Tamil Nadu Ev Policy 2019

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I Preamble 01

II Electric Vehicles of India and FAME India Guidelines 03

III Vehicle Popula on in Tamil Nadu 04

IV Need for Electric Vehicle Policy in Tamil Nadu 05

V Advantage of EV Ecosystem for Tamil Nadu 06

VI Scope and Applicability of EV Policy 07

VII Objec ves of EV Policy 08

VIII Policy Measures 09

A. Electric cars and Two Wheelers

B. Electric Vehicle in Shared Mobility

C. Electric Vehicle in Public Transport

D. Electric Vehicle in Educa onal Ins tu ons

E. Electric Vehicles in Goods Carriers

IX Demand-Side Incen ves 11

A. Incen ves for Purchase of Electric Two Wheelers

B. Incen ves for Three-Seater Auto-Rickshaw

C. Incen ves for Transport Vehicle

such as Taxi, Tourist Cars, etc.,

D. Incen ves for Goods Carriers

(including Three Wheelers)

E. Incen ves for Private Car Purchase

F. Incen ves for Charging Sta ons

X Supply-Side Incen ves to Promote EV 14
Manufacturing within Tamil Nadu
A. Reimbursement of SGST

B. Capital Subsidy

C. Electricity Tax Exemp on

D. Stamp Duty

E. Subsidy on Cost of land

F. Employment Incen ves

G. Special Package for EV Ba ery Manufacturing

H. Crea on of EV Parks and Vendor Ecosystem

I. Special incen ves for the MSME sector

J. Transi on Support

K. Ins tu onal Mechanism

XI Revision of Transport Regula on of E-vehicle 18

XII City Building Codes 19

XIV Capacity Building and Skilling 19

XIV Steering Commi ee for EV and 21

Charging Infrastructure

XV Implemen ng Agencies 22

XVI R & D and Business Incuba on 23

XVII Recycling Ecosystem – Ba ery and Evs 24

XVIII Validity of the Policy 24

I. Preamble
Tamil Nadu is one of the most advanced states in India. It is one of
Asia's most preferred investor des na ons. It is the second largest state
economy in the country, which contributes to 8.4% of India's GDP. It is also
an industrial powerhouse of the na on with a very strong and diverse
industrial base.
Tamil Nadu has a highly developed industrial eco-system and is very
strong in sectors like automobiles and auto-components, tex les, leather
products, light and heavy engineering, pumps and motors, electronic
so ware and hardware. Many globally renowned companies have set up
their manufacturing facili es in Tamil Nadu.
The State Government, in its mission to further enhance the posi on
of Tamil Nadu as the most preferred state for manufacturing, with a
reputa on for efficiency and compe veness, is guided by the objec ve of
having an environmentally sustainable growth in consonance with the
Sustainable Development Goals framework of the United Na ons.
Globally, the automo ve industry is at the cusp of a great revolu on in
electric mobility. The twen eth century was fuelled by the development
and diffusion of Internal Combus on Engines, primarily on account of
accessibility of vehicles and affordability of fuel. Clean transport remains

one of the most pressing ques ons of this century. The shi to clean
transport has become necessary due to rapid deple on of fossil fuel and
increase in fuel cost, vehicle popula on and environmental pollu on. These
push factors are driving governments and vehicle manufacturers to invest in
developing vehicles based on alternate propulsion systems including
electric mobility on rechargeable ba eries. The electrifica on of transport
is important for achieving goals of reducing GHG emissions and improving
local air quality. Electric Vehicles (EVs) are generally considered to be safer
than their Internal Combus on Engines (ICE) counterparts because of a low
centre of gravity due to the low posi on and density of the ba ery pack, and
increased frontal crumple zone. EVs generally have an increased crumple
zone since electric motors take up much less space than ICEs which makes
EVs much safer.
Adop on of Electric Vehicles (EVs) for road transport contributes to a
wide range of goals. These include be er air quality, reduced noise
pollu on, enhanced energy security and in combina on with a low carbon
power genera on mix - reduced greenhouse emissions. In addi on to being

very efficient in reducing local air pollu on, EVs can also lead to a reduc on
in overall pollu on when electricity is generated from clean or renewable
sources. This is par cularly relevant for the State of Tamil Nadu which is the
leader in renewable energy with an installed capacity of 12,180 MW.
In this decade alone, there has been tremendous innova on in EV
Technology which has led to a decrease in ba ery costs and increase in
performance and range. This progress can be expected to con nue at an
accelerated pace. Within the next decade, there is a clear possibility of cost
reduc on in electric mobility through advancements such as:
a) Ba ery cost is expected to decrease by half.
b) Electric Vehicle performance is expected to improve by two-
c) Charging me is expected to decrease from 5 hours to less than
1 hour, thereby, reducing the range anxiety.

