Child Labour Assignment
Child Labour Assignment
Child Labour Assignment
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definition of child labour . The reasons which are generally responsible for child
labour may include :
According to an U.N.O report India has the maximum child labour in the world i.e.
approx 20 per cent.
The numbers may vary according to different organizations but the fact is clear that
the numbers of child labourers in India are in crores, which is again a pathetic sight,
especially with all the various child labour legislation and the Constitutional
provisions. In a report by the Labour Ministry every 4th child is a child labour, aged
between 5-14 years and there is one child labour in every three families.
the third world countries, now also have a moral burden building upon their already
existing financial burden to be social justice warriors at the same time combating
developed economies in the free market world.
when trying to study the economics of child labour, classification of the economics
into macro and micro proves to be efficient
however in the short-run, child labour increases households’ income and probability
of survival
in the long run, child labour perpetuates household poverty through lower human
child labour and schooling are not necessarily mutually exclusive
schooling may not lead to the accumulation of human capital
child labour in most wage-employment non-agriculture activities does not lead to
skills development
in the long run child labour perpetuates poverty through enhanced fertility
Macroeconomic level findings:
child labour can slow down long run growth and social development through
reduced human capital accumulation
child labour occurs mostly in the unorganised sector and in small units with simple
technology and little capital equipment. Whether reducing child labour would speed
up capital investment and technological change depends on the impact on adult
wages. Child labour can be expected to have an ambiguous impact on income
inequality in the short run, and to increase income inequality in the long run
child labour might affect more girls than boys, fuelling gender inequality in education
child labour does not attract foreign direct investment
whether children actually do substitute adult workers creating adult unemployment
and/or reducing adult wage rates remains an open question
to the extent that children compete with unskilled adults for the same jobs, child
workers affect adult employment or adult wages depending on the structure of the
labour market
awareness, stronger implementation of legislation
the legislation will need another full essay so ....:P
UNICEF defines child labour differently. A child, suggests UNICEF, is involved in child
labour activities if between 5 to 11 years of age, he or she did at least one hour of
economic activity or at least 28 hours of domestic work in a week, and in case of children
between 12 to 14 years of age, he or she did at least 14 hours of economic activity or at
least 42 hours of economic activity and domestic work per week.
ndia's Census 2001 office defines child labor as participation of a child less than 17 years
of age in any economically productive activity with or without compensation, wages or
profit. Such participation could be physical or mental or both. This work includes part-time
help or unpaid work on the farm, family enterprise or in any other economic activity such
as cultivation and milk production for sale or domestic consumption. Indian government
classifies child laborers into two groups: Main workers are those who work 6 months or
more per year. And marginal child workers are those who work at any time during the
year but less than 6 months in a year.
Some child rights activists argue that child labour must include every child who is not in
school because he or she is a hidden child worker. UNICEF, however, points out that
India faces major shortages of schools, classrooms and teachers particularly in rural
areas where 90 percent of child labour problem is observed. About 1 in 5 primary schools
have just one teacher to teach students across all grades.
Child labour in India are employed with the majority (70%) in agriculture some in low-
skilled labour-intensive sectors such as sari weaving or as domestic helpers, which
require neither formal education nor training, but some in heavy industry such as coal
According to the International Labour Organisation (ILO), there are tremendous
economic benefits for developing nations by sending children to school instead of work.
Without education, children do not gain the necessary skills such as English literacy and
technical aptitude that will increase their productivity to enable them to secure higher-
skilled jobs in future with higher wages that will lift them out of poverty.
The Factories Act of 1948: The Act prohibits the employment of children below the age
of 14 years in any factory. The law also placed rules on who, when and how long can
pre- adults aged 15–18 years be employed in any factory.
The Mines Act of 1952: The Act prohibits the employment of children below 18 years of
age in a mine.
The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act of 1986: The Act prohibits the
employment of children below the age of 14 years in hazardous occupations identified in
a list by the law. The list was expanded in 2006, and again in 2008.
The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) of Children Act of 2000: This law made it
a crime, punishable with a prison term, for anyone to procure or employ a child in any
hazardous employment or in bondage.
Ø Conclusion
At the end it can be concluded that, Child Labour is the practice of having children
engage in economic activity, on part or full-time basis. The practice deprives children of
their childhood, and is harmful to their physical and mental development. Poverty, lack of
good schools and growth of informal economy are considered as the important causes of
child labour in India.
The problem of child labour continues to pose a challenge before the nation. Government
has been taking various pro-active measures to tackle this problem. However,
considering the magnitude and extent of the problem and that it is essentially a socio-
economic problem inextricably linked to poverty and illiteracy, it requires concerted efforts
from all sections of the society to make a dent in the problem.
The impact of child employment on local labor markets is less nuanced than its
impact on child development. When there are more workers willing to work at a
given wage than there are jobs, workers will compete and drive down wages.
Hence, the more child workers in the economy,
the lower the wages of jobs those children compete for (unskilled work). This
creates a cycle of poverty: child labor leads to low wages leads to the need for
child labor. It is certainly no coincidence that child labor laws in the U.S. became
widespread and enforced during the 1930s, when adult unskilled employment
was at a historic high. Child labor may have long-term
consequences for growth through its impact on child development, but the more
prevalent child employment today, the lower unskilled wages today. Low
unskilled wages today also have longterm consequences for economic growth, as
an abundance of unskilled labor discourages the adoption of skill intensive
technologies. Countries adopt the technology that is complimentary to
factors they are abundant in. Hence, the more child labor, the more unskilled
labor, the less likely countries are to adopt technologies that take advantage of
skilled labor. This further discourages the accumulation of human capital,
leaving countries worse off over the long term.
Child labor impacts growth, but it is also an artifact of a lack of growth,
especially among the very poor. Most working children are involved in
agriculture, usually in their own family’s farm. However, the fact that children
are mostly involved in family based agriculture does not imply that family based
agriculture causes them to work. These agricultural, unspecialized
households are poorer, and there is little to suggest a relationship between
industrial composition and child labor beyond the correlation between industrial
composition and poverty. The introduction of new productive assets into the
family at early stages of growth may lead to more child employment, but as
family incomes increase, child employment appears to decline rapidly.
There are several channels through which economic growth reduces child
employment. Children are an important part of how poor households triage
economic shocks. With growth, shocks become less meaningful in the lives of the
global poor and the poor develop more capacity to cope with shocks without
expansion of child labor. Children are important workers in household based
production. With growth, households specialize, moving production away from
the home and into activities where children are at a disadvantage. Of course,
families also care about their children, and growth may overcome constraints
that limit a family’s ability to facilitate play, healthy development, and education.
Families may also simply desire to have more of these luxuries that
are alternatives to child labor when they grow richer.