48 Rosemount-Analytical Nga-2000 Operational PDF
48 Rosemount-Analytical Nga-2000 Operational PDF
48 Rosemount-Analytical Nga-2000 Operational PDF
NGA 2000
Software Manual
MLT Analyzer
This Operation Manual includes information about the operation of the instrument.
Information about the additional indications and notes regarding maintenance, troubleshooting and repair
are found in the accompanying Maintenance & Operation Manual.
Fisher-Rosemount GmbH & Co does not take responsibility for any omissions or errors in this manual.
Any liability for direct or indirect damages, which might occur in connection with the delivery or the use of
this manual, is expressly excluded to the extend permitted by applicable law.
This instrument has left the works in good order according to safety regulations.
To maintain this operating condition, the user must strictly follow the instructions and consider the warnings
in this manual or provided on the instrument.
Read this operation manual carefully before attempting to operate the analyzer !
For expedient handling of reports of defects, please include the model and serial number which
can be read on the instrument identity plate.
Industriestrasse 1
D - 63594 Hasselroth • Germany
Internet: http://www.processanalytic.com
1 Introduction 1- 1
2 Menu Structure 2- 1
7 Display Controls 7- 1
This software manual describes step by step how to operate successfully the
NGA 2000 Series MLT analyzer modules and analyzers (MLT 1, 2, 3, 4
and 5).
Chapter 2 shows the structure of the MLT software menus. Chapter 3 describes the
display and the keyboard of the analyzer and the main menu and submenus. Chapter 4
describes the basic controls incl. calibration with detailed illustrations. So you can
easily compare the actual analyzer (module) display with the illustrations of the manual.
Chapter 5 describes the expert configurations of the analyzer module and of the Input/
Output modules (I/O modules). Chapter 6 describes the system configuration and
diagnostics. The layout of both chapters is not as detailed as in chapter four. Normally,
the way to a certain menu of the MLT software is described with the software catchwords
you have to press to reach this menu. You will find the illustration of the corresponding
LCD screen at the end of the catchword listing. After that you can read the meaning of the
functions and variables of each expert or system configuration menu. In chapter 7 you will
find some information about the display controls.
Some contents of the expert configurations are not important for each customer. It depends
on the configuration of your NGA 2000 system, relative to the following components:
♦ Control Module CM
♦ Analyzer Module AM
♦ Input/Output Modules I/O's (SIO = Standard I/O, DIO = Digital I/O)
♦ Network I/O Modules Analog Output with 3 Alarms I/O, Auto Calibration I/O,
System Auto Calibration I/O
You can distinguish the following system units and SIO/DIO configurations:
System Unit SIO/DIO Configuration
MLT analyzer module (AM): ⇒ 1 local SIO and 1 local DIO (or 2
• without front panel, local DIO’s) can be installed in the
i.e. without control unit MLT/TFID analyzer module
⇒ SIO and DIO can be configured ∗ 5.1.18
• can be combined with a platform, a
for the MLT AM channels or the p. 5-69
MLT analyzer, a TFID analyzer or a
customer developed control unit TFID analyzer module only
(see 5.1.18) TFID 1 SIO (see 5.2.1)
(see 5.1.18) MLT (see 5.2.2)
DIO max.
manuals) Network I/O's
(see 5.1.18) MLT 1 SIO (see 5.2.1)
(see 5.1.18) TFID 1 DIO (see 5.2.2)
(see 5.1.18) TFID 1 SIO (see 5.2.1)
(see 5.1.18) MLT 1 DIO (see 5.2.2)
This software manual will describe the software of all MLT analyzers and MLT analyzer
modules combined with a platform, an MLT analyzer or a TFID analyzer.
It will not describe the software of MLT analyzer modules running with a customers control
The software of TFID analyzers or TFID analyzer modules is nearly identically to the MLT
software. An own TFID software manual is available containing the FID specific functions.
- Range upper limit: - I/O module setup... - Security codes (PIN)... (for the single
- Valves => F5: (Other network I/O's) (Lock at each level) component display)
- Flow zero gas! - Network module binding...
- Flow span gas! (AM, CM, network I/O's)
- Flow sample gas! - System reset... (CM)
- Flow test gas! - Memory usage...
- All valves closed! - System modules... (CM)
- System tag: (CM)
2 Menu Structure
* Menu lines ending with three points (...) are followed by submenus with further functions and setups, lines ending with "!" allow to start
the function, lines ending with ":" display module parameters - some can be changed.
* All setups in the menu "Analyzer basic controls (calibration) & setup" are valid for the analyzer or analyzer module (AM).
* At each menu point of the "Analyzer and I/O, expert controls & setup" and "System configuration and diagnostics"
you can find which functionality will be setup:
AM (Analyzer Module), CM (Control Module), I/O (Input/Output Module).
2-2 NGA 2000 90003539(2) [NGA-e (MLT Software 3.3.X)] 11/99
3 Startup and Operation, General Notes and Main Menu
After switching on the MLT analyzer or analyzer module (in a platform or part of a NGA
network), the initialization procedure will be performed. A self control of the analyzer
modules or the analyzer is running. You can see a sequence of several displays. They
show the status of initialization, revision notes of the MLT software and the
Initializing Network
Initializing network interface
LCDReset Abort
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
After “Initializing network interface” the next display shows “Searching for nodes” followed
by “Calculating bindings”.
If you press the F1 key during the initializing, you will reset the LCD brightness and
contrast to factory settings (see also section 7). Pressing the F3 key will abort the network
initializing. Then you will have no connection to any analyzer module. Only the menus of
the control module (platform, MLT or TFID analyzer) will be available.
At the end of the initializing procedure you can see the single component display of
channel one (see illustration on next page). It is the origin to all the other channels, menus
and submenus.
The instructions of the basic controls (chapter four) are all beginning with the single com-
ponent display. The actual display might differ from the shown one because the customer
can configure it according to his requirements (see section 5.1.8 p. 5-49 and section 7).
The LCD screen shows all measurement values of the analyzer and all customer
instructions. You can operate with five function keys, four arrow keys (cursors) and the
enter key. The function of each key depends on:
♦ the type of analyzer/analyzer module used
♦ the optional auxiliary modules (e.g. I/O boards) used
♦ the individual menu displayed
In case of power failure all customer specific module parameters are saved by a battery-
powered buffer.
At the top left of each menu page you will find the tag of the current channel.
Typical tags:
♦ MLT/CH1/R1: MLT Analyzer or Analyzer Module / CHannel 1 / Range 1
♦ TFID-R1: Thermo FID Analyzer or Analyzer Module - Range 1
In this manual you will find normally "TAG" as general name. But in the specific MLT
menu pages you will find "MLT".
Lines can be selected by the ↓ -key or the ↑ -key. The selected line is displayed white on
black. You have four different types of lines in the menu:
Menu line... / Menu Softkey...
♦ Line/Softkey lettering ending with three dots.
♦ You will go to a submenu/further menu by pressing the softkey resp. by pressing the
8 -key or the → -key in the menu line.
Function line / Function Softkey !
♦ Line/Softkey lettering ending with an exclamation-mark.
♦ You will start a function (e.g. calibration) by pressing the softkey resp. by pressing the
8 -key or the → -key in the function line.
Line of variables:
♦ Line ending with a colon.
♦ Display of module parameters (variables).
♦ Some parameters can be changed (e.g. begin of range), some parameters display only
a status (e.g. temperature) and cannot be changed. These variables will be displayed
below a line within the menu.
Text line
♦ Line without any punctuation marks.
♦ Only display of information.
The following illustrations shall clarify the functionality’s of lines and softkeys des-cribed
Signal of the current channel (see TAG).
It will be displayed always on the
single component display.
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
♦ Change from the single component display to the multi component display.
♦ F1 in the single component display.
♦ Change from all menus and submenus to the single component display of the channel
♦ F1.
♦ Scrolling through the channels in the same menu. In the main menu and the single
component display you can move among all channels of the connected analyzers and
analyzer modules (control module level). In the submenus you can only move among
the channels of the current analyzer or analyzer modules (analyzer module level).
♦ If available: F3 (F4 in the single component display).
♦ Change to the main menu and lock of all three operation levels, if a security code is
enabled in the system configuration level (see section 6.4 p. 6-8).
♦ F4 in the main menu.
♦ Moving back to the last menu page selected (Alternative: ← -key) or
reset of a changed but not confirmed parameter to the former value.
♦ If available: F4 for moving back, F2 for reset.
♦ Changing to a further menu page.
♦ If available: F5.
8 -key
♦ If you have already selected a line of variables (displayed white on black) and press the
8 -key, only the parameter will be selected and can be changed.
If you press the 8 -key again, the new value will be confirmed.
↑ -key / ↓ -key
♦ Function depends on the variable selected: - Changing the parameter values
- Scrolling among variables selected
- Changing of digits or characters
♦ Increasing or decreasing of numbers.
← -key / → -key
♦ Selection of digits within a number.
♦ For some variables you can change the quantity of digits or characters.
If you press the 8 -key or the → -key in a function line, you will be asked to confirm the
order in the following way:
-- Confirmation Required --
Yes Back...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
♦ If you will press the F2 key, the function will start immediately.
♦ If you will press the F4 key, you will go back to the last menu page.
Note: If you don't want to be asked before the start of each function, you can configure it
in the menu "Measurement Display Configuration" in the expert configuration level (see
section 5.1.8 p. 5-49). Select "No" in the line "Display confirmation menus". Then, each
function will start directly after the order is done and no confirmation will be required.
If you press the F3 key (Main...) or the → -key in any single component display, you
will change to the "Main Menu". From there you can change to all operating levels
of your MLT/TFID analyzer or analyzer module to set up and control the parameters
of measurement, calibration and data transfer !
Via the F5 key (MFG Data) you can change to several submenus, where you will find
a lot of important data about the control module (MLT/TFID analyzer or platform)
and the analyzer module, such as service address or serial number !
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Manufactured by:
Fisher-Rosemount GmbH &
Co Industriestrasse 1
D-63594 Hasselroth / Germany
Tel. (+49) 6055 884-0
FAX. (+49) 6055 884-209
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Manufactured by:
Fisher-Rosemount GmbH &
Co Industriestrasse 1
D-63594 Hasselroth / Germany
Tel. (+49) 6055 884-0
FAX. (+49) 6055 884-209
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the chapter 4 "Analyzer basic controls (calibration) & setup" the most important
setup and calibration functions of your MLT/TFID analyzer or analyzer module are
All steps are figured with detailed illustrations and operation instructions. In the left column
you can see display and keyboard of the NGA front panel. The keys you have to press
are illustrated in black. In the right column you can read the instructions and notes. All
instructions will begin with any single component display and will end with the correspond-
ing single component display after the setups are done. So you can easily compare the
actual display of the analyzer or analyzer module with the illustrations of the manual.
Example: You want to change from the single component display of channel 1(CO2) to
the single component display of channel 2 (CO).
• Picture one shows the starting situation: single component display of CO2.
• Picture two shows the result you get if you press the F4 key (Channel):
single component display of CO.
⇒ Next instruction
or step
95.00 ppm CO
0 Range: 2 250
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
⇒ Change to the
TAG menu "Analyzer
37.50 ppm CH4 Channel Status"
0.00 Range: 1 50.00 Press
In the menu "Analyzer
Failures: No
Channel Status" you can
Maintenance-Requests: No
find status information’s
Temperature: 20.0 C 0.0 100.0
Operation: Ready of the current channel.
Via the menu lines "Status
Display Status... Main... Channel BasisCal details..." and "Current
operation parameters..."
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 you can change to further
(see 4.1.1 p. 4-5...10 and
4.1.2 p. 4-11/12)
⇒ Change to the
TAG 37.50 ppm single component
-- Analyzer Channel Status -- display
Status details... F1
Current operation parameters... Press
General status: Normal
Hours of operation: 164
Operation status: Ready Notes:
Events: No • Via the F2 key you can
Alarms: No
Failures: No change to the submenu
Maintenance requests: No “Primary raw measure-
Function control/Service: No ments” and then via F5
Measure RawMeas Channel Back... More... to ”Secondary raw
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 • Via the F5 key you can
change to the submenu
"Special Functions".
Failures: No
Maintenance-Requests: No
Temperature: 20.0 C 0.0 100.0
Operation: Ready
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
⇒ Change to the
TAG 37.50 ppm submenu "Status
-- Analyzer Channel Status -- Details"
Status details...
Current operation parameters...
General status: Normal Press
Hours of operation: 164
Operation status: Ready
Events: No
Alarms: No
Failures: No
Maintenance requests: No or
Function control/Service: No
Measure RawMeas Channel Back... More...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
⇒ Change to the
TAG 37.50 ppm single component
-- List of Possible Failures(2/2) -- display
External Input: No
Measure Back...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Failures: No
Maintenance-Requests: No
Temperature: 20.0 C 0.0 100.0
Operation: Ready
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
• If you have solved the reasons for the failures reported, you should start this function.
• The menu "List of Possible Failures" will be ready for new reports !
• Starting this function here is only possible, if it is enabled in the menu "Acknowledgement of Status
Reports" in the line "Acknowledgement allowed in status menu: Yes/No" ! (see 5.1.9 p. 5-53)
In the same way like described below you can start the other available functions in the menu
"Status Details":
- Acknowledge and clear maintenance requests !
- Acknowledge and clear function controls !
⇒ Change to the
menu "Analyzer
37.50 ppm CH4 Channel Status"
0.00 Range: 1 50.00
Failures: Yes
Maintenance-Requests: No
Temperature: 20.0 C 0.0 100.0
Operation: Ready
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
⇒ Change to the
TAG 37.50 ppm
submenu "Status
-- Analyzer Channel Status --
Status details...
Current operation parameters...
General status: Normal
Hours of operation: 164 Press
Operation status: Ready
Events: No
Alarms: No
Failures: No
Maintenance requests: No or
Function control/Service: No
Measure RawMeas Channel Back... More...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
to start the function
-- Confirmation Required -- immediately.
⇒ Confirmation
TAG 37.50 ppm message of the
function start
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Measure Back...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Failures: No
Maintenance-Requests: No
Temperature: 20.0 C 0.0 100.0
Operation: Ready
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
⇒ Change to the
TAG menu "Analyzer
37.50 ppm CH4 Channel Status"
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
⇒ Change to the
TAG 37.50 ppm
menu "Analyzer
-- Analyzer Channel Status --
Operation Settings"
Status details...