II. Electric Vehicles in India and FAME

India Guidelines

In 2013, Government of India launched the Na onal Electric Mobility

Mission Plan 2020. Under the mission plan, the Scheme for Faster Adop on
and Manufacturing of (Hybrid) Electric Vehicles in India (FAME India) was
launched in March, 2015 for two years as Phase-I, which was subsequently
extended up to 31 March, 2019.
The Government of India in its Automo ve Mission Plan 2016 has laid
a vision of “Safe, Comfortable and Efficient mobility” with an eye on
environmental protec on and affordability through Public and Personal
Transport. A er review of the Phase-I, Government of India came up with
FAME India Phase-II (FAME II) for period of three years from 1 April 2019
with ver cals such as Demand Incen ves, Establishment of Network of
Charging Sta on and Administra on of Scheme.
FAME II aims to boost electric mobility and increase the number of electric
vehicles in commercial fleets with an outlay of ₹10,000 crore (₹ 100 billion)
for three years ll 2022. The Government will offer the incen ves for
electric buses, three-wheelers and four wheelers to be used for commercial
purposes. Plug-in hybrid vehicles and vehicles with a sizeable lithium-ion
ba ery and electric motor will also be included in the scheme. Fiscal support
shall be offered based on the size of the ba ery.
Several states have announced their EV Policy to complement the
Na onal scheme and to address state-specific needs. The EV30@30
campaign, launched in 2017 under Electric Vehicle Ini a ve (EVI), a mul -
governmental policy forum, of which India is a member, sets a collec ve
aspira onal goal for all members to have EVs contribute up to 30% of all
vehicle sales by 2030.

III. Vehicle Popula on in Tamil Nadu

Sustained economic development and expanding road network have
led to rapid increase in the number of motorized vehicles in Tamil Nadu. The
total number of registered motor vehicles in Tamil Nadu has increased from
about 3.21 lakhs in 1981 to over 2.77 crores (27.7 million) in 2019;
recording a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.4%. As on
31.03.2019, there were 12.7 lakh (1.27 million) transport vehicles and 2.64
crore (26.4 million) non-transport vehicles plying in the State. As of
31.07.2019, Tamil Nadu accounts for 6.4% electric vehicles sold in India.

The projected total vehicle popula on for the year 2030 is 9.8 crore
vehicles. Given that the transporta on sector currently accounts for nearly
one-fourth of GHG emissions and the projected growth of the fleet in the
State, there is an immediate need to transi on to an alternate cost-effec ve
fuel that creates less pollu on.

IV. Need for Electric Vehicle Policy

in Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu has the second highest vehicle popula on in the country
with 2.77 crore vehicles. This accompanies an increase in air pollu on and
accidents in the state. Tamil Nadu has the highest rate of urbanisa on in the
country with close to 50% of its people residing in urban areas. The
Government of Tamil Nadu has led many ini a ves to reduce air pollu on
and conges on on roads . At the end of FAME Phase I, the electric vehicle
penetra on remained low in Tamil Nadu. A dedicated strategy to address
price of EVs, public charging infrastructure and investment in EV
manufacturing and charging infrastructure is required to promote adop on
of EVs in the state.

The Vision 2023 Tamil Nadu envisages Tamil Nadu to be the most
prosperous and progressive state free from poverty, and where its people
enjoy all the basic services of a modern society and live in harmonious
engagement with the environment and with the rest of the world. In order to
a ain the objec ves as per the priori es of the State of Tamil Nadu and the
Govenment of India, the formula on of a dedicated Electric Vehicles Policy
has become impera ve.

