2020 Specimen Paper 3

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Cambridge IGCSE™


Paper 3 Data Analysis and Website Authoring For examination from 2020
SPECIMEN PAPER 2 hours 30 minutes

You will need: Candidate source files (listed on page 2)


● Carry out all instructions in each step.
● Enter your name, centre number and candidate number on every printout before it is sent to the printer.
● Printouts with handwritten candidate details on will not be marked.
● At the end of the examination, put all your printouts into the Assessment Record Folder.
● If you have produced rough copies of printouts, put a cross through each one to indicate that it is not the
copy to be marked.
● You must not have access to either the internet or any email system during this examination.

● The total mark for this paper is 80.
● The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets.

This document has 10 pages. Blank pages are indicated.

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Candidate source files:


Task 1 – Evidence Document

• Create a document in a word processing application. Make sure your name, centre number and
candidate number will appear on every page by placing these details in the header.

• Save the document in your work area with the name Evidence_ followed by your candidate
number, for example Evidence_9999

You will need your Evidence Document during the examination to display images, text and screenshots
when required.

Task 2 – Data Analysis

• Open and examine the files TTSstaff.csv and TTSbranches.csv in a spreadsheet application.

• Save the file TTSbranches.csv as a spreadsheet with the name TTSanalysis_ followed by your
centre number and candidate number, for example, TTSanalysis_ZZ999_9999

• Save the file TTSstaff.csv as a spreadsheet with the name TTSsales_ followed by your centre
number and candidate number, for example, TTSsales_ZZ999_9999

In your TTSanalysis spreadsheet:

• Place your name, centre number and candidate number, centre aligned in the footer of the page.

• In cell C1 add the text Branch Sales

• Insert a new row above Row 1.

• Merge the cells A1 to C1.

• In the merged cell add the text TTS sales 2019

• Format the merged cell so that:

– the text is centre aligned with a red 24-point serif font
– it has a green fill
– it has a solid black border.

• Wrap the text in cells A2 and C2.

• Format the cells A2 to C2 as:

– bold
– centred horizontally and vertically.

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• Adjust the cell widths so all data is visible.

• Save the TTSanalysis spreadsheet. [11]

In your TTSsales spreadsheet:

• Place your name, centre number and candidate number, centre aligned in the header of the page.

• In cell E1 enter the text Branch

• In cell E2 enter a function to use the Branch code to lookup the Branch from the TTSanalysis file.

• Replicate this formula for each member of staff.

• Save the TTSsales spreadsheet.

• Print only the data for the Almere and Amsterdam branches showing the formulae. Make sure:
– it is in landscape orientation
– the row and column headings are displayed
– the contents of all the cells are fully visible.


Make sure that you have entered your name, centre number and candidate number on the
spreadsheet showing the formulae.


• Keeping the data in ascending order of Branch, sort the TTSsales data so that the sales for the
members of staff in the branch are in descending order.

• Save the TTSsales spreadsheet.

• Print the data for the Naples and Porto branches showing the values. Make sure:
– it is in portrait orientation
– the row and column headings are not displayed
– the contents of all the cells are fully visible.


Make sure that you have entered your name, centre number and candidate number on the
spreadsheet showing the values.


In your TTSanalysis spreadsheet:

• Sort the data so that the branches are in ascending order.

• In cells C3 to C12 enter functions to calculate the total sales for each branch.

• Save the TTSanalysis spreadsheet.

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• Print the spreadsheet showing the formulae. Make sure:

– it is in landscape orientation
– row and column headings are displayed
– the contents of all the cells are fully visible.


Make sure that you have entered your name, centre number and candidate number on the
spreadsheet showing the formulae.


• Print the spreadsheet showing the values. Make sure:

– it is in portrait orientation
– row and column headings are not displayed
– the contents of all the cells are fully visible
– the table is centred horizontally on the page.


Make sure that you have entered your name, centre number and candidate number on the
spreadsheet showing the table.

• Extract only those branches with sales greater than $4 million.

