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CONCRETE to reduce concrete weight, but the cost of the concrete is

-Concrete is a mixture of sand, gravel, crushed rock, or increased.

other aggregates held together in a rocklike mass with a 4. Similarly, the low strength per unit of volume of
paste of cement and water. concrete means members will be
relatively large, an important consideration for tall
REINFORCED CONCRETE buildings and long-span structures.
-is a combination of concrete and steel wherein the steel 5. The properties of concrete vary widely because of
reinforcement provides the tensile strength lacking in the variations in its proportioning and
concrete. Steel reinforcing is also capable of resisting mixing.
compression forces and is used in columns as well as in


- A cement used by the Romans before the birth
1. It has considerable compressive strength per unit cost of Christ. Found in the volcanic ash of Mt.
compared with most other materials. Vesuvius.
2. Reinforced concrete has great resistance to the -
actions of fire and water and is the best structural DARK AGES
material available for situations where water is present.
During fires of average intensity, members with a - An era where the use of pozzolana was lost and
satisfactory cover of concrete over the reinforcing bars not revived until 1800-1900. Called Roman
suffer only surface damage without failure. cement.
3. Reinforced concrete structures are very rigid.
4. It is a low-maintenance material. JOSEPH ASPDIN
5. As compared with other materials, it has a very long - obtained a patent for a cement that he called
service life. Under proper conditions, portland cement because its color was quite
reinforced concrete structures can be used indefinitely similar to that of the stone quarried on the Isle
without reduction of their loadcarrying abilities. of Portland off the English coast.
6. It is usually the only economical material available for -
footings, floor slabs, basement FRENCHMEN FRANCOIS LE BRUN
walls, piers, and similar applications. - built a concrete house and followed it with the
7. A special feature of concrete is its ability to be cast construction of a school and a church with the
into an extraordinary variety of same material.
shapes from simple slabs, beams, and columns to great
arches and shells. JOSEPH LAMBOT
8. In most areas, concrete takes advantage of - built a concrete boat reinforced with a network of
inexpensive local materials (sand, gravel, and parallel wires or bars. Credit is usually given to
water) and requires relatively small amounts of cement Monier, however, for the invention of reinforced
and reinforcing steel, which may concrete
have to be shipped from other parts of the country. -
9. A lower grade of skilled labor is required for erection JOSEPH MONIER
as compared with other materials -Monier received patents for reinforced concrete
such as structural steel. railroad ties, floor slabs, arches, footbridges,
buildings, and other items in both France and
1. Concrete has a very low tensile strength, requiring the - built simple reinforced concrete structures and
use of tensile reinforcing. developed basic methods of design
2. Forms are required to hold the concrete in place until
it hardens sufficiently. In addition, WILLIAM E. WARD
Formwork is very expensive. In the United States, its - built the first reinforced concrete building in the
costs run from United States in Port Chester, New York, in
one-third to two-thirds of the total cost of a reinforced 1875.
concrete structure, with averagevalues of about 50%. -
3.The low strength per unit of weight of concrete leads to THADDEUS HYATT
heavy members. This becomes an increasingly - an American, was probably the first person to
important matter for long-span structures, where correctly analyze the stresses in a reinforced
concrete’s large dead weight has a great effect on concrete beam, and in 1877, he published a 28
bending moments. Lightweight aggregates can be used page book on the subject, entitled An Account of
Some Experiments with Portland Cement
Concrete, Combined with Iron as a Building some type of soap or petroleum products, as
Material. perhaps asphalt emulsions.
- reportedly used reinforced concrete in the early - Concrete is subjected to changes in volume
1870sand was the originator of deformed (or either autogenous or induced. Volume change is
twisted) bars, for which he received a patent in one of the most detrimental properties of
1884. (cold-twisted bars). concrete, which affects the long-term strength
and durability. To the practical engineer, the
TYPES OF PORTLAND CEMENT aspect of volume change in concrete is
important from the point of view that it causes
HIGH-EARLY-STRENGTH CEMENTS unsightly cracks in concrete and called concrete
-although more expensive, enable us to obtain shrinkage.
desired strengths in 3 to 7 days rather than the normal
28 days. CREEP
- After the initial deformation occurs, the
TYPE I—The common, all-purpose cement used for additional deformation is called creep, or plastic
general construction work. flow. If a compressive load is applied to a
TYPE II—A modified cement that has a lower heat of concrete member, an immediate or
hydration than does Type I cement and that can instantaneous elastic shortening occurs.
withstand some exposure to sulfate attack.
TYPE III—A high-early-strength cement that will produce POISSON’S RATIO
in the first 24 hours a concrete with a strength about - The ratio of this lateral expansion to the
twice that of Type I cement. This cement does have a longitudinal shortening is referred to as
much higher heat of hydration. Poisson’s ratio. Its value varies from about 0.11
TYPE IV—A low-heat cement that produces a concrete for the higher-strength concretes to as high as
which generates heat very slowly. It is used for very 0.21 for the weaker-grade concretes, with
large concrete structures. average values of about 0.16.
TYPE V—A cement used for concretes that are to be
exposed to high concentrations of sulfate. HIGH-STRENGTH CONCRETES
- Concretes with compression strengths
ADMIXTURES exceeding 6000 psi are referred to as high-
strength concretes. Another name sometimes
AIR-ENTRAINING ADMIXTURES given to them is high-performance concretes
- Are used primarily to increase concrete’s because they have other excellent
resistance to freezing and thawing and provide characteristics besides just high strengths.
better resistance to the deteriorating action of
deicing salts. DEAD LOADS
- Dead loads are loads of constant magnitude that
ACCELERATING ADMIXTURES remain in one position. They include the weight
- such as calcium chloride, to concrete will of the structure under consideration as well as
accelerate its early strength development. The any fixtures that are permanently attached to it.
results of such additions (particularly useful in
cold climates) are reduced times required for LIVE LOADS
curing and protection of the concrete and the - Live loads are loads that can change in
earlier removal of forms. magnitude and position. They include
occupancy loads, warehouse materials,
RETARDING ADMIXTURES construction loads, overhead service cranes,
- are used to slow the setting of the concrete and equipment operating loads, and many others. In
to retard temperature increases. They consist of general, they are induced by gravity.
various acids or sugars or sugar derivatives.
SUPERPLASTICIZERS - Environmental loads are loads caused by the
- are admixtures made from organic sulfonates. environment in which the structure is located.
Their use enables engineers to reduce the water For buildings, they are caused by rain, snow,
content in concretes substantially while at the wind, temperature change, and earthquake.
same time increasing their slumps.
- usually are applied to hardened concrete o WIND
surfaces, but they may be added to concrete o SEISMIC
mixes. These admixtures generally consist of

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