37th PCSO Presidential Gold Cup Magazine 2009

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Gold Cup



Sunday, 6 December 2009

San Lazaro Leisure Park
Carmona, Cavite City

for the
Gold  Cup
December 2009
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Gold  Cup
December 2009

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by Jenny Ortuoste
Cover photo of facade
37th PCSO
Gold Cup Message: PCSO Chairman.........................................…… 5
Souvenir Message: PCSO Vice-Chair and General Manager…....... 7
Message: Philippine Racing Commission Chairman....…9
Published by the
Philippine Charity Message: Manila Jockey Club Chairman...................…..11
Sweepstakes Office
E. Rodriguez Sr. Avenue, Message: PCSO Committee on Races Chairman......……13
Quezon City
Trunkline: (63-2) 781-9701 Cover Story: Going for the Gold.........................………...14
Website: www.pcso.gov.ph
Email: webmaster@pcso.gov.ph
The PCSO Presidential Gold Cup Roll of Champions…..17
The 37th PCSO Presidential Gold Cup
PCSO Committee on Races
Editorial Direction Official Starters................................................…..18

JOSE T. MALANG Feature: Champions of the Gold Cup.......................…..20

Chairman Feature: Charity Means Love...................................…..26
Reynaldo Z. Feature: The PCSO Charity Caravan Rolls On...........….32


Creative Director

Copyright 2009, PCSO. All ma-

terials published in the 37th
PCSO Presidential Gold
Cup Souvenir Magazine are
copyrighted and no part of this
publication may be reproduced
without written consent from
the publisher.

Gold  Cup
December 2009

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Gold  Cup
December 2009

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Gold  Cup
December 2009

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Tanggapan ng Sweepstakes Pangkawanggawa ng Pilipinas, Lungsod ng Quezon


Hon. Sergio O. Valencia


Hon. Rosario C. Hon. Manuel L. Morato Hon. Raymundo T.

Uriarte Member Roquero
Vice Chairman Member

Hon. Jose Reyes Taruc V Hon. Fatima A. S. Valdez

Member Member

Gold  Cup
December 2009

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Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office


Welcome to the 37th running of the PCSO Presidential Gold Cup!

It is gratifying to see how this race which started out as a way to provide a competitive venue
for the best quality local-bred racehorses is now a revered annual tradition which participants and
racegoers alike look forward to every year.

PCSO is proud to be a part of this event and a partner of the thoroughbred racing industry
over the decades, as part of our mandate to support the sport of horseracing and its allied activity
of breeding. We appreciate how this relationship has brought together joint efforts to reaffirm our
commitment to uplift the sport and share resources with underprivileged fellow Filipinos in the areas
of health care and medical assistance.

As the horses break from the gate for this year’s PCSO Presidential Gold Cup, may we also
spare a thought for the needy and afflicted in whose lives our helping hand or comforting touch may
make a big difference.

My sincere wishes for success and fortune to all the participants and racegoers, and warm
greetings for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Hon. Sergio O. Valencia

Chairman, PCSO

Gold  Cup
December 2009

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Tanggapan ng Sweepstakes Pangkawanggawa ng Pilipinas, Lungsod ng Quezon


Hon. Rosario C. Uriarte

General Manager

Administration Sector

Ma. Paz A. Magsalin Roger C. Ramirez Reynaldo Z. Dr. Elisa B. Atty. Lauro A.
Assistant General Manager Empremiado Baroque, Manager Patiag, Manager,
Manager Administration Dept. Manager Charity Clinic Dept. Legal Dept.
Administration Sector Draw and Races Dept.

Corporate Planning Sector

Ma. Paz A. Magsalin Atty. Venus T. Buado Manuel C. Garcia Romualdo V. Orlando M. Malaca
Concurrent AGM Manager, Assets & Manager, Publicity & Quiñones, Manager Manager, Management
Corporate Planning Sector Investments Dept. Public Relations Dept. Special Projects Dept. Information Services

Finance Sector

Betsy B. Paruginog Benigno B. Aguas Dr. Elisa B. Baroque Atty. Jose T. Malang Mario J. Corral
Assistant General Manager Manager, Budget & Concurrent Manager Manager, Internal Manager
Finance Sector Accounting Dept. Fund Allocation Dept. Audit Dept. Treasury Dept.

Production and Marketing Sector

Benigno B. Aguas Carlos M. Castillo Rolando R. Kapunan Roman C. Torres

OIC-Assistant Manager, Sales Dept. Manager Manager, Production
General Manager Security Printing Dept. & Marketing Dept.
Gold  Cup
December 2009

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Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office

Busy as the men and women of the PCSO were this year with the agency’s Diamond
Anniversary activities, it seems time flew by so fast that once more we stage the PCSO’s flagship horse
race – the PCSO Presidential Gold Cup.

The occasion brings to mind the long partnership between PCSO and horse racing through the
years, as both worked together to harness resources that would benefit charitable projects.

To the race participants, good luck! To the racing fans who have been loyal supporters of the
race, our best wishes.

As the Diamond Anniversary year draws to a close, let us look back on the accomplishments
made, yet let us not rest on them. For the work never ends, and our hands must be willing and able to
labor and persevere; for it is in helping our fellow man that we help ourselves learn, grow, and achieve

To all, best wishes for a joyous PCSO Presidential Gold Cup celebration, and greetings for a
happy and blessed Christmas!

