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The key takeaways are that homeopathy is a natural and gentle approach to medicine that stimulates the body's inherent healing ability. It is based on the principle of 'like cures like' and can help treat many common health issues safely and effectively.

Homeopathy is based on the principle that any substance that can cause symptoms of illness can also cure those symptoms if prepared according to the homeopathic methodology. It works on the basis that 'like cures like'.

According to the passage, homeopathy is most popular in Europe, India, and South America. More than 500 million people worldwide use homeopathy, with its greatest popularity being in these regions.

magazine presents

homeopathy Time tested remedies

for the whole family

safd e

magazine presents

by kim erickson
Get Healthy with
Based on the premise that “like cures like,”
homeopathy is a terrific way to help the whole family
stay healthy. But if you’re not familiar with this safe
and gentle mode of healing, you’re certainly not alone.
For those of us in the U.S., it may be one of the least
familiar forms of natural medicine, yet it can be one of
the most effective.
According to the World Health Organization more
than 500 million people worldwide use homeopathy.
It’s especially popular in Europe, India, and South
Kim Erickson America. Why? Because it works!
Managing Editor Best of all, many homeopathic remedies are ideal
for handling many of life’s little everyday health con-
cerns, whether it’s a bout with hay fever, a sprained
ankle, or the common cold. This booklet will give you
an in-depth understanding of how homeopathy sup-
ports good health and why it may be the right choice
for you and your family.


Check out the latest issue of Amazing Wellness

magazine at your local Vitamin Shoppe or at

Copyright © 2011 by Kim Erickson and Active Interest Media, Inc.

All rights reserved. No part of this booklet may be reproduced,
stored in an electronic retrieval system, or transcribed in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying
and recording, without the prior written permission of the publisher,
except for the inclusion of quotations in a review.
Amazing Wellness
CONTENTS Presents . . .
4 Introduction
Homeopathy 101 Joanna Shaw

10 Chapter One Managing Editor

Kim Erickson
Safe and Effective
Copy Editor
14 Chapter Two Tina Rubin
Medicine for the Whole Family Creative Director
Karen Sperry
21 Chapter Three
Amazing Wellness is
A Remedy for What Ails You part of the Healthy
Living Group family
26 Chapter Four of publications
Beyond Home Treatment produced by Active
Interest Media. For
more information,
31 Selected References visit

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Homeopathy 101
hen my daughter Whitney suffered a nasty sprain during a high
school soccer game, we packed her ankle in ice and rushed her to
the doctor. Although a quick exam and X-rays showed that nothing
had been broken, all the doctor could offer was a pair of crutches and the
assurance that, over the next few weeks, her ankle would heal on its own.
Fortunately, a neighbor recommended Arnica montana, a homeopathic
remedy known for its ability to tackle tough sports injuries. Within days,
Whitney’s pain, swelling, and bruising had almost vanished. Both her doc-
tor and I were amazed at its effectiveness.
Although homeopathy was new to me, it’s actually been around for more
than 200 years. Based on natural, nontoxic remedies, it stimulates the body’s
own inherent healing capacity—and over the past 40 years, its popularity
has grown by leaps and bounds. But, despite the growing use of homeopa-
thy, it’s one of the least understood types of medicine. If you’re among those
baffled by it, this booklet will help you decipher the mystery of this holistic
form of healing that takes its cue from the human body itself.

A History Lesson
If you became ill in the 18th century, your medical options were not only lim-
ited, they could be pretty gruesome. Bloodletting, purging, leeches, starvation,
or the use of toxic compounds like arsenic and mercury were quite common.
Fortunately, an accidental discovery by German physician and chemist Sam-
uel Hahnemann gave patients a safer, gentler, and more effective alternative.
While he was translating a text that prescribed Peruvian cinchona bark
to treat malaria, Hahnemann decided to test the author’s claims that it was
cinchona’s astringent properties that helped cure the disease. After repeat-
edly ingesting the bark, Hahnemann developed a fever, chills, and other
malaria-like symptoms. He concluded that substances that can cause symp-
toms may also help relieve them.
Over the next six years, Hahnemann tested the impact of other pure
extracts in various dilutions, combining careful observations of the medi-
cine’s effect with knowledge about herbs and other medicinal substances.
From these observations came Hahnemann’s Law of Similars. In 1796,
he wrote about his experiences in the German medical review Hufeland’s
Journal, giving birth to what would become the practice of homeopathy.
Homeopathy gradually took hold throughout Europe, and in 1825 a Bos-
ton-born doctor, Hans Burch Gram, brought this unconventional form of

4 h o m e o p a t h y
The 3 Laws of
The object of homeopathy is
to repel imbalances from the
body and allow the body to heal
and rebalance. Based on the fol-
lowing laws, homeopathy stimulates the body’s natural curative powers.
Law of Similars
Homeopathy is a system of medicine founded on the principle of
‘Similia Similibus Curantur’ which means ‘like cures like.’ This means a
substance that would cause a healthy person to get symptoms can cure
these same symptoms.
Law of Simplex – The Single Remedy
According to Hahnemann, only one medicinal substance should be
administered at a time. This is because:
• The homeopathic remedies were proved singly, and the Materia Med-
ica was created on the observed effects of drugs given singly.
• Only one remedy can be the most similar at any given time to the
condition of any given patient.
• If more than one remedy is used the patient and/or doctor will never
know which element was effective.
Law of Minimum
This is sometimes referred to as the Magic of Minimum Dose. Under this
principle, homeopathic medicine is used in the most ­minute dose possible.
Because of this, the remedy enables the body to heal in the most efficient
and least harmful way. This concept of minimum dose led to the discovery
of a practical process called potentization (see Chapter One).

healing to the United States. Because homeopathy had an 80 percent suc-

cess rate compared to just 50 percent for the conventional treatments of
the day, its popularity across America exploded. This spurred the estab-
lishment of the first homeopathic medical college in Allentown, Pennsyl-
vania, in 1835 by Constantine Hering, as well as the American Institute of
Homeopathy, the nation’s very first medical association.
With the dawn of the 20th century, however, homeopathy’s popularity
began to wane. Modern medicine surged forward with germ theory, as well
as the use of antiseptics and eventually antibiotics. A new group made up
of conventional doctors, later known as the American Medical Association,
also played a role in discounting homeopathy. Between 1930 and 1975, the

h o m e o p a t h y 5
practice of homeopathy was almost nonexistent. Many colleges were shut-
tered and legislation limited homeopathic training and practice. In fact, by
the 1950s, there were fewer than 150 practicing homeopathic physicians left
in the United States. But a new generation—one interested in all things natu-
ral—began to explore healing modalities of the past, including homeopathy.
Because of its efficacy, homeopathy is currently an established form of
medicine throughout Europe and Asia. And it is fast regaining popularity
in the United States. According to a report in The FDA Consumer, there
was a 1,000 percent increase in sales of homeopathic medicines between
the late 1970s and the early 1980s. Today, an estimated 3.9 million adults
and 900,000 children in the United States rely on homeopathy in one form
or another to help them manage both minor and major health problems.

7 Things You Need To Know About Homeopathy

1. Homeopathy is safe. Homeopathic medicine is regulated in the same
way as conventional over-the-counter (OTC) medicines. But studies show
that it is considerably safer than most OTC drugs, like aspirin and acet-
aminophen. As you’ll see in Chapter Two, there are no known side effects
or drug interactions, and you can’t overdose on homeopathic remedies.
2. It’s effective. More than two centuries of evidence from hundreds of
thousands of clinicians and millions of patients attest to homeopathy’s
effectiveness and safety. Today, homeopathic remedies are prescribed
by more than 400,000 health care professionals worldwide, including
pediatricians, family physicians, plastic surgeons, dentists, and ortho-
pedic doctors.
3. It’s natural. Homeopathic remedies are derived from natural sub-
stances that come from plants, minerals, or animals. Common rem-
edies include red onion, arnica, and stinging nettle.
4. It’s holistic. Homeopathy works with your whole body to ease symp-
toms and make you well. Traditional medicine, on the other hand, sim-
ply targets and opposes the symptoms. For instance, a runny nose is
treated with a drug that dries up nasal secretions.
5. It’s simple. Homeopathy uses just five ingredients in the
production process:
•  water •  alcohol    •  sucrose
•  lactose •  the natural medicine
Additionally, homeopathic medicines are simple to administer, even
to children. They can be taken anytime, with or without water. Homeo­
pathic medicines are typically available in pellets that dissolve under the
tongue, but are also incorporated into other formulas, such as syrups or
quick-dissolving strips.

6 h o m e o p a t h y
6. There’s a remedy for almost every condition. Homeopathy addresses
very specific symptoms, so a homeopathic cold and flu remedy for
someone with a fever and sniffles will be different than one for a
person with chills and a cough. There are a number of effective OTC
single and combination remedies for a wide range of everyday mala-
dies. For chronic or more serious conditions, it’s wise to consult with a
homeopathic doctor who can prescribe more targeted remedies.
7. It’s environmentally friendly. Natural ingredients are used to pro-
duce homeopathic medicine. Unlike conventional drugs, the rem-
edies contain no toxic chemicals, making them safe for both your
body and the environment.

h o m e o p a t h y 7
The Basics of Homeopathy
As Hahnemann discovered, homeopathy is based on the law of similars.
In other words, substances that can cause symptoms in a healthy person
are used to cure similar symptoms in a person who is ill. In fact, the very
word homeopathy is based on the Greek word homios, which means simi-
lar, and pathos, which means suffering.
Often referred to as “like cures like,” homeopathic remedies are based
on the belief that symptoms are a beneficial sign that the body is trying to
heal itself against illness. “Homeopathy regards symptoms as the body’s
healthy attempt to restore itself to balance,” says New York City–based
homeopath Nancy Gahles, DC, RSHom (NA), CCH. “A homeopath will
choose a remedy that supports the symptoms rather than opposing or
suppressing them as in conventional medicine.”
Homeopathy also differs from conventional medicine in how patients
are treated. While allopathic doctors only treat the body part that is
affected or the physical signs of disease, homeopathy addresses each
individual as a whole person. Because a symptom may manifest itself in
the body, mind, emotion, spirit, or soul, homeopathy is effective even in
the absence of a conventional diagnosis.
Homeopathic remedies work with the body’s own innate healing abili-
ties using extremely minute amounts of naturally derived medicine. In fact,
many homeopaths think that it’s this miniscule dosage that is the secret
to homeopathy’s success. “There are several thousand studies in conven-
tional scientific journals showing a wide variety of biological effects from
extremely small doses of various substances on specific systems,” says
Dana Ullman, MPH, founder of Homeopathic Educational Services in
Berkeley, California, and the author of 10 books on homeopathy. “Homeo-
pathic medicines should be considered to be a type of nanopharmacology.”

