Writing Mysql Scripts With PHP and Pdo: Paul Dubois
Writing Mysql Scripts With PHP and Pdo: Paul Dubois
Writing Mysql Scripts With PHP and Pdo: Paul Dubois
Paul DuBois
Document revision: 1.01
Last update: 2008-05-07
PHP makes it easy to write scripts that access databases, enabling you to create dynamic web pages that
incorporate database content. PHP includes several specialized database-access interfaces that take the
form of separate sets of functions for each database system. There is one set for MySQL, another for Inter-
Base, another for PostgreSQL, and so forth. However, having a different set of functions for each database
makes PHP scripts non-portable at the lexical (source code) level. For example, the function for issuing an
SQL statement is named mysql_query(), ibase_query(), or pg_exec(), depending on whether
you are using MySQL, InterBase, or PostgreSQL.
In PHP 5 and up, you can avoid this problem by using the PHP Data Objects (PDO) extension. PDO sup-
ports database access in an engine-independent manner based on a two-level architecture:
• The top level provides an interface that consists of a set of classes and methods that is the same for all
database engines supported by PDO. The interface hides engine-specific details so that script writers
need not think about which set of functions to use.
• The lower level consists of individual drivers. Each driver supports a particular database engine and
translates between the top-level interface seen by script writers and the database-specific interface
required by the engine. This provides you the flexibility of using any database for which a driver exists,
without having to consider driver-specific details.
This architectural approach has been used successfully with other languages—for example, to develop the
DBI (Perl, Ruby), DB-API (Python), and JDBC (Java) database access interfaces. It’s also been used with
PHP before: PHPLIB, MetaBase, and PEAR DB are other packages that provide a uniform database-inde-
pendent interface across different engines.
I have written elsewhere about using the PEAR DB module for writing PHP scripts that perform database
processing in an engine-independent manner (see ‘‘Resources’’). This document is similar but covers PDO
instead. The examples use the driver for MySQL.
Preliminary Requirements
PDO uses object-oriented features available only in PHP 5 and up, so you must have PHP 5 or newer
installed to use PDO for writing scripts that access MySQL.
PDO uses classes and objects to present an object-oriented interface. This article assumes that you are
familiar with PHP’s approach to object-oriented programming. If you are not, you may wish to review the
‘‘Classes and Objects’’ chapter of the PHP Manual.
Writing MySQL Scripts with PHP and PDO -2-
Scripts that use the PDO interface to access MySQL generally perform the following operations:
1. Connect to the MySQL server by calling new PDO() to obtain a database handle object.
2. Use the database handle to issue SQL statements or obtain statement handle objects.
3. Use the database and statement handles to retrieve information returned by the statements.
4. Disconnect from the server when the database handle is no longer needed.
To establish a connection to a MySQL server, specify a data source name (DSN) containing connection
parameters, and optionally the username and password of the MySQL account that you want to use. To
connect to the MySQL server on the local host to access the test database with a username and password
of testuser and testpass, the connection sequence looks like this:
$dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test", "testuser", "testpass");
For MySQL, the DSN is a string that indicates the database driver (mysql), and optionally the hostname
where the server is running and the name of the database you want to use. Typical syntax for the DSN
looks like this:
The MySQL driver also recognizes port and unix_socket parameters, which specify the TCP/IP port
number and Unix socket file pathname, respectively. If you use unix_socket, do not specify host or
For other database engines, the driver name is different (for example, pgsql for PostgreSQL) and the
parameters following the colon might be different as well.
When you invoke the new PDO() constructor method to connect to your database server, PDO determines
from the DSN which type of database engine you want to use and acesses the low-level driver appropriate
for that engine. This is similar to the way that Perl or Ruby DBI scripts reference only the top-level DBI
module; the connect() method provided by the top-level module looks at the DSN and determines
which particular lower-level driver to use.
If new PDO() fails, PHP throws an exception. Otherwise, the constructor method returns an object of the
PDO class. This object is a database handle that you use for interacting with the database server until you
close the connection.
