5  f max
auxiliary power network: v: speed of propagation (in case of overhead
 The connecting lines (HV and LV) are varied with transmission lines approx. the speed of light
different lenghts and cross-sections. v = 300 m/µs);
 A surge arrester is installed at the 400 kV side of the fmax: highest expected frequency.
high voltage substation to protect the power plant
against lightning surges from the power grid. If fmax is taken conservatively to 3 MHz, all elements
 Very close to that is the 420 kV / 27 kV machine longer than 20 m have to be modelled as travelling wave
transformer (1070 MVA). lines or as a circuit with more than one -section.
 On the secondary side of this transformer (27 kV,
representing the generator power frequency voltage) 4.1 HV overhead transmission line
there are another surge arrester and a HV capacitor
The modelling includes, as mentioned above, only one
(10 … 100 nF), the second for protection against
single phase. Based on the geometrical data, the HV
high frequency disturbances created by the generator.
overhead transmission lines are modelled generally as
 An auxiliary power transformer 27 kV / 10 kV lossy lines [6]. However, the parallel resistance can be
reduces the voltage to the highest internal voltage always neglected, because the dielectric material air can
level for the most powerful auxiliary components, be assumed to be absolutely lossless (G’ = 0).
e.g. pump drives. In the typical arrangement these Furthermore, for frequencies higher than 1 kHz also the
loads are generally simulated with two different series resistance can be neglected, because the inductive
motors: 250 kW and 2450 kW. part of the series impedance definitely dominates
 The majority of the auxiliary components (smaller (R’ = 0).
motors, heaters, ventils, I&C-systems) is connected The characteristic impedance ZL of the phase
to a 0.4 kV voltage level. This level is supplied via a conductor or the conductor bundle is given as [7]:
further auxiliary power transformer 10 kV / 0.4 kV.
For simulating the loads, simple high-ohmic  2h 
resistances are used. Z L  60    ln  (2)
 rE 
rE  n r  n  rb 
n 1
Selection and defining the parameters of the models
h: height of the phase conductor (bundle) above
for the auxiliary power network have a special
importance for the calculation. For some components
rb: radius of the bundle;
satisfying models exist (e.g. as from [5, 6, 7]). For other
r: radius of the conductor;
components those models and their parameters are not
n: number of conductors in the bundle (in case of a
available, neither from standards nor from manufacturers,
single conductor n = 1 and with that rE = r).
so that they must be elaborated for this purpose.
The models should be valid in the lightning-relevant
The travelling wave run time can be calculated from
frequency range, which is assumed here from 10 Hz up to
the length of the conductor section and the speed of
10 MHz; however the dominating part of the
propagation given above. The ground surface is assumed
electromagnetic coupling is concentrated between 10 kHz
to be a perfectly conductive plane [8].

4.2 Masts and isolators of HV overhead inductance of the electric arc. Therefore an inductance of
transmission lines approx. 1 H/m is connected in series to the ideal switch.
Masts and mast arms of the HV overhead transmission 4.3 Earthing systems and earthing impedances
line are modelled as travelling wave lines having the
shape of a cone. The characteristic impedance is given as Earthing systems in the outdoor sections of large
[6]: power plants can be assumed to be mainly “ideal”, i.e. the
connections of electrical components to the ideal earth
 2 h  are low-impedant. This is also valid for the elements of a
Z M  60    ln 

