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COT DLL in English 7 Feb 10 2020

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Cavite
Munting Ilog, Silang Cavite

DATE : February 10, 2020

SECTION : GRADE 7 – RIZAL (3:50-5:05 PM)

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding
of: contemporary Philippine literature as a
means of responding to the demands of
the global village; various extended text
types; lexical and contextual cues;
appropriate and polite oral language,
stance, and behavior; and use of
imperatives, prepositions, verbs, and wh-
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by:
Standards explaining the need to be cooperative and
responsible in today’s global village; using
appropriate strategies to comprehend
extended text types; using lexical and
contextual clues to understand unfamiliar
words and expressions; using imperatives,
prepositions, and appropriate and polite
oral language, stance and behavior in
various information-sharing formats.
C. Learning EN7G-IV-a-4: Use imperatives and
Competencies/Obj prepositions when giving instructions
Write the LC code for every A. Familiarize on ways of giving
B. Use imperatives and prepositions
when giving instructions
C. Value the importance of the proper
ways of giving and following
instructions by using it in everyday
Use imperatives and prepositions when
giving instructions
A. References
1. Teacher’s N/A
Guide pages
2. Learner’s N/A
3. Textbook N/A
4. Additional N/A
Materials from
Resource (LR)
5. Instructional Laptop
support used PowerPoint presentation
Printed Visual Aids
B. Other Learning https://en.islcollective.com/english-esl-
Resources powerpoints/grammar/commands-
Approach : Constructivism
IV. PROCEDURES Strategy: Direct Instruction
Method: TGA (Tell, Guide, Act)
A. Preparatory Prayer
Activities Greetings
Remind them that there is no wrong
answer, that is why everyone is
encourage to participate in every activity
or recitation.

Spelling PRETEST
(mask, command, immediately, eruption,
virus) (ACROSS) Objective No.1 Applied
B. Reviewing knowledge of content WITHIN
previous lesson or Preposition of Directions/Movements
and ACROSS curriculum
presenting the - are those indicative of direction,
teaching areas.
new lesson such as across, up, and down.
Each type of preposition is
- Examples:


Let the student read their notes from the

previous lesson.
Call students with high grades, low Objective No. 6
grades, male, female,
Used differentiated
(Giving positive praises when a student is developmentally appropriate
answering.) – Objective 5 learning experiences to
address learners’ gender,
C. Establishing a needs, strengths, interests and
purpose for the The teacher will show a picture of a child experiences.
lesson who’s not familiar with their town.

Let the students analyze the picture being


D. Presenting TELL
s of the new lesson The teacher will discuss the correct way
of giving and following instructions and
directions to the students. Objective No. 2

Used range of teaching

(Tell the student that they can take down
notes while the discussion is ongoing.) strategies that enhance
(LITERACY) learner achievement in
literacy and numeracy skills.
• We use imperative (command) verb
forms, such as 'Take the first...' or 'Turn
right at...
• The stages must always be in the right
order, and we keep them brief and
separate by using short sentences or
bullet points.
• Words must be chosen carefully so that
no misunderstanding is possible.

Ways to give directions:

 It is on the left.
 It is on the right.
 It is straight on.
 opposite
 near
 go pass
 next to
 turn left/right
 between
 at the end of _____ street
 on the corner of ____ road
 Behind the _______
 in front of the _____
 just around the corner from here

Using landmarks
• When giving directions you will
often use landmarks as a way of
giving directions.

Use these words to connect the ideas
 After that…
 Then…
 Next…
 When you get to…go…
 Finally…

• Excuse me sir. Is there a
bank around here?
• Yes, there is one right across the
street next to Library.

*Use polite expressions like “Excuse me”

or “Can you tell me…?” to ask for

E. Discussing new GUIDE

concepts and
practicing new Watching a ppt presentation about giving
skills #1 and following directions.

Objective No. 8

Selected, developed,
organized and used
appropriate teaching and
learning resources including
ICT, to address learning goals.

Process questions:
1. What can you notice from the words
used in the ppt presentation?
2. How do we give instructions/directions
the right way?

