ADI Assignment
ADI Assignment
ADI Assignment
Convention and conference management is being very difficult due to lack of planning
and organizing. It involves various types of events and seminars. In this case study it is
aspects. Through the system users will not be able create events and seminars for the
same room at same time slot and each room has limited capacity. Also through the
system users will be able to create, modify and remove their own programs. The
document outlines the class diagram, activity diagram, use case diagram, code
4 Rooms Each room has its own attributes like capacity, room
will be stored.
7 Seminar Each seminar has its own attributes like title, date and
11 Exhibitors In order to keep track the details of stalls that will ensure
abstract class.
2 User Role In order to provide the access level to users, user role
4 Time Slot This class will be used to take times or each programs
for each day. Each day may have different time slot.
Through the class diagram of a system several aspects are identified such as state of
an object of the class, operation of objects, interaction of objects, and the behavioral
features (Gibbs, 2016). The class diagram of the proposed system is given in the
Figure 1: Class Diagram
Task – 2: Activity Diagram
Code architecture of a system defines the interaction of objects with each other. It
ensures that code is separated into a reasonable number of classes and reduces the
complexity of code. Good code architecture depends on several aspects. In this section
of the document, the code architecture of the proposed system is provided with proper
The proposed system is developed using Entity framework where data access is
performed using model (Microsoft, 2017). The model of the system is made up of entity
classes that represent a session with the database in order to manipulate data. In order
to retrieve data from database language integrated query (LINQ) is used and to save
4.2 Inheritance
Basically inheritance is used to express the relationship between base class and
versions of the base class. Inheritance increases the reusability of code. Through
implementing the inheritance the sub class can access the method and properties of the
super class. Also the sub class can define its own methods if required (Wadje, 2017).
In order to handle the requirements of the proposed system inheritance is implemented.
For example - attendee’s class has four child classes. So attributes of the super class is
managed using access modifier and each of the sub classes objects are created in the
4.3 Polymorphism
Through the Inheritance we will be able to inherit attributes and methods from super
different ways. It enables to override the methods of base class (Kanjilal, 2016).
In the proposed system an attendee may act as presenter, exhibitor, audience and
situations. For example - the super class Attendee that has a methods
polymorphism is used in the proposed system to handle this situation through overriding
In order to handle the input of users for the proposed system different windows forms
control are used. Based on the user requirements combo box is used for selection,
textbox is used for insertion, date picker is used for date time input.
For handling an event and controlling authors, method overriding is used rather than
attaching a delegate to the event. In order to handle the data associated with an event,
In order to display the result in the window forms of the proposed system, list view and
grid view is used. For retrieving the data from the database language integrated query
(LINQ) is used. After retrieving the data from tables, a collection of data (data set) and
data matrix is used to represents the results in list view and grid view. And also different
types of conversion methods are used to display the result in appropriate formats.
Task – 5: System Implementation
designed and ensures the system is operational that can meet quality standards. In this
In order to develop the proposed solution successfully it was required to understand the
requirements of the system properly. For implementing and designing the system
properly several diagrams such as class diagram, activity diagram and use case
diagram are done. During the development of the solution several problems were faced
and learned how to overcome problems. These experiences will help to work
professionally in future.
Gibbs, M. (2016, January 10). What is Class Diagram. Retrieved January 3, 2019, from
Kanjilal, J. (2016, January 20). How to implement polymorphism in C#. Retrieved January 15, 2019, from
Microsoft. (2017). Entity Framework Documentation. Retrieved January 10, 2019, from
Wadje, V. (2017, November 17). C# Corner. Retrieved January 16, 2019, from https://www.c-