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Review article

A systematic review on powder mixed electrical discharge machining

Ayanesh Y. Joshi a,*, Anand Y. Joshi b

Mechanical Engineering Department, A. D. Patel Institute of Technology, New V. V. Nagar, Karamsad, Gujarat, India
Mechatronics Engineering Department, G. H. Patel College of Engineering & Technology, V. V. Nagar, Gujarat, India


Keywords: The advancement in the field of material science has gifted us new electrically conductive materials having good
Electrical engineering mechanical properties and thermal characteristics. Machining these materials using conventional machining
Industrial engineering process is a challenging task. Electrical discharge machining (EDM) is a well-established machining process used
Mechanical engineering to manufacture process hard materials having geometrically complex shapes, that are extremely difficult to
Nanotechnology machine traditionally. EDM is a thermo-electric process in which material is eroded by rapidly recurring sparks
Metallurgical process between the non-contacted electrode and workpiece. As there is no direct contact between the electrodes in EDM,
Powder additives machining defects like mechanical stresses, clattering & vibration do not create problems during machining. In
Process parameters
spite of the advantages of the process, its use in industry is limited owing to poor surface finish and low volu-
metric material removal. To overcome these drawbacks, the metallic powder is mixed in the dielectric fluid,
Powder mixed EDM (PMEDM)
Material removal rate which increases its conductive strength and increases the spark gap distance between the tool and workpiece. This
Surface Roughness new evolved material removal process is called Powder Mixed Electrical Discharge Machining (PMEDM). The
added powder significantly affects the performance of the EDM process. The objective of this review is to benefit
the researchers to understand the PMEDM concept precisely and study the process parameters furthermore in
particulars to get enhancements in the process to achieve better quality levels.

1. Introduction connected to DC power source. The accuracy of the process was very less
due to the overheating of the machining region [4, 5]. In the early days'
In recent years, an emerging drift of using compact, light-weighted resistance-capacitance (R–C) type of power supply also known as the
and slim components (mechanical) in aerospace, automobile, medical Lazarenko, the circuit was used as a spark generator for EDM machines.
and nuclear reactor industries have led to the development of the hard In the era of 1960s difficulties with weak electrode got reduced by the
materials having properties like high strength and temperature resistant inventions of orbiting systems and the use of pulse and solid-state gen-
for numerous applications. These materials are not only harder, tougher, erators. Number of electrodes used to make cavity reduced in the 1970s
less heat sensitive and more resistant to corrosion but also more difficult- because of the development. In the 1980s the first generation of com-
to-machine [1]. Conventional Machining of complex shapes with high puter numerical controlled (CNC) EDM was introduced in the United
surface finish and low tolerances at economic cutting speeds is extremely States of America which raised the efficiency of EDM extraordinarily.
challenging, which demands new technologies, traditional or Non- CNC control system made smoother finishing cut possible because of
traditional to machine these ‘difficult-to-machine’ materials with Unattended and Self-regulated machining.
precision and ease [2]. Electrical discharge machining (EDM) is exten- Electrical discharge machining (EDM) is a non-traditional thermo-
sively used to machine such a ‘difficult-to-machine’ and high strength electric machining process in which material is removed by series of
and temperature resistant (HSTR) alloys. These materials are generally electric sparks that are generated between tool and work when the
used in the die and mold making industries [3]. In 1770, physicist, Jo- electrodes are held at a small distance from each other in a dielectric
seph Priestly discovered the erosive effect of electrical discharges on medium and a high potential difference is applied across them [6, 7]. Due
metals. Later EDM process was conceived by Russian scientists, Dr. N.I. to these sparks, localized regions of high temperatures are formed
Lazarenko and Dr. B.R. Lazarenko in 1943. Erosion of material was causing melting and vaporization of workpiece material. The first spark
observed by intermittent arcing in the air between electrodes which were occurs where the inter-electrode gap is smallest. Inter electrode gap

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: ayjoshi@adit.ac.in (A.Y. Joshi).

Received 22 June 2019; Received in revised form 23 August 2019; Accepted 27 November 2019
2405-8440/© 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
A.Y. Joshi, A.Y. Joshi Heliyon 5 (2019) e02963

Figure 1. EDM setup.

Figure 2. Mechanism of Material removal in EDM.

increases because of material removal and hence the successive spark

location shifts to another point. Likewise, a series of sparks occur at
different locations on the workpiece analogous to the electrode gap. This
process enables machining of any material, which is electrically
conductive, irrespective of its hardness, shape or strength [8, 9].
Nevertheless, EDM is used to easily machine complex shapes, the process
has certain limitations like poor surface finish, high tool wear ratio
(TWR) and low material removal rate (MRR) [10, 11]. Hence, techno-
logical improvements are enthusiastically sought after by the
manufacturing industries to improve the surface finish and the
machining efficiency of EDM.

2. EDM process

The material removal mechanism of EDM is not absolutely iden-

Figure 3. Principle of PMEDM. tified and is still argumentative, it is the most accepted and

A.Y. Joshi, A.Y. Joshi Heliyon 5 (2019) e02963

Figure 4. Mechanism of PMEDM.

established material erosion mechanism. The working principle is workpiece which are immersed in dielectric fluid upon generation of
based on a thermo-electric model wherein electrical energy is trans- suitable electrical potential difference [12]. Electrons are emitted
formed into thermal energy through numerous discrete electrical from cathode because of the potential difference. These emitted
discharges befalling between two electrodes that are tool and electrons from cathode rush towards the anode and collide with the
dielectric fluid, breaking them into electrons and positive ions. A
narrow column of ionized dielectric fluid molecules is established
between the electrodes causes a spark. The formed plasma channel
raises the temperature in the range of 8000 ○C to 20000 ○C, because of
which melting and evaporation of both electrode and workpiece take
place creating a crater on the surface of the workpiece. The plasma
channel breaks down when the pulse is turned off and circulating
dielectric fluid flushes out machined material in the form of micro-
scopic debris from the inter-electrode gap. Likewise, a series of crates
are produced on the workpiece surface resulting into a rough
machined surface [13, 14]. Figure 1 shows a typical EDM setup.

