Training - Needs Analysis

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Training Needs Analysis

This checklist lays out the steps to follow to implement the process of Training
Needs Analysis (TNA).
Effective training or development depends on knowing what results are required -
for the individual, the department and the organisation as a whole. With limited
budgets and the need for cost-effective solutions, all organisations need to feel
secure that the resources invested in training are targeted at areas where
training and development is needed and a positive return on the investment is
guaranteed. Effective TNA is particularly vital in today's changing workplace as
new technologies and flexible working practices are introduced, leading to
corresponding changes in the skills and abilities needed.
Analysing what the training needs are is a vital prerequisite for any effective
training programme or event. Simply throwing training at individuals may miss
the priority needs, and even cover areas that are not essential. Analysing training
needs is not a task for specialists alone. Managers today are responsible for all
forms of people management, including the training and development of their
team, and should therefore have an understanding of training needs analysis and
be able to implement it successfully.

MCI Standards
This checklist has relevance for the MCI Management Standards: Key Role C -
Manage People.

A training need has two facets:
1. It is any shortcoming, gap or problem that prevents the individual or
organisation achieving its objectives.
2. It can be overcome or reduced through training and/or development.
A training need can arise at three levels - the organisation, the activity and the
individual. For our purposes an organisation can be seen not only as the whole
company, but as any department, section or team with its own objectives.
At this level a training need is any behaviour or lack of skill that hinders the
achievement of these corporate objectives; for example, it could be a lack of
customer care skills that has a negative impact on the business, or a lack of
interpersonal skills that affects staff retention.
At the activity level a training need applies to everyone doing the same work. So
it could be that all tyre fitters in a company need to learn to use a new piece of
equipment, while the members of the sales team do not.
At the individual level a training need occurs with an individual's lack of skills,
knowledge or understanding. Or it could be the use (or absence) of certain
behaviour that prevents an individual from being successful. For example, two
receptionists sitting side by side do the same job. Receptionist A has a
professional telephone manner while B is abrupt and offhand. B has a personal
training need.

Advantages of training needs analysis

 Resources are targeted at identified priorities.
 TNA will increase organisational ability to plan for and adapt to changes in
the workplace.
 Individuals and teams are helped to perform better, enhancing their levels
of job satisfaction, morale and motivation.
 Having a TNA process in place enhances the organisation's progress
towards Investors in People, as TNA is one of the key standards.
 It is a natural function of an appraisal system, where discussions take
place on what skills need to be improved, and how.
 It provides a constructive base for improving performance.

Disadvantages of training needs analysis

There are no disadvantages to the process, but it does require:
 time and energy to plan the analysis systematically, and to analyse the
 coordination of the results between different managers, to ensure that an
organisational plan reflects the priorities across the whole company,
allowing for economies of scale and avoiding duplication in different
 the full involvement of, and discussion with, potential trainees, rather than
the subjective evaluation of their managers.
Ideally, it also means training managers in the process of TNA itself, to clarify
what they are trying to achieve and what their approach should be.