Current operation parameters...
General Status: Normal Press
Hours of operations: 164
Operation status: Ready
Events: No
Alarms: No
Failures: No
Maintenance requests: No
Function control/Service: No
Measure RawMeas Channel Back... More...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
⇒ Change to the
TAG 37.50 ppm single component
-- Auto-Start Procedures -- display
Position in auto-start list: 1
Channel tag: MLT1/CH1/CO In the menu
Procedure type: SPAB
Interval mode: Each Day "Auto-Start Procedures"
Start time: 00:00:00 you can control the status
Start date: - of the three kinds of time
Time & Date: 16:03:25 July 28, 1999
controlled calibrations.
(see 5.1.1 p. 5-12/13)
Measure Back...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Failures: No
Maintenance-Requests: No
Temperature: 20.0 C 0.0 100.0
Operation: Ready
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
0 Range: 2 5.00
Temperature: 25.0 C 0.0 100.0
Maintenance-Requests: No
Any_Alarms: No
Changing from
Operation: Ready CO2 (Channel 1) to
CO (Channel 2)
Display Status... Main... Channel BasisCal
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
⇒ Single component
display of the
2.50 %CO2 starting channel
0 Range: 2 5.00
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
⇒ Change to the
TAG multi component
2.50 %CO2 display
0 Range: 2 5.00
Temperature: 25.0 C 0.0 100.0
Maintenance-Requests: No
Any_Alarms: No
You can change to the multi
Operation: Ready component display from
each single component
Display Status... Main... Channel BasisCal display.
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
2.50 MLT25/CH1
%CO2 0.00 [2] 5.00
Press or
95.00 MLT25/CH2
ppm CO 0.00 [2] 250.00
as often as necessary to
333.0 MLT25/CH3
ppm SO2 0.00 [2] 500.00 put the “ > mark” into
150.0 MLT25/CH4
ppm NO 0.00 [2] F.S. 150.00 the line you want to
20.00 MLT25/CH5
%O2 0.00 [2] 100.00
Select Status... Tags Off LCDReset Change from
CO2 (Channel 1) to
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 CO (Channel 2)
⇒ Single component
TAG display of the
channel selected
95.00 ppm CO
0 Range: 2 250
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
⇒ Change to the
TAG menu "Basic
37.50 ppm CH4 Controls and
Setup" –
0.00 Range: 1 50.00 “BasicCal”
Failures: No
Maintenance-Requests: No F5
Temperature: 20.0 C 0.0 100.0 Press
Operation: Ready
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
⇒ Change to the
TAG 37.50 ppm menu "Calibration
-- Basic Controls and Setup -- Procedure Status"
Calibration procedure status...
Start zero calibration procedure !
Start span calibration procedure ! Press
Check calibration deviation: Enabled
Range number: 1 Via the F5 key you can
Span gas: 46.00 ppm change to a submenu,
Range upper limit: 50.00 ppm where you can close all
Operation status: Ready valves or set up each valve
Measure Status... Channel Back... Valves... separately with:
• zero gas or
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 • span gas or
• sample gas or
• test gas.
(See section 4.7 ,
p. 4-27...)
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
⇒ Back to the single
37.50 ppm CH4 component display
0.00 Range: 1 50.00
Failures: No
Maintenance-Requests: No
Temperature: 20.0 C 0.0 100.0
Operation: Ready
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
⇒ Change to the
TAG menu "Basic
37.50 ppm CH4 Controls and Setup"
0.00 Range: 1 50.00 Press
Failures: No
Before starting zero
Maintenance-Requests: No
calibration, realize that
Temperature: 20.0 C 0.0 100.0
Operation: Ready zero gas is available !
(See also section 5.1.1,
Display Status... Main... Channel BasicCal p. 5-5... !)
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
The zeroing of all measure-
ment ranges of the same
channel is running simulta-
⇒ Change to the
TAG 37.50 ppm
line "Start zero
-- Basic Controls and Setup -- calibration
Calibration procedure status... procedure !"
Start zero calibration procedure !
Start span calibration procedure !
Check calibration deviation: Enabled
Press once to
Range number: 1 get the line "Start zero
Span gas: 46.00 ppm
Range upper limit: 50.00 ppm calibration procedure !"
Operation status: Ready
white on black.
Measure Status... Channel Back... Valves...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Range number: 1 or
Span gas: 46.00 ppm
Range upper limit: 50.00 ppm
Operation status: Ready
Measure Status... Channel Back... Valves... Take care that the
correct valve is
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
⇒ Zeroing:
TAG 37.50 ppm 1st Purging1-Wait
-- Calibration Procedure Status --
Procedure status: Purging1-Wait
Maximum remaining procedure time: 8 s • The procedure time de-
Valve position: Zerogas pends on the parameters
Concentration in span gas units: 37.50 ppm entered for purge time
---------------------- Results ----------------------
Last zero calibration: Success (see section 5.1.1 p. 5-9).
Last span calibration: Success • The purge time must be
Last zero calibration was: 13:32:06 July 27, 1999 long enough to get a stable
Last span calibration was: 13:38:46 July 28, 1999 signal before calibration.
Successful zero+span calibrated ranges: 1+2+3+4
Measure Cancel ! Back... More...
• You can cancel the
running calibration
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 procedure at any time
with the F2 key.
⇒ Zeroing:
TAG 3.13 ppm 2nd Zeroing-Wait
-- Calibration Procedure Status --
Procedure status: Zeroing-Wait
Maximum remaining procedure time: 97 s The procedure time de-
Valve position: Zerogas pends on the parameters
Concentration in span gas units: 3.13 ppm entered for stability time and
---------------------- Results ----------------------
Last zero calibration: Success averaging time.
Last span calibration: Success (see section 5.1.1 p. 5-9)
Last zero calibration was: 13:32:06 July 27, 1999
Last span calibration was: 13:38:46 July 28, 1999
Successful zero+span calibrated ranges: 1+2+3+4
Measure Cancel ! Back... More...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
⇒ Zeroing:
3rd Purging2-Wait
TAG 37.50 ppm Notes:
-- Calibration Procedure Status -- • The procedure time de-
Procedure status: Purging2-Wait pends on the parameters
Maximum remaining procedure time: 8 s entered for purge time
Valve position: Samplegas
Concentration in span gas units: 7.50 ppm (see section 5.1.1 p. 5-
---------------------- Results ---------------------- 9).
Last zero calibration: Success • The purge time must be
Last span calibration: Success
Last zero calibration was: 13:32:06 July 27, 1999 long enough to get a
Last span calibration was: 13:38:46 July 28, 1999 stable sample gas signal
Successful zero+span calibrated ranges: 1+2+3+4 before sample gas
Measure Cancel ! Back... More... messages comes.
• You can cancel the
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
running calibration
procedure at any time
with the F2 key.
⇒ Change to the
TAG 0.00 ppm single component
-- Calibration Procedure Status -- display of the
Procedure status: Ready
current channel
Maximum remaining procedure time: 0 s
Valve position: Samplegas F1
Concentration in span gas units: 0.00 ppm Press
---------------------- Results ----------------------
Last zero calibration: Success
Last span calibration: Success
Last zero calibration was: 13:32:06 July 27, 1999 Options:
Last span calibration was: 13:38:46 July 28, 1999 • F4 key: Changing back to
Successful zero+span calibrated ranges: 1+2+3+4 the menu "Analyzer
Measure Cancel ! Back... More... Module Calibration".
• F5 key: Changing to
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
the menu "Calibration
⇒ Single component
TAG display appears after
0.00 ppm CH4 zeroing is done
Failures: No
Maintenance-Requests: No
Temperature: 20.0 C 0.0 100.0
Operation: Ready
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
⇒ Change to the
TAG menu "Basic
37.50 ppm CH4 Controls and Setup"
Range number: 1 or
Span gas: 46.00 ppm
Range upper limit: 50.00 ppm
Operation status: Ready
Measure Status... Channel Back... Valves... Take care that correct
span gas valve is
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
⇒ Spanning:
TAG 37.50 ppm 1st Purging1-Wait
-- Calibration Procedure Status --
Procedure status: Purging1-Wait
Maximum remaining procedure time: 4 s • The procedure time de-
Valve position: Spangas-1 pends on the parameters
Concentration in span gas units: 37.50 ppm entered for purge time
---------------------- Results ----------------------
Last zero calibration: Success (see 5.1.1 p. 5-9).
Last span calibration: Success • The purge time must be
Last zero calibration was: 09:21:34 July 27, 1999 long enough to get a stable
Last span calibration was: 13:37:23 July 27, 1999 signal before calibration.
Successful zero+span calibrated ranges: 1+2+3+4
Measure Cancel ! Back... More...
• You can cancel the
running calibration
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 procedure at any time
with the F2 key.
⇒ Spanning:
TAG 43.57 2nd Spanning-Wait
-- Calibration Procedure Status --
Procedure status: Spanning-Wait
Maximum remaining procedure time: 108 s The procedure time de-
Valve position: Spangas-1 pends on the parameters
Concentration in span gas units: 43.57 ppm entered for stability time and
---------------------- Results ----------------------
Last zero calibration: Success averaging time.
Last span calibration: Success (see 5.1.1 p.5-9)
Last zero calibration was: 09:21:34 July 27, 1999
Last span calibration was: 13:37:23 July 27, 1999
Successful zero+span calibrated ranges: 1+2+3+4
Measure Cancel ! Back... More...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
⇒ Spanning:
TAG 37.50 ppm 3rd Purging2-Wait
-- Calibration Procedure Status --
Procedure status: Purging2-Wait
Maximum remaining procedure time: 4 s • The procedure time de-
Valve position: Samplegas pends on the parameters
Concentration in span gas units: 17.50 ppm entered for purge time
---------------------- Results ----------------------
Last zero calibration: Success (see 5.1.1 p. 5-9).
Last span calibration: Success • The purge time must be
Last zero calibration was: 09:21:34 July 27, 1999 long enough to get a
Last span calibration was: 13:37:23 July 27, 1999
Successful zero+span calibrated ranges: 1+2+3+4 stable sample gas signal
Measure Cancel ! Back... More...
before sample gas
message comes.
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 • You can cancel the
running calibration
procedure at any time
with the F2 key.
⇒ Change to the
TAG 50.00 ppm
single component
-- Calibration Procedure Status --
display of the
Procedure status: Ready current channel
Maximum remaining procedure time: 0 s
Valve position: Samplegas
Concentration in span gas units: 50.00 ppm F1
---------------------- Results ---------------------- Press
Last zero calibration: Success
Last span calibration: Success
Last zero calibration was: 09:21:34 July 27, 1999
Last span calibration was: 09:28:13 July 27, 1999 Options:
Successful zero+span calibrated ranges: 1+2+3+4 • F4 key: Changing back
Measure Cancel ! Back... More... to the menu "Analyzer
Module Calibration".
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 • F5 key: Changing to
the menu "Calibration
⇒ Single component
TAG display appears after
50.00 ppm CH4 spanning is done
Failures: No
Maintenance-Requests: No
Temperature: 20.0 C 0.0 100.0
Operation: Ready
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Range number: 1
Span gas: 46.00 ppm
Range upper limit: 50.00 ppm
Operation status: Ready
Measure Status... Channel Back... Valves...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
♦ Adjust span gas or range upper limit with ← -key or → -key (Take into account the lowest
and highest end of range ! Span gas should be within 70 to 100 % of the upper limit !).
♦ Define another range or enabled/disabled calibration deviation check with ↑ or ↓ -key.
♦ Actualize new parameters with the 8 -key or return to previous parameters with F2 -key.
Line of variables „Check calibration deviation“:
⇒ Change to the
TAG menu "Basic
37.50 ppm CH4 Controls and Setup"
⇒ Change to the
menu "Set Gas
TAG 37.50 ppm
-- Basic Controls and Setup --
Calibration procedure status...
Start zero calibration procedure ! F5
Start span calibration procedure ! Press
Check calibration deviation: Enabled
Range number: 1
Span gas: 46.00 ppm
Range upper limit: 50.00 ppm
Operation status: Ready
Measure Status... Channel Back... Valves...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
⇒ Confirmation of the
TAG 37.50 ppm function start
This message will be
displayed after the function
-SUCCESS- has been started. Then the
- The selected function has been started/executed - display will jump automatic-
ally to the menu "Set Gas
(Wait a moment...) Valves".
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
⇒ Additional options
TAG 0.00 ppm
-- Set Gas Valves -- • Start flow span gas,
sample gas or test gas !
Flow zero gas ! • Close all valves !
Flow span gas !
Flow sample gas ! • F3 -key: Changing to
Flow test gas ! another available channel
to execute gas flow.
Close all valves !
• F4 key: Go back to the
menu "Basic Controls and
Valve position: Zerogas Setup " to start zeroing or
Operation status: Ready
Measure Status... Channel Back...
• F1 –key: Return to Single
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 Component Display
If you press the 8 -key or the → -key in the line "Analyzer and I/O, Expert Controls &
Setup ..." of the "Main Menu", you will change to the following display:
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
From the menu "Expert Module Configuration" you can change to the menu lines
“Analyzer module controls...” and “I/O module controls...” to set up parameters for the
measurement and calibration of your analyzer and analyzer module as well as the
configuration of I/O modules. Which part of these menus are important for you depends
on the configuration of your NGA 2000 system.
In the following table you will find a short overview about the contents of the menus:
All submenus of "Analyzer module controls..." are the same like those of "Analyzer
module setup...", if you use an MLT/TFID analyzer or analyzer module! If your analyzer is
not such a type, the submenus of "Analyzer module controls..." and "Analyzer module
setup..." will look different, partially. Look at the corresponding software manuals.
Both analyzer module and I/O module functions are analyzer module resp. I/O module
level in combination with a control module (platform, MLT/TFID analyzer) level.
The MLT/TFID analyzer does not have a pure platform (control module) level but a
combined CM/AM level (MCA level) !
Example: You will set up the calibration parameters for the calibration procedure of the
analyzer module.
