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Steel gate, globe and check valves for sizes DN 100 and smaller, for the petroleum and natural gas industries ‘The European Standard EN ISO 15761:2002 has the status of a British Standard 108 75.160.29 CONTROLED COPY NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW | BS ENISO 15761:2002 | Incorporating | Corrigendum No. 1 i | i | -: British Standard was ‘lished under the authority Ihe Standards Poliey and ategy Committee on Mareh 2003 311 May 2003 +0580 41406x. National foreword ‘This British Standard is the official English language version of EI BS ISO 15761-2002, It 2:1981 which is withdrawn, identical with ISO 15 61:2002. It supersedes ‘The UK participation in irs preparation was entrusted by Technical Committee PS) industy 7. Industrial valves, w Subcommittee PSE/T/9, Valves for the petroleum which has the responsibility to: —~ aid enquirers to understand the text; —_ present to the responsible international/Buropean committee any enquiries on the interpretation, or proposals for change, and keep the UK interests informed; — monitor related international and European developments and promulgate them in the UK. A list of organizations represented on this subcommittee can be obtained on request to its secretary. Cross-references ‘Phe British Standards which implement international or European. publications referred to in this document may be found in the BS/ Catalogue ‘under the section entitled “International Standards Correspondence Index", or by using the “Search” facility of the BS/ Electronic Catalogue or of British Standards Online. ‘This Publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application Compliance with a British Standard does not of itselfconfer immunity from legal obligations. Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the EN ISO title page, the EN ISO foreword page, the ISO title page, pages ii to v, a blank page, pages I to 36, the Annex ZA page and a back coves. ‘The BSI copyright date displayed in thie document indicates when the docuzsent was last issued, Amendments issued since publication Amd. No. Date [Comments 14475 ‘Corrigendum No. 1 [1 May 2003, [Correction 10 EN 180 foreword page and laddition of Annex ZA. page [CONTROLLE! EUROPEAN STANDARD EN ISO 15761 NORME EUROPEENNE EUROPAISCHE NORM December 2002 les 75.180.20 English version Steel gate, globe and check valves for sizes DN 100 and smaller, for the petroleum and natural gas industries (ISO 45761:2002) Robinets-vannes, rcbinets & sOupape at clapets de non- retour en acier de dimensions ON 100 et infeneures, pouc es industries du petiole et du gaz naturel (ISO 115761:2002) ‘This European Standard was spproved by CEN on 7 November 2002, CEN members are bound to comply with the CENICENELEC Internal Regulstions which stipulate the consitios for giving this European ‘Standa’d the status of a national standard vethout ary alteration. Up-to-date lists ard pibiographical references concerning such narions! Standards may be obtained of application to the Management Centre or Ye any GEN member ‘Tes European Standard exists in three offi! versions (English, French, German). Aversion in any other language made by transis Under the responsibilty of a CEN member int is own language and noid 1 the Management Centre has the same status as the ©° version. CEN members are the nations standards boc'es of Austia, Belglum, Czech Republic, Denmatk, Finland, France, Germeny, Gres: leeiand, ireland, aly, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Porugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kngdor, ——_ EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION COMITE EUROPEEN DE NORMALISATION EUROPAISCHES KOMITEE FOR NORMUNG Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 368-1050 Byussele ©2002 CEN All ight of exooitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No, ENISO 16761:2002 © ‘woriewide for CEN rational Members SONTROLL ~ aa | CORRECTED 2003-04-09 | Foreword This document (EN ISO 19761:2002) has been crepated by Technical Committee ISO/TC 153 Valves" in collaboration with Technical Committee CEN(TC 12 "Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum and natural gas industries”, the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR, This European Standard shail be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text ar by endorsement, at the latest by June 2003, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by June 2003. ‘According to the CEN/CENELEC internat Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries ace bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, ireland, italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Partugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, Endorsement notice ‘The text of ISO 15761-2002 has been approved by CEN as EN ISO 15761:2002 without any ‘modifications, NOTE Normative references to Intemational Standards are listed in Annex ZA (normative). PAR AR AHAB HM WAM A BRON EN ISO 15761:2002 INTERNATIONAL ISO STANDARD 15761 Steel gate, globe and check valves for sizes DN 100 and smaller, for the petroleum and natural gas industries Robinets-vannes, robinets 4 soupape at clapets de non-retour en acier de dimensions DN 100 et inférieures, pour les industries du pétrole ef du gaz naturel SN 18U 1576 1:2002 i EN ISO 15761:2002 Contents 4 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4. Pressureitemperature ratings AA Valve ratings 42. Temperature constraints 5 Desk 5.1. Reference design 52 Flow passageway 5.3. Wall thickness 5.4. Valve body ‘55. Valve bonnet or cover 5.6 Obturator $7. Stom ‘2 5.8 Stem nut or stem bushing 5.9 Packing, packing chamber and gland 5.10 Packing retention .. 5.11 Hand wheel... 6 Materials . 6.1 Tim materials .. 6.2. Materials other than trim 7. Marking 71 Legibitity. 7.2. Body marking 7.3. Ring joint groove marking 7.4, \dentification plate marking . ‘8 Testing and inspection .. 1 Pressure tests ‘82 Inspection ‘9 Preparation for despatch Annexes Requirements for extended body gate valve bodies. A 8 Requirements for valves with bellows stem seals... © Type testing of bellows stem seals. D & Mdentification of valve parts... Information to be specified by the purchaser Bibliography... 24 25 28 3 34 36 “ISO 15761:2002 « e © “e < o c -eword a ©, {the Intercatlonal Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO © 1ber bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally cartied out through ISO techies & mittees, Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established hae pe ight to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, it 2a auth 180. also take part in the work. (SO collaborates closely with the Intemational Electrotechnical < mission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization : ej national Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part Beacuiner “sp. = “ International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for vt, © icallon as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vate: £ ition is drawn to the. possibility that some of the elements of this international Standat at rights. ISO shall not be treld responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. national Standard (SO 15761 was prepared 1, manufacture, marking and testing. rd may be the subject of Ck by Technical Committee ISOITC 153, Valves, Suboammitice SC 1, 2x88 A.B and C form a normative part of this International Standard, Annexes D and E are for information only. EN ISO 15761:2002 introduction ‘The purpose of this international Standard is {6 establish basic requicements and practices for socket welding, Dutt welding, threaded and flanged end, steel gate, globe and check valves with reduced body seat openings, whose general construction parallels that specified by the American Petroleum Institute standard API 602!"