3. Mechanism of Material removal in EDM

The material removal process in EDM is explained with the help of

Figure 2. Ignition Phase: high potential difference is applied between two
non-contacting electrodes (Figure 2 (ii)). The electric field enhances in
the inter-electrode gap as the electrode moves towards the workpiece
until the dielectric breakdown voltage is reached. Normally the discharge
occurs between the closest point on the Tool and Workpiece. The location
might change if debris or impurities are present in the aforesaid gap.
Plasma Phase: Once the plasma channel forms the currents start flowing
Figure 5. Series discharging in PMEDM. through the channel and the Voltage drops as the dielectric ionization
take place (Figure 2(iii)). Discharge Phase: Workpiece receives

Figure 6. –Voltage and Current waveform (a) conventional EDM – Pure water Dielectric, (b) PMEDM – Pure Water added with SiC powder [23].

A.Y. Joshi, A.Y. Joshi Heliyon 5 (2019) e02963

Figure 7. Parametric analysis of PMEDM process.

wear-resistance, and fatigue strength are hampered due existence of

Table 1. Properties of typical dielectrics used in PMEDM [44]. microcracks of this layer. To reinstate the surface integrity
post-machining operations are mandatory [16]. In spite of the EDM
Dielectric Specific Thermal conductivity Breakdown strength Flashpoint process's capability of machining any electrically conductive material, its
Name heat (W/m K) (kV/mm) (○C) application in industries is limited due to poor surface quality, low sur-
face integrity, and low productivity. Researchers have developed new
Deionized 4200 0.623 65–70 Not
and improved variants of the EDM process to enhance process perfor-
water Applicable
mance. Some of the techniques are Rotary EDM (REDM), Ultrasonic EDM
Kerosene 2100 0.14 24 37–65
(UTEDM), Powder-mixed EDM (PMEDM), Near dry EDM, Magnetic
Mineral oil 1860 0.13 10–15 160
assisted EDM (MAEDM), etc…
Silicon oil 1510 0.15 10–15 300

4. PMEDM process
continuous heating as there is a constant attack of ions and electrons on
the electrodes which ultimately lead to intense heating of the workpiece. Powder Mixed EDM (PMEDM) is an advanced EDM technology in
Because of this continuous flow of discharge current, the temperature which fine abrasive electrically conductive powder is added in the
increases and forms a small molten metal pool on the electrode surfaces. dielectric. Suspended metallic powders in dielectric decrease its insu-
Some of the molten metal vaporizes directly. In this phase, the size of the lating strength and consequently increases the inter-electrode gap con-
molten metal pool keeps on increasing as the plasma channel keeps ditions, which improves EDM performance and delivers superior surface
widening (Figure 2(iv)). Ejection Phase: During this phase, the plasma finish compared to conventional EDM. The working principle of the
channel collapses as the voltage is shut and the pressure exerted by the PMEDM process states that upon application of appropriate voltage an
neighboring dielectric. This creates a tiny cavity at the surface of the electric field is generated which gives rise to positive and negative
workpiece as the molten metal pool is powerfully drawn into the charges on the powdered particles. These energized powder particles get
dielectric (Figure 2(v)). The infinitesimal small quantities of the work- accelerated and start moving in a zigzag manner which leads to
piece material is removed in molten metal form, which solidifies and improving the spark gap between electrodes. In the direction of current
forms debris. Dielectric flushing through the inter-electrode gap washes
this debris away from the discharge zone. The increase in the gap after
the spark changes the position of the next spark where the electrodes are Table 3. Effect of operating condition on side clearance [35].
closest. Likewise, a facsimile of the opposite nature is formed on the
workpiece surface because of thousands of such electric discharges taking Rate of Cutting Finish Clearance (Side in mm)
place at numerous locations. Very Slow Fine 0.03–0.06
The generation of very high temperature and rapid cooling down Medium Medium 0.2–0.3
causes re-solidification of the molten metal and forms a recast layer on Rapid Course 0.5–0.6
the machined surface [15]. Properties like Corrosion resistance,

Table 2. Economic and Technical considerations of various PMEDM electrode materials [35, 45].

Material Density (g/cm3) Melting temperature ( C) Thermal conductivity (W/m.k.) Material Removal Rate Tool Wear Rate Cost Manufacturing

Copper 8.96 1084 401 High for Rough Machining Low High Easy
Brass 8.73 930 159 High for Finishing High Low Easy
Tungsten 19.25 3695 173 Low Lowest High Difficult
Tungsten Copper Alloy 15.2 3500 27.21 Low Low High Difficult
Cast Iron Low Low Low Easy
Carbon steel 7.85 1460 51.9 Low High Low Easy
Zink based Alloy 7.14 693 116 High for Rough Machining High High Easy (Die Casting)
Graphite 1.811 3350 High Low High Difficult

A.Y. Joshi, A.Y. Joshi Heliyon 5 (2019) e02963

Table 4. Properties of various additives powders.