Stability time: 30 s
Averaging time: 5 s
Measure Channel Back...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "Calibration Procedure Setup" you can set up the parameters for the cali-
bration procedure of the zeroing and spanning of one channel. To change the parameters
of other channels switch with F3 –key to the channels being available.
Further explanations and instructions will follow !
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Measure Back...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Measure Back...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
With the function of this menu you can delete the RAM data and load the factory settings
from the Flash-EPROM.
This function is irreversible after starting (and confirmation) ! Your RAM settings
will be deleted !
The same function is available in the menu "Load/Save Analyzer Module Configuration" !
(see section 5.1.17 p. 5-66)
Starting the function:
♦ Press the 8 -key or the → -key or
cancel and go back to the last menu page with the F4 key (Back...) or the ← -key.
♦ If asked: Confirm with the F2 key (Yes) or
cancel and go back to the last menu page with the F4 key (Back...) or the ← -key.
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
From the menu "Calibration Parameters" you can change to several submenus to set up
the zero and span gas calibration parameters and to start the different calibration methods.
Change to the submenus or set up the parameter:
♦ Select the line of variables or any menu line with the ↓ -key or the ↑ -key.
♦ Select the variable or change to the submenu with the 8 -key or the → -key.
♦ Select the parameter with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
♦ Confirm the new value with the 8 -key or
cancel and go back to the last value with the F2 key.
♦ F1: Change to the single component display !
♦ F3: Change to the other available channels of an MLT analyzer or
analyzer module !
♦ F4: Go back to the last menu page !
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "Span Gas Definition" you can set up the default value for each range of the
current channel, the actual span gas concentration and the desired span gas unit. The
concentration of each range should be a value between 70 % and 110 % of the end of
range value.
Set up parameters:
♦ Select any line of variables with the ↓ -key or the ↑ -key.
♦ Select the variable with the 8 -key or the → -key.
♦ Select any digit with the ← -key or the → -key and adjust a new value with
the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key
resp. select the whole parameter with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
♦ Confirm the new value with the 8 -key or
cancel and go back to the last value with the F2 key.
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "Tolerances" you can set up the parameters of the stability controlled
calibration procedure (see p. 5-9/10) for the current channel. Besides, you can disable the
stability control and the maximum calibration deviation (deviation control → deviation
If you want to set up the parameters of the other channels of an MLT analyzer or analyzer
module, press the F3 key.
Set up parameters:
♦ Select any line of variables with the ↓ -key or the ↑ -key.
♦ Select the variable with the 8 -key or the → -key.
♦ Select any digit with the ← -key or the → -key and adjust a new value with
the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key
resp. select the whole parameter with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
♦ Confirm the new value with the 8 -key or
cancel and go back to the last value with the F2 key.
♦ End of range: 1000 ppm
♦ Max. calibration deviation: 20 % (equivalent 200 ppm)
♦ Desired value: 990 ppm
♦ Display: 720 ppm
♦ Deviation: 250 ppm (more than 200 ppm!)
♦ Result: Max. calibration procedure time over limit;
Calibration will be canceled !
Potential solutions:
♦ Adjust 100 % in the line "Max. zero calibration deviation"
resp. "Max. span calibration deviation"
select "Disabled" in the line "Check deviation".
♦ Result: Any Calibration will be accepted!
Stability time: 30 s
Averaging time: 5 s
Measure Channel Back...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "Calibration Procedure Setup" you can set up the parameters for the cali-
bration procedure of the zeroing and spanning for the current channel. If you want to set
up the parameters of the other channels of an MLT analyzer or analyzer module, press the
F3 key.
Set up parameters:
♦ Select any line of variables with the ↓ -key or the ↑ -key.
♦ Select the variable with the 8 -key or the → -key.
♦ Select any digit with the ← -key or the → -key and adjust a new value with
the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key
resp. select the whole parameter with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
♦ Confirm the new value with the 8 -key or
cancel and go back to the last value with the F2 key.
Start Span
over Ti
Start Zero
The stability time and the averaging time are factory settings and cannot be changed by
the customer. If you want to use other values, ask your service !
Analog Output
0V xV
Analog Output
This sketching displays only the procedure in principal. In the real procedure the purge
time will also be relevant. That means: If the sample gas will be running again the purge
time for the sample gas valve will run at first. After that the holding function will be
switched on.
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "Time Control" you can determine the starting time of the zero gas calibration
resp. the span gas calibration for one channel. If you want to determine the values of the
other channels of an MLT analyzer or analyzer module, press the F3 key.
♦ The time controlled calibration is only possible if the span gas comes from a valve gear!
If the valve gear is not available you have to select "Never" in all lines containing "Day
of week".
♦ A zero gas calibration should be done before starting a span gas calibration. Therefore
the starting time of the zero gas calibration should be different from the starting time of
the span gas calibration. If you select the option "Zero+Span calibration" the zeroing will
run before the spanning, automatically.
Set up time parameters:
♦ Select any line of variables with the ↓ -key or the ↑ -key.
♦ Select the variable with the 8 -key or the → -key.
♦ Select any digit with the ← -key or the → -key and adjust a new value with
the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key resp. select the whole parameter with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
Options for day of week: Monday, ..., Sunday, Each day, Never
for hour: 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., 23
for minute: 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., 59
♦ Confirm the new value with the 8 -key or cancel and go back to the last value with F2.
Channel tag: -
Procedure type: -
Interval mode: Never
Start time: -
Start date: -
Measure Back...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In this submenu you can determine some further parameters of the time controlled
Lines "Position in auto-start list", "Erase current position from list !" and
"Erase all positions from list !":
If you have disabled a time controlled calibration in the menu "Time Control" you have to
reset the memory to avoid further calibrations by time control. Starting the function "Erase
current position from list !" will reset the memory for the position selected in the line
"Position in auto-start list".
There are three positions belonging to the following lines in the menu "Time Control":
Position 1: Zero calibration
Position 2: Span calibration
Position 3: Zero+Span calibration
Starting the function "Erase all positions from list !" will delete the set-ups for all kinds of
time controlled calibration in the menu "Time Control".
The last five lines of variables:
These lines will display the parameters of the position selected in the line "Position in
auto-start list".
Range number: 1
Span gas: 100.00 ppm
Range upper limit: 100.00 ppm
Operation status: Ready
Measure Status... Channel Back... Valves...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
♦ The signal has to be stable before starting any calibration !
♦ The last five lines of the menu "Analyzer Module Calibration" resp. the last two lines of
the menu "Set Gas Valves" are information lines.
♦ The menu "Analyzer Module Calibration" is the same as the menu "Analyzer Module
Calibration" of the "Basic Controls" (see sections 4.4 to 4.7), including all submenus.
So, the calibration and gas flow procedures are analogous to the descriptions in the
sections 4.5 to 4.7.
♦ If you want to calibrate or set up the other channels of an MLT analyzer or analyzer
module, you have to change the channel with the F3 key. If you want to start the zero
and/or the span calibration for all channels simultaneously, you have to change to the
menu "Advanced Calibration Methods" (see p. 5-18).
♦ If you want to calibrate the measurement ranges separately with span gas, you have to
set up "Separately" in the line "Span ranges" of the menu "Calibration Procedure
Setup" (see p. 5-11).
♦ Via the F2 key you will reach the menu "Analyzer Channel Status". In that menu and
its corresponding submenus you will find the status report of the current channel for
• Failures
• Maintenance requests
• Function controls
• Alarms
• Events
• Hours of operation
and the operational settings of the current channel like
• range settings and
• response time (t90-time).
The menu "Analyzer Channel Status" and its submenus are displayed detailed in
section 4.1.
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "Calibration Procedure Status" you will find the results of the last calibrations.
This menu will appear automatically after starting the zero or span gas calibration. Then it
will display the status of the running calibration procedure (see sections 4.5/4.6 p. 4-19 to
4-26). If a calibration is still running, you can cancel it at any time with the F2 key.
With the F5 key (More...) you will change to a submenu, where you will find the calibration
deviations of the current channel. The deviations of the other channels of an MLT analyzer
or analyzer module you will find there by changing the channel with the F3 key.
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Measure Status... Back...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Measure Back...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "Zero Gas Definition" you can set up the zero gas concentration for all ranges
of the current channel of an MLT analyzer or analyzer module. The concentration unit
("ppm", "ppb", "%" etc.) is determined by the setup of the current channel (see section
5.1.10 p. 5-55).
Zero gas concentration setup:
♦ Select the variable with the 8 -key or the → -key.
♦ Select any digit with the ← -key or the → -key and adjust a new value with
the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key
resp. select the whole parameter with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
♦ Confirm the new value with the 8 -key or
cancel and go back to the last value with the F2 key.
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "Alarms Setup" and its submenus you can set up and control alarms for
several parameters of each channel of an MLT analyzer or analyzer module. If the
selected parameter signal will exceed a certain limit, you will get the corresponding alarm
message. For the concentration you will find little flag icons at the alarm values on its
bargraph in the single component display.
With the F5 key (ClrAla ! = Clear Alarm) you can delete a running alarm message. You
should do this after the signal is back in the allowed range to reset the alarm message for
new events.
♦ Select the parameter you want in the menu "Alarms Setup", i.e. "Concentration",
and change to the corresponding menu:
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
♦ If the setup of the parameter selected is not possible, a corresponding message will
appear on the screen, i.e. no flow sensor installed to measure the flow.
♦ With the F3 key you can change to the setup menu of the other channels of an MLT
analyzer or analyzer module.
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "Range parameters" and its submenus you can set up and control range
parameters like
♦ begin and end of range
♦ response time (t90-time)
♦ autoranging
for the current channel. You can change to the other channels of an MLT analyzer or
analyzer module with the F3 key.
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "Begin / End of Ranges" you can set up the begin and end of range for each
range of the current channel. To change to the other channels of an MLT analyzer or
analyzer module, you have to press the F3 key.
Set up parameters:
♦ Select any line of variables with the ↓ -key or the ↑ -key.
♦ Select the variable with the 8 -key or the → -key.
♦ Select any digit with the ← -key or the → -key and adjust a new value with
the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key
resp. select the whole value with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
Allowed minimum/maximum range values:
Concentrations in the lines "Begin of range/End of range"
of the menu "Autoranging Control" (see p. 5-29). You can set up each value between
the full scale concentration of range 1 and the full scale concentration of range 4 to
meet the specifications.
♦ Confirm the new value with the 8 -key or
cancel and go back to the last value with the F2 key.
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "Response Times" you can set up the response time (t90-time) for each range
of the current channel. To change to the other channels of an MLT analyzer or analyzer
module, you have to press the F3 key.
The response time (t90-time) is defined as the time that has to run until the analyzer
displays 90 % of a component's concentration after a concentration jump.
Set up parameters:
♦ Select any line of variables with the ↓ -key or the ↑ -key.
♦ Select the variable with the 8 -key or the → -key.
♦ Select any digit with the ← -key or the → -key and adjust a new value with
the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key
resp. select the whole value with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
Options: 0.01 to 28 seconds for each range of a channel.
♦ Confirm the new value with the 8 -key
or cancel and go back to the last value with the F2 key.
♦ The setup of the response time is limited to 0.03 s by the calculators' rate of the analyzer.
♦ Normally, the response time should not be less than 2 s.
♦ You should use a value of 2 s minimum for calibrations.
♦ The response time of this menu is not the response time of the whole analyzer!
♦ If you will use the autoranging control (see p. 5-29 ), you have to set up the same
response time for all ranges of the current channel!
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "Autoranging Control" you can set up the parameters for the autoranging
control of the current channel. If you want to set up the autoranging control of the other
channels of an MLT analyzer or analyzer module, you have to press the F3 key.
If the autoranging (Self/Automatic, see p 5-26) is enabled, the best range for the current
concentration will be selected, automatically.
♦ The range control has to be enabled!
To setup: See the line "Range control" in the menu "Range parameters", p. 5-25/26.
♦ The begin of range has to be zero for all four ranges of the current channel!
To setup: See menu "Begin and End of Ranges", p. 5-27.
♦ All four response times of the current channel must have the same value!
To setup: See menu "Response Times", previous page.
♦ The span gas concentration has to be in the correct range!
To setup: See menu "Span Gas Definition", section 5.1.1 p. 5-6.
The last three lines of the menu:
The parameters in these lines are factory settings and cannot be changed in this menu.
♦ Absolute, range lower limit: Normally this value is zero. It will only differ from zero for
differential measurements (see 5.1.12 p.5-59).
♦ Absolute, range upper limit: It is set to 120 % of the largest end of range value from
putting into operation. Higher values will not be accepted as end of range values!
1000 ppm
450 ppm
1500 ppm
900 ppm
2000 ppm
1350 ppm
Via the F5 key (More...) you can change to the submenu "Actual Switch levels", where you
will find switch levels between the ranges of the current channel:
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "Cross Interference Compensation" you can calculate the influence of other
components to the result of the analyzed component. You can take maximum three
interference components for each channel of the MLT analyzer. It is not possible to
calculate the cross interference compensation for signals of auxiliary modules!
If you want to calculate the compensation for other channels of an MLT analyzer or
analyzer module, you have to press the F3 key.
♦ You only have to use pure gases or gases in inert atmosphere (e.g. CH4 in N2) for all
components that you need to calculate the compensation. Do not use mixed gases!
♦ You have to calibrate all channels you need to calculate the interference compensation.
Besides, all channels must be part of the same MLT analyzer or analyzer module.
Calculation of the Cross Interference Compensation:
1) In the line "Compensation is" you have to select "Disabled". If you select "Enabled" the
result will be influenced by earlier values.
2) In the line "Selected interference component" you have to select the number of the
current interference component.
3) Press the 8 -key or the → -key in the line "Choose interference source channel..." to
change to the submenu "Channels" (illustration see next page):
• Select the line you want with the ↓ -key or the ↑ -key.
• Choose the interference source channel with the 8 -key or the → -key: The display
will go back to the menu "Cross Interference Compensation" automatically. The tag of
the interference component will appear in one of the last three lines in the menu. The
position depends on the number selected in the line "Selected interference component".
Measure Back...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
4) Give the interference component into the sample gas channel and wait for a stable
5) Go to the line "Calculate factor for selected interference component !" with the ↑ -key or
the ↓ -key and then start the calculation with the 8 -key or the → -key. If you want to
see the results change to the line "Interference factors..." and press the 8 -key to go to
the corresponding submenu:
Measure Back...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In this submenu you can also set up manually each interference component factor.