8 h o m e o p a t h y
Focus on
Boericke & Tafel
Beginning in the early 1830s, an
intestinal infection swept across
the United States, killing thou-
sands. To keep up with the demand
for homeopathic remedies to treat the outbreak, Constantine Her-
ing—often called the Father of American Homeopathy—recruited
two Philadelphia pharmacists, Francis Boericke and Adolph Tafel,
to help local apothecary manager William Radde create the reme-
dies needed to serve their city. In 1862, Boericke and Tafel bought
the apothecary and began offering homeopathic books and medi-
cines. Business flourished under the store’s motto: “All works on
homeopathy, as well as pocket cases of homeopathic medicines,
prepared by approved hands, and very neatly arranged.”
As demand for quality homeopathic medicines grew, Boericke
and Tafel opened other pharmacies, in New York, New Orleans,
San Francisco, Pittsburgh, Washington D.C., Minneapolis, Chi-
cago, and Cincinnati. But it was their role as publishers that truly
advanced homeopathy in the United States. Eighty-five percent
of all ­homeopathic books in America were published by the two
pharmacists, along with their greatest contribution, Boericke
Materia Medica, which is still the standard Materia Medica used
today by American homeopaths.
As one of the oldest homeopathic pharmaceutical companies,
Boericke & Tafel continues to thrive today. In 1988, the company
was acquired by the Dr. Willmar Schwabe Group and is currently
distributed through Nature’s Way. Yet, even as the company
evolves, it stays true to its original vision of educating consum-
ers and medical professionals about the benefits of homeopathy.
Boericke & Tafel also continues to ensure the highest quality raw
materials while maintaining a strong commitment to biodiversity
and the environment. By making therapeutic advances and pro-
viding new solutions for health problems, Boericke &Tafel and
the Dr. Willmar Schwabe Group are actively shaping the future
of homeopathy and caring for consumers’ health, both now and
in the future.

h o m e o p a t h y 9
Chapter One
Safe and Effective
ince homeopathic remedies are highly diluted, they contain only min-
iscule amounts of the original substances they are made from. As a
result, they don’t have the toxic side effects common to many con-
ventional medicines. And unlike herbal compounds, there are no adverse
interactions between homeopathic medicines and any drugs you may be
taking. If that weren’t enough to recommend homeopathy, it’s also impor-
tant to note that because homeopathic remedies are so diluted, there is
virtually no chance of an allergic reaction.
The safety of homeopathic remedies lies in both the way they are made and
how they are regulated. Unlike dietary supplements, homeopathic medicines
are considered nonprescription drugs by the United States Food and Drug
Administration (FDA). Yet, because they contain little, if any, active com-
pounds, their safety profile far exceeds most over-the-counter medications.

How Remedies Are Made

Approximately 80 percent of all homeopathic remedies are based on
plants, especially herbs. The remaining 20 percent comes from minerals,
salts, and even insects and animals. Once collected, the chosen source cre-
ates the basis for a specific remedy using an age-old process. For instance,
if a plant will be used to create a remedy, the crude botanical material is

10 h o m e o p a t h y
The objectives of potentization in homeopathy are:
1. To reduce the medicinal substance, which helps to avoid unwanted
aggravations and side effects.
2. To process the most virulent and deadly poisons and not only
render them harmless, but transform them into beneficial healing
3. To make substances that are medicinally inert in their crude natural
state active and effective for healing the sick.
4. To enhance the medicinal qualities of other drugs that are more or
less active in their natural state and broaden their sphere of action.
5. To ensure that the action of potentized medicines is deeper, longer,
and more widespread.

soaked in a water and alcohol to make what’s known as a “Mother Tinc-

ture.” This soaking draws the beneficial properties out of the crude mate-
rial and infuses it into the water.
After the mother tincture has been created, the remedy is then diluted
to the desired strength using a specific ratio of one part mother tincture to
nine parts diluting solution. This process is known as potentization. The
more a substance is potentized, the longer and more deeply the medicine
acts and the fewer doses are needed to successfully treat the ailment.
When a remedy undergoes potentization, the mother tincture is consec-
utively diluted and vigorously shaken (succussed) to bring out the medici-
nal properties of the original substance. Succussion, or shaking, is key to
making the remedy effective. Succussion can be as simple as holding a
capped vile of the solution and pounding it against a book on a desk. Sim-
ply doing this creates a 1X potency. “X” stands for 10 in Roman numerals.
To make a 2X potency, one part of the 1X potency is added to nine parts
of the diluting solution in a vile and then succussed. Succussion is done a
minimum of 100 times per each level of dilution, starting from the very
beginning. This process continues until the desired potency (strength) of
the remedy is attained.

Common Potencies and Their Lack of Toxicity

Common potencies used in homeopathic remedies usually begin around
6X. According to Gahles, “All homeopathic remedies of 6X potency or
higher are safe for anyone, including pregnant women, unborn babies, and

h o m e o p a t h y 11
children.” The dilution ratio of 6X is one part of the Mother Tincture to
one million parts of the diluting material. So, only one part of the origi-
nal tincture is in every million parts of the diluting material. This is what
makes remedies extremely safe.
6X is already extremely diluted and considered a low potency. But you
can also find remedies that frequently use a potency of 12X or even 30X.
These are infinitesimal doses. Yet they are effective, at times acting stron-
ger and faster than common drugs. These homeopathic microdoses work
in conjunction with your body’s own chemical and immune processes.
And homeopathy does this without fear of toxic side effects.

Regulating Remedies
Homeopathic remedies are prepared according to the guidelines of the
Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States (HPUS), which was writ-
ten into law in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act in 1938. Homeo-
pathic remedies are regulated in the same manner as nonprescription,
over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. However, because homeopathic products
contain little or no active ingredients, they do not have to undergo the
same safety and efficacy testing as prescription and new OTC drugs.
The FDA does, however, require that homeopathic remedies meet cer-
tain legal standards for strength, purity, and packaging. The labels on the
remedies must include at least one major indication (i.e., medical problem
to be treated), a list of ingredients, the dilution, and safety instructions.
In addition, if a homeopathic remedy claims to treat a serious disease like
cancer, it must be sold as a prescription by a qualified homeopath or medi-
cal doctor. Only products for self-limiting conditions (minor health prob-
lems like a cold or headache) can be sold without a prescription.
Homeopathic remedies help remove the roadblocks to health. This allows
the body to take over and heal itself. Because of government oversight and
extreme dilution, homeopathic remedies are extremely safe for all ages,
including infants, the aged, and pregnant women. As you’ll discover in the
next chapter, this makes homeopathy ideal for the whole family.

Common “C” Potencies

There are times when you’ll notice that the potency is not “X” but “C”
(commonly denoted as 6C, 12C, or 30C). “C” stands for 100 in Roman
numerals. This means that one part of the Mother Tincture is added to
99 parts of diluting solution and succussed for a 1C potency, and so on,
until the desired potency is attained. “C” potencies are more diluted
then “X” potencies, but not less effective.

12 h o m e o p a t h y
Focus on
As pharmacists, it wasn’t enough
for Jean and Henri Boiron to simply
fill prescriptions. In 1932, the twin
brothers set out to fulfill the growing
demand for safe and reliable homeo-
pathic medicines. After developing the necessary manufacturing exper-
tise, the brothers launched the Boiron pharmaceutical laboratory in Lyon,
France. Nearly 80 years later, Boiron is still operated by the Boiron family,
who continue to be passionate about integrating the benefits of homeo-
pathic medicine into daily life.
With the goal of incorporating homeopathic medicine into every phy-
sician’s practice, the company created the Boiron Institute in 1985. This
research group brings together the clinical experience of homeopathic
physicians to expand homeopathy’s knowledge base among the medical
community worldwide. Currently, the Boiron Institute is comprised of 150
physicians representing over 30 countries.
Educating consumers is also a key priority. Boiron recently launched
its Homeopathic Medicine Finder to help shoppers to find the right
medicine to safely help with more than 350 health conditions and symp-
toms. Consumers can also check out the online Boiron Medicine Finder
Boiron’s strong commitment to health and community extends not only
to physicians and consumers, but to those in need. Boiron USA has part-
nered with two charitable organizations: Vitamin Angels, which supplies
essential nutrients to children in 43 countries, and the Gesundheit Insti-
tute, a not-for-profit holistic health care organization led by Patch Adams,
M.D. A portion of the sales from two of the company’s most popular prod-
ucts—Oscillococcinum and Arnicare—is donated to these groups.
Today, the preparation of Boiron homeopathic medicines links a strong
respect for tradition with technological innovation, which allows their
reliability to be optimized. As a counterbalance to harvesting raw mate-
rials, Boiron promotes resupplying wild-harvested or organically farmed
plants whenever possible. The company also works with 120 botanist-har-
vesters to ethically gather plants. This not only improves the quality of raw
materials Boiron uses, it also protects the environment and ensures the
sustainability of quality homeopathic medicine for generations to come.

h o m e o p a t h y 13
Chapter Two
Medicine for the
Whole Family
ecause of homeopathy’s exceptional safety record and effectiveness,
it’s the perfect way to help keep the entire family healthy. From your
newborn infant to your aging parent, homeopathy can foster good
health for a lifetime.
What kind of conditions can be treated with homeopathy? Homeopathic
medicine can be effective in treating many acute and chronic health prob-
lems, including allergies, arthritis, colds and flu, headaches and back-
aches, PMS, depression, and many other physical and emotional upsets.
Correctly chosen remedies are often able to stimulate the body’s innate
healing ability, leading to an improvement.
Homeopathy is particularly beneficial for childhood ailments like colic
and ear infections. In fact, a recent study of 119 children that was con-
ducted at the University of Washington, Seattle, found that those who
received homeopathic eardrops along with their standard therapy suf-
fered from less severe symptoms. Plus, the homeopathic group got well
faster than those who only received antibiotics.

You Might Try Homeopathy If . . .

Preliminary studies, as well as anecdotal reports, suggest that home-
opathy can help a number of chronic and everyday ailments. The 15 most
common include:
• Anxiety •  Asthma
• Back pain •  Common childhood diarrhea
• Common colds •  Ear infections
• Fatigue •  Flu symptoms
• Headache •  Menopausal symptoms, especially
• Pain   hot flashes
• PMS •  Seasonal allergies
• Sports injuries •  Stress

14 h o m e o p a t h y
Homeopathy is safe,
gentle, and effective
for all ages.

h o m e o p a t h y 15
How to Take a Homeopathic Remedy
Many homeopathic physicians suggest that remedies be used
as follows: Take one dose and wait for a response. If improvement
is seen, continue to wait and let the remedy work. If improvement
lags significantly or has clearly stopped, another dose may be taken.
The frequency of dosage varies with the condition and the individ-
ual. Sometimes a dose may be required several times an hour; other
times a dose may be indicated several times a day; and in some situ-
ations, one dose per day (or less) can be sufficient. If no response is
seen within a reasonable amount of time, select a different remedy.
Homeopathic remedies come in a variety of forms, including pel-
lets, tablets, liquid, ointments, and suppositories. Pellets are the
most popular form and are taken sublingually. The large number
of capillaries under the tongue allow for faster absorption into the
blood stream.
Because homeopathic pills or pellets are very fragile and easily
contaminated, it’s wise to avoid handling them. Instead, pour the
tablets or pellets into the bottle cap and carefully place them into
your mouth.

