Syllabus of Power System

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EEE3003 Power System Engineering L T P J C

3 0 2 0 4
Pre-requisite EEE2001 Syllabus version
Anti-requisite v. 1.1
Course Objectives:
1. To gain adequate knowledge on various aspects, issues related to power systems and
identifying suitable solution methods.
2. To apply the concepts in solving practical power system problems.

Expected Course Outcome:

On completion of the course the student will be able to
1. Estimate the transmission line parameters.
2. Solve and calculate voltage regulation and efficiency of transmission line.
3. Categorize various components of transmission network and study the distribution system
4. Construct equivalent per unit model of three phase transmission line
5. Formulate various techniques to solve for power flow problems.
6. Identify and classify various faults of power system network.
7. Analyze the impact of stability issues in power systems.
8. Design and Conduct experiments, as well as analyze and interpret data

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): 1, 2, 6,9,14

1. Having an ability to apply mathematics and science in engineering applications
2. Having a clear understanding of the subject related concepts and of contemporary issues
6. Having an ability to design a component or a product applying all the relevant standards and with
realistic constraints
9. Having problem solving ability- solving social issues and engineering problems
14. Having an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
Module:1 Transmission Line parameters: 9 Hours
Resistance, Inductance of transmission lines, Inductance of a single phase two wire line,
Inductance of three phase lines with symmetrical and unsymmetrical spacing-Capacitance of a
single phase two wire line-Capacitance of a three phase line with symmetrical and
unsymmetrical spacing.

Module:2 Modelling of Transmission lines: 6 Hours

Representation of lines-Short –Medium lines, Equivalent Circuits, Calculation of Voltage
regulation and transmission efficiency- long transmission lines-Equivalent Circuit- Surge
Impedance loading.

Module:3 Insulators and Cables: 5 Hours

Types, Potential distribution over a string of suspension insulators- Improvement of string
efficiency- Underground Cables-Types- Grading in cables. Distribution Systems: A.C.
distribution System- connection schemes-radial and ring main –Interconnected System.

Module:4 Network Modelling: 7 Hours

Need for system studies in planning and operation of power system-Per phase analysis of
symmetrical three phase system-per unit representation-Bus Admittance Matrix-Equivalent
circuit of transformer with off nominal tap ratio- Modeling of generator, load, shunt capacitor,
transmission line, shunt reactor for power flow and short circuit studies.
Module:5 Power Flow Studies: 7 Hours
The power Flow Problem- Bus Classification-Derivation of Power Flow Equation, Newton
Raphson and FDPF methods.

Module:6 Fault Analysis: 6 Hours

Approximations in Short Circuit Analysis, Calculation for radial networks-Symmetrical Short
Circuit Analysis-Symmetrical Component Transformation- Zbus in phase frame and sequence
frame-Unsymmetrical Fault Analysis.

Module:7 Power System Stability: 3 Hours

Introduction to different types of stability problems- The Swing Equation-Equal Area Criterion
application to a single machine infinite bus system.

Module:8 Contemporary issues: 2 hours

Total Lecture hours: 45 Hours
Text Book(s)
1. John J. Grainger and William D.Stevenson Jr "Power System Analysis", Mcgraw Hill
International Editions, 2013.
2. Hadi Saadat, “Power System Analysis", Tata McGraw Hill, 2015.
Reference Books
1. D.P.Kothari and I.J. Nagrath, "Modern Power System Analysis", Tata McGraw Hill,
Fourth Edition, New Delhi, 2011.
2. C.L.Wadhwa, "Electrical Power Systems", New Age International, Seventh Edition,
Mode of Evaluation: CAT / Assignment / Quiz / FAT / Project / Seminar
List of Challenging Experiments (Indicative) SLO:1,2,6,9,14
1. Determining the voltage profile of a transmission line 2 Hours
2. Construction of power circle diagram 2 Hours
3. Determination of compensator rating using power circle diagram 2 Hours
4. Determination of Ybus with tap changing transformer 2 Hours
5. Determination of String efficiency 2 Hours
6. Determining the size of a graded cable 2 Hours
7. Power flow solution with tap changing transformer using Gauss-Seidel 2 Hours
8. Voltage in ring main distribution system with interconnection 2 Hours
9. Symmetrical fault analysis using Thevenin’s theorem 2 Hours
10. Determining the critical clearing time using equal area criterion 2 Hours
Total Laboratory Hours 30 hours
Mode of Evaluation: Assignment / FAT
Recommended by Board of Studies 05/03/2016
Approved by Academic Council 40th AC Date 18/03/5016

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