Cbieenss 10
Cbieenss 10
Cbieenss 10
CLASS IX (2019-20)
Time Allowed : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 80
General Instructions :
(i) This paper is divided into three sections: A, B and C. All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary. Read these instructions very
carefully and follow them.
(iii) Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions
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English IX Language and Literature Sample Paper 10 Solved www.cbse.online
(v) (c) Maritime traditions, vessels, boats and other (iii) Whom did the deserts support before the
related artefacts can be seen in the 13 galleries of Egyptian Society began there? Deserts were
the Museum. made home by which Native American tribes ?
(vi) (a) moat Ans : The deserts supported the hunter-gathering
(vii) (c) Today, the ruins of the fort has only the fort communities before the Egyptian society began.
and the palace. Deserts were made home by Kalahari Bushmen and
(viii) Ruin Australian aborigines.
2. Read the following passage and answer the questions (iv) How did people adopt to the desert ?
that follow. [2 × 4 + 1 × 4 = 12] Ans : Some of the ways in which people adopted to
Deserts, despite a reputation in some quarters as a the desert are living off the animal produce, using
barren and useless wasteland or as problems to be animal skins as tents for shelter and utilizing other
solved, have been a way of life for many different parts of the animal such as milk, bones and meat.
peoples. Ancient Egyptian society began along the
fertile banks of the River Nile which is buffered on both 2.2 Answer the following questions : [1×4=4]
sides by hot and dry desert which they saw as vital (v) Identify a synonym of the word ‘arid’ from para 1.
to their culture. Some attribute the arid environment Ans : desiccated
of the Egyptian interior to the development of their (vi) The word ‘cadaver’ means a
complex culture and especially their rituals and cults (a) a corpse (b) a mummy
surrounding death. It is particularly believed that
(c) a carcass (d) both (a) and (c)
the desiccated nature of bodies as found in the desert
dying of exposure or from natural causes provided Ans : (d) both (a) and (c)
inspiration for their experiments and developments (vii) The word in para 2 which means an animal,
leading to the mummification process. Certainly, the person or plant that has been there in a country
dry environment of western Egypt where the pyramids or region from earliest times is
are located would have been the perfect environment (a) ancient (b) organic
to prevent the sort of cadaver degradation seen in (c) archaeological (d) aborigine
biomes with higher precipitation and humidity. Similar
theories have been expressed about the development Ans : (d) aborigine
of mummification in the South American culture of (viii) Give an antonym of the word ‘prevent’ in para. 1
the Chinchorro who lived in the Atacama Desert, Ans : allow or cause
quite possibly the driest desert on the planet.
Even before this, the deserts have provided useful SECTION B - WRITING & GRAMMAR
environments for resources and hunter-gathering.
Various tribes of Native Americans made their homes (30 MARKS)
in the deserts of North and Central America, as did
the Kalahari Bushmen and Australian aborigines. 3. Write an article on the killing of senior citizens and
Deserts are ideal for tracking animals and provide how to curb this menace in 100-150 words. [8]
enough food in the right volumes to support hunter-
gathering communities. It’s no wonder we find so much
archaeological remains in deserts. Firstly, they were
well-used by people of the ancient past and secondly,
the lack of humidity increases the chances of survival of
organic material. Other cultures quickly adopted semi-
nomadic lifestyle and took livestock with them on long
journeys across the desert, learning locations of water
and living off the animal produce, using animal skins as
tents for shelter, and utilizing other parts of the animal
such as milk, bones, and meat. Even today, people such
as the Bedouin still roam the deep deserts of the planet
Ans :
although their lifestyle is more semi-nomadic.
2.1 On the basis of your reading and understanding of Our Senior Citizens are our Priority
the above passage, answer the following: [2×4=8] By Ankit
(i) Where did the ancient Egyptian society begin?
Which expression in para 1 refers to deserts ? It is alarming to read about the killing of senior
citizens almost every day in the newspaper. It raises
Ans : The ancient Egyptian society began along the
serious questions about our safety and security. But
fertile banks of river Nile. ‘Useless wasteland’ is the
the question that disquiets me the most is that have
expression that refers to deserts.
we failed to protect our parents and grandparents as a
(ii) Where are the pyramids found? What leads to society? Isn’t giving them a peaceful and secured life
the mummification process ? in their twilight years a part of our social and moral
Ans : The pyramids are found in western Egypt. The duty?
desiccated nature of bodies as found in the desert The urgent need of the hour is to think of the
dying of exposure or from natural causes lead to the ways to curb this menace. In most of the cases,
mummification process. senior citizens live alone out of compulsion. Living in
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or loss. On the other hand, a sumptuous nutritious (ii) The society doesn’t treat women as equals.
breakfast every day can go a long way to get a healthy (iii) The man cried and said, “I am being harassed by
mind and (iv) .......... healthy body. the police.”
