Ductile Iron: Rio Tinto Iron & Titanium

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Rio Tinto Iron & Titanium

The essentials of gating
and risering system design
Revised in 2000
The essentials of gating
and risering system design

Published by:

Rio Tinto Iron & Titanium Inc.

770 Sherbrooke Street West – Suite 1800
Montréal (Québec) Canada
H3A 1G1

FOREWORD .......................................................... 4 2.0 RISERING SYSTEM DESIGN .................... 19

1.0 GATING SYSTEM DESIGN ........................ 6 2.1 Objectives .................................................... 20

2.2 Essential Components ................................ 20
1.1 Requirements .............................................. 6
2.3 The Following are Suggested by Research
1.2 Essential Components ................................ 6
and Supported by Industrial Experience .... 20
1.3 Planning ...................................................... 6
2.4 Typical Volume Change Patterns ................ 21
1.4 The Role of “Choke” .................................... 6
2.5 Planning ...................................................... 21
1.5 Selection of Gating System Type ................ 7
2.6 Cooling Rate ................................................ 22
1.6 Friction ........................................................ 7
2.7 Mould Quality .............................................. 23
1.7 Pouring Time ................................................ 8
2.8 Liquid Iron Processing ................................ 23
1.8 Choke Cross Sectional Area ........................ 8
2.9 Selection of Risering Method ...................... 24
1.9 Choke Configuration .................................... 9
2.10 Pressure Control Risering ............................ 25
1.10 Sprue Design .............................................. 11
2.11 Bottle Riser .................................................. 28
1.11 Runner Bar .................................................. 12
2.12 Riserless Design .......................................... 30
1.12 Gate Connection .......................................... 13
2.13 Directly Applied Risering Design (DAR) .... 30
1.13 Pouring Basin and Sprue Well .................... 13
2.14 Selection of Pouring Temperature Based
1.14 Common Defects Relating to Poor Gating on Risering Method .................................... 32
System Design ............................................ 14
2.15 Pressure Control Risering & Bottle Risering
1.15 Case History ................................................ 15 Case Histories ............................ 33-37, 41-43
1.16 Molten Metal Filtration .................................. 17 2.16 Metallurgical Quality Control ...................... 38
2.17 Methods to measure Metal Quality .............. 38
2.18 Other Risering Aids .................................... 39
2.19 Chills ............................................................ 40

BIBLIOGRAPHY ...................................................... 44


The importance of casting soundness and produc- continuing quest to arrive at a generally acceptable and
tion economy, as influenced by gating and risering successful approach to the task of gating and risering
practice, has been recognized for many years by Ductile Iron castings.
RIT’s producers of high purity iron QIT - Fer et Titane
Inc. (QIT) and Richards Bay Iron and Titanium (Pty) RIT makes no claim to “have discovered the ultimate
Limited (RBIT). Indeed, it can be accurately described formulae”, but suggests that these notes provide a sen-
as being a RIT tradition of interest and involvement in sible and logical approach to a problem which daily
this area of castings production. The pioneer in this confronts foundrymen – namely, the economic pro-
work was Dr. Stephen I. Karsay and his book entitled duction of clean, sound Ductile Iron castings.
“Ductile Iron III – Gating and Risering” has formed the RIT has made every reasonable effort to ensure that
basis for this present seminar/lecture notes book. the data presented accurately represents the informa-
In addition to Karsay’s groundwork, a number of other tion contained in the many sources from which it was
RIT technical service personnel have made valuable obtained and, when necessary, attempts have been
contributions towards RIT’s present approach to the made to reconcile data from different sources which
task of gating and risering. True to tradition, RIT has do not agree. Therefore RIT believes that all information
closely followed the results and experiences of others given is accurate and is provided in good faith, but
working in this field and, where appropriate, has incor- without any warranty, either express or implied. This
porated some of these into its presentations on the book is protected by copyright and no part of it can be
subject. reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted
in any form or by any means without the prior written
This set of seminar/lecture notes forms the basis for permission of Rio Tinto Iron & Titanium Inc.
gating and risering presentations which are regularly
given around the world to groups of foundrymen at Copyright 2000 by Rio Tinto Iron & Titanium Inc.
seminars and meetings organized either by RIT and its
agents or in conjunction with foundry organizations.
The notes are not intended to be a comprehensive
treatment of the subject but rather to give the essen-
tial features of RIT’s approach in a form, that is easy to
use and apply. For those who require a more detailed,
in depth, treatment of the subject, see the bibliography.
RIT is indebted to the foundries and foundrymen who
have contributed in many ways over the years during the

