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Lexical Analysis

Shashank Gupta
BITS Pilani Assistant Professor
Pilani Campus
Department of Computer Science and Information Systems
What is Lexical Analysis (LA)?

I/P is any high-level language and O/P is

LA sequence of tokens.

It generally cleans the code: strips off

blanks, tabs, newlines and comments.

Keeps track of the line numbers for

associated error messages and performs
some pre-processor functions.
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Separation of Lexical Analysis from
Syntax Analysis

Lexical Analysis simplifies the design.

I/O issues are limited to only lexical analysis.

More compact and faster parser.

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Tokens, Patterns and Lexemes

• A string of characters which logically belong together.


• The set of strings for which the same token is produced.


• The sequence of characters matched by a pattern to form

the corresponding token.

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Tokens Keywords, operators, identifiers,

constants, literal strings and punctuation
A unique integer representing the token
is passed by LA to the parser.

Attributes can also be passed for the

token including an integer.

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Problems in Lexical Analysis

Certain languages do not have

any reserved words.

Blanks are not much important in

some languages, but not so in ‘C’.

LA cannot catch any significant

errors except for simple errors.

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Specification and Recognition of

Regular expressions are very popular for

specifications of tokens.

Transition diagrams are used to implement

regular definitions and to recognize tokens.

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Interface to other Phases

Push back operation must be implemented through a buffer.

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Construct a Lexical Analyzer

Allow white spaces, numbers and arithmetic operators in an


Return token and attributes to the syntax analyzer.

A global variable tokenval is set to the value of the number.

Design requires that a finite set of tokens need to be defined

and also describe strings belonging to each token.

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C Program

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
//int lineno = 1;
int tokenval = NONE;
int lex() {
int t;
while (1) {
t = getchar ();
if (t = = ' ' || t = = '\t');
else if (t = = '\n')lineno = lineno + 1;
else if (isdigit (t) ) {
tokenval = t - '0' ;
t = getchar ();
while (isdigit(t)) {
tokenval = tokenval * 10 + t - '0' ;
t = getchar();
return num;
else { tokenval = NONE; return t; }
} 10
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Scans text character by character.

Look ahead character determines what kind of

token to read and when the current token ends.

First character cannot determine what kind of token

we are going to read.
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Symbol Table

Stores information for subsequent phases.

Interface to the Symbol Table.

• Insert(s, t): save lexeme s and token t and return
• Lookup(s): return index of entry for lexeme s or 0 if
s is not found.

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Implementation of Symbol Table

Fixed amount of space to store lexemes. Not advisable as

it waste space.

Store lexemes in a separate array. Each lexeme is

separated by eos. Symbol table has pointers to lexemes.

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Implementation of Symbol Table

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Handling of Keywords

Consider token DIV and MOD with lexemes div

and mod.

Initialize symbol table with insert( "div" , DIV )

and insert( "mod" , MOD).

Any subsequent lookup returns a nonzero value,

therefore, cannot be used as an identifier.
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Difficulties in Design of Lexical

Lexemes in a fixed position.

• Fix format vs Free format Languages.

Handling of Blanks
• In Pascal, blanks separate identifiers.
• In Fortran, blanks are important in some
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PL/1 Problems

Keywords are not reserved in PL/1

• if then then then = else else else = then
• if if then then = then + 1
PL/1 Declarations
• Declare (arg 1, arg 2, arg 3, ...., arg n )
• Cannot say whether declare is a keyword or
anything else untill ‘)’.

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Specification of Tokens

• How to describe tokens

4.e1 40.e-1 4.000

• How to break text into token

if (y==0) a = y << 1;
iff (y==0) a = y < 1;

• How to break input into token efficiently

- Tokens may have similar prefixes.

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Recognition of Tokens

• Programming language tokens can be described

by Regular languages
• Regular languages
- Are easy to understand
- There is a well understood and useful theory
- They have efficient implementation
• Regular languages have been discussed in great
detail in the "Theory of Computation" course
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Notations in Regular Expressions

• If r and s are regular expressions denoting the

languages L(r) and L(s) then
- (r)|(s) is a regular expression denoting
L(r) U L(s)
- (r)(s) is a regular expression denoting
- (r)* is a regular expression denoting (L(r))*
- (r) is a regular expression denoting L(r )
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How to Specify Tokens?

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Regular Definition for Unsigned

Digit  0 |1 | 2 |     | 9
Digits Digit 
Fraction  '.' Digits|
Exponent ( E ( |  |) Digits) |
Number  Digits Fraction Exponent

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Regular Expressions in

• Regular expressions describe many useful

• Regular expressions are only specifications;
implementation is still required.
• Given a string s and a regular expression R, does s
belong to L(R) ?
• Solution to this problem is on the basis of the
lexical analyzers.
• Goal: Partition the input into tokens

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Regular Expressions in

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Regular Expressions in

• The algorithm gives priority to tokens listed earlier

- Treats "if" as keyword and not identifier
• How much input is used? What if
- x1 .xi? L(R)
- x1.xj ? L(R)
- Pick up the longest possible string in L(R)
- The principle of "maximal munch"
• Regular expressions provide a concise and useful notation for
string patterns

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How to break up text?

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Transition Diagrams

• Regular expression are declarative

• Finite automata is an implementation
• A transition diagram consist of an input
alphabet, set of states, set of transitions, set of
final states and a start state.

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Pictorial Notations

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Transition Diagrams

Transitions may be labelled with a symbol, group of symbols or

regular definitions.

Few states may be treated as Retracting States that indicates that

the lexeme does not include the symbol that brought us to the
accepting state.

All states has an action attached to it, which is executed when the
state is reached. Usually, such actions returns a token and its
attribute value.
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Transition Diagram for Identifier
and Keywords

* Indicates Retraction State

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Transition Diagram for Relational

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Transition Diagram for Relational

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Transition Diagram for Unsigned
Numbers in C

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Design a regular definition and transition

diagram notation for hex and octal constants.
Consider hex notation for your compiler must
initiate with 0x whereas octal notation should
initiate with 0. In addition, both the notations
may include the Qualifier (unsigned or long or
null) as a suffix (at the end of their respective

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Transition Diagram for Hex and Oct

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Construct a generalized DFA to capture the

patterns of logical operators, integers and real
numbers. Regular expressions [.][a][n][d][.], [.]
[o][r][.], [.][n][o][t][.], [0-9][0-9]* and [0-9][0-
9]*[.][0-9][0-9] respectively define patterns for
logical and, or, not and integer and real numbers.
How will you tokenize the following i/p?
Explain the step by step procedure precisely.
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Transition Diagram

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Transition Diagram for Identifiers
and Keywords

* Indicates Retraction State

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Lexical Analyzer Implementation
from Transition Diagrams

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Transition Diagram for Hex and Oct

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Lexical Analyzer Implementation
from Transition Diagrams

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Lexical Analyzer Implementation
from Transition Diagrams

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Lexical Analyzer Implementation
from Transition Diagrams

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Transition Diagram for Integer

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Lexical Analyzer Implementation
from Transition Diagram

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Generation of Lexical Analyzer
from Transition Diagram

Different transition diagrams must be combined

appropriately to generate a lexical analyzer.
• Merging different transition diagrams is not so easy.

Trace different transition diagrams one after


To find the longest match, all transition diagrams

must be tried and the longest match must be used.
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Lexical Analyzer Generator

I/P to the Generator

• List of regular expressions in priority order

• Associated actions for each of regular expression (generates
kind of token and other book keeping information)

O/P of the Generator

• Program that reads input character stream and breaks that into
• Reports lexical errors (unexpected characters), if any
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Thank You

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