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Circuit Theory

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Circuit Theory

Subject Code: EEL1166

Objective: To provide a basic understanding of the laws of circuit theory and the
behaviour of circuits during steady-state and transient conditions.
Pre-Requisite: None
Credit Hours: 3
Contact Hours: 50 hours (lectures, tutorials and laboratory experiments)
Assessment: Test/Quiz: 15%
Tutorial/Assignment: 15%
Lab Experiment: 10%
Final Examination: 60%
Laboratory: 1. CK1: Thevenin’s Theorem and Superposition Theorem
2. CK2: AC Circuits

References: 1. C.K. Alexander and M.N.O. Sadiku, “Fundamentals of Electric

Circuits”, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2009.
2. J. Nilsson and S. Riedel, “Electric Circuits”, 8th ed., Prentice-Hall,
3. R. C. Dorf and J. A. Svoboda, “Introduction to Electric Circuits”, 7th
ed., John Wiley, 2006.
4. W. H. Hayt, Jr, J. E. Kemmerly and S. M. Durbin, “Engineering
Circuit Analysis”, 7th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2006.
5. I. Robert L. Boylestad, “Introductory Circuit Analyis”, 11th ed.,
Prentice Hall, 2006.

Course Contents

 Circuit Elements and Basic Laws

Electric quantities: charges, voltage, current, power, energy. Voltage and current sources,
resistor, inductor and capacitor. Ohm’s Law. Kirchoff’s current and voltage Laws.
Thevenin and Norton equivalents, superposition, reciprocity, maximum power transfer
 Network Analysis
Elementary network topology, network constraints, network equilibrium equations.
Nodal and mesh network analysis.
 Signal and Waveforms
Signal waveforms: d.c., step, impulse, square pulse, sinusoidal, triangular, exponential.
General description of signals: time constant, rms value, duty cycle, crest factor, form
 Sinusoidal Steady State Analysis
Effective alternating current. a.c. behavior in R, L and C elements. Phasor analysis with
complex algebra, Two terminal networks - impedance, admittance and their real and
imaginary parts. Resonance: series and parallel resonance, half power points, bandwidth,
Q-factors. Power: instantaneous, average, power factor, active, reactive, complex,
 Transient Analysis
Analysis of first order LR and RC circuits subjected to excitation of d.c., square pulse,
sinusoidal sources and exponential sources. Interpretation of complementary function and
particular integral. Analysis of second order RLC circuit subjected to step input and
sinusoidal input.

Learning Outcome of Subject

At the completion of the subject, students should be able to perform the following tasks:

Level of
Learning Outcomes
LO1 – Explain the basic concepts and laws of electric circuits and the different
types of signals. High
(cognitive - understanding, level 2)
LO2 – Analyse the steady state response of the circuits.
(cognitive - analysing, level 4)
LO3 – Compute the impedance, resonance and complex power and the transient
response for RL, RC and RLC circuits. High
(cognitive - applying, level 3)
LO4 – Solve the electrical networks using nodal and mesh analysis techniques.
(cognitive - applying, level 3)

Programme Outcomes

Level of
Programme Outcomes
PO1 – Acquire and apply knowledge of mathematics,science and engineering
fundamentals to solve complex engineering problems.
PO3 – Identify and analyse complex engineering problems to reach substantiated
conclusions using fundamental principles of mathematics, science and Low

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