C Shift Report - 18 JAN
C Shift Report - 18 JAN
C Shift Report - 18 JAN
Ref Room
11-Jan-20 C TG Pilot gantry Transfer Gantry 200031618 buildi
Remote bypass switch not working PTME M2 E&I bypass switch malfunction
Releasing problem PTME M2 E&I wifi malfunction
Punching hose
breaking problem PTMM M2 Mech disconnected
Hose guide stucking with hose loop PTMM M2 Mech Hose loop not proper
Tapping motor fan CB Q64 tripped PTME M2 E&I Motor fan issuue
C.B Sliding Cylinder Air leak PTMM M3 Mech Gland seal leakage
Tools operation not happening PTME M2 E&I PLC4 power supply issue
bath pipe hopper gate close fault PTMM M2 Mech Valve Malfunction
Ptm 11 shovel hose and guide problem PTMM M2 Mech Hose entangled
Crust breaker not going down PTME M2 E&I Farday casing problem
PTM 52 bath pipe hopper gate closed fault PTMM M2 Mech Cylinder gland leakage
ABRF 32 A side wrench problem PTMM M2 Mech Low torque
PTM 11 bath pipe valve base change PTMM M3 Mech Planned maintenance
Auxiliary Hoist Lifing fault PTME M2 E&I FR10 and FR13 latched
Auxiliary hoist Lifing fault PTME M2 E&I Q138 and Q139 tripped
Auxiliary Hoist Lifing fault PTME M2 E&I Remote Joystick
PTM 01 clip clamp and breaking problem PTMM M2 Mech Stopper bolt loose
PTM 23 cam clip bend PTMM M2 Mech Cam clip guide bend
PTM 20 bath pipe cont. material flow PTM M2 Sensor ,Valve Malfunction
ptm 46 tools trolley CT jamming PTM M2 Blower jam
Option card cleaned and parameter copied. Trial taken and now found ok.
Air RTD connector found loose contact, connector replaced. Reistance checked and found ok. Now ok
Q113 found tripped and no abnormalites found. Reset done. Current checked and now found ok.
Remote page selection switch damaged. Replaced the remote receiver set. Trial taken and now found ok.
Tapping hoist not going up,option detection fault was there,devicenet card changed,handed over. Fault
came again found KM10 malfucntioning,KM10 cahnged,tapping hoist operated,found ok,handed over.
B/C candi fault during anode change,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,found ok,handed
B/C candi fault during breaking,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,found ok,handed over.
B/C candi fault during shoveling,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.Fault came
again during breaking ,fault reseted,handed over.
Gate valve changed
Punching hose disconnected. Reconnect the same handed over
Lower block pulley bearing damaged . Tapping ciruit breaker kept of. Handed over for other work.
Found Grab hose pilot line damaged. Hose cutting done. Reconnect and handed over
Tilting valve changed ok
Shovel removed from pot, Box clamp adjustment done, found ok, handedover
Candi fault during breaking, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms
Candi fault during breaking, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms
Candi fault during Shoveling, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms
Q113 found tripped and no abnormalites found. Reset done. Current found 14.5A, handedover
Collector Shoe came out in raising beam peakup giude,collector shoe allignment done , found ok,
3/4 " hose damage , connector applied , hose dressing done , handed over
BDC 300 cm hose disconnected , connected with new jubilee clamp , trial taken , handed over
A6 grab cylinder change , handed over.
Clip cam bolt changed , trial taken ,handed over
Circuit breaker fault reset done, current value found normal & handed over.
Remote bypass button found not working, remote receiver set changed & found ok.
PTM wifi & CBS wifi power recycle done, Panelview was hanged, panelview power recycle done & PTM
released from CBS.
Candi fault reset done, value between A/B & B/C is more than 10 megaohm.
Candi fault reset done, value between A/B & B/C is more than 10 megaohm.
Node 09 fault was there, connector cleaned but still the problem persists, vfd parameter copy paste done
from another ptm , trial taken & found ok.
Over current & torque limit fault was coming during tapping trolley high speed operation, tracking encoder
connector connection tightness & cleaned done but still problem persists, external cable layout done from
encoder JB to vfd , tapping trolly operation found normal.
Crust breaker pipe line changed, Cylinder inlet & outlet Air Line checked found ok, Cylinder Need to
KM8 Contactor to Tap & duct end brake Rectifier cable layed and damaged cable removed from girder,trial
taken found ok,crust breaker gland changed & hose dressing done,Shovel bucket bolts found missing,5 new
bolts installed,oil leakage arrested in compressor,Compressor copper return pipe damaged,changed
checked found ok
Hydraulic leakage arrested,crust breaker side plate bolt installed,calliper jamming cleared,cabin rotation
noise cleared,encoders rope cleaned
Tapping Trolley motor encoder cable layed from Tapping trolley to N1C3,Trial taken found ok handed over
B/C candi fault during anode change,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
A/B candi fault during beam rising,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
Shovel rested on dust,rope slack fault was there,shovel released from pot,found ok,handed over.
