Usp GC 795 2susp42 PDF
Usp GC 795 2susp42 PDF
Usp GC 795 2susp42 PDF
10.1 Terminology
10.2 Parameters to Consider in Establishing a BUD
10.3 Establishing a BUD for a CNSP
10.4 CNSPs Requiring Shorter BUDs
10.5 Extending BUDs for CNSPs
11. SOPs
13.1 Packaging of CNSPs
13.2 Transporting CNSPs
This chapter describes the minimum standards to be followed when preparing compounded nonsterile preparations
(CNSPs) for humans and animals. For purposes of this chapter, nonsterile compounding is defined as combining, admixing,
diluting, pooling, reconstituting other than as provided in the manufacturer’s labeling, or otherwise altering a drug or bulk
drug substance to create a nonsterile medication.
2 á795ñ / Physical Tests Second Supplement to USP 42–NF 37
The requirements in this chapter must be followed to minimize harm, including death, to human and animal patients that
could result from 1) excessive microbial contamination, 2) variability from the intended strength of correct ingredients (e.g.,
±10% of the labeled strength), 3) physical and chemical incompatibilities, 4) chemical and physical contaminants, and/or 5)
use of ingredients of inappropriate quality.
Handling of nonsterile hazardous drugs (HDs) must additionally comply with Hazardous Drugs—Handling in Healthcare
Settings á800ñ.
1.1 Scope
CNSPs that must comply with this chapter include but are not limited to the following dosage forms:
• Solid oral preparations
• Liquid oral preparations
• Rectal preparations
• Vaginal preparations
• Topical preparations (i.e., creams, gels, ointments)
• Nasal and sinus preparations intended for local application (i.e., nasal sprays and nasal irrigation)
• Otic preparations
All personnel involved in the preparation and handling of CNSPs must be initially trained, must demonstrate competency,
and must undergo refresher training every 12 months. Training and competency of personnel must be documented as
described in 15. Documentation.
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A designated person must oversee a training program that describes the required training, the frequency of training, and
the process for evaluating the competency of personnel involved in nonsterile compounding and handling of CNSPs. This
program must equip personnel with knowledge and training in the required skills necessary to perform their assigned tasks.
Before beginning to prepare CNSPs independently, all compounding personnel must complete training and be able to
demonstrate proficiency in the principles and hands-on skills of nonsterile manipulations for the type of compounding they
will be performing. Proficiency must be demonstrated every 12 months in at least the following core competencies:
• Hand hygiene
• Garbing
• Cleaning and sanitizing
• Handling and transporting components and CNSPs
• Measuring and mixing
• Proper use of equipment and devices selected to compound CNSPs
• Documentation of the compounding process (e.g., Master Formulation Records and Compounding Records)
Steps in the training procedure must include the following:
• Read and understand this chapter, other applicable standards, and other relevant literature
• Understand and interpret Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and, if applicable, Certificates of Analysis (COA)
• Read and understand procedures related to their compounding duties
A designated person must oversee the training of personnel. Training and observation may be performed by the
designated person(s) or an assigned trainer. Personnel must be observed and guided throughout the training process. The
personnel will then be expected to repeat the procedures independently, but under the direct supervision of the designated
person(s) and/or trainer. Personnel will be permitted to perform the procedure without direct supervision only after
independently demonstrating understanding and competency. Upon completion of the training program, the designated
person(s) and/or trainer must document that the personnel has been trained and successfully completed competency
assessments (see 15. Documentation).
In addition to the initial and annual competency training and evaluation described in this section, a designated person
should monitor and observe compounding activities and must take immediate corrective action if deficient practices are
observed. SOPs must describe procedures for the monitoring and observing of compounding activities and personnel.
If the facility has only one person in the compounding operation, that person must document that they have obtained
training and demonstrated competency, and they must comply with the other requirements of this chapter.
Individuals entering the compounding area must maintain personal hygiene. Individuals must evaluate whether they have
a personal risk of potentially contaminating the compounding environment and CNSP (e.g., personnel with rashes, recent
tattoos or oozing sores, conjunctivitis, or active respiratory infection). Individuals must report these conditions to the
designated person(s). The designated person(s) is responsible for evaluating whether these individuals should be excluded
from working in compounding areas before their conditions have resolved because of the risk of contaminating the CNSP
and the environment.
To minimize the risk of cross-contaminating other CNSPs and contaminating other objects (e.g., pens and keyboards),
gloves should be wiped or replaced before beginning a CNSP with different components.