16 h o m e o p a t h y
Other research shows that homeopathic remedies containing chamo-
milla have helped many a frantic mother soothe the pain of her teething
infant. Homeopathy can also help colicky babies. It’s so effective that an
observational cohort study found that a proprietary homeopathic for-
mula was just as effective as the drug hyoscine butylbromide for gastro-
intestinal cramps in children.
But the value of homeopathic medicine for infants and children doesn’t
end there. Because these remedies work on a physical, mental, and emo-
tional level, they may even help children with attention deficit hyperac-
tivity disorder (ADHD). In one recent double-blind study of 83 children
diagnosed with ADHD, Swiss researchers found that those who were given
a targeted homeopathic remedy under the care of a certified homeopath
had significantly fewer behavioral problems than the children who were
given a placebo.
Mom and dad can benefit too. A joint trial of Dutch and British women
suffering from premenstrual syndrome found that homeopathy cut the
frequency of symptoms in half. Homeopathy can also help regulate men-
strual irregularities and is often used during childbirth. At the other end
of the spectrum, research at the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital sug-
gests that homeopathic treatment can be used as an alternative to treat-
ment with hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to help ease the symp-
toms of menopause.

Self-administered homeopathic
treatment can ease anxiety, enhance
mood, and soothe aches and pains.
In men, homeopathy can support a healthy reproductive tract. Accord-
ing to Ullman, a number of homeopathic remedies can complement con-
ventional medical treatment for prostatitis and an enlarged prostate. And
German research suggests that homeopathy can help treat infertility in
men by boosting sperm count. But homeopathy for men isn’t limited to
issues below the belt. Self-administered homeopathic treatment can ease
anxiety, enhance mood, and soothe the aches and pains that often affect
weekend warriors.
Homeopathy’s benefits can extend well beyond everyday maladies. Sev-
eral studies show that professional treatment by a qualified homeopath
can replace or augment conventional treatment for a number of chronic

h o m e o p a t h y 17
illnesses. However, clinical evidence for homeopathy often isn’t consis-
tent—making it difficult and confusing for both consumers and health
care providers. To address this, three Dutch professors of medicine per-
formed a meta-analysis that encompassed 25 years of clinical studies
using homeopathic medicines. The vast majority of studies included in
the analysis clearly showed that homeopathic medicines were exception-
ally effective. Specifically, the doctors found that:
• 13 of 19 trials showed successful treatment of respiratory infections.
• 6 of 7 trials showed positive results in treating other infections.
• 5 of 7 trials showed improvement in digestive problems.
• 5 of 5 showed successful treatment of hay fever.
• 5 of 7 showed faster recovery after abdominal surgery.
• 4 of 6 promoted healing and pain relief in those with arthritis
or joint pain.
• 18 of 20 showed benefit in addressing general pain or trauma.
• 8 of 10 showed positive results in relieving psychological problems.
• 13 of 15 showed improvement in miscellaneous health conditions.
What makes these findings so significant is the fact that, unlike many
modern drugs, homeopathic treatment is extremely safe. And because the
remedies are so highly diluted, side effects are almost nonexistent, making
it a perfect fit for treating the entire family.

Your Home Remedy Kit

As any parent can tell you, raising a family means being prepared for
all types of emergencies. Accidents happen and kids, as well as their par-
ents, get sick—and it’s not always during the doctor’s regular office hours.
That’s when it’s important to have a homeopathic home care kit on hand.
From sprains and strains to colds and flu, having everyday homeopathic
medicines at your fingertips when needed can help you manage life’s
everyday ailments.
With any kit, it’s important to think about what you’ll likely be treat-
ing. For most families, that means remedies for cuts and burns, bug bites,
splinters, sprains and strains, headaches, and stomach upset. It’s also
important to include a guidebook to homeopathic medicine. While this
booklet can serve as a cheat sheet, for more in-depth information it’s wise
to consult a more comprehensive source. There are a number of excel-
lent books to help you become familiar with how various over-the-counter
remedies can help you keep your family well.

18 h o m e o p a t h y
Common ailments
like colds, coughs,
and minor injuries are
good candidates for
self-treatment with

h o m e o p a t h y 19
Along with the standard box of Band-Aids, tweezers, alcohol wipes, and
cold compresses, here are some of the basic homeopathic remedies you
may want to include in your family’s kit:
• Aconite: Good for the rapid onset of chills, fever, cough, or croup.
• Allium cepa: For allergies with a runny nose.
• Apia: Swelling and inflammation caused by animal or insect bite
and stings.
• Arnica gel: Helps prevent and treat bruising. Also helps relieve
muscle pain and stiffness from overexertion.
• Arsenicum album: For diarrhea and the symptoms of food
• Belladonna: Eases mild cold symptoms such as sore throat, sweat-
ing, hot red face, congestion, and low-grade fever.
• Calendula: Cuts and scrapes.
• Chamomilla: Ear ache and teething.
• Colocynth: For colic, tummy ache, and diarrhea.
• Ignatia: One of the most useful remedies for emotional upset,
shock, or trauma.
• Magnesium phos: Known as homeopathic aspirin. Useful for neu-
ralgia of the face, cramping, or shooting pains. Relieves headaches,
toothaches, earaches, and especially menstrual pain.
• Nux vomica: For nausea and indigestion associated with overin-
dulging in food or alcohol.
• Oscillococcinum: This proprietary flu remedy reduces the duration
and severity of symptoms such as fatigue, headache, body aces,
chills, and fever.
• Rhus tox: For overexertion.
You can also buy ready-made homeopathic kits designed for home use.
These convenient kits contain a variety of useful homeopathic medicines
in either the 6X or 30X potency. Another perk to buying a kit is that they
come with easy-to-use instructions to help you quickly cross-reference
symptoms with the appropriate treatment. This can be extremely helpful
when you are in the midst of an emergency.

20 h o m e o p a t h y
Chapter Three
A Remedy for What Ails You
ommon ailments like colds, coughs, and minor injuries are good
candidates for self-treatment with homeopathy. But since homeo-
pathic remedies, unlike OTC medicines or dietary supplements,
aren’t a “one size fits all” treatment, it’s important to look for a remedy
that most closely corresponds to the physical and emotional symptoms
you are experiencing. If more than one symptoms is present, consider
using a remedy that fits the most intense symptom.
Because homeopathy stimulates the body’s natural defenses by re-­
establishing a normal immune system, picking the remedy that most
closely matches your symptoms will shorten the course of the illness.

h o m e o p a t h y 21
A Homeopathic Remedy Guide
While the following chart is far from complete, it gives a listing of rem-
edies for some of the more common ailments your family may face. Many
homeopathic kits are outfitted with several of the following remedies.
Each of these remedies can also be purchased individually.


Acne Formation of pustules; Antimonium tartaricum
individual desires company,
irritable, drowsy.
Itchy eruptions; worse on face, Kali
chest, and shoulders.
Blisters Raw burning pain; better when Cantharis
cold is applied.
Burning heat. Urtica
Burns To prevent shock. Arnica
If pain persists after giving Arnica. Cantharis
Pain, restlessness and blisters. Causticum
Colds Very restless, earache with cold, Aconite
hot, or bursting headache. Hoarse,
croupy cough.
Fever, dry cough, sore throat, Belladonna
and throbbing pain.
Runny and/or stuffy nose, Chamomilla
difficulty sleeping.
Ripe cold with thick yellow-green Pulsatilla
nasal discharge. Moody, whiney,
clingy disposition. Not thirsty
despite a fever.
Colic Worse from movement Bryonia
and warmth.
Draws legs up, abdominal Colocynthis

22 h o m e o p a t h y
Croup Dry, hoarse, hacking cough; Aconite
Loose, rattling cough. Herpar sulphuris
Sweaty, irritable.
Diaper Rash Pain and redness. Calendula (topical)
Digestive Fullness, heartburn, indigestion, Nux vomica
Ailments upset stomach, vomiting,
bloating, gas, and constipation.
Nausea due to travel or motion. Cocculus indicus
Earache Swollen hot, red, painful Aconite
external ear.
Severe pain. Chamomilla
Throbbing pain, fever, restless. Ferrum phos
Flu Lethargic, fever, chills. Gelsemium
Headache Intense, throbbing headache Belladonna
that is aggravated by light, noise,
touch, or motion. Face is flushed
or hot and pupils are dilated.
Splitting pain typically in front Bryonia
part of head. Comes, goes, then
returns suddenly. Irritable and
wants to be alone.
Insect Bite/ Bee, hornet, or wasp stings with Apis
Stings burning pain and rosy swelling.
Poisonous spider bite with Caroblicum acidum
dusky red face, paleness
around the mouth and nose.
Seems languid but has a keen
awareness of odors.
Insomnia Sleeplessness or Coffea cruda and
interrupted sleep. Kali phos
Irritable Symptoms of diarrhea. Arsenicum album
Syndrome Symptoms of constipation. Nux vomica

h o m e o p a t h y 23
Joint Pain Arthritic pain and stiffness that is Rhus toxicodendron
relieved by motion.
Menopause Hot flashes and night sweats. Lachesis
Muscle Aches After overexertion. Pain upon Arnica montana
touch or motion.
Cramping muscles with radiating Magnesium
pain that is relieved by warmth. phosphoricum
Mild Prostate Anxiety before and during Aconitum appellus
Enlargement urination.
Frequent urination. Apis melifica or
PMS Fatigue, weight gain, tender Calcarea carbonica
breasts, anxiety, and bloating.
Painful cramps. Colocynthis
Seasonal Watery, burning eyes; watery, Allium cepa
Allergies runny nose with sneezing.
Itching on roof of mouth. Throat Wyethia
feels swollen and dry.
Fits of sneezing with itching and Sabadilla
tingling of the nose.
Sprains Shock, bruising. Arnica
Pain, torn connective tissue. Ruta
Feels better after moving. Rhus tox
Stress Nervousness, anxiety, and Coffea cruda
Teething Discomfort and fussiness. Homeopathic teething
tablets or the individual
remedies Belladonna,
calcarea carbonica,
calcarea phosphorica,
and chamomilla
Minor Cuts and scrapes. Calendula (topical)
Relieves pain of injured nerves. Hypericum (topical)
Puncture wound. Ledum (topical)

24 h o m e o p a t h y
Homeopathic Do’s and Don’ts
 o take remedies 30 minutes before or after eating, since food may
interfere with absorption.
 o consult with a qualified homeopath if you don’t respond to a rem-
edy after two or three doses. Ask about his or her experience, train-
ing, and certification.
 o learn more about homeopathic remedies and their indications for
use by referring to self-help books on homeopathy.
• Do trust the body’s ability to heal itself.
•D on’t expose remedies to direct sunlight, magnets, or strong odors
like camphor, paint, and chemicals.
• Don’t treat every little ache and pain.

