Declaration of Istanbul
Declaration of Istanbul
Declaration of Istanbul
Organ transplantation, one of the medical miracles of the twentieth century, has prolonged and
improved the lives of hundreds of thousands of patients worldwide. The many great scientific
and clinical advances of dedicated health professionals, as well as countless acts of generosity
by organ donors and their families, have made transplantation not only a life-saving therapy
but a shining symbol of human solidarity. Yet these accomplishments have been tarnished by
numerous reports of trafficking in human beings who are used as sources of organs and of
patient-tourists from rich countries who travel abroad to purchase organs from poor people. In
2004, the World Health Organization, called on member states “to take measures to protect
the poorest and vulnerable groups from transplant tourism and the sale of tissues and organs,
including attention to the wider problem of international trafficking in human tissues and
organs” (1).
To address the urgent and growing problems of organ sales, transplant tourism and trafficking
in organ donors in the context of the global shortage of organs, a Summit Meeting of more
than 150 representatives of scientific and medical bodies from around the world, government
officials, social scientists, and ethicists, was held in Istanbul from April 30 to May 2, 2008.
Preparatory work for the meeting was undertaken by a Steering Committee convened by The
Transplantation Society (TTS) and the International Society of Nephrology (ISN) in Dubai in
December 2007. That committee’s draft declaration was widely circulated and then revised in
light of the comments received. At the Summit, the revised draft was reviewed by working
groups and finalized in plenary deliberations.
This Declaration represents the consensus of the Summit participants. All countries need a
legal and professional framework to govern organ donation and transplantation activities, as
well as a transparent regulatory oversight system that ensures donor and recipient safety and
the enforcement of standards and prohibitions on unethical practices.
Unethical practices are, in part, an undesirable consequence of the global shortage of organs
for transplantation. Thus, each country should strive both to ensure that programs to prevent
organ failure are implemented and to provide organs to meet the transplant needs of its
residents from donors within its own population or through regional cooperation. The
therapeutic potential of deceased organ donation should be maximized not only for kidneys but
also for other organs, appropriate to the transplantation needs of each country. Efforts to
initiate or enhance deceased donor transplantation are essential to minimize the burden on
living donors. Educational programs are useful in addressing the barriers, misconceptions and
mistrust that currently impede the development of sufficient deceased donor transplantation;
successful transplant programs also depend on the existence of the relevant health system
Access to healthcare is a human right but often not a reality. The provision of care for living
donors before, during and after surgery–as described in the reports of the international forums
organized by TTS in Amsterdam and Vancouver (2-4)–is no less essential than taking care of
the transplant recipient. A positive outcome for a recipient can never justify harm to a live
donor; on the contrary, for a transplant with a live donor to be regarded as a success means
that both the recipient and the donor have done well.
This Declaration builds on the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (5). The
broad representation at the Istanbul Summit reflects the importance of international
collaboration and global consensus to improve donation and transplantation practices. The
Declaration will be submitted to relevant professional organizations and to the health
authorities of all countries for consideration. The legacy of transplantation must not be the
impoverished victims of organ trafficking and transplant tourism but rather a celebration of the
gift of health by one individual to another.
4. The primary objective of transplant policies and programs should be optimal short- and
long-term medical care to promote the health of both donors and recipients.
a. Financial considerations or material gain of any party must not override primary
consideration for the health and well-being of donors and recipients.
6. Organ trafficking and transplant tourism violate the principles of equity, justice and respect
for human dignity and should be prohibited. Because transplant commercialism targets
impoverished and otherwise vulnerable donors, it leads inexorably to inequity and injustice
and should be prohibited. In Resolution 44.25, the World Health Assembly called on
countries to prevent the purchase and sale of human organs for transplantation.
a. Prohibitions on these practices should include a ban on all types of advertising
(including electronic and print media), soliciting, or brokering for the purpose of
transplant commercialism, organ trafficking, or transplant tourism.
b. Such prohibitions should also include penalties for acts—such as medically screening
donors or organs, or transplanting organs—that aid, encourage, or use the products of,
organ trafficking or transplant tourism.
c. Practices that induce vulnerable individuals or groups (such as illiterate and
impoverished persons, undocumented immigrants, prisoners, and political or economic
refugees) to become living donors are incompatible with the aim of combating organ
trafficking, transplant tourism and transplant commercialism.
Consistent with these principles, participants in the Istanbul Summit suggest the following
strategies to increase the donor pool and to prevent organ trafficking, transplant
commercialism and transplant tourism and to encourage legitimate, life-saving transplantation
To ensure the protection and safety of living donors and appropriate recognition for
their heroic act while combating transplant tourism, organ trafficking and transplant
1. The act of donation should be regarded as heroic and honored as such by representatives
of the government and civil society organizations.
2. The determination of the medical and psychosocial suitability of the living donor should be
guided by the recommendations of the Amsterdam and Vancouver Forums (2-4).
a. Mechanisms for informed consent should incorporate provisions for evaluating the
donor’s understanding, including assessment of the psychological impact of the
b. All donors should undergo psychosocial evaluation by mental health professionals
during screening.
3. The care of organ donors, including those who have been victims of organ trafficking,
transplant commercialism, and transplant tourism, is a critical responsibility of all
jurisdictions that sanctioned organ transplants utilizing such practices.