F. Discussing new ACT

concepts and
practicing new In each group, they will try to help
skills #2 Detective Pikachu to reach his destination
by following the given

By looking at the map, can you tell how Objective No. 2

many establishments are there?
(NUMERACY) Used range of teaching
strategies that enhance
Each group will have a task to follow the given learner achievement in
instructions/directions to help Detective
literacy and numeracy skills.
Pikachu reach his destination and solve the

Group 1 - (Stadium to School)

Go straight on Oak Street, pass the post
office and the city hall, turn left on Park
Avenue and turn right on Elm Street. Stop
on the left, across from the church.
Group 2 - (Pharmacy to Swimming Pool)
Go straight on Elm Street, pass the café
and the bank, turn left on Pine Street and
turn right on Oak Street. Pass the pet
shop and the buthcer shop. Turn left on
Hill Road. Stop on the left next to the

Group 3 - (Hospital to Garage)

Go straight on Oak Street, pass the
cinema and the shopping mall, turn right
on the corner of the post office, go
straight on Pine Avenue, and cross Elm
Street. It’s on the left across from the
bank behind the gas station.

Group 4 - (Restaurant to Police Station)

Go straight on Elm Street, turn right on
Pine Avenue, turn left on Oak Street and
turn right on Park Avenue. It’s next to the
hospital across from the car park.

Group 5 - (School to Bus Station)

Go straight on Lake Road. Turn right on
the corner of the museum. Go straight on
Oak Street. Cross Park Avenue and pass
the town hall and the post office. Turn
left on Pine Avenue. Pass the library. It’s
across from the car park.

Process questions:
1. What are the struggles you experience
in doing the activity?
2. When using landmarks, do you find it
easy to follow instructions/directions?
3. Which way of giving Objective No. 3
instructions/directions you are
Applied a range of teaching
comfortable with? Detailed or not?
4. How can you ensure that you follow strategies to develop critical
correctly the given and creative thinking, as well
instructions/directions? as other higher thinking skills.
5. Why do you think it is necessary to give
and follow instructions and directions

G. Developing
mastery Let the students recite the correct ways
(Leads to Formative Assessment of giving and following instructions and
3) directions.

(Learners who are not called yet for

recitation will be given the chance to
answer.) obj. 5
H. Finding practical
applications of  Why do we need to study how to
concepts and skills give and follow instructions and
in daily living directions?
 How is it related to you? Objective No. 3
 What is the importance of
learning how to give and follow Applied a range of teaching
instructions and directions? strategies to develop critical
and creative thinking, as well
I. Making as other higher thinking skills.
generalizations Giving an instruction or direction is a
and abstractions bit like giving a short, clear definition of a
about the lesson word. It is an important skill. Clear
instructions enable people to follow what
we want them to do or what they need to
do without getting confused or lost. The
important thing when giving instructions
is to be very clear and precise.

J. Evaluating learning
Let the student get ¼ sheet of paper.

Multiple Choice:
Choose only the letter of the correct

1. The police station is ___________ the

bank and the store.
a. across
b. next to
c. between
d. behind
2. From the train station, how do you get
to the hospital?
a. Go straight the central avenue. Turn
left. On your right is the hospital.
b. From the train station, go pass the
school and post office. Cross the main
street, on your right is the hospital.
c. Go straight the central avenue. Turn
right. On your left is the hospital.
d. Go straight the first street. Turn right
to main street. The second building on
your right is the hospital
3. The train station is ______________
the school.
a. across
b. next to
c. between
d. behind
4. From the bank, how do you get to the
train station?
a. Go straight the first street. Cross the
main street and central avenue. At the
corner of the first street and central
avenue is the train station.
b. From the bank, just go across and
that is the train station.
c. Next to the bank is the train station.
d. go straight the main street. Turn
right. On your left is the train station.
5. The drug store is _____________ the
police station.
a. next to
b. across from
c. between
d. behind
K. Additional
activities for
application or
A. No. of learners 5 x _____ = _____
who earned 80% in 4 x _____ = _____
the evaluation 3 x _____ = _____
2 x _____ = _____
1 x _____ = _____
0 x _____ = _____
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up in
the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal
or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

Prepared by:

Hayley Chantelle G. Rodil

Teacher I

Checked and Observed by:

Ermelina P. Asuncion
Head Teacher III – Language Department

Noted by:

Aurora P. Chavez
Principal IV

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