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Y4 Autumn

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Mastery Overview

Year 4 Autumn
Year 4
SOL Overview
As well as providing term by term overviews for the new
National Curriculum as a Maths Hub we are aiming to Alongside these curriculum overviews, we also provide a
support primary schools by providing more detailed free assessment for each term’s plan. Each assessment
Schemes of Learning, which help teachers plan lessons will be made up of two parts:
on a day to day basis.
Part 1: Fluency based arithmetic practice
The following schemes provide exemplification for each of Part 2: Reasoning based questions
the objectives in our new term by term overviews, which
are linked to the new National Curriculum. The schemes You can use these assessments to determine gaps in
are broken down into fluency, reasoning and problem your students’ knowledge and use them to plan support
solving, which are the key aims of the curriculum. Each and intervention strategies.
objective has with it examples of key questions, activities
and resources that you can use in your classroom. These The assessments have been
can be used in tandem with the mastery assessment designed with new KS2 SATS
materials that the NCETM have recently produced. in mind. The questions use
strategies and methods
We hope you find them useful. If you have any comments
promoted through the schemes
about this document or have any ideas please do get in
touch. of learning.

The White Rose Maths Hub Team

© Trinity Academy Halifax 2016

Year 4
Teaching for Mastery Concrete – Pictorial – Abstract
These overviews are designed to support a mastery As a hub we believe that all students, when introduced to
approach to teaching and learning and have been a key new concept, should have the opportunity to build
designed to support the aims and objectives of the new competency in this topic by taking this approach.
National Curriculum.
Concrete – students should have the opportunity to use
The overviews; concrete objects and manipulatives to help them
understand what they are doing.
 have number at their heart. A large proportion of
time is spent reinforcing number to build Pictorial – students should then build on this concrete
competency approach by using pictorial representations. These
 ensure teachers stay in the required key stage and representations can then be used to reason and solve
support the ideal of depth before breadth. problems.
 ensure students have the opportunity to stay
together as they work through the schemes as a
whole group
 provide plenty of time to build reasoning and
problem solving elements into the curriculum.
An example of a bar
modelling diagram used
to solve problems.

Abstract – with the foundations firmly laid, students

should be able to move to an abstract approach using
numbers and key concepts with confidence.
© Trinity Academy Halifax 2016
Year 4
Frequently Asked Questions
We have bought one of the new Singapore textbooks. My students have completed the assessment but they
Can we use these curriculum plans? have not done well.

Many schools are starting to make use of a mastery This is your call as a school, however our
textbook used in Singapore and China, the schemes have recommendation is that you would spend some time with
been designed to work alongside these textbooks. There the whole group focussing on the areas of the curriculum
are some variations in sequencing, but this should not that they don’t appear to have grasped. If a couple of
cause a large number of issues students have done well then these could be given rich
tasks and deeper problems to build an even deeper
If we spend so much time on number work, how can understanding.
we cover the rest of the curriculum?
Can we really move straight to this curriculum plan if
Students who have an excellent grasp of number make our students already have so many gaps in
better mathematicians. Spending longer on mastering knowledge?
key topics will build a student’s confidence and help
secure understanding. This should mean that less time The simple answer is yes. You might have to pick the
will need to be spent on other topics. correct starting point for your groups. This might not be in
the relevant year group and you may have to do some
In addition schools that have been using these schemes consolidation work before.
already have used other subjects and topic time to teach
and consolidate other areas of the mathematics These schemes work incredibly well if they are introduced
curriculum. from Year 1 and continued into Year 2, then into Year 3
and so on.

© Trinity Academy Halifax 2016

Year 4
NCETM Mastery Booklets More Information
In addition to the schemes attached the NCETM have If you would like more information on ‘Teaching for
developed a fantastic series of problems, tasks and Mastery’ you can contact the White Rose Maths Hub at
activities that can be used to support ‘Teaching for mathshub@trinityacademyhalifax.org
Mastery’. They have been written by experts in
mathematics. We are offering courses on:

It will also give you a detailed idea of what it means to  Bar modelling
take a mastery approach across your school.  Teaching for Mastery
Information can be found on the link below.  Subject specialism intensive courses – become a
maths expert.
Our monthly newsletter also contains the latest initiatives
we are involved with. We are looking to improve maths
across our area and on a wider scale by working with the
other Maths Hubs across the country.