All gloves must be inspected for holes, punctures, or tears and must be replaced immediately if such defects are detected.
Cleaning and sanitizing of the surfaces in the nonsterile compounding area(s) must occur on a regular basis at the
minimum frequencies specified in Table 1 or, if compounding is not performed daily, cleaning and sanitizing must be
completed before initiating compounding. Cleaning and sanitizing must be repeated when spills occur and when surfaces
are visibly soiled.
Cleaning and sanitizing agents must be selected and used with consideration of compatibilities, effectiveness, and to
minimize the potential to leave residues.
If cleaning and sanitizing are performed as separate steps, cleaning must be performed first.
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Table 1. Minimum Frequency for Cleaning and Sanitizing Surfaces in Nonsterile Compounding Area(s)
Site Minimum Frequency
• At the beginning and end of each shift, after spills, and when surface con-
tamination is known or suspected
• Clean and sanitize the work surfaces between compounding CNSPs with
Work surfaces different components
Ceilings When visibly soiled and when surface contamination is known or suspected
6.1 Equipment
The equipment and supplies used for compounding a CNSP must be suitable for the specific compounding process.
Equipment surfaces that contact components must not be reactive, additive, or sorptive, and must not alter the quality of
the CNSPs. Disposable or dedicated equipment may be used to reduce the chance of bioburden and cross-contamination.
Equipment must be stored in a manner to minimize the risk of contamination and must be located to facilitate its use,
maintenance, and cleaning. Equipment and devices used in the compounding or testing of compounded preparations must
be inspected prior to use and, if appropriate, verified for accuracy as recommended by the manufacturer and at the
frequency recommended by the manufacturer, or at least every 12 months, whichever is more frequent. After compounding,
the equipment must be cleaned to prevent cross-contamination of the next preparation.
Weighing, measuring, or otherwise manipulating components that could generate airborne chemical particles [e.g., active
pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), added substances, conventionally manufactured products] must be assessed to determine
if these activities must be performed in closed system processing device to reduce the potential exposure to personnel or
contamination of the facility or CNSPs. Examples of closed system processing devices include containment ventilated
enclosures (CVEs), biological safety cabinets (BSCs), or single-use containment glove bags. The process evaluation must be
carried out in accordance with the facility SOP and the assessment must be documented.
If a BSC or CVE is used, it must be certified every 12 months according to requirements such as the current Controlled
Environment Testing Association (CETA), NSF International, or American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-
Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) guidelines, or other laws and regulations of the applicable regulatory jurisdiction.
If a CVE or other non-disposable device is used, it must be cleaned as described in Table 2.
Table 2. Minimum Frequency for Cleaning and Sanitizing Equipment in Nonsterile Compounding Area(s)
Site Minimum Frequency
• At the beginning and end of each shift, after spills, and when surface con-
tamination is known or suspected
• Clean and sanitize the horizontal work surface of the CVE between com-
CVE pounding CNSPs with different components
• Before first use and thereafter in accordance with the manufacturer’s rec-
• If no recommendation is available, after compounding CNSPs with differ-
Other devices and equipment used in compounding operations ent components
6.2 Components
The compounding facility must have written SOPs for the selection and inventory control of all components from receipt
to use in a CNSP.
SDSs must be readily accessible to all personnel working with APIs and added substances located in the compounding
facility. Personnel must be instructed on how to retrieve and interpret needed information.
A designated person must be responsible for selecting components to be used in compounding.
• Must comply with the criteria in the USP–NF monograph, if one exists
• Must have a COA that includes the specifications and test results and shows that the API meets the specifications
• In the United States, must be obtained from an FDA-registered facility
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• Outside of the United States, must comply with laws and regulations of the applicable regulatory jurisdiction
All components other than APIs:
• Should be accompanied by a COA that verifies that the component meets the criteria in the USP–NF monograph, if one
exists, and any additional specifications for the component
• In the United States, should be obtained from an FDA-registered facility
○ If it cannot be obtained from an FDA-registered facility, the designated person(s) must select a component that is
suitable for the intended use
• Outside of the United States, must comply with laws and regulations of the applicable regulatory jurisdiction
Upon receipt of components other than conventionally manufactured products, the COA must be reviewed to ensure that
the component has met the acceptance criteria in a USP-NF monograph, if one exists. For components other than
conventionally manufactured products, information including the receipt date, quantity received, supplier name, lot number,
expiration date, and results of any in-house or third-party testing performed must be documented.