! and the British Standard BS 5352! ‘The form ofthis International Standard corresponds to ISO 6002" and 1SO 10434", However, itis not the purpose of this taternational Standard to replace ISO 6002, ISO 10434 or any other International Standard not identified with petroleum or natural gas industry applications. EN ISO 15761:2002 Steel gate, globe and check valves for sizes DN 100 and smaller, for the petroleum and natural gas industries 4 Scope This International Standard specifies the requirements for a series of compact steel gate, globe and check valves for petroleum and natural gas industry applications, itis applicable to valves of —" nominal sizes DN 8, 10, 15, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 65, 80 and 100, Corresponding to nominal pipe sizes NPS 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 3/4, 1, 1 1/4, 1 1/2, 2,2 412, 3.and 4, and to pressure designations of Class 150, Class 300, Class 600, Class 800 and Class 1500. ‘Class 800 is not a listed class designation, but is an intermediate class number widely used for socket welding and threatied end compact valves. It includes provisions for the following valve characteristics: outside screw with rising stems (OS&Y), in sizes &8 except where specified in the relevant standard 4.” NOTE2 In those standards which use the DN designation system, any relationship between DN and component dimensions ‘should be given, €.9. DNIOD or DNID. |. (Adapted from {SO 6708:1995, definition 2.1.) 4. Pressure/temperature ratings & 41. Valve ratings ' 4.4.4 Applicability , ‘The pressutretemperature ratings applicable to valves specified in this International Standard shall be in accordance 1b . with those specified in the tables of ASME B16,34 for standard class for the applicable material specification and class designation. & p32 Interpolated ratings « g-_Prossuetemperature ratings for Class 800 shalbe determined by the equation : 12 gh és the presture at the specified téraperature, expressed in bars®, for Class 800 rounded to the nearest 0,1 bar. (= 10 kPa): (Sass Baed writer is the listed pressure, at the specified temperature, for Class 600, expressed in bars; is the listed the specified temperature: for Class 900, expressed in bars. - 2) -Preseure designation Class 800 has been added in order to identify widely used socket welding and threaded end valves _ having intermediate preseureftemperature ratings. isnot avaliable for flanged end valves. 8) 1 bar = 0,1 MPa = 10° Pa; 1 MPa = 4 Nimm? fo te tebe, aeey AOU 49 (0L:Z0UL NOTE Pressure designation Class 200 is not specifically referenced in this international Standard because this designation is Seldom used for the compact valves described hacain, However, prescureftempesture ratings for Ins Gesignation are included in the reference given in 4.1.1 42 Temperature constraints 4.2.4 The temperature for a corresponding pressure rating is the maximum temperature of the pressure-containing shell of the valve. In general, this temperature is the same as that of the contained fluid, The use of a pressure rating corresponding to & temperature other than that of the contained fluid is the responsibilty of the user. 4.2.2. Restrictions of temperature and pressure, for example those imposed by special soft seals, special trim materials, packing or bellows stem seals, shall be marked on the valve identification plate (see 7.4). 4.2.3. For temperatures below the lowest temperatuite Usted in the pressurehemperature rating tables (see 4.1), the service pressure shall be no greater than the pressure for the lowest listed temperature. The use of valves at lower than the lowest listed temperature is the Tesporsibilty of the user. Consideration shall be given to the loss of ductility ‘and toughness of marly materials at low temperature. 5 -Design 5A. Reference design 5.1.1. The reference design (the design to be provided when the purchaser does not specify otherwise or does not use annex &} for sizes ON < 100 is for bolted-bonnet or cover construction, an outside stem thread for gate and globe valves and, for globe valves, has a conical disc..The reference design for threadedend valves uses taper pipe ‘treads in accordance with ASME B1.20.1. In addition, for valves DN < 50, the reference design is to have a body and bonnet or cover of forged material. Valve parts are Wentified in annex D. $1.2. Other configurations and types of material may be provided when specified in accordance with annex E. Requirements for extended body valves are given in annex A and those for bellaws stem seals in annexes B and C. 5.2 Flow passageway 5.2.1. The flow passageway includes the seat opening and the body ports leading to that opening. The body ports are the intervening elements that link the seat opening to the end connection, @.g. Socket or flange. 5.2.2. The minimum cross-sectional area requirement for the flow passageway applies for bath the valve body ports, and the seat opening, The minimum equivalent flow passageway cross-sectional area shall not be less than that obtained using the equivaient diameters in Table 1 5.3. Wall thickness 5.3.1 Minimum wall thickness values for valve badies and bonnets are given in Tables 2 and 3. The taking into account such factors as bonnet bolting loads, rigidly needed for stem alignment, valve design details the spectied operating cotons, & responsibe for determining fa larger wal thickness is required. 52.2 The valve-body speciied minimum wall thickness, except forthe vale end connections and body extensions for bellows enclosures, shall be in accacdance with Table 2. . 533 The bonnet specified minimum wall thickness for gate or globe valves, except for the neck extension. that forms the packing chamber entryway, shall be in accordance wilh Table 2. The packing chamber extersion shall have a local minimum wall thickness as specified in Table 3, based on the local inside diameter of the packing and stem hole. NAH hAae OO O64 1-9 AnAAKanannnnrannnoon a EN ISO 15761:2002 ° i v bo 3 Table 1 — Minimum diameter of equivalent flow passageway a3 Tima ameter I ae on es | nes a creme nen Gone | cmnsen | | Is Gate, globe or check [Gate “Grobe | 6 3s | . 6 5 | 38 ‘ Q 8 2 | «2 — 12 = 42. Q w4 7 6 1“ 1 2 2 20 14 28 — a 25 142 26 u a 2 “ 2 202 50 a7 3 “ 70: oes 4 ‘Table 2 — Minimurn wall thickness for valve bodies Wino wall thickness — \ mm Nps ‘Glass 150, Glass 300, Class 600, Class 600 | fi 3a T 38 1 : 33 43 38 4a i 4s 32 48 64 ua 58 \ 1 1 58 8A 144 6a er y 498 ma 119 2 a4 m2 202 ‘a7 785 34 10 2 ng 218 4 [NOTE Wall thickness values Isted for Chase 160, Ciass 200, ard Class 600 are those fequired for Glass 600 ® lon the ascumption that flanged end and but.welding end valve bods oftheso lower nominal pressures woukd hai extoneton added (integral or wolded) to Clsss 800 vale bodies. See 1S0 6002, 150 10434, or JASME 816.34 for anged end or but-welcing end valves having wall hckness requirements ‘afigned to these| lower néminal pressures. x ek gn i General: #0 _ BE) Reauirements for 2 basic valve body and associated end connections are given here. See annex A for fequirements ls Sone ‘valve badies havirig extended ends. Table 3 — Minimum wall thickness for bonriet and bellows extensions Bamnsion | Give 15 Chace 600 [Cass 600] Ga TaD | eside diameter |Win watinees ¢ ne ve 75 ta 30 36 40 : 36 an fi a 4a 39 44 ¢ ft 42 43 € 4a 58 100 6A 10) 64 120 66 130 7A 140 7 |NOTE For bellows extension, soe 8.4 542 Socket-welding ends 14.2.1 The socket bore axis shall coincide with the end entry axis. Socket end faves shall be perpendiciar }o the ‘ocket bore axis, The socket bore diameter and its depth shall be in accordance with Table 4. Table 4 — Socket diameter and depth gale any «beer 365, [+The applicane iametalflrance ts >The depth mension is a ininum vate. ane , bd & SOs ree Table 5. EN ISO 15761:2002 < “The mininwm socket wall thickness, extending over the full socket depth, shall be in accordance with Table 5 — Socket and threaded end minimum wall thickness ‘Minimum wall thickness DN mm Nps. Class800 | Class 1500 8 33 an 14 10 36 43 aa 6 I 4a { 53 12. ieee) 43 a 34 25 5a 88 1 2 53 a 11 50 68 10,7 2 65 78 124 212 of ries in ge Flanged ends rings, integral or loose. used as a welding = _5.413.2 The end threads shall be taper pipe threads meeting the requirements of ASME B1.20.1. When specified in © the purchase order, taper pipe threads in accordance with ISO 7-1 may be substituted. © 842.4. Enctocondcimensions for socket welding end valves shal be established by the manufactures “ End flanges and bonnet flanaes shall be cast or forged integral with the body, except that cast or forged flanges attached by full penetration butt-welding or by inertia welding may be used. A purchaser requiring an integral ‘Range body shall so specify. When a fiange is attached by welding, the welding operator and welding procedure shall ‘be qualifed in accordance with {SO 9606-1 and ISO 9956-1 to 180 9956-5, or ASME-BPVC, Section IX. Alignment shal be completely removed following welding, while care shail be taken that the minimum wall