An alternative to putting the connection code directly in your script is to move it into a separate file that you
reference from your main script. For example, you could create a file pdo_testdb_connect.php that looks
like this:
# pdo_testdb_connect.php - function for connecting to the "test" database
function testdb_connect ()
$dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test", "testuser", "testpass");
return ($dbh);
-3- Writing MySQL Scripts with PHP and PDO
Then include the file into your main script and call testdb_connect() to connect and obtain the data-
base handle:
require_once "pdo_testdb_connect.php";
This approach makes it easier to use the same connection parameters in several different scripts without
writing the values literally into every script; if you need to change a parameter sometime, just change
pdo_testdb_connect.php. Use of a separate file also enables you to move the code that contains the connec-
tion parameters outside of the web server’s document tree. That has the benefit of preventing it from being
displayed literally if the server becomes misconfigured and starts serving PHP scripts as plain text.
Any of the PHP file-inclusion statements can be used, such as include or require, but
require_once prevents errors from occurring if any other files that your script uses also reference
When you’re done using the connection, close it by setting the database handle to NULL:
$dbh = NULL;
After that, $dbh becomes invalid as a database handle and can no longer be used as such.
If you do not close the connection explicitly, PHP does so when the script terminates.
While the database handle is open and you are using it to issue other PDO calls, you should arrange to han-
dle errors if they occur. You can check for an error after each PDO call, or you can cause exceptions to be
thrown. The latter approach is simpler because you need not check for errors explicitly; any error raises an
exception that terminates your script. If you enable exceptions, you also have the option of catching them
yourself instead of allowing them to terminate your script. By doing this, you can substitute your own error
messages for the defaults, perform cleanup operations, and so on.
To enable exceptions, set the PDO error mode as follows after connecting:
That statement is something you could add to the testdb_connect() function if you want the error
mode to be set automatically whenever you connect.
Issuing Statements
After obtaining a database handle by calling new PDO(), you can use it to execute SQL statements:
• For statements that modify rows and produce no result set, pass the statement string to the database han-
dle exec() method, which executes the statement and returns an affected-rows count:
$count = $dbh->exec ("some SQL statement");
• For statements that select rows and produce a result set, invoke the database handle query() method,
which executes the statement and returns an object of the PDOStatement class:
$sth = $dbh->query ("some SQL statement");
This object is a statement handle that provides access to the result set. It enables you to fetch the result
set rows and obtain metadata about them, such as the number of columns.
Writing MySQL Scripts with PHP and PDO -4-
To illustrate how to handle various types of statements, the following discussion shows how to create and
populate a table using CREATE TABLE and INSERT (statements that return no result set). Then it uses
SELECT to generate a result set.
The following code uses the database handle exec() method to issue a statement that creates a simple ta-
ble animal with two columns, name and category:
$dbh->exec ("CREATE TABLE animal (name CHAR(40), category CHAR(40))");
After the table has been created, it can be populated. The following example invokes the exec() method
to issue an INSERT statement that loads a small data set into the animal table:
$count = $dbh->exec ("INSERT INTO animal (name, category)
(’snake’, ’reptile’),
(’frog’, ’amphibian’),
(’tuna’, ’fish’),
(’racoon’, ’mammal’)");
exec() returns a count to indicate how many rows were affected by the statement. For the preceding
INSERT statement, the affected-rows count is 4.
Now that the table exists and contains a few records, SELECT can be used to retrieve rows from it. To
issue statements that return a result set, use the database handle query() method:
$sth = $dbh->query ("SELECT name, category FROM animal");
printf ("Number of columns in result set: %d\n", $sth->columnCount ());
$count = 0;
while ($row = $sth->fetch ())
printf ("Name: %s, Category: %s\n", $row[0], $row[1]);
printf ("Number of rows in result set: %d\n", $count);
A successful query() call returns a PDOStatement statement-handle object that is used for all opera-
tions on the result set. Some of the information available from a PDOStatement object includes the row
contents and the number of columns in the result set:
• The fetch() method returns each row in succession, or FALSE when there are no more rows.
• The columnCount() methods returns the number of columns in the result set.
