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We know how
silo technik


Since its founding in 1906, Claudius Peters has become one of the world’s
most respected engineering houses and an innovative world leader. Its German
engineering excellence continues to set benchmarks for the design, manufacture
Methods of discharge 4
and commissioning of materials handling and processing systems for the gypsum,
Expansion chamber 6
cement, coal, alumina, steel and bulk-handling industries.
EC Storage silo 8

IC Storage silo 10 From conception and installation through to commissioning and after-sales
ME Storage silo 12 support, Claudius Peters provides world-class service to the world’s biggest
CC Storage silo 13 bulk materials producers.
Multi-storage silo 14
The company is part of the Claudius Peters Group GmbH, headquartered in
MC Mixing silo 16
Buxtehude near Hamburg, Germany, with regional offices in the Americas, Asia
Plant optimization 19
and Europe.

2 Claudius Peters’ headquarters, Buxtehude, Germany.

Technology you can trust

With more than 3,000 silo systems sold worldwide, Claudius Peters is a major
contributor to the current international standards for silo design.
More than
In addition, the Claudius Peters Technikum Developed by Claudius Peters, the expansion 13,000 bulk solid
(Technical Center) is a state-of-the-art testing chamber principle, along with its patented samples entered
and research facility, where the analysis of optional inspection chamber for storage silos
bulk solids determines the design of Claudius and overflow pipes for mixing silos, have
into our database
Peters equipment and processes. become standards in world silo technology.

Typical Claudius Peters steel silo. Typical Claudius Peters concrete silo. Claudius Peters Technikum.

Detail of Claudius Peters silo bottom.

methods of discharge

Identifying suitable discharge methods

Through a Through a Out in a

World leaders central point: straight line: circular line::
n A
 dvantageous statics n C
 ostly statics for n A
in advanced silo for construction construction statics for
technology n R
 educed flow profile n G
 ood flow profile
up to funnel flow and due to flat flow n G
 ood flow profile,
arching behaviour flat flow behaviour
n E xcellent solution for n E xcellent solution by mounting a
small silos for small silos displacement cone

n S
 teep cone promotes n C
 one promotes n E xcellent solution
mass flow mass flow for all silo sizes

4 Claudius Peters cement storage silo.

Selecting cone or chamber

Since the circular line discharge principle offers the most advantages,
Claudius Peters’ silo designs support this by incorporating either cone or
chamber discharge methods in their construction.

Discharge in a cone design occurs through

several small outlets, while the chamber design
provides large surface outlets and a central
discharge outlet. Both designs guarantee
optimum aeration of the silo bottom. Special, large diameter, silo base design.

Silo type EC IC ME MS CC MC
Outlets / number P/1 P/2–4 P/3–9 P / variable P/1–4 P /1
Expansion / Inspection +/- +/+ -/- variable / variable -/- +/-
Filling level / ∅ 1-3:1 1-3:1 1-3:1 1-3:1 1-3:1 up to ~ 3 : 1
Standard silo – ∅ 10 - 30 m 10 - 30 m 10 - 30 m as required > 30 m 4 - 14 m 10 - 30 m
Reclaim rate / Room utilizat. > 99% / 95% >99% / 91% >99% / 88% 99% / 88% >99% / 86% 99% / 95%
Mix. effect 10:1
P = pneumatic
expansion chamber

The largest possible storage volume

Expansion chamber technology is synonymous with Claudius Peters – the

Industry-changing company that originally invented it. The process of developing this revolutionary
silo technology involved two key engineering challenges:
‘cone in a cylinder’
silo technology
n H
 ow to create a room inside a silo, Claudius Peters product range offers:
separated from the material pressure
n H
 igh flow capacities with minimal
of the main silo
residual product
n H
 ow to make adequate use of the
n U
 se of the chamber as additional
conical chamber while maintaining
material storage
optimum flow conditions
n Only a few outlets are required

n S
 ignificant reduction in investment and
This system, which now forms the basis for all maintenance costs for control systems,
dosing and shut-off equipment
types of Claudius Peters silos, involves a
discharge system in which the displacement
cone, with its concrete or steel structure,
moves the bulk solids close to the silo wall,
thereby augmenting ‘first in/first out’ operation.

Expansion chamber under construction.

Completed expansion chamber.