Extraction primary cylinder rope cleaning done, encoder reset done, trial taken, found ok, handed over
Extraction 2 encoder reset done, trial taken, found ok, handed over
CB Reset done, Current reading taken, found 9.6 and 10.4 amps, trial taken, found ok, handed over
Sensor and Reflector cleaning done, alignment done, trial taken, found ok, handed over
A6 optical isolator cleaning done, tria taken, found ok, handed over
monatbert block o ring damage , changed , montabert exhaust cleaned , trial taken ,found ok , handed over
B/C candi fault during anode change,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
B/C candi fault during shoveling,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
Copressor Oil cooler motor changed,Colour coding done, Cabin lef joy stick changed, Autodrain valve
fixed ,Wrench assembly gap reduce from 810 to 740.
Cabin AC Assembly change, Cabin glass cleaned
Cbain stop position sensor adjusted ,cabin glass cleaned, CB Side bolt tightened,Colour coding done,
Encoder rope cleaned
LT allignment anticollison sensor cleaned, found ok, handedover
Candi fault during beam raising, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Candi fault during breaking, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Tapping hoist not going up,safety brake found latched,VFD manually operated,safety brake released,found
ok,handed over.
Extraction assembly encoder rope found loose, rope cleaned, found ok, handedover
Tapping hoist not going up,safety brake found latched,VFD manually operated,safety brake released,found
ok,handed over.
Candi fault during breaking, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Q20 CB tripped during shovel down, reset done, voltage found 410v in each phase,Shovel current found
10.1A,no abnormalities found , handedover
Remote right joystick cleaned, found ok, ahndedover
B side CT motor changed, flow control changed. Still slow movement.
Hammer tip changed and handed over
Wrench valve changed and handed over
gate valve changed and handed over
Air leakage from breaking rotary union arrested. Compressor outlet pressure increased. Breaking found ok
handed over.
Candi fault during breaking, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Devicenet card cleaning done, network resistance has been checked, foun 60.2 ohm, trial taken, found ok,
handed over
Candi fault during Anode grabing, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
CB Reset done, Current reading taken, found 0.7 amps, trial taken, found ok, handed over
Candi fault during Long travel, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Shovel cable loop has been replaced, trial taken, found ok, handed over
System normalisation done, trial taken several times, found ok, handed over
B side motor changed with repaired one but still problem persist. So again changed but still not rectified
FCV removed . Motor rotation is slow handed over.
Valve changed , again problem came afer two shoveling , valve changed again ,trial taken ,handed over
Bath pipe rotation motor jamming , motor changed , still jamming found , gear box oil found ok , hose
cleaning done ,trial taken ,handed over
Tools rotation no thappening,node 14 fault was there,node connector cleaned,tools rotation done,handed
over.Fault came again,devicenet card changed,handed over.
B/C candi fault during breaking,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
Compressor motor tripped,air high temp. fault was there,air RTD resistance found ok,RTD connector
cleaned,fault reseted,found ok,handed over.
B/C candi fault during breaking,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
Aux 1lifing fault,FR10 latched,fault reseted,handed over.Candi fault during anode change,fault
reseted,handed over.
LT frame adjustment done,filling taken,found ok,handed over.
Shovel hose dressing done,crust breaker hose dressing done,tools trolley insualtors cleaned,Extraction
encoder reset done,Cabin drag chain cable dressing done
Extraction 1 wrench valve changed and gasket changed trial taken found ok,KA9 Addon changed
Crust breaker hose dressing done,Cabin AC Gas top up done & leakage arrested,cabin rotation noise
cleared,wrench bolt tightend
Candi fault during Shoveling, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Candi fault during breaking, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Checked & found FR 500 relay NO contact not working, relay changed, fault reseted , handedover
Candi fault during Extraction, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Candi fault during breaking, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Safe stop in VFD, interlock checked, found ok, parameter put,trail taken, found ok, handedover
Aux hoist 1 FR 10 latched, fault reseted,Current found 14.6A, handedover
Physical temp found ok, RTD connector found loose, tightening done, RTD resesitance found 127ohms,
A side Wrench CT Motor Changed twice, Trial taken, found ok and Handed over
1 No Slim Plate Came out, Rectified, All bolt Tightness done, Shovel Bucket Cleared manually, trial taken,
found ok and Handed over
Up Limit Sensing Plate Found bend, Rectified, trial taken, found ok and Handed over
1/2'' male to male connector of autodrain valve changed & found ok.