• Print the spreadsheet showing the extracted data. Make sure:

– it is in portrait orientation
– row and column headings are not displayed
– the contents of all the cells are fully visible
– the table is centred horizontally on the page.


Make sure that you have entered your name, centre number and candidate number on the
spreadsheet showing the extract.


• Create and fully label a chart to compare the data for all of the branches.

• Print only the chart.


Make sure that you have entered your name, centre number and candidate number on the


• In cell B13 add the text Total Sales and format the text as bold.

• In cell C13 insert a formula to calculate the total of the branch sales.

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• Format the value as bold.

• In cell D2 add the text Target Sales, wrap and centre the text and format it as bold.

• In cell D13 insert a formula to increase the value of the Total Sales by a percentage. Use trial and
error to work out the smallest percentage increase necessary to reach a Target Sales value of
$50 000 000.

• Replicate this formula for all the branches.

• Print the spreadsheet showing the formulae. Make sure:

– it is in landscape orientation
– row and column headings are displayed
– the contents of all the cells are fully visible.


Make sure that you have entered your name, centre number and candidate number on the
spreadsheet showing the formulae.


• Print only the data showing the values. Make sure:

– it is in portrait orientation
– the row and column headings are not displayed
– the contents of all the cells are fully visible.


Make sure that you have entered your name, centre number and candidate number on the
spreadsheet showing the values.


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Task 3 – Web Page

• Create a new folder called TTSWeb in your work area.

• Locate the following files and copy them to your TTSWeb folder.
TTSBanner.png TTtext1.txt
TTSOffer.png TTtext2.txt
TTSstyle.css Wallpaper.png

• Edit the TTSBanner.png image so that there is space the same size as the text above and below
the text. It should look like this:

• Save the image as TTSBanner.jpg


Place a copy of the TTSBanner.jpg image in your Evidence Document.


• Create a web page named TTShomepage.html in your TTSWeb folder

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This web page must work in any browser and contain a table with a structure as shown below. The
width of the table is set in the stylesheet and the height of the rows will be set by their contents.

• Insert the text shown in bold.

• Replace the text in <chevrons> with the image and text as instructed.

• Save the web page.


• Open the stylesheet TTSstyle.css in your editor.

• Edit the stylesheet to use the Wallpaper.png image as the background of the web page.

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• Using the most efficient methods, add the following styles to the stylesheet.
All colour codes must be in hexadecimal.

table Position: Centre aligned within the browser window

Size: 600 pixels wide
Borders: No visible borders
Cells: Cell spacing 0 pixels
Cell padding 10 pixels
h1 Colour: Red
Font: Arial or if not available Calibri, or if not available the browser’s default
sans-serif font
36 points
Centre aligned
h2 Colour: Red
Font: Arial or if not available Calibri, or if not available the browser’s default
sans-serif font
24 points
Left aligned
h3 Colour: Blue
Font: Arial or if not available Calibri, or if not available the browser’s default
sans-serif font
14 points
List style Colour: Blue
Font: Arial or if not available Calibri, or if not available the browser’s default
sans-serif font
14 points

• Save the stylesheet in your TTSWeb folder as TTSstyle_ followed by your candidate number e.g.


Place a screenshot of the stylesheet in your Evidence Document. Make sure the all the details
of the styles are readable.


• Open the TTShomepage.html file in an editor. Attach the stylesheet to your TTShomepage.html
web page.

• Create a hyperlink from the text ‘here’ in ‘Click here to contact us’ to send an email to
info@tawaratechnology.com with the subject line Support enquiry


Take a copy of the HTML source of the web page and place this in your Evidence Document.

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• Open the TTShomepage.html file in a browser.


Place a screenshot of the web page in your Evidence Document. Make sure that all of the
browser window is displayed.

• Print your Evidence Document.


Make sure your name, centre number and candidate number are shown on every page of your
Evidence Document.


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publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.

Cambridge Assessment International Education is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of the University of
Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which itself is a department of the University of Cambridge.

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