 r  HV outdoor substation. We assume always a value of
RE/S = 1  for these connections.
h: height of the conductor fixing at the mast; The masts of the HV overhead transmission line
r: radius of the mast base. outside the power plant area are earthed via a simple
ohmic resistance. This is in accordance with simple
For typical masts of HV overhead transmission lines estimations [6]. Always a value of RE/M = 10  is taken.
the characteristic impedance is 150 … 250 . The The equipotentialization system within the structures
travelling wave run time for the mast follows from the of the power plant can also be handled as “ideal”,
height of the mast arm above ground level (for the mast because the reinforcements of walls and ceilings are
arm from its length from the mast to the isolator) and the incorporated. Consequently, if electrical components are
speed of propagation given above. connected to the equipotentialization system, only the
The isolators of the HV overhead transmission line are inductance of the connecting leads (usually copper cables
generally assumed to be ideal. Only in case of their with 70 mm2 cross section) exists, taken into account
breakdown as a consequence of a lightning surge voltage, with 1 µH/m.
i.e. if the breakdown voltage is reached, a model is
necessary. 4.4 Surge arresters
According to IEC 60071-2 Annex G [7] the breakdown
The surge arresters used on the HV level are metal-
voltage of isolators of a HV overhead transmission line
oxide varistors. The following investigations take into
for a lightning impulse voltage with 1.2 s front time can account up-to-date gapless arresters. Furthermore it is
be estimated as: assumed, that the transformer to be protected is within
U d / 50 d the (limited) protective distance of the surge arrester.
 700  (5) However, these protective devices are not dimensioned
kV m
for the scenario given in chapter 2: a direct strike to a
d: length of the isolator (distance between the phase conductor in the close vicinity of the surge arrester.
electrodes). Therefore, three important effects have to be considered
for the simulations:
For impulse voltages with even higher voltage 1. Current-voltage characteristic curve:
steepness, the breakdown voltage will further increase. A For the varistors used the current-voltage
conversion of the breakdown voltage level valid for the characteristic curve is known (Fig. 1). The basic
standardized impulse withstand voltage 1.2/50 µs for a behaviour depends especially on the disc area. If the
more steeper impulse voltage is possible for gaseous residual voltage of a varistor is known for a certain
insulating materials using the constant-area-criterion [9]. current value (e.g. 10 kA), then for a known disc area
The calculations show, that at least in case of the negative the entire slope of the current-voltage characteristic
subsequent stroke the front times of the impulse voltages curve can be given. The varistors are conveniently
across the isolators are smaller than for the standardized simulated as current-controlled voltage sources with
impulse withstand voltage 1.2/50 µs. With that, due to a continuous characteristic curve (Fig. 2).
the “time delay” of the breakdown (flash-over) at the 2. Energy absorption capability and failure performance
isolator, higher levels of the lightning surge voltages in of the varistor:
the downstream electrical installations occur. For the calculation it is assumed, that approx. 5 times
If the flash-over is reached, i.e. the conditions for the the long duration current impulse (2 ms) is impressed
breakdown are given, according to IEC 60071-4 [6] the within a time duration of a few milliseconds, leading
isolator of the HV overhead transmission line can be to a destruction of the surge arrester and finally to an
modelled as an ideal switch for a lightning impulse electric arc at the place of installation [10].
voltage threat. This ideal switch closes within one time
step. 3. External flash-over at the arrester housing:
The consequent current increase is limited by the It occurs based on the breakdown characteristic
curve similar to the isolator (see chapter 4.2).

4.5 Transformers
As mentioned above, for transformers, even if models
are proposed in standards [5, 6], the parameters for those
models are usually not available. Therefore, for some
typical transformers used for this investigation the
transfer functions were measured experimentally. The
transfer function is based on the electric quadrupole
theory and is measured using the frequency response
analysis. Important parameters are (1) the capacitance of
the primary winding to earth, (2) the capacitance of the
secondary winding to earth, (3) the capacitance of the
primary winding to the secondary winding, and (4) the
self inductances of the primary and secondary winding
Figure 1: Characteristic curve of a 27 kV-surge arrester.
The measurements include (1) a sinusoidal input over a
wide frequency range and (2) an impulse input (i.e. wide-
150000 band source), both at the primary side. The output was
measured at the secondary side of the transformers.
For the sinusoidal input the frequency range was
determined with approx. 2000 supporting points being

distributed logarithmically. The input generator was a
Upeak / V

voltage source with 10 Vpp and variable frequency. Based
on the comparatively low voltage level small deviations
are to be expected in the lower frequency range, which
Kennlinie laut Datenblatt nevertheless can be neglected. Reason for that are the
modellierte Kennlinie
50000 nonlinearity and the voltage dependency of the magnetic
40000 iron core, being valid up to approx. 10 kHz. Above this
30000 frequency limit the magnetic iron core is almost field-free
0,00001 0,0001 0,001 0,01 0,1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
I/A and, consequently, without any influence.
Figure 2: Characteristic curve of a 27 kV-surge arrester –
The impulse input with 400 V was used to verify the
comparison of data sheet and model. results in the frequency and the time domain with a
second wide band measurement.
The simulations with different installation conditions
and with the three lightning current components (chapter
2) show different reactions of the stressed surge arrester:
 The arrester is not overloaded energetically and the
conditions for an external flash-over are not given: Simulation
The residual voltage of the arrester is given by the
characteristic curve of the varistor.
 The arrester is overloaded energetically, but the
conditions for an external flash-over are not given:
The residual voltage of the arrester is given by the
the electric arc voltage, after the arrester has blown
out. Messung
 For the arrester the conditions for an external flash-
over are given, shortly before it is overloaded
energetically: The residual voltage of the arrester is
given by the the electric arc voltage, after the
external flash-over occurred. Figure 3: Voltage amplitude spectrum for a typical machine
transformer (BBC GM 100 990) - according to [5, 6].
The described reactions of the surge arrester lead to
differently high lightning surge voltages in the Based on these results as a first approach the models
downstream electrical installations. For the investigation given in the report of the CIGRE Study Committee 33 [5]
of the maximum insulation stress there, the worst-case and in the Draft Technical Report of IEC TC 28 [6] were
results have to be used. used to describe the coupling primary side vs. secondary

