Circuit Theory
Circuit Theory
Circuit Theory
Course Contents
At the completion of the subject, students should be able to perform the following tasks:
Level of
Learning Outcomes
LO1 – Explain the basic concepts and laws of electric circuits and the different
types of signals. High
(cognitive - understanding, level 2)
LO2 – Analyse the steady state response of the circuits.
(cognitive - analysing, level 4)
LO3 – Compute the impedance, resonance and complex power and the transient
response for RL, RC and RLC circuits. High
(cognitive - applying, level 3)
LO4 – Solve the electrical networks using nodal and mesh analysis techniques.
(cognitive - applying, level 3)
Programme Outcomes
Level of
Programme Outcomes
PO1 – Acquire and apply knowledge of mathematics,science and engineering
fundamentals to solve complex engineering problems.
PO3 – Identify and analyse complex engineering problems to reach substantiated
conclusions using fundamental principles of mathematics, science and Low