Material Density (g Thermal conductivity Electrical conductivity Melting Specific heat (cal Remarks
cm—3) (W cm—1 ○C—1) (μ Ω cm—1 ) point (○C) g—1 ○C—1)
Aluminum (Al) 2.70 2.38 2.45 660 0.215 Reduces TWR, improves the shape of the machined profile and leads to
mirror finish surfaces [46].
Chromium (Cr) 7.16 0.67 12.7 1875 0.11 Improve the machining efficiency and electrode wear ratio tended to
decrease [24].
Silicon Carbide (SiC) 3.21 1–5 1 × 109 2975 0.18 MRR, TWR and Surface roughness increases [23].
Silicon (Si) 2.33 1.5 1 × 105 1410 0.17 Addition of Si powder to dielectric reduces the surface roughness [47]
Tungsten (W) 19.3 1.673 5.6 3410 0.031 Surface micro hardness increases, which increases part life [48].
Titanium (Ti) 4.72 0.22 55 1668 0.125 Surface hardness increases and fewer micro-cracks are observed on the
surface [49].
Molybdenum 5.06 0.138 106 1185 0.07 MRR, profile depth and machined surface quality is improved [50].
Disulfide (MoS2 )
Boron Carbide (B4C) 2.52 2.79 5.5 × 104 2763 - Efficient discharge distribution capabilities of the powder improves MRR
and machining efficiency remarkably [51].
Graphite (Gr/C) 1.3–1.95 0.25–4.70 500–3000 4550 0.17–0.20 Graphite powder increases electrical conductivity and provides lubricity,
these result in MRR improvement and reduction in TWR.
Molybdenum (Mo) 10.2 1.39 5.27 2610 0.06 EDM wires are made from Molybdenum as it has properties like high
tensile strength and good conductivity.
Alumina (Al2O3) 3.98 0.251 103 2072 0.17 Surface finish and topography has improved by addition of nano-sized
alumina powder [52].
Carbon nanotubes 2 4 50 2800 - The addition of CNV particles decreases surface roughness, reduces the
(CNTs) length and width of surface cracks and thickness of the recast layer [53].

flow particles, interlocking takes place. This chain helps in bridging the thereby increased the discharge gap. This widened discharge column
discharge gap between electrodes and thereby insulating strength of the forms large shallow cavities on the surface.
dielectric fluid decreases and the spark gap increases. Figures 3 and 4
illustrate the Principle of Powder Mixed EDM and Mechanism of PMEDM
5.3. Multiple discharges
Multiple craters in a single pulse are formed because of the uniform
5. Mechanism of Material removal of PMEDM distribution of energy because of the rapid Zigzag movement of the
particles. Voltage vacillates hastily during a single pulse duration due to
In PMEDM, an electrical filed of intensity 105–107 V/m is generated multiple discharges [22, 23]. Figure 6 represents a typical waveform of
when a voltage of 80–320 V is applied across the electrodes because of current and voltage (a) for conventional EDM – Pure water Dielectric, (b)
which Positive and Negative charges accumulate at the top and bottom of PMEDM – Pure Water added with SiC powder [23].
the powder particles respectively [17]. Foremost discharge breakdown
occurs where the electric field density is the utmost (between ‘a’ and ‘b’
6. PMEDM process variables
in Figure 5). This breakdown may be between powder particles or be-
tween powder particles and tool or workpiece electrode. After the first
PMEDM Parameters are majorly classified into two categories: Pro-
discharge relocation of electric charges takes place which then gathers at
cess parameters, are controllable machining input variables that govern
point ‘c’ and ‘d’. Depending upon the electric field density series of sparks
the machining performance and Performance Parameters, are used to
keeps on occurring further [18, 19]. Interlocking between different
gauge process performance under selected process parameters. Figure 7
powder particles forms a chain that causes easy short-circuiting and leads
illustrates the parametric analysis of the PMEDM process.
to an early explosion in the gap [20]. The combined effect of particle
bridging and suspended additive particles modifies the plasma channel
reduces the discharge power density and pulse explosive gas pressure. 6.1. Electrical parameters

6.1.1. Peak current (Ip)

5.1. Enlargement of discharge gap
In every single pulse-on time the current rises till it reaches pre-set
level. The surface area of the to be machined workpiece governs the
The discharge gap size mainly depends upon the physical and elec-
amperage requirement. An increase in pulse on current increases plasma
trical properties of powder particles. The presence of free electrons in
channel pressure as number of electrons and ions per unit area increases.
powder particles at high-temperature conditions reduces dielectric
Increased current allows easy ejection of material as the specific impul-
resistance. Hence spark can be generated from a longer distance which
sive force enhances [25, 26]. Hence high peak currents are used in
practically enlarges the discharge gap [21, 22].
roughing operation or to machine larger surface area. Higher peak cur-
rents improve MRR but at the cost of compromising Tool wear rate and
5.2. Widening of discharge passage surface integrity. The development of improved electrode materials like
Graphite electrode allows operating at higher currents comfortably.
Powder particles get energized and start moving hastily along with
ions and electrons after the first discharge. More electrons and ions are 6.1.2. Discharge voltage (V)
generated as these powder particles colloid with dielectric molecules and Open gap voltage increases till it creates an ionization path through the
thus produce more electric charges compared to conventional EDM. This dielectric for the current to flow. The open-circuit voltage drops as the
phenomenon reduces hydrostatic pressure acting on the plasma channel currents start flowing through the plasma channel until it stabilizes. A