Vice-Chair and General Manager

Online Lottery Sector

Conrado C. Zabella Arnel M. Casas Josefina A. Sarsonas Remeliza Jovita M. William H. Medici
Assistant General Manager Manager, Central Manager, Northern and Gabuyo Manager, Visayas
Online Lottery Sector Operations Dept. Central Luzon Dept. Manager, Southern and Mindanao
Tagalog and Bicol Region Dept.
Region Dept.

Gold  Cup
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Gold 10 Cup
December 2009

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Philippine Racing Commission

For over three decades the PCSO Presidential Gold Cup has occupied pride of place in the
ranks of horseracing competition as the most significant honor that one may win. To triumph in this
race is a goal that many horseowners, trainers, jockeys, and other stable and ranch staff prepare for.

As an incentive to encourage achievement in the sport, the Gold Cup is certainly one of the
most effective and has contributed significantly to raising the bar for standards of speed, stamina, and
courage. Records have been broken several times at this event; exciting duels fought to the wire; and
stories of victory and heartbreak written and re-written with different characters and details.

The PCSO Presidential Gold Cup event is now inextricably linked with the history of
horseracing. The story unfolds anew every year, richer and brighter and better.

The Philracom is proud to support this annual tradition as a partner of the PCSO in uplifting
and promoting horseracing and breeding.

In behalf of the Commissioners, officers, and staff of the Philracom, I greet the PCSO once
more on their Diamond Anniversary, and wish the best of luck to all the race participants.

Warm Christmas and New Year greetings to all!

Jose Ferdinand M. Rojas II

Chairman, Philippine Racing Commission

Gold 11 Cup
December 2009

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Gold 12 Cup
December 2009

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Manila Jockey Club, Inc.


The Manila Jockey Club is pleased to host the 37th Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office
Presidential Gold Cup on 6 December 2009.

It is the annually the most prestigious race on the calendar, showcasing the talents of the best
local-bred runners in the land. This year’s edition is all the more special as it coincides with PCSO’s
celebration of its 75th anniversary, a landmark event that adds more luster to this competition.
In behalf of MJC’s management and staff, I welcome all race participants and racing fans to
the San Lazaro Leisure and Business Park racecourse for this historic event, and greet PCSO a happy
Diamond Anniversary!


Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Gold 13 Cup
December 2009

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Tanggapan ng Sweepstakes Pangkawanggawa ng Pilipinas, Lungsod ng Quezon


Atty. Jose T. Malang


Reynaldo Z. Empremiado Conrado C. Zabella Ma. Paz A. Magsalin Benigno B. Aguas Betsy B. Paruginog
Vice Chairman Member Member Member Member

Manuel C. Garcia Carlos M. Castillo Dr. Romeo F. Buencamino Enrique Z. Beech Jr.
Member Member Member Member

Diosdado B. Jimenez JENNY ORTUOSTE

Member Member
Gold 14 Cup
December 2009

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Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office

Through the years, because of my involvement in horseracing as part of my duties with the
PCSO, it has been my pleasure to observe how warmly participants and racing aficionados welcome
the staging of the PCSO Presidential Gold Cup.

It is without question the most prestigious event on the racing calendar and owning a replica of
the PCSO Gold Cup is the dream chased by many horseowners. Yet while many may aspire to such a
feat, to few go the honor, as only the best entries may hope for a chance at winning the gold.

As a way of encouraging exciting competition, then, this race is serving its purpose. As a means
of drawing together diverse people to share a common pastime for a day, and as a way of promoting
the sport to the public, it does all that too.

But more than these, the PCSO Presidential Gold Cup stands for something more – that
indefinable, intangible something called “excellence”. And it is that quality that I see in every
participant in this race.

To all the competitors, grace and good fortune. To the Philippine Racing Commission and to
the Manila Jockey Club, deep gratitude for their whole-hearted support. To those who helped organize
this event, kudos for a good job.

And to all who are here to witness this race, held during the PCSO’s Diamond Anniversary, may
you hold fast the memories of this once-in-a-lifetime event.

In behalf of the Committee on Races, welcome to the 37th PCSO Presidential Gold Cup!

Chairman, Committee on Races

Gold 15 Cup
December 2009

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Going Gold
n B y J e n n y O r t u os t e

ts purity is legend- man because gold symbolizes gerly-awaited races in the sport.
ary. Its yellow shine many of the virtues that make Breeders carefully match sire
made ancients be- up an ideal competition – the to dam to produce the foal with
lieve that the sun’s purity of sportsmanship and of the winning blend of speed and
rays were locked in “the turf”; the glow of pride in strength; horseowners painstak-
honest achievement and hard ingly select the best from their
its glowing depths. Its
work; the rare wonder and mag- racing stables to prepare over
beauty is so rare that nificence of athletes locked in a couple of years for this event;
men seek for it under the battle for the prize. trainers peer at their stopwatch-
earth with much toil. In nearly forty years of run- es as they condition their horses
The PCSO Presidential Gold ning the Gold Cup, the PCSO to championship standards; and
Cup is fashioned from one of the has established a yearly tradi- jockeys grip the reins tightly as
most precious metals known to tion that is one of the most ea- they gauge their horses’ efforts,

Chairman Valencia presents the 2007 PCSO Presidential Gold Cup to Antonio Tan Jr., owner of Native Land, at San
Lazaro Leisure Park. With them are, from the PCSO Committee on Races, vice-chair Rey Empremiado and member
Dr. Romeo Buencamino.
Gold 16 Cup
December 2009

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Chairman Valencia, Department
of Health Secretary Francisco
Duque III, and General Manager
Rosario C. Uriarte sing the Nation-
al Anthem at the Charity Congress
early this year.

