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Kettlebell FTS 2.

This 6 week training program delivers on the most sought after fitness goals; burn fat and build
muscle in as little time as possible.

Building upon the foundation of fitness and technique acquired as part of the original Kettlebell FTS
program, Version 2.0 takes workouts, intensity and results to new heights.

With a kettlebell in hand, and this training plan as your guide, you can quickly transform your body
and improve upon your current level of fitness. So there it is, the answer to your fitness prayers;
workout at home, on your schedule, no fancy gym equipment or pricey membership required.

This program will help you

• Improve physical fitness and body composition – you’ll be more fit and look better naked
• Add variety to your workout routine – you’ll actually enjoy working out,
• Save money – no need to buy expensive equipment of waste money on a gym membership
• Save time – more effective workouts in less time and no commute to the gym

Kettlebell FTS 2.0 is progressive and is intended to be completed in order.

Each week you will perform four training sessions. These sessions will combine body weight
training, kettlebell exercise and cardiovascular conditioning.

You are free to establish a routine as your schedule permits. However, it is recommended that you
follow a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday schedule.

Sessions will feature workouts that are to be completed for a specified number of rounds (sets) and
reps, for time, as many rounds as possible, or as fast as possible.

Kettlebell FTS 2.0 (2)
Rounds and Reps: 3 rounds of 15 reps will have you completing the designated exercises for 15
repetitions, and then repeating that circuit 3 times. You are to complete these exercises quickly,
only resting as needed. Keep moving to maintain an elevated heart rate and increase calorie burn.

For Time: Here you will complete the assigned exercises, rounds, and reps continuously for the
designated time.

As Fast as Possible (AFAP): Here you will complete the assigned exercises, rounds, and reps as fast
as possible using proper form.

As Many Rounds as Possible (AMRAP): You are to complete the assigned exercises and repetitions
for as many rounds as possible in the specified time.

TABATA: 20 seconds of work, followed by 10 seconds of rest for the specified number of rounds.

Exercise Abbreviations
KB = Kettlebell
BW = Body Weight
OH = Overhead
Iso = Isometric (squat and hold)

Body Position, posture, foot position
• Athletic/Ready position: Feet shoulder width apart, chest up, shoulders back and down, core
tight, weight back in the heels, neck neutral.
• Maintain positive arch in the back

Picking-up/Putting-down the Weight

• When picking up and putting down the weight and to initiate and conclude an exercise or
set, be sure to maintain proper body position. Instead of bending down and rounding the
back to pick up the kettlebell, sink down into a squat when lifting or returning the kettlebell
to the ground.
• If you are beginning and ending an exercise by rounding the back and bending to the
ground, you will experience back discomfort. Be sure to monitor body position at the start
and conclusion of exercise.

GripPing the Weight

• Basic Grip: two hands over top, both hands grip handle
• Hook Grip: thumbs through handle, palms around the weight
• Single arm, punch through: hand through the handle, weight rests on wrist

The KBC Swing
• Kettlebell for Fat Loss is modeled after the Kettlebell Cardio (KBC) group fitness program.
The KBC swing position and stance removes stress from the lower back and sciatic nerves.
Instead of using the lower back and hamstrings to generate force, the KBC Swing
emphasizes use of the entire core, hips, and glutes to propel the weight. The focus is on the
posterior chain, core strength, and hip engagement.

Hip Drive
• The hips, not the arms or upper body, are used to propel the kettlebell through varied planes
of motion. This power is created by the large muscles of the lower body including the quads,
glutes, hamstrings, and core. Utilizing the lower body and core allows an individual to move
more weight and activate larger muscles, resulting in increased muscular development and
caloric output.
• Beginning in the squatted athletic body position, grasping the kettlebell with long arms,
drive from the heels through the ankles, knees, hips and core. While rising out of the
squatted position, driving with the hips, the kettlebell rises through the full motion of a
swing. This motion is created by the hip drive, not a squat or by pulling from the upper body.