Everyone Can Succeed

As a Maths Hub we believe that all students can succeed
in mathematics. We don’t believe that there are
individuals who can do maths and those that can’t. A
positive teacher mindset and strong subject knowledge
are key to student success in mathematics.

© Trinity Academy Halifax 2016

Term by Term Objectives Year 4
Year 4 Overview
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12

Number: Addition and Measurement:

Number: Place Value
Subtraction Number: Multiplication and Division Area


: Time
Number: Fractions Number: Decimals
: Perimeter

and length


Geometry: Geometry: Measurement:

Shape and Position and Statistics Area and
symmetry direction perimeter

© Trinity Academy Halifax 2016

Term by Term Objectives Year 4
Year Group Y4 Term Autumn
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12
Number – place value Number- addition and subtraction Number – multiplication and division Measurement- Area
Count in multiples of 6, 7, 9. 25 and 1000. Add and subtract numbers with up to 4 Recall and use multiplication and division facts for Find the area of rectilinear
digits using the formal written methods of multiplication tables up to 12 x 12. shapes by counting
Find 1000 more or less than a given columnar addition and subtraction where squares.
number. appropriate. Use place value, known and derived facts to multiply and
divide mentally, including: multiplying by 0 and 1;
Count backwards through zero to include Estimate and use inverse operations to dividing by 1; multiplying together three numbers.
negative numbers. check answers to a calculation.
Recognise and use factor pairs and commutatively in
Recognise the place value of each digit in Solve addition and subtraction two step mental calculations.
a four digit number (thousands, problems in contexts, deciding which
hundreds, tens and ones) operations and methods to use and why. Multiply two digit and three digit numbers by a one digit
number using formal written layout.
Order and compare numbers beyond
1000. Solve problems involving multiplying and adding,
including using the distributive law to multiply two digit
Identify, represent and estimate numbers numbers by one digit, integer scaling problems and
using different representations. harder correspondence problems such as n objects are
connected to m objects.
Round any number to the nearest 10, 100
or 1000.

Solve number and practical problems that

involve all of the above and with
increasingly large positive numbers.

Read Roman numerals to 100 (I to C) and

know that over time, the numeral system
changed to include the concept of zero
and place value.

© Trinity Academy Halifax 2016

Term by Term Objectives Year 4
National Curriculum All students
Statement Fluency Reasoning Problem Solving
 Find the next two numbers  What is the same and what is  Mr Hamm has three disco lights. The
6, 12, 18, 24, different about these two number first light shines for 3 seconds then is
7, 14, 21, 28, 35, sequences? off for 3 seconds. The second light
9, 18, 27, 36 6, 12, 18, 24, 30….. shines for 4 seconds then is off for four
25, 50, 75, 45, 36, 27, 18, 9…… seconds. The third light shines for 5
5000, 6000, 7000 seconds then is off for 5 seconds. All
the lights have just come on. When is
the first time all the lights will be off?
 Convince me that the number 14 will When is the next time all the lights will
 Fill in the missing numbers: be in this sequence if it is continued. come on at the same time?
49, 42, 35, 28 …….
Place Value

14 28 35  Here is a hundred square.

100 175 200

Count in multiples of 6, 7,  Always, Sometimes, Never
9. 25 and 1000.
Hayley is counting in 25s and 1,000s.
 Hassan counts on in 25’s from 250. She says:
Circle the numbers he will say. - Multiples of 1,000 are also
multiples of 25. Some numbers have been shaded in
990, 125, 300, 440, 575, 700 - Multiples of 25 are therefore blue, and some in pink. Can you notice
multiples of 1,000. the pattern?
Why are some numbers maroon?
Are these statements always,
sometimes or never true?

© Trinity Academy Halifax 2016

Term by Term Objectives Year 4
National Curriculum All students
Statement Fluency Reasoning Problem Solving
 Find the missing value  Henry says ‘When I add 1,000 to  Fill in the boxes by finding the patterns.
4,325 I only have to change 1 digit.’
3210 1210
3,891 + = 4,891 Is he correct?
Which digit does he need to change? 3110

 Complete the table  Phil says that he can make the 6010
number that is 1,000 less than 3,512
1000 Starting 1000 using the number cards 1, 2, 3 and 4.
more number less Do you agree?
3467 Explain your answer.
Place Value

665  Lucy thinks of a number. She says ‘ The
 Add one thousand to 2,554 number 1,000 more than my number
Find 1000 more or less
 Write the number represented in the has the digits 1,2,3 and 4.The number
than a given number.
place value chart. Add ten hundreds to 2,554 1,000 less uses the digits 1, 3 and 4’
What number is Lucy thinking of?
Th H T O What do you notice? Why does this
1000 happen?