Note: A statement handle also has a rowCount() method, but it cannot be assumed to reliably return the
number of rows in the result set. Instead, fetch the rows and count them, as shown in the preceding exam-
fetch() accepts an optional fetch-mode argument indicating what type of value to return. This section
describes some common mode values. Assume in each case that the following query has just been issued to
produce a result set:
$sth = $dbh->query ("SELECT name, category FROM animal");
-5- Writing MySQL Scripts with PHP and PDO
Return each row of the result set as an array containing elements that correspond to the columns named
in the SELECT statement and that are accessed by numeric indices beginning at 0:
while ($row = $sth->fetch (PDO::FETCH_NUM))
printf ("Name: %s, Category: %s\n", $row[0], $row[1]);
Return each row as an array containing elements that are accessed by column name:
while ($row = $sth->fetch (PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
printf ("Name: %s, Category: %s\n", $row["name"], $row["category"]);
Return each row as an array containing elements that can be accessed either by numeric index or by col-
umn name:
while ($row = $sth->fetch (PDO::FETCH_BOTH))
printf ("Name: %s, Category: %s\n", $row[0], $row[1]);
printf ("Name: %s, Category: %s\n", $row["name"], $row["category"]);
Return each row as an object. In this case, you access column values as object properties that have the
same names as columns in the result set:
while ($row = $sth->fetch (PDO::FETCH_OBJ))
printf ("Name: %s, Category: %s\n", $row->name, $row->category);
If you invoke fetch() with no argument, the default fetch mode is PDO::FETCH_BOTH unless you
change the default before fetching the rows:
• The query() method accepts an optional fetch-mode argument following the statement string:
$sth = $dbh->query ("SELECT name, category FROM animal", PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
while ($row = $sth->fetch ())
printf ("Name: %s, Category: %s\n", $row->name, $row->category);
• Statement handles have a setFetchMode() method to set the mode for subsequent fetch() calls:
$sth->setFetchMode (PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
while ($row = $sth->fetch ())
printf ("Name: %s, Category: %s\n", $row->name, $row->category);
Another way to fetch results is to bind variables to the result set columns with bindColumn(). Then you
fetch each row using the PDO::FETCH_BOUND fetch mode. PDO stores the column values in the vari-
ables, and fetch() returns TRUE instead of a row value while rows remain in the result set:
$sth = $dbh->query ("SELECT name, category FROM animal");
$sth->bindColumn (1, $name);
$sth->bindColumn (2, $category);
while ($sth->fetch (PDO::FETCH_BOUND))
printf ("Name: %s, Category: %s\n", $name, $category);
Writing MySQL Scripts with PHP and PDO -6-
exec() and query() are PDO object methods: You use them with a database handle and they execute a
statement immediately and return its result. It is also possible to prepare a statement for execution without
executing it immediately. The prepare() method takes an SQL statement as its argument and returns a
PDOStatement statement-handle object. The statement handle has an execute() method that
executes the statement:
$sth = $dbh->prepare ($stmt);
$sth->execute ();
Following execution, other statement-handle methods provide information about the statement result:
• For a statement that modifies rows, invoke rowCount() to get the rows-affected count:
$sth = $dbh->prepare ("DELETE FROM animal WHERE category = ’mammal’");
$sth->execute ();
printf ("Number of rows affected: %d\n", $sth->rowCount ());
• For a statement that produces a result set, the fetch() method retrieves them and the column-
Count() method indicates how many columns there are. To determine how many rows there are,
count them as you fetch them. (As mentioned previously, rowCount() returns a row count, but
should be used only for statements that modify rows.)
$sth = $dbh->prepare ("SELECT name, category FROM animal");
$sth->execute ();
printf ("Number of columns in result set: %d\n", $sth->columnCount ());
$count = 0;
while ($row = $sth->fetch ())
printf ("Name: %s, Category: %s\n", $row[0], $row[1]);
printf ("Number of rows in result set: %d\n", $count);
If you are not sure whether a given SQL statement modifies or returns nows, the statement handle itself
enables you to determine the proper mode of processing. See ‘‘Determining the Type of a Statement.’’
As just shown, prepared statements appear to offer no advantage over exec() and query() because
using them introduces an extra step into statement processing. But there are indeed some benefits to them:
• Prepared statements can be parameterized with placeholders that indicate where data values should
appear. You can bind specific values to these placeholders and PDO takes care of any quoting or escap-
ing issues for values that contain special characters. ‘‘Placeholders and Quoting’’ discusses these topics
• Separating statement preparation from execution can be more efficient for statements to be executed
multiple times because the preparation phase need be done only once. For example, if you need to
insert a bunch of rows, you can prepare an INSERT statement once and then execute it repeatedly, bind-
ing successive row values to it for each execution.