assessing which one has the best lack of tune-ups due to not hav- the back of the pack in the 1,800
chance at winning the coveted ing enough population in his meter race to win. Dumadagun-
Gold Cup. group to form races could have dong and Sword O’War will try
The Gold Cup’s Roll of Cham- been a factor. Yet he is eager their best to score an upset in
pions (elsewhere in this issue) for a win; his opponents will this event.
reads like a Who’s Who of the find him a tough defender of his Need it be said once more
best and finest of all the race- crown. that this edition of the Gold Cup
horses that ever trod dirt on Shining Fame exerted brave is all the more special as it falls
Philippine racetracks. All the effort to win the 13th MARHO in the PCSO Diamond Year?
competitors in this event want Breeders’ Cup Colt Mile in Certainly this will be an exciting
to be the next one on that list. 2008, and had a string of stakes and memorable race.
Racing fans study programs and victories after that. Everywhere, one sees the glit-
videos of past performances, Don Enrico won the Division ter of gold – in the horses, the
trying to choose the next winner II of the 1st Mayor Ramon D. riders and other participants,
– who will be the next Gold Cup Bagatsing Memorial Cup set last the race organizers, the racego-
champion and possibly the one August at the New Santa Ana ers - the gold of excellence and
to also cop Horse of the Year Park in Naic, Cavite, and the 14th achievement, of dedication and
honors? PCSO First Gentleman’s Silver perseverance, of hard work and
All the horses in this year’s Cup in June this year. Don Enri- discipline.
race are canny colts or horses co ran off the pace and staged a And the gleam of charity
and stellar campaigners. Ibarra rally in the stretch to overcome shines above all, as the PCSO
is the defending champion, and the fading Ibarra. Shining Fame continues its efforts to support
comes off a third place finish placed fourth in that same race. and uplift horseracing, all the
in the November 22 Philracom Dream Supreme copped the while doing its best to make a
Eduardo Cojuangco Jr. Cup at second leg of this year’s Triple difference in the lives of the un-
San Lazaro Leisure Park. A long Crown series for 3YO. Sent off derprivileged Filipinos it serves.
spell of inaction and resulting as fourth favorite, he came from Now that is true gold.
Gold 17 Cup
December 2009

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3 7 t h p c so p residentia l g o l d c u p
Rules and Regulations
Title 37th PCSO Presidential Gold Cup

Date 6 December 2009, Sunday

Venue San Lazaro Leisure & Business Park, Carmona, Cavite

Host Club Manila Jockey Club

1st Prize - P 1,500,000.00
2nd Prize - P 500,000.00
3rd Prize - P 250,000.00
4th Prize - P 125,000.00
Philippine Racing Commission added purse to the winner only:
P 1,000,000.00

Replica of the PCSO Presidential Gold Cup to the winning owner; trophies,
to the trainer and jockey
eligibility Open except imports

DISTANCE 2,000 meters

MECHANICS Standard weight-for-age with sex allowance for fillies and mares and
additional three (3) kgs. penalty weight for every previous victory in the
PCSO Presidential Gold Cup race.
All other racing rules and regulations of the Philippine
General Provision Racing Commission shall supplement the above rules.


Titles: Purses Per Race: 4th Prize – P 15,000.00
(1) EZ2 Lotto Race (4) 6/49 Superlotto Race 1st Prize – P 180,000.00 Awards:
(2) 6/45 Megalotto Race (5) Small-Town Lottery Race 2nd Prize – P 67,500.00 Trophies to the winning owner, trainer,
(3) 6/45 Megalotto Race (6) Traditional Sweepstakes 3rd Prize – P 37,500.00 and jockey

Gold 18 Cup
December 2009

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The Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office
Roll of Champions