The principle To re-establish normal pressure conditions,
To achieve a free and unobstructed material excess air is allowed to escape into the upper
flow, almost 40% of the area around the cone chamber area, where it is dedusted. This is Cost-effective
base is used as an opening. The complete important in ensuring a uniform discharge as operation that
silo bottom is covered with open aeroslides, well as even, pulsation-free material flow for
radially arranged and aerated in sections. subsequent loading or packing. Compared to delivers uniform
fully aerated material, partially de-aerated discharge
A control system to ensure material ensures a low velocity and as a result,
cost-effective operation a highly reduced wear rate for the conveyors.
A controlled air supply causes the pressurized
bulk material to flow from the main silo room
into the inner cone area. Short flow distances
minimize areas of dead, unmoved material.


Aeration Discharge Dedusting

EC silo principle.
EC storage silo

With expansion chamber

Utilizing the advantages of expansion chamber technology, the EC storage silo

Highest usable type makes use of the complete expansion area for additional storage of bulk
solids, resulting in a reduction of building height and therefore building costs.
storage volume in
the market The sloped silo bottom reaches over the whole The aerated bulk solid flows directly from the
silo diameter and is entirely covered with main silo through the large cone openings into
radially arranged open aeroslides. To facilitate the expansion chamber where it is partially de-
better material activation, aeration of the main aerated and then transported to the central
silo and the chamber are kept separate. Further discharge. A constant material level in the
separation into smaller sections guarantees expansion chamber ensures a consistent, even
that the air is always fed where it is needed, material discharge. As a result the EC storage
resulting in reduced operating costs. silo offers the best space utilization by far, as
well as low purchasing costs and a rapid return
on investment.

EC storage silo, Kantvik, Finland.

8 Cross section of inspection chamber silo.

Rotating synchronous
aeration of outer ring 16 1
1-16 and chamber
sections 41-44. 15 2

14 3

44 41
13 4
Central discharge.
12 5
43 42

11 6

10 7
9 8
Aerated 1 9 5 13 41 43 42 44 aerated
Expansion chamber interior.

EC storage silo features:

n  apacities of 2,500t to 60,000t
n Diameters of 10m to 30m
n Discharge capacities up to 1,000t/h Expansion chamber exterior.

n Reclaim rate >99%

n Energy consumption approx. 0.03kWh/t
of discharged bulk solid
n Expansion chamber ensuring continuous
material discharge
n First in/first out principle
n Additional storage space
n Only one outlet necessary
n In-chamber de-dusting
n Low discharge speeds
n Reduced wear in the discharge equipment

IC storage silo

With inspection chamber

The IC storage silo combines the proven expansion chamber principle with
‘Chamber in an accessible inspection chamber.

chamber’ principle
A ‘chamber-in-chamber’ principle allows the The aerated bulk material flows from the main
offers easy expansion chamber to be used for maintenance silo via the expansion chamber to the discharge
maintenance work as well as storage. It also enables rapid points. Expansion of the material, de-dusting of
access to the outlet area for easy maintenance, the exhaust air and monitoring of the material
with the inspection chamber being used to levels are all carried out concurrently.
house the exhaust air filter system and other
plant components. Compared to other types, the IC storage silo
offers low maintenance, minimal equipment and
As with the EC silo type, the inspection chamber a compact building structure.
design incorporates an annular expansion
chamber and a ring channel equipped with
circumferentially arranged aeroslides slanted to
the discharge. Additional discharge arrange-
ments can easily be installed at any time.

IC storage silo, Saudi Arabia.

10 Cross section of inspection chamber silo.

Rotating synchronous aeration
of outer ring 1-16 and ring
channel sections 41-42. 16 1
15 2

14 3
13 4
Ring channel.

12 5
11 6

10 7
9 8

Aerated Non aerated Ring channel inspection.

IC storage silo features:

n Capacities of 2,500t to 60,000t n Only 2-4 outlets required
Inspection chamber.
n Diameters of 10m to 30m n Dedusting in the chamber
n Discharge capacities up to 1,000t/h n L ower material velocity reduces wear
n Reclaim rate >99% and tear at the discharge outlet

n E nergy consumption approx. 0.03kWh/t n Inspection chamber

of discharged bulk solid n Inspection can be carried out while silo
n E xpansion chamber promoting continuous is full
material discharge n C
 ompact construction integrating
n First in/first out principle exhaust air filter system in the inner
area of the chamber
n Additional storage space

ME storage silo

With multi-extraction

Another alternative for bulk solid storage is the ME silo type which applies
Bulk solids can the concept of multi-extraction.

be extracted
This silo is also equipped with a displacement From the outlets, the material flows via closed
simultaneously at cone which covers the silo bottom almost entirely. aeroslides into a centrally installed collecting bin,
different points Unlike the EC silo type, this design has a large inside which excess air pressure is relieved. Dust
number of outlets. The silo bottom located from the aeration air is then returned into the
between the silo wall and cone is completely system before the material is distributed to
covered by circumferentially arranged open bagging and loading stations.
aeroslides. The outlets are divided into small,
slanted sections to optimize air usage.