A prepared statement can contain placeholders to indicate where data values should appear. After you pre-
pare the statement, bind specific values to the placeholders (either before or at statement-execution time),
and PDO substitutes the values into the statement before sending it to the database server.
• A named placeholder consists of a name preceded by a colon. After you prepare the statement, use
-7- Writing MySQL Scripts with PHP and PDO
bindValue() to provide a value for each placeholder, and then execute the statement. To insert
another row, bind new values to the placeholders and invoke execute() again:
$sth = $dbh->prepare ("INSERT INTO animal (name, category)
VALUES (:name, :cat)");
$sth->bindValue (":name", "ant");
$sth->bindValue (":cat", "insect");
$sth->execute ();
$sth->bindValue (":name", "snail");
$sth->bindValue (":cat", "gastropod");
$sth->execute ();
As an alternative to binding the data values before calling execute(), you can pass the values
directly to execute() using an array that associates placeholder names with the values:
$sth->execute (array (":name" => "black widow", ":cat" => "spider"));
• Positional placeholders are characters within the statement string. You can bind the values prior to call-
ing execute(), similar to the previous example, or pass an array of values directly to execute():
$sth = $dbh->prepare ("INSERT INTO animal (name, category)
VALUES (?, ?)");
# use bindValue() to bind data values
$sth->bindValue (1, "ant");
$sth->bindValue (2, "insect");
$sth->execute ();
# pass values directly to execute() as an array
$sth->execute (array ("snail", "gastropod"));
The preceding examples use INSERT statements, but placeholder techniques are applicable to any type of
statement, such as UPDATE or SELECT.
One of the benefits of using placeholders is that PDO handles any quoting or escaping of special characters
or NULL values. For example, if you bind the string "a’b’c" to a placeholder, PDO inserts
"’a\’b\’c’" into the statement. To bind the SQL NULL value to a placeholder, bind the PHP NULL
value. In this case, PDO inserts the word ‘‘NULL’’ into the statement without surrounding quotes. (Were
quotes to be added, the value inserted into the statement would be the string "’NULL’", which is incor-
PDO also provides a database handle quote() method to which you can pass a string and receive back a
quoted string with special characters escaped. However, I find this method deficient. For example, if you
pass it NULL, it returns an empty string, which if inserted into a statement string does not correspond to the
SQL NULL value. Use quote() with care if you use it.
Writing MySQL Scripts with PHP and PDO -8-
When you issue a statement using a database handle, you must know whether the statement modifies rows
or produces a result set, so that you can invoke whichever of exec() or query() is appropriate. How-
ever, under certain circumstances, you might not know the statement type, such as when you write a script
to execute arbitrary statements that it reads from a file. To handle such cases, use prepare() with the
database handle to get a statement handle and execute() to execute the statement. Then check the state-
ment’s column count:
• If columnCount() is zero, the statement did not produce a result set. Instead, it modified rows and
you can invoke rowCount() to determine the number of affected rows.
• If columnCount() is greater than zero, the statement produced a result set and you can fetch the
rows. To determine how many rows there are, count them as you fetch them.
The following example determines whether a statement modifies rows or produces a result set, and then
processes it accordingly:
$sth = $dbh->prepare ($stmt);
$sth->execute ();
if ($sth->columnCount () == 0)
# there is no result set, so the statement modifies rows
printf ("Number of rows affected: %d\n", $sth->rowCount ());
# there is a result set
printf ("Number of columns in result set: %d\n", $sth->columnCount ());
$count = 0;
while ($row = $sth->fetch (PDO::FETCH_NUM))
# display column values separated by commas
print (join (", ", $row) . "\n");
printf ("Number of rows in result set: %d\n", $count);
Handling Errors
When you invoke new PDO() to create a database handle, occurrance of an error causes a PDOExcep-
tion to be thrown. If you don’t catch the exception, PHP terminates your script. To handle the exception
yourself, use a try block to perform the connection attempt and a catch block to catch any error that
$dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test", "testuser", "testpass");
catch (PDOException $e)
print ("Could not connect to server.\n");
print ("getMessage(): " . $e->getMessage () . "\n");
A PDOException is an extension of the PHP Exception class, so it has getCode() and getMes-
sage() methods that return an error code and descriptive message, respectively. (However, I find that
getCode() always returns 0 for connection errors and is meaningful only for PDO exceptions that occur
after the connection has been established.)