6) Select "Enabled" in the line "Compensation is" of the menu "Cross Interference
Compensation" to start the cross interference compensation.
Function line "Remove selected component !"
If you press the 8 -key or the → -key in this line you will delete the interference factor of
the selected interference component !
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "Multiple Spline Linearization" and its submenus you can set up and start the
calculation to linearize one channel of an MLT analyzer or analyzer module. With the F3
key you can change to the other channels.
The optical absorption of a gas as a function of its concentration is not linear in the whole
range. Therefore the result of the analyzer has to be linearized. You can linearize manual
or semi-automatically. In this chapter the manual linearization is described. If you want to
linearize automatically, contact your customer service, please.
♦ Before you start the linearization you have to calibrate the largest range of the channel
(usually range 4) with zero gas and span gas.
♦ You have to record a raw values/setpoint values table to linearize a channel. You need
minimum 6 raw values and their corresponding setpoint values: zero, end of range and
4 intermediate values. You should take 10 to 15 values (maximum: 30) to improve the
precision of the linearization curve.
Execute a linearization:
1) Disable the linearization:
• Before you record the linearization values you have to disable the current linearization
to avoid the influence from the old values to the calculation of the new curve.
• Change to the line "Linearizer operation" with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
• Press the 8 -key or the → -key and select "Disabled" with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
• Confirm your adjustment with the 8 -key.
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
• Change to the menu "View & Modify Linearization Table" via the line "View/modify
linearization curve table...".
• Press the 8 -key or the → -key to change to the menu "Linearization Raw Values".
• Select the first number with the 8 -key or the → -key.
• Put in the first raw value of the table:
• Select any digit with the ← -key or the → -key and adjust the new value with the
↑ -key or the ↓ -key and confirm the new value with the 8 -key.
• Change with the ↓ -key to the next line to put in the second value.
• Repeat these steps until all raw values of the table are part of the corresponding
• If you have more than 10 values you can go to further menu pages with the F5 key
(More...). There are maximum 30 lines available. The current menu page number is
always displayed in the headline. If you have less than 30 values you have to put in
"0" in all lines following the last real value of the table!
• Change with the F2 key (Y1...10) to the menu "Linearization Setpoint Values" to enter
the setpoint values in the same manner like described for the raw values.
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
• Press the 8 -key or the → -key in the line "Linearization method" to select between
the menu "Multiple Spline Linearization" or "4th-order polynomial linearization" .
• If you have selected "Splines" change to the line "Start calculation of coefficients !"
and start the calculation with the 8 -key.
• If you will have selected "4-th order polyn.":
The menu will be changed in some lines and in the headline you will find "4th-Order
Polynomial Linearization". Change via the line "Linearizer operation..." to the
corresponding submenu, where you can enable for linearization each of the four
measurement ranges, separately. Change to the menu "Calculation of coefficients..."
via the corresponding line. Start the calculation with the F2 key (Do it !).
7) Linearization control:
• Repeat the measurement with the same setpoint values used for the linearization
• The full scale deviation has to be better than 1 % f.s.! For automotive applications the
deviation has to be better than 1 % rel. of the setpoint value in a range between 10 %
and 100 % full scale !
Measure Back...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "Programmable Logic Control" you can enable or disable the logic control of
the MLT/TFID analyzer, of the analyzer module or of the digital outputs by a
corresponding program. So, you can decide for instance if some calibration results should
be sent to a certain analyzer output. If you want to realize a program, you have to change
to the submenu "Program" (line "Programming..."). If you want to control the output status
you have to change to the submenu "PLC Outputs" (line "Results...").
The PLC is only able to work with signals of the MLT/TFID analyzer or analyzer module
selected! It is not possible to work with auxiliary modules, with the control module or
external undefined input signals!
Set up parameters:
♦ Select the line of variables or any menu line with the ↓ -key or the ↑ -key.
♦ Select the variable or change to the submenu with the 8 -key or the → -key.
♦ Select "Enabled" or "Disabled" in the line "PLC is" with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
♦ Confirm the parameter selected with the 8 -key or
cancel and go back to the last value with the F2 key.
Sample CO/SO2/O2
So you have the following zero and span gas for each gas component:
Channel: CO SO2 O2
Zero gas: O2 O2 CO/SO2
Span gas: CO/SO2 CO/SO2 O2
With the conditions described you will get the following program:
Step- Code Function/Parameter
1 -2 OR (Combination of the next three operands)
2 112 Zero gas calibration of channel 1
3 162 Zero gas calibration of channel 2
4 218 Span gas calibration of channel 3
5 -5 STORE (Saving the intermediate result to the result buffer)
6 40 Output result buffer 1
7 -6 CLEAR (Deleting the intermediate result of the calculator)
8 -2 OR (Combination of the next three operands)
9 118 Span gas calibration of channel 1
10 168 Span gas calibration of channel 2
11 212 Zero gas calibration of channel 3
12 -5 STORE (Saving the intermediate result to the result buffer)
13 41 Output result buffer 2
14 -6 CLEAR (Deleting the intermediate result of the calculator)
15 -7 END (End of program)
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Start the program with "Enabled" in the line "PLC is" of the menu "Programmable Logic
Control". Then, control the output status in the submenu "PLC Outputs". You will reach
this menu via the line "Results..." in the menu "Programmable Logic Control":
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the display shown above the output 1 is "On". That means for the example described:
The zero gas calibration of channel 1 or 2 or
the span gas calibration of channel 3 is still running.
Via the F5 key (More...) you can reach another menu page with the results of the PLC
outputs 11 to 20.
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "Programmable Calculator" you can start the calculation with variables of the
MLT analyzer or analyzer module selected, e.g. conversion of concentrations from ppm to
mg/m3. You have four memory places to calculate results. The required program and
further conditions have to be set up in several submenus. The calculation with values of
auxiliary modules or of the control module is not possible!
Set up parameters:
♦ Select the line of variables or any menu line with the ↓ -key or the ↑ -key.
♦ Select the variable or change to the submenu with the 8 -key or the → -key.
♦ Select "Enabled" or "Disabled" in the line "Calculator is" with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
♦ Confirm the parameter selected with the 8 -key or
cancel and go back to the last value with the F2 key.
Programming and starting of the calculator (+ Consider the example p. 5-47/48 !):
1) Disable the calculator:
• Before you will begin with the programming, you have to select "Disabled" in the line
"Calculator is" to avoid starting calculation while you are writing the program.
2) Putting in the program:
• Press the 8 -key or the → -key in the line "Programming..." to change to the sub-
menu "Program", where you can put in your program step by step.
• A program of a calculator consists of operands like concentration or flow and of
operators like the addition command. You have to put in a certain code in each
program line for each operator and each variable or constant.
In the following table you can see which types of operators and operands you can use:
Operator types Operator Description
-1 ADD Add Operand to IR (intermediate result)
-2 SUB Subtract Operand from IR
-3 DIV Divide IR by operand
-4 MUL Multiply IR with operand
-5 ADDC c Add Constant to IR
-6 SUBC c Subtract constant from IR
-7 DIVC c Divide IR by constant
-8 MULC c Multiply IR with constant
-9 ADDM m Add Memory to IR
-10 SUBM m Subtract Memory from IR
-11 DIVM m Divide IR by memory
-12 MULM m Multiply IR with memory
-13 STOM m Store IR at memory and set IR = 0.0
-14 STOR r Store IR to result and set IR=0.0
-15 NOP No operation
-16 ABS Convert IR into absolute value
-17 EOP End of program
Operand Types Operand Description
1 Calculator Result #1
2 Calculator Result #2
3 Calculator Result #3
4 Calculator Result #4
5 Concentration Channel 1 (PPM!)
6 Concentration average Channel 1 (PPM!)
7 Temperature Channel 1
8 Pressure Channel 1
9 Flow Channel 1
10 Concentration Channel 2 (PPM!)
11 Concentration average Channel 2 (PPM!)
12 Temperature Channel 2
13 Pressure Channel 2
14 Flow Channel 2
15 Concentration Channel 3 (PPM!)
16 Concentration average Channel 3 (PPM!)
17 Temperature Channel 3
18 Pressure Channel 3
19 Flow Channel 3
20 Concentration Channel 4 (PPM!)
21 Concentration average Channel 4 (PPM!)
22 Temperature Channel 4
23 Pressure Channel 4
24 Flow Channel 4
25 Concentration Channel 5 (PPM!)
26 Concentration average Channel 5 (PPM!)
27 Temperature Channel 5
28 Pressure Channel 5
29 Flow Channel 5
• You have to set each operator in the line above the corresponding variable. After
each calculating step you have to store the intermediate result and to delete the
memory before you will continue with the next step. Each program must end with the
command "End of program".
5) Scaling
• Via the line "Scaling..." of the menu "Programmable Calculator" you can change to a
submenu, where you can determine the minimum and maximum for each result. This
will be necessary, if you want to show the calculator's result in the single component
display. The minimum/maximum values are the limits of the bargraphs.
6) Starting the program:
• Select "Enabled" in the line "Calculator is" of the menu "Programmable Calculator".
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Start the calculation with "Enabled" in the line "Calculator is" of the menu "Programmable
Calculator". The results will appear in the last four lines of that menu.
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Set up parameters:
♦ Select any line of variables with the ↓ -key or the ↑ -key.
♦ Select the variable with the 8 -key or the → -key.
♦ Adjust a new value with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key
resp. select the whole parameter with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
♦ Confirm the new value with the 8 -key or
cancel and go back to the last value with the F2 key.
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
♦ The changes of the identification tags will be realized after you have changed to the
single component display !
♦ The changes of the range tags will be realized after you have changed the range for the
first time !
♦ You can set up the digits more fast by holding the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
The scrolling will accelerate.
Measure Back...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Possible Settings:
Settings: Standard CEMS All allowed Calibration only
Start zero calibration: + + + +
Start span (gas) calibration: + + + +
(Current) range upper limit: +
Span gas (value): + + +
Range number: + +
Check calibration deviation: + +
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Set up parameters:
♦ Select any line of variables or any function line with the ↓ -key or the ↑ -key.
♦ Select the variable or start the function with the 8 -key or the → -key.
♦ If asked after function start: Confirm with the F2 key (Yes) or
cancel and go back to the menu page with the F4 key (Back...) or the ← -key.
♦ Variable changing: Select any digit with the ← -key or the → -key
and adjust a new value with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key
resp. change the whole value with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
♦ Confirm the new value with the 8 -key or
cancel and go back to the last value with the F2 key.
Measure Back...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "General Concentration Measurement Setup" you can set up for the current
channel of an MLT analyzer or analyzer module the following parameters:
♦ the sample gas unit
Options: ppb, ppm, %, µg/Nm3, mg/Nm3, g/Nm3, %LEL, %UEL
♦ the "ppm → mg/Nm " conversion factor
Options: 0 to 1000000
Note: The "ppm" → "mg/Nm3" conversion factor depends on the sample gas which is
used. The set-up is necessary if you want to display sample gas values in "mg/Nm3" !
♦ the lower explosion limit (LEL) and the upper explosion limit (UEL)
Options: 0 to 100%
♦ the measurement output during failure
Options: Actual, 0.0 V, End of range.
Set up parameters:
♦ Select any line of variables with the ↓ -key or the ↑ -key.
♦ Select the variable with the 8 -key or the → -key.
♦ Select any digit with the ← -key or the → -key and adjust a new value with
the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key
resp. select the whole parameter with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
♦ Confirm the new value with the 8 -key or
cancel and go back to the last value with the F2 key.
90003539(2) [NGA-e (MLT Software 3.3.X)] 11/99 NGA 2000 5 - 55
5 - 56 NGA 2000 90003539(2) [NGA-e (MLT Software 3.3.X)] 11/99
5.1 Analyzer Module Setup
5.1.11 Concentration Peak Measurement
Peak measurement
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "Concentration Peak Measurement" you can determine the conditions for the
extreme values of a channel. If you want to change to the other channels of an MLT
analyzer or analyzer module, you have to press the F3 key.
Set up parameters:
♦ Select any line of variables or any function line with the ↓ -key or the ↑ -key.
♦ Select the variable or start the function with the 8 -key or the → -key.
♦ If asked after function start: Confirm with the F2 key (Yes) or
cancel and go back to the menu page with the F4 key (Back...) or the ← -key.
♦ Variable changing: Select the parameter with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
♦ Confirm the new parameter with the 8 -key or
cancel and go back to the last adjustment with the F2 key.
Differential measurement
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "Differential Measurement" you can measure the difference between the
current concentration and a reference concentration of the same gas component. That
means, the measurement value is not based on the zero value as it is usual for an
absolute value measurement. Instead of this the signal will be compared with defined
concentration of the component selected. That may be useful for concentrations that only
differ a little from the basic value of this component in the measurement environment
(Example: CO2 of plant in air).
If you want to make a differential measurement for other components, you can change to
the other channels of an MLT analyzer or analyzer module with the F3 key.
♦ You have to calibrate with zero gas and to linearize the measurement channel and the
reference channel.
• To calibrate see 4.5 p. 4-19 and 4.6 p. 4-23 or 5.1.1 p. 5-15 to 5-17.
• To linearize see 5.1.5 p. 5-33
Differential measurement:
1) Disable the function:
• Press the 8 -key or the → -key in the line "Function is" to select the parameter and
adjust "Disabled" with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key. Confirm it with the 8 -key.
• This is necessary to avoid interference of values while the parameters where determined.
2) Select the reference channel:
• Change to the menu line "Choose source channel..." with the ↓ -key and press the
8 -key or the → -key to go to the submenu "Channels":
Measure Back...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
• Change to the line you want with the ↓ -key or the ↑ -key.
• Select the tag of the reference channel with the 8 -key or the → -key:
The display will go back to the menu "Differential Measurement" automatically. You
can see the channel selected in the line "Source channel".
3) Status determination of the reference channel:
• Change to the line "Source concentration" with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key and press the
8 -key or the → -key to select the parameter. Adjust the parameter with the ↑ -key or
the ↓ -key and confirm it with the 8 -key.
• Use actual value:
The reference value to calculate the difference concentration will always be the
current value of the reference channel.