thickness is maintained. Heat treatment following welding, to ensure that the valve body and flange materials are sultable for the full range of service conditions, shall be performed as required by the ‘Material specification, Face-to-face dimensions for flanged end valves, Class 150, Class 300 and Ciass 600, ‘shall be in shall be as showin in Table 6, accordance with ISO 5752 — Basic Series 3, 4 and 5 for gato valves, and §, 10 and 21 for globe and check valves -~ ‘except that the applicable tolerance shall be in accordance with Table 6. For Class 1500, the fave-1o-face dimensions EN ISO 15761-2002 Table 6 — Face-to-face dimensions for Class 1500 a oN a | % | 16 we 20 sa 26 1 pa 278 ~ ~} 40 305 142 50 L 368 2 | 6 a9 21m 80 470 3 400 548 4 The aphiicable length tolerance shall be & 16mm (soa 844.3) [NOTE These dimensions and jolerances aren accordance with ASME B16 16, 5.4.5 Butt-welding ends Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser, butt-welding ends shall be in accordance with Figure 1 and Table 7. The inside and outside surfaces of valve welding ends shall be machine-finished overall. The contour within the envelope is at the option of the manufacturer unless specifically ordered otherwise Intersections should be slightly rounded. {or nominal outside diamotory and wal hicknoss of standard steel pipu, sou ISO 4200, End-to-end dimensions for butt-welding end valves shall be established by the manufacturer. 5.46 Body seats Integral body seats are permitted in austenitic stainless steel bodies. An austenitic stainless steel or a hard facing material may be weld-deposited either directly on a valve body or on a separate body seat ring. Weld- deposited seating surfaces shall have a minimum finished facing material thickness of 1 mm, Body seating surfaces shall not have sharp corners, e.g. corners with an edge disposed to cause damage in conjunction with gate or disc sealing surfaces al either the inner or outer seat circumference. Except as provided in §.4.6.1, valve bodies shall have senarate removable seal ringe that are threaded, rolled or pressed in place, however, rolied or pressed saat rings shall not bo used with globe valves unless they are seal welded. Sealing compounds or greases shall nol be used when assembling seat rings, however, a light lubricant S482 1d pedo kona Uo My Bot aw soy Hb nex Te pe a Ne eee CO! CS a PPP OHE OED 3 35 BN ISO 15761:2002 Dimensions in milimetres io) 1s te rominal ous eter wld ond is he nortan ameter of ep. > F_athemaninal wal anos ote pe ed Figure 1 — Buttwelding ends ao Table 7 — Butt-welding end diameters 1s 3 | e| 7 rhe tolerance or diameter A shallbe + 1 min for ON < 20 and 42,8) — 1 immer ON > 25, [The tolerance for diameter 3 shall be 2 1 mm {see Figure 1). 5.5. Valve bonnet or cover 5.5.1 The bonnet of a gate or globe valve or the covet of a check valve shall be secured to the body, subject to the requirements of §.5.2 to 5.5.8, by one of the following methods: — bolting: — welding; — threaded with a seal wold: — threaded union nut, provided itis of Class < 800. all gasket contact surfaces shall be free of heavy ols, grease and sealing compounds. A light coating of lubricant, no heavier than kerosene, may be applied if needed fo assist in proper gasket assembly. The gasket, unless otherwise Specified by the purchaser, shall be suitable for a valve temperature range of ~29 °C to 540 °C. 5.5.3. Bonnet lange gaskets, unioss otherwise spetified by the purchaser, shall be spical wound metal wth 7 flexible raphite filler. The wound metal shall be of type 18Cr-BNi or 18Ci-BNi-Mo and of either regular or low carbon grade 5 2 ci » ; x, = » acre ere ee » z 2 » a a 3 EN ISO 15761:2002 5.5.4 Bonnet and body flange bolting bearing surfaces shall be paralle! to the flange face within 1°, Spot facing or hack facing requirad to meat this requiromiant shall bo in accordance with ASME 816.5, 5.5.5. A bolted bonnet or over to the body joint shall be secured by a minimum of four cap screws, studs or stud bolts, internal socket head cap screws shall not be used, The minimum bolt size perniitted is M10 (or 3/8 in), 5.5.6 The bolting shall, as @ minimum, meet the following bolt cross-sectional area requirements: De > < FE $95.25 5 < 9.000 Se is the allowable bott stress at 38 °C. expressed in megapascals (when > 138 MPa, use 138 MPa); Pe isthe class designation number, €.9. Glass 800; Ag is the area bounded by the effective outside periphery of the gesket, expressed in square milimetres; Ay isthe total effective bolt tensile stress area, expressed in square milimetres, The value of Ay is @ minimum tensile cross-sectional area requirement for bonnet bolting. The manufacturer is responsible for providing additional bolting area as may be required for valve design details such as gasket compression essentials or specified service conditions, 5.5.7 Threaded pressure-retaining joints shall, as a minimum, meet the following thread shear area requirements: PAB< 4200 where A, isthe tota! effective thread shear stress area, expressed in square millimetres, yes: nininuny requirement for thread sear area forall prassure retaining joints including threaded bonnet joints, The manufaciuter is responsible for providing any additional thread engagement as may be required lor valve design tails such as gasket compression essentials or specified service conditions. 5.5.8. Bonnets welded directly to valve bodies shal be secured by 2 full penetration weld having two or more welding passes (layers). The welding operaior and welding procedure shall be in accordance with 6.2.3. Heat treatment Following welding shall be performed as required by the material specication 5.6 Obturator 5.6.1 Seating surfaces Obturator seating surfaces shall be integral or have a facing of wold inetal. Weld-doposited seating surfaces shalt Draven fisted facing material thieknusss of fn 5.6.2 Gate valve obturators Gale valves shal be provided with a one-piece wedge gate. The installod wedge gate outer seating surfaces shall be free of sharp edges so as not to score or gouge the body seating surfaces curing opening or closing, Aslot near the top of the wedge gate shall be provided to receive the button or tee-tead stem connection ‘The wedge gate shall be guided in the body in a manner that prevents rotation ard leads the gale re-entry between the seats, 4 AOR AHAHNAA ATOR ANONNOHONANNONHEOEEEENND G VA OO ORAM A ATIMIFFHOMAMROHOROMH ODD 822 oOo? EN ISO 15761:2002 5.62.3 The wodge gate shall be designed to account for seat wear. The dimensions that fx the position of the wedge gato soats relative to the body seats shall be such thatthe wedge gate, starting fom the time when the valve is new, ean move into the seats, should the seats wear, a distance defined as wear travel, Wear travels in direction parallel with the valve stem. The required minimum wear ravel, hy, varies wth valve size in accordance with Tabie &. Table 8 — Wear travel distance for gate valve disks ‘Minimum wear travel DN distance ig ne) oS ONE 1 | Wa SNPS <3 25 DNS 32 1 1 NPS 144 40° ON 68 2 Tips wees 7 uD 80s DN 100 BENPS <4 6.6.3. Globo valvo obturators Globe vaives shall be provided with disks that are non-integral with the stom. The disk shall have a conical (plug) seating face or, when specified by the purchaser, atlat seating face, When assembled, the globe valve disk-to-stem retaining design shall be such that the disk cannot become detached from the stem as a result of vibration emanating from either flow through the valve or attached piping ‘movement. The means of disk-to-stem retention shall be of a design that allows the disk to align with the valve seat 5.6.4 Check valve obturators Check valves shall be provided with either piston, ball or swing type obturators. Piston type and ball type check valve obturators shall be guided over the ful length of their travel. The guide ‘and disk combination stall be designed so that a damping of the movement occurs towards the top end of the disk travel Piston check and bail check valves shal be designed so that, when in the fully opened position, the net flow area between the obturator and the body seat is greater than or equal to that of the seat opening corresponding to the seat diameter shown in Table 1 Obturator-to-hinge retaining swuts shall be positively secured by mechanical means, 5.7 Stem 5.74 Stems are designated as either inside screw (ISRS) or outside screw (OS &Y). The reference standard design is OS & Y. Stems with inside screw shall be limited to gate and globe valves having pressure designation Class < 600 in the nominal size range 8 < DN < 65, 5.72 The minimum stem diameter, ds, for gate and globe valves, measured where the stem passes through the Packing, shall be in accordance with Table 9. These are speciied minimum valves, nat design minimum values. The ‘manufacturer, taking into account the stem material, he valve design and the Specified operating conditions, is responsible for determining i a larger diameter stem is required. 