(i) (a) and (b) but (iv) Since I am allergic to the smell of cocoa, I won’t
(c) either (d) or visit the chocolate factory.
(ii) (a) must (b) should SECTION C - LITERATURE
(c) may (d) would
(iii) (a) from (b) in
(30 MARKS)
(c) into (d) towards 8. Read the extract given below and answer the questions
that follow. 1×4=4
(iv) (a) the (b) no article
Rooms were searched; servants questioned. Finally
(c) a (d) an Mother came into Kezia’s room. “Kezia, I suppose
Ans : you didn’t see some papers on a table in our room ?”
(i) Who said - “Kezia, I suppose you didn’t see some
(i) (d) or
papers on a table in our room ?”
(ii) (b) should
(ii) Which paper does the speaker talk about ?
(iii) (c) into
(iii) What had Kezia done with the papers ?
(iv) (c) a
(iv) Who punished Kezia and how ?
6. The following paragraph has not been edited. There Ans :
is an error in each line. Write the error along with its
correction in the space provided. 1×4=4 (i) Mother said the given line.
(ii) Mother talks about the paper which had Father’s
Error Correction great speech in them for the Port Authority.
(iii) Kezia had torn the paper into bits to stuff her
While evening falls, the street while as
pin-cushion which she was making to gift her
gets incredibly eg.
(i) crowded. While music (iv) Father punished Kezia by beating her mercilessly
spills away from the ____ ____ with a ruler.
(ii) houses, mouth-watering or
aroma steam out ____ ____ Along the sand
(iii) from the eateries that he lay until observed
cater upon the taste and chased away, and now
buds ____ ____ he vanishes in the ripples
(iv) of all nationalities. among the green slim reeds.
These streets of Istanbul (i) About whom does the poet write in the given
have some ____ ____ lines ?
reason or season to (ii) Where is ‘he’ generally found ?
celebrate. (iii) Why does the snake vanish in the ripples ?
Ans : (iv) What message does the poet give through the
poem from which above lines are taken ?
Error Correction Ans :
(i) away out (i) The poet has written about a small snake in the
above lines.
(ii) steam steams (ii) ‘He’ is generally found in the sand.
(iii) upon to (iii) The snake vanishes in the ripples to hide from a
pursuing stick.
(iv) some no
(iv) The poet gives a message that even a snake has life.
7. Rewrite the sentences according to the given Even a snake is beautiful. The poet questions why
instruction. 1×4=4 should a small snake which is harmless to children
(i) Ramu was very angry. He started throwing the and didn’t cause any harm to anyone be beaten.
pots and pans. (Join the sentences using so... that) 9. Answer any five of the following questions in 30-40
(ii) Women are not treated as equals. (Change the words. 2×5=10
sentence into active voice.) (i) Has the poet’s beloved become a part of nature?
(iii) The man cried and said that he was being How ?
harassed by the police. (Change the sentence into (ii) How did the author’s wife reach Bruno in the
direct speech.) island ?
(iv) I won’t visit the chocolate factory. I am allergic to (iii) What does Gerrard mean by ‘Sunday-school
the smell of cocoa. (Join the sentences using ‘since’) teacher’ ?
Ans : (iv) What was a priority for Evelyn? Where did she
(i) Ramu was so angry that he started throwing the give free concerts ?
pots and pans. (v) How did Lushkoff look like when he met Sergei
Einstein went through a lot of difficult times when he I think the author’s mother was insistent on the
was in school. The headmaster told his father, “He’ll author’s going to school the very next day of the fire
never make a success at anything.” He was not a mishap because life had taught her that it goes on no
bad pupil but the regimentation suffocated him. He matter whatever happens. Since life had not stopped
often dashed with the teacher. Einstein went through even after her husband’s death and that she had come
troubled times again when he wanted to marry Mileva to terms with it, she knew that, that too shall pass.
Maric, his classmate. His mother said she was a book She knew that time heals everyone. One should try
like him and didn’t want them to get married. Also, to continue doing ones work because it is meaningless
she was 2-3 years older than Einstein. The pair finally pondering over the grief. The more one thinks about
married in January 1903 and had two sons only to get what is lost, the more difficult it is to come out of the
divorced in 1919. Mileva was losing her intellectual grief. Since life moves on, it is wise to forget about
ambition and becoming an unhappy housewife. After what one cannot get back. The author’s mother knew
years of constant fighting, the couple finally divorced in that the author was in trauma. If he didn’t go to
1919. Einstein married his cousin Elsa the same year. school, he would visit the rubble, think about his cat
Coming of Nazis to power in Germany had disturbed and become unhappy. Life is not about mourning the
Einstein a lot. He immigrated to the US in 1933. loss but of giving it a fresh renewed start.
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