ME storage silo features:

16 1
15 2
n Capacities of 2,500t to 60,000t
14 3
n Diameters of 10m to 30m
13 17 4 n Discharge capacities up to 1,000t/h
n Residual discharge >99%
12 5
n E nergy consumption approx. 0.04kWh/t
11 6 of discharged bulk solid
10 7 n D
 isplacement cone promoting use as
9 8
room for aggregates and filters
n First in/first out principle
1 9 5 13 17 18 n Facilitating many outlets (3-9)
n C
 ollecting bin/pot for de-dusting and
buffering the material
Rotating aeration of bottom section 1-16.
Permanent aeration of aeroslide 17 and collecting bin 18.

Cross section of ME silo.

Silo discharge. Collecting bin, feeding. Collecting bin, discharge.

CC storage silo

The Conventional Cone (CC) silo, especially suited to small silo units, is basically
a conventional cone silo where the lower section of the cone is cut and replaced
by an aerated CC standard bottom.

Compact design means that this type of silo The CC silo bottom can be used to convert
bottom needs less fluidization equipment and existing conventional cone silos to produce
as a result less energy compared to a con- significantly improved discharge characteristics, or
ventional silo. It guarantees excellent discharge be easily applied to new installations. A CC silo
characteristics, even for materials which do not bottom with a standard 3.5 metre diameter can
fluidize very well. Other bulk materials, like support silos of up to 8 metres diameter, with
gypsum, quicklime and lime hydrate can also 5.5 metre and 7.5 metre options available if
Erection of the CC silo.
be stored and discharged with the CC silo. higher capacities are needed.

With the CC silo configuration, sectors are

alternately aerated at pre-set times, ensuring
almost complete discharge of the silo.
CC storage silo features:
n High material flow This process does not affect the filling
n Excellent reclaim rate procedure. Aeroslides arranged on the silo
n R
 eduction in required equipment bottom support discharge by fluidizing the
and energy
stored material. Fluidized material then flows
n Suitable for small silo units
along the inclined aeroslide to the outlets via
n Q
 uick and easy on-site erection through gravity. Sector size is optimized to maintain
pre-installed silo bottom
flow and eliminate the possibility of bridging.
n R
 educed building height for
new installations at the same
storage volume

Cross section of CC silo.

Aeration in a CC silo.

Storage CC silo after completion, Austria.

multi-storage silos

Maximum efficiency in loading, packing and mixing

Multi-storage silos, mainly used in cement works and cement terminals, offer
Store a range of various storage possibilities whilst using all available space within the silo.

different materials
In addition to cement, raw meal and gypsum it Working closely with its clients, Claudius Peters
simultaneously is also possible to separately store additives draws on many decades of experience to
such as slag, fly ash or mixed cements and to provide tailor-made systems that deliver the
have these materials ready for use at all times. right technology in timely and cost-effective ways.
When connected to mixing, packing and
loading systems, this silo type is a highly
versatile solution to storage problems.

Loading technology.

Bagging technology.

14 Mixing cement systems. Cross section of multi-storage silo.

As a global market leader for turnkey plants,
Claudius Peters can produce multi-storage
silo solutions for every conceivable need.

Silo terminals consisting of storage silos with

mixing and blending technology, packing plant
and loading systems are all operated and
controlled by Claudius Peters state-of-the-art
control systems, designed in-house by our
experienced electrical engineers. Dispatch automation.

Batch-type mixer – HTC 6,300. Multi-storage silo with mixing components.

Polygon silo: Round silo:

n Ideal for several small bulk solid n Ideal for large quantities of bulk solids
quantities n Inner silo with outer ring silo
n Simple, economic construction n Compact design
n Easily expandable

mixing technology

Claudius Peters mixing silo solutions enable plant operators to achieve low
discharge variations within raw meal mixtures, improving product quality
and optimizing a key part of the processing chain.

The more homogeneous the better

Economic kiln operation is largely dependent The three steps of mixing silos:
on the condition of the raw material, particularly
in cement and other applications. From quarry to
n Step 1: Multi-flow feeding
rotary kiln feeding, raw materials undergo a
Utilizing the principle of ‘the thinner the layer,
variety of processes before they are supplied to
the better the mixing effect’, raw material
the clinker production process. The mixing silo
is fed evenly over the whole silo area via a
is a crucial part of this process as it is the last
special distributor in the silo ceiling (multi-flow
quality-improving step within the processing
feeding). Thin layers of different raw material
chain before kiln feeding.
concentrations are produced.