A.Y. Joshi, A.Y. Joshi Heliyon 5 (2019) e02963

working gap between two electrodes can be set by selecting an appropriate characteristics of EDM Dielectric. Efficient flushing is mandatory because
voltage. The selection of discharge voltage depends upon the breakdown the presence of debris in the inter-electrode gap reduces process effi-
strength of the Dielectric and inter-electrode gap [27]. Discharge voltage ciency and might initiate arcing which deteriorates dimensional accuracy
influences spark energy and thereby MRR, TWR and SR. as well as surface integrity. Type of dielectric and its flushing technique
has an effect on MRR, TWR, crack density and recast layer thickness [34].
6.1.3. Pulse-on time (Ton) Various flushing techniques are available like Side flushing, Suction
It is the time for which current is allowed to flow per cycle. It is through the electrode, Pressure through the electrode, Jet flushing,
generally communicated in microseconds. The ionization of dielectric Vacuum flushing, Injection flushing [35]. The latest technology is to use
takes place during this period. The amount of energy applied during the servo-controlled cyclic reciprocation or vibrating tool electrode which
pulse on-time decides the amount of material removed [28]. For longer will create a hydraulic pumping action that helps chip removal from the
pulse on-time more energy is focused on the workpiece resulting in a inter-electrode gap.
broader and deeper crater, the recast layer will be larger and the heat-
affected zone will be deeper. As machining will be done only during 6.2.2. Workpiece rotation
pulse on time the duration of pulses and the frequency of pulses are Rotary motion given to the workpiece improve the temperature dis-
critical parameters. tribution and circulation of the dielectric fluid yielding improvement in
SR and MRR [35]. Along with the rotary motion of the workpiece, if the
6.1.4. Pulse-off time (Toff) machining axis is made horizontal, debris evacuation and erosion effi-
Pulse off time is the duration for which supply voltage is cut off. ciency improve [36, 37, 38, 39].
Basically, it is the intermediate time between two pulse-on times. During
this period dielectric regains its strength by de-ionizing and the debris is 6.2.3. Electrode rotation
washed away from the spark gap. As no machining is done in the phase Surface quality, MRR, and machining process stability improve as
it's time should be minimum. But decreasing Pulse off time might lead to Vibro-rotary motion improves inter-electrode gap flushing [40, 41, 42].
process instability because of improper and inefficient flushing. Due to the rotary motion of the electrode alloying of migrating elements
and debris is also observed [43].
6.1.5. Duty cycle (τ)
It is the ratio of Pulse on time to total cycle time. Higher duty cycle 6.2.4. Dielectric fluid
value indicates that during the pulse spark energy is supplied for longer The three basic functions of dielectric fluid in PMEDM process are; (i)
duration resulting in higher MRR. When the duty cycle becomes too long It acts as an insulating medium though flow of currents occurs after
process becomes unstable because of improper flushing [29, 30]. breaking down upon application of suitable voltage, (ii) Flushing of
debris from the inter-electrode gap thus clearing machined area (iii) It
6.1.6. Polarity acts as medium to carry away the heat from the electrodes which is
The polarity of the electrode can be negative or positive. Positive generated by the discharge. Mineral Oils, Kerosene, deionized water,
Polarity states that the workpiece is connected to the positive polarity Light Transformer Oil, EDM oils and Synthetic oils are examples of
and the tool is connected to negative polarity. Excess material will always commonly used EDM oils. Properties of typical dielectrics used in
be removed from the electrode which is connected to positive polarity. PMEDM are given in Table 1.
Operating with positive polarity maximum energy is available at anode
delivering significant material is removed from the workpiece. During 6.3. Electrode based parameters
longer discharges, as the proportion of ion flow increases with pulse
duration high tool wear takes place. In practice, Tool and Workpiece 6.3.1. Electrode material
material, Pulse length durations and Current density are affecting pa- The characteristics that define appropriateness of good PMEDM
rameters for selection of polarity. The latest power supply units generate electrode material are, Electrode should achieve maximum material
an opposite polarity swing pulse for every 15 standard pulses to prevent removal rate, should have less tool wear rate and it can be manufactured
arcing. into desired shape and size economically. Various electrode materials are
Brass, Copper, and copper alloys, Copper Tungsten, Graphite, Molybde-
6.1.7. Electrode gap num, Silver tungsten, Tellurium copper, etc. Table 2 represents a com-
Performance of PMEDM process is largely dependent on the stability parison of various materials on the basis of economic and technical
of spark and efficiency of flushing. Gap stability and System's reaction considerations.
speed are of the utmost importance for better performance. The reaction
speed should be high enough to respond to open gap conditions. Average 6.3.2. Electrode size and shape
gap voltage readings are used to measure the prevailing gap width. The performance of PMEDM depends upon the shape configuration of
Electro-mechanical or Electro-hydraulic servo systems are employed to the electrode as the process produces a mirror image of the tool on the
maintain the desired gap. workpiece. A minimum amount of clearance is always provided between
the work cavity to be produced and the tool electrode. The magnitude of
6.1.8. Gap voltage clearance varies with tool and workpiece material combination and
The time required to bridge the inter-electrode gap with electrons and material removal rate hence, different tools are to be used for roughing
ions increases as the spark gap increases which results in a reduction in operations and finishing operations. Table 3 Correlates Rate of cutting,
MRR [31]. Higher the Gap voltage better is the surface finish [32]. The clearance values and type of finish.
thickness of the recast layer increases as expansion in the spark gap al-
lows more power into it. At a higher gap voltage discharge column is 6.4. Powder-based parameters
diverged hence, recast layer thickness reduces [33].
6.4.1. Type of powder
6.2. Non-electrical parameters The addition of powder in dielectric increases material removal rate,
improves the surface quality and reduces tool wear rate. Different pow-
6.2.1. Dielectric flushing ders have a different effect on process performance. Some of the powder
High dielectric strength, Effective quenching, Hasty post breakdown characteristics that affect performance are; Electric conductivity, Sus-
recovery, Flushing ability and a good degree of fluidity are the main pension capabilities, Thermal conductivity, and Non-magnetic nature.

