Cerebrovascular Diseases Dr. Tulagan
Cerebrovascular Diseases Dr. Tulagan
Cerebrovascular Diseases Dr. Tulagan
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CLASS 2021 P atricia Abigail Felipe
Ida Ingrid Rocha-Tulagan, MD
▪ Occlusive plaque or thrombus occupies lumen of ▪ Strong correlation with hypertension (up to 81%);
a major intracerebral/extracranial vessel, also associated with micro-atheroma,
stopping blood flow to areas of brain supplied microembolism or rarely arteritis
▪ Atherosclerotic occlusion of extracranial ICA ▪ Onset may be abrupt or gradual
causing infarction in the WATERSHED AREAS ▪ Absence of higher cortical function involvement
(between territories of the major branches of ICA) (aphasia, apraxia, hemineglect, hemianopia).
▪ Emboli may form over a plaque in a proximal ▪ Often pure motor or pure sensory syndromes
vessel (proximal ICA) and cause stroke in one of
the distal territories of that vessel Other pathologies leading to ischemic brain
Common sites of atheromatous plaque formation ▪ Arterial dissection
1. ICA at origin from common carotid artery ▪ Thrombosis of cerebral veins and dural sinuses
2. Cervical part of vertebral arteries and at junction ▪ Vasculitis
to form basilar artery ▪ Vessel thrombosis due to hypercoagulable
3. Stem or at main bifurcation of mcas conditions
4. Proximal PCAS ▪ Vasospasm
5. Proximal ACAS ▪ Fat/tumor embolism
Sources of emboli
▪ Mural thrombi, cardiac arrhythmia (atrial
fibrillation) ▪ In the area of the ischemia, there is a CENTRAL
▪ Recent myocardial infarction CORE with marked reduction in Cerebral Blood
▪ Intra-arterial, from occluded/stenotic carotid or Flow and an ISCHEMIC PENUMBRA
vertebral artery surrounding the core with a marginal blood flow.
▪ Atheromatous plaques in ascending aorta ▪ Ischemic penumbra is the tissue which is
▪ Systemic venous system, via septal defects (i.e., functionally impaired and is at risk of infarction
Patent Foramen Ovale) and has the potential to be salvaged by
▪ Valvular disease (endocarditis; prosthetic heart reperfusion.
valves; mitral stenosis)
▪ Cerebral arteriography STROKE SYNDROMES
▪ Tumors (cardiac myxoma and fibroelastoma) ▪ Anterior Circulation: ICA, MCA, ACA, Anterior
▪ Undetermined in 20-30% chroidal art.
▪ Post Circulation: PCA, BA, PICA, VA
▪ Lacunes = small infarcts (< 15 mm) seen in the Internal Carotid Artery
putamen, pons, thalamus, caudate, and internal ▪ Clinical manifestations most variable
capsule. ▪ In continuity with the vessels of the circle of Willis
▪ Occlusion of small arteries or deep penetrating and of the orbit
branches of large vessels ▪ Occlusion may be silent (30-40%)
▪ TIAs are cardinal signs of stenosis
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CLASS 2021 P atricia Abigail Felipe
Ida Ingrid Rocha-Tulagan, MD
▪ The cortical branches of the MCA supply the Inferior Division (lateral temporal and inferior
lateral surface of the hemisphere parietal lobes)
▪ In the sylvian fissure, the MCA divides into the ▪ Lesion on either side → superior quadrantanopia
superior and inferior divisions (M2 branches) or homonymous hemianopsia
– Inferior division supplies: Inferior parietal and
▪ Left side lesion →Wernicke’s aphasia
temporal cortex
– Superior division supplies: Frontal and ▪ Right side lesion → left visual neglect
superior parietal cortex ▪ Brachial syndrome: embolic occlusion of a
▪ MCA Occlusion occurs at stem or at one of the single branch include hand, or arm and hand,
two divisions of the artery in the sylvian sulcus. weakness alone
▪ Frontal Opercular Syndrome: facial weakness
with nonfluent (Broca) aphasia, with or without
arm weakness
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CLASS 2021 P atricia Abigail Felipe
Ida Ingrid Rocha-Tulagan, MD
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CLASS 2021 P atricia Abigail Felipe
Ida Ingrid Rocha-Tulagan, MD
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Clinical diagnosis:
▪ worst headache in 80% of
▪ May be associated with
vomiting, stiff neck, loss
of consciousness or
focal neurologic deficits,
seizures in 20%
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CLASS 2021 P atricia Abigail Felipe