Candi fault during Extraction operation, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C
Candi fault during breaking, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Candi fault during shoveling, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
During cabin rotation PTA of repetedly, Option card changed, found ok, handedover
Candi Insulation meggering done,Structural value found shovel- 130Mohms, Crust breaker -71
Mohms,Extraction-110Mohms,Tools trolley-23Mohms, Tapping trolley-18 Mohms,Aux hoist-21Mohms,
Crust breaker hammer tip changed, trail taken and handed over
Punching hose and block connector changed, trail taken and handed over
Downsensor was cleaned, connection tightness done, found ok, handed over
Operator command the operation very frequently during blockdrop removal resulted in FR10 fault, fault
reset done, trial taken, found ok, handed over
Candi fault during Extraction operation, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C
Collector shoe was found damaged, new collector shoe alonng with arm has been replaced, reallignment
done, checked and found ok, handed over
Found crust bbreaker sliding problem. Found Crust breaker back plate roller jam. Rectified ok
Found wrench 1 Clip clamp lock plate bolt damaged. 1 Nos new bolt installed ok
Tapping CT not happening,tapping CT slow down limit found malfunctioning(latched due to dust
accumulation),sensor changed,found ok,handed over.
Tapping hoist not going down,overspeed fault was there,fault reseted,Tapping hoist operated,handed over.
Extraction 1&2 not going up,assembly encoder rope cleaned,encoder reset done,handed over.
Remote page selection switch damaged. Replaced the remote receiver set. Trial taken and now found ok.
B/C candi fault during breaking,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
Prop2 side LT slow down happening,Anti collision sensor found malfunctioning,sensor changed,LT
done,found ok,handed over.
B/C candi fault during breaking,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
LT frame adjustment done,filling taken,found ok,handed over.
Extraction 1 not going down,enocder reset done,found ok,handed over.
Candi fault during Shoveling, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Tapping hoist not going up,safety brake found latched,VFD manually operated,safety brake released,found
ok,handed over.
Tapping hoist not going up,safety brake found latched,VFD manually operated,safety brake released,found
ok,handed over.
Candi fault during breaking, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Candi fault during beam raising, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Hydraulic leakage areested in CB, CB Insulator cleaning done, Clip clamp changed. CB 2 bolt miising fixed.
Cabin rail & Glass cleaned, Encoder rope cleaned, Bucket bolt tightened, CB Back side plate bolt tightened.
Sensing plate rotates while giving up movement of shovel. Sensing plate locked & found ok.
Shovel plunger cleaning done but still problem persist. Upmast need to be change.
B/C candi fault during breaking,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
FR10 fault was resulted while placing ABRF over the pot, system normalisation done, trial taken, found ok,
handed over
Long travel Tap end side Brake was not actuating, Brake gap was found 0.8mm, Rectifier output voltages
were checked, found abnormal, Lt brake set along with Rectifier Was changed, volatge checked found 153,
170, 45volt, coil resistance has been checked found 260 ohm, 53 ohm, 317 ohm, brake gap checking done,
static cable from KM8 to LT tap end side brake rectifier has been changed, trial taken, current reading taken,
found 38 amps, found ok, handed over
Devicenet option card cleaning done, trial taken, found ok, handed over
Tools Rotation Devicenet card cleaning has been done, trial taken several times, found ok, handed over
Duct end side end truck long travel jamming, brake air gap checked, found 0.6mm, adjusted to 0.8 mm.
Both duct end side blowers found not working, blower overhauling done, other blower solenoid coil found
malfunctioning, blower valve changed, trial taken and handed over
Moisture accumulated in coiling drum valve, drained, trial taken and handed over
B/C candi fault during anode change,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
Tapping hoist not going up,safe stop fault was there,KA10 relay contact cleaned,fault still persists,24v supply
checked,found Q5 O/P malfunctioning,Q5 changed,fault cleared,tapping hoist operated,found ok,handed
B/C candi fault during anode change,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
Compressor motor tripped,Q7 feedback fault was there,feedback block cleaned,fault still persists,Q7 addon
block changed, found ok,handed over.
Remote Receiver cleaning done, trial taken, found ok, handed over
Q64 found tripped, CB and contactor found ok. Motor fan cover replaced. Trialtaken and now found ok.
Air RTD found malfunctioning, terminal resistance found 280 ohm. Replaced the RTD with connector. Now
resistance found 118 ohm. Dirty filter alarm found. Filter cleaned and handd over.