A.Y. Joshi, A.Y. Joshi Heliyon 5 (2019) e02963

The addition of inorganic oxide powders does not result in improvement TWR are different. An optimum tool-workpiece material pair is to be
in performance characteristics they disperse non-uniformly in the selected which gives the lowest WR value.
dielectric. Properties of various powder materials are listed in Table 4. Wear Ratio

6.4.2. Powder size Tool wear rate

%WR ¼ × 100 (3)
Additive particle size is an influential parameter in machined surface Material removal rate
quality [54]. Experimental results indicate that the inter-electrode gap is
more in the case of larger particles which results in greater contamination 6.4.10. Surface roughness (SR)
and lower deionization between the workpiece and tool. Larger powder SR is generally measured in arithmetic mean (Ra) terms, according to
size increase in the gap but increases surface roughness and reduces MRR ISO 4987:1999 is defined as the arithmetic average roughness of the
[55]. deviations of the roughness profile from the central line. It is the measure
of surface texture. Surface roughness increases with an increase in
discharge current and pulse on time as heat is focussed on the workpiece
6.4.3. Powder conductivity
for prolong time resulting in deeper and wider craters [64]. Optimum
The addition of electrically conductive fine powder in dielectric re-
surface finish is achieved at low operating currents [65, 66].
sults increases in the discharge gap which improves the flushing of debris
and enhances spark frequency [52, 56]. Shallow crates are formed on the
workpiece surface as high thermal-conductivity of these particles 6.4.11. Surface quality
confiscate a large amount of heat from the inter-electrode gap [57, 58]. It is a measure of surface roughness, recast layer thickness, heat-
affected zone, and micro-cracks density. Recast Layer is formed due to
6.4.4. Powder concentration the deposition of rapidly cooled unflushed molten material due to
MRR is augmented by increasing powder concentration as it multi- improper flushing. Heat-Affected Zone (HAZ) is a layer of parent material
plies the number of discharges [61]. Surface roughness is reduced as the below the recast layer with altered metallurgical properties. The material
energy per spark is reduced [59]. An optimum powder concentration is below this zone is not affected by the process. Researchers have also tried
required as a continuous increase in concentration increases the extent of to use PMEDM as a surface treatment process [66].
powder particles in the discharge gap which in turn impede the transfer
of discharge energy to the workpiece. This leads to short-circuiting and 6.5. Applications of PMEDM
arcing thus reducing MRR and Surface quality [60].
PMEDM is a good replacement for conventional EDM to manufacture
6.4.5. Powder density parts necessitating High Surface integrity. PMEDM is used to manufac-
The density of the powder particle is affected by the surface forces ture automobile parts, medical implants, and Surgical Equipment.
which allows uniform particle distribution in the dielectric. Lower den-
sity helps in balancing these forces and also reduces powder quantity ● PMEDM results in a mirror-like reflective surface near mirror-like
requirement as the amount of powder settling down at the tank bottom surface finish characteristics.
reduces [62]. ● PMEDM is also used as a surface modification and treatment process
as it can improve surface microhardness, corrosion resistance, and
6.4.6. PMEDM Performance Parameters reduced friction coefficient.
Performance quality of PMEDM process is measured by various fac- ● Intricate profiles, Complex 3D shapes, thin and fragile components
tors like Material Removal Rate (MRR), Tool Wear Rate (TWR), Wear can be machined successfully using the PMEDM process irrespective
Ration (WR), Surface Roughness (SR) and Surface Quality. of their strength and hardness.
● Manufacturing of micro-sized sophisticated mechanical elements like
6.4.7. Material removal rate (MRR) micro-engines, micro gears, microturbine rotors, micro-pumps is
The volume of material removed per unit time is MRR. It is the most possible using the PMEDM process.
important factor looking for a manufacturer's perspective and every ● Nano Powder Mixed EDM increases the biocompatibility of materials
manufacturer wants to maximize it. In the case of PMEDM process Low and hence can be used to manufacture biomedical implants.
melting point materials have high MRR and low surface finish [63]. Peak ● Application of PMEDM in machining advanced material like Metal
current and Pulse on time are the major affecting parameters to MRR. Matrix Composite (MMCs) Materials is perceived promising.
EDM process has low MRR compared to conventional machining
processes. 6.6. Literature review
Material Removal Rate
In 1980, Erden and Bilgin investigated the effect of powder additives
MRR.mm3 , minΣ¼ Workpiece weight lossðgÞ× 1000 (1) in the dielectric fluid while machining of mild steel. An increase in the
. Σ
Density g=cm × machining timeðminÞ
machining rate was observed with increased impurities concentration. At
a higher level of abrasive powder concentration due to early breakdown
6.4.8. Tool wear rate (TWR) characteristics, short-circuiting occurs results in poor machining char-
TWR is the rate at which material is eroded from the Tool electrode. It acteristics [67].
is calculated by taking a ratio of loss of weight of the electrode and the Jeswani M.L., et al., (1981) studied the effect of adding 10 μm sized
time of machining. TWR is very important as the precision with which graphite powder into kerosene and the experimental results indicated
the part is machined is affected as it affects the electrode profile. that 4 g/l addition of fine powder increase MRR by 60% and lowers TWR
Tool Wear Rate 30% and machining process stability increases [68].
Tool weight lossðgÞ× 1000 In the
of the year 1983,
workpiece canKoshy investigated
be attained that the
by adding desired
powder surfaceinto
particles property
TWR.mm3 , minΣ ¼ (2)
Densityðg=cm Þ× maching timeðminÞ
dielectric fluid. Carbides are formed by disassociation of the carbons of
hydrocarbon-based dielectric and the added doping elements [69].
6.4.9. Wear ratio (WR) Narumiya H., et al., (1989) used Al, Si and Gr powder in the con-
WR is the ratio of Tool wear rate and Material removal rate. For centration range of 2 g/l to 40 g/l. The results showed that an increase in
different tool and workpiece material combination, values of MRR and powder concentration increases the inter-electrode gap distance. Gap

