Course Code: ACCT610
Course Name: Accounting Analysis
Course Prerequisites: ACCT501, ACCT510
Course Co-requisites: None
Credits Hours: One and one-half (1.5) credit hours
Class Timing: (18.75 contact hours)
Final Exam Period:
2. Instructor Details
Professor: Ping Ke
Office Location:
Office Hours: by appointments
Course website:
Phone (Office):
4. Course Overview
This course will study the financial statement analysis, comparison of the U. S. Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles (GAAP) with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and selected
accounting fraud topics.
5. Course-Level Learning Goals1
(A) Invariant Learning Goals (In support of the MBA Programmatic Learning Goal(s)):
Upon the successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Use the Bloomberg system, and/or other internet or NYIT lab resources to access relevant financial
data; compare and assess alternative accounting policies and calculate and analyze the impact of
alternative accounting methodology on the more commonly cited financial analytics;
2. Apply accounting principles, and contrast U.S. accounting policies with International Accounting
Standards (IAS); and hypothesize and justify, using statistical models, the presence of earnings
management in U.S. GAAP and IAS, and evaluate the rationale and consequences of such abusive
behavior of flexibility in accounting principles.
For the purpose of assurance of learning, each student will receive five (5) scores based on:
(1) A1S1: the ability to use the Bloomberg System, and/or other internet or NYIT lab resources to obtain
relevant financial information (MBA-2M);
A note on School of Management Course-Level Learning Goals: Learning goals are partitioned into those that are in support of the
programmatic learning goals (Invariant), specific to the localized region of delivery (Contextualized), and specific to the domain expertise
of the instructor (Instructor-Specific). The former two categories are required for all courses. Invariant “Assurance of Learning Validations”
are specifically linked to the associated programmatic learning goal and objective, with course-level learning goals representing the
programmatic goal as it applies to the context of the course. Learning goals that focus on knowledge acquisition (Bloom’s Taxonomy) are
not specifically or necessarily included into the course-level learning goals, although it is assumed that knowledge acquisition of all
relevant business core fundamentals is addressed within each course. Examinations in class are used to provide feedback concerning
knowledge and comprehension for the purpose of ensuring that students who have not mastered these will not advance through the
curriculum. Attainment of knowledge within each core area is assessed by way of standalone testing of each student as a required part of
the instructional program prior to graduation (e.g. ETS).
A note on School of Management Assurance of Learning Scoring: Scores form the metric for the degree to which the validation (e.g.
learning outcome) satisfies the associated learning goal or objective. Assurance of learning validation descriptions identify the criteria for
each score that is to be given. Scores are scaled using program or concentration rubrics. It must be noted that scores are to be
differentiated from grades. Scores form a criterion from which an instructor will ascertain an overall grade for any instrument of
assessment, and the overall assessment the student receives for an instrument is a “grade.” A score is an extraction that specifically
measures the degree of attainment of a learning goal and/or objective.
(2) A1S2: the strength of the assumptions made, supported by proper financial theory and best practices
(3) A1S3: the correctness of financial ratio calculations based on the assumptions made in (2) above (MBA-
(4) A1S4: the correct conclusion by ratio analysis made in (3) (MBA-2M).
A2. Comparison of U.S. GAAP vs. IFRS Study: Using resources for comparisons of U. S. GAAP with IFRS
the student will write a research paper to compare the U.S. GAAP with IFRS in terms of impact on
balance sheet items and income statement items.
For the purpose of assurance of learning, the student will receive two scores based on:
(1) A2S1: the quality for the analysis of IFRS accounting principles compared and contrasted to U.S.
(2) A2S2: the ability to identify differences and similarities in accounting rules (IFRS) and principles (U.S.
GAAP), and to conclude which financial reports (based on GAAP or IFRS) closely approximate real
value in assets (MBA-ACCT).
(3) A2S3: the ability to correctly understand and use the term “earnings management” in U.S. GAAP
and IAS using statistical models (MBA-QANT).
Assurance of Learning Validation (In support of the Contextualized (Globalized) Learning Goal(s)):
B1. See Assurance of Learning Validation A2(1) above.
A component of all courses, as a part of the teaching and learning strategies, is to maintain academic rigor
and to be intellectually challenging. This is validated in institutional survey results. However, School of
Management faculty members utilize an overall collective portfolio of strategies/initiatives that obtain from
the aforementioned sources in delineating those that are most appropriate or emphasized in the courses
they lead.