Add 3 thousands. Write the new

What has changed?

© Trinity Academy Halifax 2016

Term by Term Objectives Year 4
National Curriculum All students
Statement Fluency Reasoning Problem Solving
 Find the missing numbers in the  Anna is counting down from 11 in  Fred is a police officer.
sequences: fives. Does she say -11? He is chasing a suspect on Floor 5 of a
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, _, -2, _ Explain your reasoning. building.
8, 6, 4, 2, 0, _, -4, _, The suspect jumps into the lift and
10, 6, 2, -2, _, -10, __  Harris is finding the missing numbers presses
in this sequence. -1.
Fred has to run down the stairs, how
 What temperature is 10 degrees _, _, 5, _, -5 many flights must he run down?
below 3 degrees Celsius?
He writes down:
Place Value

 Draw the new temperature on the

 Use the number line to complete the 15, 10, 5, 0, -0, -5 thermometer after each temperature
Count backwards through questions. change:
zero to include negative Explain the mistake Harris has made.
 Sam counted down in 3’s until he -In the morning it is 4 degrees, it
What is 4 more than -2? reached -18. drops 8 degrees.
He started at 21.
What is 7 less than 3? What was the tenth number he said? -In the afternoon it is 12 degrees
Prove it. Celsius, overnight it drops by 14
What is the difference between -5 degrees.
and 4?
-It is 1 degree, it drops by 11

© Trinity Academy Halifax 2016

Term by Term Objectives Year 4
National Curriculum All students
Statement Fluency Reasoning Problem Solving
 Find the value of in each  Show the value of 5 in each of these  Claire thinks of a 4 digit number. The
statement. numbers. digits add up to 12. The difference
5,462, 345, 652, 7,523 between the first and fourth digit is 5.
= 3,000+ 500+ 40 Explain how you know. What could Claire’s number be?
2,000 + + 2 = 2702
+ 40 + 5 = 3045  Create 5 four digit numbers where  Use the clues to find the missing digits.
the tens number is 2 and the digits
 Write the value of the underlined add up to 9. Order them from
digit. smallest to largest.
The thousands and tens digit multiply
3,462, 5,124, 7,024, 4,720  Jeff says together to make 24.
Place Value

The hundreds and tens digit have a

 1,423 is made up of digit total of 9.
Recognise the place value
_ thousands, The ones digit is double the thousands
of each digit in a four digit
_ hundreds, digit. The whole number has a digit
number (thousands,
_ tens total of 18.
hundreds, tens and ones)
_ ones
 There are 4 number cards, A, B, C and
 What number has been made in the Hafsa says D. They each have a four digit number
place value chart? on. Using the clues below, work out
which card has which number.

3,421, 1,435, 3,431, 1,243

A has a digit total of 10.

B and C have the same thousands digit.
Who has the biggest number? In C and D the tens and hundreds digits
Explain why. add up to 7.
D has the largest digit total.

© Trinity Academy Halifax 2016

Term by Term Objectives Year 4
National Curriculum All students
Statement Fluency Reasoning Problem Solving
 Write these numbers in order from  If you wrote these numbers in order  I am thinking of a number. It is greater
smallest to largest. from largest to smallest which than 1,500 but smaller than 2,000.
number would be fourth? The digits add up to 13.
1,324, 1,423, 1,342, 1,432, 2,341 5,331, 1,335, 1,533, 5,313, 5,133, The difference between the largest and
3,513, 3,531. smallest digit is 5.
 Here are 4 digit cards. Arrange them Explain the process of ordering. What could the number be?
to make as many 4 digit numbers as Order them from smallest to largest.
you can and order your numbers  Put one number in each box so that
from largest to smallest. the list of numbers is ordered largest  Lola has ordered five 4 digit numbers.
to smallest. The smallest number is 3,450, the
Place Value

largest number is 3,650.

