The Learner...
1. narrates the life and works of romantic composers after video and movie showing;MU9RO-IIIa-h-1
2. relates Romantic period music to its historical and cultural background;MU9RO-IIIa-2
3. explains the performance practice (setting, composition, role of composers/performers, and audience) during
LEARNING the Romantic period;MU9RO-IIIb-h-3
COMPETENCIES: 4. listens perceptively to selected Romantic period music ;MU9RO-IIIb-h-4
5. describes musical elements of given Romantic period pieces;MU9RO-IIIb-h-5
6. sings themes or melodic fragments of given Romantic period pieces;MU9RO-IIIe-h-6
7. explores other arts and media that portray Romantic period elements;MU9RO-IIIc-h-7
8. improvises appropriate accompaniment to given short and simple Romantic period pieces.MU9RO-IIIc-h-8
1. Identify the essential characteristics of the music of the Romantic Period.
2. Sing a song employing the characteristics of the music of the Romantic Period.
3. Recognize how the tensions of the Romantic Period mirror the tensions of adolescence life.
4. Identify essential features of the piano.
TARGETS: 5. Compare and contrast the lives and music of Frederic Chopin and Franz Liszt.
6. Identify the values learned from the lives of the composers.
7. Recognize the value of piano music as an effective form of expressing oneself.
Performance task:
Song Composition
Goal: Your goal is to produce a single.
Role: A Singer-Composer
Audience: Talent Agency
TRANSFER: Situation: You are an aspiring singer who wants to be famous. And an original song may give you the break
that you wanted
Performance: You will be recording your original song and burn it into a CD.
Standard: You are to impress the talent agency.
The song lyrics are outstanding. The song lyrics are good. The The song lyrics are some what The song lyrics are not coherent.
The words memorable. The song words memorable. The song coherent. The song lyrics are well The words not memorable.
lyrics are enthusiastically lyrics are enthusiastically recieved by the audience.
recieved by the audience. received by the audience.
Creativity Exemplary Satisfactory Fair Poor
The student composed an The student composed an The song composed is not very The song composed is not very
original song with a clear theme. original song but there are orginal, but there are some original. The message is not
RUBRICS some elements that are not
elements that are not excellent.. conveyed.
The melody and rhythm were Tempo and rhythm are Tempo and rhythm are sometimes The song is choppy with a
perfectly performed. Students consistent. The melody is unclear or slow down and speed up. unnatural mix of tempo. The
could clap along to a steady beat. mostly smooth and clear.. The melody is apparent is some melody of the song is unclear.
places but unclear in others.
Mastery of the Song Exemplary Satisfactory Fair Poor
There are no errors and the There are few errors and the There are many errors and the Error at all times
presentation is outstanding presentation is better presentation was difficult to