Y4 Autumn
Y4 Autumn
Y4 Autumn
Year 4 Autumn
Year 4
SOL Overview
As well as providing term by term overviews for the new
National Curriculum as a Maths Hub we are aiming to Alongside these curriculum overviews, we also provide a
support primary schools by providing more detailed free assessment for each term’s plan. Each assessment
Schemes of Learning, which help teachers plan lessons will be made up of two parts:
on a day to day basis.
Part 1: Fluency based arithmetic practice
The following schemes provide exemplification for each of Part 2: Reasoning based questions
the objectives in our new term by term overviews, which
are linked to the new National Curriculum. The schemes You can use these assessments to determine gaps in
are broken down into fluency, reasoning and problem your students’ knowledge and use them to plan support
solving, which are the key aims of the curriculum. Each and intervention strategies.
objective has with it examples of key questions, activities
and resources that you can use in your classroom. These The assessments have been
can be used in tandem with the mastery assessment designed with new KS2 SATS
materials that the NCETM have recently produced. in mind. The questions use
strategies and methods
We hope you find them useful. If you have any comments
promoted through the schemes
about this document or have any ideas please do get in
touch. of learning.
Many schools are starting to make use of a mastery This is your call as a school, however our
textbook used in Singapore and China, the schemes have recommendation is that you would spend some time with
been designed to work alongside these textbooks. There the whole group focussing on the areas of the curriculum
are some variations in sequencing, but this should not that they don’t appear to have grasped. If a couple of
cause a large number of issues students have done well then these could be given rich
tasks and deeper problems to build an even deeper
If we spend so much time on number work, how can understanding.
we cover the rest of the curriculum?
Can we really move straight to this curriculum plan if
Students who have an excellent grasp of number make our students already have so many gaps in
better mathematicians. Spending longer on mastering knowledge?
key topics will build a student’s confidence and help
secure understanding. This should mean that less time The simple answer is yes. You might have to pick the
will need to be spent on other topics. correct starting point for your groups. This might not be in
the relevant year group and you may have to do some
In addition schools that have been using these schemes consolidation work before.
already have used other subjects and topic time to teach
and consolidate other areas of the mathematics These schemes work incredibly well if they are introduced
curriculum. from Year 1 and continued into Year 2, then into Year 3
and so on.
It will also give you a detailed idea of what it means to Bar modelling
take a mastery approach across your school. Teaching for Mastery
Information can be found on the link below. Subject specialism intensive courses – become a
maths expert.
Our monthly newsletter also contains the latest initiatives
we are involved with. We are looking to improve maths
across our area and on a wider scale by working with the
other Maths Hubs across the country.
: Time
Number: Fractions Number: Decimals
: Perimeter
and length
Complete the table Phil says that he can make the 6010
number that is 1,000 less than 3,512
1000 Starting 1000 using the number cards 1, 2, 3 and 4.
more number less Do you agree?
3467 Explain your answer.
Place Value
665 Lucy thinks of a number. She says ‘ The
Add one thousand to 2,554 number 1,000 more than my number
Find 1000 more or less
Write the number represented in the has the digits 1,2,3 and 4.The number
than a given number.
place value chart. Add ten hundreds to 2,554 1,000 less uses the digits 1, 3 and 4’
What number is Lucy thinking of?
Th H T O What do you notice? Why does this
1000 happen?
4,500 5,000 to
the 5,499 ‘747 to the nearest 10 What could the 2 number be?
is 740.’ What are all the possibilities?
Round any number to the nearest 300 to
10, 100 or 1000. the
100 Do you agree with Henry? Explain Using the digit cards 0-9, can you make
___ to why. numbers that fit the following rules?
the 74
10 1. When rounded to the nearest 10, I round
to 20.
The school kitchen wants to A number rounded to the nearest 2. When rounded to the nearest 10, I round
order enough jacket 10 is 550. What is the smallest to 10.
potatoes for lunch. possible number it could be? 3. When rounded to the nearest 1000, I
Potatoes come in sacks of round to 1000.
100. 4. When rounded to the nearest 100, I
How many sacks do they round to 7200.
need for 766 children?
Therefore, in Roman
Read Roman numerals to 100 (I to numerals all multiples of 10
Fill in the missing boxes.