Parameter has been uploaded, trial taken, found ok, handed over
Bussof was there in all PLC, A10 CANH Cable found loose, Tightness done, network resistance checked,
found 61, trial taken, found ok, handed over
Coil RTD conncetor tightness done, Resistance has been checked, found 65 ohm, trial taken, found ok,
handed over
PLC 4 field buss coupler has been changed, Tools rotation option card has been changed, A11 optical
isolator has been changed, trial taken, found ok, handed over
Valve changed & found ok.
2 hydraulic leakage aressted,Tapping trolley blower jamming cleared, Bucket bolt tightened,
Extraction alighnment done, Cabin glass cleaned, Shovel insulation cleaned,Pannel AC gas to be top up,
Extraction alighnment done, Colour coding done, CB Bolt tightened, Bucket bolt tightened, Colour coding
done,tapping drag chain issue motor cable removed from KM25,Drag chain need to be rectified
Candi fault reset done, value between A/B & B/C is more than 10 megaohm.
Crust breaker valve changed, wrench clip cam stopper bolt adjustment done and handed over
Rail cleaning done, trail taken, found problem still exists, WIP
Tapping hoist not going down,overspeed fault was there,fault reseted,tachymeter value not incresed more
than 150 ,tachymeter connector cleaned,found ok,handed over again fault occurs afer one laddle tapping
done, tachymeter changed,trail taken handedover
Candi fault during Extraction operation, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C
option card module status in fault mode, option Card cleaned, still fault persist, parameter put, found ok,
Candi fault during breaking, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Candi fault during Extraction operation, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C
Extraction Assembly encoder has been changed, Encoder reset done, trial taken, found ok, handed over
CB reset done, Current reading has been checked, Found 14 Amps, trial taken, found ok, handed over
Candi fault during breaking, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Candi fault during Extraction operation, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C
Manual Jogging done, Safety brake has been released, trial taken several times, found ok, handed over
Candi fault during Long travel movement, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C
Candi fault during anode grabing, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Candi fault during Extraction operation, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C
A11 optical isolator cleaning done, trial taken, found ok, handed over
Candi fault during Shoveling, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
B/C candi fault during shoveling,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
A side Rx not working,panel box checked,found operation/charging switch over switch found faulty,
operation mode restored,found ok,handed over.
Tapping hoist not going up,safety brake found latched,VFD manually operated,safety brake released,found
ok,handed over.
Remote joystick cleaned, still problem persist, remote receiver changed, found ok, handedover
Bussof was there in all PLC, Network resistance found 61ohms, A4,A6,A8 optocoupler cleaned, found ok,
Candi fault during breaking, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
During PTA on Q20 getting tripped, Checked & found that Aux hoist 2 High speed contactor KM46 getting
stucked, KM45 & KM 46 Contactor changed,trail taken, found ok, handedover
Tapping hoist not going up,safety brake found latched,VFD manually operated,safety brake released,found
ok,handed over.
Devicenet connector cleaned, cable tightess done, found ok, handed over
LT allignment anticollison sensor cleaned, found ok, handedover
Crustbreaker hose with cable loop entangeled with cabin rotation idle wheel causes cable damged, Cable
hose loop change wip
Q20 CB tripped during near pot 3707, reset done, voltage found 410v in each phase abnormalities found
ok, handedover
Extraction 1 extraction encoder rope loose, rope cleaned, found ok, handedover
Shovel removed from pot, Box clamp adjustment done, found ok, handedover
Hose entangled in idle wheel, hose removed, found crust breaker cable damaged.
Bottom port hose found disconnected, hose connection done and handed over, Wrench clip cam stopper
bolt adjustment done and handed over
Valve changed found still gate not operating properly , gate jamming cleared trail taken and handed over
Foregin material Found Struck In LT Wheel , Removed, Trial tkaen, found ok and Handed over
B/C candi fault during shoveling,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.Fault came
again during breaking ,fault reseted,handed over.
Crust breaker hose dressing done,cable hose found entangling with guide,cable hose adjustment
done,breaking valve supply connector cable tightness done,breaking done,found ok,handed over.
Tools operation not happening,found no power supply in PLC4 & ASI unit,SMPS U500 no power supply was
there,Q69&Q599 o/p checked found power supply missing,Q74 & Q76 o/p 110v supply found ok, W318
found damaged,110v supply looped from W113,PLC4 & ASI network supply restored,found ok,handed over.
Tools operation not happening,found right joystick mounting problem,joystick changed,found ok,handed
B/C candi fault during shoveling,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
Tapping trolley CT not happening,CT VFD showing "phase loss" fault,phase cable found damaged,external
cable laying done from VFD to motor, Tapping CT done,found ok,handed over.