4 0 5 3 Th H T O All the other numbers have digit totals
of 20. What could the other three
Order and compare 1 1 3 numbers be?
numbers beyond 1000.
 Using four counters in the place value 1 2 7
grid below make as many 4 digit  You have 2 sets of 0-9 digit cards. You
numbers as possible. Put them in 1 2 5 can use each card once. Arrange the
ascending order. 1 5 9 digits so they are as close to the target
numbers as possible.
1 3 0
1. Largest odd number
1 1 5
2. Largest even number
1,000s 100s 10s 1s
3. Largest multiple of 3
 True or False 4. Smallest multiple of 5
You must look at the highest place 5. Number closest to 5000.
value column first when ordering any

© Trinity Academy Halifax 2016

Term by Term Objectives Year 4
National Curriculum All students
Statement Fluency Reasoning Problem Solving
 What number is represented below?  Place 2500 on the number lines  Using 3 counters and the place value grid
below. below, how many 4 digit numbers can you

0 5000 1000 100 10 1

I add 7 hundreds and 4 tens to it.

What is the new number? 2000 4000
 Dan was making a 4 digit number using place
value counters. He dropped two of his
Place Value

 Show 1600 on the number line. 0 10000 counters on the floor.

These are the counters he had left.
Identify, represent and Has the place on the number
estimate numbers using 0 2000 line changed? Why?
different representations.
 Amelia says ‘The number in the
 This ten frame represents 1000 when place value grid is the largest
it is full. number you can make with 8
counters.’ What number could he have made?
Do you agree?
Prove your answer.  If the arrow on the number line represents
1788, what could the start and end numbers
What number is represented in the 1000 100 10 1 be?
ten frame?

© Trinity Academy Halifax 2016

Term by Term Objectives Year 4
All students
National Curriculum Statement
Fluency Reasoning Problem Solving
 Complete the tables  Caroline thinks that the largest  When a number is rounded to the nearest 100
Nearest Nearest Nearest whole number that rounds to 400 it is 200.
10 100 1000 is 449. When the same number is rounded to the
Is she correct? nearest 10 it is 250.
Explain why. What could the number be?

Lowest Rounded Highest

possible number possible  Two different 2 digit numbers both round to
whole whole  Henry says 40 when rounded to the nearest ten.
number number
The sum of the two numbers is 79
Place Value

4,500 5,000 to
the 5,499 ‘747 to the nearest 10 What could the 2 number be?
is 740.’ What are all the possibilities?
Round any number to the nearest 300 to
10, 100 or 1000. the
100 Do you agree with Henry? Explain  Using the digit cards 0-9, can you make
___ to why. numbers that fit the following rules?
the 74
10 1. When rounded to the nearest 10, I round
to 20.
 The school kitchen wants to  A number rounded to the nearest 2. When rounded to the nearest 10, I round
order enough jacket 10 is 550. What is the smallest to 10.
potatoes for lunch. possible number it could be? 3. When rounded to the nearest 1000, I
Potatoes come in sacks of round to 1000.
100. 4. When rounded to the nearest 100, I
How many sacks do they round to 7200.
need for 766 children?

© Trinity Academy Halifax 2016

Term by Term Objectives Year 4
All students
National Curriculum Statement
Fluency Reasoning Problem Solving
 Use <, > or =  Organise these numbers into  Annie is thinking of a number. She says these
different groups. clues

16, 40, 7, 26, 55, 39, 24, 2, 30

How have you organised them?

Can you add one more number to It has 4 digits.
each category? The column of the highest value is the
Can you a friend guess how you greatest number it could be.
have organised them?
The tens column is an even number in the
Place Value

Would they organise them

differently? 3 times table.
Solve number and practical The hundreds column is half of the ones
problems that involve all of the  Odd one out. column.
above and with increasingly large
positive numbers. 12 25
What could Annie’s number be?
What are all the possibilities?
8 40 Create your own question for a friend.

 How many ways can you

write this number? Which of these numbers is the  Guess my rule.
odd one out? Why? Think of two rules for a Venn diagram. Other
Is there a different answer? players say numbers for you to sort. They
How many answers can you find? begin to guess the headings of the Venn
diagram based on where the numbers are
e.g. 314 ones

© Trinity Academy Halifax 2016

Term by Term Objectives Year 4
All students
National Curriculum Statement
Fluency Reasoning Problem Solving
 Match the Arabic numeral  Look at the multiples of 10.  Treasure hunt.
to the correct Roman Is there a pattern? Complete the trail by adding the Roman
numeral. What do you notice? Numerals together as you go.