-9- Writing MySQL Scripts with PHP and PDO
After you successfully obtain a database handle, further PDO calls that use it are handled according to the
PDO error mode. There are three modes:
When an error occurs in silent or warning mode for a given object method, PDO sets up error informa-
tion that you can access when the method returns. This is the default error mode.
This is like silent mode but PDO also displays a warning message in addition to setting up error infor-
mation when an error occurs.
PDO sets up error information when an error occurs and throws a PDOException.
PDO sets error information for the object to which the error applies, regardless of the error mode. This
information is available via the object’s errorCode() and errorInfo() methods. errorCode()
returns an SQLSTATE value (a five-character string). errorInfo() returns a three-element array con-
taining the SQLSTATE value, and a driver-specific error code and error message. For MySQL, the driver-
specific values are a numeric error code and a descriptive error message.
To handle errors in silent mode, you must check the result of each PDO call. The following example shows
how to test for errors during an operation that uses a database handle, $dbh, and a statement handle, $sth
(you would not necessarily print all the available information as the example does):
if (!($sth = $dbh->prepare ("INSERT INTO no_such_table")))
print ("Could not prepare statement.\n");
print ("errorCode: " . $dbh->errorCode () . "\n");
print ("errorInfo: " . join (", ", $dbh->errorInfo ()) . "\n");
else if (!$sth->execute ())
print ("Could not execute statement.\n");
print ("errorCode: " . $sth->errorCode () . "\n");
print ("errorInfo: " . join (", ", $sth->errorInfo ()) . "\n");
Testing the result of every call can become messy quickly. Another way to deal with failures is to set the
error handling mode so that any error raises an exception:
In this case, you can assume that if you invoke a method and it returns, it succeeded. You can either leave
exceptions uncaught or catch and handle them yourself. If you leave them uncaught, exceptions cause PHP
to print a backtrace and terminate your script. To catch exceptions, perform PDO operations using a
try/catch construct. The try block contains the operations and the catch block handles an execption
if one occurs.
$sth = $dbh->prepare ("INSERT INTO no_such_table");
$sth->execute ();
catch (PDOException $e)
print ("The statement failed.\n");
print ("getCode: ". $e->getCode () . "\n");
print ("getMessage: ". $e->getMessage () . "\n");
Writing MySQL Scripts with PHP and PDO - 10 -
By using try and catch, you can substitute your own error messages if you like, perform cleanup opera-
tions, and so on.
As shown in the preceding example, the try block can contain operations on multiple handles. However,
if an exception occurs in that case, you won’t be able to use the handle-specific errorCode() or
errorInfo() methods in the catch block very easily because you won’t know which handle caused
the error. You’ll need to use the information available from the exception methods, as shown.
Using Transactions
In MySQL, some storage engines are transactional, which enables you to perform an operation and then
commit it permanently if it succeeded or roll it back to cancel its effects if an error occurred. PDO provides
a mechanism for performing transactions that is based on the following database-handle methods:
• To commit a successful transaction or roll back an unsuccessful one, invoke commit() or roll-
back(), respectively.
The easiest way to use these methods is to enable PDO exceptions and use try and catch to handle
$dbh->beginTransaction (); # start the transaction
# ... perform database operation ...
$dbh->commit (); # success
catch (PDOException $e)
print ("Transaction failed: " . $e->getMessage () . "\n");
$dbh->rollback (); # failure
For additional paranoia, you can place the rollback() call within a nested try/catch construct so
that if rollback() itself fails and raises another exception, the script doesn’t get terminated.
• Other documents similar to this one are available that show how to access using MySQL using PHP’s
PEAR DB module or interfaces for other programming languages:
- 11 - Writing MySQL Scripts with PHP and PDO
Revision History
• 1.00—Original version.
• 1.01, 2008-05-07—Removed my mistaken statement that the PDO driver for MySQL requires the
mysqli extension. It does not. The driver uses libmysqlclient directly.