Should You Take a Combination or

Single Homeopathic Remedy?
Combination remedies—which are a blend of homeopathic remedies
designed to treat a specific condition—are gaining popularity because
they are not only convenient, they can eliminate some of the trial and
error associated with single formulas. Combination formulas target a
range of symptoms associated with various conditions, including meno-
pause, allergies, and insomnia.
If you decide to try a combination remedy and it’s not working, stop taking
it and do some research into single remedies in order to learn which best
fits all the changes that have accompanied your symptoms.

h o m e o p a t h y 25
Chapter Four
Beyond Home
s you’ve seen, homeopathy is a wonderfully safe and effective way to
treat mild to moderate, self-limiting health problems. But homeop-
athy may also be able to tackle chronic health problems and serious
maladies like asthma, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, ulcers, peritonitis (an
inflamed abdominal lining), and even AIDS. There is also evidence that it
may be useful in supporting conventional treatment for cancer and some
types of heart disease. But because these are serious medical conditions,
it is important to avoid self-treatment and instead consult with a profes-
sional homeopath.
“Treating patients with chronic, often lifelong illness requires years of
training and experience, and should be left to a Certified Classical Homeo-
path,” notes Gahles. When you consult a homeopath, you receive a full
evaluation of the whole person, followed by individualized homeopathic
treatment geared just for you and your circumstance.

Evaluating the Evidence

How well does homeopathy work on chronic conditions? During one
clinical trial evaluating homeopathy’s effectiveness in treating asthma,
researchers used conventional allergy testing to discover which sub-
stances the patients were most reactive to. The asthma sufferers were then
given either a placebo or an individualized homeopathic remedy contain-
ing a dilution of the trigger substance. Eighty-two percent of those taking
the homeopathic medicine experienced improvement compared to just 38
percent in the placebo group.
In another randomized, placebo-controlled study that involved 46 peo-
ple with rheumatoid arthritis, more than 80 percent of those who received
the homeopathic treatment experienced significant improvement in pain,
stiffness, and grip strength. Those taking the placebo didn’t see any change.
The symptoms of fibromyalgia can also benefit from long-term homeo-
pathic care. This was shown when doctors at London’s St. Bartholomew’s
Hospital reported that 25 percent of fibromyalgia patients experienced
pain relief when treated with a homeopathic remedy compared to those
taking a placebo.

26 h o m e o p a t h y
Finding a Homeopath
Because homeopathic remedies are tailored to each individual, find-
ing the right remedy may require a visit to a certified homeopathic doc-
tor. The following organizations can help you find one in your area:

American Institute of Homeopathy

801 N. Fairfax Street, Suite 306
Alexandria, VA 22314
(888) 445-9988

Council for Homeopathic Certification

PMB 187
17051 SE 272nd Street, Suite 43
Covington, WA 98042
(866) 242-3399

North American Society of Homeopaths

P.O. Box 450039
Sunrise, FL 33345
(206) 720-7000

h o m e o p a t h y 27
But you needn’t be ill to seek the help of a homeopathic doctor. Any
major change in your health status can benefit from homeopathy. For
example, when pregnant women were given a combination remedy dur-
ing their ninth month, they experienced a 40 percent shorter labor and
had one quarter of the complications of those who were given a placebo.
But, since each person and situation are different, this type of treatment
should never be undertaken without the care of a qualified homeopath.

Choosing a Homeopath
When looking for a homeopath, it’s wise to ask the following questions
before you commit to treatment:
• What are your credentials and certifications?
• Where did you study?
• How many years have you been practicing homeopathy?
• Do you have experience treating other patients with similar symptoms?
• How long is your initial patient interview? Do you take the entire his-
tory of the patient? What paperwork do you require of me?
• How do you choose the remedy?
• How available are you in an emergency? Can you be reached after
hours or on nights and weekends?
• Do you also treat acute illness with homeopathy?

The Future of Homeopathy

Homeopathy is the fastest-growing form of health care in the world.
According to the American Homeopathic Pharmaceutical Association,
homeopathic remedy sales exceed $166 million per year in the United
States. The World Health Organization has determined that homeopathy
is the No. 2 form of medicine for primary care across the globe.
What does the future hold for homeopathy? With the rising cost of con-
ventional health care and the growing list of side effects that accompany
pharmaceuticals, more and more people around the world are taking a
more active role in caring for their health. Homeopathy is a compassion-
ate, gentle, and holistic approach to health care that has withstood the test
of 200 years of practice. Because of its unparalleled safety and effective-
ness, homeopathy is a perfect way to meet this growing trend.
Whether you rely on homeopathic remedies for home use or consult
a certified homeopath for more serious health matters, homeopathy
can help bring the body back into balance, allowing its innate healing
power to flourish.

28 h o m e o p a t h y
Common Homeopathic Terms
Here is a quick and easy guide to common homeopathic terms, from “anti-
dotes” to “succussion.”
Aggravation: An initial noticeable intensification of the disease symptoms.
Antidote: A substance or experience that slows, stops, or reverses the
curative action of a homeopathic medicine.
Characteristic symptom: A symptom that is striking, strange, unusual, or
peculiar. Close attention is paid to characteristic symptoms, as they must
correspond to symptoms of the remedy if it is to cure.
Common symptoms: Symptoms common to a specific disease. For
example, stiff joints in arthritis or yellow skin in jaundice.
Complete symptom: Taken together, the origin of the problem, location,
sensation, modalities, and concomitants create a complete symptom.

h o m e o p a t h y 29
Constitutional treatment: Treatment that is determined by a careful
assessment of a person’s constitution and symptoms in an effort to deeply
stimulate the person’s inner healing.
Etiology: The cause of disease. One of the aspects of a complete symptom.
Healing crisis: A common experience for homeopathic medicine users in
which some more external symptoms initially get worse in the process of a
cure (sometimes referred to by homeopaths as “aggravation” of symptoms).
Law of Similars: The fundamental tenet of homeopathy: A substance that
causes a set of symptoms in a healthy person acts as a curative medicine
when given to a sick person with similar symptoms.
Materia medica: “Materials of medicine” in Latin. Books that list the homeo-
pathic medicines used and the detailed indications for their applications.
Modality: A condition that makes a person or symptom better or worse.
Organon: The Organon of Medicine, by Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of
homeopathy. This book describes the principles and practice of homeopathy.
Potency: The term used in homeopathy to describe the number of times a
substance has been diluted and succussed (shaken) according to the strict
rules of the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia. When an “X” is written after a num-
ber (as in 6X, 30X), it refers to the number of times one part of a medicine
was diluted with nine parts of the dilutant (usually distilled water). When
a “C” is written after a number (as in 6C, 30C), this refers to the number of
times one part of a medicine was diluted with 99 parts of dilutant. When
“LM” is written after a number (as in 6LM, 30LM), this refers to the number
of times one part of a medicine was diluted with 50,000 parts of dilutant.
Potentization: The pharmaceutical process of repeated dilution with suc-
cussion (vigorous shaking) during homeopathic medicine preparation.
Proving: The procedure for giving doses of a substance to healthy subjects
in order to find what it causes in overdose and thus what it has the capacity
to cure.
Remedy: Medicine, as in a homeopathic remedy.
Sensation: What a symptom feels like. One of the parts of a complete
Simillimum: The medicine most similar to the person’s totality of symptoms.
Succussion: Part of the homeopathic manufacturing process in which a
medicinal substance is diluted in distilled water and vigorously shaken by
striking it against a firm surface.
Vital Force: The energy that maintains life in the individual.
Adapted from Everybody’s Guide to Homeopathic Medicine by Dr. Stephen Cummings
and Dana Ullman (Jeremy Tarcher, 2004).

30 h o m e o p a t h y
Selected References
Bellavite P, Marzotto M, Chirumbolo S, et al.
Advances in homeopathy and immunology:
a review of clinical research. Frontiers in
Bioscience. 3:1363-1389. 2011.
Bharatan V. Homeopathy and systematics:
a systematic analysis of the therapeutic
effects of the plant species used in
homeopathy. Homeopathy. 97:122-128.
Cardigno P. Homeopathy for the treatment of menstrual irregularities: a case series.
Homeopathy. 98:97-106. 2009.
Chandrakant Nimgulkar C, Dattatray Patil S, Dinesh Kumar B. Anti-asthmatic and anti-
anaphylactic activities of Blatta orientalis mother tincture. Homeopathy. 100:138-143.
Cummings, Stephen. Everybody’s Guide to Homeopathic Medicines. New York: Tarcher/
Putnam. 2004.
Davidson JR, Crawford C, Ives JA, et al. Homeopathic treatments in psychiatry:
a systematic review of randomized placebo-controlled studies. Journal of Clinical
Psychiatry. 72:795-805. 2011.
dos Santos AL, Perazzo FF, Cardoso LG, et al. In vivo study of the anti-inflammatory
effect of Rhus toxicodendron. Homeopathy. 96:95-101. 2007.
Ekins-Daukes S, Helms PJ, Taylor MW, et al. Paediatric homeopathy in general practice:
where, when and why? British Journal of Pharmacology. 59:743-749. 2005.
Gerhard I, Wallis E. Individualized homeopathic therapy for male infertility.
Homeopathy. 91:133-144. 2002.
Jordan L. Could homeopathic medicine be utilized as a treatment for teething?
Australian Journal of Holistic Nursing. 12:35-39. 2005.
Jurj G, Waisse S. Blisters and homeopathy: case reports and differential diagnosis.
Homeopathy. 100:168-174. 2011.
Jütte R, Riley D. A review of the use and role of low potencies in homeopathy.
Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 13:291-296. 2005.
Kaplan B. Homeopathy: 2. In pregnancy and for the under-fives. Professional Care of
Mother and Child. 4:185-187.1994.
Keen D, Hadijikoumi I. ADHD in children and adolescents. Clinical Evidence (Online).
pii: 0312. 2011.