Year Winner Owner Trainer Jockey

1973 SUN GOD Pedro Cojuangco Bernardo Lahoz Elias Ordiales

1974 ILOCOS KING Constante Rubio Ponciano Guerrero Crisencio
1975 HENNA’S GOLD Domingo Poblete Romulo Henson Andres Camba
1976 FIORELLA Gretchen Cojuangco Armando Trinidad Jesus Guce
1977 LITTLE MORNING CJ Yulo & Sons, Inc. Antonio Alcasid Sr. Andres Camba
1978 GYPSY GREY Canlubang Sugar Estate Antonio Alcasid Sr. Eduardo Domingo Jr.
1979 HONOR ROLL Jose Cojuangco Jr. Jose Cojuangco Jr. Francisco Fernando
1980 RED ANNIE Nicanor Jacinto III Nicanor Jacinto III Jesus Guce
1981 FAIR AND SQUARE Herminia Mamon Antonio Alcasid Sr. Jesus Guce
1982 FAIR AND SQUARE Herminia Mamon Antonio Alcasid Sr. Jesus Guce
1983 SKYWALKER Enrique Cojuangco Ricardo Gregorio Elpidio Aguila
1984 DINO BAMBINO Cadamma Enterprises Antonio Alcasid Sr. Eduardo Domingo Jr.
1985 HEADMASTER Carmel Investments Antonio Alcasid Sr. Andres Camba
1986 MUSIC MACHINE Jenar Breeders Corp. Jose Torno Rizalito Agustin
1987 TIME MASTER Cadamma Enterprises Antonio Alcasid Sr. Eduardo Domingo Jr.
1988 THRILLER Andrew Sanchez Antonio Alcasid Sr. Gerardo Biazon
1989 SUN DANCER Toshio Abe Ruben Tupas Eduardo Domingo Jr.
1990 SUN DANCER Toshio Abe Ruben Tupas Eduardo Domingo Jr.
1991 BALATKAYO RHU Corporation Romulo Henson Joe Noel Camu
1992 GRAND PARTY Andrew Sanchez Antonio Alcasid Sr. Guarino Infantado
1993 FAIR START C&H Enterprises Antonio Alcasid Sr. Elpidio Aguila
1994 CROWN COLONY Romen Equity Corp. Antonio Alcasid Sr. Antonio Alcasid Jr.
1995 STRONG MATERIAL Rolando Rojas Severino Andrade Jesus Guce
1996 BULLDOZER Ramoncito Arceo Ramon Domingo Joe Noel Camu
1997 BULLDOZER Katkarian, Inc. Ramon Domingo Joe Noel Camu
1998 REAL TOP Emmanuel King & Rolando Rojas Jose Clor Jesus Guce
1999 HOBBY Jose Vergel de Dios Juanito Macaraig Ramon Guce
2000 WIND BLOWN Leonardo Javier Jr. Leonardo Javier Jr. Dominador Borbe Jr.
2001 WIND BLOWN Herminio Esguerra Antonio Alcasid Sr. Patricio Dilema
2002 FREE WIND Hubert Leong Edwin Vitalli Joe Noel Camu
2003 RED STAR RISING Michael Trillana Ruben Clor Manolito Daquis
2004 EMPIRE KING David Lee Ernesto Roxas Jeffrey Ladiana
2005 SPEED ADVANTAGE Roberto Yutadco Jose Fernandez Fernando Raquel Jr.
2006 REAL SPICY Herminio Esguerra Ruben Clor Jesse Guce
2007 NATIVE LAND Antonio Tan Jr. Anthony Henson Jesse Guce
2008 IBARRA Benhur Abalos Ruben Tupas Kelvin Abobo

Gold 19 Cup
December 2009

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37th PCSO PRESIDENTIAL GOLD CUP - 2,000 meters
6 December 2009, Sunday
San Lazaro Leisure Park, Carmona, Cavite

Don Enrico

1 SWORD O’WAR 4YO Colt/55.0 kgs.

Jockey : John Alvin A. Guce
Sire : Strong Material (Phi)
Dam : Cavanaugh’s Girl (USA)
Breeder : Eric R. Tagle
Owner : Oliver F. Gianan
Trainer : Ricardo P. Paman Jr.

2 IBARRA 5YO Horse/ Bay/57.5 kgs.

Jockey : Kelvin B.Abobo
Sire : Yonaguska (USA)
Dam : Fire Down Under (NZ)
Breeder : Benhur C. Abalos
Owner : Benhur C. Abalos
Trainer : Ruben S. Tupas

3 DREAM SUPREME 3YO Colt/Bay/54.5 kgs.

Jockey : John B. Cordero
Sire : Baseball Champion (USA)
Dam : Belle of Ack (USA)
Breeder : Nathaniel G. Velasco
Owner : Nathaniel G. Velasco
Dream Supreme Trainer : Jose Mario Paulo S. Jacob

Gold 20 Cup
December 2009

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4 SHINING FAME 4YO Colt/DkBay/55.0 kgs
Jockey : Jesse B. Guce
Sire : Royal Premiere (USA)
Dam : Harry’s District (USA)
Breeder : Antonio V. Tan
Owner : Antonio V. Tan
Trainer : Ruben S. Tupas

5 DUMADAGUNDONG 4YO Colt/Bay/55.0 kgs.

Jockey : Louie D. Balboa
Sire : Yaz (USA)
Dam : Sharp Movin Kris (Phi)
Breeder : Johnny Tionloc
Owner : Joseph C. Dyhengco
Trainer : Kristopher E. Bungar

6 DON ENRICO 4YO Colt/Bay/55.0 kgs.

Jockey : Fernando M. Raquel Jr.
Sire : Wind Blown (Phi)
Dam : Kayumanggi (Aus)
Breeder : Herma Farms and Stud
Owner : Lorraine Uy Wi
Trainer : Arturo C. Sordan Jr.

Shining Fame

Gold 21 Cup
December 2009

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of the
Gold Cup
The PCSO Presidential Gold Cup was conceived
in the early 1970’s by the then-PCSO Board of Di- 1975 Underrated Henna’s Gold surprisingly
took home the crown.
rectors headed by chairman and general man-
ager Nereo C. Andolong to boost the local horse
racing industry and to elevate its standard to in- 1976 Gretchen Cojuangco’s brave and gutsy
Fiorella pulled off the first photo finish
victory in the Gold Cup by nipping Gypsy Grey.
ternational levels.
Held annually in honor of the country’s Chief
Executive, the Presidential Gold Cup was first held 1977 Canlubang-raised and Yulo-bred Little
Morning frustrated the hopes of stable
on 7 October 1973 at the Manila Jockey Club’s San mate Gypsy Grey, who again wound up in second
Lazaro Hippodrome. Since then, it has achieved place.
the lofty status of the sport’s most prestigious
1978 Back-to-back defeats did not deter sea-
soned grey galloper Gypsy Grey from try-

1973 Don Pedro Cojuangco’s Sun God thun-

dered home virtually unopposed to win
the inaugural run of the event in 1973 and capped a
ing again; this time she succeeded.

brilliant and impressive racing career.

Fair and Square with
owner Herminia Mamon

1974 Perennial crowd favorite Ilocos King

grabbed the honors. Constante Rubio’s
ageless galloper was renowned for his unmatched
and other connections at
Santa Ana Park sometime
in the ‘80s.
fighting heart.

