Electronics Assignment
Electronics Assignment
Electronics Assignment
2. Find the forward current of a Silicon diode, operating at room temperature, with forward bias voltage
of 750mV across it, if saturation current is 10nA.
3. A silicon diode indicates forward current of 2mA and 10mA, when forward voltage across the diode is
0.6V and 0.7V respectively. Find the operating temperature of diode junction.
4. For the circuit given in figure,
(a) Using the approximate characteristics for the Si diode, determine the level of VD, ID, and VR
(b) Perform the same analysis as part (a) using the ideal model for the diode.
(c) Do the results obtained in parts (a) and (b) suggest that the ideal model can provide a good
approximation for the actual response under some conditions?
5. Determine the current I for each of the configurations of Fig. 2.134 using the approximate equivalent
model for the diode.