8.7.3 The stem shall be one piece wrought material, Stoms fabricated by welding are nol pomilted. ‘Hie stem surface that passes through the packing shall have a surface finish value of fa < 0,80 um. EN ISO 15761 002 Table 9— Minimum stem diameter Tima tm dametr a NPS a 73 7 a ie 10 100 38 i és ‘00 2 » os fa a a 10 140] T4 a | es a a 40, | 145, 15,5 1412 = ; 160 185 2 65. 17.5 ~ 19,0 = 212 a ‘80 230 = 3 zo |__ as = 4 5.7.4 The stem threads shall be of trapezoidal form in accordance with {SO 2902, ISO 2903 and ISO 2304, or ASME 81.5 and ASME B1.8, with nominal dimensional variations allowed. Stem threads shall be such that a direct operated hand whee! rotated in a clockwise direction will close the valve. The major diameter of the stem threads. shall not be less than 1,5 mm below that of the actual stem diameter (see 6.7.2), 5.7.5 The means of stem-to-chturator attachment shall be designed so as to prevent the stem from becoming disengaged from the obturator while the valve is in service. For attachment {o the obturator, the stem shall have an ‘ntegral lee for ovtside stom thread gate valves and an integral cylindrical button for inside stem thread gate valves {and fo" all globe valves. Threaded or pinned stem attachment means shall not be used. 5.7.6 Valve stems, except those used in globe valves whero the backseat function Is with a disk component, shal inclute a conical or spherical raised surface that will seat agains! the bonnel backseat when the obturator is at is full open position, & back seating arrangement Is a requirement forall gate and globe valves and, as such, is not meant to imply a manufacturer's recommendation for use forthe purpose of adding or replacing packing while the valve uinder pressure, 5.7.7 Gale valve stem design shall be such that, for valveé with outside screw stems, the strength of the stem-to- wedge gate connection ané the part of the stem within the valve pressure boundary shall, under axial load, exceed tne strength of the stem at the root of the operating thread. For both outside and inside screw valves, the design of the stem, wedge gate and stem connection to the wedge gate shall be such thal, were mechanical failure to occur, it would do so at a stem section outside the valve pressure boundary, 5.7.8 the moans of ston dis attachment in globe valvos shi BO such that the disk articulates in order to permit signent with ihe seat, The stem thrust point agains! the disk shall be rounded and tho disk components making up He moans of disk-to-stem assembly altachmant shall be positvay secaired fo prevent loosoning duc lo fluid or piping sen vation 5.8 Stem nut or stem bushing 5.8.1. The internal thread in the stem nut (yoke sleeve or stem bushing) shall be of trapezoids! form in accordance ‘with ISO 2902, ISO 2903 and ISO2904, or ASME B1.5 and ASME B18, with nominal dimensional variations permitted. 5.8.2 The fixed stem nut used in globe valves shall be threaded or otherwise fitted onto the yoke and positively locked in position 2 t € © € fe¢ c¢€ ve :¢ .e we te De ce ne cle he wee > a Par ae COCECUCECUCECEECEECELCECUCEEL Oy © oe wooue c 1 © BOS Pot 180 15761:2002 5.9 Packing, packing chamber and gland 5.9.1. The minimum uncompressed total Neight ofthe installed packing, iy, shall be in accordance with Table 10 The packing height values in Table 10 are directly related to the stom diameters shown in Table 8. Whén a stem diameter greater than that of Table 9 is used, the manufacturer shall determine the uncompressed packing height needs to be increased Table 10 — Minimum uncompressed packing height ——S————— er ‘Minimum uncompressed packing height, /iy, “TO on ™ wes (rai Glass 300, Class 600, Glass 800 Class 1500 = a na 0 2 oe. » " : » 25 2 “30 1 @ 6 @ +4 “0 % ie 0 8 2 65 ieee ae 3 ee ne epee | DENT 212 wo | x” a ° one ia » |e | 5.9.2. The packing chamber bore shall have a surface finish, /tv, of 3.2 \um or Smoother. The bottom of the picking thambor shal be Nl 5.8.3 A gland shall be provided for packing comaression. The gland may be either a seltaligning gland oc an integral part ofthe gland flange. The outer end of a separate gland shall have a ip whose outer diameter exceeds tho diameter of the packing chamber bore so as to black is entry into the bore, 5.9.4 Packing in the form of a single-piece spiral shall not be used. 5.10 Packing retention 5.10.1. Packing and packing gland retention for valves with Outside screw stems shall be by bolting through two holes in a gland flange that is either separate from, or integral to, the gland. Open gland flange bolt slots shall not be used. 5.10.2. Gland flange bolts shal be hinged eyebolts, headed bolts, stud bolts or studs. Hexagon nuts shall be used. The gland flange botting arrangement shall be such that the bols, after removal of the packing adjusiment nuts, remain connected ta the valve. 5.10.3. The gland bolting for gate and globe valves shall not be anchored to the bonnet or yoke through a fillet welded attachment ar stud weldad gins. The gland bolting design shall be such that during repacking the gianc batts ill be positively retained. 5.10.4 Packing and packing gland cetentian for valves with inside screw stems shall be by a packing aut threaded directly onto the vaive bonnet or in accordance with 5.10.1, 6.10.2 and 5.10.3. For application restrictions applying 10 inside screw stem threads, see 5.7. 5.11 Hand wheel 5.41.1. Gate and globe valves shall be supplied wilh direct operated hand wheots that clos Ima clockwise direction. the valve when tuned EN ISO 15761:2002 5.11.2. The hand wheel shall be a spoke and rim'design that makes an effective grip possible. 5.11.3 The hand whee! shall be secured to the stem or stem nut by a threaded hand wheel rut, 6 Materials 6.1 Trim materials 6.4.4 Trim items include the stem, the obturator seat surfaces and the body or seat ring seat surfaces. The trim ‘materials shall be in accordance with Table 11, unless other materials are agreed upon between the purchaser and ‘manufactyrer. The trim combination number (CN) identifies both the stem material and the associated seating surface matetal 6.1.2. Trims of free machining grades of 13Cr steel (grades containing additions of elements such as lead, selenium or Sulfur to enhance mavhinability) are intentionally not listed in Table 11. They may be used only when specified by the purchaser, in which case they would be Identified by the appropriate trim number from Table 11 plus 100. The affected trim ‘CN numbers would thus be identified as CN101, 104, 105, 105A, 106, 107, 108 and 108A. Correspondingly, HF or other material overlays shall not be applied to free machining grades of 13Cr stee! unless specified by the purchaser. 6.1.3. The trim material shall be the manufacturer's standard trim material corresponding to a listed trim CN, uniess otherwise specified in the purchase order. For a specified CN in a purchase order, an alternative CN may be furnished in accordance with Table 12. It is not permiasible to furnish a listed specified CN when an alternative CN is, specified in a purchase order without the agreement of the purchaser. 