• Use stored value:
The reference value to calculate the difference concentration will be fixed during the
whole differential measurement.
4) Give up reference gas to the reference channel:
• You have to give up a defined concentration of the measurement gas to the reference
channel to determine the reference value.
• If the reference signal is stable, you have to change to the line "Store source con-
centration !" with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key. Press the 8 -key or the → -key to start this
function. If asked, confirm with the F2 key (Yes) or cancel and go back to the menu
page with the F4 key (Back...) or the ← -key:
The current signal will be fixed for the differential measurement.
5) Give up measurement gas to the measurement channel:
• You have to give up the measurement gas to the measurement channel while the
reference signal is stable to measure the differential concentration.
6) Enable the differential measurement:
• Press the 8 -key or the → -key in the line "Function is" and adjust "Enabled" with the
↑ -key or the ↓ -key. Confirm it with the 8 -key:
The differential measurement will start and the differential concentration will be
Gasflow setup
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "Gasflow Setup" you can set up the modus of gas flow through
the analyzer cell:
♦ Parallel or
♦ Serial
and the valve position at "Basic-Status":
♦ Samplegas or
♦ All closed
♦ The adjustment for the gas flow through the analyzer cell depends on the real
combination of the analyzer cells.
♦ The setup is normally correct by factory setting.
You have only to change it, if you modify your configuration of cells.
♦ The correctness of this adjustment is very important for the time controlled calibration
with valve gear (see 5.1.1 p. 5-12)
Set up parameters:
♦ Change to the line you want with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
♦ Press the 8 -key or the → -key to select the variable.
♦ Select the parameter you want with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
♦ Confirm your adjustment with the 8 -key or
cancel and go back to the last one with the F2 key.
Pressure compensation
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "Pressure Compensation" you can set up the parameters of pressure for the
current channel of an MLT analyzer or analyzer module. With the F3 key you can change
to the other channels.
Set up parameters:
♦ Select any line of variables with the ↓ -key or the ↑ -key.
♦ Select the variable with the 8 -key or the → -key.
♦ Select any digit with the ← -key or the → -key and adjust a new value with
the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key
resp. select the whole parameter with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
♦ Confirm the new value with the 8 -key or
cancel and go back to the last value with the F2 key.
Flow measurement
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "Flow Measurement" you can set up the flow unit for the current channel of an
MLT analyzer or analyzer module. In the last line of this menu you will find the actual flow
of the channel selected.
Flow unit setup:
♦ Press the 8 -key or the → -key to select the variable.
♦ Select the unit with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
Options: ml/min, l/min
♦ Confirm your adjustment with the 8 -key or
cancel and go back to the last one with the F2 key.
If no flow sensor is installed, you will find a corresponding message on the screen instead
of the menu page shown above.
Temperature measurement
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "Temperature Measurement" you can set up the temperature unit for the
current channel of an MLT analyzer or analyzer module. In the last line of this menu you
will find the actual temperature of the channel selected.
Temperature unit setup:
♦ Press the 8 -key or the → -key to select the variable.
♦ Select the unit with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
Options: °C, °F
♦ Confirm your adjustment with the 8 -key or
cancel and go back to the last one with the F2 key.
If no temperature sensor is installed, you will find a corresponding message on the screen
instead of the menu page shown above.
Measure Back...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "Load/Save Analyzer Module Configuration" you can start several functions to
send or load configuration data of the MLT/TFID analyzer or analyzer module via the serial
interface. These functions are only available, if a SIO with serial interface is installed in the
MLT/TFID analyzer or analyzer module.
Attention with loading of data:
You will delete all data of the RAM!
Starting the functions:
♦ Select the function line you want with the ↓ -key or the ↑ -key.
♦ Press the 8 -key or the → -key to start the function.
If asked, confirm with the F2 key (Yes) or
cancel and go back to the menu page with the F4 key (Back...) or the ← -key.
Microprocessor RESET !
Measure Back...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
♦ With the function "Microprocessor RESET !" you can reset an MLT/TFID analyzer or
analyzer module to the initializing mode.
♦ Starting this function will generate the same start-up procedure as the switching
OFF/ON an MLT/TFID analyzer or analyzer module.
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
From the menu "Analyzer Module I/O-Modules" you can change to several submenus,
where you can set up the parameters of the local SIO module or the local DIO modules of
an MLT/TFID analyzer module:
♦ Press the 8 -key or the → -key in the line "SIO-01 module..." or "DIO-module(s)..." to
change to the corresponding submenus
♦ If there is no local I/O module in the analyzer module, you will see a corresponding note
on the display instead of the menu page shown above.
♦ If you want to set up the auxiliary SIO or DIO modules, you have to go to the submenus
of the menu "I/O Module Controls" (see 5.2 p. 5-85).
Measure Back...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
From the menu "Local SIO Configuration Parameters" you can change to submenus to
control and set up several output configurations of the local SIO module.
General Configuration of a SIO board (the whole specification see its own manual):
♦ Analog outputs: minimum 2, maximum 8
♦ Serial interface (RS 232 or RS 485) to connect the analyzer module with
an external computer
♦ Three relay outputs
If there is a SIO module installed in the analyzer you have to put in "Enabled" in the line
"Module installed", otherwise "Disabled".
Set up parameters:
♦ Select the line of variables or any menu line with the ↓ -key or the ↑ -key.
♦ Select the variable or change to the submenu with the 8 -key or the → -key.
♦ Select the parameter with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
♦ Confirm the new adjustment with the 8 -key or
cancel and go back to the last value with the F2 key.
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
• Note:
If you change the measurement range, the adjustment done in this menu will dis-
appear and go back to the standard values of the range! To change the output signal
values permanently you have to change the adjustments in the menu "Begin and End
of Ranges" (see 5.1.3 p. 5-27)! – If you want to work with suppressed ranges, you will
have to compensate the pressure influence !
• Attention:
The signal range at the analog output should not be less than the smallest range!
Otherwise, the noise level may be very high at the analog output!
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
• Press the 8 -key or the → -key in the line "Operation mode" to select the parameter
and adjust one of the following parameters with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key:
„ Normal: The absolute measurement signal will be sent to the analog output.
„ Zero: Coordination between the display and the analog output for 0 V and 0 mA
with fine adjustment 0 %. If you work with life zero signal (4-20 mA and 2-10 V), you
will only be able to adjust 0-20 mA & 0-10 V. The life zero is adjusted automatically.
„ Full Scale: Coordination between the display and the analog output for 10 V and
20 mA with fine adjustment 100 %.
• Confirm the new parameter with the 8 -key.
• Press the 8 -key or the → -key in the line "Fine adjustments for 0 % output" or "Fine
adjustment for 100 % output" to select the corresponding value.
• Adjust the value you want with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key and confirm it with the 8 -key.
Options: 3000 - 6000 for 0 % (Default: 4096) and 600 - 1000 for 100 % (Default: 819).
The last three lines of variables in the menu "Analog Outputs" only display some values of
the analog output! They display the configuration of the analog output.
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the submenu "Serial Interface" you can determine the parameters of the data transfer
between the analyzer module and external implements. The setups in this menu depend
on the configuration of the analyzer module and the corresponding implement. The
specification of the serial interface is described in another manual.
Set up parameters:
♦ Select any line of variables or the menu line with the ↓ -key or the ↑ -key.
♦ Select the variable or change to the submenu with the 8 -key or the → -key.
♦ Select any digit with the ← -key or the → -key and adjust a new value with
the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key
resp. select the whole parameter with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
♦ Confirm the new value with the 8 -key or
cancel and go back to the last value with the F2 key.
Baud rate: 300 1200 2400 4800 9600 19200
Data bits: 7 8
Stop bits: 1 2
Parity: None Even Odd
Echo mode: Enabled Disabled
Handshake: None Xon/Xoff
Transmission delay: 0 ... 100
Type of installed
serial interface: RS 232 RS 485/2w RS 485/4w RS 485/4w-Bus None
Communication protocol: AK MODBUS RTU None
Note: Via the line "Special protocol definitions..." you can change to a submenu, where
you can set up the parameters of the "AK" or "MODBUS RTU" communication protocol.
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "Relay Outputs" you can attach signals to the relay outputs of the local SIO
board, e.g. the relation between the zero valve and a certain channel. You have to put a
number code (= variable of a signal) in the corresponding line for the relay:
See the table "Signal Codes 1 - 359" on the following pages: p. 5-77 to 5-79 !
There are three relays on the local SIO board. With a jumper you can determine the relay
contact status: NO (Normally Opened) or NC (Normally Closed). Information’s about the
whole specification of the SIO board you can find in another manual.
In this menu you only can determine the relay output configuration for channels of the
analyzer module, not for channels of auxiliary modules or of the control module.
Set up parameters:
♦ Select any line of variables with the ↓ -key or the ↑ -key.
♦ Select the variable with the 8 -key or the → -key.
♦ Select the code number for the signal with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
+ Options: Code 1-359 according to the list at page 5-77 to 5-79 !
♦ Confirm the new value with the 8 -key or
cancel and go back to the last value with the F2 key.
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "Local DIO Boards Setup" you can set up the configuration of the local DIO
modules of the analyzer module. Each DIO module is composed of 8 digital inputs and 24
digital outputs. You can attach a function to each input (e.g. opening of a valve) and a
signal to each output (e.g. zero valve) by a corresponding code.
See the tables on the following pages:
+ Signal codes 1-359: see p. 5-77 to 5-79; Function codes: 1-599 see p. 5-80 !
Set up parameters:
♦ Select the line of variables or the function line with the ↓ -key or the ↑ -key.
♦ Select the variable or start the function with the 8 -key or the → -key.
♦ If asked after function start: Confirm with the F2 key (Yes) or
cancel and go back to the menu page with the F4 key (Back...) or the ← -key.
♦ Variable changing:
Select any digit with the ← -key or the → -key and adjust a new value with
the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
♦ Confirm the new value with the 8 -key or
cancel and go back to the last value with the F2 key.
General Signals
Signal ID Signal
1 RAM-Fail
2 ROMFail
3 Seconds; LOW/HIGH change all 1000 ms
4 Any sample gas valve selected (Channel 1...5)
5 Any zero gas valve (Channel 1...5)
6 Any span gas valve Selected (Channel 1...5)
7 NAMUR-status: Failure (Channel 1...5)
8 NAMUR-status: Maintenance Request (Channel 1...5)
9 NAMUR-status: Function Control (Channel 1...5)
10 - 19 Reserved
Programmable Calculator
Signal ID Signal
20 Execution status
21 Result 1 / Limit 1
22 Result 1 / Limit 2
23 Result 1 / Limit 3
24 Result 1 / Limit 4
25 Result 2 / Limit 1
26 Result 2 / Limit 2
27 Result 2 / Limit 3
28 Result 2 / Limit 4
29 Result 3 / Limit 1
30 Result 3 / Limit 2
31 Result 3 / Limit 3
32 Result 3 / Limit 4
33 Result 4 / Limit 1
34 Result 4 / Limit 2
35 Result 4 / Limit 3
36 Result 4 / Limit 4
37 - 39 Reserved
ID General functions
1 Set all channels into STANDBY state (Stop procedures)
2 - 99 Reserved
ID ID ID ID ID Channel dependent
CH1 CH2 CH3 CH4 CH5 functions
100 200 300 400 500 Start Zero calibration
101 201 301 401 501 Start Span calibration
102 202 302 402 502 Start Zero + Span calibration
103 203 303 403 503 Open sample gas valve
104 204 304 404 504 Open zero gas valve
105 205 305 405 505 Open purge gas valve
106 206 306 406 506 Open test gas valve
107 207 307 407 507 Open linearizer gas valve
108 208 308 408 508 Open span gas valve (of current range)
109 209 309 409 509 Open span gas valve of range-1
110 210 310 410 510 Open span gas valve of range-2
111 211 311 411 511 Open span gas valve of range-3
112 212 312 412 512 Open span gas valve of range-4
113 213 313 413 513 Close all valves (STANDBY)
114 214 314 414 514 Set range-1
115 215 315 415 515 Set range-2
116 216 316 416 516 Set range-3
117 217 317 417 517 Set range-4
118 218 318 418 518 Reserved
... ... ... ... ... ...
149 249 349 449 549 Reserved
The following functions are active if the signal at the input is set to high level:
ID ID ID ID ID Channel dependent
CH1 CH2 CH3 CH4 CH5 functions
150 250 350 450 550 AK key-switch: Remote
151 251 351 451 551 Namur signal: Function Control
152 252 352 452 552 Reserved
... ... ... ... ... ...
199 299 399 499 599 Reserved
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Set up parameters:
♦ Select any line of variables or the function line with the ↓ -key or the ↑ -key.
♦ Select the variable or start the function with the 8 -key or the → -key.
♦ If asked after function start: Confirm with the F2 key (Yes) or
cancel and go back to the menu page with the F4 key (Back...) or the ← -key.
♦ Variable changing:
Select any digit with the ← -key or the → -key and adjust a new value with
the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key
resp. select the whole parameter with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
♦ Confirm the new value with the 8 -key or
cancel and go back to the last value with the F2 key.
Line of variables "Averaging time" and function line "Set average to 0.0 !":
♦ The mean value of a measurement is calculated as follows (arithmetic mean value):
Special functions
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
The menu "Special Functions" is reserved for functions of the typical measurement
process for a certain analyzer module (e.g. CLD, FID, TFID or MLT) !
AK-protocol communication
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "AK-Communication" you can set up the parameters for the remote control of
the current channel via the serial interface. With the F3 key you can change to the other
channels of an MLT analyzer or analyzer module (TFID analyzer or AM).
Set up parameters:
♦ Press the 8 -key or the → -key to select the parameter.
♦ Select the parameter you want with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
• Disabled: No data transfer by remote control is possible.
• Full AK: The data transfer is only possible for commands of the AK standard.
• Enabled: The data transfer is possible for the commands of the AK standard
and further commands like service commands.
♦ Confirm the parameter selected with the 8 -key or
cancel and go back to the last setup with the F2 key.
♦ Via the F5 key (More...) you can change to a submenu, where you can set up the times
of the AK commands "SNGA", "SEGA", "SATK" and "SMGA". Look at the manual "AK
commands" (No. 9000 3752) for information’s about the AK-communication protocol
and its settings !