5. Provision of care includes medical and psychosocial care at the time of donation and for
any short- and long-term consequences related to organ donation.
a. In jurisdictions and countries that lack universal health insurance, the provision of
disability, life, and health insurance related to the donation event is a necessary
requirement in providing care for the donor;
b. In those jurisdictions that have universal health insurance, governmental services
should ensure donors have access to appropriate medical care related to the
donation event;
c. Health and/or life insurance coverage and employment opportunities of persons who
donate organs should not be compromised;
d. All donors should be offered psychosocial services as a standard component of
e. In the event of organ failure in the donor, the donor should receive:
i. Supportive medical care, including dialysis for those with renal failure, and
ii. Priority for access to transplantation, integrated into existing allocation rules as they
apply to either living or deceased organ transplantation.
1. World Health Assembly Resolution 57.18, Human organ and tissue transplantation, 22 May 2004,
2. The Ethics Committee of the Transplantation Society (2004). The Consensus Statement of the
Amsterdam Forum on the Care of the Live Kidney Donor. Transplantation 78(4):491-92.
3. Barr ML, Belghiti J, Villamil FG, Pomfret EA, Sutherland DS, Gruessner RW, Langnas AN &
Delmonico FL (2006). A Report of the Vancouver Forum on the Care of the Life Organ Donor: Lung,
Liver, Pancreas, and Intenstine Data and Medical Guidelines. Transplantation 81(10):1373-85.
4. Pruett TL, Tibell A, Alabdulkareem A, Bhandari M, Cronon DC, Dew MA, Dib-Kuri A, Gutmann T,
Matas A, McMurdo L, Rahmel A, Rizvi SAH, Wright L & Delmonico FL (2006). The Ethics
Statement of the Vancouver Forum on the Live Lung, Liver, Pancreas, and Intestine Donor.
Transplantation 81(10):1386-87.
5. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 10,
6. Based on Article 3a of the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons,
Especially Women and Children, Supplementing the United Nations Convention Against
Transnational Organized Crime,
* The Participants in the International Summit on Transplant Tourism and Organ Trafficking
and the manner in which they were chosen and the meeting was organized were as follows:
Steering Committee:
The Steering Committee was selected by an Organizing Committee consisting of Mona Alrukhami,
Jeremy Chapman, Francis Delmonico, Mohamed Sayegh, Faissal Shaheen, and Annika Tibell.
The Steering Committee was composed of leadership from The Transplantation Society, including its
President-elect and the Chair of its Ethics Committee, and the International Society of Nephrology,
including its Vice President and individuals holding Council positions. The Steering Committee had
representation from each of the continental regions of the globe with transplantation programs.
The mission of the Steering Committee was to draft a Declaration for consideration by a diverse group
of participants at the Istanbul Summit. The Steering Committee also had the responsibility to develop
the list of participants to be invited to the Summit meeting.
Participants at the Istanbul Summit were selected by the Steering Committee according to the following
! The country liaisons of The Transplantation Society representing virtually all countries with
transplantation programs;
No person or group was polled with respect to their opinion, practice, or philosophy prior to the Steering
Committee selection or the Istanbul Summit.
After the proposed group of participants was prepared and reviewed by the Steering Committee, they
were sent an letter of invitation to the Istanbul Summit, which included the following components:
! the mission of the Steering Committee to draft a Declaration for all Istanbul participants’
! the agenda and work group format of the Summit;
! the procedure for the selection of participants;
! the work group topics;
! an invitation to the participants to indicate their work group preferences;
! the intent to communicate a draft and other materials before the Summit convened;
! the Summit goals to assemble a final Declaration that could achieve consensus and would
address the issues of organ trafficking, transplant tourism and commercialism, and provide
principles of practice and recommended alternatives to address the shortage of organs;
! an acknowledgment of the funding provided by Astellas Pharmaceuticals for the Summit;
! provision of hotel accommodations and travel for all invited participants.
Of approximately 170 persons invited, 160 agreed to participate and 152 were able to attend the
Summit in Istanbul on April 30-May 2, 2008. Because work on the Declaration at the Summit was to be
carried out by dividing the draft document into separate parts, Summit invitees were assigned to a work
group topic based on their response concerning the particular topics on which they wished to focus
their attention before and during the Summit.
The draft Declaration prepared by the Steering Committee was furnished to all participants with ample
time for appraisal and response prior to the Summit. The comments and suggestions received in
advance were reviewed by the Steering Committee and given to leaders of the appropriate work group
at the Summit. (Work group leaders were selected and assigned from the Steering Committee.)
The Summit meeting was formatted so that breakout sessions of the work groups could consider the
written responses received from participants prior to the Summit as well as comments from each of the
work group participants. The work groups elaborated these ideas as proposed additions to and
revisions of the draft. When the Summit reconvened in plenary session, the Chairs of each work group
presented the outcome of their breakout session to all Summit participants for discussion. During this
process of review, the wording of each section of the Declaration was displayed on a screen before the
plenary participants and was modified in light of their comments until consensus was reached on each
The content of the Declaration is derived from the consensus that was reached by the participants at
the Summit in the plenary sessions which took place on May 1 and 2, 2008. A formatting group was
assembled immediately after the Summit to address punctuation, grammatical and related concerns
and to record the Declaration in its finished form.
* = Members of the Steering Committee. (William Couser, USA, was also a member of the Steering
Committee but was unable to attend the Summit.)