High Pressure Die Casting
High Pressure Die Casting
High Pressure Die Casting
Article in JOM: the journal of the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society · May 2015
DOI: 10.1007/s11837-015-1333-8
35 7,020
3 authors:
Giulio Timelli
University of Padova
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The Journal of The Minerals, Metals &
Materials Society (TMS)
ISSN 1047-4838
Volume 67
Number 5
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1 23
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JOM, Vol. 67, No. 5, 2015
DOI: 10.1007/s11837-015-1333-8
Ó 2015 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society
the shortcomings of the HPDC is that the overall of the holding furnace is controlled separately, and
complexity of the process is not handled by a single the lubrication system only controls the lubricant
information system: the machine controls only pressures and its application times. Within the dies,
measure the machine parameters, the temperature where the solidification of the metal occurs rapidly
Author's personal copy
904 Bonollo, Gramegna, and Timelli
incorporated into the tools and dies to achieve a – In the overall casting process, there is partial
reactive control of the quality. control of the precasting stages, which are focused
on the setup of degassing treatment, furnace
Monitoring and Correlating All the Main level, and metal transfer from the holding furnace
Process Variables to the shoot sleeve. On the other side, the HPDC
machine setup is actually the most controlled
HPDC machines are equipped with sensors and
devices that allow to measure basic process data
– In the die management process, the temperature
such as hydraulic pressure or piston velocity. If the
and the other parameters of conditioning media
filling time varied only in the range of milliseconds,
(water and oil) are set up and managed, but the
then there would be an impact on content and
correlations with the final casting quality are
location of defects.15 Because the filling time is in
performed only when the causes of defect have to
the range of milliseconds, the piston velocity has to
be individuated, while no action is preliminary
be controlled one order of magnitude faster, which is
carried out to prevent defect formation.
not the case in the equipment state of the art. Up to
– In the postcasting operations (including machin-
now, other relevant issues have not been taken into
ing, and heat and surface treatments), the main
account at all, although each of them can impact on
variables are certainly recorded (e.g., robot and
casting quality: for instance, thermal loads change
cutting equipments show position-time control of
the geometry of the shot sleeve and lead to a delayed
movement), but their setup is usually defined a
filling with a consequent reduction of liquid tem-
priori, without considering the possible gen-
perature and presolidification in the shot sleeve.
eration of defects.
Taking into account the actual process architecture
(Fig. 4): From the described situation, the need of an effec-
tive integration in the design and manufacturing
– In the product and process design, only the
chain of HPDC components appears clearly,
mechanical performance of the final component
including the following:
is considered, neglecting the real behavior of
the diecast alloys, which results also from the – Sophisticated and accurate interpretation of the
presence and characteristics of defects and results to estimate the process output as well as
imperfections. the scale and morphology of the defects.
Author's personal copy
906 Bonollo, Gramegna, and Timelli
Table III. Number of nonferrous foundries in Europe (Al alloy foundries are 80% of them)12
Fig. 6. Weight saving and market penetration for Al alloys in the automotive applications.21
chain: metallurgy, machine design, automation, nu- SMEs, are very limited due to their structure, which
merical simulation, heat transfer, furnace and die intrinsically stops the multidisciplinary innovation
design and construction, and many others.20 Howev- that is the key factor for survival.
er, the approach to HPDC is actually monodisci- Methods and tools for the integration of different
plinary: (I) Dies are designed and built for productivity technologies, disciplines, and competences are
but not interfaced with the control systems, (II) lu- strongly needed to lead the HPDC manufacturing
brication is carried out for die safety and cycle time sector toward a more knowledge-based and inter-
without considering the metallurgical quality, and active approach, and to the optimal use of personal
(III) high productivity is always targeted but a real and company resources. To have a complete quality
cost analysis is never carried out. The level of inter- management of the HPDC process and products,
action among the different disciplines is still poor and only an integrated use of each personal skill and
limited; each of them is certainly introducing relevant expertise will assure the development of a ‘‘new
innovations, which in most cases are not integrated or generation’’ of HPDC foundries.
fully separated. The impact of a specific innovation on
productivity and costs are experimented directly Impacting on HPDC Foundries’ Scenario
in-field, with higher costs and no consistent back-
The relevant facts about the situation of EU
ground. Although innovation is strongly needed by the
HPDC foundries are as follows:12
HPDC foundries, they have not enough scientific,
technological, and organizational background to – There are more than 2.000 light alloys foundries
develop and apply it. These foundries, generally in Europe (Table III).
Author's personal copy
908 Bonollo, Gramegna, and Timelli