Section one
Gating System Design

Please note:
The reader should note that the risering of a casting must
be done before the gating system is designed or calculations
1.0 GATING SYSTEM DESIGN 1.3 Planning:
1.1 Requirements: Generate a basic layout by considering: optimum
space utilization for castings; chosen risering method;
• Fast pouring to: Minimize temperature loss during place parting to minimize need for cores; castings
mould filling. located in cope, fill quietly; simple, symmetrical system;
Minimize metallurgical “fade”. identical gating and risering for identical castings; use
Minimize oxidation. one riser for more than one casting if possible; LEAVE
• Clean pouring to: Avoid slag (dross) generation during ROOM ON PLATE FOR ADEQUATE GATING AND
Screen out slag from first iron poured into mould. Detailed design follows planning.
• Economic Design: Maximize casting yield.
1.4 The Role of “Choke”:
1.2 Essential Components: • Definition: Choke is that cross sectional area in a
All components shown are necessary to minimize gating system which determines mould filling time.
occurence of slag defects. • There are two “correct” locations for the choke,
hence two basic gating system types:

Choke located at junction of Choke located at junction of

runner and gate in a simple sprue and runner in a simple
GATE-RUNNER (pressuriz- SPRUE-RUNNER (non-
ed) system. pressurized) system.

1.5 Selection of Gating System Type: • for thin “plates”, fr 0.2
• In a GATE-RUNNER system castings are choked • for heavy “cubes”, fr 0.8
individually by one or more chokes or gates. With a
SPRUE-RUNNER system it is possible for several
castings to share a common choke.
• Use SPRUE-RUNNER system for large number of 1 10 100 1,000 10,000
small castings in one mould where it is impractical .9
to choke the castings individually – where choke
dimensions are very small – very demanding on
moulding technique and pouring temperature. .7

• Use GATE-RUNNER system on most other occa- .6

SYSTEMS can be combined to form a HYBRID sys- .4
tem. This is normally used where a complicated
network of runners is required to deliver iron to
casting cavities. .2

1.6 Friction: .1

• Not all potential energy of liquid at top of sprue is

converted to mechanical energy at casting cavity. 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
• Some potential energy lost to friction (heat) as li-
quid moves against mould wall and liquid moves
against liquid.
• Energy loss due to friction extends mould filling
time and must be taken into account when
calculating choke cross sectional area and pouring
• Energy loss estimated by selecting value of “fr”,
frictional loss factor.

1.7 Pouring Time: 1.8 Choke Cross Sectional Area (Ac.):
• As fast as possible consistent with human ability • Select fastest practicable pouring time (t.) (sec.) for
and production routine. total poured weight (section 1.7).

• Recommended pouring times: • Select suitable “fr” value. (Section 1.6)

• Determine total poured volume/choke (V.)
(in.3, cm.3)
• V is volume of all castings plus risers, downstream
Pouring Time Sec.

of a particular choke.
• Volume = weight/density.
For liquid iron, density = 0.25 lb/in3 or 0.007 Kg/cm3.
• Determine effective ferrostatic head in sprue (H.)
(in., cm.)
1 10 100 1,000 10,000 • Determine height of casting in cope (b.) (in., cm.)
Total Poured Weight (Incl. Risers) Per Choke. lbs.
• From Torricelli, velocity of iron stream at choke is,
• very approximate guide, t sec = (W. lb) vc = fr 2gH
(W = weight of castings + risers) • When casting located entirely in drag,
Ac = (b = 0)
t.fr 2g. H
(g = acceleration of gravity = 386 in/sec2 or
981 cm/sec2)
Pouring Time Sec.