V. Advantage of EV Ecosystem
for Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu is on the verge of transi oning to new mobility solu ons
and has an established ecosystem for its vibrant automo ve sector with a
large pool of technical manpower, robust R&D capabili es, ancillaries auto
components and manufacturing exper se.
The sector has deep backward linkages with metal industries, capital
equipment, trucking, warehousing, and logis cs. In addi on, it also has
strong linkages with dealership, retail, credit and financing, repair and
maintenance, gas sta ons and service parts.
Chennai is home to major automobile manufacturing companies in
India, such as Hyundai, Ford, Nissan, TVS, Mahindra, Daimler, etc. It has a
huge scope for upgrada on and expansion for producing Electric Vehicles
within the exis ng manufacturing facili es. The first EV SUV made in India
was manufactured in Tamil Nadu by Hyundai. The Government of Tamil
Nadu supported this project with a very innova ve model of financial
incen ves and facilita ons through an MoU signed with Hyundai during the
Global Investors Meet, 2019.

Tamil Nadu is one of the power surplus states with two nuclear plants
and many thermal and hydro-electrical power sta ons in the State offering a
steady source of electricity required for the EV ecosystem. In par cular, the
State has one of the highest installed capacity for renewable energy such as
wind energy and solar energy. This offers a reduc on in overall pollu on in
addi on to reduc on in local air pollu on.
The state has many technical ins tu ons that provide a pool of skilled
workforce for the industry. On the demand side, there is predominant and
growing urban popula on augmented with a high growth of vehicles.
This makes Tamil Nadu a unique des na on for developing electric
mobility ecosystems.

VI. Scope and Applicability of EV policy

Vehicles, companies and charging infrastructure firms need to fulfil

the FAME II guidelines issued by the Ministry of Heavy Industry,
Government of India, as mandated and in order to be eligible for demand
side incen ves from the State Government. Charging infrastructure and its
components should fulfil the guidelines and norms issued by the Ministry of
Power, Government of India. In the case of supply side incen ves to
promote EV Manufacturing within Tamil Nadu as men oned in Para X
subsequently, the manufactured products must conform to either na onal
or interna onal standards.

The term EVs as used in the policy refers to ba ery electric vehicles
(BEV), plug-in electric vehicles (PEV), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV)
and strong hybrid electric vehicles (SHEV).

VII. Objec ves of EV Policy

It is the vision of the Government of Tamil Nadu to a ract ₹50,000

crore (₹500 billion) of investment in EV manufacturing and create a
comprehensive EV ecosystem in the State. Such investment is expected to
create 1.5 lakh new jobs. The broad objec ves of this policy are the

I) Create robust infrastructure for electric vehicles including

adequate power supply and network of charging points with
favourable power tariff.

ii) Promote innova on in EV for automo ve and shared mobility by

providing the ecosystem and infrastructure to make Tamil Nadu,
the EV Hub of India.

iii) Create a pool of skilled workforce for the EV industry through the
technical ins tu ons available in the State and create new jobs in
the EV industry.

iv) Make Tamil Nadu the preferred des na on for Electric Vehicles
and component manufacturing units including ba ery and
charging infrastructure.

v) Create a conducive environment for Industry and Research

Ins tu ons to focus on cu ng edge research in EV Technologies
and reap the benefit from the outcome.

vi) Recycle and reuse used ba eries and dispose the rejected
ba eries in an environment friendly manner to avoid pollu on.