Gold 22 Cup
December 2009

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1981 and 1982: The phenomenal rise of Ce-
sar and Herminia Mamon’s Fair and
Square was marked in 1981. Fair and Square was the
first Triple Crown champion in the Philippines and un-
doubtedly the most outstanding race horse of his gen-
eration. He won the event anew the following year and
installed himself as the first local racer to achieve the
elusive back-to-back conquest of the prestigious PCSO
Presidential Gold Cup.

1983 Henry Cojuangco’s home-bred Triple

Crown champion Skywalker posted a
convincing victory to become the year’s undisputed
champion galloper.

1984 Andrew Sanchez’ gutsy galloper Dino

Bambino bagged the coveted crown,
which proved to be the highlight of his storied track

1985 Despite coming off a long spell, Carmel

Investments’ veteran Headmaster won
the year’s most coveted championship in signature off-
Empire King the-pace fashion.

1986 Music Machine’s Gold Cup win com-

pleted a fairy tale victory for the Galang
1979 The Yulo family’s Gypsy Grey, winner
in 1978, was entered anew for a record
fourth time. The gutsy grey almost pulled off a repeat
brothers, who were competing for the first time in top
rung competition.
victory but fell short of the mark, finishing second to
Peping Cojuangco’s Honor Roll.
1987 Time
ter’s victory this
1980 Horseman Nicky Jacinto’s cel-
ebrated chestnut filly Red Annie
reigned supreme and completed a Horse of the Year
year cement-
ed his sta-
performance with a runaway vic- tus as ‘su-
tory against a stellar Gold Cup perhorse’.
field. Andrew

Gold 23 Cup
December 2009

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celebrated galloper followed the trail of track greats
Fair And Square and Skywalker to complete the Triple
Crown - Gold Cup grand slam. Time Master eventually
1994 Rolando Rojas sent off his stable’s star,
top favorite Crown Colony, to score a
dramatic last to first performance in the Gold Cup, re-
retired unbeaten in all his starts as one of the greatest bounding from a poor start twenty lengths off the lead-
racers of all time. er to win by a slim margin over Joy Rojas’s Rising Sun.
President Fidel Ramos himself was on hand to award

1988 Thriller, Time Master’s one-eyed sta-

blemate from the same Sanchez stable
scored an impressive come-from-behind win against
the trophy to the owners of the winning entry, the first
president to have ever graced the running of the race.

the best of the year.

1995 Rollie Rojas had another strong bet in
promising 2YO Strong Material. The

1989 and 1990: Barely 3YO on the day of

the race in 1989, the Toshio Abe-owned
champion filly Sun Dancer created quite a stir by du-
precocious colt proved his mettle against the best of
the land by becoming the youngest winner of the Gold
plicating Time Master’s unblemished run through the
Triple Crown and the Gold Cup. Sun Dancer created
track lore in 1990 when she captured her second Gold
Cup victory in a row to match her sire Fair And Square
1996 and 1997: Emerging 3YO Bulldozer,
Chito Arceo’s pride and joy, proved him-
self a winner against a tough field in 1996. The plucky
as the only other horse to score back-to-back cup con- Bulldozer defied
quests. the odds in 1997 by
scoring a

1991 Former Philracom Chairman Augusto

“Ochie” Santos’s unheralded Balatkayo
got good breaks en route to capturing the crown.

1992 The temperamental Grand Party, an-

other Andrew Sanchez-owned entry,
was distracted by a band of noisy cheerers down the
back stretch but recovered just in time to finally win
the Gold Cup.

1993 Come-from-behind charger Fair Start,

son of the great Fair And Square and
running in the same Mamon colors, sur-
prised with a big finishing kick to
outdistance the rest of field en
route to an upset win over the
heavily favored May Five.

Native Land

Gold 24 Cup
December 2009

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Gold Cup victory for Arceo and permanently sealing
his slot in the roster of track greats. 2003 This year produced one of the most
thrilling stretch duels in Gold Cup
history, with unheralded Red Star Rising and Triple

1998 Rojas track sensation Real Top won the

Gold Cup in record time and swept all
the major stakes races of the year including a grand
Crown winner West Bound battling it out neck-to-neck
going into the final straight. In one decisive push to the
payoff line, Red Star Rising outdueled West Bound by
slam of the Triple Crown. a neck to gain instant celebrity and crown himself Gold
Cup champion.

1999 The surprise winner of the crown was

Jose Vergel de Dios’ unheralded filly
Hobby, who rallied from the back of the pack to pull off 2004 Sensational 3YO colt Empire King
squared off against veteran West
the huge victory. Bound in another down-the-wire duel. Digging deep
into his reserves, Empire
King once again denied
West Bound his claim to
racing fame.

2005 Far fourth

3YO colt Speed Advantage,
upstaged highly-touted di-
vision rival Real Spicy with
an amazing turn of foot in
the final 400 meters to win
by three lengths. He went
on to bag Horse of the Year

2006 Real Spicy

came off
a record-breaking run 12-
win streak to improve on
his 2,050-meter track re-
cord by half a second in
the year’s Gold Cup.

