Lesson 6 Jesus in The Temple PDF
Lesson 6 Jesus in The Temple PDF
Lesson 6 Jesus in The Temple PDF
Luke 2:41-52
Luke 2
Every year his parents understanding and his
went to Jerusalem for the answers. 48When his parents
Feast of the Passover. 42When saw him, they were
he was twelve years old, they astonished. His mother said to
went up to the Feast, him, “Son, why have you
according to the custom. treated us like this? Your
After the Feast was over, father and I have been
while his parents were anxiously searching for you.”
returning home, the boy Jesus “Why were you searching
stayed behind in Jerusalem, for me?” he asked. “Didn’t
but they were unaware of it. you know I had to be in my
Thinking he was in their Father’s house?” 50But they
company, they traveled on for did not understand what he
a day. Then they began was saying to them.
looking for him among their 51
Then he went down to
relatives and friends. 45When Nazareth with them and was
they did not find him, they obedient to them. But his
went back to Jerusalem to mother treasured all these
look for him. 46After three things in her heart. 52And
days they found him in the Jesus grew in wisdom and
temple courts, sitting among stature, and in favor with God
the teachers, listening to them and men.
and asking them questions.
Everyone who heard him
was amazed at his
Jesus in the Temple
Luke 2:41-52
5 1.) Why did Jesus go to Jerusalem?
Memory Verse
"And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in
10 favor with God and men."
Luke 2:52
Home Connection Parent/Guardian
5 I have read, or been read, the passage
of scripture for this week.
5 I have answered the questions aloud to
an adult at home this week.
10 I have recited the memory verse out
loud to an adult at home this week.
Club Connection
Picture from Egermeier’s Bible Story Book by Elsie E. Egermeier. The Warner Press: Copyright © 1969.
Jesus in the Temple
Luke 2:41-52
Craft/Activity: Scrolls
Students will make scrolls to remind them that Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem to talk in the temple with
the teachers of the law.
1. Scroll Pattern
2. Popsicle Sticks
3. Glue
4. Crayons, Markers or Colored Pencils
5. Rubber Bands
6. Scissors
1. Have students color in the letters of the memory verse on the scroll pattern.
2. Cut out the scroll on the solid black line.
3. Roll both ends of the scroll pattern to the center.
4. Glue a Popsicle stick to both ends of the scroll.
5. When the glue has dried, put a rubber band around the scroll to keep it rolled up.
For Discussion
As students are working on their scrolls, remind them that Jesus was not intentionally disobeying his parents
by staying behind in Jerusalem. It stands to reason that Jesus would be in the temple speaking about things
of God. It is interesting that Mary “treasured these things in her heart” as would any parent who was proud
of his/her son. Help each student realize that Jesus was a child like they are. Jesus was a great example of
how even children can talk about things of God. Encourage them to share the gospel message with those
around them.
Approximately 10 minutes
Memory Verse
“And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.”
Luke 2:52
Jesus in the Temple
Luke 2:41-52
Scroll Pattern
Glue popsicle stick here.
Jesus in
Today your child learned that Jesus
stayed behind and talked in the
temple. His parents were worried
the Temple
about him.
“Dear Jesus,
Jesus stayed in the
temple to talk with the
Please forgive me for the bad
things that I have done. Please
come into my heart and be my Lord adults.
and savior. In your name I pray,
6 3
Jesus in the Temple
Luke 2:41-52
Preschool Game
Jesus in the Temple
Luke 2:41-52
Preschool Bible Story Rhyme