Achieving optimum mixture

Mixing effects and discharge variations, a
silo’s key performance indicators, are deter-
n Step 2: Gravity mixing in the main silo room
mined by the ratio of inlet and discharge
Due to special bottom aeration within the silo, the
variations of raw meal components.
raw material travels in a funnel flow produced by
gravity. The different layers are mixed by
Claudius Peters mixing technology is designed so
the material exchange to compensate long-
that high levels of discharge variation can be
term variations. An additional mixing effect is
controlled and reduced to achieve the optimum
produced by rotating material discharge into the
mixing effect.
mixing chamber.

In addition, combining Claudius Peters pre-

blending bed technology with stackers and
reclaimers as well as Claudius Peters mixing
n Step 3: Pneumatic mixing in the mixing chamber
silos produces the optimum raw meal mixture.
Claudius Peters mixing silos are equipped with
mixing chamber sections that can be aerated
separately. In this way the segments can be
supplied with air quantities that not only fluidize the
raw meal but also mix it intensively, guaranteeing a
low discharge variation.

MC mixing silo
Intimate mixing for optimum raw meal mix

The Claudius Peters MC mixing silo is uniquely constructed to provide short

travel paths and compact intense mixing areas within the chamber.
MC mixing silo features: The silo also incorporates the Claudius Peters
n Storage capacity of 2,500t to 60,000t patented overflow pipe, which increases the and storage
material mixing time while keeping air usage
n Diameters of 10m to 30m
down to a minimum, ensuring perfect and
n Discharge capacities up to 1,000t/h
economical homogenization.
n Mixing effect up to 15:1
n Residual discharge >99%
n Lowest energy consumption
n Lowest discharge fluctuations possible
n M
 ixing / expansion chamber for
continuous mixing operation
n Additional mixing step
n Additional storage room
n Avoidance of separation
16 1
n Intensive de-dusting in the chamber 15 2

leading to reduced discharge velocity 14 3

n Wear reduction on the discharge devices 13

44 41
n P
 atented overflow pipe increasing the 12 43
retention time of the material in the Expansion 11 6
mixing chamber
10 7
n Increased mixing effect 9 8
n Reduced discharge fluctuations 1 9 5 13 41 43 42 45

n Low construction height

n Low investment costs
n S
 econd discharge in the lowest point Aeration Discharge Dedusting
Rotating synchronous aeration of outer ring
of the silo bottom, minimizing any 1-16 and chamber segments 41-44.
residual product

Silo system Rüdersdorf, Germany. Multi-flow feeding. Patented overflow pipe. Silo discharge system.
MC mixing silo

Continuous mixing with mixing chamber Automatic flow control gates at the outlet,
With the MC mixing silo the expansion chamber combined with a flow control facility, ensures
Online calibration can be used concurrently for homogenization controlled kiln feeding. The MC silo is highly
and storage of the raw material. energy efficient. The mixing chamber, with its
ensures smooth
integrated over-flow pipe, ensures optimal
kiln-feeding Raw meal is fed to the silo via a multi-flow mixing performance, simultaneously keeping
feeding system, with the number of feeding discharge fluctuations as low as possible.
points being determined by the diameter of the
silo. This ensures an optimum and even Flow control technology
distribution of the bulk material into the silo. Claudius Peters flow control technology enables
During operation, aerated material funnel- maximum blend efficiency, optimum kiln
flows into the mixing chamber, which is made operation and lower energy consumption.
up of independent sections, each having
varying air-flow characteristics. This produces Mixing silos are connected to a flow control
the best mixing possible. facility which meters the raw meal to the pre-
heater of the kiln. The system consists of a
Discharge occurs mainly via the centrally control bin, flow control gates and a continuous
arranged overflow pipe, which as well as weighing device. During the continuous,
increasing retention time, ensures that material pulsation free, pre-heater feeding (by airlift or
cannot pass straight through without having bucket elevator), the raw meal metering device is
been mixed intensively. calibrated online to ensure the requirements of
the kiln are met without any feed interruption.

Mixing silo with flow control facility

and airlift – pre-heater feeding
arranged below.

