2. Birth of a star • In space, there are huge clouds of gas 10. Black hole • The core of a massive star that has 8 or
and dust called nebulas. • These clouds are made up of more times the mass of our Sun remains massive after
hydrogen and helium and are the birthplace of new stars. the supernova. • It has now become a black hole which
• Gravity pulls the hydrogen gas in the nebula together readily attracts any matter and energy that comes near it.
and it begins to spin, • As the gas spins faster and faster, • Black holes are not visible, they are detected by the X-
it heats up and is known as a protostar. rays which are given off as matter falls into the hole.
In the Northern Hemisphere, winter skies hold some of Northern Hemisphere Spring Skies, North View
the loveliest constellation views of the year. Looking Carolyn Collins Petersen, ThoughtCo
north gives skygazers a chance to see the brightest
constellations Ursa Major, Cepheus, and Cassiopeia. Ursa With the return of spring temperatures, Northern
Major contains the familiar Big Dipper, which looks very Hemisphere skygazers are greeted with a panoply of new
much like a dipper or soup ladle in the sky with its handle constellations to explore. Old friends Cassiopeia and
pointing directly to the horizon for much of the winter. Cepheus are now very low on the horizon, while new
Directly overhead lie the star patterns of Perseus, friends Bootes, Hercules, and Coma Berenices are rising
Auriga, Gemini, and Cancer. The bright V-shaped face of in the East. High in the northern sky, Ursa Major, and the
Taurus the Bull is a star cluster called the Hyades. Big Dipper command the view as Leo the Lion and Cancer
claim the view high overhead.
Northern Hemisphere Winter Stars, South View
Northern Hemisphere Spring Skies, South View
Carolyn Collins Petersen, ThoughtCo
Carolyn Collins Petersen, ThoughtCo
In the Northern Hemisphere, looking south during the
winter provides a chance to explore the rest of the bright The southern half of the spring skies show Northern
constellations available during December, January, and Hemisphere skygazers the last of the winter
February each year. Orion stands out among the largest constellations (such as Orion), and bring new ones into
and brightest of the star patterns. He's joined by Gemini, view: Virgo, Corvus, Leo, and a few of the more northerly
Taurus, and Canis Major. The three bright stars at Orion's Southern Hemisphere star patterns. Orion disappears in
waist are called the "Belt Stars" and a line drawn from the west in April, while Bootes and Corona Borealis make
them to the southwest leads to the throat of Canis Major, their evening appearance in the east.
home to Sirius (the dog star), the brightest star in our
night-time sky that is visible around the world. Southern Hemisphere Autumn Skies, North View
Southern Hemisphere Summer Skies, North View Carolyn Collins Petersen, ThoughtCo
Carolyn Collins Petersen, ThoughtCo While Northern Hemisphere folks enjoy the spring season,
people in the Southern Hemisphere are entering the
While Northern Hemisphere skygazers experience colder autumn months. Their view of the sky includes the old
temperatures during winter skygazing, Southern summer favorites, with Orion setting in the west, along
Hemisphere gazers are reveling in warm summer with Taurus. This view shows the Moon in Taurus,
weather. The familiar constellations of Orion, Canis although it appears in different places along the zodiac
Major, and Taurus are in their northern sky while directly throughout the month. Eastern sky shows Libra and Virgo
overhead, the River Eridanus, Puppis, Phoenix, and rising, and along with the stars of the Milky Way, the
Horologium take over the sky. constellations of Canis Major, Vela, and Centaurus are
high overhead.