6.2 Materials other than trim 6.2.1. Materials for valve parts other than trim items shall be in accordance with Table 13, 6.22 Defects in the cast or forged valve pressure shell materials revealed during manufacturing operations or ivsting may be repaired as permitied by the most nearly applicable specification for forgings or castings, All repair welding shall be in accordance with written procedure. Filler rods used for repairs shall be such as to produce a repair weld having characteristics similar to the parent metal. Repeirs shall be heat treated after repair welding in accordance with the material specification 6.2.3 Fabrication welding operations shall be performed by qualified welding operators in accordance with qualified welding procedures. Both shall be qualified in accordance with ISO 9606-1 and ISO 9956-1 to ISO 8956-5 or ASME-BPVC, Section IX 7 Marking 14 Legivitity ‘ach valve identified as being in a dy and on sin ideniliction platy in aceorsance ‘with ISO S200 an «quirements of the presen! clause shall apply cordance with this International Standard shall be clearly marked as such on the Foitowing In thes avant of conflict, ther rae nr nee nent Ore CE NE aS ne r BM MOG MH HEE M Bue MH YET NM ween Goer? ¢ EN ISO 15761:2002 Table 11 — Basic trim materials Pact Combination number | Trim material description Brine Tariness —] 73Gr 300 ns 78 mae 18Cr-BNi es 3 220K ‘ Sten? \ Bac tt Nicu alloy { © [a enters : 13. t4or18 196-2081 ‘ ” 18cr10Ne-cb ‘ ee aa Bin 2 | fcr ‘ 3 ¢ | Oe a 166 min 6 \ 260 min, 5A EA sso min 8 13CrCuNI = "250 mili 75 min 7 racic 250 mi in a ‘mF 250 mini in 8A F3Cr/HFA '250 min/350 min Seating sutces : : 8 Nu ay 10 1cr.8Niao ° [ai Wigs aay’ | sa 118 | NiCu alloy/HFA 350 min? 1? TAC rAN Mov | nt) mit on taceaninoniza — | atone 3 19-290 | c 14 19Cr-29Ni/HF { 3560 min® aa oo rn L567 0018 HE I 350 min Moye hang Poe vp was sok Sens cab a aig toa no pects. - 4 Table 12— Alternative CNS Specified cw 7 2 [a Los] ternative GW [cameo Ts “ee EN ISO 15761:2002 Table 13 — Materials for valve parts other than trim items [ Part ‘Material |Bonnet extension and union rut |Betiows |A material of the same nominal composition as the Bonnet 85 Selected from the lst of rave" ftom which the body was selected [An austenitic stainless sleek CrNi, CrNiMo, TI stabilized, or Nb stablized, or a NiGr-Mo-Cu| alloy Batons tings [Atiachment rings and other bellows fittings shall be of materials suitable for attachment to the| bollows and valve bocy or Bennet by welding ‘Obturator [Steel or base material compatible with the pressureltemperature rating and at least equal in| [corrosion resistance as the body materlal | xe separate | Botting: body te bonnet and {body 0 cover [Carbon steel or similar material composition 88 the bonnet [Bois to ASTM A193-B7 or EN 10269-42CrMo4 (1.7225) and nuts to ASTM A194-2H EN 10269-6458 (1.1191), ting: gland and yoke Boting material al least equal io either ASTM ASOT-Grade B oF EN 10268-0358 (1.1181) eal tng stand flange [As in Table 11, exceot that when weld deposited facings are used the base material shall have 3 {corrosion resisiance equal lo or greater than that of the body material Steel Steal Material with a mefting point above 855 °C caskets em nut or stem husting NNon-aebesios material suitable for steam and povlaum fulds over a temperature range 25°C 10 840°C and containing a coiosioninvor See 5.55 Austenitic ductile ton, 13 steel, ot copper aloy having 2 wing poinkabave 965 °C Hand wheel \ Gentificaion pal 7 prroronco fe body and bonne oF cover material imme. erging or casting) les spelicalion by We purchaser (soe annex E) Malieable ion, carbon steel ar duc iron |A meta that is resistant 10 almospherc corrosion |! or valve sizos ON s.$0, dhe otornce standard design speci org matory boy and bonnet of cova (00.1) I 9 > ee re POVVVV TUE DEVE EEUU E UE UEC EEL EL ELLE ECELLULLLEE CELE LOLS PEERS EN ISO 15761:2002 7.2, Body marking 7.2.4. Valve bodies shall be marked with the folowing information — manufacturer's name or trade mark; — body material identification — pressure class designation number, ¢.g. Class 1500; — nominal size, as ether DN followed by the appropriate size number, €.9. ON 50, or the NPS number, 6.4. 2; — an arrow on check valve bodies to indicate the flow direction for which the valve is intended to be installed. 7.2.2. Forvalvos DN < 25, ifthe sizo oF shapo of tho valve body prockados tho inchs ofall tho royuirod marking ‘one or more may be omitted provided that they are shown on the identification plate. The sequence of amission shall be as follows: 2) nominal size; b)_ pressure class designat ¢) body material. 7.3. Ring joint groove marking Body end Ranges require special marking when the end flanges are grooved for ring type joint assembly. When so. grooved, the ring joint gaskat groove number (e.g. R25) shall be stamped on the rim of both end flanges. Ring joint gasket groove numbers are given in ASME 816.5. 7.4 Identific ion plate marking Each valve shall be provided with at least one Identification plate, The identification plate marking, as applcablo, shal include — the manufacturer's name, — the identifying number for this international Standard, :9."ISO 15761", — pressure class designation, ¢.g. Class 800, — manufacturer's identification number, €.g. catalogue number, — ‘tim identification forthe stom, seat, and disk, ~~ maximum pressure at 38°C, — limiting temperature, if applicable, — limiting pressure, if applicable, and — any special use limitation 8 Testing and inspection 8.1 Pressure tests 8.4.4 General Each assembled valve identified with this International Standard shall be given a shell pressure test, a seat closure test and a stern tackseat test in accordance with the requirements of ISO 5208, except as modified by the following. Sealing compounds, greases oF ols shall be removed from seating surfaces prior to pressure testing. It is Permissible, however, for a film of oil np heavier than kerosene to be applied to prevent sealing surface galling. The a EN ISO 15761:2002 manufacturer is responsible for establishing that neither the selected packing nor the bellows, if furnished, leak at the roquirod test pressures, When water is used as the test fluid for pressure testing austenitic stainless steel valves or valves having austenitic stainless steel bellows, the chloride content of the test water shall not exceed 100 mgil (= 100 ppm). 8.1.2 Shell test The shell test for each valve shall be at a pressure no less than 1,5 times the pressure corresponding to the valve's 38 °C pressure rating. The obturator shall be Ina partially open position, except that, for a check valve, it may be in a fully open position. The packing in gate and globe valves shall be adjusted to maintain the test pressure. Paint or other coating materials capable of concealing leakage during the shell test shall not be applied to valve surfaces. However, valve surfaces may be protected by chemical conversion processes such as phosphate coating, provided that such treatments do not seal porosity. The minimum petiad of time that the shell tost pressure is to be sustained shall be in accordance with Table 14 Table 14 —Test duration Valve size Test duration DN < 50 6 DN > 50 © Over the duration of the shell test there shall be no visually detectable leakage through the shel! wall or at the bonnet gasket, 8.4.3 Closure leakage test For each gate valv the closure test shall be a gas test with the test gas at a pressure between 500 kPa and 700 kPa (= § bar to 7 bat). The closure testis to be applied, one direction at atime, for both seat-sealing directions. For each check valve and globe valve the closure test shall be a high-pressure liquid test withthe test liquid al @ pressure no loss than 1,1 times the valve pressure rating at 38 °C. When a globe valve Is equlpped with a power actuator the closure test may be performed at 110 % ofthe differential pressure used for determining the size of the actuator. Galo and globe valvo stam packiig shal bo adjusted 80 that thoro is 99 visible leakage over the duration of the closure test. Throughout the duration of the closure test there shall be no visible evidence of leakage through the obturator or from behind installed seat rings. Tho minimum poriod of tine that the test prossure Is (0 bo sustained for the purpo8o of obteining, leakage measurement shall be in accordance with Table 14, Boat Over the duration ofthe closure tes, the maximum permitted seat leakage rate shall be in accordance with Table 15. For the gas tost, zoro leakage Is dofinad") as less than one bubble or 3mm? over the specified test duration. For the liquid test, zero leakage is defined as no visible leakage over the specified test duration, When volumetric devices are used to measure seat leakage rates they shall be calibrated to yield results, equivalent to those of Table 16 for the valve under test. These devices shall be calibrated with the same test fuid and at the same temperature as those of the valve closure tests. When these devices are used, the test duration specified in Table 14 shall not commence unti a flow rate has been established into the device. 