In this course (ACCT610), four (4) prioritized teaching and learning strategies focus on:
1. use of technology;
2. relevant content to student future career/goals;
3. teamwork/collaborative work (interdependent learning); and
4. course projects.
All faculty members that instruct this course should consider how to execute the course to emphasize
these key components of the strategies considered. Following a review of learning outcomes, faculty
members consider how re-orientation of teaching and learning strategies might result in strengthening
these outcomes, and adjustments are made, accordingly. Faculty members also consider how the School of
Management Triple Platforms of Excellence (Professional Enrichment, Experiential Education, and Student
Advancement) might be leveraged as a part of this strategy, and provide recommendations to the Directors
of those platforms. The school also reviews the distribution of identified teaching and learning strategies
periodically to ensure comprehension and the integration of each (from the designated list of
approximately 20-25 strategies) within the curriculum. Finally, results from student teaching evaluations
Teaching and Learning Strategies: ”TEMPOS and the Millennials,” revised September 2008.
E.g., Student Survey on Teaching Quality – Quantitative Data: School of Management.
also provide indications of how various teaching and learning strategies are integrated into the course
delivery. The following issues (indicator number is provided) are among those in the evaluations that bear
on this review and analysis:
Along with teaching and learning strategies, the notion of student effort/time on task is also considered,
although it is not necessarily driven by metrics. It is noted that the notion of student effort, specifically
metric driven, is not a universally adopted approach 5. However, if an instance occurs where student
learning outcomes do not meet targeted academic standards, the School of Management utilizes indirect
inputs in this area to explore the interdependencies between factors including the amount of work
required in the course, the degree of challenge in the coursework, and level of critical analysis, among
7. Required Resource(s)
Revsine, Collins, Johnson, Mittelstaedt and Soffer (2018) Financial Reporting and Analysis, 7th Edition,
McGraw Hill Education. ISBN: 978-1-259-72265-3.
See the Victorian TAFE Association Response – Strengthening the AQF: Proposal, June 2009. East Melbourne, Victoria, Australia,
retrieved from on
February 22, 2010.
Sample data regularly collected through the New York Institute of Technology Student Rating of Courses/Teaching Form.
8. Reference Resource(s): subject to change, check updates.
Gibson (2013) “Financial Reporting and Analysis: Using Financial Accounting Information”, SouthWestern
Cengage Learning, ISBN #: 9781133188766
Liu, Chunhui,; Yip Yuen, Chun; J. Yao (posthumously), Lee; H. Chan, Siew, “Differences in earnings
management between firms using US GAAP and IAS/IFRS,” Review of Accounting & Finance; Patrington
Vol. 13, Iss. 2, (2014): 134-155.
Van Beest, F, Geert Braam, G. and Boelens, S., “Quality of Financial Reporting: measuring qualitative
Characteristics,” Working paper, April 2009.
Yurisandi, T. and Puspitasari, E., “Financial Reporting Quality - Before and After IFRS Adoption Using NiCE
Qualitative Characteristics Measurement,” Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 211, November
2015, Pages 644-652.
10. Grading Guidelines: The final grade for the course will be calculated using the relevant grading scale:
11. Attendance Policy: Students are expected to attend every class session. Instructors will inform students of
the exact number of absences and late-arrivals permitted during the semester. Students who exceed these
limits may be subject to failure. If a student misses any class or test, the instructor has the right to either
grant or deny an opportunity to make up the work that was missed. In such cases, the instructor shall be
the sole judge of the validity of a student's explanation for having missed the class or test.
12. Deductions for Late Arrival, Early Departure, and Unexcused Absences:
14. Classroom Behavior: Behavior that disrupts, impairs, interferes with, or obstructs the orderly conduct,
processes, and functions within an academic classroom or laboratory violates the student code of conduct
and may result in disciplinary action. This includes interfering with the academic mission of NYIT or
individual classroom or interfering with a faculty member’s or instructor’s role to carry out the normal
academic or educational functions of their classroom or laboratory, including teaching and research.
Wk #1 1/22/2019 Introduction
Wk #2 1/29/2019 Financial Statement Analysis Chapter
Wk #3 2/05/2019 Identification of Firms
Wk #4 2/19/2019 Retrieval of Data from
Individual Summary Due:: Discussion of Research Paper: Earnings
Wk #5 2/26/2019 Quality of the Qatar Exchange and the U.S. Stock Exchange: Empirical
Evidence by Yun
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