side. However, these models turned out as not exact In case of shielded MV cables the single phase
enough and therefore not sufficient for this investigation conductors may have separate individual shields. This
(Fig. 3). As a consequence for an entire simulation has to be considered as two equivalent circuits. The
deviations up to more than 50 % were found in the final internal circuit consists of the single phase conductor and
result. the inner shield’s surface, the external circuit is built by
Secondly the components were simulated via a lattice the outer shield’s surface and the surrounding
network. With that, a good correlation of both the equipotentialization system. Therefore, it is necessary to
amplitude spectrum and the phase shift between the simulate a MV cable as two coupled travelling wave lines
measured (Fig. 4) and the simulated (Fig. 5) results were having different characteristic impedances. Adequate
found. Based on these findings, all models for describing equations for the inductance and capacitance per unit
the surge transfer impedance and the damping of the length of the internal circuit (circular conductor in a
transformers were developed with that method. concentric cylinder) and the external circuit (circular
conductor above a conductive plane) are given for
instance in [11, 12].

4.7 Generators and motors

The approach for the main generator of the power plant
as well as for the motor-driven 10 kV loads is
comparable to what is performed for the transformers.
Similar to chapter 4.5 also for these components the
transfer functions and models were determined.

The numerical simulations are conducted with a
network analysis program (SPICE code). As already
mentioned, there are different threats defined by the three
lightning current components. Due to the fact, that the
three components differ both in the transported energy
and in the time slope, it is important to assess the current
Figure 4: Amplitude spectrum for a typical machine
transformer (BBC GM 100 990) – measurement.
impulse with the largest threat. Therefore the simulations
are to be performed for all three lightning current
Additionally the operational mode of the power plant
is important for the simulation. Usually, if the generator
is connected to the power grid, it is parallel to the
auxiliary power network from the lightning impact point-
of-view. The generator therefore works as some kind of
low-pass filter. Here, the negative first stroke leads to the
highest disturbances in the 10 kV and 400 V voltage
levels. In case of a disconnected generator, i.e. the
auxiliary power system of the power plant is supplied
itself via the HV overhead transmission line, the negative
subsequent stroke with its higher frequencies represents
the worst threat.
Generally, a power plant is a complex arrangement of
Figure 5: Amplitude spectrum for a typical machine cascaded resonant circuits with a wide range of
transformer (BBC GM 100 990) – simulation with a lattice characteristic frequencies (see Fig. 6). Each load or
network. transformer already forms an individual resonant circuit
by itself, creating additional resonant circuits with the
4.6 Cables
connecting leads. All these resonant circuits are
Based on the data for the geometry and the dielectric dependent on each other, and influence themselves.
materials also the cables are simulated as generally lossy Therefore, independent parameter analysis, e.g. the
lines, similar to the HV overhead transmission lines. investigation of a variation of a connecting lead, can not
Certainly, in the interesting frequency range the parallel be evaluated separately, but only in connection with other
resistance can be neglected again (G’ = 0). parameters. Conclusions for an optimum level of a