♦ To setup the data transfer parameters (e.g. baud rate) you have to change to the menu
"Serial Interface" (see section 5.1.18 p. 5-74 resp. 5.2.1 p. 91).
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
From the menu "I/O Module Controls" you can change to some submenus where you can
set up the parameters for the SIO module and the DIO modules of the MLT/TFID analyzer
or platform:
♦ Select the line you want with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
♦ Press the 8 -key or the → -key in the line "SIO module..." resp.
in the line "DIO module(s)..." to change to the corresponding submenus.
Measure Back...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
From the menu "SIO - Configuration Parameters" you can change to submenus to control
and set up several output configurations of the programmable system SIO module.
General Configuration of a SIO board (for the whole specification see its own manual):
♦ Analog outputs: minimum 2, maximum 8
♦ Serial interface (RS 232 or RS 485) to connect the analyzer with an external computer
♦ Three relay outputs
If there is a SIO module installed in the platform, TFID or MLT analyzer, you have to put in
"Yes" in the line "Module installed", otherwise "No".
Set up parameters:
♦ Select the line of variables or any menu line with the ↓ -key or the ↑ -key.
♦ Select the variable or change to the submenu with the 8 -key or the → -key.
♦ Select the parameter with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
♦ Confirm the new adjustment with the 8 -key or
cancel and go back to the last value with the F2 key.
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Measure <<< Back... >>>
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Measure <<< Back... >>>
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
• Go to the line you want with the ↓ -key or the ↑ -key. With the F5 key (>>>) you can
go to further menu pages containing signals. With the F4 key you can go back to the
menu "Analog Outputs".
• Select the signal with the 8 -key or the → -key:
The display will go back to the menu "Analog Outputs" automatically.
The signal selected will appear in the line "Signal name".
• Note:
If you change the measurement range, the adjustment done in this menu will
disappear and go back to the standard values of the range! To change the output
signal values permanently you have to change the adjustments in the menu "Begin
and End of Ranges" (see 5.1.3 p. 5-27)! – If you want to work with suppressed
ranges, you will have to compensate the pressure influence !
• Attention:
The signal range at the analog output should not be less than the smallest range!
Otherwise, the noise level may be very high at the analog output!
TAG 95.00 ppm
-- Output Signal if Assigned Module Fails -- If an analyzer module (and
Output(s) value on analyzer failure: EndOfRange channel) fails the
appropriate analog output
-- Fine Adjustment -- value can be defined to show
Output number: 1 the following signals:
Operation mode: Normal
Fine adjustment for 0% output: 4097
Fine adjustment for 100% output: 799 End of range
Begin of range
Measure Updates Back... Actual
End of range + 10 %
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Begin of range - 10 %
• If you press the F5 key in the menu "Analog Outputs" you can change to the submenu
"Fine Adjustment", where you can do the fine adjustments of the analog output:
• In the line "Output number" appears the output number selected in the menu "Analog
Outputs". If you want, you can select another output in the submenu "Fine
„ Press the 8 -key or the → -key to select the output number and adjust the value
you want with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key. Options: 1, ... , 8.
„ Confirm the number selected with the 8 -key.
The last three lines of variables in the menu "Analog Outputs" display the configuration of
the analog output!
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the submenu "Serial Interface" you can determine the parameters of the data transfer
between the MLT/TFID analyzer or platform and external implements. The set-ups in this
menu depend on the configuration of the analyzer resp. platform and the corresponding
implement. The specification of the serial interface is described in another manual.
Set up parameters:
♦ Select any line of variables or the menu line with the ↓ -key or the ↑ -key.
♦ Select the variable or change to the submenu with the 8 -key or the → -key.
♦ Select any digit with the ← -key or the → -key and adjust a new value with
the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key
resp. select the whole parameter with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
♦ Confirm the new value with the 8 -key or
cancel and go back to the last value with the F2 key.
Baud rate: 300 1200 2400 4800 9600 19200
Data bits: 7 8
Stop bits: 1 2
Parity: None Even Odd
Echo mode: Enabled Disabled
Handshake: None Xon/Xoff
Transmission delay: 0 ... 100
Type of installed RS 232 RS 485/2w RS 485/4w RS 485/4w-Bus None
serial interface:
Communication protocol: AK MODBUS RTU None
Note: Via the line "Special protocol definitions..." you can change to a submenu, where
you can set up the parameters of the "AK" or "MODBUS RTU" communication protocol.
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
There are three relays on any SIO board. The relay contact status is NO (normally
opened) by factory setting. With a jumper you also have the option to determine the relay
contact status as NC (normally closed). Information’s about the whole specification of the
SIO board you can find in another manual.
In the menu "Relay Outputs" you have to determine the configuration of the three relay
outputs of the SIO!
Configuration setup:
1) Select the output number:
• Press the 8 -key or the → -key in the line "Outputnumber" and adjust the output
number one, two or three with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
• Confirm the number selected with the 8 -key.
Measure <<< Back... >>>
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
If you will have selected the NGA control module you will find the following signals:
Function control
Maintenance request
Cal. in progress
Zero in progress
Span in progress
Zero failed
Span failed
Measure <<< Back... >>>
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
• Go to the line you want with the ↓ -key or the ↑ -key. With the F5 key (>>>) you can
go to other menu pages containing further available signals:
„ Range Low, Range High
„ Flow Low, Flow High
„ Conc. Low-Low
„ Conc. Low
„ Conc. High
„ Conc. High-High
„ SYS:VALVE-1, ..., -32
„ Ext. Switch-1, ..., -8
If you will have selected an other analyzer module channel (e.g. CLD, TFID), you
will find the corresponding signals. Look at the manuals of those analyzer modules to
get a list of specific signals.
All signals of the control module and of the analyzer modules joint to the platform or
MLT/TFID analyzer (e.g. CLD, TFID, MLT AM) are available in the menu "Signals".
4) Invert signal:
• You can decide, if the measurement signal should be inverted at the relay output. This
can be necessary to combine a failure with an alarm control.
„ Press the 8 -key or the → -key in the line "Invert signal" to select the parameter
and adjust "Enabled" or "Disabled" with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
„ Confirm the parameter selected with the 8 -key or the → -key.
The last three lines of variables in the menu "Relay Outputs" display the configuration of
the relay output selected:
♦ "Signal comes from:" displays the source module selected for the current relay output.
♦ "Signal name:" displays the signal selected for the current relay output.
♦ "Actual state:" displays if the relay status of the current relay is "On" or "Off".
Main Menu —
Analyzer and I/O, expert controls & setup
I/O module controls
DIO module(s)
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "DIO-Module Outputs" you can set up the output configuration of the
programmable system DIO modules. Besides you can change to the submenu "DIO-
Module Inputs" to configure the inputs of the programmable system DIO modules.
Each DIO module is composed of 8 digital inputs and 24 digital outputs. If there exist
several DIO modules in the platform or MLT/TFID analyzer, you can change to the setup
menu of each with the F3 key. The tag number of the DIO board selected will appear in
the line "Slot ID". The changing with the F3 key is not available for the platform or
MLT/TFID analyzers if only one DIO is installed.
The 24 digital outputs are composed of 3 units with 8 outputs. If there is a short circuit or
an overload in one unit, it will be switched off and saved against destruction. After the
defect is removed the board is available immediately. You only have to press the F5 key
(Ackn!). Information’s about the whole specification of the DIO board you will find in
another manual.
Set up parameters:
♦ Select any line of variables or any menu line with the ↓ -key or the ↑ -key.
♦ Select the variable or change to the submenu with the 8 -key or the → -key.
♦ Adjust a new value or select the whole parameter with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
♦ Confirm the new value with the 8 -key or
cancel and go back to the last value with the F2 key.
Inputnumber: 1
Choose module...
Choose function...
Slot ID: 1
Signal name: ????
Signal level: Off
Signal comes from: ????
Measure Next Back...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "DIO-Module Inputs" you have to determine the configuration for all of the
eight DIO module inputs!
DIO input configuration setup:
1) Select the input number:
• Press the 8 -key or the → -key in the line "Inputnumber" and adjust an input number
(1, ... , 8) with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
• Confirm the number selected with the 8 -key.
Measure <<< Back... >>>
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
• If you will have selected the NGA control module you will find the following
Measure <<< Back... >>>
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
• Go to the line you want with the ↓ -key or the ↑ -key. With the F5 key you can go to
further menu pages containing also available functions:
„ SYS:Program-Cal
„ SYS:Cancel-Cal
„ SYS:CAL-Test-Mode
„ SYS:AM-Zero-Gas
„ SYS:AM-Span-Gas1, 2, 3, 4
„ External function control
„ AM: Hold Outputs
„ AM-closed-valves
„ External failure
„ External maintenance
Page 4:
Span-Gas 3, 4
„ ResetMaxMeas
„ FunctionControl
„ StartMinMeas
„ StartMaxMeas
„ HoldAnalogOutput
Page 5:
„ AK-Error#8
„ ExtStatus1, ..., 5
Measure <<< Back... >>>
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
• Go to the line you want with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key. If there are more than eight
source modules available, you have to press the F5 key to go to another menu page.
• Select the tag of the module with the 8 -key or the → -key:
The display will go back to the menu "DIO-Module Outputs" automatically.
The tag of the module selected will appear in the line "Signal comes from".
3) Select any signal:
• Change to the line "Choose signal..." with the ↓ -key.
• Press the 8 -key or the → -key to change to the submenu "Signals".
If you will have selected the NGA control module you will find the following signals:
Function control
Maintenance request
Cal. in progress
Zero in progress
Span in progress
Zero failed
Span failed
Measure <<< Back... >>>
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
• Go to the line you want with the ↓ -key or the ↑ -key. With the F5 key you can go to
further menu pages containing also available signals:
„ Range Low
„ Range High
„ Flow Low
„ Flow High
„ Conc. Low-Low
„ Conc. Low
„ Conc. High
„ Conc. High-High
„ SYS:Valve-1, -2, ... , -32
„ Ext.Switch-1, ..., -8
If you will have selected an MLT/TFID analyzer module channel you will find on the
other menu pages the following signals:
„ Range overflow, Range underflow
„ Flow low, Flow high
„ Concentration-Alarm1, ..., 4
„ Range 1, ..., 4
„ Sample gas
„ Zerogas
„ Spangas
„ Spangas-1, ..., -4
„ Purgegas
„ Testgas
„ Linearizer gas
„ Average-Alarm1, ..., 4
„ Flow-Alarm3, 4
„ Temperature-Alarm1, ..., 4
„ Calculator1-Alarm1, ..., 4; Calculator2-Alarm1, ..., 4; Calculator3-Alarm1, ..., 4;
Calculator4-Alarm1, ..., 4
„ Pressure-Alarm1, ..., 4
„ PLC-Output1, ..., 20
Parameter: 3
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "I/O Module Setup" you can select any of the following types of network
I/O modules:
♦ If one of these network modules is available, you will find its corresponding tag in a line
of this menu. If there exist more than eight of such modules, you can change to another
menu page with the F5 key.
♦ Press the 8 -key or the → -key in the line where the tag of the module is displayed to
change to the setup submenus of the corresponding I/O board.
♦ For further Information’s, please contact your customer service or look at the manual of
the I/O board!
If you press the 8 -key or the → -key in the line "System configuration and diagnostics..."
of the "Main Menu", you will change to the following display:
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
From the menu "System configuration" you can change to several submenus to set up the
system parameters of the platform or of the MLT/TFID analyzer. Besides you can set up
or control the software and hardware configuration of the control module or the analyzer
In the following table you will find a short overview about the contents of the menus and
where you will find their description in this manual:
Example: You will bind network controlled I/O modules with analyzer modules.
MLT25/CH3: 0.3
MLT25/CH5: 0.5
F1 F2 F5
In the menu "Module Binding" you can bind with the analyzer modules or MLT channels
the following types of network controlled I/O modules connected to the platform or
MLT/TFID analyzer:
1) Analog Output with 3 Alarms I/O Module
2) Auto Calibration I/O Module
3) System Auto Calibration I/O Module
You can unbind all existing bindings between ...
Further explanations and setup instructions will follow !
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
From the menu "Diagnostic menus" you can change to submenus, where you will find
software error messages of the control module or of the analyzer module. If need be, you
can remove the error messages in these menus.
Changing to the submenus:
♦ Scroll with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key to select the menu line you want.
♦ Press the 8 -key or the → -key in the line selected to change to the corresponding
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "Control Unit Diagnostics" you can find software error messages of the
control module. If such messages are existing, you can act in the following way:
1) Make a note of the error messages.
2) Reset the message:
• Press the 8 -key or the → -key in the line "Edit to reset".
• Set up "Reset" with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key and confirm it with the 8 -key:
The error messages will disappear, if their reason will not exist any longer.
• If the error messages will keep displayed:
3) System reset:
• Change to the menu "System Reset" with the F5 key (Reset...).
• Press the 8 -key or the → -key in the line "System reset !" to reboot (see 6.5 p. 6-11).
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "Analyzer Module Diagnostics" you can find software error messages of the
analyzer module. If such messages are existing, you can act in the following way:
1) Make a note of the error messages.
2) Reset the message:
• Press the 8 -key or the → -key in the line "Edit to reset".
• Set up "Reset" with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key and confirm it with the 8 -key:
The error messages will disappear, if their reason will not exist any longer
and the parameter "Report" will appear again, automatically.
• If the error messages are still existing, contact your customer service, please.
Measure Back...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "Load/Save Module Configuration" you can start several functions to send or
load configuration data of the MLT/TFID analyzer or analyzer module via the serial
interface. These functions are only available, if a SIO with serial interface is installed in the
MLT/TFID analyzer or analyzer module.
Attention with loading of data:
You will delete all data of the RAM!
Starting the functions:
♦ Select the function line you want with the ↓ -key or the ↑ -key.
♦ Press the 8 -key or the → -key to start the function.
If asked, confirm with the F2 key (Yes) or
cancel and go back to the menu page with the F4 key (Back...) or the ← -key.
Minutes: 0
Hours (1...24): 12
Year: 1999
Day: 29
Month: 7
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "Date and Time" you can set up the date and the time of the control module
(platform or MLT/TFID analyzer).