C) and know that over time, the have an X XXII + XXXV =
numeral system changed to
include the concept of zero and
Convert the Roman numeral LXIII + XXVI =
place value.
into Arabic numerals. LV + XXII =
XVII - XXIV -XIX Is he correct? Prove it. LXXI + XXXVIII=
34 .
? ? ? ?
+ ? ? ? ?
+ = 16
Choose whether to solve They all have 4 digits.
these questions mentally or
They are all multiples of 5 + + = 25
using written methods.
54 + 46 540 + 460
+ + = 30
34 + 69 + 26 298 + 342 What could the numbers be?
566 + 931 999 + 999 Prove it.
1,547 + 2742 1,999 + 364
× = 48
Harvey has written a number Try to reach the target number below by
sentence. multiplying three of the numbers together.
13 x 0 = 0 Cross out any numbers you don’t use.
Holly has 1 box of 12 eggs.
How many eggs does she He says Target number: 144
Use place value, known and I can change one number in
derived facts to multiply and Sally has 0 boxes of 12 eggs. my number sentence to 1 5 3 0 6 8
divide mentally, including: How many eggs does she make a brand new
multiplying by 0 and 1; dividing have?
by 1; multiplying together three Use the numbers 1-8 to fill the circles.
numbers. Write these two questions
as multiplication sentences.
Is he correct?
Which number should he change?
Five children share some Explain your reasoning.
cherries. Each child gets 6
There are 3 cherries left
How many cherries were in
the bag to begin with?
Think about making towers The school has a singing group of more than
of cubes that are equal in Multiply a number by itself and 12 singers but less than 32.
height. then make one factor one more They sing together in different ways.
Can you write a and the other one less. Sometimes they sing in pairs and sometimes
multiplication sentence to What do you notice? in groups of 3, 4 or 6.
describe the towers? Does this always happen? Whatever size groups they are in, no one is
The numbers in your left out and everyone is singing.
Recognise and use factor pairs multiplication sentences Eg 4 x 4 = 16 How many singers are there in the school
and commutatively in mental are the factors of 16! 6 x 6= 36 choir?
calculations. 5 x 3 = 15
7x5= =5x 7 x 5= 35
Find the missing numbers Try out more examples to prove your
12 x 6 = 6 x ___ thinking.
2 x 3 x 5 = __ x 5
2 x 7 x 5 = __ x 5
13 x 12 can be solved by
using factor pairs, eg 13 x 3
x 4 or 13 x 2 x 6.
Is she correct?
Justify your answer.
x 3
Find the mistake that has been
made in the calculation below.
Add up the columns and
Explain and correct it.
exchange counters where
needed to find the answer.
Multiply two digit and three digit 47 Miss Wood orders some new whiteboard
numbers by a one digit number × 8 pens for Year 3 and 4.
using formal written layout. 3256 There are 160 children in Year 3 and 4.
If she orders 6 boxes of 27 pens, will she have
What digit goes in the missing enough?
box? Convince me. Show your calculation.
Explain why.
the problem. sauces?
b) Solve the problem.
In a box there are red and yellow
For every 5 red cubes there are 3
Solve problems involving Dan is using a number
yellow cubes.
multiplying and adding, including machine. Every number he
using the distributive law to puts in is multiplied by the Jenny needs to buy 20 cupcakes for a party.
Hannah says;
multiply two digit numbers by same number. A shop has two offers on cupcakes.
one digit, integer scaling He puts 4 numbers in and
If I have more than 10 5 cupcakes 4 cupcakes
problems and harder the numbers that come out
correspondence problems such as red cubes, I will for 40p for 30p
are 21, 49, 84 and 140.
n objects are connected to m What could the machine be definitely have more
objects. multiplying by? than 10 yellow cubes. Which offer is better?
How much money will Jenny spend
Laura is making a sequence altogether?
using shapes. She uses 3
Do you agree? Convince me.
circles, 4 pentagons and 5
rectangles. If she uses the
same pattern to make a
longer sequence, how
many pentagons will she
use in a sequence with 72
shapes altogether?
A rectangle measures 5 squares by How many shapes can you draw that have an
3 squares. area of 8 square centimetres?
Amy says;
Here is the floor plan of a lounge and a dining
The area must be 8 room.