How long should the training sessions take?
Workouts will take about 40 minutes. Some will be a little shorter – think 25 minutes – others might
be closer to an hour.

How long should I rest between Rounds and Circuits?

When there is no rest period given move fast, but don’t hurry. Form and safety come first, so make
sure you nail the technique before you worry about your speed.

During each circuit or set keep rest periods to 60 seconds max. Then, between circuits and sets rest
up to 3 minutes.

What if I can’t keep up with the Training Schedule?

If the training schedule doesn’t work for you, make it work. Try not to skip workouts. Instead you
can get them in when you can.

What about unfamiliar exercises?

If you don’t know how to perform an exercise or are not sure what it is reference the video library

If you’re still unsure email and ask him what to do.

What about nutrition?

You can’t out train poor nutrition, but there’s no secret diet – it’s called willpower. 80% of the time
eat real food; lean meat, veggies, fruit, nuts and seeds. Don’t eat foods that come out of a box or
bag; no grains, bread, sugar or starch.

Then, the other 20% of the time you can eat whatever you want.
FAQ (2)
And the warm-up?
A dynamic warm-up is the method we use to prepare your body for exercise. Done correctly,
a dynamic warm-up will use continuous movement to transition from a resting heart rate and
body temperature to a working heart rate. The idea here is to get your heart going, increase core
temperature and break a sweat.

Each session will be assigned a warm-up A, B, or C.

Warm-up A Warm-up b Warm-up c

3 rounds, 30 seconds each 3 Rounds, 30 seconds each 4 Rounds

Jumping Jack Steam Engine 5x BW Squat

Instep Stretch Trunk Rotation 5x Multi-direction Leg Swing

Arm Circles Foam Roll IT Band & Quads 5x Alternate Lunge

(forward/backward, large/small) (if possible) (each leg)

Trunk Rotation
(right & left)

1x Easy Jog and Dynamic Movements:

High-knees, Butt-kicks, Bounding, Reverse Run, etc. @ 5 minutes

week 1
Session 1 Session 2

Warm-up A Warm-up B

3 Rounds
3 Rounds, 30 sec each

5x Superman Back Extension

Plank Walk-up
10x Push-up
KB Lunge and Press
15x BW Squat
Iso Squat + Chest Press
20x Sit-up

5 Rounds 30, 20, 10 of each

25x KB Front Squat KB Deadlift High-pull

25x KB Push Press KB Thruster

25x KB Swing KB Weighted Sit-up

Rest @ 30 seconds
3 Rounds
3 Rounds

25x KB Twist
12x KB Floor-to-Shelf (each side)
25x Flutter Kick
Plank hold @ 60 seconds

week 1
Session 3 Session 4

Warm-up A Warm-up C

4 Rounds, 60 sec each

Walk, jog or run for at least 20 minutes

Mountain Climber Use a walk, jog technique if needed

(jog until you need a break, then walk as
KB Swing
needed, repeat for 20 minutes)
Dive Bomb Push-up

KB Thruster Do what you can at first, and plan to increase

the length or duration of your run over time.
Knee-to-elbow Push-up

KB Deadlift High-pull If you can go 20 minutes try a 5K

If 5K is easy do a 10K
Rest @ 60 seconds

Cool down @ 10 min easy jog,

static stretching
2 Rounds

10x Half Moon (each side)

20x Leg Raise

week 2
Session 5 Session 11

Warm-up A Warm-up B

3 Rounds
6 Rounds
5x Push-up
5x Superman Back Extension
12x KB Plank Row (6x each arm)
Plank hold @ 60 seconds
12x KB Thruster Right Arm
3 Rounds
12x KB Thruster Left Arm

12x Weighted Sit-up Lunge and Press @ 30 Seconds

Jump Lunge @ 30 seconds
Rest up to 2 minutes

3 Rounds 3 Rounds

KB Swing @ 30 Seconds
5x Bird-dog (each side) Jump Squat @ 30 seconds
10x KB Floor-to-Shelf (each side) Rest up to 2 minutes
5x windmill Push-up (each side)
3 Rounds
10x KB In and Out
KB Front Squat @ 30 Seconds
Iso Squat hold @ 30 seconds
Rest up to 2 minutes
week 2
Session 7 Session 8