 Bobby says  If you know 1 – 100 in Roman numerals can

you guess the numbers up to 1000?
In the 10 times table, all the
numbers have a zero.
 Order these answers from greatest to
Place Value

Therefore, in Roman
Read Roman numerals to 100 (I to numerals all multiples of 10
Fill in the missing boxes.
C) and know that over time, the have an X XXII + XXXV =
numeral system changed to
include the concept of zero and
 Convert the Roman numeral LXIII + XXVI =
place value.
into Arabic numerals. LV + XXII =
XVII - XXIV -XIX Is he correct? Prove it. LXXI + XXXVIII=

 Order the numbers in  What is today’s short date in

ascending order. Roman numerals?
How do you know?
X V 8

© Trinity Academy Halifax 2016

Term by Term Objectives Year 4
All students
National Curriculum Statement
Fluency Reasoning Problem Solving
 Complete the part-whole  Complete the calculation  A game to play for two people.
models The aim of the game is to get a number as
04 close to 5,000 as possible.
Each child rolls a 1-6 die and chooses where
to put the number on their.
-2 1 Once they have each filled their grid, they
Addition and Subtraction

add up their totals to see who is the closest.

34 .
? ? ? ?
+ ? ? ? ?

 All of the digits below are either a 3 or a 9.

Add and subtract numbers with Can you work out each digit?
up to 4 digits using the formal  Desani adds three numbers
written methods of columnar together that total 7,170
addition and subtraction where
7,338 = ???? + ????
 Work out the value of each shape

+ = 16
 Choose whether to solve They all have 4 digits.
these questions mentally or
They are all multiples of 5 + + = 25
using written methods.

54 + 46 540 + 460
+ + = 30
34 + 69 + 26 298 + 342 What could the numbers be?
566 + 931 999 + 999 Prove it.
1,547 + 2742 1,999 + 364

© Trinity Academy Halifax 2016

Term by Term Objectives Year 4
All students
National Curriculum Statement
Fluency Reasoning Problem Solving
 Julie has 578 stamps, Heidi  Always, sometimes, never.  Harry thinks of a number, he multiplies it by
has 456 stamps. How many 3, adds 7 and then divides it by 2. How could
stamps do they have The difference between two odd he get back to his original number?
altogether? numbers is odd.
Addition and Subtraction

Show how you can check

your answer using the
inverse.  If Harry starts with the number 3, write out
 Hazel fills in this bar model all the calculations he will do to get back to
 Estimate the answers to his original number.
these number sentences.
Show your working.
Estimate and use inverse
operations to check answers to a 2178  With a friend, discuss before working each
3,243 + 4,428 out which will be greater or smaller than the
7,821- 2,941 other.
She makes the following Why do you think this?
calculations from it. What key facts did you use?
 Check the answers to the
following calculations using 2,821 – 2,178 = 757 3,567 – 567 3,677 – 344
the inverse. 2,821 – 757 = 2,178
Show all your working. 2,178 + 757 = 2,821 4,738 + 36 4,738 + 18 + 18
757 + 2,178 = 2,821
762 + 345 = 1,107 2,139 – 85 + 27 2,151 – 86 + 30
2,456- 734 = 1,822 Is she correct?
Explain why.

© Trinity Academy Halifax 2016

Term by Term Objectives Year 4
All students
National Curriculum Statement
Fluency Reasoning Problem Solving
 There are 2,452 people at a  Archie and Sophie are both  A supermarket has 1284 loaves of bread at
theme park. working out the answer to the the start of the day.
538 are children, how many following question During the day, 857 loaves are sold and a
are adults? further 589 loaves are delivered.
350 + 278 + 250 How many loaves of bread are there at the
Sarah draws a diagram to end of the day?
Addition and Subtraction

help. They have both used different

Circle the correct diagram. strategies.  John is having a garden party.
Archie’s method Sophie’s method
He will need to make 4,250 sandwiches in
Adults total.
2,452 538 350+ 278= 628 350+250= 600 He makes 1,500 tuna, 750 cheese, 1,350 ham
628 + 250= 878 600+ 278= 878
and 920 egg.
2,452 Answer = 878 Answer= 878 He decides to make the rest cucumber.
Solve addition and subtraction
Adults 538 How many cucumber sandwiches will there
two step problems in contexts,
Which do you prefer? be?
deciding which operations and
538 Explain why.
methods to use and why.
2,452 Adults Use the method you preferred to  These three chicks lay some eggs.
Use the correct diagram to
help you solve the problem. 320+ 458 + 180

 Alice is trying to complete a

sticker book. Beth lays twice as many as Kelsey.
It needs 350 stickers overall. Caroline lays 4 more than Beth.
She has 134 in the book and They lay 44 eggs in total.
a further 74 ready to stick How many eggs does Caroline lay?
How many more stickers
will she need?