4) This does not define an exact relationship for determining the volume occupied ty a bubble, 18 3 PARAM ARM DOM RO RR nn ° o* nanan on Pe oO wees HOE MN Soh MH MB 6 ye EN ISO 15761:2002 Gate valves, for which only a low pressure gas tes! is specified, shall have valve closure structures designed to sustain pressure loads corresponding to the conditions of the optional high-pressure liquid test (see 8.+.4), and shall have the capabilly of meeting the leakage requirements of Table 15 for globe valves over a test duration in accordance with Table 14 Table 15 — Seat leakage rate pe t[w Tels ls] e lwo] we |e] w] wo Ines: 14 | 38 aa [1 jim[ae] 2 jews f « ‘Maximum permissible leakage rato” ~ mm/s [eto as) o Cd lobe and v ° of fo fo] tas | ts [Check Giquiah % as [wt [eee [9s | 400 fas 60 Fe cnc saponin O73 and 810. fr estas hrs a a Gl sk wa 8.1.4 Optional closure leakage test for gate valves A closure test with the test liquid at a pressure no less than 1,1 times the valve pressure rating at 38°C is not required for gate valves. Itis an option that the purchaser may Specify in the purchase order. Independent of the closure test requiromont, valve cloure atructuros shall bo doaignest to sustain pregoure fonds nds tho conditions. of this option and shall have the capabilly of meeting the leakage requirements cpecified in Table 15 for globe and gate valves over a test duration specified in Table 14 8.1.8 Backseat leakage test 1.5.4 The backseat test for gate and globe valves shall be either a gas test af the pressure given in or a liquid test at the pressure given in over the duration specified in A backseat tes! is nol required for a valve with a bellows stem seal. The stem backseat shall be engaged and the packing gland bolting or packing nut shall be loose during the backseat test. Visible backseal !eakago is not permitted aver tho duration of tho fost. In tho caso of a yung test i ks permissible to apply a bubble detection solution. The gland bolting or packing nut shall be re-tightened following the backseat test 8.2 Inspection For each valve, the appropriate items listed in annex E shall be checked by the manufacturer before release for shipment, 9 Preparation for despatch 9.4. After testing, the test uid shall be drained from each valve in preparation for despatch, 9.2. Stem packing shail be in place and the cemaining packing adjustment, with the gland tight, shall be greater than ‘ne packing width 9.3. Except for austenitic stainless steel valves, unmachined exterior valve body and bonnet surfaces shall have a tust-preventative coating, 9.4 Except for austenitic stainless steel valves, machined or threaded surfaces shall be coated with an easily removable rust inhibitor EN ISO 15761:2002 9.5. Protective covers or caps of wood, wood fibre, plastic or metal shall be securely affixed to valve ends of flanged ‘and butt-welding end valves in order to safeguard the gasket surfaces and weld end preparations. The cover design shall be such that the vaive cannot be installed in a pipeline with: the protective cover in place. 9.6 Protective end plugs of wood, wood fibre, plastic or metal shall be securely inserted into the valve ends of socket welding and threaded end valves. The protective plug design shall be such that the valve cannot be installed In pipeline with the plug in place. 9.7. Atthe time of shipment, the obturator of a gate or a globe vaive shall be in the closed position. 9.8 When special packaging is necessary, the purchaser shall specify the requirements in the purchase order. Annex A (normative) Requirements for extended body gate valve bodies AA Scope | This annex specifies design, materials, fabrication and examination requirements for gate valve bodles to be used in valve assemblies identified as extended body valves. The valve body requirements stipulated in this annex, in combination with related gate valve requirements in the body of this Intemational Standard, constitute the 1 requirements applicable to extended body valves, An extended valve body has one end fitted with either a |. ‘SaRvantional internal taper pipe thread connection or a conventional Internal socket welding connection. The | opposite body end is protongated. 2. itis fitted with an extension that has an external end connection that is elther ‘an external taper pipe thread or an external weld end preparation. a ‘i B2. Applicability © A2A. Extensions with external taper pipe threads are designated only for Class 800 in nominal sizes = 20 ON < 50. A.2.2._ Extensions with external weld end preparations are designated only for Class 800 and Class 1500 in nominal sizes 15 DN < 50. Weld end preparations covered include bath socket welding and butt-welding types. A.2.3. Internal socket welding ends or internal taper pipe thread ends are designated only for Class 800 and Ciass 1500 in nominal sizes 18 < DN < 60. v » > 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 > 2 2: 2 2 > 3 2 > Pr 2, A.24 Extended bodies covered by this International Standard are for valves whose and connections have the ‘same nominal size for both the internal and the external ends, except that an extended valve body may be furrishes with a DN 20 external end and a DN 15 internal end when the assembled valve otherwise meets all requirements for ‘DN 20 valve. ae :. Body configuration A3.1. Extension length |, The length ofthe extension or protrusion, L, required for an extended body, is the distance from the axis of the valve ‘sem to the outer end of the extension's external end preparation. The required values for L are specified in {Tables A.1 and A.2. The minimam hand wheel clearance, the distance between the outer end of the external end = Bspaean, ‘and the outer diameter of the hand wheel, shail be 57 mn. Table A.1 — Threaded end extension for Class 800 ‘Maximum | Maximum inside | Minimum outside | Minimum wall [Maximum transition length diameter diameter thickness. length L 1D oD v A bd mon. mun mm mom, am 115 165 258, 48 Ba 780 ae 325 86 28.2 20 36.4 a5 6a 92 255 a5 504 7A 30 2 j EN ISO 15761:2002 Table A.2 — Welding end extension for Class 800 and Class 1500 Maximum length of welding end] Minimum outside diameter | Minimum wall thicknoss L ‘20 DN a NPS ‘Socket Butt Glass 600 | Class 1500 6 700 700 wat 35 36 2 1 105 to 165 1050 165 269 63 63 12 15 165 1700 205 347 63 63 42 20 140 140 7 25,9 48 64 wd 20 14610 208 74510 205, BAT 78 75 aie 6 230 230 328 56 TA 1 40 230 230 478 62 97 142 50. 255 255 59,4 78 11,9. | 2 A3.2 Extensions having threaded ends “@ ‘The minimum wal thickness and maximum length for extensions having threaded ends andthe! dimension for thread ond preparations for Clas 600 extended body valves shal ben accordance with Figure A and Table A ‘The external end treads shall be in accordance with 84.3.2 and 6.4.33. Figure A.1 — Threaded end extension for Class 800 ‘3.3. Extensions having welding ends ‘The minimum wall thickness and maximum length for extensions having either socket welding or butt-telding ends ‘and the dimensions for butt-welding end preparations for extended body valves shall be in accordance with Figure 42 and Table A.2. The dimensions for socket welding end preparations shall be in accordance wit Figuro Ai and Tablo A.3. Tho integral bucking (centring) rlny usteated in Tablo A.2 for butt-welding ends Is provided at the manufacturers option. Its length shall rot be included when measuring the required length of the extension. A4 Materials ‘An extension welded to a valve body shall be of a material having a nominal chemical composition corresponding to that of the body material and listed in ASME 816.34. fa tubular form Is used it shall be of seamless construction. © 3mm (0,12in) 8) integrally reinforced end for walding Gy Optional intagral backing ring —- SSKZZZ 900 b) Socket wolded end EN 150 15761:2002 ¢) Bevelled end for woiding Figure A.2 — Welding end extension for Class 800 and Class 1500 50,9. 375 Figure A.3 — Socket welding end preparation for Class 800 and Class 1500 ‘Table A.3 — Socket welding end preparation for Glass 800 and Class 1500 ‘Socket length ‘Socket diameter | Step diameter oN B c D NPs mm mm rn 7B 72 a 2s We 20 112 257 202 aid |__» 112 333 384 4 40 72 483 498 Ti 50 142 602 020 2 [Foiecances for aeaensions B,C. and D shall be +22 mm {for 15 < DN < 40, and 2 0,8 mm for ON 50 23 EN ISO 15761:2002 5. Body extension construction ‘A.5.1__An extension shall be either cast or forged integral with the valve body or shall be a separate part attached to the valve body by welding. A purchaser requiring an integral extension must so specify. Welding an extension to a valve body shall be either by full penetration butt-welding or inertia welding. The welding operator and welding procedure shall be qualified in accordance with ISO 9606-1 and ISO 9956-1 to ISO 9956-5, or ASME-BPVC, Section 1X A.5.2 Integral alignment rings (centring backing rings) used to facilitate welding shall be removed by machining after welding. The welded extension and attachment weld shall have no internal tapers, nor other internal discontinuities, where the taper exceeds a four-to-one ratio in the axial to radial directions. 