2007 Tony Tan’s

6YO Na-
tive Land came into the
Wind Blown
fray fresh from his come-
from-behind win in the
previous month’s 12th

2000 and 2001: Precocious 3YO Wind

Blown stamped his class by scoring a
decisive victory in the 2000 Gold Cup and reset the
MARHO Breeders’ Cup Classic. The late-maturing
horse shot to triumph five lengths ahead of the fading
Mr. Victory, Real Spicy, and Empire King.
track record for the classic 2,000-meter distance by
more than three seconds at the San Lazaro Hippo-
drome. In 2001, prominent horseowner-breeder Leon-
ardo “Sandy” Javier’s prized colt Wind Blown was sold
2008 Mandaluyong Mayor Benhur Abalos’s
Ibarra stepped slow out of the gate but
recovered quickly to take the lead and eke out a practi-
to businessman-sportsman Herminio Esguerra; the cally wire-to-wire victory without any whipping from
defending champ would go on to score a rousing repeat jockey Kelvin Abobo.
victory, becoming only the fourth locally-bred galloper
to achieve a back-to-back Gold Cup conquest. In the PCSO’s Diamond Anniversary year,
the present Board of Directors under Chairman
2002 Wind Blown attempted to score an un-
precedented hat trick in the Gold Cup
but went down in defeat to unheralded Free Wind
Sergio O. Valencia continues the staging of PCSO
Presidential Gold Cup – where achievement is
who scored a decisive victory at the San Lazaro Hip-
celebrated, excellence is recognized, and champi-
podrome. ons are born.

Gold 25 Cup
December 2009

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Takes Home
the Gold
n By Jenny Ortuoste

his is how 7 De- As the Pambansang Ka- by punch, his aging yet
cember 2008 mao wore down, punch proud opponent, racing
played out for fans kept an eye cocked
many sports fans. on their programs, won-
Early in the morning, dering how the 36th PCSO
they were tuned in to the Presidential Gold Cup at
Manny Pacquiao versus Santa Ana Park in Makati
Oscar de la Hoya prize- City would unfold later
fight, live via satellite. that day.

Ibarra with
Kelvin Abobo
up winning
the 36th PCSO
Gold Cup

Gold 26 Cup
December 2009

GOLD CUP.indd 26 11/26/2009 2:05:41 PM

De la Hoya’s team threw in
the towel before lunchtime,
handing Pacquiao yet another
international victory and fur-
ther cementing his reputation
as a “Mexicutioner”. With that
resolved to the deep satisfaction
of sports fans, they trooped to
Santa Ana Park or their nearest
OTBs for the day’s races.
On the track, as in the ring, it
was the one closest to the hearts
of fans that won the ultimate.
Ibarra, acknowledged as one of
the most talented racehorses
to ever grace the sport, tied the
Mandaluyong City Mayor Benhur Abalos holds a replica of the PCSO Gold
record for the 2,050 meters by Cup. With him are winning trainer Ruben Tupas and rider Kelvin Abobo,
clocking 2:09 in the PCSO Pres- flanked at either end by PCSO’s Committee on Races vice-chair Rey Empre-
idential Gold Cup. miado (left) and member Dr. Romy Buencamino (right).
The island-born son of mul- front of Ibarra just before the Ibarra’s owner, Mandaluyong
tiple American stakes winner home stretch. City Mayor and Metropolitan
Yonaguska out of the race- But with a mere flick of Association of Race Horse Own-
mare Fire Down Under, Ibarra the whip at that point, Ibarra ers president Benhur Abalos,
crushed opponents as formi- bounded forward once more. was ecstatic. His pride and joy
dable as Real Spicy, who set the Kelvin never lost his head for had been sidelined for most of
record for that distance twice in a moment; he knew his horse his 3YO season with a chip bone
2006; 3YO Indelible Ink, juve- through and through, and was problem. Abalos and trainer Ru-
nile champion in 2007; Native certain that the bay colt still had ben Tupas didn’t rush the colt’s
Land, PCSO Gold Cup defend- much to give. recovery; their patience paid off.
ing champion; Shining Fame, Down the stretch the whip, “We want to show the world
winner of the third leg of the which was never raised and re- that the Philippines can produce
2008 Triple Crown and that mained tucked in Kelvin’s right champion racehorses — that is
year’s Santa Ana Park-MARHO hand, flicked Ibarra’s shoulder, why I named him Ibarra,” said
Breeders’ Cup Colt Mile; and once, twice, four times. The colt Abalos. Ibarra was the protago-
veteran runner Henry D’Eight. flung his legs out, eating up me- nist of national hero Jose Rizal’s
At the start, Ibarra was slow ter after meter in a magnificent two novels, Noli Me Tangere and
out, as he reared and stepped performance that had the over- El Filibusterismo. Describing
backward before launching out flow crowd on its feet, roaring the oppressions of the Spanish
of the gate. The delay may have with delight. colonial regime, they sparked the
cost him the record; track pun- Behind the 4YO Ibarra, Shin- Philippine revolution.
dits estimate that he lost up to ing Fame’s jockey John Alvin For Philippine sports, that
one second, precious time that Guce beat the horse with his day will always be memorable.
could have allowed him to set a stick perhaps as hard as Pac- Ibarra and jockey Kelvin Abo-
new track time in a sport where quiao rained jabs and hooks on bo’s accomplishments brought
clockings are reckoned in frac- de la Hoya. To no avail; the 3YO their connections as much
tions of a second. bay was pressed to his utmost pride and honor as Pacquiao
Once out, though, Ibarra took and had no more to give. Ibarra brought to the nation. And
the lead under the guidance of won by two-and-a-half, with for the continuing saga of the
regular rider Kelvin Abobo, who Kelvin standing in the irons just PCSO Presidential Gold Cup, it
just sat coolly on the horse, de- before they hit the wire, giving was one more thrilling victory
spite the pressure from Shining his practically unused whip a to etch on the annals of the
Fame, who briefly got a nose in victory twirl. sport.
Gold 27 Cup
December 2009