The date of receipt by the compounding facility must be clearly and indelibly marked on each component package that
lacks a vendor expiration date. Packages of components (i.e., API and added substances) that lack a vendor’s expiration date
must not be used by the compounding facility after 3 years from the date of receipt. A shorter expiration date must be
assigned according to Pharmaceutical Compounding—Sterile Preparations á797ñ, 9.3 Components, Component Receipt if the
same component container is also used in sterile compounding or if the ingredient is known to be susceptible to
For each use, the lot must be examined for evidence of deterioration and other aspects of unacceptable quality. Once
removed from the original container, components not used in compounding (e.g., excess after weighing) should be
discarded and not returned to the original container to minimize the risk of contaminating the original container.
Any component found to be of unacceptable quality must be promptly rejected, clearly labeled as rejected, and
segregated from active stock to prevent use before appropriate disposal. Any other lots of that component from that vendor
must be examined to determine whether the other lots have the same defect.
All components must be handled in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions or per laws and regulations of the
applicable regulatory jurisdiction. The handling must minimize the risk of contamination, mix-ups, and deterioration (e.g.,
loss of identity, strength, purity, and quality).
• Container–closure system(s)
• Complete instructions for preparing the CNSP, including equipment, supplies, and a description of the compounding steps
• Physical description of the final CNSP
• Assigned beyond-use date (BUD) and storage requirements
• Reference source to support the assigned BUD and storage requirements
• If applicable, calculations to determine and verify quantities and/or concentrations of components and strength or activity of API
• Labeling requirements (e.g., shake well)
• Quality control (QC) procedures (e.g., pH testing, visual inspection) and expected results
• Other information needed to describe the compounding process and ensure repeatability (e.g., adjusting pH, temperature)
At the completion of compounding and before release and dispensing, the CNSP must be visually inspected to determine
whether the physical appearance is as expected. Inspections must also confirm that the CNSP and its labeling match the
Compounding Record and the prescription or medication order. Some CNSPs, as noted in their Master Formulation Record,
also must be visually checked for certain characteristics (e.g., emulsions must be checked for phase separation). All checks
and inspections, and if required, any other tests necessary to ensure the quality of the CNSP must be detailed in the facility’s
Master Formulation Records. Checks and inspections must be documented. Additional quality assurance (QA) and quality
control activities are described in 12. Quality Assurance and Quality Control. Pre-release inspection also must include a visual
inspection of container–closure integrity (e.g., checking for leakage, cracks in the container, or improper seals). CNSPs with
observed defects must be immediately discarded, or marked and segregated from acceptable units in a manner that prevents
them from being released or dispensed.
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The term labeling designates all labels and other written, printed, or graphic matter on the immediate container or on, or
in, any package or wrapper in which the article is enclosed, except any outer shipping container. The term label designates
the part of the labeling on the immediate container. See Labeling á7ñ.
Every dispensed CNSP must be labeled with adequate, legible identifying information to prevent errors during storage,
dispensing, and use. All labeling must be in compliance with laws and regulations of the applicable regulatory jurisdiction.
The label on each immediate container of the CNSP must, at a minimum, display the following information:
• Assigned internal identification number (e.g., barcode, prescription, order, or lot number)
• Active component(s), and amounts, activities, or concentrations
• Dosage form
• Amount or volume in each container
• Storage conditions if other than controlled room temperature
The labeling on the CNSP should display the following information:
• Route of administration
• Indication that the preparation is compounded
• Any special handling instructions
• Any warning statements that are applicable
• Name, address, and contact information of the compounding facility if the CNSP is to be sent outside of the facility or
healthcare system in which it was compounded
Labeling operations must be controlled to prevent labeling errors and CNSP mix-ups. A final check must be conducted to
verify that the correct label has been affixed to the finished CNSP. All labels must also comply with laws and regulations of
the applicable regulatory jurisdiction.
10.1 Terminology
Each CNSP label must state the date, or the hour and date, beyond which the preparation cannot be used and must be
discarded (i.e., the BUD). BUDs for CNSPs are calculated in terms of hours, days, or months.
