Holy Discontent 10.27

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Holy Discontent

Nehemiah 1

1. What is something trivial that you feel discontented with right now (ex. the wallpaper in your
bathroom)? Do you plan to address it or just live with the discontent?

2. Why do you think Nehemiah was so upset about the walls and gates of Jerusalem? Have you ever
felt similar grief over an issue? What were the circumstances?

3. Bill Hybels defines a holy discontent as the one aspect of this broken world that, when you see it,
touch it, get near it, you just can't stand. Very likely, that firestorm of frustration reflects your holy
discontent, a reality so troubling that you are thrust off the couch and into the game1. Based on this
definition, do you have (or have you had in the past) a holy discontent over anything? Is it a
problem if we do not have a holy discontent? What might that indicate to us?

4. Examine: do my actions, attitudes, and priorities show that I believe that Omaha is a city deeply
loved by God? What would people point to in answering this question about me? What would
need to change to make this more true of my life?

5. How do each of these statistics Pastor Mark mentioned stir a holy discontent in you?
 500,000+ people disconnected from God in Omaha
 Racial segregation in Omaha
 High poverty rate for minority children in Omaha

6. What roles do prayer and action both play in response to a holy discontent? How have you
experienced these things (or observed them in others) regarding a holy discontent?

7. As we begin this study of Nehemiah, will you commit yourself to one or more of the following:
Ask God to give you a holy discontent that you cannot ignore
Dream together as a group about how you might respond to a holy discontent together
Prioritize your life in a way that enables you to address your holy discontent

Holy Discontent: Fueling the Fires that Ignite Personal Vision, Bill Hybels, Zondrevan Publishing

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