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "Security Setup" you can enable a security code for the entering of the "Basic
level" as well as for the "Expert level" and for the "System level".
Caution: If you enable a security code and forget it, you will not have any possibility to
enter the locked level!
How to setup and to enable the security codes:
1) Determination of the code number for the:
• "Basic level" (factory setting: 12345):
• "Expert level" (factory setting: 12345):
• "System level" (factory setting: 54321):
„ Go to the line
„ "Define basic level security PIN..." resp.
„ "Define expert level security PIN..." resp.
„ "Define system level security PIN..."
„ with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key and change to the corresponding submenu with the 8 -
key or the → -key (see illustration on the next page; "basic level" as example).
• Put in the code you want with the function keys F1, ..., F5:
„ The sequence of the code numbers will appear in the line "Actual PIN".
• Notes:
„ "1" is attached to F1, "2" to F2 and so on. The characters displayed above the
function keys will not be displayed as code numbers.
„ If your input was wrong, you can repeat as often as you want until the sequence of
the digits will be in your way.
„ If the input of the security code is done, you can go back to the menu "Security
Setup" with the ← -key.
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
• Press the 8 -key or the → -key to select the parameter and adjust "Enabled" with the
↑ -key or the ↓ -key. Confirm it with the 8 -key.
3) Change to a level locked by security code:
• Go back to the "Main Menu", for instance with F4 (two times).
• Try to change to the locked level via the corresponding menu line with the 8 -key or
the → -key:
„ A menu page will appear with the invitation to enter the security code. In the line
"Input" you will find the setup "Ready".
• Enter the security code with the right sequence of function keys:
„ The symbol "∗" will appear in the line "Input" for each input.
„ If the code is wrong, "Ready" will appear again in this line. Then you cannot change
to the locked level.
„ If the code is correct, the display will change automatically to the locked level after
the last digit of the code will be entered.
If you have entered a level by security code, this level will be unlocked generally. If you
want to enter this level only by security code, you have to press the F4 key (Lock...) in the
"Main Menu" after each return from the specific level!
MLT25/CH2: 0.2
MLT25/CH3: 0.3
MLT25/CH4: 0.4
MLT25/CH5: 0.5
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "Module Binding" you can bind with AM’s or MLT channels the following types
of network controlled I/O modules connected to the CM (platform or MLT/TFID analyzer):
1) Analog Output with 3 Alarms I/O Module
2) Auto Calibration I/O Module
3) System Auto Calibration I/O Module
You can unbind all existing bindings between the analyzer module or MLT channel and
the I/O modules, if you press the F3 key (Delete!)
Module binding:
1) Selecting the channel:
• Change to the line you want with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
• Press the 8 -key or the → -key resp. the F2 key (Add!) to change to the submenu
"Select IO Modules":
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Syscal I/O
Autocal I/O
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
System reset !
Re-initialize network !
Measure Back...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
You can start the following functions in the menu "System Reset":
1) System Reset:
• The MLT/TFID analyzer or the platform will change to the initializing mode
if you press the 8 -key or the → -key in the line "System reset !":
This reboot is analogous to the switching OFF/ON the control module.
2) Re-initialize network:
• Change to the line "Re-initialize network!" with the the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
• Press the 8 -key or the → -key to start this function.
♦ With the function "Re-initialize network !", you will delete all bindings between analyzer
modules and I/O modules.
♦ All configuration data of the SIO and DIO modules will disappear!
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "Control Module RAM – Memory Usage" you will find which unit (Control
Module (CM), MLT/TFID Analyzer (MCA) or Analyzer Module (AM)) how many memory in
byte will be used. In addition the free memory is shown in Byte. If there are more than
eight modules available, you can change to another menu page with the F5 key (>>>).
MLT25/CH1: 0.1
MLT25/CH2: 0.2
MLT25/CH3: 0.3
MLT25/CH4: 0.4
MLT25/CH5: 0.5
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
In the menu "Modules known by the Control Module" you will find the tags of all modules
combined with the platform (CM) or the MLT/TFID analyzer (MCA). If there are more than
eight modules available, you can change to another menu page with the F5 key (>>>).
Set up:
♦ Go to the line you want with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
♦ Select the tag of the module with the 8 -key or the → -key:
• The display will change automatically to the menu "Analyzer Module Calibration"
(see 4.4 p. 4-17 or 5.1.1 p. 5-13 to 5-15) of the corresponding channel.
• Then, all menus of the module selected will be available.
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Set up parameters:
♦ Select any line of variables with the ↓ -key or the ↑ -key.
♦ Select the variable with the 8 -key or the → -key.
♦ Select any digit with the ← -key or the → -key and adjust a new value with
the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key
resp. select the whole parameter with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
♦ Confirm the new value with the 8 -key or
cancel and go back to the last value with the F2 key.
This setup is valid for the following analyzer modules only:
The digits setup of the MLT/TFID AM’s will have be done in the menu "Measurement
Display Configuration" (MLT: see 5.1.8, p. 5-49) !
♦ Measured number: 1.2345
♦ Select 3 for total number of digits and 2 for digits after decimal point.
♦ The screen will display: 1.23
Set up parameters:
♦ Select any line of variables or any menu line with the ↓ -key or the ↑ -key.
♦ Select the variable or change to the submenu with the 8 -key or the → -key.
♦ Select "Enabled" or "Disabled" with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key to enable or disable the
corresponding auxiliary line in the single component display of the current channel.
♦ Confirm your setup with the 8 -key or
cancel and go back to the last one with the F2 key.
MLT25/CH1: 0.1
MLT25/CH2: 0.2
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
♦ Select the line you want with the ↑ -key or the ↓ -key.
If there are more than eight modules available, you can change to another menu page
with the F5 key.
♦ Press the 8 -key or the → -key to enable the module selected as line source:
The display will go back to the menu "Auxiliary Lines", automatically.
The selection will be done.
To select the measurement parameter for each auxiliary line of the single component
display, you have to change to the menu "Measurement Display Configuration" of the
"Analyzer and I/O-module expert configuration" (see section 5.1.8 p. 5-49).
NGA 2000
Software Manual
Table of Contents
1 Introduction _____________________________________________________________________3
2 Valves for system calibration ________________________________________________________4
2.1 Assigning an output port to a system valve ________________________________________________ 4
3 Operating System Calibration _______________________________________________________6
3.1 Set-up analyzer modules _______________________________________________________________ 7
3.2 Programming Calibration Sequences _____________________________________________________ 9
3.3 Set-up general parameters _____________________________________________________________ 11
3.4 Controlling System Calibration_________________________________________________________ 13
3.4.1 Control via menu system______________________________________________________________________14
3.4.2 Control System Calibration by LON variables _____________________________________________________17
3.4.3 Control System Calibration by Programmable Input ________________________________________________18
3.4.4 Control System Calibration by AK protocol command ______________________________________________20
3.4.5 Time controlled System Calibration _____________________________________________________________21
3.5 Calibrate single Analyzers _____________________________________________________________ 23
4 Functionality ___________________________________________________________________24
4.1 Gas flow ____________________________________________________________________________ 24
4.2 Running system calibration ____________________________________________________________ 25
4.2.1 Filling sequence buffer _______________________________________________________________________26
4.2.2 Before starting actions _______________________________________________________________________28
4.2.3 Control of actions ___________________________________________________________________________28 Switch valves ___________________________________________________________________________28 Wait for Purging ________________________________________________________________________28 Zero Calibration_________________________________________________________________________29 Span Calibration ________________________________________________________________________29 Wait for Finishing Calibration ______________________________________________________________30
4.2.4 Finishing System Calibration __________________________________________________________________30
4.3 Running Single Analyzer Calibration____________________________________________________ 31
4.4 Holding analog outputs of the SIO and avoid limit violation alarms __________________________ 32
1 Introduction
In opposite to the possibility to zero and span each analyzer module (MLT channel)
individually and independently from the others, System Calibration (SYSCAL) allows to
combine the calibration procedures of all into a common process.
This is been achieved with a special assignment of the valves. The idea is not longer to
require for each gas of each analyzer an own valve.
Instead of we have a pool of valves. The valves of this pool can be assigned to the different
gases of the analyzers. That also means different analyzers can share the same valve for
their gases, e. g. for span gas mixtures or a common zero gas valve for several channels. So
we have the possibility to reduce the number of valves and also the consumption of
calibration gases.
The program, which will allow this, runs on the CM (Control Module) and needs
programmable I/O’s (Input/ Output Modules SIO or DIO).
The displayed menus are also inscripted with the appropriate LON variables.
Before using the system calibration we have to put together the required valve pool. There
are in principle three types of I/O modules supporting this:
• DIO - 24 digital outputs / 8 digital inputs (max. 4 DIO modules per platform
or 2 per MLT/TFID analyzer)
• SIO - 3 digital outputs (max. 1 SIO module per CM)
• [CVU - - 4 digital outputs (max. 4 modules per CM)]
Software supports up to 32 system valves. SIO and DIO are available, the control valve unit
(CVU) is in progress.
Assigning of an output can be accomplished by using the menus for selected output module
(DIO, SIO or CVU).
There we have to select the NGA Control Module as the Source Module. Control module
then provides the signals for system valve V1...V32.
Outputnumber: 1 DIOOUTNUMC
Choose module...
Choose signal...
Invert output: Disabled DIOOUTINVC
Module status: Normal DIOMODSTAC
Signal name: SYS:Valve-1 DIOOUTSIGC
Signal level: Off DIOOUTSTATC
Signal comes from: NGA_Control_module DIOOUTSRCC
There we have to
• select "Outputnumber"
• then choose “NGA_Control_module” as module
• then choose the wanted valve “SYS: VALVE-x” as signal
It is also possible to configure the DIO outputs via LON variables (i.e. SLTA adapter or AK
4. DIOOUT_ENTRYSIG SYS: VALVE-1 = 20 (enum value in ST2NAME)
SYS: VALVE-2 = 21
. .
. .
. .
SYS:VALVE-32 = 51 (enum value in ST3NAME)
For each needed system valve we have to repeat these appropriate selections.
It is also possible to distribute the system valves onto different output modules.
Because there are many possibilities how to use SYSCAL it must be configured through the
Expert Operator. There we can find the menu “System Calibration” from were we can do the
required setups and start routines.
System Calibration
Calibration/Test procedures...
• Calibration Sequence
Programming...: programming of user defined calibration sequences
• Set-up analyzer modules...: include and setup different analyzer modules into
system calibration
Before we can run any system calibration features we have to include the different analyzer
modules (AM’s) into system calibration by setup needed parameters. Only after correct
setting up, an AM is included into system calibration and only then it makes sense to go into
the other menus.
Analyzer Set up
Analyzer module: MLT/CH2 SCMODULE
Module enabled for system-cal: NO SCCONTROL
Setting up an AM for system calibration means assigning valves from system valve pool.
The Control Module provides support of up to 32 system valves V1....V32. We have to
decide which valves deliver which gases for an analyzer module. Also we have to know the
purge time from a valve to the AM/ MLT channel.
For each of the following types in the parameter “Gas type” we have to assign a valve and
the appropriate purge time :
• SPANGAS-1 (span gas for range 1)
• SPANGAS-2 (span gas for range 2)
• SPANGAS-3 (span gas for range 3)
• SPANGAS-4 (span gas for range 4)
V2 AM4
V3 AM5
V 4 V 5 V 6
Appropriate assignment:
Attention: Take in mind that any MLT channel is regarded as AM in this case!
Take care that for TFID separate valves are chosen which are not related
to other AM’s or MLT channels (internal TFID valves only)!
This assigning procedure is to perform for all analyzer modules which should be included in
system calibration.
To display the assigned valves and purge times for each AM we can push the softkey “View”.
Beside the standard programs “zero calibration” and “zero/span calibration” it is possible to
run the system calibration in an user definable order of up to 40 steps.
Step #: 1 SCSTEP
Calibration procedure type: Zero-Cal SCCALTYPE1
Choose specific analyzer module...
Select all analyzer modules!
Program steps 1-10...
Program steps 11-20...
Program steps 21-30...
Program steps 31-40...
Analyzer-module: MLT/CH3 SCSTEPMOD
1. select “Step #”
2. select “Calibration procedure type”
3. select analyzer module/ MLT channel
For each step we have the choice to select a specific AM or to activate the step for all
enabled AMs.
After the program is input, the appropriate menu can give an overview of the current
-- Calibration/Test Procedures --
With this parameter we can run all the calibration procedures either in the defined mode
or in a test mode (set test mode to “Yes”). The test mode means that the valve switching
and waiting for purge times is done in the same manner like in the normal calibration
The only difference is that the single calibrations of the modules and the appropriate times
the modules would need for the calibration are not done.
A further general parameter is "Timeout for Gastest". It is located in the menu "Test
-- Test Procedures --
Procedure time: 10 s
Analyzer-module: TFID
This parameter is related to the possibility to activate a gas valve of a specific module for test
purposes. Here we can determine a time after which an activated gastest automatically
switches back onto SAMPLE-Gas.
Is this parameter set to "0" no automatic back switching is done.
system zero calibration: In this mode a zero-cal of all modules, which are enabled
for SYSCAL, will be performed. The order of modules
depends on purge time for zero-valves because the whole
calibration is time optimized.
system zero/span calibration: In this mode will be performed a zero-cal and a span-cal
for every enabled AM. The order of calibration is
optimized to have a minimum of calibration time. The only
condition is to have for each AM first the zero-cal and after
this the span-cal. With zero-cal an AM is zeroed with all
ranges together, the span-cal is done separately for all
available ranges. A range is available if its span-gas value
is > 0.0.
user defined sequence program: In this mode the user is responsible for the optimization.
See setup of this mode.
It is also possible to cancel a running system calibration. This can be done by the following
• Manually by operator interaction
• Triggered by programmable input (DIO)
• AK protocol command
• LON variable CMFUNC
There is no priority by which way SYSCAL can be started. If SYSCAL was started it cannot
be restarted by a further instance. Only after canceling it can be restarted.
The possibility to control via menu is located in the menu page “Calibration/Test procedures”.
There can be started and stopped any kind of system calibration respectively test procedure.
Calibration/Test Procedures
The result of calibration for included AMs is displayed in an own menu page. This can be
achieved by softkey “Result...” from different menu pages of SYSCAL.
