Industrial Relations and Labour Laws
Industrial Relations and Labour Laws
Industrial Relations and Labour Laws
Sample Questions:
Section I: Subjective Questions
1. What is the definition of 'wages' under the minimum wages Act, 1948?
2. What do you understand by 'Total disablement' under the Employees Compensation Act,
3. Which are the situation / circumstances under which gratuity is not payable / forfeited?
6. Under the Employees Compensation Act, 1923, in which cases or situation an employer
is not liable to pay compensation to the injured employee?
8. Describe Conciliation.
1. The system under which craftsmen worked with the members of their family in
their home and were paid on a piece-work basis was known as
1] Cottage or Putting-Out System
2] Serfdom Stage
3] Handicraft System
4] Agrarian Economy Stage
2. What is one of the essentials of a mediator
1] Must be impartial
2] Must see the interest of the government
3] Must see the interest of the employer
4] Must see the interest of the employee
3. Here workers are consulted on the matters of employee welfare such as work, safety
and health
1] Consultative importance
Subject: Industrial Relations and Labour Laws
2] collective bargaining
3] trade union
4] joint committee
4. Works committee cannot discuss the following:-
1] Drinking water facilities
2] Adjustment of festivals.
3] Wages and allowance
4] Sports activities
5. Joint Management Council deals with matters like employee welfare and
1] Apprenticeship scheme
2] Working conditions
3] Wages
4] Training and development
6. In public sector, most of the time goals are set through
1] Political means rather than internal process
2] Election
3] Secret Ballot
4] Open Ballot
7. Which concept views the institution as participative decision making between
employer and employee?
1] Industrial Relations concept
2] Marketing concept
3] Governmental concept
4] Industrial dispute concept
8. The officer appointed to present the case of the management before the enquiry
Officer relating to the charges leveled against the accused employee.
1] Presenting Officer
2] Judicial enquiry
3] Custom officer
4] Administrative officer
9. No women workers would be allowed to work after
1] 6 pm
2] 8 pm
Subject: Industrial Relations and Labour Laws
3] 7 pm
4] 9 pm
10. Newly joined employees covered under The Employees state Insurance Act
declaration forms in presented manner duly filled, will have to reach The
Employees state Insurance Act office within the following period:-
1] 7 days
2] 10 days.
3] 13 days.
4] 15 days.
Multiple Choice Multiple Response
11. Mediation can be made more effective and successful device if the following
measures are adopted
1] Mediation can work only in a climate of consent
2] The mediator must be an impartial and unprejudiced person, having influence on
the parties
3] Mediation should take place in a proper setting
4] It is not necessary that mediator has to be acceptable to both parties
12. A woman is not allowed to work in any establishment, during the first six weeks,
following the day of
1] her delivery
2] her miscarriage
3] termination of pregnancy
4] her conviction
13. What does an employer means in relation to establishment which is a factory?
1] The owner or occupier of the factory, including the agent
2] The legal representative of a deceased owner or the manager
3] Workmen
4] Union Leaders
14. Feudal society comprises of
1] Lords
2] Princes
3] Land Owning Classes
4] Workers and Employees
Subject: Industrial Relations and Labour Laws
2] Slow
3] Clear
4] Proper
21. Workers participate in management not as_______ but collectively as a group
through their representatives.
1] individuals
2] worker
3] employer
4] employees
22. If a company cannot pay statutory wages, it should as per supreme court order ___.
1] Pay as much as possible.
2] Retrench a part of employees
3] Close down
4] Take loans but pay minimum wages.
23. Payment of Gratuity Act is not applicable to ______ .
1] Jammu and Kashmir
2] Goa
3] Nainitaal
4] Union territories
24. The 3-tier system of adjudication are Labour Courts, Industrial Tribunals and ____ .
1] National Tribunal
2] Labour Tribunals
3] Industrial Courts
4] Supreme Court
25. What is the full form of DPG _____.
1] Directorate of public grievance
2] Directorate of private grievance
3] Directorate of personal grievance
4] Directorate of public gathering
26. Books of accounts and Register of members of a Registered Trade Union are open
to _____ for inspecting and scrutiny.
1] Directors of a company
2] Any member of union
Subject: Industrial Relations and Labour Laws
3] Any Shareholder
4] Any worker of the company
27. ______ has pointed out, Indian industrial relations is vested in terms of profits,
dividends, and wages to the determent of social ad national interest
1] Kudchedkar
2] Giri
3] Gandhi
4] Labour Minister
28. The ______ participating in collective bargaining process must be strong
democratic and enlightened.
1] Union
2] Officials
3] Employees
4] Employers
State True or False
29. Industrial relations is a science.
5] Profit
6] Collective bargaining
4] Profit-linked pay
6] Is a ancient handicraft