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Usborne English

The Tin Soldier • Teacher’s notes

Author: based on a story by Hans Christian Andersen

Reader level: Intermediate
Word count: 696
Lexile level: 300L
Text type: Children’s classic author, fairy tale

About the story

Tom loves the tin soldiers his Grandpa gives him, even the one with a missing leg. He plays with them
all day, but at night when he’s asleep it’s the toys’ turn to play. The one-legged soldier catches sight of
a paper ballerina dancing on one leg and decides to marry her, inspiring jealousy in the jack-in-the-box.
When the soldier is left on the window sill one day, the jack-in-the-box blows him off into the street.
A long and dangerous journey follows. The tin soldier is placed in a paper boat by two boys, floated
along the gutter, swept down a drain and through a stinky sewer into a river where he’s eaten by a fish.
Luckily that’s not where the story ends. A man catches the fish and Tom’s Grandpa buys it, discovers
the soldier and returns him to Tom. That night, the toys celebrate the lost soldier’s return – all except
for the jack-in-the-box, who is so furious that he breaks a spring and never works again. In a revision of
Andersen’s tragic ending, the tin soldier and ballerina get married and invite the toys to a party.
About the author
Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was born in Odense, Denmark, the son of a shoemaker. At the age
of 14 he moved to the capital city, Copenhagen, hoping to become an actor or a dancer. When he didn’t
succeed at either, he went back to school, then tried his hand at writing. Initially it was his adult novels
and poetry that received the most attention, but he is now world famous for his spellbinding fairy tales,
including The Emperor and the Nightingale which is also available as an Usborne English Learner’s Edition.

Key words Key phrases

Your students might not be familiar with some of these p3 Quick, march!
words, which are important in the story. p6 All clear!
tin p27 drain p37 tasty p9 to join in
p3 attention ahead p38 swallowed p13 Keep your eyes to
p4 packed p28 sewer gulp yourself
p8 stuck p29 tunnel p39 tummy p17 so long
p9 pile p30 penny forever p18 to take a deep breath
p10 gazing p31 stinky p42 unwrapped p23 to turn [something] into
p11 ballerina p33 noticed p45 spring p36 to sink like a stone
p13 grumpy daylight p39 his luck was about to
jack-in-the- whooshed change
box p35 leaking p40 what a beauty
p14 ignored p43 Welcome home!
p15 fumed p45 hopping mad
p20 landed
p23 sailor
p24 gutter

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The Tin Soldier • Teacher’s notes
Before reading
Ask the class which toys they liked best when they were younger. Make a list of all the different toys on
the board; you could group them into TRADITIONAL and MODERN. If students don’t suggest them, add
toy soldiers and jack-in-the-box (students may not know the English name) to the traditional group.
Do the students know any stories where toys come alive? They might have seen Toy Story or know
versions of Pinocchio or Winnie the Pooh or The Nutcracker, for example. When do the toys tend to come
alive – at what time of day? Do the humans realize what’s going on?
Now ask the class if they know who Hans Christian Andersen was. [A Danish author, famous for his
collected fairy tales.] Can anyone name one of his stories? The Emperor’s New Clothes, The Little
Mermaid and The Snow Queen are perhaps the best known. Show students the cover of The Tin Soldier
and explain that it’s based on another Andersen fairy tale, called The Steadfast Tin Soldier.

Reading or listening
You can listen to the story on CD or read it aloud to the students, take turns to read or read together
silently. Each double page spread in the book is one track on the CD, so that you can pause between
tracks or repeat tracks if your students need it. The first reading is in a British English accent, and it is
followed by an American English reading. The words are exactly the same. After the story, there is a
short selection of key phrases that can be used for pronunciation practice.

During reading: you might like to ask some of these questions.

p3 What games does Tom play with his What would happen to him? [He’d sink.]
soldiers? What is he pretending to be? p29 How do you think the soldier is feeling?
pp6-7 Why do Tom’s toys wait until he’s asleep p30 How would you describe the rat?
before they come out to play? p32 Do you think the tin soldier will ever see the
p12 Why might the soldier think the ballerina is ballerina again?
perfect for him? [She dances on one leg.] p37 What do you think will happen next?
p17 Why does the jack-in-the-box want to get p39 Do you know any other stories where a
rid of the tin solider? main character is swallowed by a fish?
p23 Why do the boys send him off in a boat. Are [Pinocchio, Jonah and the Whale...]
they being cruel? Or are they simply having p43 How do you think the tin soldier feels now?
fun with a new toy? What about Grandpa? And Tom?
pp26-27 Why doesn’t the tin soldier just jump out? p45 Do you feel sorry for the jack-in-the-box?

After reading
Remind the students that the original Tin Soldier story, by Hans Christian Andersen, was called The
Steadfast Tin Soldier. ‘Steadfast’ is an old-fashioned word meaning steady, loyal, unchanging. In what
way is the Tin Soldier steadfast? [He’s made of metal for a start, and see
how upright he is on the paper boat. He doesn’t forget his ballerina
doll, and finds his way back to her against the odds.]
Page 48 tells you about the original, sad ending to the story.
Do students prefer the happy ending?
Think about the noisy toy party at the end of the story. What
would it be like? What do students think all the different
toys might do to celebrate? You could ask them to choose a toy
character and write a description of the party as a follow-up.

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