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“And now abideth faith,
hope, and charity, these
three; but the greatest of
these is charity.”
—I Corinthians 13:13

he PCSO was founded
upon a noble purpose
– to be a channel of
blessing to those most
in need. Beginning with two
beneficiaries in 1934, the agency
now assists over 8,000. Since
2003, unprecedented revenues
were posted with the highest
sales to date - over P22.64
billion in 2008, up from
P3.9 billion in 1995.
In its Diamond
Anniversary Year and
beyond, the PCSO
continues to build
upon its achievements.
Under the leadership
of its Board of

Director Manuel L.
Morato, Chairman
Sergio O. Valencia,
Director Fatima AS
Valdez, and Direc-
tor Raymundo T.
Gold 28 Cup
December 2009

GOLD CUP.indd 28 11/26/2009 2:05:59 PM

Directors – Chairman Sergio the PCSO emphasizes its
O. Valencia, Vice-Chair and mission to bring healing, care,
General Manager Rosario C. and hope to the sick. More
Uriarte, and Directors Manuel than just bigger contributions,
L. Morato, Fatima AS Valdez, it is empowering people and
Raymundo T. Roquero, and their communities. More than
Jose R. Taruc V – the agency just a growing number of
labors with renewed dedication beneficiaries, it is uplifting lives
to reveal the inherent beauty of and building dreams.
its vision.
Using the “4 C’s” of diamond
gemstone grading as their
And as the Christmas
action words for the year – carat season is ushered in with
(greater revenue); color and twinkling lights, glittering
clarity (greater range); and ornaments, and sparkling
cut (greater impact) - PCSO gifts, the PCSO Board of
has implemented creative Directors, management,
innovations in revenue
generation and a growing range
and staff wish one
of health care and medical and all a bright
programs to reach even more and blessed
Filipinos. Christmas and
This is PCSO’s continuing a peaceful
mission beyond the Diamond New Year
Year, as the agency strives for
greater efficiency to deliver
filled with
a wider range of services to the real
more people. Implementing the reasons
“Charity PERA” – an acronym for the
for participation, effectiveness, season
responsiveness, and adequacy - faith,
– to reach and exceed revenue
targets and mission goals, still
hope, and
the Board of Directors sees the love.
value beyond numbers.
More than just higher sales,

Director Jose R. Taruc V and Vice-

Chair and General Manager Rosario
C. Uriarte. – Photos by Ray Veloira
previously appeared in Traversing the
Orient, September 2009.

Gold 29 Cup
December 2009

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Relief goods are packed at the PCSO headquarters in Quezon City and loaded into ambulances for transport to Putatan,

Mega Lotto Millions for

Typhoon Ondoy Relief
atrons of PCSO chairman Sergio O. P6.2 million in consolation prizes
the 6/45 Mega Valencia and the Board of for correctly guessing between
Directors allocated 30 per cent three and five numbers of the
Lotto who
or P10.3 million of the charity winning combination.
missed the fund generated from that Mega PCSO vice-chair and general
winning jackpot Lotto draw for the relief and manager Rosario C. Uriarte
combination worth P92.8 rehabilitation of Ondoy victims. explained that their Board of
million in the October 7 The P92.8-million Mega Lotto Directors, in response to the
draw have no reason to jackpot, won by an elderly couple aftermath of Ondoy’s onslaught,
from Quezon City, contributed an passed Resolution No. 1618 last
sulk: they just donated
additional P27.84 million to the September 30 earmarking 30
more than P10 million to PCSO’s charity fund. Aside from per cent of the charity fund from
the victims of Typhoon the lone jackpot winner, 69,573 Mega Lotto for relief operations.
Ondoy. other bettors won more than “At the time, the 6/45 Mega
Gold 30 Cup
December 2009

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Lotto offered the biggest jackpot
prize among our products so the
Board decided to share a part
of it to assist Typhoon Ondoy
victims,” Uriarte added.
The resolution was approved
unanimously by the Board:
Chairman Valencia, vice-chair
Uriarte, and directors Manuel
L. Morato, Fatima AS Valdez,
Raymundo T. Roquero, and Jose
R. Taruc V.
Uriarte noted that the
PCSO Board also approved
last September 30 Resolution
No. 1619, which set aside an
additional P20 million calamity
fund for the Operation Sagip-
Bayan project undertaken by
the Office of the President in
the aftermath of the devastating purchase more than 50,000 shirts, which were distributed to
storm that caused flash floods in food packs, 25,000 medicine relief victims in Metro Manila,
Metro Manila and adjacent areas. kits, and thousands of sleeping Rizal, Bulacan, Pampanga, and
The fund was used to mats, blankets, towels, and t- Laguna.




Goods are loaded onto bancas that wend their way through the flooded streets.
Gold 31 Cup
December 2009

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Sagip-Bayan Telethon
Raises Funds
n a quick response
to the Typhoon
Ondoy situation,
PCSO spearheaded

PCSO General Manager Rosario Uriarte with PCSO officers and employees volunteer for the Sagip-Tulong Telethon
over NBN Channel for the benefit of the victims of Typhoon Ondoy.
Gold 32 Cup
December 2009

GOLD CUP.indd 32 11/26/2009 2:06:42 PM

the Sagip-Bayan telethon and action from affected corporations and concerned
aired last September 30 families. individuals. It also collected
over NBN Channel to The telethon raised relief goods such as groceries,
accommodate pledges more than P119 million and clothes, blankets, slippers,
and donations for US$350,000 from pledges medicine, and even construction
typhoon victims as well and donations coming materials for distribution to
as requests for assistance from government-owned typhoon victims.