Warm-up A Warm-up C

4 Rounds
4 to 6 Rounds, based on ability

12x Dive Bomb Push-up Run 400m

24xKB Deadlift High-pull (one lap around an outdoor track)

12x Push-up
25x Burpee
24x KB Push-pres

12x KB Half-moon 25x KB Swing

24x Iso Sqaut + Chest Press

25x KB In and Out

2 Rounds

12x KB Twist (each side)

12x Weighted Sit-up

week 3
Session 9 Session 10

Warm-up B Warm-up A

2 Rounds 3 Rounds

5x Push-up
10x Burpee
10x BW Squat
Plank hold @ 60 seconds
15x Weighted Sit-up

5 Rounds
5 Rounds

KB Swing @ 60 seconds 6x KB Plank Row each arm

Rest @ 20 seconds 12x Superman Back Extension

Figure 8 Pass-Through @ 60 seconds 6x KB Thruster Right Arm

Rest @ 20 seconds 6x KB Thruster Left Arm

Jump Squat @ 60 seconds 12x KB High Pull

Rest @ 20 seconds
2 Rounds

3 Rounds
12x KB Floor-to-Shelf each side
12x Mountain climber each leg 24x KB In and Out
12x Leg Raise
week 3
Session 11 Session 12

Warm-up B Warm-up C

4 Rounds
Run 20-40 minutes.

20x KB Thruster Every 5 minutes during the run pick up

10x Push-up the pace and run faster than your
comfortable pace. Sustain this new,
4 Rounds faster pace for 1-3 minutes.

20x KB Deadlift High-pull When you can’t keep it up any longer,

10x KB Alternate Lunge (each leg) slow down – walk if you have to – then
return to your normal pace and repeat
the same process.
4 Rounds

15x KB Front Squat

10x Weighted Sit-up
15x Iso Squat hold + chest press
10x Flutter Kick each leg

week 4
Session 13 Session 14

Warm-up A Warm-up B

2 Rounds 4 Rounds

12x BW Squat 24x BW Squat

6x Tip Over each leg 24x Alternate Lunge (12 each leg)

3x Dive Bomb Push-up 12x Jump Squat

12x Jump Lunge (6x each leg)

As many times as possible in 20 minutes

4 Rounds
20x KB Front Squat

10x KB Half-moon each side 6x KB Plank Row Right Arm

20x KB Thruster 6x KB Thruster Right Arm
10x Push-up 6x KB Plank Row Left Arm
20x KB Swing 6x KB Thruster Left Arm
10x KB in and out 12x Figure 8 Pass Through
20x Alternate Deadlift High-pull

10x KB Twist

week 4
Session 15 Session 16

Warm-up A Warm-up C

2 Rounds
Find a steep hill or stadium stairs to climb

5x Bird-dog each side

Then, walk, jog or sprint the hill
10x Superman Back Extension or stairs 8-12 times

Walk or jog back to the start and repeat.

1-3 rounds as fast as possible (proper form)
Cool down @ 10 min easy jog,
static stretching
50x KB Swing

40x KB Lunge and Press (20 each leg)

30x KB Floor-to-shelf (15x each side)

20x Weighted Sit-up

10x KB Front Squat

5x Knee-to-elbow Push-up (each side)

week 5
Session 17 Session 18

Warm-up B Warm-up A

2 Rounds

5x Plank Walk-up 2 Rounds

10x Alternate Lunge
15x Weighted Sit-up 10x Push-up

20x KB in and out

3 Rounds

12x KB Deadlift
12x KB High-pull 5 Rounds
24xKB Deadlift High-pull

3 Rounds KB Figure 8 Pass Through @ 30 seconds

Squat hold @ 30 seconds

12x KB Push-press
KB Gun Slinger @ 30 seconds
12x KB Front Squat
24x KB Thruster Squat hold @ 30 seconds