VIII. Policy Measures

The Government of Tamil Nadu will focus on policy interven ons

intended to encourage EV manufacturing as well as EV marke ng in the
State. To promote investments in Electric Vehicle Manufacturing, EV
Ba ery Manufacturing or Assembly and EV Charging Infrastructure
manufacturing, and Equipment Manufacturing Enterprises, incen ves and
concessions will be offered by the Government of Tamil Nadu. Further, it is
envisaged that network and diffusion effects shall spur early market
crea on through demand side incen ves and crea on of charging
infrastructure will promote the culture of EV usage in the State. The State's
approach to each class of vehicles will be as follows.
A. Electric Cars and Two-Wheelers
Nearly 25 lakh personal cars have been registered in the State, so far.
Nearly 85% of vehicle popula on is two-wheeler and there is a great
poten al for cars and two-wheelers in the EV segment. The two-wheeler
segment has rela vely lower ba ery capacity requirements which enables
fast charging solu ons through standard charging infrastructure. The
conversion to EV will be encouraged through fiscal concessions and
crea on of charging network.
B. Electric Vehicle in Shared Mobility
The State will promote conversion of all Auto Rickshaws in six major
ci es - Chennai, Coimbatore, Trichy, Madurai, Salem and Tirunelveli to EVs
within a span of ten years. This will be extended to other ci es and towns in
a gradual manner. Similarly, the State will support conversion of all taxis and
app-based transport operators and aggregators in the six major ci es to EVs
within a span of ten years.
C. Electric Vehicle in Public Transport
Around 21,000 Public Transport buses are operated by State
Transport Undertakings (STUs) in the State. STUs will strive to replace
around 5% of the buses as EV every year and around 1000 EV buses may be
introduced every year.
Buses are expected to be charged at the Bus Depots using 3-Phase
electric connec on. In addi on, small top up charging can be done en-route
sta on or bus terminals. One slow-charging unit for every electric bus and
one fast-charging sta on for every 10 electric buses shall be provided.
Private Operators of buses will also be encouraged to transi on to EV
buses. The Private Bus owners shall convert ICE buses into electric buses at
their choice. Conversion of the buses operated to pilgrimage centres,
tourist places, na onal parks, etc. into EVs will be encouraged.
D. Electric Vehicle in Educa onal Ins tu ons
There are 32,000 buses, mini buses and vans run by Educa onal
Ins tu ons such as schools and colleges in the State. These ins tu onal
vehicles will be encouraged to transi on all their vehicles to EVs gradually.
E. Electric Vehicles in Goods Carrier
Small commercial vehicles used for delivering light loads such as mini
goods vehicles in ci es will be encouraged to convert to EVs. E-commerce
and delivery companies in Tamil Nadu will be encouraged to transi on their
vehicles to mini goods EVs gradually. Due to the current ba ery capacity
constraints, goods transport lorries may require longer to transi on to EVs
as the technology evolves.

IX. Demand-Side Incen ves

A. Incen ves for Purchase of Electric Two Wheelers

I) 100% road tax exemp on will be provided ll 30.12.2022.
ii) Waiver on Registra on charges/fees will be done as per
Government of India's no fica on.
B. Incen ves for Three-Seater Auto-Rickshaws
An Open Permit System will apply to approved e-Auto Permits to be
issued. The list of approved e-autos will be no fied by the Department of
Transport. The following further incen ves will be offered:
i) Auto Rickshaw permit fees will be waived for e-autos ll
ii) 100% Road Tax exemp on for e-autos ll 30.12.2022.
iii) Waiver on Registra on charges/fees will be done as per
Government of India's no fica on.
C. Incen ves for Transport Vehicles such as Taxi, Tourist Cars, etc.
i) Taxi permit fees will be waived for Electric Transport Vehicles ll
ii) 100% Road Tax exemp on for all Electric Transport Vehicles ll
iii) Waiver on Registra on charges/ fees will be done as per
Government of India's no fica on.
iv) STUs will be provided with subsidy to enable purchase of EV
D. Incen ves for Light Goods Carriers (including Three Wheelers)
i) There will be no requirement of permit for the three-wheeler
goods, e-carriers as well as electric Light Goods carrier.
ii) 100% Road Tax exemp on for all e-carriers registered ll

iii) Waiver on Registra on charges/fees will be done as per
Government of India's no fica on.
E. Incen ves for Private Cars
i) Private car owners shall be encouraged to switch over to electric
ii) Waiver on Registra on charges/fees will be done as per
Government of India's no fica on.
iii) Road tax exemp on will be enhanced from 50% to 100% ll
F. Incen ves and Support for Charging Sta ons
Experience in other ci es across the globe indicates that availability of
charging sta ons is a key driver for EV adop on. The objec ve of this policy
is to create an enabling environment to provide private and public charging
infrastructure in the State. In this regard, the State Government commits to
the following:
I) Adequate policy support will be provided for the development of
charging infrastructure in ci es and other places.
ii) The State will invest in se ng up charging sta ons, with the ac ve
par cipa on of public sector units including TANGEDCO and
private players.
iii) The Government will develop schemes with appropriate capital
subsidy to enable private operators to set up public charging
sta ons.
iv) Provision for charging sta ons will be made in commercial
buildings such as hotels, shopping malls, cinema halls, apartments,
v) The Government will take effort to set up 3*3 Grid charging
sta ons in Chennai, Coimbatore, Trichy, Madurai, Salem and
vi) One charging sta on will be set up at 25 km intervals on both sides
of NHAI and State Highways.