BUDs and expiration dates are not the same. An expiration date identifies the time during which a conventionally
manufactured drug product, active ingredient, or added substance can be expected to meet the requirements of a
compendial monograph, if one exists, or maintain expected quality provided it is kept under the specified storage
conditions. The expiration date limits the time during which a conventionally manufactured product, API, or added
substance may be dispensed or used (see Labeling á7ñ, Labels and Labeling for Products in Other Categories, Expiration Date and
Beyond-Use Date). Expiration dates are assigned by manufacturers based on analytical and performance testing of the
sterility, chemical and physical stability, and packaging integrity of the product. Expiration dates are specific for a particular
formulation in its container and at stated exposure conditions of illumination and temperature.
the use of Aw aids in assessing the susceptibility of CNSPs to microbial contamination and the potential for API degradation
due to hydrolysis. Reduced Aw greatly assists in the prevention of microbial proliferation in conventionally manufactured
products and is expected to convey the same benefit to CNSPs. The list of manufactured products in Application of Water
Activity Determination to Nonsterile Pharmaceutical Products á1112ñ, Table 2 is not exhaustive. However, it provides guidance
on the Aw value of a particular CNSP and can assist personnel in determining the BUD by dosage form based on Table 3.
CNSPs with an Aw > 0.6 should contain suitable antimicrobial agents to protect against bacteria, yeast, and mold
contamination from proliferation if inadvertently introduced during or after the compounding process. When antimicrobial
preservatives are clinically contraindicated in a CNSP, storage of the preparation in a refrigerator is required if such storage
does not change the physical or chemical properties of the CNSP (i.e., precipitation).
Table 3. Maximum BUD by Type of Preparation in the Absence of a USP-NF Compounded Preparation Monograph or CNSP-
Specific Stability Information
Type of Preparation (days) Storage Temperaturea
Non-preserved aqueous
dosage formsb 14 Refrigerator
11. SOPS
Facilities preparing CNSPs must develop SOPs on all aspects of the compounding operation. All personnel who conduct or
oversee compounding activities must be trained in the SOPs and are responsible for ensuring that they are followed.
One or more person(s) must be designated to ensure that SOPs are fully implemented. The designated person(s) must
ensure that follow-up occurs if problems, deviations, or errors are identified.
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Quality assurance and quality control programs are necessary to ensure that consistently high-quality CNSPs are prepared.
QA is a system of procedures, activities, and oversight that ensures that the compounding process consistently meets quality
standards. QC is the sampling, testing, and documentation of results that, taken together, ensure that specifications have
been met before release of the CNSP. See Quality Assurance in Pharmaceutical Compounding á1163ñ.
A facility’s QA and QC programs must be formally established and documented in SOPs that ensure that all aspects of the
preparation of CNSPs are conducted in accordance with this chapter and laws and regulations of the applicable regulatory
jurisdiction. A designated person must ensure that the facility has formal, written QA and QC programs that establish a
system of:
1. Adherence to procedures
2. Prevention and detection of errors and other quality problems
3. Evaluation of complaints and adverse events
4. Appropriate investigations and corrective actions
The SOPs must describe the roles, duties, and training of the personnel responsible for each aspect of the QA program.
Designated person(s) responsible for the QA program must have the training, experience, responsibility, and authority to
perform these duties. The overall QA and QC program must be reviewed at least once every 12 months by the designated
person(s). The results of the review must be documented and appropriate action must be taken if needed.
Compounding facilities must develop and implement SOPs for complaint and adverse event report receipt,
acknowledgment, and handling and designate one or more person(s) to be responsible for handling them. Complaints may
include concerns or reports on the quality and labeling of, or possible adverse reactions to, a specific CNSP.
with a CNSP should be reported to the FDA through the MedWatch program for human drugs and through Form FDA
1932a for animal drugs.
All facilities where CNSPs are prepared must have and maintain written or electronic documentation to demonstrate
compliance with the requirements in this chapter. This documentation must include, but is not limited to, the following:
• Personnel training, competency assessments, and corrective actions for any failures
• Equipment records (e.g., calibration, verification, and maintenance reports)
• Receipt of components
• SOPs, Master Formulation Records, and Compounding Records
• Release inspection and testing records
• Information related to complaints and adverse events including corrective actions taken
• Results of investigation and corrective actions
Documentation must comply with all laws and regulations of the applicable regulatory jurisdiction. Records must be
legible and stored in a manner that prevents their deterioration and/or loss. All required compounding records for a
particular CNSP (e.g., Master Formulation Record, Compounding Record, and release inspection and testing results) must be
readily retrievable for at least 3 years after preparation or as required by the laws and regulations of the applicable regulatory
jurisdiction, whichever is longer.
Active pharmaceutical ingredient (API): Any substance or mixture of substances intended to be used in the
compounding of a preparation, thereby becoming the active ingredient in that preparation and furnishing pharmacological
activity or other direct effect in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in humans and animals or
affecting the structure and function of the body.