B/C candi fault during breaking,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
Mini PM Done
Shovel insulator cleaning done,motor current ,devicenet resistance and daisy chain checked found normal
Crust breaker oil leakage near elbow connector,rectified,crust breaker back plate bolts missing tightened
the same,network problem A4 & A6 opticalisolator cleaned
Breaking valve changed.Still not working.Again changed.Issue solved.Still sliding issue persists.Sliding valve
changed .Handed over.
Hammer tip changed .LT issue .Ductend side both LT blower overhauling done.Handed over.
Calliper quarter inch hose damage .Hose Cut from end and New connector installed.Trial taken and Handed
B/C candi fault during Breaking,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
B/C candi fault during shovelling,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
A/B &B/C candi fault during Beam raising,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
External cable taken out,tapping trolley CT diabled and given to operation for other opration.
B/C candi fault during shovelling,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
Extraction 1 and 2 encoder reset done, trial taken, found ok, handed over
CB reset done, current reading taken, found 12.1 Amps, trial taken, found ok, handed over
B/C candi fault during anode change,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
B/C candi fault during Breaking,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
B/C candi fault during Breaking,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
Cb Reset done, current reading taken, found 1.1 Amps, trial taken, found ok, handed over
B/C candi fault during shovelling,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
B/C candi fault during Anode grabing,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
Remote Lef joystick cleaning done, trial taken, found ok, handed over
Cabin right joystick has been changed, trial taken, found ok, handed over
Gate Valve malfunction. Valve changed Trial taken and handed over.
Gate Valve Coil not working. Valve changed Trial taken and handed over.
Wrench 2 not coming down. Valve with gasket changed found repaired valve coil not working. Again valve
changed ok
Gate Valve malfunction. Valve changed Trial taken and handed over.
Hopper Mesh Found Jam. Plastic Material stuck in hopper mesh. Mesh cleaned handed over
A/B candi fault during beam rising,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
CT not happening,Node 04 fualt was there,devicenet card cleaned,CT done,found ok,handed over.
LT not happening,Node 03 fualt was there,devicenet card cleaned,LT done,found ok,handed over.
A/B candi fault during beam rising,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
Tapping CT Power cable changed N1C2 pannel to CT Motor.Liner bolt tightened, Cabin rail cleaning done
Wrench 2 valve changed, trail taken and handed over, Clip cam adjustment also done
Shovel valve changed, trail taken and hose guide found bent, hose guide straightend, handed over
Fluidization valve manually operated, trail taken . Clip cam adjustment done and handed over
Valve changed, found one bore damaged, ptm handed over for opearation
Tapping hoist not going up,safety brake found latched,VFD manually operated,safety brake released,found
ok,handed over.
Q32 Feedback contact changed,found ok, handedover
Candi fault during breaking, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Candi fault during breaking, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Aux hoist 1&2 KM34&KM44 actuated still aux hoist not going down, Check in program Aux hoist 1 high
speed contactor KM36 optput found high but in wago module output not high, power recycle done, trail
taken , handedover
Devicenet connector cleaned, cable tightess done, found ok, handed over
Candi fault during Shoveling, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Candi fault during breaking, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Candi fault during Shovelling, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Candi fault during anode grabing, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Candi fault during breaking, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Candi fault during Long travel, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Wifi power recycle done, trial taken, found ok, handed over
LT motion checked.Both side brake checked.Duct end side brake pad found worn out.Brake set changed.
Trial taken and handed over.
Gate Valve malfunction. Valve changed Trial taken and handed over.
Both wrench valves not working, both valves changed, trail taken and handed over
Shovel not going up,rope slack fault was there,fault reseted,found ok,handed over.
B/C candi fault during breaking,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
B/C candi fault during breaking,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.Fault came
again,during anode change,fault reseted,found ok,handed over.
B/C candi fault during breaking,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
Q4 CB tripped due to popwer feeder changeover in MCC 51, Q4 CB reset done, No abnormalities found ,
Safe stop in VFD, KA10 relay cleaned ,trail taken, found ok, handedover
Candi fault during Shoveling, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Q7 tripped due to power feeder changeover in MCC 51,Q7 CB reset done, Current found 57A, handedover
Candi fault during breaking, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Candi fault during breaking, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Drag spring and jack bolt adjustment done, trial taken and handed over
Material found stuck in bucket, cleared, shoveling checked, found ok, handed over
Candi fault during breaking, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Candi fault during breaking, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Shovel rope slack sensor feedback problem, cable found damaged, hoseloop cable jointing done , trial
taken & found ok.
Candi fault during breaking, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Sparking observed in TG collector shoes, collector shoes changed, trial taken & found ok.
