Methods For Manufacturing Centrifugal Compressor Impeller
Methods For Manufacturing Centrifugal Compressor Impeller
Methods For Manufacturing Centrifugal Compressor Impeller
Derrick Bauer
Manager – Materials Engineering
Elliott Group
Jeannette, PA, US
Figure 1. An example of a riveted impeller Figure 3. Two piece impeller brazed using foil and paste
It is clear that before the industry can move solely to one
piece impellers, some gaps will need to be filled. When
making a plan of attack, the low hanging fruit of large size,
large opening impellers are very well covered by 5-axis
milling, although it remains to be seen if that is the overall best
method. It makes sense then to attack from that position of
strength to find where its limits lie. The authors company and
probably most OEMs, have done that and have a fairly good Figure 7. Model of the selected impeller for the project
feel for what 5 axis milling is capable of. The question then
becomes how one attacks the other end of the spectrum? PM, and additive manufacturing. In each case, vendors were
The remainder of this paper discusses four alternative contacted and given the same impeller design shown in Figure
manufacturing methods that the authors company is 7 to evaluate and quote. The impeller is roughly 300 mm
investigating as options capable of addressing the small diameter, has 3 dimensional blades, and a tip opening less than
impeller, small tip opening end of the spectrum. The specific 6 mm. The tolerances on the drawings were 5-axis milling
processes being evaluated are EDM, Investment Casting, HIP’d tolerances for two piece construction, although it was
understood that the tolerances are not likely possible for most
of the processes. 17-4 PH in the NACE MR0175 (2009)
compliant 1150oF double aged condition was selected as the
material of construction, although for reasons explained later,
the additive manufactured impeller was changed to Inconel
718. Due to the custom designed nature of impellers, rapid
prototyping and similar concepts were incorporated to reduce
costs and lead time associated with permanent tooling. The
impellers were subjected to a battery of tests to evaluate the
dimensional accuracy and structural integrity, as well as to
characterize the resulting material properties. Each process will
be discussed in detail separately. The results of the tests will
then be summarized and each process will be ranked with
considerations to cost and delivery, manufacturability, and
suitability for service.
Electrical Discharge Machining or EDM is the process of
removing material using a series of electric sparks. While the
observation of the damage from lightning strikes has been
observed since the beginning of human kind, it wasn’t until
1770 that the spark erosion phenomenon was characterized by
English scientist Joseph Priestly (Webzell 2001). It was not
until the 1940’s that Russian researcher Lazerenko developed a
power supply that paved the way for the phenomenon to be
harnessed for controlled material removal (Anonymous 1965).
It was initially relegated to the useful, but lowly task of being
used to remove broken drill bits from holes (Webzell 2001).
Since that time, EDM has developed to the point that it has
become the most popular of the unconventional machining
the touch, but there are remelted areas that remain on the
surface. EDM is considered to be a thermal machining process.
In fact the only major issue with EDM is that it does leave
patches of remelted material on the surface. This material is
usually very hard and brittle due to the extremely rapid cooling
design where machine tools can not fit into the flow path after stretch to imagine that this process would be hampered by the
the part is printed. To address this, there are new hybrid same complications as the powder metal process.
systems becoming available that incorporate 5-axis machining Given the current deficiencies of the other systems, the
into the system. Essentially these machines build a few layers DMLS process was chosen for this project. The timing was
with the additive process and then machine the surface and fine very fortunate. First, this project was in the early stages when
features as required before adding more material. Given the Allison, et,al, (2014) reported on making closed impellers using
potential for impeller applications, plans are in place to include DMLS as well, which helped this project move from lab
the hybrid processes in future evaluations. curiosity to a process with a legitimate chance of success in the
eyes of many at the authors’ company. Secondly, machines
Within powder bed systems, there are two types, those with large enough build volumes to accommodate this impeller
that use welding processes, such as laser or electron beam, and were only introduced to the market in mid 2014 and were just
the so called binder jetting systems. Figure 27 shows the basic starting to become available. The vendor selected had not yet
concept for these systems. The welding based systems, more received this larger machine, so in the meantime, a segment of
commonly known as Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS), the impeller containing two flow paths was made on existing
Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), or Electron Beam Melting smaller machine to determine feasibility and if acceptable, the
(EBM), apply a thin layer of metal powder over a base plate. A full impeller was built when the larger machine was
high power laser or electron beam scans over the areas to be operational.
