Why I Live in Mortal Dread of Public Speaking

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Why I Live in Mortal Dread of Public Speaking

-Megan Washington-

At first, when I click the video, I have no idea about her. I don’t know her and I didn’t
know the purpose of it. I just think that it’s all about public speaking on how she delivers it so
well, thinking that she has afraid of public speaking like me and how it become more helpful to
others especially for me to overcome my public speaking or speech. Although when I see the
video, I find that my thinking was wrong. It has a big motivation to us to face the struggle in our
life which is public speaking because some of us is afraid in speaking like in front of the class
and crowded people.

Megan Washington has a speech impediment which is stuttering. Medlineplus.gov stated

that Stuttering can affect anyone. It is most common in young children who are still learning to
speak. Boys are three times more likely to stutter than girls. Most children stop stuttering as they
grow older. Less than 1 percent of adults stutter. Scientists don't fully understand why some
people stutter. The problem seems to run in families. There is no cure, but treatments can help.
They include stuttering therapy, electronic devices, and self-help groups. Starting stuttering
therapy early for young children can keep it from becoming a lifelong problem.

The subject of the video which is TED talk was language. The video is about to open
Megan Washington problem and shares with the audience that she has a speech impediment and
shows how language is important to her because of this. The structure of her talk worked out
very well because it honestly felt more like a story being told than a speech. She tells us what it’s
like growing up with a stutter, and what it’s like coming up through the music business with a
stutter. These intimate stories, along with numerous jokes, helped her connect with the audience
and keep their attention.

According to research, Megan Washington is one of Australia’s premiere

singer/songwriters. In the video which is TED talk, I was amaze in the way that she reveals on
how she copes with the speech impediment from avoiding the letter combination “st” to tricking
her brain by changing her words at the last minute.

Because of her speech about her condition, it makes an example to us that public
speaking can be achievable despite of biggest fears that we have. The video is so much helpful
for those who are trying to overcome in public speaking like me. In addition, we able to get
motivation from her despite of having stutter that can never discourage her to not be who she is
today. I was really shocked in the part of the video when she said that "it’s impossible to stutter
when you sing", listening to her sing makes me think how complex and interesting the mind
really is. Megan is really quite inspiring on how she continues to push farther and higher with her
music, letting nothing stop her.
Speaking in front of hundred people is not easy just like Megan Washington did. I
wonder what happens inside the brain in order for singing not to affect her stuttering. I would
have thought that singing would be impossible to a person who stutters but I might get wrong.
Her effort in talking in front of hundreds of people with a speech impediment is truly inspiring. If
she is able to build the courage to stand up in front of the stage, the sky is the limit

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