Hose dressing done, hose guide straightened, trail taken and handed over
Shovel rope slack sensor feedback problem, cable found damaged, Cable jointing done, handedover
Shovel rope slack sensor feedback problem, cable found damaged, hoseloop changed, trial taken & found
Shovel removed from pot, Box clamp adjustment done, found ok, handedover
B/C candi fault during covering,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
Aux 2 lifitng fault,FR13 latched,reseted,found ok,handed over.
Aux 1 lifitng fault,Q31 tripped,CB reseted,found ok,handed over.
Compressor motor tripped,Q7 found tripped,CB reseted,found ok,handed over.
B/C candi fault during breaking,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
Disel burner not turning ON,disel burner power i/p female socket(right jx box) found damaged,socket
replaced,found ok,handed over.
Candi fault during breaking, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Candi fault during breaking, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
PLC 4 and PLC 5 buss of fault detected so resistance of A10 A8 optical coupler checked found
ok,optocoupler cleaned found ok handed over.
Sensor was not sensing so rested on flat surface and found sensor sensing handed over.
Q7 tripped ,Q7 CB reset done, Current found 61A, handedover
Aux CT Anticollision limit switch overrotate, back to originl postion , trail taken, handedover
Cabin lef joystick changed found ok, handedover
Candi fault during breaking, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Checked & found tilting sensor farady casing cable tie broken,new cable tie installed, found ok, ahndedover
Shovel Hose got entanged cause overtravel fault occurrs, hose dressing done, found ok, ahndedover
Candi fault during breaking, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Candi fault during breaking, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Cabin right joystick has been changed, trial taken, found ok, handed over
Candi fault during Shovelling, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Valve base changed, material jamming cleared from bath pipe, handed over
Reset done, trail taken several times, found ok, handed over
Remote Joystick connector tightness done, trial taken, found ok, handed over
Candi fault during breaking, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
PLC5 Bussof fault was there, PLC connector cleaning done, A9 optical isolator cleaning done, trial taken,
found ok, handed over
Extraction assembly encoder reset done, trial taken, found ok, handed over
CB reset done, current reading taken, found 13.9 amps, found ok, handed over
Candi fault during Anode grabing, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
KMB Addon has been changed, trial taken, found ok, handed over
Q56 feedback block has been changed, trial taken, found ok, handed over
Collector shoes have been removed, external cable laying done, trial taken, tg removed from room 4 , trial
taken, found ok, handed over
LT allignment reflecot tape found open, New tapping done, handedover
Vfd parameter copy paste done from another ptm, fault reset done,trial taken & handed over.
ext. auto down issue resolved by tightening load hold valve, wrench 1 clip clamp allignment done,cabin
rotation noise cleared,tools trolley auto drain valve installed
shovel up limit angle plate found mis positioned, arrangement done,trial taken found ok,2 nos of LT brush
punching hose leakage arrested,ext. allignment done,tapping trolley blower ball valve changed,encoder
ropes cleaned,
punching hose changed,CB side plate bolt installed,wrench lock plate bolts tightened,remote reciever
changed,encoder reset done
Hose dressing done, trail taken and handed over
BDC elbow Along with flow control valvechanged & found ok.
Candi fault during shovelling, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Candi fault during breaking, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Candi fault during breaking, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
limit switch reset done.Cleaned the contacts ,Cabin rotation checked few times found ok.Handedover
FR recycle done from all tool MCB.Physical condition checked for any jamming found ok.Handedover
One blower valve overhauling done, trail taken and handed over
Elbow removed, foregien material removed with the help of bamboo, trail taken and handed over
Extraction assembly encoder rop was jammed, cleaning done but still problem persists, encoder changed,
trial taken & found ok.
Devicenet option card cleaning done, trial taken, found ok, handed over
Candi fault during shovelling, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Candi fault during Breaking, Meggaring value taken, found B1-260 B2-173,B4-360 C4-550 C5-140 C6- 190
C7-150 C8- 87 reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Candi fault during Anode change, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Shovel Overload fault was there, excess material was released, Proper shovelling done, All scrap has been
removed, trial taken, found ok, handed over
Cb Reset done, current reading taken, found 1.1 Amps, trial taken, found ok, handed over
Remote Joystick Cleaning done, trial taken, found ok, handed over
Candi fault during shovelling, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Coiling drum hose coupling damage .Complete ABRF checkup done .Linkage Oiling done .Trail taken and
handed over.