fused and melts the powder only in those locations (Herderick As with the other techniques discussed thus far, this
2011). The machine lowers the base plate down and the impeller is not straight forward to manufacture using DMLS.
machine applies another layer of powder on top and the process The major issue with this design and closed impellers in
continues until the part is complete. The unfused powder is general, is that as relatively flat rotating parts, it is preferred to
blown out and collected for reuse, leaving behind the printed be built horizontally. This minimizes the build height, which is
part. The binder jetting systems are the closest to literally a major contributor to the build time and in turn, the cost.
being a 3D printing process, as they use modified print heads to Being dynamically loaded, it is important that the properties be
apply a binder resin to a powder bed similar to the laser powder as uniform a possible about the axis of rotation, which also
bed system (ExOne 2014). This essentially glues the powder favors a horizontal build. As a consequence of this, the faces of
together rather than directly melting it. The “green” part is the hub and cover are nearly parallel to the base as the impeller
dried and the binder is burned out during furnace sintering. is built. The process is currently only able to build surfaces like
Currently, most parts made by this process are very porous and this for extremely short distances at an angle less than 25o and
must be back infiltrated by a lower melting point material such it must be off of the build platform or a previous layer
as a bronze. There are however, some materials that have been (Brancher, 2015). The powder bed by itself does not provide
Figure 41. Deviation plot showing the eye of the impeller and
the bore
Figure 42. Deviation plot showing the bore 180o from the
printed flow paths
Figure 39. Deviation plot showing the cover and OD
The final checks on the DMLS impeller segment were to
RESULTS AND DISCUSSTION There are some surprising results for a similar analysis of
the lead times for each method. Once again, these were based
The original intent of this paper was to present identical off of quotes from the suppliers. All of the methods were as
data sets for each manufacturing method described. Being that fast or faster than the standard time for the brazed impeller
each of these is in a different state of completion, it is difficult (green bars in Figure 45). The DMLS impeller has a major
to make direct or absolute comparisons as planned. At this advantage in this area and was half the time of the standard.
point in time, some initial estimates of the costs, lead times, and The segment that was made was reported to take just under two
tolerances achieved can be discussed. days to print and a full impeller would not take significantly
When each supplier provided a quote for the longer. Most of the time and cost of this method is tied to the
developmental work for this project, they were also asked to build height and not the extent or complexity required in the
provide an estimate of the cost if the impeller were for horizontal plane. EDM was the second shortest time and was
production. The in house processing was assumed to be the 75% of the time of the brazed impeller. Once again, both of
same for each method, regardless of incoming condition. The these could be faster if the equipment was in house, as most of
blue bars in Figure 45 are the comparison of the cost for each the lead time is tied up in scheduling rather than actual work.
method relative to a 17-4PH brazed impeller. In this While investment casting does also have a the scheduling issue,
comparison, the investment cast impeller using the 3-D printed there is a significant time in processing these impellers. The
pattern and invested flow path (SLA IC) was the least costly pattern print time is similar to the build time of the DMLS
and was actually less expensive than the brazed impeller. impeller, the investing process can take a week, heat treating
Using a ceramic core in the mold (Core IC) increases the cost can take a week, and upgrade cycles could take significant
such that it is about 50% higher cost than the brazed impeller. time. The ceramic core also adds significant time, so the
The EDM and DMLS are approximately 30% and 45% more invested flow path option is expected to be faster, but the
costly, respectively. These could be considered over estimates, supplier quoted the same lead times for both.
because these impellers would be coming in with much less It was mentioned above that the tolerances the suppliers
finish machining required. The DMLS impeller is also a more were given were 5 –axis milling tolerances. It’s not shocking
expensive material. The equipment for these two processes are that EDM showed the best performance in meeting those
also within reason to purchase and develop in house, which also requirements. It is a mature, entirely subtractive process that is
should reduce the costs. computer controlled. It easily met all of the dimensions that are
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Controlling Phase Composition in Selective Laser Melted
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