A.Y. Joshi, A.Y. Joshi Heliyon 5 (2019) e02963

distance and the surface finish has no direct relation. Low powder con- Yeo S H., et al., (2007) conducted experiments at low discharge en-
centration results in a better surface finish for Gr and Si powders [70]. ergies from 2.5μJ to 25μJ, with and without the addition of powder, results
Kobayashi K., et al., (1992) concluded that mixing of Si powder in showed a substantial variance in crater morphology. Powder addition was
dielectric for machining SKD-61 Tool steel improves surface finish. The resulting in smaller diameter circular shape craters [84]. H.K. Kansal et al.
addition of Al and Gr powder results in better surface finish compared to reported that the complexity of PMEDM process in-context with sus-
silicon powder [71]. Mohri, et al. reported that mirror-like surfaces are pended particles thermos-physical properties deserves comprehensive
achieved by using Si powder mixed dielectric [72]. exploration. The higher cost of powder, dielectric disposal, and environ-
Yan and Chen (1994) reported the addition of powder particles re- mental effects are the major issues to be addressed in the future for
duces surface cracks and improves the homogeneity of the recast white PMEDM. They also reported that the application of nozzle flushing at the
layer. Powder concentration between 02 g/ltr. To 05 g/ltr. results in the interface does not have a significant effect on MRR [85].
lowest surface roughness levels [73]. Yu and coworkers conducted ex- Han-Ming Chow, Chowa, Lieh-Dai Yangb and Ching- Tien Lina (2008)
periments with Al powder to machine tungsten carbide. The results investigated Sic powder-based EDM with pure water as a dielectric to
showed a spark gap enlargement and improved MRR due to better energy fabricate micro-slits in Ti6Al4V alloy. They concluded that the suspen-
dispersion [74]. sion of SiC powder in pure water increases TWR and delivers a larger slit.
In 1995, Ming and He conducted experiments with a Copper electrode Machined burr is less while using Sic PMEDM compared to pure water
and high carbon steel workpiece. Results indicated that the addition of EDM [86].
conductive powder and lipophilic surface agents reduces the tendency for Furutani K., et al., (2009) conducted experiments with Ti powder
crack inception and the extent of crack propagation on the machined suspended EDM to accelerate the machining process and concluded that
surface. These additives can increase the surface microhardness and TiC deposition was possible at 5 μJ under and smaller powder density.
reduce the loss of alloy elements [75]. They reported that a smaller range of pulse on-time and large discharge
In 1998, Wong Y.S., et al., achieved a near mirror finish on SKH-54 tool current helps in the formation of carbides. TiC layer with a hardness of
steel with Silicon powder added PMEDM process at 1A current and 0.75Hs 2000 Hv was achieved [87]. Kun Ling Wua, Biing Hwa Yanb, Jyh-Wei Lee
pulse on time. The machined surface was poised of smoothly overlapped, and Chun Gian Ding investigated the influence of surfactant in PMEDM of
uniformly sized shallow craters [76]. Uno et al. used nickel powder mixed mold steel (SKD61). Particle accumulation is decreased as surfactant
dielectric to modify the surface of aluminum bronze components. The molecules well cover the surface of the carbon dregs and debris. The
addition of nickel powder improved the surface abrasion-resistant prop- addition of surfactant in the PMEDM process has shown improvement in
erty by deposition of a layer on an EDMed surface [77]. MRR by 40 % but the surface roughness is deteriorated [88].
Chow et al. (2000) conducted experiments for machining of titanium In 2010, Kumar S. & Singh, R conducted experiments with man-
alloy using Al and SiC powders in kerosene for the micro-slit machining. ganese powder suspended dielectric and analyzed the amount of
The addition of these powders increases inter-electrode gap distance, material removal. The researcher found that the surface properties
resulting in higher MRR and efficient debris flushing [78]. changes due to the migrated material from the fluid. Results showed
In 2001, Furutani K. used titanium powder mixed kerosene as that % of manganese and carbon increased to 95 and 1.03 respectively
dielectric fluid to machine carbon steel with negative polarity. Results delivering microhardness increase. The low peak current and shorter
indicated a layer of titanium carbide (hardness 1600HV) is formed while pulse on-time favors surface alloying [89]. Sharma S., A. Kumar, N.
operating at 3A peak current and pulse duration of 2 Hs [79]. Tzeng Y.F. Beri & D. Kumar analyzed Al powder-based PMEDM performance with
examined the effect of powder characteristics on EDM machining effi- reverse polarity. It was reported that machining characteristics are
ciency. The results revealed that the suspension of 70–80 nm-sized affected significantly by powder characteristics. An increase in the Al
powder delivers the highest MRR [54]. powder concentration and particle size change results in an
Peças P, et al., in 2003, experimented with Si powder-based PMEDM improvement in surface integrity [90].
for the manufacturing of AISI H13 tool steel. Experiments were con- Ojha et al. (2011) analyzed Material Removal Rate and Tool Wear
ducted to develop a relationship between pulse energy and surface Rate with Chromium powder suspended dielectric for machining EN8 –
roughness. Results, in particular, showed that for powder concentration Carbon steel material. Experimental results concluded that an increase in
of 2 g/ltr. highly reflective and smooth craters were developed [80]. powder concentration increases MRR and an increase in Tool diameter
In the year 2004, Klocke F. investigated the influence of the powder reduces Tool wear [91]. Sharma S. et al. (2011) used cold treated copper
particles in micro-sinking-EDM and found out that AL mixed dielectric electrodes and graphite suspended dielectric PMEDM to evaluate the
forms a large plasma channel using a high-speed framing camera (HFSC) machining performance in terms of TWR. Results revealed that the
technique. Experimental results revealed that concentration and type of addition of graphite powder along with cold treated electrodes tends to
the powder mixed in the dielectric are the major affecting parameters as reduce the Tool wear rate [92].
they affect the discharge energy distribution. Powder's physical proper- Syed & Palaniyand (2012) Used Al powder mixed distilled water as a
ties affect the recast layer composition and morphology [81]. dielectric in PMEDM to analyze Material Removal Rate and Surface
Wu KL., et al., (2005) followed the Taguchi method and used sur- Roughness while machining W300 die steel workpiece with an electro-
factant along with Al powder in the dielectric to study the problem of lytic copper electrode. Experimental results indicated that for higher
powder settlement in the dielectric tank. Results stated that due to MRR positive polarity is preferred and for better surface finish negative
higher wetting capacity surfactant the agglomeration of powder is polarity is preferred [93].
reduced and surface quality of the order 0.2μm is achieved. The nega- Mathapathi U. et al. (2013) Analyzed Graphite & Cr Powder-based
tive polarity of the tool electrode delivered an increase in surface PMEDM for machining of ASID3/HCHCR - Cold Work Steel with High
hardness [82]. H.K. Kansal et al. used a Response surface methodology Carbon High Chromium contents. Results stated that MRR is most
to optimize the process parameters – Si powder concentration, Peak affected by Peak current and increases as the powder concentration in-
current, Pulse on time and duty cycle. The researcher reported that the creases. MRR also increases by increasing Tool lift time [94]. Bhatta-
addition of Si powder in dielectric improves surface finish and increases charya et al. (2013) Used Tungsten, Graphite and Silicon powder in
MRR [28]. PMEDM to appraise the enhancement in machined surface properties of
In 2006, Kansal H.K., Singh, S., and Kumar, P. implemented RSM for die steel material. The addition of Tungsten powder improved surface
investigating the machining performance of Metal Matrix Composite finish and microhardness of the machined surface [56].
Al–10%SiCP using Aluminium, Copper, Silicon carbide and chromium Goyal Shivam, Singh Rakesh Kumar, (2014) Experiments were con-
powders as additives. Results indicated that the addition of fine powder ducted with Al fine powder based PMEDM with copper electrode for AISI
increases MRR and reduces TWR [83]. 1045 Steel machining by varying powder grain size and concentration.