Filter cleaning done .Gas charging knob to be replaced,Handed over.
main pin bush installed
2 breaker valve changed,panel ac gas top up done,shovel bucket bolt tightened,CB side plate bolts
ext. leakage arrested,CB side plate bolt tightened,shovel bucket bolts tightened,aux. 2 brake gap checke and
contactor cchanged, Minimum pressure valve changed
Broken connector removed, new connector installed, trial taken and handed over
LT alignment not happening so checked and found dust on reflector clean the same and handed over
Candi fault during shovelling, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
A8 optocoupler was blinking red clean the same and handed over.
Found rope slack and rope break cable damage change the same with new cable loop
LT alignment not happening so checked and found dust on reflector clean the same and handed over
N2 cable was out of cable tray,during CT of aux 1 cable was entangled so cable was tied with cable tie
Candi fault during breaking, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Extraction 2 encoder reset done, trial taken, found ok, handed over
Candi fault during covering, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover again A,B C
ground fuse brake fault occurs, Fuse brake feedback contact changed, still fault persist, Input module
changed, handedover
Aux hoist 1 FR latched, reset done, Current found 13.1A, handedover
PLC 4 I/o not connect, , Nework resistance found 61ohms, A4 optocoupler changed, found ok, handedover
Candi fault during Shoveling, reset done, insulation value found A/B & B/C 10Mohms,handedover
Devicenet connector cleaned, cable tightess done, found ok, handed over
Tapping hoist not going up,safety brake found latched,VFD manually operated,safety brake released,found
ok,handed over.
LT alignment not happening with CBS 3.5.Found CBS reflector mounting loose,reflector mounting
done,found ok,handed over.
Extraction 1&2 not going up,assembly encoder rope cleaned,encoder reset done.Found Extraction1
pressure switch mounting damaged,mounting done properly,crust breaker hose dressing doen,found
ok,handed over.
B/C candi fault during breaking,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
Tools operation not happening,found PLC4&5 busof fault was there,A9,A10 & A11 optical isolator
cleaned,PLC 4&5 found healthy,PLC2 connect light blinking,A4 & A10 optical isolator changed ,network
found healthy ,handed over.
B/C candi fault during shoveling,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
Hose dressing done, DCV changed, trial taken and handed over
Air leakage arrested from CB & Extraction ,Extraction alignment Done Gap reduce from 840 to 740 ,Bucket
bolt tightened,Cb Side plate bolt tightened.
Cabin rail cleaning done,CB Side plate bolt tightened, Hydraulic leakage arrested from wrench,Encoder rope
Cabin rail cleaning done,CB Side plate bolt tightened,Extraction bolt tightened,Bucket bolt tightened
B/C candi fault during breaker change ,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
Parameter downloded but fault came again,control card was changed and handed over.
PTA getting of while doing breaking found A 8 fault,clean the same and A6 optocoupler changed handed
B/C candi fault during breaking,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
PTA getting of while doing breaking found A 8 fault,clean the same and A6 optocoupler changed handed
B/C candi fault during shoveling ,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.Maggering
was done and found shovel 0 mohm
PTA getting of while doing breaking found A 8 fault,clean the same and A6 was cleaned now ok handed
Sensor was malfuctioning in magnetig field,sensor was changed and faradey casing was installed.
B/C candi fault during breaking,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
A/B candi fault during LT,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
Hopper modification
At first Q56 feedback loss was there, so feedback block has been cleaned, trial taken, but again pta was
getting of, So Cabin Rotation Option card has been changed, trial taken, found ok, handed over
B/C candi fault during breaking,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
PTM side TX Rx adjustment done, ptm has been released, trial taken, found ok, handed over
CB reset done, trail taken, found ok, handed over
Planned Meeggaing has been accomplished in ptm 25 , Values found to be normal trial taken, found ok,
handed over
Wrench 2 misalignment ,Jack bolt adjusted, drag spring adjusted , trial taken , handed over
Long travel fault, node 03 fault, devicent connector cleaned, and checked and found ok handed over
Wifi router singal problem, wifi router changed, checked and found ok handed over
Network problem from PLC 03, devicenet card changed, network resistance checked and found ok, all
deivcenet connection checked and found ok, hande over
Cabin rotation problem, checked and found node fault, devicent card problem, checked and found ok
,handed over
Aux hoist lifing fault, checked and found FR 10 faulty, rested, checked and found ok, handed over
Candi fault while using tapping, value checked and found ok, fault rested, handed over
Aux hoist lifing fault, checked and found Q113 tripped, current checked and found ok, handed over
Long travel fault, node 03 fault, devicent connector cleaned, and checked and found ok handed over
Candi fault while using extraction, value checked and found ok, fault rested, handed over
Candi fault while using breaking, value checked and found ok, fault rested, handed over
Extraction 02 not going down, rested, checked and found ok handed over
Candi fault while using aux hoist, value checked and found ok, fault rested, handed over
B4 grab cylinder was not actuating, same was changed and operation checked.