h o m e o p a t h y 31
Kirby BJ. Safety of homeopathic products. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine.
95:221-222. 2002.
Kleijnen J, Knipschild P, ter Riet G. Clinical Trials of Homoeopathy, British Medical
Journal. 302:316-323. 1991.
Klein-Laansma CT, Jansen JC, van Tilborgh AJ, et al. Semi-standardised homeopathic
treatment of premenstrual syndrome with a limited number of medicines: feasibility
study. Homeopathy. 99:192-204. 2010.
MacLaughlin BW, Gutsmuths B, Pretner E, et al. Effects of homeopathic preparations
on human prostate cancer growth in cellular and animal models. Integrative Cancer
Therapy. 5:362-372. 2006.
Mishra N, Muraleedharan KC, Paranjpe AS, et al. An exploratory study on scientific
investigations in homeopathy using medical analyzer. Journal of Alternative and
Complementary Medicine. 17:705-710. 2011.
Müller-Krampe B, Overbaum M, Klein P, et al. Effects of Spascupreel versus hyoscine
butylbromide for gastrointestinal cramps in children. Pediatric International. 49:328-334.
Panos Maesimund B and Jane Heimlich. Homeopathic Medicine at Home. New York:
Tarcher/Putnam. 1981.
Patil CR, Rambhade AD, Jadhav RB, et al. Modulation of arthritis in rats by
Toxicodendron pubescens and its homeopathic dilutions. Homeopathy. 100:131-137. 2011.
Rutten A. Comparison of effectiveness of frequently and infrequently used homeopathic
medicines. Homeopathy. 100:175-182. 2011.
Schmidt JM. The development of homeopathy in the United States. Gesnerus. 51 Pt
1-2:84-100. 1994.
Spence DS, Thompson EA, Barron SJ. Homeopathic treatment for chronic disease: a
6-year, university-hospital outpatient observational study. Journal of Alternative and
Complementary Medicine. 11:793-798. 2005.
Taylor JA, Jacobs J. Homeopathic ear drops as an adjunct to standard therapy in
children with acute otitis media. Homeopathy. 100:109-115. 2011.
Thompson EA. Alternative and complementary therapies for the menopause: a
homeopathic approach. Maturitas. 66:350-354. 2010.
Thompson EA, Bishop JL, Northstone K. The use of homeopathic products in childhood:
data generated over 8.5 years from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children
(ALSPAC). Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 16:69-79. 2010.
Thompson TD, Weiss M. Homeopathy—what are the active ingredients? An exploratory
study using the UK Medical Research Council’s framework for the evaluation of complex
interventions. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 6:37. 2006.
Ullman, Dana. Essential Homeopathy: What It Is and What It Can Do for You. Novato,
CA: New World Library. 2002.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Sec. 400.400 Conditions Under Which
Homeopathic Drugs May be Marketed (CPG7132.15). Available at

32 h o m e o p a t h y
magazine presents

by kim erickson
Get Healthy with
Based on the premise that “like cures like,”
homeopathy is a terrific way to help the whole family
stay healthy. But if you’re not familiar with this safe
and gentle mode of healing, you’re certainly not alone.
For those of us in the U.S., it may be one of the least
familiar forms of natural medicine, yet it can be one of
the most effective.
According to the World Health Organization more
than 500 million people worldwide use homeopathy.
It’s especially popular in Europe, India, and South
Kim Erickson America. Why? Because it works!
Managing Editor Best of all, many homeopathic remedies are ideal
for handling many of life’s little everyday health con-
cerns, whether it’s a bout with hay fever, a sprained
ankle, or the common cold. This booklet will give you
an in-depth understanding of how homeopathy sup-
ports good health and why it may be the right choice
for you and your family.


Check out the latest issue of Amazing Wellness

magazine at your local Vitamin Shoppe or at

Copyright © 2011 by Kim Erickson and Active Interest Media, Inc.

All rights reserved. No part of this booklet may be reproduced,
stored in an electronic retrieval system, or transcribed in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying
and recording, without the prior written permission of the publisher,
except for the inclusion of quotations in a review.
Amazing Wellness
CONTENTS Presents . . .
4 Introduction
Homeopathy 101 Joanna Shaw

10 Chapter One Managing Editor

Kim Erickson
Safe and Effective
Copy Editor
14 Chapter Two Tina Rubin
Medicine for the Whole Family Creative Director
Karen Sperry
21 Chapter Three
Amazing Wellness is
A Remedy for What Ails You part of the Healthy
Living Group family
26 Chapter Four of publications
Beyond Home Treatment produced by Active
Interest Media. For
more information,
31 Selected References visit

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Homeopathy 101
hen my daughter Whitney suffered a nasty sprain during a high
school soccer game, we packed her ankle in ice and rushed her to
the doctor. Although a quick exam and X-rays showed that nothing
had been broken, all the doctor could offer was a pair of crutches and the
assurance that, over the next few weeks, her ankle would heal on its own.
Fortunately, a neighbor recommended Arnica montana, a homeopathic
remedy known for its ability to tackle tough sports injuries. Within days,
Whitney’s pain, swelling, and bruising had almost vanished. Both her doc-
tor and I were amazed at its effectiveness.
Although homeopathy was new to me, it’s actually been around for more
than 200 years. Based on natural, nontoxic remedies, it stimulates the body’s
own inherent healing capacity—and over the past 40 years, its popularity
has grown by leaps and bounds. But, despite the growing use of homeopa-
thy, it’s one of the least understood types of medicine. If you’re among those
baffled by it, this booklet will help you decipher the mystery of this holistic
form of healing that takes its cue from the human body itself.

A History Lesson
If you became ill in the 18th century, your medical options were not only lim-
ited, they could be pretty gruesome. Bloodletting, purging, leeches, starvation,
or the use of toxic compounds like arsenic and mercury were quite common.
Fortunately, an accidental discovery by German physician and chemist Sam-
uel Hahnemann gave patients a safer, gentler, and more effective alternative.
While he was translating a text that prescribed Peruvian cinchona bark
to treat malaria, Hahnemann decided to test the author’s claims that it was
cinchona’s astringent properties that helped cure the disease. After repeat-
edly ingesting the bark, Hahnemann developed a fever, chills, and other
malaria-like symptoms. He concluded that substances that can cause symp-
toms may also help relieve them.
Over the next six years, Hahnemann tested the impact of other pure
extracts in various dilutions, combining careful observations of the medi-
cine’s effect with knowledge about herbs and other medicinal substances.
From these observations came Hahnemann’s Law of Similars. In 1796,
he wrote about his experiences in the German medical review Hufeland’s
Journal, giving birth to what would become the practice of homeopathy.
Homeopathy gradually took hold throughout Europe, and in 1825 a Bos-
ton-born doctor, Hans Burch Gram, brought this unconventional form of

4 h o m e o p a t h y
The 3 Laws of
The object of homeopathy is
to repel imbalances from the
body and allow the body to heal
and rebalance. Based on the fol-
lowing laws, homeopathy stimulates the body’s natural curative powers.
Law of Similars
Homeopathy is a system of medicine founded on the principle of
‘Similia Similibus Curantur’ which means ‘like cures like.’ This means a
substance that would cause a healthy person to get symptoms can cure
these same symptoms.
Law of Simplex – The Single Remedy
According to Hahnemann, only one medicinal substance should be
administered at a time. This is because:
• The homeopathic remedies were proved singly, and the Materia Med-
ica was created on the observed effects of drugs given singly.
• Only one remedy can be the most similar at any given time to the
condition of any given patient.
• If more than one remedy is used the patient and/or doctor will never
know which element was effective.
Law of Minimum
This is sometimes referred to as the Magic of Minimum Dose. Under this
principle, homeopathic medicine is used in the most ­minute dose possible.
Because of this, the remedy enables the body to heal in the most efficient
and least harmful way. This concept of minimum dose led to the discovery
of a practical process called potentization (see Chapter One).

healing to the United States. Because homeopathy had an 80 percent suc-

cess rate compared to just 50 percent for the conventional treatments of
the day, its popularity across America exploded. This spurred the estab-
lishment of the first homeopathic medical college in Allentown, Pennsyl-
vania, in 1835 by Constantine Hering, as well as the American Institute of
Homeopathy, the nation’s very first medical association.
With the dawn of the 20th century, however, homeopathy’s popularity
began to wane. Modern medicine surged forward with germ theory, as well
as the use of antiseptics and eventually antibiotics. A new group made up
of conventional doctors, later known as the American Medical Association,
also played a role in discounting homeopathy. Between 1930 and 1975, the

h o m e o p a t h y 5
practice of homeopathy was almost nonexistent. Many colleges were shut-
tered and legislation limited homeopathic training and practice. In fact, by
the 1950s, there were fewer than 150 practicing homeopathic physicians left
in the United States. But a new generation—one interested in all things natu-
ral—began to explore healing modalities of the past, including homeopathy.
Because of its efficacy, homeopathy is currently an established form of
medicine throughout Europe and Asia. And it is fast regaining popularity
in the United States. According to a report in The FDA Consumer, there
was a 1,000 percent increase in sales of homeopathic medicines between
the late 1970s and the early 1980s. Today, an estimated 3.9 million adults
and 900,000 children in the United States rely on homeopathy in one form
or another to help them manage both minor and major health problems.

7 Things You Need To Know About Homeopathy

1. Homeopathy is safe. Homeopathic medicine is regulated in the same
way as conventional over-the-counter (OTC) medicines. But studies show
that it is considerably safer than most OTC drugs, like aspirin and acet-
aminophen. As you’ll see in Chapter Two, there are no known side effects
or drug interactions, and you can’t overdose on homeopathic remedies.
2. It’s effective. More than two centuries of evidence from hundreds of
thousands of clinicians and millions of patients attest to homeopathy’s
effectiveness and safety. Today, homeopathic remedies are prescribed
by more than 400,000 health care professionals worldwide, including
pediatricians, family physicians, plastic surgeons, dentists, and ortho-
pedic doctors.
3. It’s natural. Homeopathic remedies are derived from natural sub-
stances that come from plants, minerals, or animals. Common rem-
edies include red onion, arnica, and stinging nettle.
4. It’s holistic. Homeopathy works with your whole body to ease symp-
toms and make you well. Traditional medicine, on the other hand, sim-
ply targets and opposes the symptoms. For instance, a runny nose is
treated with a drug that dries up nasal secretions.
5. It’s simple. Homeopathy uses just five ingredients in the
production process:
•  water •  alcohol    •  sucrose
•  lactose •  the natural medicine
Additionally, homeopathic medicines are simple to administer, even
to children. They can be taken anytime, with or without water. Homeo­
pathic medicines are typically available in pellets that dissolve under the
tongue, but are also incorporated into other formulas, such as syrups or
quick-dissolving strips.