Action checklist
Training needs can be sorted broadly into three types:
 those you can anticipate
 those that arise from monitoring
 reactions to unexpected problems.
1. Plan to integrate the identification of training needs
Training needs that exist in one department are likely to exist in others. It is
pointless for individual managers to throw their own limited resources at each
problem as it arises, duplicating efforts and dissipating energy.
Most organisations have a personnel function which organises training delivery.
You may not be the person who coordinates the system, but you have an
important role to play in collecting the best information you can on the training
needs of the people who work for you and passing it up the line.
At the very least, liaise with other management colleagues to aggregate training
need information, so that a range of appropriate training and development
activities can be planned.
2. Anticipate problems or gaps in your own span of control
Anticipated needs often appear at the organisational or activity level. So a new
machine coming into a workshop or office is almost certainly going to have
training implications for everyone using it.
Alternatively, an organisation that decides to enhance its level of customer
service as part of a corporate strategy knows that a programme of training and
development is an essential contributor to its success.
3. Develop monitoring techniques
Some problems that fall into the category of training needs can go unnoticed
while they creep up on the organisation. Active monitoring systems are essential
to spot these.
Variance analysis is one approach to monitoring. This sounds technical but is a
simple tool used by managers to monitor budgets. It translates neatly to the
identification of training needs. When a budget is agreed, expected monthly
expenditure is detailed. Any major variance from the forecast - upwards or
downwards - triggers an investigation into why it happened and what the results
will be.
In TNA, the budget numbers are replaced by performance standards and
indicators which are as specific as possible. It could be, for instance, that even in
a 'soft' issue like customer satisfaction, a standard can be set that says 95% of
customers feel they received excellent service (the 5% allows for the small
number who will always find something wrong, and those who always rate an
experience as less than 100%, on principle). Carrying out customer satisfaction
surveys allows you to measure any deviation.
Asking questions in appraisal interviews is a form of survey, as the same basic
issues are being addressed throughout the organisation. A fundamental purpose
of appraisal is to identify individuals' training needs.
In addition to training needs that emerge as a result of an appraisal interview, a
worthwhile approach to investigating one-off problems is to interview staff and
customers. Regularly ask a random sample of people for their views on the same
set of questions relating to general performance - for instance customer
satisfaction levels.
4. Keep an open mind on unexpected problems
Monitoring will indicate where gaps and problems exist. However, it is possible to
make the wrong assumption when faced with a particular set of circumstances.
For instance, unusually rapid staff turnover in a small section may lead to a
conclusion that the unsocial hours worked there are the issue. However, exit
interviews with staff may indicate that turnover is a result of cramped working
conditions and poor ventilation - something that training cannot resolve, even
though the monitoring process has helped you identify the problem.
On the other hand, it could be that:
 the behaviour and approach of the section head are the root cause
 errors at recruitment stage mean that the wrong people are being taken
In either of these cases there is a training need - in the first case with the section
head and in the second with those doing the recruiting. This could include you.
5. Identify the level
It could be that a training need is limited to an individual or an activity but it is
more likely to impact on at least two, and perhaps all three levels.
If the organisation traditionally treats customers as a nuisance, it needs to
change its overall approach. Giving one or two people training addresses the
training need at the wrong level; organisation development is needed rather than
individual training sessions.
6. Take appropriate action
If the training needs are within your own span of control, probably at individual or
maybe at activity level, you can plan action to meet the needs.
If the needs appear to be at a wider level than the one you control, you need to
make recommendations and proposals on a wider front.

Dos and don'ts for training needs analysis

 Take TNA as seriously as you do the delivery of training.
 Make every effort to aggregate your findings with those of others.
 If necessary, work to persuade others of the benefits of collecting and
collating data on training needs.
 Remember to consider potential needs at the three levels of organisation,
activity and individual.
 Investigate problems carefully, so as to avoid making false assumptions.
 Include yourself as someone with potential training needs.
 Arrange any training without first establishing that there is a clear need for
 Simply send everyone on the same training event that you found useful
and enjoyable - individuals have different backgrounds and experiences,
so they have unique training priorities.
 Concentrate on obvious training needs at the expense of those you need
to look for (for example with monitoring systems).

Useful reading
Identifying training needs
Tom Boydell and Malcolm Leary
London: Institute of Personnel and Development, 1996
Training needs analysis (Managing Best Practice 24)
London: Industrial Society, 1996
Training needs analysis handbook: a resource for identifying training
needs, selecting training strategies and developing training plans
Sharon Bartram and Brenda Gibson
Aldershot: Gower, 1994
Analysing learning needs, Malcolm Craig
Aldershot: Gower, 1994

Related checklists
Coaching for better performance
Developing a mentoring scheme
Evaluating training
Investing in your people
Mentoring in practice
Solving problems

Thought starters
 How much of the training budget do you think was wasted last year - and
 What training do your people need that has not been arranged and is not
likely? Why?
 Have you ever been sent on a course that you felt was irrelevant to your
 Consider the motivational impact on your team of attending an engaging
and worthwhile event.

bu library
The bu library stocks a range of materials which will provide further information
on this subject. Tel: 01483 704757 or Clearway 2159 4757.

Revised Jun 1999

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