vii) Charging points will be provided in the Government office parking
lots in Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai, Trichy, Salem, Tirunelveli
and other places based on the requirements.
viii) TANGEDCO will invest in se ng up both slow and fast charging
networks in Government buildings and other public places.
ix) TANGEDCO will setup the charging infrastructure on its own or
through private operators using appropriate Public Private
Partnership models.
x) EV charging service providers can also setup their own renewable
energy genera ng sta ons at their premises for charging Electric
xi) The tariff applicable for domes c consump on shall be applicable
for Private Charging Sta on at home and classified as LT Tariff-IA-
230 Volt /415 Volt as per Tariff order T.P.No:1 of 2017 dt
11.08.2017 (LT Tariff-IA). Typically, most of the slow charging or
overnight charging for EV (2 Wheelers, 3 Wheelers or small 4
Wheelers) may be done from this domes c service connec on.
Private charging in case of Offices, Malls, Gated Community, etc
can be done in the common supply with the LT Tariff-V of
xii) Tariff for the supply of electricity to Public Charging Sta ons (PCS)
will be determined by TNERC and it will be endeavoured to fix the
tariff as not more than the 15% above the average cost of supply.
xiii) Supply of Renewable Energy will be ensured on preferen al basis
at for EV charging sta ons with zero connec on cost.

X.Supply-Side Incen ves to Promote EV
Manufacturing Within Tamil Nadu

The Government of Tamil Nadu offers a rac ve incen ves to

promote new industrial investments in the State under the Tamil Nadu
Industrial Policy. The manufacture of electric vehicles, their auto
components, par cularly EV ba eries and manufacture of charging
infrastructure will be provided a special package of incen ves.

The condi on of eligibility for availing incen ves under the special
package shall be that the units engaged in EV, their component or charging
infrastructure manufacture shall make investments above ₹50 crore
(₹ 500 million) and create at least 50 direct jobs in the form of new projects
or expansion projects. Investments made from April 1, 2018 will be
considered eligible for availing incen ves. The incen ves will include the

A. Reimbursement of SGST
100% of the SGST paid on the sale of EVs manufactured, sold and
registered for use in the State will be reimbursed to the manufacturing
companies. The reimbursement will be given for sales by manufacturers
effec ve ll 31.12.2030. The reimbursement will be given up to 100% of
the eligible investment.

B. Capital Subsidy
In the case of intermediate products used in the manufacture of EV
and charging infrastructure, where SGST reimbursement is not applicable, a
capital subsidy of 15% will be given on eligible investments over 10 years.
The capital subsidy will be payable on eligible investments made in the State
ll 31.12.2025. The cost of land shall not exceed 20% of the total eligible
investments reckoned for the purpose of capital subsidy.

C. Electricity Tax Exemp on
EV related and charging infrastructure manufacturing industries in
the State will be provided 100% exemp on on electricity tax ll

D. Stamp Duty Exemp on

EV related and charging infrastructure manufacturing industries in
the State that obtain land by sale or lease shall be en tled to 100%
exemp on on stamp duty for transac ons ll 31.12.2022.

E. Subsidy on Cost of Land

EV related and charging infrastructure manufacturing industries in
the State that obtain land from SIPCOT, SIDCO or other Governmental
agencies will be provided a 15% subsidy on the cost of land, and will be
provided 50% subsidy if the investment is in Southern districts. This
incen ve is subject to the condi on that the land cost is already not claimed
as part of capital subsidy. This subsidy will be available on allotments made
ll 31.12.2022.

F. Employment Incen ve
EV related and charging infrastructure manufacturing units will be
provided an employment incen ve in the form of the reimbursement of
employer's contribu on to the EPF for all new jobs created ll 31.12.2025.
This incen ve shall be paid for a period of one year and shall not exceed
₹48000 per employee.

