Basic First Aid Procedures
Basic First Aid Procedures
Basic First Aid Procedures
-.In first-degree burns, moisturizers and especially aloe vera are very beneficial.
-.Cool the burned area: for this, we can apply water in abundance (20-30 minutes)
on the burned surface, avoiding that it is very cold, because we can cause
hypothermia. Previously, we must remove burned clothes, jewelry and everything
that keeps the heat.
-.Wrap the injury with gauze or clean cloths, moistened in water. The bandage must
be loose.
-.With a thick towel or tweezers, all remaining tentacles should be removed without
touching them, protecting our hands well, as they can be pierced with gloves.
-.Clean the area affected by the bite. We should not use fresh water, but saline. Salt
water can also be a solution.
-.For about 15 minutes we should apply cold to the affected area, do not apply the ice
directly on the bite, but covered with a cloth or towel. If the pain is very intense or the
condition of the victim worsens, we should go to a medical center.
-.A cream or hydrocortisone foam can be applied to decrease the itching and analgesic
to mitigate pain. It is your fault, you can apply cold compresses on the lesion to reduce
-.Do not rub or sand, or anything that could hurt us more.