• When casting located entirely in cope,

1.5 (b) VC
10 Ac =
fr.t. 2g [ H3 – (H – b)3]
• When casting located in cope and drag,
1 VD Vc
Ac = + 1.5 (b)
1 10 100 1,000 10,000 fr.t. 2g H H – (H – b)3
Total Poured Weight (Incl. Risers) Per Choke. Kg.

• A reasonably accurate guide to suitable Ac can be • Mould filling process should be timed and if actual
selected from these plots: filling time is significantly different from selected fill-
ing time, choke should be redesigned according to
above equations.
Choke Cross Sectional Area in2

1.9 Choke Configuration:

GATE-RUNNER: The total choke cross sectional area
is the sum of individual gate cross sectional areas:
• Total choke = Ac = A1 + A2 + ... An
Casting in Cope

Casting in Drag
• Ac chosen according to casting weight. For multiple
chokes (A1, A2), individual choke cross sectional
area chosen according to
(weight of castings + risers)
0.1 number of chokes from section 1.8.
1 10 100 1,000 10,000
Total Poured Weight (Incl. Risers) Per Choke. lbs.
• Individual gate dimensions: let choke dimensions
• Plot data is based on average cope heights which = 4a wide x a thick. 4a2 = A1 = A2 hence, a, 4a.
will vary from foundry to foundry. In the majority of
cases this introduces negligable error.
Choke Cross Sectional Area cm2


Casting in Cope Casting in Drag


1 10 100 1,000 10,000
Total Poured Weight (Incl. Risers) Per Choke. Kg.

• Total choke = Ac1 + Ac2 • SPRUE-RUNNER: The total choke cross sectional
area is the sum of individual choke cross sectional
• Ac1 = A1 + A4; Ac2 = A2 + A3
areas downstream of the sprue:
• A1, A2, A3, A4, chosen according to casting weight
• Ac chosen according to W1 + W2 + W3 + ... + WN
(section 1.8)
(section 1.8)
• Individual gate dimensions:
• Total choke, Ac = 4a (a)
A1 = A2 = A3 = A4 = 4a (a), as before.
• (a = choke thickness; 4a = choke width)

Note: when using filters the design of the runner and

gates can be changed (volume reduced) since the
choke will be at the filter.

• Ac1 chosen according to W1 + W2 + W3 + W4 + • This design holds for upward taper, downward taper
W5 + W6 and parallel sprues. As relates to the smallest cross
section in a tapered sprue. In the case of downward
• Ac2 chosen according to W7 + W8 + W9 + W10 +
tapered sprues, “h” is measured to the smallest
W11 + W12 + W13
cross section of the sprue, which normally is at the
• Ac1 = 4a (a) = Ac2 hence a, 4a runner / sprue junction.

W1 W2 W3 W7 W8 W9

W4 W5 W6 W10 W11 W12

Choke cross sectional area AC1 chosen according to

W1 + W 2 + W 3 + W 4 + W 5 + W 6
or AC2 chosen according to
W7 + W8 + W9 + W10 + W11 + W12
W1 W2 W3 W7 W8 W9
W4 W5 W6 W10 W11 W12 C


• Avoid use of standard sprue diameter.

If you must use standard sprue diameter, design
1.10 Sprue Design: according to
• Ensure sprue does not act as choke. Ac = As h (maximum)

• Design according to As = Ac H (minimum)

This invariably slows down mould filling incurring higher
temperature loss and increased risk of casting defects.
• Ac = sum of all choke cross sectional areas.

1.11 Runner Bar: • Use tapered extension or where space does not
Exists to reduce flow velocity of iron stream thus permit, use drag well
allowing slag particles to float out of iron stream.
• Avoid use of curved runners.
• Avoid use of stepped runners.
• Gate location should not be too close to sprue or
runner bar end

• Branch gates at 90° to runner and don’t stagger

• GATE-RUNNER: use tall narow runners with cross gates on opposite sides of runner.
sectional area (AR) about 2 to 4 times total cross • SPRUE-RUNNER: Square runner cross section at
sectional area of gates attached to runner. choke end tapering to rectangular section towards
end of runner.