G. Special Package for EV Ba ery Manufacturing

The Government will provide higher capital subsidy of 20% of the
eligible investment over 20 years in cases where manufacturing units are
engaged in EV ba ery manufacturing. Such units shall also be provided land
at 20% subsidy and at 50% subsidy in Southern districts. The special
package will be applicable for investments made ll 31.12.2025.

H. Crea on of EV parks and Vendor Ecosystem

The Government recognises that major investments by the EV OEMs
can be a racted only if there is a dedicated infrastructure and developed
vendor eco system. To create the same, the Government will develop
exclusive EV parks in major auto manufacturing hubs and also in areas
which have poten al to a ract EV investments.

These EV parks will enable the crea on of a vendor ecosystem that

will serve OEMs. Common facili es will be provided to the vendor
industries for proto typing, tes ng, training, etc. in these EV parks.
Incen ves under various schemes applicable to the MSME sector and major
Industries shall be extended to these industries, subject to their eligibility.

The Government will also promote Logis c Parks and Free Trade
Warehousing Zones for be er inventory management. Further, Plug and
Play manufacturing facili es will be created where vendors and OEMs can
commence produc on with minimal capital investment in land and building.

I. Special Incen ves for the MSME Sector

An addi onal capital subsidy of 20% will be offered over and above
the eligibility limit for capital subsidy under the exis ng capital subsidy
scheme to MSME units that are engaged in E-Vehicle component or
charging infrastructure manufacturer. Further, for such E-Vehicle
component and charging infrastructure manufacturing firms falling under
the Medium Industries category that avail loans from Tamil Nadu Industrial
Investment Corpora on, 6% interest subven on will be provided as against
3% under the exis ng scheme. These incen ves will be applicable for units
that are set up ll 31.12.2025.

J. Transi on Support
With a view to assis ng exis ng investors to transi on into the EV
manufacturing system, the principle of maintaining base volume produc on
for expansion projects will not be applicable for EV manufacturers. Further,
exis ng automobile manufacturing companies will be provided a one- me
re-skilling allowance for every exis ng employee in the produc on line.

K. Ins tu onal Mechanism

The incen ves men oned in Clauses A-J above shall cons tute the
‘EV Special Manufacturing Package’. It will be sanc oned to eligible
industries by the Government based on the recommenda on of the
Tamil Nadu Industrial Guidance and Export Promo on Bureau. The
exis ng ins tu onal mechanism for disbursal of investment related
incen ves to major industries and MSME sector shall be applicable to the

EV sector also. All investment proposals under the EV sector will be
provided the necessary facilita on through the Single Window Clearance

The respec ve Industrial Guidance Bureaus for Large industries and

MSME sector shall provide the necessary handholding services for E-
vehicle related investments in the State. The Industries Department will
no fy the list of eligible auto-components and charging infrastructure
components whose manufacture will be eligible for concessions under this
chapter based on the advice of a technical commi ee cons tuted for this

XI. Revision of Transport Regula on

of Electric Vehicles

In order to dis nguish the Electric Vehicles (ba ery operated vehicles)
from other vehicles, Registra on Mark (Vehicle number plate) shall be
exhibited in yellow colour on a green background for transport vehicles and
white colour on green background for all other EVs. All the vehicles should
fulfil condi ons s pulated to register under Central Motor Vehicle Rule.

XII. City Building Codes

i) Amendment to building and construc on laws will be made to

ensure that charging infrastructure is integrated at the planning
stage itself for all new construc ons and apartments in ci es.

ii) All exis ng apartment associa ons with 50+ families will be
encouraged to provide charging points in parking lots.

iii) Exis ng Residen al Townships with 500 + families will be

encouraged to install charging sta ons.

iv) At least 10% of Parking Space will be earmarked for EVs in

commercial buildings such as hotels, shopping malls, cinema
halls, apartments, etc. and charging sta ons will be set up in the
earmarked space.

XIII. Capacity Building and Skilling

Tamil Nadu has a good young demographic and skilled manpower in

all trades which is cri cal to support any industrial opera ons. The State will
iden fy the nature and level of skills required by the EV industry to develop
and execute training programmes on EV design, development, &
manufacturing through various channels.