A.Y. Joshi, A.Y. Joshi Heliyon 5 (2019) e02963

Experimental results stated that MRR is reduced if the concentration of alloy, which enhances bone-implant bio-mechanical anchorage. Results
powder particles is very low or very high. Surface finish improves with the surface generated by the process improves adhesion and growth of
the increase in Al powder concentration [95]. Mahendra G. Rathi Studied osteoblastic like the cell (MG-63) [106]. S. Tripathy, D.K. Tripathy,
Effect of Aluminum oxide, Silicon carbide and Graphite Powder Mixed Investigated the process variable's effect on micro-hardness using chro-
dielectric in EDM of Inconel 718. MRR and TWR are measured to analyze mium powder mixed EDM for H-11 die steel workpiece. Process pa-
Machining characteristics. A current of 18 A, a Duty cycle of 85 % and rameters like a pulse on time, peak current, powder concentration, duty
Ton of 5μs with added Graphite powder in dielectric resulted in cycle were varied to analyze the effect on micro-hardness. SEM and EDS
maximum MRR. 12 A current, duty cycle of 90 % and Ton of 20 μs with techniques were used to compute the migrated material from tool to
silicon carbide powder added dielectric resulted in the lowest TWR [96]. workpiece [107]. A. M. Abdul-Rani, A. M. Nanimina et. Al. Experiments
Sarabjeet Singh Sidhu et al. examined surface alteration of different types were conducted on nano aluminum powder mixed EDM to machine
of metal matrix composites (MMCs) 30vol%SiC/A359, 10vol% SiC-5vol Ti6Al4V workpiece with a copper-tungsten electrode. Experimental re-
% quartz/Al and 65vol%SiC/A356.2 adopting EDM graphite powder sults stated that the addition of nano aluminum powder reduces
mixed EDM process. An increase in reinforcing particle density increases micro-cracks and crates thereby improving surface finish. Uniform dis-
microhardness [97]. Harmesh Kumar, studied carbon nanotubes (CNTs) tribution of Al particles and generated carbides enriched surface layer
mixed PMEDM on AISI-D2 steel to achieve a mirror-like surface finish. due to alloying of transfer elements improves osseointegration for the
Experiments were conducted to analyze the effect of peak current, pulse surface [108].
duration and CNTs powder concentration on work piece's surface Tahsin T.O€ po€z, Hamidullah Yaşar (2018), et. Al. Examined PMEDM
topography. Results indicated that the addition of CNTs in a proper of Ti–6Al–4V-ELI material for the influence of SiC powder concentration
proposition improves MRR and surface finish. CNT's concentration and on particle deposition, subsurface structures, and surface topography.
peak current have a major effect on MRR [98]. Results showed that low pulse currents and higher suspended particle
In the year 2015, Hussain et al. studied the effect of Al powder-based concentration improve the material transfer mechanism. At a very high
EDM on MRR of metal matrix composites (Al/SiC). Various process pa- pulse, the current material transfer mechanism is depleted due to the
rameters were selected for conduction of experiments and the results scantiness of secondary discharges [109]. Vinay Kumar, Amit Kumar, et.
showed that at 2A peak current MRR starts improving [99]. Bhiksha Al. Studied the effect of aluminum oxide (Al2O3) micro powder mixed
Gugulothu et al. Taguchi parameter design approach was used to inves- EDM for machining Inconel 825 workpiece. Process parameters were
tigate the powder concentration effect in graphite powder mixed PMEDM varied and the effect was measured on MRR, SR and surface integrity. It is
for machining of Ti–6Al–4V alloy. SR and MRR are measured to analyze observed from the experimental results that peak current, pulse on time
the effect of change in various process parameters. Experimental results and gap voltage are major affecting parameters on SR and MRR. The
revealed that as the peak current increases SR and MRR also increases addition of powder surface roughness improves [110]. L. Selvarajan, J.
[100]. Nihal Ekmekci et al. Ti6Al4V alloys are machined using Hy- Rajavel, et. Al. Reviewed EDM of various industrial demanded composite
droxyapatite (HA) powder suspension in deionized water. Scanning materials like in detail and explained the effect of varying parameters on
electron microscope results indicated that powder particles form HA rich process performance [111]. Suvan Dev Choudhury, Neelabh Jyoti
layer on the workpiece as they migrate from the dielectric. Due to the Saharia, et. Al. Studied hybrid Powdered Mixed EDM with Aluminium
attainment of high temperatures at a very high pulse current and small and Multi-Walled Carbon Nano Tube (CNT) powders mixed in kerosene