5.3. The final wall thickness of the extension attachment weld shall not be less than that required for the extension by Tables A.1 of A.2, as applicable. A5.4. The body-to-extension weld shall be given a post-weld heat treatment in accordance with Table A.4. Table A.4— Post-wold heat treatment Thickness | Temperature range | Holdiag time | Weld hardness HEN Material t mm °e sim max Caron steels i> 8 Ei ia = [Alloy stecis = jam » » » » 4 B.3.2' For fluid service above 38 °C, the bellows design may limit the valve pressure rating to pressures less than those specified by 4.1 or the temperature to a value less than the maximum specified in 4.1. When this occurs, the valve manufacturer shall publish applicable pressureltemperature ratings and provide these to the user. B.3.3 Restrictions of temperature of pressure imposed by the bellows assembly design shall be marked on the identification plate (see 7.4) B.3.4 A bellows stem seal valve shall be limited to applications where temperatures are below the creep range of the bellows material. The temperature for the onset of creep shall be in accordance with ASME B16.34:1996, annex F, 8.4 Extensions for bellows enclosure 8.4.4 The cylindrical bonnet or body extension required to enclose a bellows stem seal (see annex D) shall have a minimum wall thickness the greater of elther the body minimum wall thickness specified in Table 2 or the wall thickness specified in Table 3, using two-thirds of the actual local inside diameter of the extension. In the event that ‘the material selected for the extension has a pressure/temperature rating less than the body material, considering 25 EN ISO 15761:2002 ‘the entire material temperature range, the minimum wall thickness of the extension shall be increased, as necessary, 0 that its pressure/temperature rating equals or exceeds that of the body. B.4.2. The bonnet or body extension that envelops the bellows shall be integral, attached by a threaded connection that is seal welded or attached by welding. B.4.3_ The weld for an extension that is welded directly to the bonnet or body shall be a full penetration butt-weld, The welding operator and welding procedure shall be qualified in accordance with ISO 9606-1 and ISO 9956-1 to 1SO 9956-5 or ASME-BPVC, Section IX. Heat treatment following welding, to ensure that the bonnet and extension materials are suitable for the full range of service conditions, shall be performed as required by the bonnet material specification. B.5. Type testing B.5.1_ The adequacy of each design of bellows and its means of attachment, including attachment welds, shall be . verified by type testing in accordance with annex C. “ B.5.2 A bellows assembly design change that alters cyciic life demonstrated by a type test, ¢.g. a change in @., bellows material, bellows thickness, number of plies, welding geometry or welding procedure, requires an entirely new life cycle type test. B.5.3 When the bellows or bellows assembly manufacturer is changed, or there is a change in the method of manufacture of the bellows or bellows assembly, an entirely new life cycle type test is required. 8.5.4 A change in the number of convolutions of a qualified bellows (increasing or decreasing the overall bellows height) is not of itseff cause for a new life cycle test, provided that the installed bellows travel ratio for compression and extension is less than or equal to that of the qualified bellows, These ratios are defined as hohe ty Re and whore ° Re is the bellows compression ratio; Ry. the betiows extension ratio; ty is the unrestrained (free) bellows height; Ji i6the Installed compressed bellows height: he is the installed extended bellows height. B.5.5 A bellows valve shai be designed such that the qualified extension and compression ratios cannot be exceeded. B.6 Materials B.6.1 Some services may require special bellows materials. When specified by the user, materials other than those @j listed in Table 13 may be selected for the bellows. ; AMNANNHANE TT ORE MEAD AR AAA AR RAR RR RRR RAY LOU LEO LI GUUE > 2 Fabrication welding operations related 10 bellows or bellows assemblies shall be performed by qualified welding operators in accordance with qualified welding procedures. Both shall be qualified in accordance with me 1$0 9606-1 and ISO 9956-1 to ISO 9956-5 or ASME-BPVC, Section IX. B.6.3. Bellows assemblies, a5 received from the bellows manufacturer, shall be contained in individual packages so 18s to prevent damage from handling or moisture prior to assembly. B.7 Pressure tests B,7.1. ‘Ptiot to assembly, each beliows or bellows assembly shall be tested for leakage using a mass spectrometer testing device having a sensitivity of 10~* mm°/s of helium at standard atmospheric pressure and 20°C, arid shall show no detectable leakage, or other means that the manufacturer can demonstrate to be of equal leakage detection sensitivity. 5 © B.7.2. Pressure tosts for bellows stem seal valves, with the manufacturer taking into account the consequences of |, bellows fallure during pressure testing, shall be without stem packing installed or withthe stem packing adjustment "s. :boting loosely assembled so as to not effect a stem seat, Wasi sthatun a a “When water Is used as the test fluid for pressure testing valves having austenitic stainless steel bellows, the chloride content of the test water shall not exoted 100 mgfl (= 100 ppm). ‘After testing, special care shail be taken to drain test fluid from the bellows chamber, 27 ISO 15761:2002 Annex C (normative) Type testing of bellows stem seals. C4 Scope ‘ This annex specifies type testing forthe purpose of qualifying bellows and bellows assemblies to be used in gateor | globe valves in accordance with this International Standard, Included are requirements for testing, examination, and acceptability C.2. General requirements €.2.1. The bellows is the expandable metal part that acts as the initial stem seal preventing the contained fluid from escaping into the atmosphere surrounding the valve. A bellows assembly Ineldes the belows and related ond. @ 1 fittings. The end fitings may be in the form of rings, caps or flanges attached to the bellows by welding. ©.2.2. Each bellows assembly design and each bellows material shall be qualified by type testing. Type testing C includes both ambient temperature and hightemperature testing. The ambient temperature tests shall be carried out at a pressure at least equal to the rated valve pressure for 38 °C. The hightemperature teats shell be carried out at . 2 pressure at least equal tothe rated valve pressure for either a temperature atleast equal fo 427 °C or the maximum temperature for which the bellows is designated. “ €.2.3 A successful qualification requires that three bellows assemblies of the same design and material be type 7 tested at ambient conditions and three more be tested at the high temperature conditlons, and that ali six meet the ualification acceptance requirements. The six bellows assemblies for testing shall be randomly selected from a regular bellows assembly production fot. €.3. Test procedure C.3.1. Pre-test examination af EP OOCBOLOOENE HE EOTF 3.1.4 Tho bellows ssemblies to be tosted shall be clean. €.3.1.2. The unrestrained (free) helght of each bellows shall be measured and recorded along with the compressed and extended heights for which the quaiification applies, The compressed and extended ratios (86e B.5.4) shall be calculated and recorded In the test report. ©.3.1.3 Allbellows assembly welds shall be examined using a liquid dye penetrant, Any indication of a crack or any other weld defect shail be cause for Tajection, ©.3.1.4 Each below assembly shall be subjected to a helium leakage test, The assembly shall show no detectabie leakage when tested with an instrument with a sensitivity of 10° mm*/s of helium. C.3.2 Pressure test €.3.2.1 Each bellows assembly shall be pressure tested. ©.3.2.2. The pressure test fluid shall be water containing less than 100 mgfl(= 100 ppm) of chlorides. 