Rem145r8 M
Rem145r8 M
Rem145r8 M
1. On top of the Bank's charges, the correspondent and/or beneficiary bank(s) may also charge you for handling this request.
除本行的費用外, 代理銀行及/ 或受款銀 行在處理閣下的申 請時,可能會 向您收取 有關服務費。
2. The Bank will inform you about the amendment or cancellation result as soon as reasonably practicable if the payment amount has not yet been debited from the
account. The Bank cannot guarantee that any cancellation instruction or amendment instruction that has been accepted by the Bank can be successfully executed
notwithstanding receipt by the Bank of this Request Form (whether or not your account has already been debited). 若付款款項尚未從戶口扣賬,本行會在合理可行的時
3. Please note that acceptance of this amendment instruction is at the Bank's sole discretion. In the event that this amendment instruction cannot be processed or is
rejected by the Bank, please indicate in the form below whether you want the Bank to (i) cancel your original payment instruction and recall the funds; or (ii)
disregard your amendment instruction and continue to process your original payment instruction. 請注意:本行有權 決定是否接受此更 改指示。如本 行未能執 行或拒絕此
更改指示,請於下 面的表格中註 明閣下是 否希望本行: ( i) 取消閣下原本 的付款指示 並要求退款;或 (ii) 毋須處理閣 下的更改 指示並繼續處理原 本的付款指示 。
4. The Bank will communicate your amendment/cancellation/payment enquiry instruction below that has been accepted by us to the correspondent or beneficiary
bank. However, whether they will act on the instructions is at their absolute discretion and out of the Bank's control.
本行將會通知代理 銀行或受款銀 行下列被 本行接受的更改/取 消/查詢指示 ,但須視乎 代理銀行或受款銀 行會否就該指 示採取行 動,本行就此並無 控制權。
5. If the currency of the returned funds is not supported by the payment debit account, the funds will be converted into the payment debit account currency at the
Bank's prevailing exchange rate at the time of conversion. 如付款戶口並不支援有關退款的貨幣 ,該筆退款將 按本行當 時的匯率被折算為 付款戶口貨幣 。
6. For Integrated / Business Integrated Account, please specify Account Type (e.g. Savings / Current). For Foreign Currency Account, please specify currency to be
debited. 如屬綜合理財/商業綜合戶口,請註明戶口類別(如儲蓄/往來) 。如屬外幣戶口,請註明支賬的貨幣類別。
7. Your email address and contact number maintained in the Bank's record will be used for correspondence in respect of this instruction. Please ensure that your email
address and contact number with the Bank are up to date. 請確保您於本行維 持最新的電郵地址和電話號碼紀錄,本行 將以這紀錄用作此指示的聯繫通訊。
Details of Outward Telegraphic Transfer / Interbank Funds Transfer 匯出電匯/跨行轉賬資料 (Mandatory fields 必須填寫)
Payment Reference 付款參考編號 Payment Instruction Date / Payment Amount Debit Date (if applicable)
付款指示日期/付款扣賬日期 (如適用)
Please deposit the returned funds into my / our account5, account details are
請將該筆退款存入本人(等)的戶口 5,戶口資料為 Account Type 戶口類别 6 Currency 貨幣 6
Enquiry Details 查詢詳情
Beneficiary advised that the funds have not yet been received. Please check the status of the transaction
受款人仍未收到有 關款項,請查 詢交易狀 況
The funds received by the beneficiary were less than the payment amount. Please check the details regarding the difference
受款人收到的款項 少於付款金額 ,請查詢 差額詳情
The currency of funds received by the beneficiary was different from the instructed payment currency. Please check the transaction details
受款人收到的款項 貨幣與指示的 付款貨幣 不相符,請查詢交 易詳情
I/We understand that the acceptance of this amendment instruction is subject to the Bank's sole discretion. If this amendment instruction is rejected by the
Bank, please 本人(等)明白貴行有權決定是否接受此更改指示。如貴行拒絕此更改指示,請貴行
disregard this amendment instruction and continue to process the above Transfer 毋須處理此更改指示並繼續處理上述轉賬
Message to Beneficiary
Purpose of Payment
deposit the returned funds into my / our account5, account details are
將該筆退款存入本人(等)的戶口 5,戶口資料為 Account Type 戶口類别 6 Currency 貨幣 6
resend the Telegraphic Transfer / Interbank Funds Transfer according to amended information, with the amount of
Please sign if the Account Number for charges is different from the Debit Account Number below
Debit Account Number of the above Outward Telegraphic Transfer /
Interbank Funds Transfer 上述匯出電匯/跨行轉賬的付款戶口號碼