Added substances: Ingredients that are necessary to compound a preparation but are not intended or expected to
cause a pharmacologic response if administered alone in the amount or concentration contained in a single dose of the
compounded preparation. The term is used synonymously with the terms inactive ingredients, excipients, and
pharmaceutical ingredients.
Biological safety cabinet (BSC): A ventilated cabinet which may be used for compounding. These cabinets divided
into three general classes (Class I, Class II, and Class III). Class II BSCs are further divided into types (Type A1, Type A2, Type
B1, and Type B2).
Certificate of Analysis (COA): A report from the supplier of a component, container, or closure that accompanies the
supplier’s material and contains the specifications and results of all analyses and a description of the material.
Cleaning: The process of removing soil (e.g., organic and inorganic material) from objects and surfaces, normally
accomplished by manually or mechanically using water with detergents or enzymatic products.
Component: Any ingredient used in the compounding of a preparation, including any active ingredient, added
substance, or conventionally manufactured product.
Compounded nonsterile preparation (CNSP): A preparation intended to be nonsterile created by combining,
admixing, diluting, pooling, reconstituting other than as provided in the manufacturer’s labeling, or otherwise altering of a
drug or bulk drug substance.
Compounder: Personnel trained to compound preparations.
Compounding: The process of combining, admixing, diluting, pooling, reconstituting other than as provided in the
manufacturer’s labeling, or otherwise altering a drug or bulk drug substance to create a nonsterile medication.
Compounding area: A space that is specifically designated for nonsterile compounding. A visible perimeter should
establish the boundaries of the nonsterile compounding area.
Container–closure system: Packaging components that together contain and protect the dosage form. This includes
primary packaging components and secondary packaging components, if the latter are intended to provide additional
Containment glove bag: A single-use disposable glove bag that is capable of containing airborne chemical particles.
Containment ventilated enclosure (CVE): A full or partial enclosure that uses ventilation principles to capture,
contain, and remove airborne contaminants through high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtration and to prevent their
release into the work environment.
Conventionally manufactured product: A pharmaceutical dosage form, usually the subject of an FDA-approved
application that is manufactured under current good manufacturing practice conditions.
Designated person(s): One or more individuals assigned to be responsible and accountable for the performance and
operation of the facility and personnel for the preparation of CNSPs.
Hazardous drug (HD): Any drug identified by at least one of the following six criteria: carcinogenicity, teratogenicity or
developmental toxicity, reproductive toxicity in humans, organ toxicity at low dose in humans or animals, genotoxicity, or
new drugs that mimic existing HDs in structure or toxicity. See á800ñ.
Label: A display of written, printed, or graphic matter on the immediate container of any article.
Labeling: All labels and other written, printed, or graphic matter that are 1) on any article or any of its containers or
wrappers, or 2) accompanying such an article.
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Purified Water: The minimal quality of source water for the production of Purified Water is drinking water whose
attributes are prescribed by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the EU, Japan, or the World Health Organization
(WHO). This source water may be purified using unit operations that include deionization, distillation, ion exchange, reverse
osmosis, filtration, or other suitable purification procedures. (See Water for Pharmaceutical Purposes á1231ñ, 3. Waters Used for
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Testing Purposes, 3.1 Bulk Monographed Waters and Steam, 3.1.1 Purified Water.)
Preservative: A substance added to inhibit microbial growth.
Quality assurance (QA): A system of procedures, activities, and oversight that ensures that the compounding process
consistently meets quality standards.
Quality control (QC): The sampling, testing, and documentation of results that, taken together, ensure that
specifications have been met before release of the CNSP.
Reconstitution: The process of adding a diluent to a conventionally manufactured product to prepare a solution or
Release inspection and testing: Visual inspection and testing performed to ensure that a preparation meets
appropriate quality characteristics.
Sanitizing agent: An agent for reducing, on inanimate surfaces, the number of all forms of microbial life including
fungi, viruses, and bacteria.
Specification: The tests, analytical methods, and acceptance criteria to which an API or other components, CNSP,
container–closure system, equipment, or other material used in compounding CNSPs must conform to be considered
acceptable for its intended use.
Stability: The extent to which a product or preparation retains physical and chemical properties and characteristics
within specified limits throughout its expiration or BUD.
API(s) Active pharmaceutical ingredient(s)
Aw Water activity
QA Quality assurance
QC Quality control