pulse on time a decomposed layer forms on the surface [101]. Murahari for EN19 alloy steel machining with brass electrode [112].
Kolli and Adepu Kumar conducted experiments with Surfactant & Gr B. Surekha, T. Sree Lakshmi, et. Al. (2019) investigated aluminum
powder added PMEDM for machining of titanium alloy. MRR, SR, and powder added EDM for machining of EN-19 alloy steel using a Brass
changes in Surface topography, as well as dielectric fluid behaviour, were electrode. Experimental results suggest that MRR is significantly affected
measured. From the results, it was found that the addition of surfactant by Gap voltage and Peak current [113].
and graphite powder into the dielectric improved MRR and SR. The
addition of surfactant reduced graphite powder and sediment particle 7. Challenges in PMEDM
agglomeration. Machining efficiency improved as the addition of sur-
factant in dielectric increases the conductivity and suspended debris It is observed from the available literature that the addition of powder
particles in dielectric fluid reduced the abnormal discharge conditions into a dielectric fluid in EDM improves MRR, Surface integrity and can
[102]. help to obtain mirror-like surface finish. Despite having considerable
Nipun D. Gosai & Anand Y. Joshi (2016) Studied the effect of Si advantages over the conventional EDM process, the PMEDM process is
powder added PMEDM for machining of Ti6Al4V. Response surface used in industry at a very slow pace as the machining mechanism is still
methodology was used to model the experiments and the effect of not well understood. Thermo-physical properties of the added powder
change in various parameters was studied on MRR and surface rough- particles require thoroughgoing investigation. High power consumption,
ness (Ra). The addition of silicon powder improves SR and MRR both. A dielectric fluid purchase, and disposal cost and environmental concerns
combination of high powder concentration and high peak current de- have also restricted PMEDM's industrial application. Some of the issues
livers improvement in MRR and reduction in SR [103]. L. Li et al. and challenges that are to be addressed in the future are mentioned here.
studied SiC abrasive mixed EDM with magnetic stirring for titanium
alloy. SEM and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques were used to analyze ● Proper selection of dielectric and it's pumping mechanism is
the chemical composition and structural features. Results stated that Sic mandatory for powder particles smooth flow in the inter-electrode
layer was formed with improved hardness. The layer strength and gap.
quality improved upon increasing pulse width [104]. S. Tripathy, D.K. ● The amount of powder required for surface modification application
Tripathy, Technique for an order of preference by similarity to ideal of PMEDM is very high compared to other conventional methods,
solution (TOPSIS) and Grey Relational Analysis (GRA) techniques were which makes PMEDM expensive.
implemented to assess the efficacy of various process parameters using ● Separation of powder particles and debris is very difficult when the
copper electrode and chromium powder mixed EDM in the machining of suspended powder is non-magnetic.
H-11 die steel. It is observed from the experimental results that the ● Agglomeration and settlement of powder particles at the tank bottom
addition of properly sized particles in proper concentration improves is an issue.
surface finish [105]. ● Compared to the conventional EDM process, PMEDM is less
Chander Prakash, H.K.Kansal et al. (2017) PMEDM technique was environmental-friendly due to the discharge of a large number of
used to fabricate a biomimetic novel nano-porous layer on the β-phase Ti toxic solid, liquid and gaseous wastes.

A.Y. Joshi, A.Y. Joshi Heliyon 5 (2019) e02963
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[25] X. Bai, Q.H. Zhang, J.H. Zhang, et al., Machining efficiency of powder mixed near
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[26] H.K. Kansal, S. Singh, P. Kumar, Application of Taguchi method for optimization
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in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. [28] S. Assarzadeh, M. Ghoreishi, A dual response surface desirability approach to
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[29] A. Kumar, S. Maheshwari, C. Sharma, et al., Analysis of machining characteristics
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[31] B. Singh, J. Kumar, S. Kumar, Experimental investigation on surface
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