Gold 33 Cup
December 2009

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The PCSO Charity
Caravan Rolls On
R Kaibigan
esidents of the Kaibigan ng PCSO program
Tagbilaran and was launched as part of the
nearby munici- agency’s Charity Caravan 2009

palities recently
joined the growing num-
ber of Filipino volunteers
“So far, 5,349 volunteers have
joined since we launched the Kai-
who pledged to donate
their time and services to
charity work through the
bigan ng PCSO program last Feb-
ruary,” said Imelda Limun, lead
convenor of the new program.
Philippine Charity Sweep-
stakes Office.
The new volunteers pledged
Kaibigan ng PCSO intends to
recruit and mobilize thousands
of volunteers for the various ac-
their commitment in a simple tivities of the charity agency.
ceremony at the Bohol Cultural Aside from doing volunteer
Center, Tagbilaran City, where work in medical missions, mem-

Gold 34 Cup
December 2009

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medical and dental missions in
twenty selected cities and mu-
Before reaching Tagbilaran
City, the Charity Caravan 2009
had provided free medical ser-
vices as well as entertainment
to the people of Batanes, Nue-
va Vizcaya, Davao City, Cebu
City, Palawan, Iloilo, Bacolod
City, Vigan, Ilocos Sur, and
The Caravan also visited the
provinces of Quezon, Batan-
gas, Cagayan de Oro, Tarlac,

bers of Kaibigan ng PCSO will

be trained in first aid, basic life
support, child and maternal
care, and disaster management.
All volunteers of the Kaibi-
gan ng PCSO receive the PCSO
Health Card, which puts them
on the priority list of those
seeking financial and medi-
cal assistance from the charity
The PCSO Charity Caravan in
this Diamond Anniversary Year
sought to “spread the charity
virus” from Batanes to Zambo-
anga through activities such as
motorcades, mini-concerts, and
La Union, Zamboanga del Sur,
Camarines Norte, Nueva Ecija,
Antique, Leyte, and Samar.
During medical missions,
the PCSO also provides booths
for the Individual Medical As-
sistance Program to receive
requests for financial assistance
from residents who cannot af-
ford to send their sick relatives
to the hospital.
In 2008, PCSO served
163,948 patients and released
P143 million in medical and hos-
pitalization funding for projects
in Visayas and Mindanao.
Gold 35 Cup
December 2009

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Kaibigan Ng PCSO

Draws 1,200
of Iloilo
and surrounding
areas formally

joined the
Kaibigan ng
PCSO volunteer

in Iloilo City
program last April
in a ceremony at
the Sarabia Manor
The launching
of the Kaibigan
ng PCSO program
in Iloilo City
marked the
arrival of the
PCSO’s Charity
Caravan in Panay.
For the Panay
leg, more than
30 doctors and
other health
were on hand
to provide free
medical and
dental treatment
to poor residents.
Gold 36 Cup
December 2009

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“...and the greatest of these is CHARITY.”
Images of caring and sharing from the PCSO’s
2008 “Isang Pitik sa Charity” photo contest.

Gold 37 Cup
December 2009

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PCSO Hymn Vision And Mission
Tanggapang Sweepstakes
sandigan ng bayan, Our Vision
Tanglaw ka sa kinabukasan. To uplift the quality of life of the Filipino
Kislap ng bituin mo dala’y pag-asa, people.
Sa mithiin ng Pilipinong taglay mo.
Kahanga-hanga iyong mga gawain, Our Mission
Mga maysakit iyong inaaruga. To be a model government agency in carrying
Gabay ng gobyerno sa pagtulong, out its responsibility to provide medical and
Sa buong Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao.
health services to the disadvantaged sectors
O Sweepstakes, Lotto aming pag-asa
of society through a professional workforce
Ibangon mo kami sa karamdaman
Iligtas mo kami sa kahirapan
with integrity, competence, a deep sense of
Tulungan mga Pilipinong umaasa accountability, and transparency in all its
sa’yo. official transactions.
Mabuhay! Mabuhay!
Mabuhay ang Philippine Charity Five Vision Pillars
Sweepstakes The Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office,
Mabuhay! Mabuhay! mandated by Republic Act 1169, as amended,
Mabuhay ang bayang Pilipinas commits five pillars to realize its Vision-
• Professional workforce with integrity,
competence, and a deep sense of
accountability and transparency in all its
official transactions;
• Timely adequate services;
• Increased number of satisfied
beneficiaries with improved health and
other social conditions;
• Effective, efficient, and self-reliant
organization with strong operating
system and infrastructure; and
• Good corporate image.

Gold 38 Cup
December 2009

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Institutional requests for ambulance
donations are processed for
appropriate action by the PCSO
Board of Directors.

Qualified institutions
for the Ambulance
Donation Program:
• Government agencies/organizations and government health
• Non-government health institutions/centers licensed/accredited by
the Department of Health (DOH);
• Non-stock, non-profit organizations or associations registered
with the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) and licensed/
accredited by the Department of Social Welfare and Development
(DSWD) and Philippine Council for NGO Certification (PCNC), the
appropriate regulating agencies;
• Socio-civic and other charitable institutions engaged in health and
welfare-related programs and services accredited by Philippine
Council for 39
Gold NGOCup
Certification (PCNC).
December 2009

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Gold 40 Cup
December 2009

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