© Trinity Academy Halifax 2016

Term by Term Objectives Year 4
All students
National Curriculum Statement
Fluency Reasoning Problem Solving
 Find the answers:  Complete these calculations:  Find three possible values
4 x 12 = 5x9= 7 x 8= 7 x 4 x 2= for and .
7x8= 8 x 11 = 5x6= 5 x 3 x 2=
12 x 4 = 12 x 2 x 2= × = 24
 Fill in the gaps:
Multiplication and Division

4 x __ = 12 8 x __ = 64 Which calculations have the same

32 = 4 x __ 6 = 24 ÷ __ answer? Can you explain why?  I am thinking of 2 secret numbers where the
sum of the numbers is 16 and the product is
 Leila has 6 bags with 5  True or False 48. What are my secret numbers? Can you
apples in each. 6x8=6x4x2 make up 2 secret numbers and tell somebody
How many apples does she 6x8=6x4+4 what the sum and product are?
have altogether?
Explain your reasoning.
Recall multiplication and division
 How many multiplication  Here is part of a multiplication square.
facts of multiplication tables up to Can you write the number 24 as a
and division sentences can Shade in any other squares that have the
12 x 12. product of three numbers?
you write that have the same answer as the shaded square.
number 72 in them?
 Which pair of numbers could go in
the boxes?

× = 48

© Trinity Academy Halifax 2016

Term by Term Objectives Year 4
All students
National Curriculum Statement
Fluency Reasoning Problem Solving
 Fill in the missing numbers:  Always, sometimes, never  Write the number 30 as the product of 3
x 1 = 13 An even number that is divisible Can you do it in different ways?
by 3 is also divisible by 6.
12 x 0 =
3 x 2 x = 18
Multiplication and Division

 Harvey has written a number  Try to reach the target number below by
sentence. multiplying three of the numbers together.
13 x 0 = 0 Cross out any numbers you don’t use.
 Holly has 1 box of 12 eggs.
How many eggs does she He says Target number: 144
Use place value, known and I can change one number in
derived facts to multiply and Sally has 0 boxes of 12 eggs. my number sentence to 1 5 3 0 6 8
divide mentally, including: How many eggs does she make a brand new
multiplying by 0 and 1; dividing have?
by 1; multiplying together three  Use the numbers 1-8 to fill the circles.
numbers. Write these two questions
as multiplication sentences.
Is he correct?
Which number should he change?
 Five children share some Explain your reasoning.
cherries. Each child gets 6
There are 3 cherries left
How many cherries were in
the bag to begin with?

© Trinity Academy Halifax 2016

Term by Term Objectives Year 4
All students
National Curriculum Statement
Fluency Reasoning Problem Solving
 Use 16 cubes.  Fill in the missing numbers  Place <, >, or = in these number sentences to
25 x 3 = = x x make them correct:
50 x 4 4 x 50
 Use factor pairs to solve 15 x 8. 4 x 50 40 x 5
How many different arrays Is there more than one way you 200 x 5 3 x 300
can you make? can do it?
Multiplication and Division

Think about making towers  The school has a singing group of more than
of cubes that are equal in  Multiply a number by itself and 12 singers but less than 32.
height. then make one factor one more They sing together in different ways.
Can you write a and the other one less. Sometimes they sing in pairs and sometimes
multiplication sentence to What do you notice? in groups of 3, 4 or 6.
describe the towers? Does this always happen? Whatever size groups they are in, no one is
The numbers in your left out and everyone is singing.
Recognise and use factor pairs multiplication sentences Eg 4 x 4 = 16 How many singers are there in the school
and commutatively in mental are the factors of 16! 6 x 6= 36 choir?
calculations. 5 x 3 = 15
 7x5= =5x 7 x 5= 35

 Find the missing numbers Try out more examples to prove your
12 x 6 = 6 x ___ thinking.
2 x 3 x 5 = __ x 5
2 x 7 x 5 = __ x 5

 13 x 12 can be solved by
using factor pairs, eg 13 x 3
x 4 or 13 x 2 x 6.