Higher educa on Department will redesign the curriculum in

Engineering as well as Polytechnic colleges in Electrical and Electronics,
Mechanical and Automobile courses to suit to the EV industry
requirements, including se ng up of Centres of Excellence. Similarly, ITI
curriculum will also be updated accordingly.

Tamil Nadu Skill Development Corpora on (TNSDC), in the lines of
Na onal Skill Development Corpora on (NSDC), is a not-for-profit
company under Companies Act, 2013 that was established in 2013 to
provide skill training to the required industries. This will provide the
finishing and short term skilling to the exis ng technical person on the EV
based on the skill qualifica on approved by NSDC.

Short term (4-6 months) finishing course post comple on of graduate

Engineering course will be introduced in select Engineering Colleges and
Premier Technical Ins tutes in collabora on with TNSDC. These courses
will be designed in consulta on with EV Industry and will include short
internship module at partnering OEMs. The Government will focus on
training in light and precision assemblies, electrical powertrains and

XIV. Steering Commi ee for EV and
Charging Infrastructure

A high-level Commi ee shall be formed to monitor the

implementa on of E-Vehicle with Chief Secretary, Government of Tamil
Nadu as the Chairman and the following Commi ee Members:

Ø Addi onal Chief Secretary, Home Department

Ø Principal Secretary, Transport Department

Ø Principal Secretary, Finance Department

Ø Principal Secretary, Energy Department

Ø Principal Secretary, Highways Department

Ø Principal Secretary, Industries Department

Ø Principal Secretary, MA & WS Department

Ø Chairman, TANGEDCO

Ø Commissioner of Transport

Ø MD & CEO, TN Industrial Guidance Bureau

Ø Upto Five experts from various fields pertaining to E-Vehicles

manufacture, ba ery charging etc.,

XV. Implemen ng Agencies

The Industries Department will be the nodal department for the

implementa on of all manufacturing related incen ves under Electric
Vehicle Policy in Tamil Nadu. The Energy Department will ensure that public
and private charging sta ons are provided with all necessary facilita ons
and incen ves. The Transport Department shall be the nodal department
for issuing guidelines to achieve the other objec ves of the policy.

XVI. R&D and Business Incuba on

A. Working Group
The Government of Tamil Nadu will cons tute Working Groups for
development of necessary technologies from concept to market in the areas
of Drive Technologies, Ba ery Technologies, Charging Infrastructure and
Network Integra on, Standards and Cer fica on; Materials and Recycling;
Quality and Training, etc.

B. Centre of Excellence
The State Government will partner with premier Technical Ins tutes
and research establishments across the State for establishing Centres of
Excellence for conduc ng market focussed research on Ba ery
Technologies, Ba ery Management, EV Motors and Controllers. The State
Government will seek industry par cipa on and leverage with Government
Of India to provide grant to these centres. Research programs in
collabora on with EV industry with a focus on ba ery innova on will be
introduced in Engineering Colleges / Universi es.

C. Incuba on Centres
The Government of Tamil Nadu will encourage start-ups in the E-
Vehicle sector and will offer incuba on services to them in the form of office
space, common facili es and mentoring support.

D. EV Venture Capital Fund

An EV Venture Capital Fund will be created by the Government to
offer financial support to EV start-ups to enable them to scale up their

XVII. Recycling Ecosystem-Ba ery and EVs

The Government will encourage the re-use of EV ba eries that have

reached the end of life and is se ng up recycling business in collabora on
with ba ery and EV manufacturers that focus on “Urban Mining” of rare
materials within the ba ery for re-use by ba ery manufacturers.

Charging Sta on Operators will be encouraged to operate as end-of-

life ba ery recycling agencies. Electrical Vehicle owners can deposit their
vehicle ba eries that have reached their end of life. The Government of
Tamil Nadu will invite ba ery recycling business to establish their presence
in Tamil Nadu. Appropriate protocols and investment subsidies for se ng
up such a business shall be no fied by the Government of Tamil Nadu a er
consulta on with stakeholders. OEMs should take responsibility of
recycling of old ba eries and its components.

XVIII.Validity of the Policy

The Tamil Nadu Electric Vehicle Policy and package of incen ves and
concessions shall come into effect from the date of issue of Government
Order and will be valid for a period of ten years or ll a new Policy is


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