certain parameter can not be formulated fundamentally, cables and loads.
but only by trend, because each parameter depends on a
wide variation of the others. 6 CONCLUSION
Back coupling from downstream voltage levels to the To analyse transient lightning surge voltages as a
next higher voltage level are usually very low, so that consequence of a direct lightning strike to a phase
they can be neglected for a first approach. Furthermore conductor bundle of the HV overhead transmission line
each transformer creates a damping to the next voltage close to a power plant, numerical simulations are
level. The value of attenuation is given by its capacitive conducted for a typical auxiliary power network. The
transfer characteristic in the higher frequency range, not simulations contain all typical components of an auxiliary
by its classical transmission ratio. Therefore, the effective power network at the different voltage levels. The models
attenuation for a disturbance may be less than the given for the simulation are either taken from standards (e.g.
transmission ratio, so that, from a relative point-of-view, lightning currents, transmission lines, earthing
the disturbance is more dominant on the lower voltage impedances) or are elaborated on the basis of
levels. Kind and number of electrical loads on the measurements at typical components (e.g. transformers,
different voltage levels, especially on the next higher generators, motors) and developed on the basis of
voltage level, also influence the disturbance. Generally existing models with extended performance description
either high-power motors or a high number of motors act (e.g. surge arresters).
as a further attenuation. For different parameters and parameter combinations
The simulation results are demonstrated shortly on the (lightning threat, power plant’s operational mode, cable
basis of two examples. Fig. 6 shows the result of a or lead lengths) numerical simulations are conducted with
lightning strike – negative subsequent stroke - 25 m away a network analysis program. The results of these
from the power plant at the different voltage levels – simulations are discussed.
three loads with different power on the 10 kV level, 20
loads on the 400 V level. The power plant’s generator is 7 REFERENCES
connected to the power grid. After 1.52 µs a flash-over
[1] IEC 60071-1:2006-01: „Isolation co-ordination – Part 1:
occurs at the last isolator of the HV overhead Definitions, principles and rules“.
transmission line. Some 0.1 µs later a flash-over at the [2] IEC 62305-1:2006-01: „Protection against lightning – Part
primary surge arrester follows. Both electric arcs absorb 1: General principles“.
the major part of the lightning current’s energy. [3] IEC 81/335/CDV (IEC 62305-1 Edition 2.0):2009-09:
Therefore, for 10 kV loads the highest transient surge “Protection against lightning – Part 1: General principles”.
voltages are 14.2 kV at time 7.94 µs and for the 400 V [4] IEC 60099-5:2000-03: „Surge arresters – Part 5: Selection
loads we get only 216 V at time 6.98 µs. However, it and application recommendations“.
must be mentioned that in other load cases the voltages [5] CIGRE Study Committee 33 „Overvoltages and Insulation
may be remarkably higher. Further simulations show, that Coordination, WG 02 “Internal Overvoltages”: Guidelines
for representation of network elements when calculating
the transient surge voltages increase remarkably, if the transients”, 1990.
surge arrester is not present or the electric arcs as a [6] IEC 28/156/DTR (IEC 60071-4, TR, Ed. 1):2002-12:
consequence of the flash-overs at the isolator and the “Insulation coordination – Part 4: Computational guide to
surge arrester are not considered. insulation co-ordination and modelling of electrical
The second scenario shows the influence of a cable networks”.
length on the oscillation behaviour and the maximum [7] IEC 60071-2:1996-12: “Insulation co-ordination – Part 2:
level of the lightning surge voltage (Fig. 7). In this case Application guide”.
the length of the 10 kV cable between the auxiliary [8] Metwally, I. A.; Heidler, F.: “Induced Voltages in AC
power transformer and the 10 kV busbar is varied from Overhead Power Lines and Shared-Corridor Pipelines
during Normal Operation and Lightning Strikes”, ICLP
5 m up to 250 m in steps of 5 m. The oscillation 2004, 27th International Conference on Lightning
behaviour of the transient surge voltage dependent on the Protection, AVIGNON, FRANCE, 2004.
cable length can be clearly seen, both at the 10 kV level [9] Thione, L: “The Dielectric Strength of Large Air
and at the 400 V level. Insulation”; in K. Ragaller: “Surges in High-Voltage
The simulations show, that the transient surge voltages Networks”. Plenum Press, New York, 1980.
generally are within the acceptable limits for the different [10] Hinrichsen, V.: „Metalloxid-Ableiter, Grundlagen“. 2.
voltage levels for each moment, if the surge arresters are Edition, Siemens AG, 2001.
present and the electric arcs at the isolators and arresters [11] Hilberg, W.: “Impulse auf Leitungen”, R. Oldenbourg
are considered. However, if the flash-over at the arrester Verlag München Wien, 1981.
[12] Lindenmeier, S.: “Electromagnetic Coupling”, Carl-Cranz-
ahead of the machine transformer is not considered, the Gesellschaft e.V., Fachtagung “Electromagnetic
transient surge voltages at the 10 kV level increase by a Compatibility” vom 27.05. – 30.05.2008 in
factor of 4. With that they are outside the given limits for Oberpfaffenhofen.

400 kV HV overhead transmission line

27 kV generator leads

10 kV loads

400 V loads

Figure 6: Wave shapes of transient surge voltages at different locations and at different voltage levels for a given power plant’s
operation (generator connected to power grid); line-to-ground power frequency voltage not displayed.

20000 500
Max. transient surge voltage at 10 kV level [V]

Variation der
Variation 1010
of the kV-Kabellänge
kV cable’s length

Max. transient surge voltage at 400 V level [V]

19000 450
(Schaltanlage - Verbraucher)
18000 400
max. Spannungsspitze [V]

17000 350

16000 300

15000 250

14000 200

13000 150

12000 100
10 kV-Verbraucher
10 kV loads
11000 0,4
V loads 50

10000 0
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250
Kabellänge [m]
Cable length [m]
Figure 7: Transient surge voltages for 10 kV and 400 V loads depending on the length of the 10 kV cable between
auxiliary power transformer and busbar.


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