6.3.23 For the pressure test, the bellows shall be positioned at its extended design height. Positioning may be vither in @ valve assembly or in a test fixture duplicating the intended vaive assembly. & as 2 é EN 180 15761:2002 Ce. oe €.3.2.4 The test fluid pressure shall be applied in the same direction (externally or internally} for which the bellows Ze assembly is to be qualified. eta PR ©3258 The test fluid pressure shall be not less than 1,5 times the rated pressure of the valve at 38 °C. €.3.2.6 The minimum pressure test duration shall be 5 min. 6.32.7 Any visually detectable leakage over the test duration shall be cause for rejection, 6.3.3 Cycle test 6.934. Each bellows assembly shall be cycle tested. For the cycle test, the boliows assembly shall be insalied in ether a completely assembled valve (wih the ‘packing removed) or a test fixture that simulates the intended bellows valve installation and incorporates ts maximum possible extension and compression. | complete cycle is defined as movement of the bellows from the design compressed position to the IN extended position and return to the compressed position corresponding to the valve open-closed-open “ The ambient cycle test cycling shall be carried ovt at ambient temperature and with the bellows subjected 419.2 Water pressure, as a minimum, equal to the 38 °C intended valve pressure rating. The high-temperature cycle test'shall be carried out at a temperature at least the greater of 427 °C or the maximum bellows assembly rated temperature, and withthe bellows subjected to a pressure, as a minimum, equal tothe intended valve pressure rating at the test temperature. The test fluid for the high temperature test may be liquid or gas, at the manufacturer's option. €.3.3.8 Water containing less than 100 mgfl (= 100 ppm) of chiorides shall be used. ‘The minimum number of test cycles required for qualification for each bellows assembly shall be in accordance with Table C.1 Table C.1 — Bellows test cycles Test cycles Valve rating ‘minimum Gate valve Globe valve Class < 600 2000 5000 Glass > 800 2.000 2000 €.3.4 Post test examination ©.3.4.1 Upon completion of the cycle test, repeat the liquid dye penetrant examination of C.3.1.3. ? > ? 3 ? 2 [3.42 After the liquid dye penetrant examination, each bellows assembly shall be tested for leskage in > accordanice with either a) orb), as follows. ? ? > i 2 @) Submerge the bellows assembly in water for a period of 5 min while applying air at @ pressure greater than 560 kPa (= 5,6 bar). ')_ Perform a nelium leakage test using an instrument that has a Sensitivity of 10~* mm? of helium ©.3.4.3 Any detectable leakage either from the bellows or the bellows assembly welds shall be cause for failure. IN ISO 15761:2002 C4 Acceptability & Acceptance of the bellows assembly design and construction shall be based on all six assemblies meeting the qualification test requirements. C.5 Test report Alest report shal be prepared and be available at the valve manufacturers facilty for review upon purchaser request ! ‘when such provision is included in ihe purchase order. SPODDD NODE ROOK N HANA AA RAR eee seseosanag O88 ne 260 GO8ET Hand whe! Identficaion plato Hand whee! nut Stem nut Stem Gland boting Gland flange Gland © Packing ‘Bonnet bolting “Bonnet Annex D (informative) Identification of valve parts ‘The purpose of Figures D.1 to 0.3 is to identify part names only. EN ISO 15761:20( ' | == =e EAS Figure 0.1 — Outside screw and voke gate valve EN ISO 15761:2002 eaxorwonns Hand wheel Identification plate Hand wheel nut Stem Packing nut Gland Packing Packing ring (optional) Bonnet Bonnet bolting Gasket Seat ring Gate Body tn ae Figure D.2 — Inside screw gate valve @ OM OO © O.GS fOCCCCUUCCS Hand wheel Idontication plato Hand whee nut Stem nit Stem Gland bolting Gland Packing Bonnet Bellows end fing Botows Body/oonnet extension ‘Seat ring Gate Body Figure D.3 — Bellows stem seal gate valve 33 EN ISO 15761:2002 NOTE. References in square brackets are to clauses or subclauses in this International Standard, 5) ») 9) e) 9 ») as @ ONAN e One enna Annex E (informative) Information to be specified by the purchaser Valve type {1] (gate, globe or check) Gate or globe valve type [5.7] (OS & Y is the reference standard design, ISRS to be specified) [5] ‘Nominal size [1] (ON or NPS) Pressure class designation [1] (class number) Body ends [5.4]: 1) Threaded: (pipe threads ISO 7-1 or ASME B1.20.1) [] 2), Flange facing — ‘raised face or rng joint [] — facing finish if other than standard [] 3) Socket welding [5.4.2] 4) Buttewelding [5.4.5] Extended body ends [A.1] 4) External — Butt-welding (A.3.3] — Socket welding {A.3.3] — Threaded [4.3.2] 2) Internat — Threaded [A.2.3] — Socket welding [A.2.3) Material (6) 4) Pressure-containing shell [Table 13] e DOOD OODE ODOT ODRRGODGEBODHONE NOR NAO 2) (orging material is the reference standard design for DN < 50, other materials may be specified 5.1.21) 2) Bellows {8.7.1} Trim (6.1) 41) Combination number [6.1.1} 2) Wim using free-machining materials [6.1.2] 3) Alternative tim {6.1.3} 4) Bonnet botting — special high or low temperature [6.2.1] 5) Gasket — special high or low temperature [6.6.3] 6) Packing — special service [Table 13] Globe vatve seat design [] Optional high-pressure closure test [8.1.4] Flanges attached by welding [] © 2 Ut ') Extended body extensions attached by welding [A.6.1] 1m) Special packaging (9.8) EN ISO 15761:2002 Bibliography [1] _API602, Compact stee! gato valves — Flanged, threaded, welding, and extended body ends [2] BS 5352, S2ecification for steel wedge gale, globe, and check valves 50mm and smaller for petroleum, petrochemical and allied industries [3] 180 6002, Botted bonnet stee! gate valves [4] 1S0 10434, Bolted bonnet stee! gate valves for the petroleum and natural gas industries [5] 180 4200, Plain end stee! tubes, welded and seamless — General tables of dimensions and masses per unit Tength (6) 180 8210, industrial valves — Muittturn valve actuator attachments [7] ASME 81.1, Unified inch screw threads (UN and UNR thread form) [8] ASME B1.12, Screw threads-class 5 interference-fit thread [9] ASME B16.11, Forged fittings, socket-welding and threaded [10] ASME B16.25, Butt-welding ends [11] ASME B18.2.2, Square and hex nuts [12] NF MB7-412, Petroleum Industry — Forged steel valves — Specifications sets 36 HN LOY LOCO 1 a00E Annex ZA {normative} ededbed COOGEE femal Normative references to international publications with their relevant European publications This: European Standard Incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from otner Publications. These sarmative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the s publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequert amerkiments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by ° amendinent or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referrod 0 ‘applies (Including amendments), © NOTE Where an International Publication tias been madifiad by common modifications, indicated “by (mod), the relevant EN/HD applies. Publication Yest Title ‘EN Year tso 6708 1995 Pipework components - EN ISO 6708, 1995, Definition and selection of DN (nominal size) BS EN [SO 15761:2002 BSI 889 Chiawick High Road London W4 4AL, BSI — British Standards Institution BS1 is the independent national body responsible for preparing British Standards, It presents tho UK view on steactards in Europe and at the international level. 1¢ is incorporated by Royal Charter. Revisions British Standards are updated by amendment or revision. Users of Brith Standards should made sure that they posses the leet amendments or tions, Itis the constant aim of BSI to improve the quality of our products and services. We would be grateful if anyone finding an inaccuracy or ambiguity while using this British Standard would inform tive Secretary of the technical committee responsible, the identity of which can be found on the inside front cover. ‘Tel: +44 (0)20 8996 9000. Fax: +44 (0)20 8996 7400. BSI offers members an individual updating service called PLUS which ensures that subscribers automatically receive the latest editions of standard: Buying standards Orders for all BSI, international and foreign standards publications should be addressed to Customer Services. Tel: +44 (0}20 8996 9001. Fax: +44 (0)20 8996 7001. 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