- Calibration Results -
Result of last run: OK SCLRESULT
Successfully calibrated ranges: 1+2+4 SCVALIDITY
Zero-Cal fail of any analyzer module: NO SCRESULT1
Span-Cal fail of any analyzer module: YES SCRESULT2
Remember to run the calibration procedures as a test without actually to calibrate assert
parameter "Calibration Procedures in Test-Mode" to <Yes>.
It is also possible to switch for test purposes onto a special gas of a specific module. This
possibility is located in menu "Test procedures".
-- Test Procedures --
Procedure time: 10 s SCCALTIME1
Analyzer-module: MLT/CH3 SCSTEPMOD
Here we first choose the specific analyzer module and then we select at the parameter
"Gastest of specific module" the required gas.
With parameter "Timeout for Gastest" we can determine a time after which the activated
gastest switches automatically back onto SAMPLE-Gas.
Is this parameter set to "0" the automatic back switching is not done automatically and user
must break this mode with a "Cancel Calibration" Command.
SYSCAL can also be controlled by LON variable CMFUNC. Setting this variable will cause
the appropriate function (see following table).
We can also realize some other functionality with setting of LON variables.
Therefore see the appropriate menu pages, where the concerned variables are documented.
--Test Procedures --
Procedure time: 10 s SCCALTIME1
Analyzer-module: MLT/CH3 SCSTEPMOD
Here we have first to set variable SCSTEPMOD similar to the TAG of the requested analyzer
module. Setting SCTIMEOUT will set the timeout.
And setting variable SCTESTGAS to the appropriate enum value will start the procedure.
We can use the possibility to control SYSCAL by triggering with programmable inputs. This
feature is supported by inputs of the DIO module.
Assigning of an programmable input can be accomplished by using the menus for DIO
Inputnumber: 5
Choose module... DIOINPNUMC
Choose function...
Slot ID: 1
Signal name: SYS:Cancel-Cal DIOSLOTIDC
Signal level: Off DIOINPSIGC
Signal comes from: NGA_Control_module DIOINPSTATC
Please take notice that all actions are edge-triggered. Therefore take care of functionality of
positive as well as negative edge.
It is also possible to configure the DIO inputs only per LON variables (i.e. SLTA adapter or
AK protocol). Therefore is the LON variable "DIOINP_ENTRYSIG" which corresponds to
DIOINPSIGC and evaluates enum values of STINAME.
4. DIOINP_ENTRYSIG (see enum value in STINAME)
We can start and stop SYSCAL over serial interface by AK protocol commands. Therefore
the commands SCAL, STBY and ASTZ has to be used.
m Kx n
(type of SYSCAL) (channel (optional parameter)
0 = ZERO-CAL K0 n = 1: switch into test mode
2 = PROGRAM K0 else: switch into normal mode
3 = TEST ZERO-GAS K1...999 timeout in sec
4 = TEST SPAN-GAS1 K1...999 timeout in sec
5 = TEST SPAN-GAS2 K1...999 timeout in sec
6 = TEST SPAN-GAS3 K1...999 timeout in sec
7 = TEST SPAN-GAS4 K1...999 timeout in sec
Starting condition: All attached AMs are in the Standby Mode (AK STBY) and the variable
CALSTAT is 0, otherwise the response is BUSY (BS).
Stop-Command: STBY K0
Check-Command: ASTZ K0
To activate a time controlled system calibration we have to set-up this in an own menu page.
Other than in some AM functionality’s the interval time is to be input as interval hours. For
example, for a weekly calibration you have to calculate 24 h * 7 = 168 h.
The basic is the respectively parameter “Start of interval time” (SIV time). By changing this
SIV time or changing the “interval time” (IV time) the basic is new calculated as date of
current day and time of the SIV Time (only entire hours possible). This basic stays valid (also
after a program reset!) until new values for SIV time or IV time are entered.
Is the basic time before present point of date/time then there are added further IV times until
it is later.
For example:
We can display the calculated ACT times in menu page “next calibration events”...
But these times will only appear when the appropriate time controlled calibration type is
Zero/Span-Cal: 10:00 13 Apr 1999
Program-Cal: 16:00 14 Apr 1999
Each specific analyzer has still the possibility to start a calibration over other instances than
SYSCAL. For this functionality we now have some additional considerations.
• A single calibration cannot use the purge times of system valve settings. Instead of we
have to setup the AMs own parameters in the manner to wait for the required purge time
after a valve switching.
• It is refused to start single calibration of a second AM if the needed calibration gas valve is
also any calibration gas valve of the first started AM.
These considerations are valid for all AMs which are included into SYSCAL.
4 Functionality
The gas flow through the analyzers can be configured in any way:
1. only serial
2. only parallel
3. serial and parallel mixed
Sample 2 V2 AM4
Sample 3 V3 AM5
V 4 V 5 V 6
The state of assigned sample gas valve also decides about some AM specific states!
The system calibration is running in an own Task. This task is only allowed to run once. Any
try to restart this task is refused.
The main steps SYSCAL Task has to do are realized in the following way.
The contents of the sequence buffer depends on the type of SYSCAL (ZERO_ALL,
ZEROSPAN_ALL or USER_PROG). With the start command this type is delivered.
It is allowed to cancel the SYSCAL task. This is realized by setting a parameter to a defined
value. This parameter is watched during step 3 ("working through the sequence buffer").
If a cancel is caused the task cancels its current action in step 3, works through step 4 and
Canceling the SYSCAL task per digital input will also disable any further starting action as
long as the digital input will stay at “cancel state”.
2. do different PURGEWAIT, ZERO, or SPAN which are possible with this valve adjustment
(order is determined by shortest purge time)
3. do different CALWAIT (wait for finishing a started calibration)
We can see, that the SYSCAL-types "ZERO_ALL" and "ZEROSPAN_ALL" are special cases
of a user program.
1. ZERO-CAL ALL-modules
Before any action of sequence buffer is done there are some preparations to do:
The SWITCH_VALVE action just takes the action data[0] (valve mask) for the new setting of
system valves.
We have just to modify LON variable STCONT3, STCONT4 and partially STCONT5 , which
are linked to system valves.
This action also resets time (takes system tick) for delay measurement of purge times.
The PURGEWAIT-action looks for the present time went over since last SWITCH_VALVE-
For the still required difference up to the needed purge time is now waited. It gives time to
other tasks. If there is no additional time to wait it is continued directly with next action.
Before starting of zero calibration there are some parameters (LON variables) to modify.
After ending system calibration these modified variables are restored to their previous value.
• AMFN: This variable can start functions on a AM. It is set to the value for
function "Zero".
The span calibration can be done only in single ranges. Any action for a span calibration in a
range can only be done if "spangas value <> 0.0".
Before starting then span calibration there are some parameters (LON variables) to modify.
After ending system calibration these modified variables are restored to their previous value.
• AMFN: This variable can start functions on a AM. It is set to the value for
function "Span".
Whether the selected AM is still calibrating or not, is checked by reading the variable
This CALSTAT-check is done in time intervals. During the intervals time is given to other
After system calibration was working through the sequence buffer or it was canceled there is
to do some finishing work.
The difference to the system calibration is that calibration procedure of AM is already running
and we have to respond upon this state.
The reaction is possible by watching any change of the LON variable CALSTAT.
• CALSTAT_ZERO (zero calibration in progress): switch off belonging sample valve and
switch on zero valve.
• CALSTAT_SPAN (span calibration in progress): switch off belonging sample valve and
switch on span valve appropriate to
current state of CRANGE-variable.
• CALSTAT_DONE (calibration finished): switch on sample valve and switch off
calibration gas valves.
After a calibration command the AM itself is responsible to wait the required purge times until
calibration actually is done.
4.4 Holding analog outputs of the SIO and avoid limit violation alarms
This variable is an input-variable. Its meaning is to tell the AM that another instance is not
allowing the measurement sample to flow valid.
It's now the task of the system calibration to handle the variable PROCESS for any involved
AM. This is done in the following way:
Any switching of a system valve looks if in the switched valves is a sample valve of any AM.
If yes, then it sets PROCESS like follows.
SYSCAL only watches state of appropriate sample gas valve for setting of PROCESS-
Any additional valve, serial to sample valve, which can switch off flow of sample gas can not
be registrated for logic of PROCESS-variable.
A Calibration 5-15...19
all channels 5-18/19
AK Communication Protocol 5-74, 5-84, 5-91 analyzer module 4-1, 5-15...19
Alarms 4-5 deviations 4-18, 5-8, 5-17
clear 5-21 parameters 5-5...20
delay 5-21 procedure setup 5-9...11
setup 5-21...23 procedure status 4-17, 5-17
span gas 4-23, 5-15...19
Analog Output(s) time controlled 5-12
fine adjustment 5-73, 5-90 zero gas 4-19, 5-15...19
holding 5-9/10
setup 5-71...73, 5-87...90 Channel 3-1/2/4
tracking 5-9/10 change of 4-13/15
with 3 alarms I/O module 1-1, 5-101, 6-10 Codes
Analyzer 1-1...3, 3-1 function 5-80
security 6-8
Analyzer Channel Status 4-3, 5-16 signal 5-38...40, 5-77...79
Analyzer Module 1-1, 3-1 Communication Protocol 5-74, 5-84, 5-91
calibration 4-1, 5-15...19
data 3-5/8 Compensation
diagnostics 6-5 interference 5-31/32
events 4-5 pressure 5-62
I/O modules 5-69...80 Component
reset 5-67 multi component display 4-15
setup 5-3...84 single component display 4-13, 5-49, 7-2
tags 5-49/51
Auto Calibration I/O Module1-1, 5-101, 6-10 Concentration
measurement parameters 5-55
Autoranging 5-26/29/30 peak measurement 5-57
Auto-Start Procedures 4-12, 5-13 span gas 5-6
zero gas 5-20
Auxiliary Lines 7-1...4
Averaging Time 5-81 DIO module inputs 5-96
hardware 3-8
B loading and saving 5-4, 5-66, 6-6
measurement display 5-49
Basic Controls 4-1 relay outputs 5-75, 5-92
Binding system 6-1
network module 6-10 Confirmation Menus Display 5-49
Brightness (LCD) 7-1/2 Constants 5-47
Contrast (LCD) 7-1/2
C Control Module 1-1
Calculator 5-45...48 data 3-5/8
program 5-47 diagnostics 6-4
Conversion factor
"ppm → mg/Nm3" 5-6, 5-55
Cross Interference Compensation 5-31/32
90003539(2) [NGA-e (MLT Software 3.3.X)] 11/99 NGA 2000 Index - 1
Date and Time 6-7 Gas flow 5-50, 5-61
Delay Time 5-81/82
Deviations 4-23/26/27, 5-8, 5-17 H
Hardware Configuration 3-8
analyzer module 6-5
control module 6-4 Hours of Operation 4-3, 5-53
menus 6-3
Differential Measurement 5-59/60
DIO Module 1-1, 5-76, 5-95 Initialize Network 6-12
function codes 5-80, 5-97 Initializing 3-1
inputs 5-76, 5-96
Input Number (DIO) 5-76, 5-96
local 1-1, 5-69, 5-76...80
outputs 5-76, 5-98 Inputs and Outputs 5-69...80, 5-85...100
system 585, 5-95...100 Interference Compensation 5-31/32
Display 3-1/2/4 I/O Module 1-1
confirmation menus 5-49 controls 5-85...100
controls 7-1/2 DIO 1-1, 5-69, 5-76...80, 5-95...100
measurement display config. 5-49 local 1-1, 5-69...80
multi component 4-15 network controlled 5-101, 6-10
resolution 5-49/50, 7-1...3 setup 5-101
single component 3-1/2, 4-13, 5-49, 7-2 SIO 1-1, 5-69...75, 5-85...94
system 5-85...100
E with three alarms 1-1, 5-101, 6-10
Events 4-5, 5-53/54
F Keyboard 3-2
Failures 4-5...7, 5-53/54
Flow L
gas 5-50, 5-61 LCD 7-1...3
measurement 5-64
sample gas 4-27/28 Linearization 5-33...36
span gas 4-27/28 Lines 3-3
test gas 4-27/28
unit 5-64 Load/Save Analyzer Module
zero gas 4-27/28 Configuration 5-66, 6-6
Main Menu 3-7 Peak Measurement 5-57/58
Maintenance Requests 4-5, 4-7, 5-53 Platform 1-1...3
Manual Pressure 5-62/63 "ppm → mg/Nm3"
Manufacturing Data 3-5/7/8 conversion factor 5-6, 5-55
Output Number
DIO 5-76, 5-98 S
SIO 5-71, 5-92 Sample Gas
flow 4-27/28, 5-61, 5-64
pressure 5-62/63
unit 5-55
Save/Load Analyzer Module
Configuration 5-66, 6-6
Single Component Display 3-1, 4-13, 5-49 Time and Date 6-7
auxiliary lines 7-1...4 Time Controlled Calibration 5-12
SIO Module 1-1...3, 5-70, 5-86 Tolerances 5-7
analog output 5-70, 5-87
T90-Time 5-28
local 1-1, 5-69...75
relay output 5-75
serial interface 5-74, 5-91 U
system 5-85...94 Units
Softkey 3-3 calculator results 5-47
flow 5-64
Span Gas pressure 5-62/63
calibration 4-23, 5-15...19 sample gas 5-55
concentration/definition 5-6 span gas 5-6
flow 4-27/28 temperature 5-65
"ppm → mg/Nm3" conversion factor 5-6
ranges 5-6, 5-11 Upper Explosion Limit (UEL) 5-55
units 5-6
valve 4-23...28 V
Stability Time 5-9/10 Valve(s)
Stability Tolerances 5-7 close all 4-27/28
position 5-12
Starting and Initializing 3-1
Variables, line of 3-3
Status 3-4
analyzer channel 4-3, 5-16
calibration procedure 4-17, 5-17 Z
details 4-5...28 Zero Gas
Switch Level Hysteresis 5-30 calibration 4-19, 5-15...19
concentration for all ranges 5-20
System Auto Calibration
flow 4-27
I/O Module 1-1, 5-101, 6-1, 6-10
calibration 6-1, supplement
modules 6-14
reset 6-4, 6-12
I/O modules 5-85...100