6 h o m e o p a t h y
6. There’s a remedy for almost every condition. Homeopathy addresses
very specific symptoms, so a homeopathic cold and flu remedy for
someone with a fever and sniffles will be different than one for a
person with chills and a cough. There are a number of effective OTC
single and combination remedies for a wide range of everyday mala-
dies. For chronic or more serious conditions, it’s wise to consult with a
homeopathic doctor who can prescribe more targeted remedies.
7. It’s environmentally friendly. Natural ingredients are used to pro-
duce homeopathic medicine. Unlike conventional drugs, the rem-
edies contain no toxic chemicals, making them safe for both your
body and the environment.

h o m e o p a t h y 7
The Basics of Homeopathy
As Hahnemann discovered, homeopathy is based on the law of similars.
In other words, substances that can cause symptoms in a healthy person
are used to cure similar symptoms in a person who is ill. In fact, the very
word homeopathy is based on the Greek word homios, which means simi-
lar, and pathos, which means suffering.
Often referred to as “like cures like,” homeopathic remedies are based
on the belief that symptoms are a beneficial sign that the body is trying to
heal itself against illness. “Homeopathy regards symptoms as the body’s
healthy attempt to restore itself to balance,” says New York City–based
homeopath Nancy Gahles, DC, RSHom (NA), CCH. “A homeopath will
choose a remedy that supports the symptoms rather than opposing or
suppressing them as in conventional medicine.”
Homeopathy also differs from conventional medicine in how patients
are treated. While allopathic doctors only treat the body part that is
affected or the physical signs of disease, homeopathy addresses each
individual as a whole person. Because a symptom may manifest itself in
the body, mind, emotion, spirit, or soul, homeopathy is effective even in
the absence of a conventional diagnosis.
Homeopathic remedies work with the body’s own innate healing abili-
ties using extremely minute amounts of naturally derived medicine. In fact,
many homeopaths think that it’s this miniscule dosage that is the secret
to homeopathy’s success. “There are several thousand studies in conven-
tional scientific journals showing a wide variety of biological effects from
extremely small doses of various substances on specific systems,” says
Dana Ullman, MPH, founder of Homeopathic Educational Services in
Berkeley, California, and the author of 10 books on homeopathy. “Homeo-
pathic medicines should be considered to be a type of nanopharmacology.”

8 h o m e o p a t h y
Focus on
Boericke & Tafel
Beginning in the early 1830s, an
intestinal infection swept across
the United States, killing thou-
sands. To keep up with the demand
for homeopathic remedies to treat the outbreak, Constantine Her-
ing—often called the Father of American Homeopathy—recruited
two Philadelphia pharmacists, Francis Boericke and Adolph Tafel,
to help local apothecary manager William Radde create the reme-
dies needed to serve their city. In 1862, Boericke and Tafel bought
the apothecary and began offering homeopathic books and medi-
cines. Business flourished under the store’s motto: “All works on
homeopathy, as well as pocket cases of homeopathic medicines,
prepared by approved hands, and very neatly arranged.”
As demand for quality homeopathic medicines grew, Boericke
and Tafel opened other pharmacies, in New York, New Orleans,
San Francisco, Pittsburgh, Washington D.C., Minneapolis, Chi-
cago, and Cincinnati. But it was their role as publishers that truly
advanced homeopathy in the United States. Eighty-five percent
of all ­homeopathic books in America were published by the two
pharmacists, along with their greatest contribution, Boericke
Materia Medica, which is still the standard Materia Medica used
today by American homeopaths.
As one of the oldest homeopathic pharmaceutical companies,
Boericke & Tafel continues to thrive today. In 1988, the company
was acquired by the Dr. Willmar Schwabe Group and is currently
distributed through Nature’s Way. Yet, even as the company
evolves, it stays true to its original vision of educating consum-
ers and medical professionals about the benefits of homeopathy.
Boericke & Tafel also continues to ensure the highest quality raw
materials while maintaining a strong commitment to biodiversity
and the environment. By making therapeutic advances and pro-
viding new solutions for health problems, Boericke &Tafel and
the Dr. Willmar Schwabe Group are actively shaping the future
of homeopathy and caring for consumers’ health, both now and
in the future.

h o m e o p a t h y 9
Chapter One
Safe and Effective
ince homeopathic remedies are highly diluted, they contain only min-
iscule amounts of the original substances they are made from. As a
result, they don’t have the toxic side effects common to many con-
ventional medicines. And unlike herbal compounds, there are no adverse
interactions between homeopathic medicines and any drugs you may be
taking. If that weren’t enough to recommend homeopathy, it’s also impor-
tant to note that because homeopathic remedies are so diluted, there is
virtually no chance of an allergic reaction.
The safety of homeopathic remedies lies in both the way they are made and
how they are regulated. Unlike dietary supplements, homeopathic medicines
are considered nonprescription drugs by the United States Food and Drug
Administration (FDA). Yet, because they contain little, if any, active com-
pounds, their safety profile far exceeds most over-the-counter medications.

How Remedies Are Made

Approximately 80 percent of all homeopathic remedies are based on
plants, especially herbs. The remaining 20 percent comes from minerals,
salts, and even insects and animals. Once collected, the chosen source cre-
ates the basis for a specific remedy using an age-old process. For instance,
if a plant will be used to create a remedy, the crude botanical material is

10 h o m e o p a t h y
The objectives of potentization in homeopathy are:
1. To reduce the medicinal substance, which helps to avoid unwanted
aggravations and side effects.
2. To process the most virulent and deadly poisons and not only
render them harmless, but transform them into beneficial healing
3. To make substances that are medicinally inert in their crude natural
state active and effective for healing the sick.
4. To enhance the medicinal qualities of other drugs that are more or
less active in their natural state and broaden their sphere of action.
5. To ensure that the action of potentized medicines is deeper, longer,
and more widespread.

soaked in a water and alcohol to make what’s known as a “Mother Tinc-

ture.” This soaking draws the beneficial properties out of the crude mate-
rial and infuses it into the water.
After the mother tincture has been created, the remedy is then diluted
to the desired strength using a specific ratio of one part mother tincture to
nine parts diluting solution. This process is known as potentization. The
more a substance is potentized, the longer and more deeply the medicine
acts and the fewer doses are needed to successfully treat the ailment.
When a remedy undergoes potentization, the mother tincture is consec-
utively diluted and vigorously shaken (succussed) to bring out the medici-
nal properties of the original substance. Succussion, or shaking, is key to
making the remedy effective. Succussion can be as simple as holding a
capped vile of the solution and pounding it against a book on a desk. Sim-
ply doing this creates a 1X potency. “X” stands for 10 in Roman numerals.
To make a 2X potency, one part of the 1X potency is added to nine parts
of the diluting solution in a vile and then succussed. Succussion is done a
minimum of 100 times per each level of dilution, starting from the very
beginning. This process continues until the desired potency (strength) of
the remedy is attained.

Common Potencies and Their Lack of Toxicity

Common potencies used in homeopathic remedies usually begin around
6X. According to Gahles, “All homeopathic remedies of 6X potency or
higher are safe for anyone, including pregnant women, unborn babies, and

h o m e o p a t h y 11
children.” The dilution ratio of 6X is one part of the Mother Tincture to
one million parts of the diluting material. So, only one part of the origi-
nal tincture is in every million parts of the diluting material. This is what
makes remedies extremely safe.
6X is already extremely diluted and considered a low potency. But you
can also find remedies that frequently use a potency of 12X or even 30X.
These are infinitesimal doses. Yet they are effective, at times acting stron-
ger and faster than common drugs. These homeopathic microdoses work
in conjunction with your body’s own chemical and immune processes.
And homeopathy does this without fear of toxic side effects.

Regulating Remedies
Homeopathic remedies are prepared according to the guidelines of the
Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States (HPUS), which was writ-
ten into law in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act in 1938. Homeo-
pathic remedies are regulated in the same manner as nonprescription,
over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. However, because homeopathic products
contain little or no active ingredients, they do not have to undergo the
same safety and efficacy testing as prescription and new OTC drugs.
The FDA does, however, require that homeopathic remedies meet cer-
tain legal standards for strength, purity, and packaging. The labels on the
remedies must include at least one major indication (i.e., medical problem
to be treated), a list of ingredients, the dilution, and safety instructions.
In addition, if a homeopathic remedy claims to treat a serious disease like
cancer, it must be sold as a prescription by a qualified homeopath or medi-
cal doctor. Only products for self-limiting conditions (minor health prob-
lems like a cold or headache) can be sold without a prescription.
Homeopathic remedies help remove the roadblocks to health. This allows
the body to take over and heal itself. Because of government oversight and
extreme dilution, homeopathic remedies are extremely safe for all ages,
including infants, the aged, and pregnant women. As you’ll discover in the
next chapter, this makes homeopathy ideal for the whole family.

Common “C” Potencies

There are times when you’ll notice that the potency is not “X” but “C”
(commonly denoted as 6C, 12C, or 30C). “C” stands for 100 in Roman
numerals. This means that one part of the Mother Tincture is added to
99 parts of diluting solution and succussed for a 1C potency, and so on,
until the desired potency is attained. “C” potencies are more diluted
then “X” potencies, but not less effective.

12 h o m e o p a t h y
Focus on
As pharmacists, it wasn’t enough
for Jean and Henri Boiron to simply
fill prescriptions. In 1932, the twin
brothers set out to fulfill the growing
demand for safe and reliable homeo-
pathic medicines. After developing the necessary manufacturing exper-
tise, the brothers launched the Boiron pharmaceutical laboratory in Lyon,
France. Nearly 80 years later, Boiron is still operated by the Boiron family,
who continue to be passionate about integrating the benefits of homeo-
pathic medicine into daily life.
With the goal of incorporating homeopathic medicine into every phy-
sician’s practice, the company created the Boiron Institute in 1985. This
research group brings together the clinical experience of homeopathic
physicians to expand homeopathy’s knowledge base among the medical
community worldwide. Currently, the Boiron Institute is comprised of 150
physicians representing over 30 countries.
Educating consumers is also a key priority. Boiron recently launched
its Homeopathic Medicine Finder to help shoppers to find the right
medicine to safely help with more than 350 health conditions and symp-
toms. Consumers can also check out the online Boiron Medicine Finder
Boiron’s strong commitment to health and community extends not only
to physicians and consumers, but to those in need. Boiron USA has part-
nered with two charitable organizations: Vitamin Angels, which supplies
essential nutrients to children in 43 countries, and the Gesundheit Insti-
tute, a not-for-profit holistic health care organization led by Patch Adams,
M.D. A portion of the sales from two of the company’s most popular prod-
ucts—Oscillococcinum and Arnicare—is donated to these groups.
Today, the preparation of Boiron homeopathic medicines links a strong
respect for tradition with technological innovation, which allows their
reliability to be optimized. As a counterbalance to harvesting raw mate-
rials, Boiron promotes resupplying wild-harvested or organically farmed
plants whenever possible. The company also works with 120 botanist-har-
vesters to ethically gather plants. This not only improves the quality of raw
materials Boiron uses, it also protects the environment and ensures the
sustainability of quality homeopathic medicine for generations to come.

h o m e o p a t h y 13
Chapter Two
Medicine for the
Whole Family
ecause of homeopathy’s exceptional safety record and effectiveness,
it’s the perfect way to help keep the entire family healthy. From your
newborn infant to your aging parent, homeopathy can foster good
health for a lifetime.
What kind of conditions can be treated with homeopathy? Homeopathic
medicine can be effective in treating many acute and chronic health prob-
lems, including allergies, arthritis, colds and flu, headaches and back-
aches, PMS, depression, and many other physical and emotional upsets.
Correctly chosen remedies are often able to stimulate the body’s innate
healing ability, leading to an improvement.
Homeopathy is particularly beneficial for childhood ailments like colic
and ear infections. In fact, a recent study of 119 children that was con-
ducted at the University of Washington, Seattle, found that those who
received homeopathic eardrops along with their standard therapy suf-
fered from less severe symptoms. Plus, the homeopathic group got well
faster than those who only received antibiotics.

