Fire Safety Question Answers

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Q1. What is the potential damage caused by fire?

Ans. Loss of life, Loss of property and loss of information

Q2. What is the definition of fire?

Ans. Fire is a chemical reaction produced by mixing fuel, oxygen and proper

Q3. What is the composition of fire?


Q4. How many types of fire are there?

Ans. There are four types of fire in India: - A class, B class, C class and D class

Q5. Write examples of type ‘A’ fire

Ans. Wood, cloth, paper, coal, wood etc.

Q6. Write examples of type B fire

Ans. Petrol, Diesel, Kerosene, Paint etc.

Q7. Write examples of type C of fire

Ans. LPG, CNG, and electric fires etc.

Q8. Write examples of D type fire

Ans. Aluminum, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, and Uranium etc.

Q9. Write any five reasons which caused the fire

1. Electric short circuits.
2. Electrical wiring and equipment malfunction due to overloading.
3. Mechanically heating of equipment.
4. Due to careless throwing of burning objects.
5. Lack of cleanliness or housekeeping.

Q10. What are the fire extinguishing mechanism?

Ans. 1. Starving 2. Smothering and 3. Cooling.

Q11. What kind of fire extinguishers can be used on fire of wood and
Ans. Water type fire extinguishers and powder type fire extinguishers.


Q12. What kind of fire extinguishers can be used on petrol, diesel and edible
oil fires?
Ans. Foam type fire extinguishers, CO2 gas type and powder type fire

Q13. Which type of fire extinguishers can be used on fire of electronic

Ans. CO2 gas type and powder type with fire extinguisher

Q14. What are the things to be kept in mind while extinguishing fire?
 Use P.A.S.S method while operating the fire extinguishers.
 Maintain proper distance from the fire.
 While extinguishing the fire, take care of the wind direction.
 Use the appropriate type of fire extinguisher.

Q15. What is R.A.C.E? Explain?


Q16. Explain what is PASS?

› S = SWEEP OVER THE FIRE (Left to Right & Vice versa)

Q17. What do you understand by MCP in the context of fire?

Ans. Manual call point is a part of the alarm system that is used by someone to
sound an alarm when an emergency alarm is not activated automatically.

Q18. What do you understand by Smoke Detector in the context of fire?

Ans. A smoke detector is the part of the alarm system that catches the smoke and
activates alarm system via fire control panel system.

Q19. What do you understand by the Water Sprinkler in the context of fire?
Ans. Water sprinkler is an automatic device to extinguish a fire inside the premises
which burst automatically at a certain temperature (580) and extinguish the fire in
area of around 10 square foot.

Q20. What do you understand by the Fire Exit Door in the context of fire?
Ans. These are the doors that are used only to get out of the premises safely during
an emergency evacuation.

Q21. What do you understand by Fire Alarm Panel in terms of fire?


Ans. Fire alarms panel provides information from the area of fire within the premise
and helps to identify the location of the fire.

Q22. What do you understand by Fire Extinguisher in the context of fire?

Ans. It is a primary level fire extinguisher. Generally it has 04 types and easily
available in the premise at a certain distance.

Q23. What are the different types of Fire Extinguisher?

› Water type (A)
› Foam type (A,B)
› Carbon dioxide (Co2) type (B,C)
› Powder type (A,B,C)

Q24. What is Fire Hydrant?

Ans. A Fire hydrant is a water charges pipeline and available in premise for
extinguishing the big fire; if the fire is not controlled by the small fire extinguishers.

Q25. What are the equipment kept in Fire Hydrant Cabinet (FHC)?
Ans. 1. Fireman’s axe, 2. Delivery Hose pipe, 3. Branch & Nozzle etc.

Q26. What is the fire pump house?

Ans. The place/room from which entire hydrant systems gets its water by the help
of electric motors, diesel engine and jockey pumps.

Q27. What is the Safe Assembly Area?

Ans. The identified area of location there occupants of the building gathers during
the evacuation.

Q28. How many fire exits are there at your site?

Ans. It may be vary sites to sites.

Q29. Is there an alarm system on the fire exit door?

Ans. The fire exit doors are alarmed nowadays.

Q30. What do you understand by Hose reel?

Ans. The hose reel is a thin water charged (19mm dia) rolled tube made of rubber
that helps carry water from the attached hydrant system to the fire location inside
of the premise, it is rolled a drum shape.

Q31. What do you understand by delivery Hose Pipe?

Ans. A delivery hose pipe is a pipe made of canvas (dia 63mm), thread or plastic
that helps carry water from the hydrant system to the fire location.
Q33. How many members are in a Fire Hydrant operation crew?
Ans. Fire Hydrant operation requires at least four person.

Q34. What is Fire Hydrant Branch and Nozzle?


Ans. Fire Hydrant Branch fixed with the delivery hose in which different types of
nozzle can be fixed as per needful. While there are different types of braches are
also used by the firemen.

Q35. What is an ERP?

Ans. An emergency response plan is a plan of actions during the emergency
situation in the premise, there ERT, Ambulance, mutually interpretable codes, mock
drills and action during different types of emergencies mentioned.

Q36. Write what is the emergency reporting channel in your site?

Ans. SG-Sup.-SO-AM-NISA-Site manager. It may be vary.

Q37. Why fire extinguishers usually has red color?

Ans. Red color is internationally recognized for fire safety and for its equipment.

Q38. What are the parts of an ERT/QRT?

1. Fire Fighting Team
2. Cordon/traffic team
4. Search Team
3. Rescue Team/First Aid Team (First Aid Team)
Q39. Write 05 ways to lift an injured person?
1) Fire man’s lift
2) Stretcher
3) Wheel chair
4) Two-handed seat
5) Four-handed seat

Q40. Write the emergency numbers of ambulance, fire brigade and police?
Ans. Ambulance = 102/8, Fire Brigade = 101 and Police = 100

Q41. Water should never be used on which type of fire?

Ans. Water should not be used to extinguish B class and C class fire

Q42. Whom you should inform first if there is a fire in premise?

Ans. Security supervisor

Q43. In the way of an emergency exit if you find a box of luggage in front
of the door what action will you take?
1. Will be informed supervisor immediately
2. And as per his instruction the action will be taken.
Q44. If a worker is smoking inside the warehouse, what will be your action?
1. He will be told that smoking is not allowed inside the premise.
2. The same will be informed to the supervisor immediately.


Q45. What action will you take if a worker is injured by a forklift inside the
1. Initially he will be helped as much as possible
2. The incident report will be shared immediately to the supervisor

Q46. What will you ensure if a vendor is working at a height in your

1. It will be ensured that he has proper work permit
2. He is using of appropriate PPEs
3. If there is any observation same will be informed to the supervisor

Q47. Which place is very sensitive in case of fire in your warehouse?

Ans. The electric panel, garbage’s, loading ways etc.

Q48. What are the things you will keep in mind to avoid fire at sensitive
places in your warehouse?
1. Taking care of maintenance of electrical equipment.
2. Take care of cleanliness/good house keeping
3. No Smoking
4. Following the safety norms of the premise.

Q49. What will you do if an automatic alarm does not works due to fire in
your warehouse?
Ans. The MCP will be activated or manually shout of fire will be made simultaneously
seniors will be informed.

Q50. How do you get out from smoke if you are trapped in the smoke due
to fire?
Ans. Cover your mouth and nose with a wet cloth be it you handkerchief, bending
down and get out by crawling.

Thank you…


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