What factor pair could you

use to solve 17 x 8?

© Trinity Academy Halifax 2016

Term by Term Objectives Year 4
All students
National Curriculum Statement
Fluency Reasoning Problem Solving
 Use counters to solve 126 x  Penny says a two digit number  What could the numbers in the multiplication
4 multiplied by a one digit number be?
Draw 4 rows and make 126 will always give a two digit Every digit is different.
in each of them. answer.
Multiplication and Division

Is she correct?
Justify your answer.
x 3
 Find the mistake that has been
made in the calculation below.
Add up the columns and
Explain and correct it.
exchange counters where
needed to find the answer.
Multiply two digit and three digit 47  Miss Wood orders some new whiteboard
numbers by a one digit number × 8 pens for Year 3 and 4.
using formal written layout. 3256 There are 160 children in Year 3 and 4.
If she orders 6 boxes of 27 pens, will she have
 What digit goes in the missing enough?
box? Convince me. Show your calculation.

3 x 4 = 140  In one month, Charlie read 814 pages in his

 Sahil has 45 packets of His mum read 4 times as much as Charlie
sweets. which was 184 pages more than Charlie’s
Each packet has 6 sweets in dad.
it. How many pages did they read altogether?
How many sweets does he Use a bar model to help.
have altogether?

© Trinity Academy Halifax 2016

Term by Term Objectives Year 4
All students
National Curriculum Statement
Fluency Reasoning Problem Solving
 Harry buys 6 chocolate  Miss Smith estimates;  An ice cream sundae is made from one scoop
bars, one chocolate bar of ice cream, one topping and one sauce.
costs 54p. How much does 399 x 60 = 240,000
Harry spend? How many different ice cream sundaes can
a) Write a number be created from 5 different flavours of ice
Is this a good estimate?
sentence to represent cream, 3 different toppings and 4 different
Multiplication and Division

Explain why.
the problem. sauces?
b) Solve the problem.
 In a box there are red and yellow
For every 5 red cubes there are 3
Solve problems involving  Dan is using a number
yellow cubes.
multiplying and adding, including machine. Every number he
using the distributive law to puts in is multiplied by the  Jenny needs to buy 20 cupcakes for a party.
Hannah says;
multiply two digit numbers by same number. A shop has two offers on cupcakes.
one digit, integer scaling He puts 4 numbers in and
If I have more than 10 5 cupcakes 4 cupcakes
problems and harder the numbers that come out
correspondence problems such as red cubes, I will for 40p for 30p
are 21, 49, 84 and 140.
n objects are connected to m What could the machine be definitely have more
objects. multiplying by? than 10 yellow cubes. Which offer is better?
How much money will Jenny spend
 Laura is making a sequence altogether?
using shapes. She uses 3
Do you agree? Convince me.
circles, 4 pentagons and 5
rectangles. If she uses the
same pattern to make a
longer sequence, how
many pentagons will she
use in a sequence with 72
shapes altogether?

© Trinity Academy Halifax 2016

Term by Term Objectives Year 4
All students
National Curriculum Statement
Fluency Reasoning Problem Solving
 Find the area of these  A shape has the area of 17cm2.  A fourteen sided shape has an area of eight
shapes: Could the shape be a rectangle? squares.
Explain your answer. Draw the shape on squared paper.

 A rectangle measures 5 squares by  How many shapes can you draw that have an
3 squares. area of 8 square centimetres?
Amy says;
 Here is the floor plan of a lounge and a dining
The area must be 8 room.

squares. Each square represents 1m2

 A rectangle measures 5
squares long by 3 squares
wide. Do you agree?
Find the area of rectilinear shapes What is the area of the
Explain your thinking.
by counting squares. shape?

 Max is building a patio

made of 24 square slabs.  The area of any rectangle has an
What could the patio look even number of squares.
like? Do you agree?
Design it on squared Prove it.
Max is using 6 coloured Sam is a carpet fitter. He charges £3 per
square slabs in his design. metre squared.
None of them are How much will it cost to have the whole area
touching each other. of the lounge and dining room carpeted?
Where could they be in
the designs you have

© Trinity Academy Halifax 2016


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