AR = 2a (a) = 3 (Ac) • Taper determined by making cross sectional area

just beyond last gate, equal to choke cross sec-
tional area C.

1.12 Gate Connection: 1.13 Pouring Basin and Sprue Well:
GATE-RUNNER: always connect to side of runner Worst shape for pouring basin is conical – much
splashing at start of pour.
• Best shape is “sump” where L = 2 x W
• Sprue well required to avoid aspiration at sprue-
runner junction. Shape square or rectangular, flat
Poor Good Good

• Ensure that bottom of runner and bottom of gate(s)

are in the same horizontal plane.
• SPRUE-RUNNER: Place runner in drag, gates in
• Total area of gate overlap should be slightly more
than choke cross sectional area. (+ 10%)
• Gates overlap top of runner by slightly more than
gate thickness.
• Always connect gate to top of runner.

1.14 Common Defects Relating to Poor Gating • MAGNESIUM SILICATE defects act as cracks when
System Design: located at or near casting surfaces. These drastically
• GAS-HOLES at or near cope surface. reduce dynamic mechanical properties (impact, fa-
tigue, fracture toughness).
• Poor design allows slag, metallic oxides (M0, major
slag component) to enter casting cavity. • Most common cause is use of too small a sprue for
selected choke. (Refer to section 1.10.)
• Oxides react with carbon dissolved in iron.
• Low pouring temperature can increase problem.
• M0 + C = C0 + M
• C0 bubble floats to cope surface or is trapped
under core.
• Remedy by examining gating system for violations
or simple rules presented previously.

• LAP TYPE defects and “ELEPHANT SKIN”. • Occurence due to excessive carbonaceous matter
in moulding sand. Defect encouraged by slow mould
• Remedy by decreasing pouring time (section 1.7)
and adjusting composition of moulding sand.

1.15 Case History:

• High incidence of scrap castings due to lap type
defects and cope surface “peel” (Ductile iron

• Extreme case of magnesium silicate contamination

where several liquid streams entering casting cavi-
ty are covered with magnesium silicate film. When
separate streams meet, the surface films will not
allow complete fusion.
• Check sprue size (section 1.10).
• Check design of gating system for components
likely to cause undue turbulence.
• True cold lap defects are not very common in duc- • Micro section showed gross lap type defect con-
tile and grey iron castings. taining magnesium silicate film. Cope surface “peel”
typical of lustrous carbon defect.
• LUSTROUS CARBON defects occur as “wrinkles”
or “peel” which are partially detached from the cast • Examination of original gating showed a gate-runner
surface. system, but without correctly designed gates.

• Implication: The first iron poured contained relatively • Total choke cross sectional area, (section 1.8), for
high concentration of slags. This is unavoidable in casting located in cope and drag:
spite of meticulous ladle practice, skimming, etc.
• for given conditions, selected Ac value from plot on
Since the runner leads directly to the riser (no gates)
page 9 is Ac = 0.37 in.2 (2.38 cm2)
the first, slag rich iron poured, entered the riser and
subsequently the casting cavity. (See next page). • sprue design (section 1.10),
• Implication: The “choke” in the original system is
the smallest cross section between the sprue and
AS ≥ Ac H
= 0.37 (83) 0.5
the casting cavity, i.e. the runner cross section. This AS = 0.60 in.2 (3.88 cm2)
violates the design criteria: hence DS = 0.88 in.
minimum sprue diameter = 0.88 in. (2.24 cm)

As ≥ Ac H (here Ac = AR) • individual choke dimensions, (section 1.9)

Ac = 0.37 in.2 and gate dimensions are 4a x a
since there is one gate,
leading to generation of magnesium silicate slag in 4a (a) = 0.37 in.2 (2.38 cm2)
the gating system, extended pouring time, high hence a = 0.30 in. (0-71 cm)
temperature loss. 4a = 1.22 in. (3.1 cm)

• Redesign: Total poured weight (casting + riser) • Runner area, (section 1.11),
= (15 + 2) = 17 lb (7.73 kg). 2a2 = 3(0.37) a = 0.75 2a = 1.49 in.
• Gate runner system will be used. 3(2.38 cm) (1.91 cm) (3.78 cm)