Single operation: Half-parallel operation: Parallel operation:

n S
 imultaneous feeding and n S
 imultaneous feeding  imultaneous feeding and
n S
discharge of several silos while discharge of several silos is
n C
 ost-advantageous because discharging out of one silo possible
only one system is used n D
 ouble availability n D
 ouble availability for a safe
n Mixing effects of up to 7:1 guarantees full functionality, production process
e.g. during inspection work n Mixing effects of up to 15:1
n Mixing effects of up to 10:1

Mixing silo with flow control facility –

pre-heater feeding arranged alongside.

plant optimization

Boost plant efficiency and expand operation – a full range of proven

modernization options from Claudius Peters.

Your perfect modernization partner Efficient mixing operations

For modernizing or optimizing existing plants, An expansion chamber of prefabricated steel or
Claudius Peters is your perfect partner, concrete segments, installation of multi-flow Tailored
providing concepts and solutions that can be feeding and process automation and covering
customized to even highly specific situations. the silo bottom with aeroslides will all help to
maximize the efficiency of mixing operations. options to enhance
Modernizing or upgrading plant will bring processes and
appreciable increases in storage capacity as
well as streamlining operations into an efficient,
boost output
modern unit capable of up to 99% discharge.

Retrofitting and updating can increase the

mixing effects of a silo by up to 50% whilst at
the same time reducing energy consumption. It
should be considered when a plant is being
extended, or where there is the need for a
higher discharge rate or for a silo to be used
for other materials.

It should also be considered if there are signs

that silos are no longer operating efficiently,
with evidence of dead zones, coarse particle
separation or a tendency to core flow.
Modification of a grain terminal to a cement terminal. Steel mixing expansion chamber,
retrofitted in old silo.

Two-storey silo (combined mixing and storage silo)
of old design without expansion chamber.

Two-storey silo after modernization
with expansion chamber:
n Continuous mixing operation
n High discharge output
n H
 igh usable silo volume, thus >99%
of the available storage capacity is used
n Reduction of energy consumption
n Pulsation-free operation
Before After
Claudius Peters Projects GmbH Claudius Peters Technologies SAS
Schanzenstraße 40 34 Avenue de Suisse
DE-21614 Buxtehude, Germany F-68316 Illzach, France
T: +49 4161 706-0 T: +33 3 89 31 33 00
E: E:

CALCINING Claudius Peters (do Brasil) Ltda. Claudius Peters (România) S.R.L.
Rua das Figueiras, 474 - 3 º andar - Edifício Str. Oituz Nr. 25C, et 2, 550337 Sibiu,
Eiffel - Bairro Jardim - 09080-300 - Santo România
DISPATCH André / SP, Brazil T: +40 (0) 369 407 036
DOSING T: +55 (11) 4903 9230 E:
DRY BLENDING Claudius Peters (Asia Pacific) Pte. Ltd.
DRYING Claudius Peters (China) Ltd. 25 International Business Park,
Unit 1706-1706, #01-65/66 German Centre,
17/F Laws Commercial Plaza, Singapore 609916
PACKING 788 Cheung Sha Wan Road, T: +65 6562 9100
PNEUMATIC CONVEYING Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong E:
T: +852 2544 1848
PULVERIZED FUEL SUPPLY Claudius Peters (Ibérica) S.A.
Paseo de la Habana, 202 Bis Bj,
Branch Office: E-28036 Madrid, Spain
STOCKYARD SYSTEMS 7/F, Office Block, Hong Kong Macau Centre, T: +34 91 413 36 16
ALUMINA HANDLING SYSTEMS No. 2 Chaoyangmen Bei Da Jie, E:
Beijing 100027, P. R. China
T: +86 10 6501 3831
TURNKEY PROJECTS Unit 10, Thatcham Business Village,
Colthrop Way, Thatcham, Berkshire,
Claudius Peters (India) Pvt. Ltd. RG19 4LW, United Kingdom
Unit 408, 4th Floor, Peninsula Plaza, T: +44 (0) 1635 872139
A/16 Fun Republic Lane, Off Link Road, E:
Andheri West, Mumbai 400 053, India
Claudius Peters (Americas) Inc.
T: +91 (22) 2674 0045
445 West Bush Turnpike, Richardson,
Texas 75080, USA
Claudius Peters (Italiana) srl T: +1 972 386 4451
Via Verdi 2, I-24121 Bergamo, Italy E:
T: +39 0 35 237 196

We know how
CP Silo Technik (GB) 08/2014 / Issue 1. Due to a policy of continued improvement, we reserve
the right to change any specification without prior notice. ERRORS & OMISSIONS EXCEPTED.
Printed on a Manroland R700 press.

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