KB Lunge and Press @ 30 seconds

2 Rounds
Squat hold @ 30 seconds
20x Mountain climber
Jump squat @ 30 seconds
Plank Hold as long as possible
20x Flutter kick Squat hold @ 30 seconds

week 5
Session 19 Session 20

Warm-up B Warm-up C

4 Rounds
6 Rounds

5x Dive Bomb Push-up

100m Run
5x Bird-dog each side
20x Burpee
Tabata 100m KB Lunge and Press
20 seconds all out work, 10 seconds rest
20x KB Twist

4 Rounds

KB swing @ 20 seconds
Rest @ 10 Seconds

4 Rounds

KB Thruster @ 20 seconds
Rest @ 10 Seconds

4 Rounds

KB deadlift High-pull @ 20 seconds

Rest @ 10 Seconds

week 6
Session 21

Warm-up C

Run at least 30 minutes

Use a walk/jog technique if needed

(jog until you need a break, then walk as
needed, repeat for 30 minutes)

Look to build up your mileage over time;

do not push too far too fast.

If you can go 30 minutes try a 5K

If you can do a 5K, do a 10K

Cool down @ 10 min easy jog,

static stretching

week 6
Session 22 Session 23

Warm-up B Warm-up A

2 Rounds, 12 reps each

3 Rounds

Knee to Elbow Push-up

10x Plank Walk-up Jumping Jack
20x BW Squat Leg Raise
20x Leg Raise Alternate Lunge

Superman Back Extension

3 Rounds
Reverse Lunge

5x Staggered Hand Push-up (each hand) Max Repetitions, 2 minutes each exercise

5x Split Squat (each leg) Push-up • Squat • Sit-up

20x In and Out 2 Rounds, 12 reps each

Windmill Push-up
3 Rounds Alternate Lunge

Jumping Jack
40x Mountain Climber Reverse Lunge
10x Lateral Lunge (each leg) Two Count Flutter Kick
Plank Hold @ 60 seconds Bird Dog
week 6
Session 24 Session 25

Warm-up B Warm-up A

5 Rounds
4 Rounds

10x Dive Bomb Push-up

60 seconds on, 30 seconds rest
20x In and Out
10x Alternate Lunge (each leg)
4 Rounds 20x Leg Raise

10x Plank Walk-up

60 seconds on, 30 seconds rest
20x Sit-up
Jump Squat
10x BW Squat

4 Rounds 20x Two Count Flutter Kick

60 seconds on, 30 seconds rest

Jump Lunge

4 Rounds

Max Hold Plank

week 6
Session 21 Session 22

Warm-up A Warm-up B

2 Rounds 4 Rounds

5x Knee-to-elbow Push-up 20x KB Deadlift High-pull

5x Bird-dog each side 10x KB Push Press Right Arm
5x Superman Back Extension 10x KB Push Press Left Arm

10x KB Alternate Plank Row (each arm)

5 Rounds, 25x each

4 Rounds
KB Swing

KB In and out 5x Push-up

KB Gun Slinger 10x KB Floor-to-shelf

15x KB Twist
3 Rounds
20x Mountain Climber

3-way plank hold, 60 seconds each position

20x leg raise

week 6
Session 23 Session 24

Warm-up B Warm-up C

2 Rounds Complete 1-3 Rounds based on ability

5x Dive bomb push-up Run @ 5 minutes

5x tip over each leg 25x KB Swing
5x plank Walk-up Run@ 5 minutes

25x Deadlift High-pull

Run @ 5 minutes
5 Rounds
25x KB Swing

20x KB Thruster Run @ 5 minutes

10x KB Weighted Sit-up 25x flutter kick

10x Burpee

20x KB In and Out

20x KB Lunge and Press (10 each leg)

20x KB Half Moon (10 each side)


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