129 1 Green Category Exempted From Cte Cca
129 1 Green Category Exempted From Cte Cca
129 1 Green Category Exempted From Cte Cca
The Gujarat Pollution Control Board has published a list of category of cottage and
small scale industries having no pollution potential vide reference (2) above. Such
industries are exempted from obtaining Consent to Establish from GpCI3.
Now that the CPCB has published "Final document on Revised Classification of
Industrial Sectors under Red, Orange, Green and White Category" on 29.2.2016
classifying various industries into Red. Orange. Green and White Categories.
According to this classification, the White category of industries do not require Consent
to Establish and Consent to Operate permits I'·om respective SpCBs.
The CpCB vide its lettcr no: B-29012/ESS(CpA)/2015-16/8570 dated 07.03.2016 also
issued necessary directions under Section 18 (i) (b) of the Water (Prevention and
Control of Pollution) Acl, 1974 and the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) AcL
1981 regarding harmoni7ation of classiJlcation of industrial sectors under the Red,
Orange, Green and White categories.
This matter was further discussed in Boards 210'h meeting held on dt 10.3.2016 and the
Board has adopted the above classi fication and decided to exempt the White category of
industries mentioned in the above mentioned documents of the CpCB from the
requirement of Consent to Establish and Consent to Operate from the GpCI3. Further
the GpCB has also decided to add a few more industrial activities under White Category
where there is absolutely no pollution potential and also decided that such industries
Pagc I 01'2
would not need Consent to Establish and Consent to Operate from the GPCB
henceforth. A list of these industries which are exempted from obtaining the Consent to
Establish and Consent to Operate arc appended herewith at "Annexure-I" to this Omce
Any further confusion leading to the classification of any industry which are otherwise
not covered under the above mentioned document of CPCB would be brought to the
notice of the Member Secretary. GPCB for putting up the Agenda in the committee
constituted for "categorization of industries" vidc GrCA Office Order no:P-
1/14/1 52996 dated 10.7.2013 Further the respective Unit Hcads ! Regional Officers of
the Board shall also bring any such casc coming to their notice which are not directly
covered under the Red! Orange! Green! White categories or leading to any type of
confusion to the notice of the Categorization Committee mentioned herein above.
Issued after the approval of the Chainnan.
Member Secretary
Enel: Annexurc-I
Copy to:
I. AIl Taluka Development Officcr
2. All District Devclopment Ottlcer
3. All District Collector
4. Gujarat Electricity Board. Vadodara
5. Dakshin Gujarat Vij Company Limited. Surat
6. Madhya Gujarat Vij Company Limited. Vadodara
7. Uttar Gujarat Vij Company Limited. Mehsana
8. Paschim Gujarat Vij Company Limited. Rajkot
9. Torrent Power Limited. Ahmedabad!Surat
10. Secretary. Revenue Departmcnt
I I. Additional Chiefseeretary. Industries and Mines Depal1ment
12. Principal Secretary. Forests & Environment Department
13. A I [ Industries Associations
14. All Regional Ottlcer
15. AIl Unit Heads
Page 2 01'2
: Annexure: •••
4. Assembly of bicycles, baby carriages and other small non motorizing vehicles
5. Altar formulation units
6. Bulton & hooks manufacturing units
7. Bio fertilizer and bio-pesticides manufacturing units (without using inorganic
8. Biscuits trays etc. manufacturing units (from rolled PVC sheet using automatic
vacuum forming machines) I
cutting shop
25. Footwear manufacturers from plastic I PVC
26. Fabricating units for aluminum doors, windows and furniture (only assembling).
27. Fabricating units for drawing, surveying and scientific equipment
28. Fabricating units for iron doors and shutters (without electroplating, spray painling
& powder coating)
29. Fabricating units for stove, cooker, kitchen equipment etc. (without electroplating,
spray painting & powder coating)
30. Fabricating units for tractor trailer, agricultural equipment etc. (without
electroplating, spray painting & powder coating)
31. Fabricating units for vehicle parts with~ut electroplating, heat treatrT)ent, spray
painting and powder coating
32. Fountain pen manufacturing units (assembling only)
33. Frying of dais and other cereals n.e.c.
34. Electric lamp (bulb and CFL) manufacturing units (assembling only)
35. Electro magnets, fans, armature, coils and electro-magnetic instruments
lassemblina onIv)
36. Electrical & electronic item assembling (completely dry process)
37. Engineering & fabrication units (dry process without any heat treatment I metal
surface finishing operations I painting) ••
38. Floriculture & Horticulture
39 Flavored betel nuts production / grinding units (completely dry mechanical
operations) I
Leather cutting and stitching units (Less than 10 machines using motor)
Mamra manufacturinq units .
52. Makinq of laces and frinqes bv hand
I 53. Manufacturinq units of Articles of paper (used as containers)
54 Manufacturing units of Agarbattis
55 Manufacturinq units of straw. basketware and wickerware
56 Manufacturing units of blankets, shawls, carpets, ruqs (onlv weaving)
57 Manufacturing units of purses and ladies handbags. artistic leather presentation
from ready leather
I 58.
Manufacturing of blankets and shawls by hand
Manufacturing of cotton carpets by hand
104. Manufacturing of domestic flour mill (without plating, electroplating and heat
105. Manufacturing of fork-knife, scissors
106. Manufacturing of frames for spectacles (only assembling)
107. Manufacturing of shoe brush & wire brush
108. Manufacturing of all types of threads, cordage, twines etc.
109. Manufacturing of weighing machines
110. Manufacturina of bullock-carts, push-carts and hand-carts etc.
111. Manufacturing of coir rope and cordage
112. Manufacturing of other rope and cordage including that of jute I mesta and coir •
113. Manufacturing of nets (except mosquito nets)
114. Manufacturing of tapes, niwar and wicks etc.
115. Manufacturina of handicraft I decorative I fancy items, n.e.c.
116. Motor Rewinding
117. Manufacturing of metal caps, containers etc.
118. Measuring I controlling I regulating instruments manufacturing units
119. Medical oxygen
120. Manufacturing of photo frame, mirror frame
121. Manufacturing of boora
122. Manufacturing of screw, nut-bolts etc.
123. Manufacturing of cement concrete pipe, spun pipe, mosaic tiles, pillars
124. Manufacturing of lock-net of cement concrete -
125. Manufacturing of pickle and papad up to 500 ka/dav
126. Non-Electrical machine tools manufacturing units
127. Non-Motorized cycles I wheelchairs & parts manufacturing
128. Ocean, sea and coastal fishing
129. Organic & inorganic nutrients manufacturing (by physical mixing) !
130. Organic manure manufacturing (manual mixing)
131. Painting and decorating work for constructions
132. Production of firewood I fuel wood (includinq charcoal bv burninq) by exploitation
133. Packing of powdered milk
134. Pump and motor assembling units
i 135. Processina of dry rice
136. Processing of edible nuts except oil expeller
137. Processing of groundnuts except oil expeller
138. Printed books, Notebooks, Registers and other printed materials
139. Printing of cloth b.'Lband
140. Newspaper printing press ____ I
Sr. No. Name and Type of Industrial Activities