You Might Try Homeopathy If . . .

Preliminary studies, as well as anecdotal reports, suggest that home-
opathy can help a number of chronic and everyday ailments. The 15 most
common include:
• Anxiety •  Asthma
• Back pain •  Common childhood diarrhea
• Common colds •  Ear infections
• Fatigue •  Flu symptoms
• Headache •  Menopausal symptoms, especially
• Pain   hot flashes
• PMS •  Seasonal allergies
• Sports injuries •  Stress

14 h o m e o p a t h y
Homeopathy is safe,
gentle, and effective
for all ages.

h o m e o p a t h y 15
How to Take a Homeopathic Remedy
Many homeopathic physicians suggest that remedies be used
as follows: Take one dose and wait for a response. If improvement
is seen, continue to wait and let the remedy work. If improvement
lags significantly or has clearly stopped, another dose may be taken.
The frequency of dosage varies with the condition and the individ-
ual. Sometimes a dose may be required several times an hour; other
times a dose may be indicated several times a day; and in some situ-
ations, one dose per day (or less) can be sufficient. If no response is
seen within a reasonable amount of time, select a different remedy.
Homeopathic remedies come in a variety of forms, including pel-
lets, tablets, liquid, ointments, and suppositories. Pellets are the
most popular form and are taken sublingually. The large number
of capillaries under the tongue allow for faster absorption into the
blood stream.
Because homeopathic pills or pellets are very fragile and easily
contaminated, it’s wise to avoid handling them. Instead, pour the
tablets or pellets into the bottle cap and carefully place them into
your mouth.

16 h o m e o p a t h y
Other research shows that homeopathic remedies containing chamo-
milla have helped many a frantic mother soothe the pain of her teething
infant. Homeopathy can also help colicky babies. It’s so effective that an
observational cohort study found that a proprietary homeopathic for-
mula was just as effective as the drug hyoscine butylbromide for gastro-
intestinal cramps in children.
But the value of homeopathic medicine for infants and children doesn’t
end there. Because these remedies work on a physical, mental, and emo-
tional level, they may even help children with attention deficit hyperac-
tivity disorder (ADHD). In one recent double-blind study of 83 children
diagnosed with ADHD, Swiss researchers found that those who were given
a targeted homeopathic remedy under the care of a certified homeopath
had significantly fewer behavioral problems than the children who were
given a placebo.
Mom and dad can benefit too. A joint trial of Dutch and British women
suffering from premenstrual syndrome found that homeopathy cut the
frequency of symptoms in half. Homeopathy can also help regulate men-
strual irregularities and is often used during childbirth. At the other end
of the spectrum, research at the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital sug-
gests that homeopathic treatment can be used as an alternative to treat-
ment with hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to help ease the symp-
toms of menopause.

Self-administered homeopathic
treatment can ease anxiety, enhance
mood, and soothe aches and pains.
In men, homeopathy can support a healthy reproductive tract. Accord-
ing to Ullman, a number of homeopathic remedies can complement con-
ventional medical treatment for prostatitis and an enlarged prostate. And
German research suggests that homeopathy can help treat infertility in
men by boosting sperm count. But homeopathy for men isn’t limited to
issues below the belt. Self-administered homeopathic treatment can ease
anxiety, enhance mood, and soothe the aches and pains that often affect
weekend warriors.
Homeopathy’s benefits can extend well beyond everyday maladies. Sev-
eral studies show that professional treatment by a qualified homeopath
can replace or augment conventional treatment for a number of chronic

h o m e o p a t h y 17
illnesses. However, clinical evidence for homeopathy often isn’t consis-
tent—making it difficult and confusing for both consumers and health
care providers. To address this, three Dutch professors of medicine per-
formed a meta-analysis that encompassed 25 years of clinical studies
using homeopathic medicines. The vast majority of studies included in
the analysis clearly showed that homeopathic medicines were exception-
ally effective. Specifically, the doctors found that:
• 13 of 19 trials showed successful treatment of respiratory infections.
• 6 of 7 trials showed positive results in treating other infections.
• 5 of 7 trials showed improvement in digestive problems.
• 5 of 5 showed successful treatment of hay fever.
• 5 of 7 showed faster recovery after abdominal surgery.
• 4 of 6 promoted healing and pain relief in those with arthritis
or joint pain.
• 18 of 20 showed benefit in addressing general pain or trauma.
• 8 of 10 showed positive results in relieving psychological problems.
• 13 of 15 showed improvement in miscellaneous health conditions.
What makes these findings so significant is the fact that, unlike many
modern drugs, homeopathic treatment is extremely safe. And because the
remedies are so highly diluted, side effects are almost nonexistent, making
it a perfect fit for treating the entire family.

Your Home Remedy Kit

As any parent can tell you, raising a family means being prepared for
all types of emergencies. Accidents happen and kids, as well as their par-
ents, get sick—and it’s not always during the doctor’s regular office hours.
That’s when it’s important to have a homeopathic home care kit on hand.
From sprains and strains to colds and flu, having everyday homeopathic
medicines at your fingertips when needed can help you manage life’s
everyday ailments.
With any kit, it’s important to think about what you’ll likely be treat-
ing. For most families, that means remedies for cuts and burns, bug bites,
splinters, sprains and strains, headaches, and stomach upset. It’s also
important to include a guidebook to homeopathic medicine. While this
booklet can serve as a cheat sheet, for more in-depth information it’s wise
to consult a more comprehensive source. There are a number of excel-
lent books to help you become familiar with how various over-the-counter
remedies can help you keep your family well.

18 h o m e o p a t h y
Common ailments
like colds, coughs,
and minor injuries are
good candidates for
self-treatment with

h o m e o p a t h y 19
Along with the standard box of Band-Aids, tweezers, alcohol wipes, and
cold compresses, here are some of the basic homeopathic remedies you
may want to include in your family’s kit:
• Aconite: Good for the rapid onset of chills, fever, cough, or croup.
• Allium cepa: For allergies with a runny nose.
• Apia: Swelling and inflammation caused by animal or insect bite
and stings.
• Arnica gel: Helps prevent and treat bruising. Also helps relieve
muscle pain and stiffness from overexertion.
• Arsenicum album: For diarrhea and the symptoms of food
• Belladonna: Eases mild cold symptoms such as sore throat, sweat-
ing, hot red face, congestion, and low-grade fever.
• Calendula: Cuts and scrapes.
• Chamomilla: Ear ache and teething.
• Colocynth: For colic, tummy ache, and diarrhea.
• Ignatia: One of the most useful remedies for emotional upset,
shock, or trauma.
• Magnesium phos: Known as homeopathic aspirin. Useful for neu-
ralgia of the face, cramping, or shooting pains. Relieves headaches,
toothaches, earaches, and especially menstrual pain.
• Nux vomica: For nausea and indigestion associated with overin-
dulging in food or alcohol.
• Oscillococcinum: This proprietary flu remedy reduces the duration
and severity of symptoms such as fatigue, headache, body aces,
chills, and fever.
• Rhus tox: For overexertion.
You can also buy ready-made homeopathic kits designed for home use.
These convenient kits contain a variety of useful homeopathic medicines
in either the 6X or 30X potency. Another perk to buying a kit is that they
come with easy-to-use instructions to help you quickly cross-reference
symptoms with the appropriate treatment. This can be extremely helpful
when you are in the midst of an emergency.

20 h o m e o p a t h y
Chapter Three
A Remedy for What Ails You
ommon ailments like colds, coughs, and minor injuries are good
candidates for self-treatment with homeopathy. But since homeo-
pathic remedies, unlike OTC medicines or dietary supplements,
aren’t a “one size fits all” treatment, it’s important to look for a remedy
that most closely corresponds to the physical and emotional symptoms
you are experiencing. If more than one symptoms is present, consider
using a remedy that fits the most intense symptom.
Because homeopathy stimulates the body’s natural defenses by re-­
establishing a normal immune system, picking the remedy that most
closely matches your symptoms will shorten the course of the illness.

h o m e o p a t h y 21
A Homeopathic Remedy Guide
While the following chart is far from complete, it gives a listing of rem-
edies for some of the more common ailments your family may face. Many
homeopathic kits are outfitted with several of the following remedies.
Each of these remedies can also be purchased individually.


Acne Formation of pustules; Antimonium tartaricum
individual desires company,
irritable, drowsy.
Itchy eruptions; worse on face, Kali
chest, and shoulders.
Blisters Raw burning pain; better when Cantharis
cold is applied.
Burning heat. Urtica
Burns To prevent shock. Arnica
If pain persists after giving Arnica. Cantharis
Pain, restlessness and blisters. Causticum
Colds Very restless, earache with cold, Aconite
hot, or bursting headache. Hoarse,
croupy cough.
Fever, dry cough, sore throat, Belladonna
and throbbing pain.
Runny and/or stuffy nose, Chamomilla
difficulty sleeping.
Ripe cold with thick yellow-green Pulsatilla
nasal discharge. Moody, whiney,
clingy disposition. Not thirsty
despite a fever.
Colic Worse from movement Bryonia
and warmth.
Draws legs up, abdominal Colocynthis