Southern Hemisphere Summer Skies, South View
Southern Hemisphere Autumn Skies, South View
Carolyn Collins Petersen, ThoughtCo
Carolyn Collins Petersen, ThoughtCo
The summer skies of the Southern Hemisphere feature
incredibly beautiful constellations that run along the The southern half of the Southern Hemisphere sky in
Milky Way to the south. Scattered among these star autumn showcases the bright constellations of the Milky
Way overhead and the far south constellations of Tucana The winter night sky to the south from the Southern
and Pavo along the horizon, with Scorpius rising in the Hemisphere follows the plane of the Milky Way to the
East. The plane of the Milky Way looks like a fuzzy cloud southwest. Along the southern horizon are smaller
of stars and contains many star clusters and nebulae that constellations such as Horologium, Dorado, Pictor, and
can be spied with a small telescope. Hydrus. The long stanchion of Crux points down to the
southern pole (although it has no star equivalent to
Northern Hemisphere Summer Skies, North View Polaris at the north to mark its location). To best see the
hidden gems of the Milky Way, observers should use a
Carolyn Collins Petersen, ThoughtCo
small telescope or binoculars.
The skies of summer in the Northern Hemisphere bring
the return of Ursa Major high in the northwestern sky, Northern Hemisphere Autumn Skies, North View
while its counterpart Ursa Minor is high in the northern Carolyn Collins Petersen, ThoughtCo
sky. Closer overhead, stargazers see Hercules (with its
hidden clusters), Cygnus the Swan (one of the harbingers The viewing year ends with brilliant skies for Northern
of summer), and the sparse lines of Aquila the Eagle Hemisphere autumn. The summer constellations are
rising from the east. sliding west, and the winter constellations are starting to
appear in the east as the season wears on. Overhead,
Northern Hemisphere Summer Skies, South View Pegasus guides viewers to the Andromeda Galaxy,
Cygnus flies high in the sky, and tiny Delphinus the
Carolyn Collins Petersen, ThoughtCo
Dolphin glides along the zenith. In the north, Ursa Major
The view toward the south during Northern Hemisphere is sliding along the horizon, while W-shaped Cassiopeia
summer shows the brilliant rides high with Cepheus and Draco.
constellations Sagittarius and Scorpius low in the sky. The
center of our Milky Way Galaxy lies in that direction Northern Hemisphere Autumn Skies, South View
between the two constellations. Overhead, Hercules, Carolyn Collins Petersen, ThoughtCo
Lyra, Cygnus, Aquila, and the stars of Coma Berenices
surround some deep-sky objects such as the Ring Nebula, Northern Hemisphere autumn brings skygazers a look to
which marks the spot where a star similar to the Sun died. some Southern Hemisphere constellations that are just
The brightest stars of the constellations Aquila, Lyra, and visible along the horizon (depending on where the viewer
Cygnus form an unofficial star pattern called the Summer is located). Grus and Sagittarius are heading south and
Triangle, which remains visible well into autumn. west. Scanning the sky up to the zenith, observers can
see Capricornus, Scutum, Aquila, Aquarius, and parts of
Southern Hemisphere Winter Skies, North View Cetus. At the zenith, Cepheus, Cygnus, and others ride
high in the sky. Scan them with binoculars or telescope to
Carolyn Collins Petersen, ThoughtCo
find star clusters and nebulae.
While Northern Hemisphere viewers enjoy summer
weather, skygazers in the Southern Hemisphere are in Southern Hemisphere Spring Skies, North View
the throes of winter. Their winter sky contains the bright Carolyn Collins Petersen, ThoughtCo
constellations Scorpius, Sagittarius, Lupus, and Centaurus
directly overhead, along with the Southern Cross (Crux). Spring skies in the Southern Hemisphere are enjoyed
The plane of the Milky Way is overhead, as well. Farther with warmer temperatures by the folks south of the
north, southerners see some of the same constellations equator. Their view brings Sagittarius, Grus, and Sculptor
as northerners do: Hercules, Corona Borealis, and Lyra. high overhead, while the northern horizon glitters with
the stars of Pegasus, Sagitta, Delphinus, and parts of
Southern Hemisphere Winter Skies, South View Cygnus and Pegasus.
Carolyn Collins Petersen, ThoughtCo Southern Hemisphere Spring Skies, South View
Carolyn Collins Petersen, ThoughtCo