Air leakage from B nycoil hose of B-side wrech motor assembly. Damaged part fromd end was cut and hose
was fixed back in wrench motor assembly.
Breaking DCV was not actuating, same was changed and operation checked.
Wrench1 DCV was not actuating, same was changed and opeartion checked.
Cam clip guide was found in bend condtion, same was changed and stopper bolts adjustment done.
Moisture separator's condensate drain oulet 3/4" socket was damaged leading to heavy air leakage,
Moisture separator was changed with 3/4" X 1/2" reducing bush.
CB Side plate bolt tightened, CT And Tapping trolley blower overhouling done,Cabin rail cleaned,Bucket bot
Cabin rail cleaning done,AC Cleaning done, Shovel tie rod fixed
Bucket bolt tightened,CB Side plate bolt tightened, N1C4 to N9 devicenet Cable changed.
Shovel assemblu changed and hose dressing done
Checked & found CT allignmnet sensing gap found more, Washer packing Installed, Gap adjustment done,
Breaking not happening, Cabin right joystick changed , handedover
PTA of is getting frequently due to which operator is reporting candi fault while switching on pta.found PLC
programme was modified according to ecl modification.In which While fault in any PLC it will turn input and
output to zero state.So PLC 4 logic modified logic has reverted to old logic.Found ok handed over.
Rope slack rectfied by rope rewinding, trail taken and handed over
B/C candi fault during breaking,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
Auxiliary 1 FR10 fault was came, Auxiliary motor temperature has been checked, found 63 degree and Aux 2
of 68 degree, current reading has been checked, found 14.2 amps and 16.2 amps, trial taken, found ok,
handed over
Auxiliary 2 FR13 fault was came, Auxiliary motor temperature has been checked, found 53 degree and Aux 1
of 58 degree, current reading has been checked, found 12.8 amps and 13.9 amps, trial taken, found ok,
handed over
Extraction 2 encoder rope found loose, Encoder rope cleaning done, trial taken, found ok, handed over
Pressure switch and thermostat malfunction . Rectified .All connection tightness checked.Switch connection
tightness checking done .Filter cleaning done.
110V B ground supply cable W318 damage,rectified the same and handed over
While doing PTA of and on candi fault was coming frequently as PLC 4 was getting of due to PTA On/of.So
PLC programme is modified.
Bath pipe gate valve changed, trail taken and handed over
Stopper plate fixed by hammering and tightening bolts, trail taken and handed over
shovel and CB hose dressing done,foreign material removed from hopper mesh,bucket bolts tightened,CT
blower overhauled,cabin glass cleaned,encoder rope cleaned
extraction allignment done,shovel rope break sensor adjusted,extraction insulator bolts tightened,cabin
glass cleaned,cabin rail cleaned
CB side plate shock absorber instaledd, cabin rail cleaned,tapping trolley blower overhauled
cabin rotation noise cleared,meggering done
Right joystick toggle switch problem, right joystick changed, checked and found ok, hande over
Crust breaker not going down, check and found oiler low level connection problem, tightened, checked and
found ok handed over
Q7 CB reset done, current found 63A, Handedover
Crust breaker straingtening sensor faraday cassing missing, installed, checked and found ok, handed over
Candi fault while using extraction, value checked and found ok, fault rested, handed over
Safe stop in vfd , KA10 relay cleaned, found ok handedover
Candi fault while using breaking, value checked and found ok, fault rested, handed over
Q138 reset done, current found 1.1A, handedover
Extraction 1 encoder reset done, found ok, handedover
Q43 CB feedback contact cleaned, found ok, handedover
Tapping Trolley CT drag chain fallen, Drag chain tied & alligned on drag chain tray, Drag chain fixed at three
points, KM25 contactor output open, Q61 CB of, drag chain need to change, PTM handedover for other
B/C candi fault during breaking,A/B & B/C insualtion value>10Mohm,fault reseted,handed over.
encoder 1 reset done
Spare Used Personnel Involved Start Time End Time
4G2.5Sqmm x 45 Meters
Cable,copper return Aravindhan,Amil 11:00:00 16:45:00
pipe,crust breaker gland,5
Shovel bucket bolts
NA 19:50 21:00
due to
1:00 Done 19 December 2019 15 excessive
0:40 Done 23 December 2019 11 NA
0:40 Done NA
3/4" X
1:10 Done ### 21 material
quality to
03 January 2020
08 January 2020
PTM 11
PTM 19
PTM 28
HRs HRS ed Jobs HRs
4:15 0:15 DONE 10/21/2019 72
4:45 0:15 DONE 10/23/2019 70