• Casting located 50% in drag, 50% in cope. • Due to space restrictions on the pattern plate, the
riser was moved to the opposite side of the casting
• fr = 0.4 (section 1.6)
since the runner, gate and riser could not all be
• recommended pouring time, t = 4 secs. (section accomodated on one side.
• In the re-design, the riser is “cold”, with a exother-
• Ferrostatic head in sprue (approx. cope height), mic sleeve whereas the original design showed a
H = 8 in. (20.3 cm) “hot” riser. This appears not to be detrimental to
casting integrity. Probably because the redesigned
• Pouring basin depth, h = 3 in. (7.62 cm)
system permits faster filling of the mould hence less
• Height of casting in cope, b = 2 in. (5.1 cm) iron temperatures loss during mould filling.

• The re-design reduced scrap levels thereby improv- 1.16 Molten Metal Filtration
ing casting yield from 16% to 67%. The use of molten metal filters is becoming estab-
weight of good castings sold lished practice for an increasing number of foundries
casting yield =
weight of iron poured to improve casting quality, yield, machinability and
properties. With this growth in use there is a need for
an increased technical understanding of filtering tech-
nology in general. It is not enough for a filter to just
have good filtration efficiency. It must also have a high
and consistent flow rate, good strength, high capaci-
ty, good dimensional accuracy and low cost. Some of
these parameters are in conflict with each other, for
example if a filter has a very large capacity, the filtra-
tion efficiency may be compromised. The most effec-
tive filters are therefore ones that have been
engineered to give the optimum performance over all
of these parameters.

55% scrap slag < 5% scrap

and lustrous carbon 70% pattern yield
72% pattern yield
Before After

• Alternative system designs could include filters and

other types of risers to further improve yield.

There are several established filter technologies pre- dross particles and inclusions by screening, that are
sently on the market. These include strainer cores, woven larger than the filter hole or pore size, on their upstream
cloth or mesh, and ceramic tile filters. Ceramic tile fil- face. These particles are unable to pass through to the
ters are generally considered to be the most effective casting cavity due to their physical size. Secondly, large
and used for smaller molds & pours. The most popular dross particles collected on the upstream face during
of these are pressed cellular, extruded cellular and foam the screening phase will form what is known as a “fil-
filters. Pressed cellular are generally characterized by ter cake”. This cake acts as an efficient filtration
their round cells, extruded filters generally have square media. This mechanism is able to collect particles
cells, whilst foam filters have a random dodecahedron smaller than the cells of the filter. In ductile iron, it is
type structure. possible that the mechanism for the removal of micro-
inclusions, (<1% of the cell size), is through the for-
• Filtration Efficiency is important to remove slag and mation of “inclusion bridges”. Small eddy currents,
dross from the iron to prevent them from entering formed when the metal stream splits on the active
the mold cavity. face of the filter, are generated. These eddy currents
• Metal Capacity must be adequate for the casting will encourage small non-metallic particles to make
but it should also be consistent. The capacity should contact with the edges of the cell. As the pour pro-
not vary from filter to filter. This may lead to prema- gresses these particles will continue to adhere to each
ture blockage in some cases. other and will eventually form an “inclusion bridge”.

• Flow Rate must be high and consistent. Wide vari- The use of the filters has increased dramatically in the
ations in flow rate may in some cases, lead to mold past 10 years as the cost per unit has decreased while
fill problems, or a requirement to use a larger filter casting wall thickness has been reduced and general
thereby increasing cost and decreasing yield. quality requirements for castings have increased. How-
ever, as always, some experimentation must be done
• Dimensional Accuracy is important because the fil- in the foundry to establish proper filter sizes, ladle des-
ters should fit into their print cavity correctly each lagging practices and pouring temperature ranges so
time. that good casting yield is maintained.
• Strength (hot or cold) is important for shipping and
handling purposes and so the filter remains intact
when molten metal is poured onto it.
Filters do a good job of removing inclusions using a
variety of mechanisms. Some types may be more effi-
cient at one mechanism than another. Filters will collect


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