SP-Sample Employee Sanction Policy
SP-Sample Employee Sanction Policy
SP-Sample Employee Sanction Policy
As an employee of our practice, you must understand that the examples below are given as examples only and that
there are other violations of HIPAA law that will be followed by disciplinary action. Disciplinary action is also dependent
upon many variables; sanctions will be commensurate with the severity of noncompliance with our security policies and
procedures on a case-by-case basis. The identification and definition of such sanctions will occur with the appropriate
involvement as our compliance officer, office management and possibly legal counsel. All actions will be documented.
All employees must report suspected or known practice team members who are noncompliant with policies and
procedures. Our office will not intimidate or retaliate against any individual report acts or practices that are unlawful,
provided the individual in good faith believes that the practice is unlawful and reporting such a case is reasonable and
does not disclose PHI in violation of HIPAA law. In addition, sanctions will not be applied against whistleblowers were
practice team member crime victims or disclosing PHI to further their own case.
Incident Sanction
Level 1: Accidental Breach Warning and Re-Education
Possible Scenarios: A verbal warning will be documented
Employee does not log off the computer after use in the employee’s file on the
Employee faxes the wrong PHI to another practice disciplinary action form. Mandatory
Employee forgets to get a signed acknowledgement of receipt of the re-education and training will occur
Notice of Privacy Practices for the first offense. Continued
Employee emails PHI to the wrong email address offensives will lead to progressive
disciplinary action up to and
including suspension and
Written Warning, Re-Education, and
Level 2: Intentional Breach Without Harmful or Dishonest Intention
Possible Suspension
Possible Scenarios: A written warning will be
Employee views patient records out of curiosity, not necessity documented in the employee’s file
Employee shares PHI because the information is interesting or gossip- on the disciplinary action form.
worthy, but not for treatment Mandatory re-education and training
Employee shares computer password will occur for the first offense.
Employee discusses confidential patient information in an unsecure area Continued offensives will lead to
progressive disciplinary action up to
and including suspension
Level 3: Willful or Intentional Breach with Harmful or Dishonest Intentions Termination
Possible Scenarios:
Using PHI for personal gain, such as marketing without an authorization A disciplinary action form will be
Using PHI to cause harm, such as exposing information to unauthorized completed, termination will occur,
individuals out of spite or dislike of the owner of the PHI. along with possible referral to law
Gives access to a restricted area to an unauthorized individual enforcement.
Gives access to PHI to an unauthorized individual