22 h o m e o p a t h y
Croup Dry, hoarse, hacking cough; Aconite
Loose, rattling cough. Herpar sulphuris
Sweaty, irritable.
Diaper Rash Pain and redness. Calendula (topical)
Digestive Fullness, heartburn, indigestion, Nux vomica
Ailments upset stomach, vomiting,
bloating, gas, and constipation.
Nausea due to travel or motion. Cocculus indicus
Earache Swollen hot, red, painful Aconite
external ear.
Severe pain. Chamomilla
Throbbing pain, fever, restless. Ferrum phos
Flu Lethargic, fever, chills. Gelsemium
Headache Intense, throbbing headache Belladonna
that is aggravated by light, noise,
touch, or motion. Face is flushed
or hot and pupils are dilated.
Splitting pain typically in front Bryonia
part of head. Comes, goes, then
returns suddenly. Irritable and
wants to be alone.
Insect Bite/ Bee, hornet, or wasp stings with Apis
Stings burning pain and rosy swelling.
Poisonous spider bite with Caroblicum acidum
dusky red face, paleness
around the mouth and nose.
Seems languid but has a keen
awareness of odors.
Insomnia Sleeplessness or Coffea cruda and
interrupted sleep. Kali phos
Irritable Symptoms of diarrhea. Arsenicum album
Syndrome Symptoms of constipation. Nux vomica

h o m e o p a t h y 23
Joint Pain Arthritic pain and stiffness that is Rhus toxicodendron
relieved by motion.
Menopause Hot flashes and night sweats. Lachesis
Muscle Aches After overexertion. Pain upon Arnica montana
touch or motion.
Cramping muscles with radiating Magnesium
pain that is relieved by warmth. phosphoricum
Mild Prostate Anxiety before and during Aconitum appellus
Enlargement urination.
Frequent urination. Apis melifica or
PMS Fatigue, weight gain, tender Calcarea carbonica
breasts, anxiety, and bloating.
Painful cramps. Colocynthis
Seasonal Watery, burning eyes; watery, Allium cepa
Allergies runny nose with sneezing.
Itching on roof of mouth. Throat Wyethia
feels swollen and dry.
Fits of sneezing with itching and Sabadilla
tingling of the nose.
Sprains Shock, bruising. Arnica
Pain, torn connective tissue. Ruta
Feels better after moving. Rhus tox
Stress Nervousness, anxiety, and Coffea cruda
Teething Discomfort and fussiness. Homeopathic teething
tablets or the individual
remedies Belladonna,
calcarea carbonica,
calcarea phosphorica,
and chamomilla
Minor Cuts and scrapes. Calendula (topical)
Relieves pain of injured nerves. Hypericum (topical)
Puncture wound. Ledum (topical)

24 h o m e o p a t h y
Homeopathic Do’s and Don’ts
 o take remedies 30 minutes before or after eating, since food may
interfere with absorption.
 o consult with a qualified homeopath if you don’t respond to a rem-
edy after two or three doses. Ask about his or her experience, train-
ing, and certification.
 o learn more about homeopathic remedies and their indications for
use by referring to self-help books on homeopathy.
• Do trust the body’s ability to heal itself.
•D on’t expose remedies to direct sunlight, magnets, or strong odors
like camphor, paint, and chemicals.
• Don’t treat every little ache and pain.

Should You Take a Combination or

Single Homeopathic Remedy?
Combination remedies—which are a blend of homeopathic remedies
designed to treat a specific condition—are gaining popularity because
they are not only convenient, they can eliminate some of the trial and
error associated with single formulas. Combination formulas target a
range of symptoms associated with various conditions, including meno-
pause, allergies, and insomnia.
If you decide to try a combination remedy and it’s not working, stop taking
it and do some research into single remedies in order to learn which best
fits all the changes that have accompanied your symptoms.

h o m e o p a t h y 25
Chapter Four
Beyond Home
s you’ve seen, homeopathy is a wonderfully safe and effective way to
treat mild to moderate, self-limiting health problems. But homeop-
athy may also be able to tackle chronic health problems and serious
maladies like asthma, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, ulcers, peritonitis (an
inflamed abdominal lining), and even AIDS. There is also evidence that it
may be useful in supporting conventional treatment for cancer and some
types of heart disease. But because these are serious medical conditions,
it is important to avoid self-treatment and instead consult with a profes-
sional homeopath.
“Treating patients with chronic, often lifelong illness requires years of
training and experience, and should be left to a Certified Classical Homeo-
path,” notes Gahles. When you consult a homeopath, you receive a full
evaluation of the whole person, followed by individualized homeopathic
treatment geared just for you and your circumstance.

Evaluating the Evidence

How well does homeopathy work on chronic conditions? During one
clinical trial evaluating homeopathy’s effectiveness in treating asthma,
researchers used conventional allergy testing to discover which sub-
stances the patients were most reactive to. The asthma sufferers were then
given either a placebo or an individualized homeopathic remedy contain-
ing a dilution of the trigger substance. Eighty-two percent of those taking
the homeopathic medicine experienced improvement compared to just 38
percent in the placebo group.
In another randomized, placebo-controlled study that involved 46 peo-
ple with rheumatoid arthritis, more than 80 percent of those who received
the homeopathic treatment experienced significant improvement in pain,
stiffness, and grip strength. Those taking the placebo didn’t see any change.
The symptoms of fibromyalgia can also benefit from long-term homeo-
pathic care. This was shown when doctors at London’s St. Bartholomew’s
Hospital reported that 25 percent of fibromyalgia patients experienced
pain relief when treated with a homeopathic remedy compared to those
taking a placebo.

26 h o m e o p a t h y
Finding a Homeopath
Because homeopathic remedies are tailored to each individual, find-
ing the right remedy may require a visit to a certified homeopathic doc-
tor. The following organizations can help you find one in your area:

American Institute of Homeopathy

801 N. Fairfax Street, Suite 306
Alexandria, VA 22314
(888) 445-9988

Council for Homeopathic Certification

PMB 187
17051 SE 272nd Street, Suite 43
Covington, WA 98042
(866) 242-3399

North American Society of Homeopaths

P.O. Box 450039
Sunrise, FL 33345
(206) 720-7000

h o m e o p a t h y 27
But you needn’t be ill to seek the help of a homeopathic doctor. Any
major change in your health status can benefit from homeopathy. For
example, when pregnant women were given a combination remedy dur-
ing their ninth month, they experienced a 40 percent shorter labor and
had one quarter of the complications of those who were given a placebo.
But, since each person and situation are different, this type of treatment
should never be undertaken without the care of a qualified homeopath.

Choosing a Homeopath
When looking for a homeopath, it’s wise to ask the following questions
before you commit to treatment:
• What are your credentials and certifications?
• Where did you study?
• How many years have you been practicing homeopathy?
• Do you have experience treating other patients with similar symptoms?
• How long is your initial patient interview? Do you take the entire his-
tory of the patient? What paperwork do you require of me?
• How do you choose the remedy?
• How available are you in an emergency? Can you be reached after
hours or on nights and weekends?
• Do you also treat acute illness with homeopathy?

The Future of Homeopathy

Homeopathy is the fastest-growing form of health care in the world.
According to the American Homeopathic Pharmaceutical Association,
homeopathic remedy sales exceed $166 million per year in the United
States. The World Health Organization has determined that homeopathy
is the No. 2 form of medicine for primary care across the globe.
What does the future hold for homeopathy? With the rising cost of con-
ventional health care and the growing list of side effects that accompany
pharmaceuticals, more and more people around the world are taking a
more active role in caring for their health. Homeopathy is a compassion-
ate, gentle, and holistic approach to health care that has withstood the test
of 200 years of practice. Because of its unparalleled safety and effective-
ness, homeopathy is a perfect way to meet this growing trend.
Whether you rely on homeopathic remedies for home use or consult
a certified homeopath for more serious health matters, homeopathy
can help bring the body back into balance, allowing its innate healing
power to flourish.

28 h o m e o p a t h y
Common Homeopathic Terms
Here is a quick and easy guide to common homeopathic terms, from “anti-
dotes” to “succussion.”
Aggravation: An initial noticeable intensification of the disease symptoms.
Antidote: A substance or experience that slows, stops, or reverses the
curative action of a homeopathic medicine.
Characteristic symptom: A symptom that is striking, strange, unusual, or
peculiar. Close attention is paid to characteristic symptoms, as they must
correspond to symptoms of the remedy if it is to cure.
Common symptoms: Symptoms common to a specific disease. For
example, stiff joints in arthritis or yellow skin in jaundice.
Complete symptom: Taken together, the origin of the problem, location,
sensation, modalities, and concomitants create a complete symptom.

h o m e o p a t h y 29
Constitutional treatment: Treatment that is determined by a careful
assessment of a person’s constitution and symptoms in an effort to deeply
stimulate the person’s inner healing.
Etiology: The cause of disease. One of the aspects of a complete symptom.
Healing crisis: A common experience for homeopathic medicine users in
which some more external symptoms initially get worse in the process of a
cure (sometimes referred to by homeopaths as “aggravation” of symptoms).
Law of Similars: The fundamental tenet of homeopathy: A substance that
causes a set of symptoms in a healthy person acts as a curative medicine
when given to a sick person with similar symptoms.
Materia medica: “Materials of medicine” in Latin. Books that list the homeo-
pathic medicines used and the detailed indications for their applications.
Modality: A condition that makes a person or symptom better or worse.
Organon: The Organon of Medicine, by Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of
homeopathy. This book describes the principles and practice of homeopathy.
Potency: The term used in homeopathy to describe the number of times a
substance has been diluted and succussed (shaken) according to the strict
rules of the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia. When an “X” is written after a num-
ber (as in 6X, 30X), it refers to the number of times one part of a medicine
was diluted with nine parts of the dilutant (usually distilled water). When
a “C” is written after a number (as in 6C, 30C), this refers to the number of
times one part of a medicine was diluted with 99 parts of dilutant. When
“LM” is written after a number (as in 6LM, 30LM), this refers to the number
of times one part of a medicine was diluted with 50,000 parts of dilutant.
Potentization: The pharmaceutical process of repeated dilution with suc-
cussion (vigorous shaking) during homeopathic medicine preparation.
Proving: The procedure for giving doses of a substance to healthy subjects
in order to find what it causes in overdose and thus what it has the capacity
to cure.
Remedy: Medicine, as in a homeopathic remedy.
Sensation: What a symptom feels like. One of the parts of a complete
Simillimum: The medicine most similar to the person’s totality of symptoms.
Succussion: Part of the homeopathic manufacturing process in which a
medicinal substance is diluted in distilled water and vigorously shaken by
striking it against a firm surface.
Vital Force: The energy that maintains life in the individual.
Adapted from Everybody’s Guide to Homeopathic Medicine by Dr. Stephen Cummings
and Dana Ullman (Jeremy Tarcher, 2004).

30 h o m e o p a t h y
Selected References
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32 h o m e o p a t h y
magazine presents

using nature to stimulate the
body’s own natural defenses

omeopathy is a unique approach to medicine based on the principle
that any substance that can cause an illness can also cure it.
Centuries old, its practice has enjoyed wide popularity throughout
the years among individuals looking for a natural and effective way to treat
common health conditions. Today, millions of people around the world
depend on the healing potential of homeopathy to address everything
from a sprained ankle to seasonal allergies. Perfect for the whole family,
homeopathy is as safe and gentle as it is effective. In this easy-to-read
booklet, you’ll not only discover how homeopathy works, you’ll learn
how to choose a homeopathic practitioner and how to create your own
homeopathic remedy kit designed to treat a variety of everyday ailments.

About the Author of this Booklet

A respected health writer, Kim Erickson has been
involved with the natural and integrative health industry
for more than 18 years. The co-author of Living Lessons:
My journey of faith, love, and cutting-edge cancer therapy
(AIM 2010), Kim has written several books and hundreds
of articles on natural health. She is also a certified
­Nutrition and Wellness Coach and a frequent speaker
on various aspects of healthy living. To learn more about
Kim, visit


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